HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-8-15, Page 1VOL• NO. • •52,•
tenoilt There is to you
If you buy these Goods 110r.
--Good Crash Tovvling, 5c a yard.
-4o in. all wool Serges, 25o a
er-"Wonrens' and MIsses' 75c Hats
for 25c.
---(Special) Fancy Towels (40x21)
lac each.
—I Zie Ruth Flannel for 9o.
— 'i•
Ask to seethe new American Baking Pow-
der. Large picture (size 18 x 21 in.) .
given away with every can.
44 .,
Drop in and see the elegant
mange of Stylish Tweeds, Worsteds
.and Fantings we are already'
, showing for the corning season,
Our prices are right.
R. S. FORD & 00.
New Teachers.
• The results of the departmental ex-
-nroinations fee third class certificates for
the Province have been pablished. Fol-
lowing are the names of those who have
.passed from the different °entree;
St. tearge:-N Bsbb, T Barnard, R
Bell, NE Brown, L Brown, T Brae, AI
,Clark, L Davis, H Dinsmore, A Dunlop,
L Gilpin, P Herding, G Hayes, A Hender:
son, A Henderson, L McCatcheon, G Ale-
intosb, W Part, A Simbert, G Sperling,
F Schwitzsr, L Thompson, M Tier, N
'Tufts, M Vinning, W Young, M Keen, W
Keen. dace
Iireent-V Bailee, ID TIodgine, 0 Um
teriffurn, E McGrath, W 'Ryder, Wetob.
,Gerald Cemeron, John M Gunn, Minnie
Banssees:-1-Liat leo 1.-J Howe, L
.Jeckeon, E Lamont, D McKenzie, D
Knott, List No 2,-S MoLauchine, D
' Ceneeens:-M Aitken, J. Anderson, R
Baird, 3 Brintnell, A Butchart, 131 Clegg,
L Holmes, M McCallum, M McGregor, j
McKay, A Murray, M Robb, B Sheppard,
D Smith, E Switzer, G Torrance, A
Twitchell, C Watson, 3 Wheldon,
Exzerm-List No 1.-1? Borland, F
'Lutz, E McCallum. Liet No -R Hicks.
Goneniatn-fr Bentiey, A Blake, J
Clarke, M Dickson, H Dunlop, 3 Forster,
N Gibbons, R Jamieson, J �artin, L &foss,
-J It1cKay, W Naftel, E Odium, E NI Reid,
s W Stirline, B Watson, H Whyard.
KIN0AEDINE:-L Armstrong, 8 Blair, L
Dreany M Hardie, W Barnwell, 0 Logan,
E Madden, A Matheson, G 1Matheson, J
McKenzie, G McPherson, W Monlows,
Murray, E Pollock, M Boss, J Rowan, W
Walker, W Yule,
Weerakest:-List No 1.-L Bisbee, L
eelumenings, W Farquareon, P 8 Fraser,
B Johnston, 3 McKay, W Robertson, L
'Vanstone, M Wellwood. List No 2.-43
rflutnnaltigs, C Venstone.
Stern -nem -List No L -W Aberhart,E
Bell, C4 Chesney, L Gray. M Jordan, Al
• Livens, 3 Smillie, W Tippet, la 'Van:
Fgmond. A Waugh, A Woodley. List No.
-2,--Mutilda Fowler.
.0 •
Nothing less emcellent,Please.
The public, baying proved the superior-
propeeties of Wilson'e Invalid's Port wine
,certainly do not want anything interior to
tbat unique article One does not willing-
ly go beck to coal oil from electric
Wilson's Invalids' Port has made thousands
etetneteentis by merit alone. Invalids need
ng to stimulate and nourish,
et- 4.„..11Am that will make them hopeful,
yant, ineking them feel that they
weer -gaming strength, and that they haye
.a, lease of beppy life still before them.
' This is meetly what Wilson's Invalids'
Port deb's. It is a fine old wine and ex-
etremely pleazant to taete, but while one
• tastes it, et doee more than produce a
etimulating effeot. It is a blood miiker.
'It is a renewer of strength. Sold by all
•erlealers at 97.50 par ease of 12 quart bot-
tles, half emelt g4.00 or 75 cteper bottle,
•' Adclreee-Bordeaux Claret Co,, 30 Hospit.
•. al Street, Montreal, .
Mr. N, M. Ciurrie, of Cromarty, who
‘left there eome time ago to take the slam -
enter course in the eugineeritg department
.tof the Michigan State University at Ann
„Arbor, retuned homeless week.
K. D. Ch is marked prompt and lasting
lts efitectt.
*Post Office Store
Choke Veitine 5 lbs for 25e ; Evap.
crated Apples, do ; Fine Red Salmon,
'2 tient* for 26o, ,Fitenati Headline 2
...cats for 250; Fresh Cherie!), licks. per
; Our 25c Tet le having tt rush. Get
eon/fiend bey
Ileigh mit price or produce of ell kitide,
Aatts, • t t er, Woe! :Ina Pickings+.
eve -ten ere at me A. t4"ZI"X4NTO-
FlUrien. COUrity Oteel•
beveral (loge in Wingham go into ti-tS
country and kill sheep,
W i HoffInen, merchant tailor, Udall,
has oold his busiuese to Moritz da Deiehart.
