HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-8-15, Page 5EX AID IT$100
Paine's Celery Compound.
Banishes Bisean and
Releases all Cap-
xeter August 14th, p195
Fall wheat Per busbaa . 68 $ 70
Spring wheat per Isush7.. 68 70
lalailleY Pet' , RI • •35 40
Oat per Pastas •.•••• •
IIPifbtub"." , 60
IOUrlrll„ 460
APples per 70 80
rat,?':‘,7 :: 10830 18
Weed per eora nerd . 3 00 0-50
ood per cord eoft 0 00 2 25
Butter por ... . .. 10 14
Eggs per dozen 9 19
Turkeys per lb, 7 7
[loge, live weight-. • 426 4 65
Geese . .. . , . 5
Ducks . 6 . 6
chicks a 5 5
London , Angust 14th IMO
1001be..... $ 110 to $ 115
Wheat, reds fall. per 100 1 es ,„ 115 to 115
Wheat,aPrinta Per1001bs 115 tia 115
Oate,per IVO lbe. 90 to 99
Peas, per 100 lbe..... ... ,90 to 100
Oorn, per100 lbs . '101 to 103
Barley per 10f .. 00 to 95
Rye, per 100 lbs 90 to 86
Buckwheat, per 100 Ibis... ....... 90 to 100
Iesete, our ow.. 1 CO tc 1 10
Eggs, fresh, single doz... 11 to 12
Eggs, fresh basket, per doz 10 to 10
Eggs, fresh, store lots, per doz 9 to 11
Butter,single rolls,per Ils.,a.. . 19 to 20
Butter perlb,lalb rolls,baskete 16 t'o 16
crooks .... . . 19 to 20
tive Sufferers. B utter per lb. large voile or
Buttenpar lb, tab or firiins to 0
Men and .women forge their own fetters
and shaeklea. They permit theteeel-
Tos to be completely bound and imaginal
by the common ills of life, end the result
is misery and intense sufferieg.
atetwae laws of health, when disregarded,
bring severe penalties, anti it ie well
to know that unless effsotive means are
used to remoye then penalties; chronic
ailments result, and life.ie in danger,
Medical experience proyes that the com-
mon ills of life such its dyepepeis, indi-
gestion, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism,
insomnia, kidney and liver troubles, and
blood disease, can, in a short time, be ef-
fectually banished by that wondrous medi,„
sine, Paine % Celery Compound.
V4 eak, nervous and suffering men and
Women are soon made strong and yigor-
mut when Paine's Celery Compound is
used. The life blood is purified and
courses through ths body in a healthy
For pale, sallow, Lervous and otter
worked women, Paine's Celery Compound
is a Godsend.
It is just the medioino that makes
people healthy and strong during the heat
of summer,. Paine's Celery Compound has
oured thoneande and will surely meet
your case
One pill a dose, one box 25 cents. One pill
xelieves constipation. OEe box owes an or-
dinary oase. Ono pill taken weekly neutral-
izes formation of uric acid in the blood and
,sprevents Bright's Kidney disease and Diabe-
tea • True only Dr, 0 hases Kidney -Liver Pills.
tee.—Pue short puff of the breath through
-the Bl4swer, supplied with each bottle of Dr
.Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the
Powder over the surface ofs the nasal pre-
sages. Painless and delightful to take,
relierea instantly, and permanently cure
Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache
Sore Throat, Toneilitis and Deafness
,50ceent At C. Lutz.
. -
of Leonard Hunter, Yeoman, De-
Pursuant to Sec. 36 of ChaPter 110 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario 1807. notice is
hereby given that all creditors and others
baying claims against the estate of Leonard
Bunter, „late of the Township of Usborne, in
theaJounty oflfuron, Yeoman, who died on
or about the seeotsd day of June, A. D. 1895,
are, on or before the &et day of September
D. 1805, to send by post, pre -paid, to Elliot
aft Elliot, Exeter, Solicitors for Elizabeth
Bunter, Administrarix of the said deceased,
their christian names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their aceounts and the
mature of the securities (if any) held by thetn,
and that atter the day last aforesaid the said
administratrix will proceed to distribute the
assete of tbe said deceased among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to ouch
olaims of which notice shall have been given
as above required, and the said A dministratrix
willnot be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof, to any person er persons of
whose claim or claims notices shall not have
been received by her at the time of such
alistributi on .
