The Exeter Times, 1895-8-8, Page 8INSURANCE.
41 it IN 48`1! LLIO A.G NT FO It
PANY, of rorereo: also for ibe PlIcENIX
PIKE INSUltaleteella COMVANY, et` London
PANY a ngland
Head Ohre, .L0111)0N.
1or36 yeere this Company has dime the
tamest businees ia Canada at the lowest rents,
,00gslateut with security.
Jan. L89, $14,190.00
43,000)Policie8 r. fem.
rn, B. ROBSON, President,
le, C. MoDO NALL) a antuager.
'or further partieulars, apple to
Agent, Exeter.
Book Store
is our text this time.
Never in the history
of Exeter has WALL
PAPER, been offered
at such
as we shall sell at this
Season, and the Pat-
terns will be more
ALTISTIC than ever.
Be Sure to See the New Stock before
Grigg's BookStore
Goes Humming Along
Big lankrapt to
Prices tell everytime. We
have placed on our counters some
very tempting values for the
next week.
Yesi 28 lbs nice Coffee ,Sugar
• ,
for 23 lbs best Granu-
lated Sugar for $1, 10c box Royal Yeast
going for 5c, 103 bottle best Flavoring
Extrtcts for 6c, 20c 3 lb bar N P Soap
for 16; 15c can Red S damn for ric,
20cbottle good Pickles for 10c, $1.50
box goo1 clean laseisins for 95c per box.
Compare our prices with those of the
old fashioned high priced credit stores,
and see if you don'e think it would pay
you to trade with ue. Just give us a
trial anyway.
121ac Prints clearing at 80, 33c Dress
Goods clearing at 22ac, l 00 Dress Goods
clearing at 5c, 12c Ceylon Flannelette,
11 yds for $1.; 8c Factory Cotton down
to 5c, 203 ps.ckage of paper and envel-
ops for $5, 30c Flannelette Shirts for
18; 30c Shirts and drawers for 20c,
$10 Dinner Set, LOO pieces for $6.65,
Fine Colored Toi et Set for $1.75. Yes
we beat 'em all
J. A. Stewart.
N, B.—Store closes at half past six
every evening except Wednesday and
T HUBS DAY • AUGUST 8th, 1893.
The flax crop this year is not equal
L former years,
The hellos of Bruoefield have organized
a baseball club,
In the Northern part of the County, iii
ir, mild, there is a good deal of smut in the
A faith healer says the world is
going to tunable off its path and go to
steash in tees years,
W F May of London, formerly of Exeter
has been engaged to teasel in the Mitchell to the leaying Examinations be paid
Iliga schoo1 during the next term. by the Bard—Per Dr Lutz—E How -
A number from hereintenct
themselves of the Laborers' excursion
leteasa• anitoba in a few days.
1 Publics Bowel. neara,
July 31.—Meeting held in the Town
Hall at 8:30 p in. Absent W J Ca; ling,
'I? Fitten, The following is the order
of business duly approvede--Per reso-
lution minutes of psevious meeting:—
Per E Ho ward—P Fray ne,—Whitening
&c, of No 3 Departineet to be referred
to Repair Com. with power. --Per Dr
Lutz—P Ft ayne, that E Howard and
the Chairman be a committee to
range urinal, urinal, effect neoessary drainave
and readjust entrance way to the new
grounds,—Per Dr Lutz—E aloward
that the following payments be made,_
John Moore, repairing pulp $1,00; E.
Follicle oil and suadries $4 17, S. Hand-
ford, labor $3;—Per P Frayne—E
Howard that the sum of $2,700 be lev-
ied for School purposes.—Per Dr Lutz—
E 'award that the fees of all Entrants
Geed itecond hand bicycle for sale.
LI good order. °heap. Apply at
Grieve's Tailor shop. 2t
While playing crieket the other day Iva
„bail struck Arthur Davis on the face,
blackening one of his eyes.
NOTICE—AR business announcements
notices of patine meetings, entertainments
auction sales, eto., appearing in there local
eelumns will be charged for at the rate of five
cents per lino eseh insertion. Black heading
fo count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons baring open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
must he handedinto office on Tuesday.
FRIDA 9171.
The children and friends will meet at
the school house with, their baskets not later
than 6a. na, —
Rev arr. Roy, of Hensall, will preach morn -
ins and evening.
Piano and singing Lessons.
Mrs. Frances J. Moore visits Exeter
weekly. Ladies or Gentlemen received.
Address 443 Ridout street, London.