David Cottle of Usborne last week
threshed 450 bushels of wheat from 15
John Davidson, of Winghrtnal fell off it
load of graintbe other day, and sustained
severe injure',
John Potlook, nue, has sold the farnahe
purchased from Robert Montgomery, 7th
con„ Heron, te Robert Smith, for $4,700.
Edward Wise, of Goderioh township
threehed 500 bullets of Red Claweon fall
wheat as the modem) of fourteen acres,
This ie over 35 bushels an acre.
Mr a J Blackwell, of the foundry,
Winghate, on Moncley, while taking down
some oastioga from overbeed, was over.
balanced, and fell heavilly to the floor,
(ratting hie head severely.
Mr W T Yates of Witigham has dispos•
ed of his bueiness in town to Mr Norman
Farquharson, Mr. etatealtas accepted,
position as traveller for Messrs Gowane,
Kent & tect., of Toronto.
A fire etartectIn the house on the foam
of Richard Sutton, 6th conoession of Turn
berry, last Thursday morning seed the
11.01161015,68 burned to the grouted. It had
been occupied by Wra
W. Robinson, of the Huron road, juet
west of Goderioh, has bought the 80 acres
belonging to Henry Dyke, immediately to
the rear of his own place. The price is in
the neighborhood of $3,500.
The marriage is announced, at the home
of the grooms parente,Algeo,North Dakota,
of Miss Margaret Murray (Pidge Murray)
youngerd daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Murray, Luoknow, to
Francis Jefferson, Algeo. Miss Murray
was one of Lacknow's popular young
Wednesday of lest week W m• Alootday
of Brussels was thrown off a load of head:
ing while returning from See.forth and
bad cue of his arms and his back injured.
Ete does not know whether the wheel ran
over hie arm or a bundle of beading fell
on it, as the violence of the fell rendered
him unconscious for a while.
Middlesex County Notes.
Diphtheria is prevalent in McGillivray.
3. D. McColl, Parkhill, attended the
Caledonian games at Menominee and Mil-
waukee, Wis.,
and made a eplendid zecord.
• While Mr. Wen. McCallum was driving
to Nairn Friday, his horse became unman-
ageable, throwing him out of the rig, and
then;daehed down the road.
Many friends will regret to knew of the
death of Mr Tames Shipley, of Allea Craig,
after a comparatively short Maus. He
was buried on Tuesdrty last.
Mr. Chas Mathers, who has been em-
ployed in Knapton's carriage, factory Park-
hill for a number of years, -baa purchased
a farrn in McGillivray towelabip.
Mr 0. J. Currie, the, Parkhill athlete
has started on a competing athletic our
portents of Philadelphia, Albany, Boston,
and other citits and towns in the east.
W. Stewart's harnese shop at Granton
was burglarized Wednesday and $30
worth of geode taken. W. H. Durifield,
waggon maker, bad 015 worth of articles
taken from his shop.
A pecition is being circulated asking the
Grand Trunk Railway Co. to pat a flag
man at the Main street crossing at Park-
hill. This is a very dangerous plane.
There have been fatal accidents there and
many narrow escapes.
James Shipley' sea of the late George
Shipley, of East Williams, died August 4,
at the age of 55 years, He was until 1893
a private banker in Ailsa Craig, when he
failed. The deceased is the third son of
the late George Shipley who has passed to
the hither world, his brothers Lionel end
Thomas haying predeceased
while four brothers MeseregJohn B Ship.
ley, London Township; Geo. Shipley Mc-
Gillivray; Wm. G. Shipley., Allem Craig,
and Edward Shipley, Sarnia% Mi001gan,
and their only sister, Mrs. George McFar-
lane, McGillivray, survive the deceased.
The other day ono of the tramp frat-
ernity called at the residence of Mr.
Merles Querengeseer 9th coneession Logan
for something to eat, which he got; he
then crossed over to the resiciencte of Mr.
Ferdinand Miller, a neighbor, and during
the temporary absence of most of the
members of the Miller family at church,
he entered the house and exahanged an
old suit of clothes for a new suit belonging
to Mr. John Miller a brother of Ferdinand
and, taking also $39 in cash and then left.
He was a tall dark •complexioned man,
and is now protiably perambulating in a
bran new tuft of clothes,
te *
,.Perth County Notes.
Mr W Porteous of Fullerton intends re:
tiring from farming and moving into
Ur, Norman Dore of fefitchell, has gone
to Parkhill to take a position in the Grand
Trunk otaVon of that town.
The proprietors of the Royal and Oat -
arid hotels St Marys, were before the
magistrate last week for violating the
license law.
The first threshing of the treason was
done on the farm of Ur. Thee. Freboh N
W. Logen. The grain threalied was wheat
ane it yielded an average of 35 bushels to
tbe acre. The sample was very good.