Solicitors -for Elizabeth Hunter,
Dated at Exeter this 270h day of July, A D 1895
Western Fair
Undon, SW. 12th to 21st, 1895
ESTABrassiEP 1868.
Vanada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition
MN -TRIMS cnosm
jalve.Stook, SepteMber 7.2th.
All other Departments, September 5th.
Final Payment in Stakes, August 151h
„auction sato of .73ooths mud .Privileges on
rounds August 26t7t.
ATTRACTIONS. -Wild East Show, 50
-r people -Arabs, Turks, Skeilts, Ladies of
the Turkieh Palace, etc., with
Horses, Camels and Don-
keys ; and es hoot
of others.
Prize Lists, Programmes and conditions of Sale
gfor Booths free. Apply to
VAPT.A. W. Poran, Tuos. A. Buowsic
Pres. Secy
100-aore farm, being lot 11,on the 14th con.,
of Ribbert township. A good brick house, and
a bank barn, 82 x 60. (new,) Well fenced and
in good state of cultivation. Situated one
elmile North of Farquhar Full parti eu I are on
/application to RUNDLE, Lot 3, eon.
8, Usborne, DevenT, 0.
or 16geter P, 0.
Voters List, 1E395.
'municipally of the Township of Stephen,
in the County of Huron.
_LI that 1 have tranemitted or delivered to
the persona mentioned 'In Sections 5 and 6 of
She °uteri() VetereLists Aot 1880 the °epics
squired by said sections to bo tratiantitted or
alatiaeeed of the list made pursuant to said Act
of all permits appearing by the last rovieed,
sisessinent roll of the said tatteicipality to be
ontitled to vote in the :said muniei palitY at ela
/senoras for ntomberanf the Legislative AS:me:L-
W tipd at inenicipal electione and that the
'aid list was first posted up at mY °aloe ftt
fitophon in said nitinimpality on the 6tb
ebity of July 1801 and rename there for hi-
apelotion. /Monter:rare Oelled.upon to examine
40 field liet aild if any omiseiode Or any
other etrore ere found therein to tale bitted-
Preeeedings to have the saw ertore aortae.
eiellacooktling to late. ,
filerk.of Stephen.
bated this 60h, day of Auguet 180,
Lard, per lb. „ 10 to 10
Chickens, per .... 'Mt° 100
Ducks.... ' . • 70 to 100
Turkeys, 10.CO110 per lb: °soh 100 to 200
Toronte August 1401* 1895
Wheat, white, per bus..... ....$ 70 to $ 80
Wheat, spring, per bus..1;11, . 70 to 80
Wheat red winter, per 11.....- 70 to 80
ty heat goose, per bus 70 to 70
Barley. Per bus • • ..... 59 to 60
Oats, p or bus .. . 84 to 35
Peas......... .. ..... ......, .,. 60 to 66
If a 1400 to 150
Eggs per dozen 11 to 12
Butter, per lb -17 to 18
Dreseed hogs 650 to 6 75
Potatoes. nor bag 35 to 40
The Live Stock Markets.
E :tat B uffalo, Aug, 12. -Cattle closed very
dull and weak with common lots unsold'. Bulls
very dull; some sales ef eausdge lets at 81 75
to $2; good fat butchers' 8225 to 0250.
Bogs closed dull and Blow, with a number
of loads unsold: grassy and Michigan Yorkers
04 90 to $5 10; do heavy, $460 to $4 85, corn -
fed. heavy. $4 95 to $5,
Sheep and lambs closed extreme's, dull with
alt the thirty-fiye loade unsold; export ewes,
$3 25 to 8360,'western 8365 to 8375; few
extra $4. .All export grades very dull.