FrOMOtiOn EXanlinatiOnSS
aThe following pupils of Exeter have
passed the recent examinationa for pro-
motion to the different rooms.
PaAlvin. Johnston, Melville Howey,
George Sanders, Dan Rendle, Mamie
Fanson, Hermon Prior, Allan Myers,
Edna moCallum, Enos Cadmore, Fred
Davidson, Coleman Moticur, Violet
Willis, Frank Ross, May Armstrong,
Olive Treble, Russell Frayne, Henry
Gould, Wesley limey, Lelia Ross,
Eddie Hooper, l3ert Ross.
:Herbert Gregory, Annie Heideman,
Jennie Murray, Mallet Martin, Wilbur
Martin, Sandy Btwden, Fred Bowden,
Jessie Cameron, Merle Gould, Nina
Carling, Louise Carling, Myrtle laylori
Georgie HyndroaniRoy Leathorn,Harry
Huston, Wesley Snell, Artie Wood,
Millie Braund, lauby Davidson, Gertio
Johnston, Regina Davis,
Aairree Lecture,
A free illustrated Health Lecttire will
be given in the TOWn Hall, August 13th
et 14th, at 230 pm, Look Otte for the
bills announcing ithe: leabare. L4diea
are cordially invited,
ard that a uotice of motion be required
one month previous and at a regular
meeting of the Board of all proposect
amigos in order of proceaure and all
anther matter submitted not included in
the ordinary routine ef business,—Per
/Dr. Lutz adjournment.
J Glue
STA,NTED,—A refined, intelligent lady
for a position of trust—Address A. B &
Co., this office. Address by letter.
Mr, L. Hardy last spring sowed a
quantity of wheat he supposed was tim-
othy seed, but whiah turned out to be a
patch et weeds.
F Borland; Frank Lutz, E alcCalluni,
and R Hicks, of Exeter have passed.
bheir primary non professional examin•
ation as teachers.
The return match betweeu the Easter
and Eden football teams was plased tLt
Centralia last evening and resulted in
favor of Exeter. Score 2 to 0.
Mr. W. Holmes, of Lucknow, son of
Rev. J. Holmes, at one time of Exeter,
has been seriously ill with inflammation
of the brain, but is some better.
John Reardon, of London, while in a
tree witnessing a ball game, the limb
broke, precipitating him to the ground,
and breakiug four of his ribs and one
A. friendly game of fontball was play-
ed on Friday evening between Exeter
team and a picked team from Centralia
and Eden. The game resultedin a
victory for the Picked team by 2 to 1.
This year apples are very scarce in
Weatern Ontario, but the crop is large
in the Niaaara Peninsula, and as the
yield is unusually large in Great Britain
and a fair average in the United. States
it is not likely that prices will be high.
A. man named Louis Foster, of Zurich,
had a narrow escape from suffocation by
escaping gas in the City Hotel, London,
one day last week, but his condition was
diecoyered in time. He had failed to fully
turn off the gas.
The Department of Finance has just is-
sued a report of unclaimed balances in the
chertered banks of Caaade.. Among tee
number we notice the name of lir. S. S.
Dilling, haying in the Moleon's Bank 8200,
deposited in the year 1887.
Tuesday an eight year old child of Mr
W Anderson,while on a temporary plat-
form in the barn fell,by means ofa boerd
slipping, to the floor 10 feet below • He
was not injured seriously, but was un-
censcious for some time.
The excursion along the line of the
L. H. & B. on 8 aturday last was largely
patronizet from the various stations.
While some sixty tickets were sold at
the Exeter station, in all the excursion
party numbered over 1,000. The ex-
cursionists report a very pleasant tim e.
The trustee Te Main st Method-
iat church have purchased the lot ad-
joining the church property on the
north side and intend makieg a lawn of
it and planting it with trees and other
shrubery. The ground is to be usecl
for garden parties when held by the
John A. McNulty, who lilies near New:
bury, was Saturday cammitted for trial
before Squire Smythe on a charge of steal:
ing13 acres of wheat from a farmowned'on
a mortgage by Patrick McPhillips,of Lon:
don. It appeared that McNulty was put
off the place by McPhillips, but returned
and took the crop of whet he had plant:
The latest form of outdoor amuse-
ment is the "Trilby party,' at which
the young ladies sit behind a supencied
sheet, their bare feet peeping through
the other side, where the young men
assemble and guss the ownership of the
said feet. The one making the greatest
number of successful guesses secures a
The Choirs that took part in the Lon-
don choir contest from hero, will giv e a
concert on the eyening of Sept 4th, in
Drew's Opera House. The selections
tnat were sung for competition will be
part of the program. There will else be
Ladies' and Gentleman's choruses, and
Choruses rendered by thirty one voices,'
assisted by an Orchestra.