Mr W. 13eyne8, grain merchant, Granton
who lately purobeeted the Begs property
has raised the old building off the ground
and is buildinaht palatial reeidence on the
site, Grantonites are pleased to learn Mr
Baynes has become .a permanent citizen of
a pushing village.
Mr john Glenn of the 13aee line Blare,
shard, threehed the other day in eight
hours for Kr George Spearin, of the 4th
line, 400 haehele of wheat and 700 buthels
of Barley. Mr Snearm's grain turned i
out good. In feet throeglinut Blenshera
the yield is the best in 20 goitre, Wheat ei
averaging about 28 and barley 85 buthelto the e "
The matched rade between Mr Goebel's
Mies Delmarob and Mt J. L. Kastner'e
Elide, for the purse ot 61,000, took place
at Stratford on Friday last, in the pro -
tome of a large number of opens. The
rade wee mile heit 6, hest three in, flye,
but Hilda won meet in throe straights.
Thee, 2.34e, e.241, 2,256. After the race
kft Karitinir told hie gamey little horse to
Mr .
W. t , o Listowel, foe $720, et
Daring the thunder storm of %redeem, you
tikty Avortino, (114 INANY1 Of Mr. ijohtt Balk. far
01 ,,f',,,7 #4•"001C 11" eerie
lightning and burned to the ground,
tegether with the adjoining teeilclinger, and
all the moron's fall wheat, barley„hay, 35
bushels of old oats, Reed drill, land roller
and sleigh, The property WEIS insured in
the gibbet and Usborne Co. for $1,a00,
Lizzie Weigl, an eighteen year old
(exegete], of Mr. Joseph Weigl of Mitchelit
attempted suicide by teknog paths green on
Sunday last, She took an oyerclome,
however, which acted as an emetic.• $he
recovered sufficiently to be moved from
the place where ehadvae employed ia the
country to leer home there on Monday
morning. She has wince then become
worse, and it le doabtful if elle will
reoover. •
John Hodgins, who died in Ilibbert last
week, was re thoroaghly honest mate bet
peculiar in many reepeets. He bad strange
ideas as to religion, and had his first wife
and other deceased members of hie family
buried on the farm, and we believe he
expreseed that his own body should be
similarly disposed of. Six sons and his
eeound wife survive him. To the widow
he gay° $1000, in lieu of dower. To his
son Robert, who lived with him on the
foam, which is one of the be :.
at in the teWn
ship, he willed the residue of his property,
which ire:Andes the old homestead ef 100
acres, all the stook, crops and implements',
and whatever cub may be lett after payieg
the legacy to his wile, a.nd the neoessery
funeral expenses. The other sons were
entirely ignored.
Eames -Mr and Mrs Fletcher have re;
turned from Bayfield after spending a few
weeks at the lake.-Tbe Mises Mabel,
and Olive Madge aro the guests of Miss
Louie Moir, • Heneall.-Meesre William
Alliiron and Georrte Williems left for Mater
itoba Monday. -Miss Lena. Johneton of
London is the guest of tbe Wises Clara
and Maud Ifadge of Ueborne -Thee Run:
dle offers his farmin Hibbert for sale or
rent. -Mr. Robert Gardner, Pawl:tar,
died on Monday. Deceased VMS a rem;
aentative farmer. He formerly liyed in
Hibbert, Perth county, and hi a neighbors
on several 'pensions elected himto the hon-
oreble position of reeve. He was a`native
of Seotland and an• eary settler in these
parts. He was partly iestrumental in
the organization of the local insurance
Co., and alwayslook an active part in
any progressive movement. Uf late years
he was ntail carrier between Dublin and
Farquhar. Some years ago he was etrioken
with paralysis and had not been well since.
But the direct cause of death was a
stomach troable. Be was 69 yeers-of age.
A. family of three daughters and :two sons
survive him. His sons, • James and
William are in Manitoba; his daughters
UMarbso.rnej:mes Ballentyne, ears. James
Duncan and Kra John Kay reside in
• Usborne Council.
The Council met on the aid inst. All
members were present. The minutes . of
previous meeting were read and app.royed
The following communicationa were laid
on the table viz. Five tenders for Fish
Creek bridge, complaint of W. Horton re
O certain ditch, a letter, frora Dr. Thomp-
eon claiming pay for visits to Sehool
Sections Nos. 2 and 3, plans and specifloae
Miens for Mole Creek bridge. Hunter-
Keddy, that the following rates be levied
on the rateable property of the Municipal-
ity for the current year viz. 2.07 mills on
the dollar to raise the sum of 53,828.85,
for County rate and Legislative School
Equivalent; 1, 1 mills on the dollar to
raise the sam of 52036.75 for Township
purposes, and .51 of a mill on the dollar to
raise the surn of $1,000.00 as a epeeist
school rate per see. 109 chap 55 8.0.
1891, --Carried, Delbridge-Gardiner, that
the several amounts required by the Trust-
ees of the School Sections of the Township
be levied, and entered on the 0°11er:tor's
Roll and collected with the other rates.