Chicago, Ill, Aug. 12. -Choice cattle were
firm to-day,but the common kinds were elow
and weak. Offerings of hogs were heavy, and
a decline of So took place. There was a good
supply of sheep but tho demand was fair,
and prices held steady. Cattle -Receipts,
17,000; common to medium steers. 1,000 to
1,200 pounds, $3 70 to it,4 85; other prmes un-
changed from Saturday. Hogs -Receipts,
2100; heavy packing and ehiPpiag lots. 8460
to 04 95; common to choice mixed, 81 45. to 85,
choice assorted, 8520 to 0580; pigs, 8330 to
$5 05. Sheep -Receipts, 15,000; inferior to
choice, $2 to 8330; lambs. 83 to $5 60.
Montreal. Que, Aug: 12, -The following
were the sales and prices at the Eastern
_Abattoir this morning -Cattle -500 at 24e to
31.3; export, 40. Sheep -600 at 2e to 34e;
lambs, 300 at $2 to ea 50; calves -50 at $1 60
to $5.
GRIEVE -1n Exeter, on the Sth inst., the wife
of J. G. Grieve, of a son.
BAKER -In Stephen. on the 18th inst., the
wife of Nelson Baker, of a sou.
LOwE.-In McGillivray, on the Ise inst. the
wife of Mr N. Lowe.of .a daughter.
PENTECOST-Imgeaforth, on July Nth, the
wife of Mr. A. E, Ponta est, of a on.
SNELL-In Exeter, on the 12th 1050., the
wife of Richard Snell, of a daughter.
WESTCOTT-In Seaforth, on July Nth, the
wife of Mr. 7ln Westcott, of twin sons.
nioNAUGIITON-In Fullartan on theist inst.,
the wife of John A. MoNaughton, of a son•
BRIMACOMBE-In Usborne,on the 131h inst.,
the wife of VV'm, Brimacombe, ir„ of a son.
.jAMIS 8 -On the6th inst., the wife of Mr. Rd.
James,21s0 eon., West Williams, of a son.
JACKSON -In Hay. on the 260h ult., the wife
of Bfr. John Jackson, of twins -son and .
daughter. -
A TAIORE,--In Parkhill, on tbe 4th inst.
the wife of M. Wm. Atmore, of twin
CANTELON-In Clinton, an the Ord
Peter Cantelon, sr., aged 78 years.
GARDIN.ER-In Usborne, on the 12th inst.,
Robert Gardiner, aged 69 years.
SNELL.-In Exeter on the 80h inst. , Mary An'
Brook. wife of Chas. Snell, sr., amid 56 years
SHIPLEY. --At Townline Meg illivray, on S un -
day, August 4th, 1695, Mr James Shipley, aged
55 years.
WALKER -In Tuokersmith,on the 7th inst.,
Annie efoldillan, wife of Mr. George Walker,
aged 97 yenrs and 8 months,
R A TPENB URY-At Clinton, on the Oth August
Josephine, infant daughter of Joseph and
Martha Rattenbury, aged one year.
AN Gni) AND WELL-THIED ItEnalun.- Mrg
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty
years by millions of Mothers for their children
while teething with perfect sueoese. Tt soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays the pain,
cares the oolio, and is the beet remedy for
Diarrhoea. le pleasant to the taste. Sold by .
druggiets every,nart of the world. 25 cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup
andtakeno other kind.
Mr. Geo. Buskin, missionary for the In-
ternational Mission to Algoma and North
West, attributes his escape from severe
ness throughNurnmer complaints to the
tinsely.use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry, He writes as fellows "I
wish to say that Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry has been to me a won.
derfttl, soothing, speedy and effectual rem-
. It has been my companion for sev-
eral years during the labors arid exposures
of nay mistsionary work in Algoma. Well
it is for old'and young to have It ID tore
against the time of need which so often
comes without waning.