A team of horses belonging to Chas.
Gillespie of Wingham ran away the other
day with a load of eggs. After dumping
the eggs into the ditch the horses jumped
into a milk wagon spilling the cans along
the street. The milk man's horse also
ran away, leaving the wagon at the mercy
of the runaway team who mashed it to
atoms. These who saw it say it was
most exciting.
R. S. Armstrong, teacher of the New-
bury publie school, has reason to be proud
of the success of his pupils at the entrance
examination, six trying and all pegging.
The prize givers by the Minister of Eduo
ation to the pupil taking the highest
marks at the entrance examination at
eaeh place of trying in the West riding of
Middlesex goes there again this year, G.
W. Arneskong having taken the higheat
number of mark a at the Ws.rdsville en-
trance examination.
Just about noon Friday a boy ran from
the garden surrounding General Fiagler's
residence, Waehineton, U, S,. and as the
report of a rifle rang out he fell to the
ground. When be was plaited up be was
dying and in an hour was dead. His mur-
derer was Miss Flagler,the young daughter
of the Chief of Ordinance of the United
'States army. Her excuse was that the
boy was one of a crowd who had been
robbing fruit from the prams, and that he
was be the act cit stealing alien she shot
him. The girl was immediately arrested.
The boy's narne was Ernest Green, and he
was °okra. General Elegies la in Toron-
to, Canada.
W Rath, sr., ot East Wawanosh hes
sold Ins fifty mere farm to David Johnston,
for $2,70C,
All those who have not been murdered
by H. H. Holmes will please rise and
remain standing until counted.
Mrs. John Irwin, of Wiarton attempted
sniaide by taking laudanum the other day,
and is still in a precarious condition.
The Le amington Post says:—"Thos;
Fleming has sold his entire peach crop to
a London firm for 50 cents per basket.'
Lightning struck the residence of
D McCallum in East Williams the
other day and did considerable damage,
The Indians engaged in flax pulling
at Ailsa Craig have been supplied with
liquor quite freely and agairset the
1w, la tr lv.
The other day Mrs Cannorn, an old
lady living near London, deliberately
walked into the river and drowned herself
in eight of her daughter.
The Woodham Methodret church intend
bolding a grand harvest home on the Sth
and Orb of September and are in for
making it a great enema.
T. felly, Moan. had eight sheep badly
damaged by dogs lately, but owing te his
finding the owner the loss will not oome
out of the township dog fund, as usual.
The resignation of Mr. Hooper as
Science Master, Gederich Collegiate In:
etitute, has been filled by the appointment
of G. K. Mills, B. A., of Toronto Un:
Those who were not at the lakeside or
seaside left week content themselves with
the thought that it is cool enough at
home for comfort. Few sigh for sea
breezea when the temperature varies form
50 to 75,
Mr. George Scott, Master of Woodham
Orange Lodge, No. 490, is justly proud of
the honors won by his lodge, at London
and St. Thomas. Mr, Scott has been
Master ofethe lodge both years and is a
.popular man in the Order.
Mr. John McNeil, of Adelaide, un-
fortunately got his hand badly injured in
tbe chain of a self binder one day lately.
Medical assistence was celled and it was
found necessary to amputate tbe entire
fingers of the lee hand, as well as tbe top
of the thumb.
The threshing season is again on hand,
and it would be well if oily competent
men were employed to run the threshing
engines Incompetent men are dear at
any price, often causing serious boas to the
owners of eueines and increasing the risk
of boiler exploeions and fires:
The G. T. R. officials have placed a
number of detectives along their lines to
take the names of boys found loitering
abont their grounds or jumping on and off
trains, as they intend prosecuting all such
in future. A number of boys in Exeter,
rie well as their parente, will do well to
take heed in time.
The notorious John Palmer,:of London,
was gentenced by Judge Elliott on tvIonday
to four yeare in the provincial penitentiary
for stealing $10 from Henry Chapman on
July Sth last. Be was afterwards found
guilty of nonsupport of his wife. He
received three years for tide offence, the
terms to run concurrently.