Carried. Hunter Delbridge, that by law be
drafted legalizing the levying of the afore-
ataid rates. Cart ied. Gardiner-Delbridge,
that E. Hewitt receive the sum of 54
for inspecting bridge on side road between
lots No 10 & 11 con. 14, and for drawing
plans and specifications for new bridge at
the same place. (hurled. Neddy-Huntee.
that Mr. Ames Handford be appointed a
member of the Local Board of) Berate for
the Municipality of Usborne for i895 insc
place of Leonard Hunter, E" , deceased,
and that a by law be drafted confirming
said appointment. Carried. Gardiner
-Hunter, that the tender of E. Hewitt
for building a cedar Truss bridge over Fish
Creek between lots 10 and 11 con. 14, a.c-
cordirog to plane and specifieations pro-
vided, at $170.00, be aocepted it being the
lowest, and that the Reeve and Mn W.
Delbridge inspeot the same: • Carried.
Keddy-Hunter, that re oommunicatien of
Er. Thompson claiming the remuneration
for service rendered &boot Sections Nos
2 and 3 while acting in the capaoity of
Medical Health officer, we decline to
assume the responsibility of the same, his
services not ha-1714rm becalled in either
by the Council or the Board of Health,
Carried. • Delbridge-Gardiner, that the
collector be notifled to prepare his bond
and lay thrn
e ea° before this conocil at its
next meeting., Carried. The clerk • was
instruoted to puttee the meal couree re,
garding Mr. Horton's cotnplaiat re
ditch. Gardiner --Hunter, the Council aci•
journed to meet again Saturday Oct, 5th
at 1 o'clock p. m.
G. W. Hommel' Clerk,-
Fred Badke. one of the Berlin firenaent,
while aseistitag in adjueting the hove to the
hydoant was thrown violently bo the
ground, and besides breeking hie cellar
bone received eeveral other injuries.
Not one in tweaty are free' from some
little ailtnenb ceneed by inaction of the
Bear. Use Captor's Little Liver Piiis•
The result will be pleasant eurpdiee
They eiye Poeitive tend.
Mr, John 'Mond, of flibbett, threabed
s felllast week end he bits betweee 700
Mid 800 bushels. Tee yield was over
thirty bushole to the acre.
Have no.egnai m ptotript read positiye
euro for eke heedeohe, biliousness, eon
etipation, pain in the side, and all liyer
troubles. Carteret Little Liver Pine.
Try them.
The 'funeral Of the bete Mt- John Hodge
toe, of Ribbert, loot Fieday *at a very
largo ooe The splendid faren has been
t clear Of ell encontherenee to the
nod sou Rebore The geityes on the
to Were opened Iasi Week and the biddies'
oved to the lot recently per/Meese
io MethailW eentetettlUitehello
Bruen,- A wild Man tie the wood e it*
(treating considerable ceneternetion in
the erommutety, 1-1e reanne tee built
in scanty garments, entewhile forwerd
with people, he cennorlele caught. On
several occasions he heft 0110au1ter1young
girls and fired shots at eenne Men,
Mr. Bastard's aad Mr. Stetten's
ren have sem), him and been 0144064 by
the wild man. An etfort wilt be made
to cepturejaire,-While Mr. Bowerman
was painting at tbe bone) of Mr. J.
tw ed a; 'arEffeftrldalY10loot, the
ls c°id
dislocating his ankle -There wee
grown on the farre of Mr,Daniel Haug,
mita meesuring 6 feet 8 inches to
length. It anyone oar) surpass this we
would like to beat Irene hint. -Our
stage driver, Mr. MoIseac wears mute
O senile on his fsce thm, week; its a bee'.
-reteieurrvieeciWuhrotmz ewhotogini:s :10:11wv:seitriinte4
friends in Guelph foteserne has
from Crediton lopentSenday with his
brother in town,
$eepleett Connell,
.Credtton August 5
All members 'preitent. , Minutes of
last meeting read and sigued.-II.
ber-R. .Elicks-etbee Reeve and Clerk
sign the Mutual agreement arrange -
meet Re G. B. CIA affair, The se-
timates for County and Tovvnahip be
same as last year, apd that the Re-
tauisitions of Trustees foe School re-
quirements now in the bands of the
Clerk to be raised. The council to
meet again first Monday in September,
forenoon. Orders gran ted: -T. Wurtz
earthing culvert $2; S. O. Prouty Com..
and other work $9.50; Mrs. New-
comb, $2; White & Sons Ad. in 1894,
$3.04; j. Barry 'and othere, lat S. R.
$7.50; W. Eagleson $12; P Carey 50c;
J. Gardener 40c; H. Kraft gravel con-
tract N. B. $15.60; A. McCormack
gravel contraot $6.50; C. Stone work
21 con. $6,50; J. ,Hall grading aud cont.
$12; R. Barry contract N. B. $50; R.
McClency cue 20, con. $2;',T. Rollins
work $40.37; W. Huston, $32 88; for
gravelA. McCormick gravel contract
N. B. $147 33; P. Baker, Aundies 510.
25; W. Geiser e6; R. Arnastrong $1;
A Patton contract S. B. 513.50; Angus
Campbell gravel $15;95 J. Irene cora.