Yours truly,
Shot 4.Tourneyg
011 a Long Road..
Is the obaracterietio title a a profusely
illuStrated book orintaining over one
hundred pages of charmingly Written
deseriptioiss ef stinarner resiorts in the
country nortliind WOO‘ of Chfcago. The
reading matter is new, and the information
therein will be now to alrodet everyone
A copy of ,(Short Journeys on A Long
BOACI6 Will be sent tree to anyone who will
enclorie ten canto (to pay postage) to Geo.
H. fleafford, General passenger Agent
Ohieogo, Milwaulcee Lei St. Piatil Bailvfay,
Chicago, 111•
The Triumph of Love
Eve.ryManWho ffould Know
tho Grand- Truth.
'The Plain Fact; the New Dis-
coveries of Medical Science as
' Applied to Married Life,
Who Would ne Atotor L$17-
rOrs and Avoid. Future Pit -
fails, Should Secure
The Wonderful Little Book Called
"Complete Manhooi"
And 1 -low to Attain It.
"Here at fart is information from a
high medial ecource that !sprat work
wonder with this generation of men."
The book fully deaeribes a method by
whirs!), to attain full vigor and manly
A. method by vibioh to end all unnatural
drains on the system. a'
To oure nervouenees, lack of self control,
despondency, etc.
To exchange a jaded and worn nature
for one of brightness, buoyaney and
To cure forever effect's- of exoeses, oyer -
work, worry; ete.
To giVe full strength, development and
tone to every portion and organ M toe
Age no barrier. Failure impossible,
Two thousand reference.
The book is purely medical and moien-
tifie, aimless to anriosity seekers, invaluable
to men o nly who need it.
A despairing man who -had applied to us
soon after wrote :
"Well, I tell you the first day is ()nerd
never 'forget. I jaat bubbled with joy. I
wanted to hug eyerybody and tell them
my old self had died yeaterday and my
new self was born today Why didn't you
tell me wben I first wrote that I would
feel it this way
And anotheg thus :
"If you dumped a carload of gold at nay
feet it would not bring such gladness into
my,life as your method hire done."
Write to the Erie Medical Company,
Buffalo, N. Y , and ask fisr the little book
called "Complete Manhood." Refer to
this paper, and the company promises to
send the book, in sealed envelope, without
any marks and entirely free, until it ie
well introduced.
Person: To TrIvel.
WANTED,—Several faithful gentle-
men and ladies to travel for established
Salary $780 & Expenses
Poeition permanent if suited ; oleo increase
State reference and enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL,
316-311--318 Omaha, Bld
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
best place in town to
get a fit.
The Tailor.
Have you an old Buggy Top that needs
re.covering and von wish to have made as
good as new 7 Side Curtains played out?
Your Cushion played out ? or other
Trimmings shabby and require to be
renewed ;
If so, call on
Or leave your orders at:Jones'
Carriage Works, Exeter.
All orders will receive prompt attention
and done in a workmanshiplike:manner.
Charges moderate.
& SON.
Parlor Setts
Side Boards
Bedroom Setts
.0ancy Bamboo
Window Shades and
A Large Variety
and Low Prices.
Gidley & Son
Brings comfort and improvement and
knds to personal enjoyment when
rightly ueed. The many, who live bets.
'tor than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative prineiples embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its -presenting
in the form most acceptabl,e and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
atire ; effectually cleansing the system,
!appalling colds, headaches and fevers
33*1 pernatnently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions arid
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without -weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable subaanee.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 750. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whoa name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
OunED IN A DAT. -'South
American Rheumatic Corp. tor Rheum etism
and Neuralgia', radically aures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark-
able and mytterioue. It removem came
the mime and the disease immediately dis
appears. Tim first deee greatly benefit -
75 cents. Sold by ('. Lutz, Druggiet. Ss.,
A BOON TO LIORSEMBA,-One bottle uf
English Spaym Liniment completely re
moved a curb from my horse. I take
in recommening the remedy, as it acts
with mysterious promptness in the re-
moval from horses ot bard, soft or call-
oused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs
sweeny, etifies and sprains.