One of the history questions at tne re-
cent Entrance Eeamination read thus
Describe the customs of the ancient
Britons." A candidate in East Bruce gays
the following amusing answer : Tbe
ancient Britons dug a "whole" in the
ground in which to live, then they dug a
another "wbole" for the fire place and.
carried the smoke out in pails.
Manneeota scientists have tackled the
grasshopper peat in a new way. Canvas
and kerosene is the combination before
which the tiny hoppers go down to their
death. Ont there it Is known e.s a "hopper
dozer." The state pays the expenses of
the slaughter, and the slaughter is terrific.
Think, if you can, of 8,000ibushel baskets,
packed with hoppers. That was the
average record in a day of killed and
wounded ineeots at the height.
On Wednesday night while returning
from the circus two men from near Clande-
boye became embroiled in a quarrel at
Ilderton. Benjamin Marr, a neighbor,
undertook to separate thein, and received
a severe kick in the abdomen from one of
the combatants, from the effects of which
it will take some time to recover. Some
doubts were at first entertained concerning
his chances, but fortunately there was no
internal rupture.
A quiet wedding took pla.oe at Walkerton
Thursday, when Miss Helen Coats, daugh:
tor of John Coates, of Walkerton, formerly
of Mitchell, became the wife C. A, May:
berry, B. A. L. L. B., Prineipal of the
Stratford Collegiate Institute, the weddieg
ceremony being performed by Bev. J. W.
Shilton B. A, Methodist ministee, Mr.
and Mrs, Mayberry have gone on a nip to
Portland, Boston,the Cape Cod county and
New York,
At the Police Court, Stratford, Friday
morning, when the Yemen alleged abortion
case called, Mr. Palmer, on behalf of the
crown, asked for an adjournment until
Wednesday, August 7111, owing to the
continued Illness of Alice Dunn. Mr,
McPherson objected to an adjournment,
eentendoeg that the delay and the fact of
his client's name being publiahed through.
out the eountre was seriously itnpairing
his business. After Chief McCarthy was
sworn ae to the service of aulepoene upon
the girl, the Magistrate decided to Adjourn
the Caw until 010 tin16 01)00ifiea, When, if
Miss Dunn is abt t attend, t ha ease will
go on. She is improving very slowly.
The same bail in al 0,000.
AA important
Those of oisr readers who are Rup
tured, especially extreme cases that
heretofore found every means fruitless,
and parents Wing children so afflicted,
have now an opportunity rarely offered,
of consulting, free, the west noted ,
speoialist in this liue in the Doinitsiont
Dr. 3. Y. Egan, of Toronto, who will
be a the 'Grand Union. Hotel,' Clinton,
Wednesday, August 2let inst., and
Brussels, 'American Hotel," 'aridity,
August 23rd: The evidence furnished
this ME= of his skill from physicians,
patients and parents, is exeeptionally
high, some nemes on his circular,
physicians and 'parents, are residents of
this neighborhood, and an investigation
by us proves hit cleims to be well
founded, We would advise a consult-
ation with this gentleman,
tIzie Spearin, of St. Marys, Is
spanding a few weeks with her aunt,
Mrs, Wm. Tapp.—aliss Mary Ann Tapp
has been very ill during the past week.
—Parkhill Gazette "Mr and Mrs.
Wm. Bawden, ot Exeter, visited with
relatives in town lest week."—Mr Alex.
Stewart. of Wisconsin. is visiting his
brother James, Huron street,
and Mrs. Fenn, of Dashwood, were in
Parkhill over Sunday, the guests of
the latter's father, Mr. N. Freid.—
The Misses jessie and Hattie Gannett,
of Wingham are visiting their aunt Mrs.
Alex. McNevins—Miss Johnston of
Seaforth, hes bum spending a 1 ew days
with her brother, Mr. Alex. Johnston.
asiss Janet Muttart is visiting friends
ie Stratford and London.—Detective
J. T. Westcott and Mindy are camping
at the Bend, --We are pleased to learn
that Mr. Chas. Knight, who has been
ill the past 10 days, has sufficiently re-
covered to take his eccustomed post at
the L. a & B. depot.— Mr. and Mrs.
D. French have, during the past two
weeks, visited the various alms houses
throughout tile country to glean inform-
ation regarding their management, be-
fore they take hold of the Huron
County Rouse of Refuge in December
next.—Miss Ide Lee, of London, is
visiting friends in town.—Miss Ridall,
of Holmesville, visited the past week
at Mr. J. Ramsey's.—Mr. P. F.
Ross, of Clinton, spent Satusday and
Sunday in town the guest of W. J.