82.50; $ Brinker work, &seal $27.70;
J. Shartow $17.253 W. :Nairn corm.
10 50; H. Robinson gravelling 3rd
S. R. $55.70; G Webber L. R. $2; -Cr,
Louis grader $22.40; J. Lawson gr con-
tract 552.93, A. Warner $13.06; D. Gil-
bert contract cote. $29.60. Je '1', Smith
$3; W. Anderson g. erneeract $36.60;
J. G. Wire eom, $3:50, A Heeds $14;
J, Walker gravel $I0;G.Kellerman for
gravel $48 75; G. Ford gravel 530.94e
W. Kestle gravel $3,50; J. Ford 620;
F. Green $8;P. S. Sbink $1.25 L. Mc-
Donald $5 for gravel; S. Morrison g. c.
$22.50; F McKeever gravel and work
$36.65; S, Morrison contract $9.36; S.
Parsons snow road $10.50.
C. PROUTY, Clerk.
Bntaes, -The quarterly meeting was
held last Sunday at Zion. Mr. Bell-
amy preached the evening service at
Woodham.-So.le of our youngpeople
went over to Kukton to hear Mr.
Cooper, -Two of our young men feel
lonesomesince their nearest and
dearest went to Lucan ane purpose
being absent for some time—Mists
Lizzie Miller, of Ripley, is visiting
friends in the neighborhood -Miss
A.nnie Stewart was home last Sun-
day. She has returned to Lakeside
again. -Mr. A. Delve of Lakeside,
and John Spearn of Mitchell road,
visited at J. Shier' s on Sunday.. -3. O.
Coupland returned home from his trip
to Manitoba on Saturday last. -We are
elegised to hear favorable accounts of
Mr, F. P. Svviteer, having passed his
examination. -While returning from
St, Marys on Saturday afternoon Mrs.,
Jonathan Shier and daughter Sarah
were thrown tom their buggy by the
horse taking fright at a bicycle on the
road. Mrs, Shier was considerably in.
jured and is still confined to her bed,
while Miss Sbier escaped injury. The
horse got away and smashed the buggy
slightly.-.. Miss Johnston, who bas
been visiting under the +parental, roof
has returned to St, Marys, -The
residence of Mr. John Morley, of
Whalen was destroyed by fire on Moe -
day evening about live o'clock. It is
thought that the cause was children
playing with matches. Insured for
$1000 in the Blanshard Mutual, The
contents were all saved. A portion of
the house would have been salted had
the well not gone dry. -R. S. Fond
visited Mr. Wm. Newcombe in Ethel
O few days last week. -Mr. Stein of
IlIinois is visiting Mr, Wm. Johnston.
Mailers Lewis Waiter, Ben Allen and
Wilbert Wynn left Tuesday for Mani.
tobs.-The hareem t home services will
be held on the 8th and/ 9111 of Sep- I
timber, A splendid time is entice):
ated--Mr. and Mre, R. Edwards went
to Toron to last week to have an
operatioa performed on their son'g.
easel appendage which was broken
some two yeere itge by a fell, Mr.
Edwards hag returned beme, while
tMewrsd. aEy,at.ernained With het boy for a
Effectually yet ontiy, white costive Or
bilious, or when the blood' ie impure or
sluggish, to permanently eerie helatinel
otatetipation to awaken the kidneys and
liver to* healtlerfactivily,withent breeding
or weakening them, to dive'', headaches,
olds Or enters tate Syne) of Figs.
The AineteMethodist eheteh emit Kim
burn Mae been donee and to tertiee Will
be held in it in (*tinier). •
Now tee that yeet bleed is pure. Geed
health follows the use bf Roeder Siroap-
Whidh le the One great' bleed
Aceineier0.-A settee of *Gorden tit oc.
°arrest in this vieinity the past week,
While Mr. W. Walper Wee engaged
harvesting barley on the ratan of Me.
A. Love, he had the misfortune to get
a [Arley bona in his eyes,which caused
mittoti pain, and Mkt him off work for
scene days.--Wlele Mr, JOhle Cochrane
and family were eegaged in pieking
beerneee their horses, which were
tied in the woods, took Bight to parts
nn noetp. After 'A diligent . seareb,
however, they were tinsily located in
the the etables of Me, eeenois Cielenaern.
-While engaged in cutting oat, efe.
D. Anderson's team became un-
niaraegeeble, the remelt of the breaking
of a bit. After running some distance,
they came in convict with the vehiele
al Mr. J. Swan, of Btucefield, who Wee
engaged in repairing the binder, dem.
aging the vehiele and Ale° dome con-
siderable damege tee the machete.-
r Wnta o aloo
oomittg out of the lane of Mr. Robert
Luker, bib horse became unmanageable
breaking the bit, and smashing Mr,
IVIcAllister's top Luggy into splinters,
We are pleased to know that Mr. Mc-
Allister escaped unhurt. --While MT.
Wm.. Cochrane was engaged in cutting
oata with a mower, his team ran minty,
dragging M. Cochrane some distance.