Sold by C. LUTZ.
RELIEF IN SIX Houns.-Disordered Kid
ney and bladder diseases relieved in six
hour e by the "Great South American Kid
nay Cum," This new remedy is a great
surprise and delight tu pbyeiciene on ao-
conet of its exceeding prompthees in re-
lieving pain in tba bladder, kidneys,baelt
and every part of the urinary passages in
mato and femalo. • It relieves retention of
water and Pain in passing it almost immed
ately. If you want quick relief and cure
this is Tour remedy Sold by C. LUTZ
Clean Timothy Seed
Alsyke Clover Seed.
J. Cobbledick,
First Storehouse, Station.
London, Huron and Bruce.
'Iowa Noma- Passenger
London, depart ...... .. 8.05 A, M-54,50 r .xt
Oentra,na,..... • 9.07 5,47
Exoter...... ........ .... a. 9.22 6.00
Rensalla ... . . .......... .... - , 6.15
9,44 . 20
Brueefiela ...... .... .... 9.52 6.28
Clinton 10.12 6.55
Londesboro. ......... 10.29 7.14
Blyth...... :10,38 7.23
Belgrave 10.52 7.37
Wingham arrive... 11 10 8.00
Sopita Boum- Passenger
Wingliam, depart., ... 6.35 1. sr. 3.26 r. as
Be/grave 6.50 3.47
Byilh... . ' 7.03 4.01
Lon desboro..... - 7,10 4.08
Clinton 7.30 4.28
Brucefield ..... ..........„ 7.49 4.46
Kippen.•......„ ... 7.57 4.53
liensall , 8 06 4.58
Centralia .. 84 5,23
People's Building and Loan Association
Dr. J. A. Rollins,' President.
Dr. C. Lutz, - Viee-President.
L D. Dickson, - Solieitor.
David Mill, - Valuator.
Fred, W; Collins, - &icy-Treas.
Jno Grigg, n. A, Fo11ik, Jait. 41filer, , Wm
Southeott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos,
Sam]. Sanders.
afe-ke moneY ire saving money. Sixty cents
per month will ensure $100 in 7/ Tears. For
terms of applioatien and all neeeesary infor-
mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Pred. Wa
Collins. Poet Office, Exeter, Ont.
°Oho opposite Methodist Parsonage.
PITATII WORK. Gas and local
Anaesthetics, for painleas ex -
'as treating. 2nd door nerth of
tis7 0.A.RLING'S Store
L. D- S. Ebner Graduate of tho To-
ronto tIniversityand Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario. Specialties, painlese
extraction and oreservation of the natural
tooth. Office over the LitwOfffee of Elliot &
onntniitO dentin:int:401, DrOtor, Ont.
1I11 g oLTNI.,ox.„
win he it Grob's ,hotel %ttrich
en the s000nd ThirredaY of bah
month end At notigin't beta].
Rowell **erg' alonclag
HOP it
Are You
We have the best assortment
and the cheapest.
Come in and
See Them
Or else write for particulars.
Fan:toter. Block, .f.L'Neter.
We Want You
to come into Our Store
ANT sometimes.
We have so much to sell besides
quinine and all those bitter things. We
don't want you to think we „ are happy
only when you are sick. Of course, if
you must be ill, we arways want to put
up youi prescriptions, but we have a
thousand and one things you need be-
sides medicine. Just now we have
some uncommonly good values in
Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up,
Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes
from 5c up. But don't let us forget to
draw your attention to the extensive
stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of
Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing
six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2
cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old
Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large
assortment of medicinal swaps, and
many other lines. All the above are
excellent values, both in quality and
quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow
what you can do.to-day. Call at once. ,
J. W. Browning's
Strikes are all right, if etruck against wrong,
Strike not the weak because you are strong ;
Strike not your father, strike not your mother,
Strike not your sister, strike not your brother :
But strike a, good scheme when ever you can,
Strike a deal with J. 11. GRIEVE,
And you will strike the right man
For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our
stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties
in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain.