Brooks, —Miss Ivy is the guest of Miss
Sweet.—Miss Annie Brooks after spend-
ing three weeks with friends in Kirkton
and Sb Marys has retureed home,
Miss Maud Christie has returned home
from a pleasant visit with friends in
Detroit.-11Ir S. Poplestone, who has
been visiting up North, has returned
home.—Mr. E. Levett and daughter
Annie, of Parkhill, visited his son W.
H. Levett and other friends in town
this week.—Mrs. T. M. White and son
Clyde are visiting at John White's for
a few weeks.—Messrs F. Elliott and I.
R. Carling visited Detroit last week.—
s. P. Bawden ot Ridgetown, is visit-
ing friends in Exeter and Lucan.—
Mrs. John Mortimer is visiting friends
in town.—Mr. Andrew Stewart of
Waterloo, Wis.. is visiting his brother,
Mr. James Stewart, Huron st.—Rev.
Ross, of Glencoe, was in town last
week.—W. M Gray, of Seaforth was in
town on Thursday, He is after the
Registrarship of Huron Co., and was
soliciting the signatures of the reeves to
petibion asking his appointment.—
Mrs. R. S. Wilson of St Marys, is
visiting friends in town. —We are sorry
to learn that Mr. Percy Verity of
Brantford is down with typhoid fever.
—Miss Parker who has been vieiting
her aunt, Mra. Jas. Elliot during the
summer months, leaves for her.home itt
Iowa on Saturday, visiting Niagara,
Chicago and other points of interest on
the way.—Dr Rollins accompanies a
party feom Crediton on a fishing ex-
pedition to Muskoka this week.—Mr
Dever, of Detroit spent the past week
aisitieg Mr T W Hawkshaw.-Mrs Sam'l
White of Detroit is visiting trien.ds in
Hensall and Eseter.—Miss Mary
Welsh, milliner, is home spending
Vacation with her parents on William
street.—Mr Saxon Fitton who has been
attending college in Toronto, is home
for vacatioe.—Mrs (Rev) D M Ramsey
is visiting her sisters Mrs T B Carling
and R E Pickarcl.—Mr Robert Sanders,
who has been attending the Cleveland
races retained home this week. —Mr
Frank Lutz has returned from a pleasant
trip up the lakes. --Miss Maria Pickard,
and the Misses Clara and Lilla Hersey,
of London are visiting friends in town.
—Miss Lou Russell, of London, is
visiting Mrs Luther Braund.—Mr
Mallot, of Leamington is a guest at the
James St parsonage.—Miss Addie
Browning, of Georgetown, is in the yil-
lage.—The Misses Hobbins, of London,
Accidents on Sea and Land
are daily occurring, and on l.a.nd
during the month of Maya'where-
of John Frost put in his sharp
teeth and touched the vitals of
our fruit crop, yet we are this
week in possession of Choice
Bosnia Prunes by barrel or case'.
See our 16 lbs for
Excelsior Brand,
choice at
$1 and
R1. Pickard
For Bargains
In all Lines of
Dry Goods,
Boots &
Etc., Etc.,
For selling at cost is an old "CHESTNUT" and stale and
threadbare as the aged garments offered. Our stock of Suits and
Gent's furnishings are all new, latest cuts, styles and novelties,
You expect us to make a PROFIT. We do sell on a small
MARGIN and the many of you who have tried us, know this to
be the TRUTH. We await your judgment. TRY US and learn
that LIVE AND LET LIVE is characteristic of our dealing.
TD 0 -5L70 -4 • itt,
Expect to attend a Business or Shorthand School the coming
seaeon. If you do it will pay you to investigate the claims of the
it is credited with being the beet and practioal school in Canada. All its
methods are up to date.
R U aware that there is a difference between the work done in Business Colleges,
some good, some bad, some is yery indifferent' Get the best : it will pay you.
HAVE T_T heard anything about our "NE W SYSTEM" of teaching Bookkeep-
ing and Commercial Paper? 11 Os a, radical change from the old methods usually
employed. Drop a poetal card and ask for particulars.
College reopens Sept. 3rd, 1895. J. W. WETERVELT, Principal.
Returning prosperity will make many rioh, but nowhere can they make so much
within a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain, Provisions and Stook.
