The Exeter Times, 1895-8-8, Page 1HURON &
R;: Ford & o
Will devote the next 30 Days
to clearing lines of Summer
'You can purchase Checked 'Muslims at 3ic. You
can purchase Prints and Flannelettes at 5c. You can
have. our 25e all wool Delaines at half price, We are.
selling extra wide reic Apron Gingham at loc, and
good heavy Table Linen at i9u. We are clearing out
our IVIELLINERY at cost prime. Come and see the
Hats we will sell you for 25c each. Laee Curtains
and Carpets at close prices. We still have in stock
Boy's 2 piece Suits (to fit boys from 4 to io years) at
$1.5o each. We have an immense stock „in all de-
partments, and would invite an inspection before pur-
R. S. FORD & 00.
Hay Council.
et The trotting horse Ben B., bred
el4 and at one time owned by Dr Sutton
of Olomdeboye, recently went a mile
tj at Des Moines, to., in 2.14.
Mies Emma, McDougall, teacher in the
p 3rd division of Luoan Pubito Sohool, will
attend the 'Toronto Normal, next session
Mrs Robert Fox is :employed to fill the
pbalance of the term in her plaoe.
frlr Simon McLeod, of Parlihill, reeve of
West Williams, was aenously injured by
falling on Monday evening when walking
in the dark. His hip joint WU."' fraotured
and he sustained other injuries less ser-
M. and Dirs. David Poulton of Moray,
were out driving the other evening, and
when passing an organ pedlar's wagon the
horse took fright and upset them in the
ditch. They were both injered, but we
are glad to say not seriously.
Middlesex County Notes. DaelaWOOde
James Shipley of Ailsa Craig, who BRUM-Henry Reese has dieposed
has been very ill, is recovering. of his house and lot to Mr Emanuel
Mr. Ninien Grieves, of Perkhill, has Rothermeal for a handeoine surn,-
purchased Kr. T. McNally's farm on the Brick layers are busy engaged at the
20to con., Weat Williams.
Mr, Ralph Hunt, of West Niesouri, took new ohureh and intend to work right
the first fall wheat of the seasnn to St . '
ahead withit.-Mr j Kellerman hies his
brick house almosb oompleted.--Meesrs
Mars, on Wednesday It weighed 63 11
to the bushel. )8 Miller st Paulin wheeled on their bikes
On Wednesday morning of• last week to London. on Tuesday last. -Ur Louis
the infant daughter of Mr. john Atmore, 1V1i11er from Sprinefield Olio Who is
of Parkhill, paned peacefully away after studying for the ministry is borate
suffering from whooping cough for the Visiting his mother and other feeends.-
past two weeks, Ur and Mrs Brokenshire are spending
D A Mollwen of Ailsa Craig left last few days with friends in Tavistock. -
week for Owen Sound with the pacing Mr Wm Zimmer and family are visit -
'mare Nelly Brace, 2-18a, and the
, Baronore to take per t ing friends in Waterloo. -Mrs Eby has
trotting stallion
in the races there, beenvisiting relatiyes in Seberingville
for a few weeks. -Rev Rauch from Han-
over was in the village on Wednesday
of last week, -Mrs Leach Haug has left
for Berne to visit her sister acid other
relatives. -Mx Samuel Lingey and
widow Kellerman are attending the
wedding ot Miss Annie Lingey a( Elk-
ton, Mich. -We have this week to
ohronicle the sudden death of Mrs
Peter Bender who has been called away
on Friday last by the mysterious hand
of Proyidence The deceased was
43 years of age and was of a very cheer-
ful and robust nature. She leaves a
husband and nine children to mourn
her loss. A. very large concourse of
people ass-erabled cm Sunday and
followed the remaies to their last rest-
ing place, The aged father, brothers,
sisters, husband and children have the
heartfelt sympathy of their many
sorrowing acquantances and neighbors,
Perth County Notes.
Council met pursuant to adjournment Listowel's Civic Holiday will be August
on August 1st, at 10 o'clock, a. m. All 14.