Remember the place.
J. H. Grievec
Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make so nauch
within a short time as by sueoeasfal Speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stock.
, ,
FOR EAcH DOLLAR INVESTED can be mace by our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
originated by us. All suceessful speculators operate on a regular system.
It is a wal-known fact that there are thousands of men. in all parts of the United
States who, by syatematie trading through Chicago brokers, make large mounts
every year, xi:aging from a few thousand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or
two hundred dollars up to 050,000 to sloop() or more by those who invest a few
It is also a feet that those who make the largest profite from compe.ratively Email
ineestments on this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and 1:a Test through
brokers who thoroughly understand ayatematic trading.
Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade, but covers both
sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brings a steady profie that piles up
enormously in a short time.
W RITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual an sueceesd steculation
and our Daily Mareet Report full of money -making peintera. ALL FREE. Our
Manual explains margin trading laity. Highest references in regard' to our standing,
and success. -For farther information address
=Er 0 avi_8_S Sz R.A...N-31CMItS .8.1\TD 231.60=NRS,
ir) () YOU
Expect to attend a Business or Shorthand. -School the coming
season. If you do it will pay you to investigate the claims of the
It is credited with being the beet and practioal eohool in Canada. All its
methods are up to date.
R U aware that tbere is a difference between the work done in Business Colleges,,
BOOKSTORE. some good, some bad, some is yery indifferent- Get the best ; it will payyou.
HAVE U beard anything about our 'NEW SYSTEsi" of /Kidd% Bookkeep-
employed. Drop a postal eard and ask fo Jr -pwarti.enwlarEs.
College reopens Sept. 3rd, 169.5. STERVELT, Principal-
,4 Suit of Vlothes
or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. 3.
SNELL never disappoiiits his
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
rail a, winter Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take much pleasure in showing
them to you. There4 are many
other lines that pre specially at-
J Murray&Co.
Manufacturers of Plows, Gang
Plows, Root Cutters and Straw
Cutters for band or horse power.
Steam Piping and general re-
pairs. Castings of every descrip-
tion in Iron and Brass to order.
mitrmutzor ed co.
ing and Commercial Paper ? It tis a radical change from the old met ode usually
Jute and wool blankets we always take
the lead,
Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers,
what you all will need ;
Barness, collars, whips and sweat pads.
we have a good supply,
./rets ombs, brushes arid cards when
used keep away disease and the fly.
Trunks, valises and school bags, in
price and quality for the young and
the old,
Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs,
anclraitts; to protect you from the
Elm city harness oil, dressing and
blacking, keeps harness and boots
a shining,
Bells, children's cairiages and wagons
prevents the little ones from crying,
Long and short boots, et and rubber
boots, we claim the best and nicest.
Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and
Harness store, be sure and get his
Emzeter Novel. Stctro
Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a
General Store in the stand lately
occupied by Brook's Harness
Shop, with a full stock ot
Eon's & SHOES,
Produce talten in exchange for
Furniture Dealer,
Main Street, Exeter.
Full Stock of all kinds always
on hand.
E.N novrE,
liogs Wanted !
For killing every Monday.
As we are killing hogs regularly every
weeic ave•are prepared to supply ous-•
tamers with new KETTLE RENDER.
ED LARD, crocks or pails, filled at 11.0
'per lb. on Wednesday.
Spare Ribs 2c pa pound ; nib. Roast
l'ork lOci per lb. ; Tenderloin tlo
per lb, ;3Pigs Fat, cleaned, 15o
per doz ;Smoked Elani12c
per lb. ; Smoked
Backs lie per lb. ; B
Bean 12e ; Spiced toll 100
per lb ; Tiologna'lbs. kr M.!,
Long Clear Bacon, Oe to 10e NitIb
0 . $111013.,