However,beyond a severe shaking up,
he is none the worse -tele. Thomas
Coleman lost a valuable horse recently.
-Consit Brothers have taken a large
gravelling contract on the Zurichroaci.
Zu.raeh. .
Berame-On Tuesday the world's
renowned play of Uncle Tom's Cabin
wax presentee' to the theatre going
portion of our citizens. The attend-
ance was very small owing no doubt to
the many $ta,le chestnuts that are
nsualty cracked at this much abuse 1
• play. -W. S. Bowden, general agent
of the Hamburg Mfg. Co., has been in
our village lately introducing an lin-
proved dost collector for threshing
machines, Be has met with great,
• success, farmers abd threshers fully
endorse the value of the machine In
dusty and Beauty grains. --.Muss Rey-
nolds of Hensel' and Miss Caoapbell of
Springhill have opened up a dress-
makers shop in • elr, Zeller's brick
block. We wish them success in their .
undertaking . -.isias Seigner of Tam -
stock who was the, guest of Fred
Seigner baa returned home.-eles J.K.
"Trins, or New .Dundee is the gueet o
Mr. and Mrs, Hauch. - Mrs. Campbell
is visiting her Biker at Forest. -Mr.
Phil Sipple and Phil Fassold have ea -
turned front a trip to Detroit --Mr.
Hamacher and family have been
spending their holidays at Detroit and
Seginaw.--Mr. A. E. Master of New
Dundee is the guest of F. Kibler. -Mr,
Harry Urins was in Parkhill on Monday
on business. --Mr. Thee, Murdock of
Hensell paid our town a visit on Sat-
Urday last. -Mr. Fred Manna was the
guest ot Mr. Ed. Bossenberry on Sun-
day last. -The Zurich Flax Co., ship-
ped a car load of seed to Baden Mat
week -Mr, Laity:Leer and Mr. Spiers
of Seafortb were in town last week:
-Mr. Adam Faust went to Dakota
where he ittends to take up land and
go into farming. Success Adam. -
Mrs. Bend and daughter bave returned
to Sand Lake Michigan. -Mr. C. 13.
Latta end Mrs. Sam J. Latta, of Lon-
don, are visiting friends in town , -Ur,
D. IVelsauller of Hensel' was in town
00 elendayt-The Agricultural Sooiety
intend making improvements to the
grounds, by removing tbe pig and
sheep pens to the rear of the grounds
and erecting a grand stand for the
comfort of visitors. The fair this year
will excel all others, several special
attractions being on the tapis• There
will likely be a baboon ascenaion.-J.
W. Ortvrein is pushine quite a trade
in the apple business, he took a load
to Exeter on Tuesday. -Several buti-
nese changes are on dit, particu-
lars of which will be mentioned in due
course. --F W Hess, vvho has been
repairing the Exeter town clock dur
tug the peat week, took it to Exeter on
alonday. Ele bad it going ip. his shop
here for several days to his entire
satiefaction.-Sam Latta, late princi-
pal of our public schools, has been ap-
pointed principal of one of the London
schools at a salary let $703 with pros
pective rissec-The heaviest rain
storm of the season viaited Zurich on
Friday. For A time the streets were
flooded. -The married and single men
will play a base ball match on Satur-
day afternoon. The game promises to
be keenly contested. -John Willis, of
Rodgerville Was in town title week on
business. -We understand that Mr
led Besseneerry has entered his trot-
ting horse, Rodney, in the Hamburg
races which take place on the 28th
and 29th of thit month. Success Ed.
You Don't Have to Swear off.
Says the et. Imes journal of Agricul-
ture in an editorial ebout No.To Bac, the
famous tobacco habit cure. "We ienoW
of Many eases eured by No-Tortne, one
a. pretninent 81. Leek' architect, ernoked
and ohetved for tweety years; two boxes
cured hire so that even the emelt of to -
barna makes him sake' No -to Bee sold
and gueranteed, no cute no pay. Book
free. Sterling Remedy Co., e74 Si Pan'
St,, Montreal.
hte(eue institten Reenters') ter littrits'Y
Dr. Agnewe Oure for the Heart gives
perfect relief it all °egos of Organic or
Sympathetic Heart Dittoes° in SO minute*,
and speedily effects a care. It le a peer-
less remedy for Palpitation,: Shortnees of
lereette Stnotheting Spell, Pain in Left
Side and all erupts:ens of a Diseased
Sold by C. LeITZ,
K. Heart. One aoteboateen:incee.
, D. Q. Pine tone ape regulate the
1 A Salioe.S Stein.-
'Exetere sone are doing good xerviee in
Meet every atelier of tbe world, but net
many cif them help to emelt Cede fieues
(complement ot fighting rnen. There is
howeyer, a mariner On the TY S. S. Col.
unable, wbo will be remembered by many
' 01 Exeter, baviog needed with his greed -
father, Ur Itiettard Venni= for reaute
yeare. Writing to hie brother in Belle-
ville, he nays: -
Dull. %torn=
The eelebretion is over 110V7 and the
North $ea canal 110,4 1.10013 formally opened
Be 1 supporie you would like to bear all
about it; Well to bogie at the beginning.