0 FOR EACH DOLLAR INVESTED can be made by our
Systematic Plan of Speculation
originated by 113, All sucoeseful speculators operate on a regular system.if
It is a well-known fact that there arelthonsands of men ire all parte of United
States who, by systematic trading through Chicago brokers, make large amounts
every year, ranging from a taw thousand dollars for the man who invests ahundred or
two hundred clollare up to $50,000 to $100,000 or more by those who iaveat it few
It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from comparatively small),
investments on this plan are persons who live away from Chicago and myest through
brokers who thoroutrbly understand eyaternatic trading.
Our plan does not risk ths whole amount iavestecl on any trade, but covers both
sides, so that whether the market rise or falls it brings a eteady profit that piles up
enormously in a ehort time.
W RITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, also our Manual on succeeeful speculation
and our Daily Maraet Report full of ninuev-making pointers ALL FREE. 0 sr
Manual explains margin trailing fully. Highest references in regard to our standing,
and success. . For further intern -Dillon address
TT-Toavt.A.s an co., 3i3..A.M.T3M.MRS .A.T.T313 BROMC=1.2.S,
It, Pickard
& Son.
were the guests • of Mrs Farmer this
week.—Mrs Martin, of Chatham, is
the guest of her neice, Mrs S Powell.—
Mr T A Brovrnend family have returned
to Stratford. They moved their furni-
ture having secured a house.—Mrs A D
Freeman, of Brooklyn, N. -Y:, was in
town the pa-st week renewing acquain-
tances. She was oue of the first resi-
dents of Exeter.
The sale of the Chatham water works
debentares was effected by the Mayor of,
that city and Chairman of Finance The
securities were purchased by H. O'Hara az
Co., of Toroato, at it premium of one
quarter of one per cent, realizing a312.
Now see that your blood is pure. Good
health follows the use of flood'd Sareapara
illa which ie the one greet blood purifier.
Opening of $ohoo15-
The. rural Public and Separate schools
will open after vexation on the 19th of Au-
The Provincial Normal schools will op-
en on the 201h of &nest.
The High sohools, and Public and
Separate schools in cities, towns and in-
corporated villages, till open on the 261h
of August.
The County Model sclioola will open on
the 2nd of September.
The Provincial Schools of Pedagogy will
Opt, on the 1st of October,
Fall Fairs.
Toronto ....Sept, 2-14
London Sept, 12-21
St. Marys ........ .... Sept. 24-25
East Niseouri, at Kintore ..... Oct. 8
Kirkt on Oct. 3- 4
Northern, at Ailea Craig.... Sept. 26-27
South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 23-24
Thorndale, . Oct. 10
London Township; Ilderton Sept. 23
Mitchell, 001 .1-2
Hibbert, Staffa ........ ... Oct. 7-8
Hay, at Zurioh, Sept 25-26
Biddulph at Greaten, Oote 1-2
Stratford, Sept. 24-25
West Nissouri, aaThorndale Oct -10
Goderieh Oct 1-2-3
Will secretaries kindly send in dates of
their far s,
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their cus-
tomers. The Geo. E. Tuckett, & Son
Coe Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon the Market
A. Combination Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giv-
ing the consumer ono 20 'C'ent plug,
or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the
famous "T 8,i B" brand of pure 'Vir-
ginia, Tobacco.
th tag "T 86 B" is otivary io
W Graham of Stanley shipped eeven car
loads of cattle to the old Country last
Clearing Prices
Men's Suits at
Good Tweed Suit
Ladies' Vests 5c, roc, upwards.
5c., Grey Cotton 30., 8c. do 5c.,
roc. do 8c.
Perhaps you would like a few
snapsin GROCERIES.
Good selected Raisins $r,00 per
box; 6 lb. for 25c.
Good New Currants 5c. per 1b4
Uanned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes,
2 boxes isc ; goc. per doz. ;
Pickles, 2 bottles for 25c.
Christie Brown & Co.'s cele-
brated Biscuits in all the fancy
makes ; alsO Sodas, put up in tin
boxes to retain crispness in hot
Do you like a good Black Tea?
Try our B. Brand and Orient.
Celons. Best 25c Tea in the
trade. A line of Japan's,
clearing at roc per lb. -
Side Meat, Shoulders and
Hams ; Pure Lard ; old and new
Cheese; Chase & Sandburn's
best brands Coffee ; also a good
blend, ground, fresh, worth 4oc,,
for 3oc. a lb.
BOOTS 8.c:1 SHOES at old
prices. Now is the time to buy,
as Shoes have advanced 25%.
WALL PAPERS :"at clearing
prices for balance ofiseason.
Highest prices"paid for Ett#er
and Eggs.,,