We etartined slowly out of Cepeehrtgen
going northware to round the Weed on
width that city is ettuated and came
down througe the "Greet Bell" we en..
ettered in the metre of thie chrome" for
as day broke, emd, geeting under way once
more we were Aocku tuetting dowethe
harbor of reel. And outside we pelmet
the Engliet fleet, (have to Oared Up
before going lo,) we saluted with 21 more
MI which they answered; Keel eteiltor is'
O beeutiful one with green fides of grate
and rneedows, wooe, etc., amend it
They are just cetting the grass and tbe
smell of new mown hay is very agreeable
tonne who has breathed omit sea am foe so
long, The entrance is very narrow, belog
heavily fortified on either side. As ee
passed through an exchange of 21 guns
took place between the New York and the
!More Battery. Onoe inside, the harbor
Opened out and a great many shies were
in view. These proved to be three fleets
of German ships and the Austrian fleet.
As we paeseci them the Lintel Delete
was fired for each flag ship or senior shin
of the fleet and we finally came to &richer
abreeet a heavily wooded blu.ff with beauti-
ful German houses and miniature castles
peeping out amongst the foliage. The
bottles looked very odd indeed. just
around this bluff appeared the city, just
in front of which appeared more German
°raisers and men of, war conapielous
among them being the Imperial yacht
Hohenzollern, a great white ship as big as
the Columbite bat built more mealy° and
beautiful, the fineet ship in fa.ct I have
ever aeon. Even the tops of the two big
smoke stacka are polished braes which
gleams and glitters in the sunlight, and
ae yeerhayennagine, everything about her
Was ui kLlad htat as is possible for a
ship to be, The next day(Sunday)we saw a
great baleen rise from the city and float
tomes the harbor and out of sight beyond
the hills. With the aid of a powerful pair
of marine glasses which I have got I could
SCO two men in it. Over the oity they
threw out paper hilla and oecasionally
they would heave oat fine clouds of sand
come together in Aetna' conflict? Teen
the continual roar ot gem of 40 time
the ealibre, and the great rueh and
scream of great masses of metal coming
and going, the thud and crush of iron and
steel being rent and torn by eteel would
mingle with the shrieke and cries of the
puny humans who were being crusbed
and torn in the devilish struggles of
theta reed monsters which they bad
created and bought together. The
relation of the Columbia to one of these
brutes would be like a hound to a bear,
While she could run away from or all
around one of there, elle would be anni.
hilated should she venture too dose. Need-
less to say, a great rain storm came on ira:
mediately after this much cannonading,
but the thunder which accompanied it
seeecely cep:m.110d tbat of the guns. The
following ciaythe Emperoree.ccompanierl by
O small ship from each netion, appeared
far down the canal, and as he emerged
from the mouth into the harbor all the
shipa let fly again. In the afternoon as he
with some dainty tool gave the last stroke
to tbe great work, they all hanged away
again., So you see it has been a, nobly
celebration. The 21 of May and the 4ela of
July are not in it at all with this.Altogether
there were 116 ships lying here. Of these
83 were battle ships and craisere, 53 being
foreign and the rest German, so you see
it was a most imposing spectacle. T128
Emperor and his staff ia the ire srdel
yacht steamed up and down the Dime fel:
to lighten her. It was a yery pretty
lowed by a guard ship. He ps.ssed very
sight. The next day the foreien navies
close to UR and I got a Rood view of hint.
came in, England, Spam Italy, Portugal,
Of eouree he was the centred figure and
Norves.y and Sweden. Denmark, Turkey,
and Roumania all sending ships.
In the afternoon in came the Russians
and French band in hand, you might eay
hip and ship anyway. You see France
na Russia are yery friendly and bath
ordlally hate the Germans and English.
But they couldn't very well refuse to send
hips when all other nations were sending
hem, it would haye been an insult almost,
at in they came together, and lor the
rat time since the Franco-Praesian war
ramie saluted the Germane with 21 guns,
ith the German fleg flyiog from the
aintop, and tlae German ships returned
he salute by hoisting the Freneh colons
nd firing the same number of sena. This
oas a little more like peace la Europe,
it 1 Bat of course this is only a
mporary truce yon might say, The
nimosity existing bet ween thee° two
rttlons ie so great that they never ealute
aoh others Bag at sea, and the insult
ffared by the French by the siege of
aris, can only be wiped out in blood, and
eh country is daily preparing for tbe
at great struggle which roust ensue
entually and wipe off the map one of
ese great countries. Which will it be ?
=mot pees an (minute neyself. As to
e naviee the French have by far the
tter Ono, .1 thought the Spattish "Bel..
yo" was bad enough looking, but you
ould tee the Frenchmen, the -La
oche" especially. They are veritable
re moo:stem Terrific eugmes of destruot:
n without any semelatice to a shop as
suppose a ship to be. They meat be
en to be realized. It is a riving that
e French would `scare' any other navy
ay if they advanced on them, but that
ey are all bark and no bite, I do not
iuk to. What with their rams, torpedos,
lister gans and other death dealing
raphernalia fearfully and wonderfully
(le, and thrown together, they would
mmit terrific depredation on anything
y encountered, Art yet they have not
n tried. flow aeon they may be is
rd to say, but to them the wooden
tleehip, with whieh eghting has
a done up to the :present, are mere
re I havn't sparer to deecribe .the
erent navies. 11 would fill a large
k, but I may tell you myself some:
here has been a terriflc lot of powder
rit harm in the last few deers On
ening the harbor each ilagahip fired the
rnationai salute (21 guns) with the
of each country at her masthead,
silencing of course with the German
These salutes were ail answered by
a and gene, so jest figure that out for
rad!. How ninny guns were fired in
rterty between the powers of the world?
the derail et Wednesday evening
n the Emprola arrived in Kiel on her
to join nor Inishand,Ereperor William
at Ifernburg. for the opening of the
al at that and on the follost•itg day.
firing a single gun. Then it happened
mat / liaVe otter been or want to be to
k about naVal battles, It was the
he harlior turned 'loose her guns atid
te) before they etopped. Tile noise
turned into an it -feriae, fot every ohm
33 roulade (the Gernian Imperiel
senior German flagship gave the one
For four minutes the whole harbor
terrible as Yon may imagins, and eirkeit AND Intir7OITS
a great deed, of melte obscured &unities the condition of thotteatels
gating, but ft was seem over, and Mae people et tete „atm,. Tho hity6
ke grain:rani drifted oil over the fields. appetite, cermet sleep, and complain of the
ae very realiatic and exciting while it prostrating effect of Wernaer weather. The
but seepote it it easily diffeeent cot:Melon they be remedied. by Hoorles
an actual mittagement, for, !although
ltd the biggest snipe of the erotirt hem, Sareaperille, which oreatee ab appetite
atel tone - nee alt the organs. It give
et °Iv" filLtd *ilh 411" .6k "'all good health by witking the blteid pure.
re, and the report is alwasit lighter
ithetted Rune. Is wee bed eerie e
Hood% Pills ere the beet after dinnee
evege but what Must tt it twee they pi bio eigeettee, awe headache.
bi t
It w
• mit
around him were lus ataff, corcipoted of
dukes, princes, ole., besides generals and
army officers. It was one mass of gold
lace, plumes and costly appointments, and
was the moat brilliant eight I ever saw
Amore/ them were many ladies and child:
ren gorgeously arrayed and I guess this
'one hnnaense shipload of eplandor rapre:
seated more wealth and royalty than was
!alter croeded in so small a space. I not:
iced the Prince of Wales standing near the
Emperor. He is here in his royal yacht
"Osborne," and there were a great mane
private yachts of wealthy Englishmen and
Americans, George Gould's among the
number. These steanaships swelled the
number until I may safely say that there
were never se many %%Hee of such impor:
tanoe in any h Arbor ot th3 world befare,so
I can now say I have seen the largeat
gathering of shipping in the world, All
She big German ooean liners were lyiug
with the men of war, for tbey would be
turned into cruisers in case of war.
Among this mass of ships darted swift
steam launches, torpedo boats, tugs, sail
boats, row boats and excursion steamers
tarrying meet crowds ot sighteeers, so yea
may imagine What a liyely sight it was for
O day or two Theta torpedo boate are
vicious looking hornets too.Althougn some
are quite large, they are all the aroma
shape, black in color. If you remember it
was these !moan vessels whieh won the ria:
val battles of Japan. They dart through
the waters al a great speed vehicle looks all
the faster on account of the size of the
vessel. They are all decked over and in
rough water they dart under and througb
the water. 'Mien I lint easy them they
appeared to me like hage purpoises plougla;
ing along. They are yary destruetive too
as they can dart in and deliver a torpedo
whioh if it finds the mark will destroy any
ordinary vessel. England, Framer) and
Germany have hundreds of theae little
vessels and the 'United Slates haye just
commeneed to build them, However, you
must see them to have an idea how wick-
ed they look Of course in such a crowded
harbor accidents were sure to happen, one
of which I witriessed. A. German steara
launch ran down a row boat with three
men in it right tinder our bow where I hap:
Polled to be standing at the time. They
were picked up and I draft think seriously
hurt. On shore there were great festivities
the whole American create of the beer
A in erican ehipe, being invited to it banquet
by the German seamen, "suppose Lights
were quite common as they are sure to ba
where so Many different rtationaltica aro
drinking together. The most amines
however, wee the stabbing of an American
seaman, and strange to say it was done
by a fellow sailor. They were both of the
"San Praeolsee." Ife haan't died yet,
but is very bad,I will have towrite another
letter and tell you about the illetnina,tions
areworka, German ineueouvree, Yeeht
races, boat races, all cif tvhich were feat:
urea of the eelebretion, Very few of
the people here underatend Eriglish but
some can weak Freuela, and X eart wiggle
alotig on that. As yet I have not heard
from yeti but am expectingte letter daily.
The last 1 reconred was May 20th, 1 got
that et Setithampton. 1 ata in good