;members preaeut, alinutee of last meet- Mitchell's old° holiday will be August
lug read and signed. 15th.
In regard to the cleaning oat of the St. Marys will have a base ball townie.
Zurieh main, after hearing evidence by., meat on civic holiday.
the interested parties who were present, Samples of new wheat taken to the
no action was taken at the tune.
Mitchell market tested 62 lbeto the bushel.
The following amounts are required for T hos. Moffatt postmaster Carmunnook
the current year for county purposes, is recnyering from a dangerous attack
.$3439.00, for general Township purposes ot chelera morbus.
. exclusive of other assets, 32674 84, for Mr. Peter Smith, dear of Downie, has
Legislative &shoal equivalent and general purchased the fine farm of Andrew Gear -
school rate $1974.36, and amounts in ay, Ellice, for $7,000.
a000rdauce with requisition from trustees Eddie Morrie on, the seven year old son
.of several school sections. of Mr. GeorgeMorrison, St. Marys, died
The rates were struck by the counoil as of diphtheria, on Saturday last
•followe :-County rate 1 8 10 mills on the On Friday last, Mr. John McLaren'of
dollar ; Township rate 1 4-10 mills on the St. Marys, succeeded in catohing a base
dollar; tor general sohool rate and Legis- which turned the beam at 81 lbs.
leave equivalent 1 6-100 mills on dollar. Mrs. Micheal Fletcher, St. Marys,
A bylaw coneining the above ratea was slipped saa fell off a step anl eustained a
duly passed fracture at the thigh, the other day.
The following accounts wee ordere 1 to 51r. Geo. Moir, fdimerly of St. Aar yor
be paid and cheques issued for the same ;- is in the hospital at Ottawa, at present,
.George Penhale,rep Howard bridge $13,05; suffering from a large carbuncle on his
Wm. Caldwell, rep culvert, 0. R., 75o , A. neck.
Skipper, rap culvert, S. B., $1. 50 ; D. Mr Charles Reid has pueehased the
Sureruseegreat side line, $3; if, Bender, farm of Mr Moses Roberts, Fullartm.
rep culvert, eon. 14, 44.50 ; 3, Treffy, rep The farm contains nearly seventy-five
Heyrook'e bridge, e1.00 ; D. Haug, tile, S. mores.
B 4112.00 • G Wittner rep tvvo culverts, Chas. Welsh, of Stratford, had a narrow
75r; R, Bell, lumber, 41887 ; M. MoTag- eaciape from being lulled on the track by
gart, celyert. London road, 41n9&; being run into by a horse while riding his.
;Sohmous & Campbell, printing, $3 00; T. wheel.
Neeland, printing, $4.75 ; R. Carlisle,. Mr: James Brooke, of Granton, who has
breakiree stone 0. R., 41725 ; J. Wagner, been residing at Indian Head, N. W. T.
riomediesien work, S. B , $6 25 ‘• Henry for the last three years returned home on
'Talbfieisch, work on side line, $1.00 ; J. Saturday.
Weide, rep. three culverts, $1.50 ; R. Mr, G. Langford's farm at Revere, at
Adams, contract, S, Be $47 ; F. Hess, sr., present occupied by Mr. John Williams,
montla's salary, $55.00 ; do, registering has been leased to Mr.. Gowan for $265
•births, marriages and deaths, $6.50 ; do, per annum,
postage and stationery. A loose plank In the side walk tripped
• Council will meet again on Anent 26; Mrs. D, McIarty, of St, Marys, last
at 10 o clock a. m. Sunday, while on her way to ,ohuroh. She
There are several school sections who dislooated her wrist.
have not sent in their requisitions they Mrs. j. St. John, St. Marys, left last
will please do so at onoe to trotible. Tuesday to spend some weeks with rein,-
Pathmasters will also bear in mind that tives in diff3rent parts of Manitoba and
they mieht be obareed with all the atatute the Northwest.
labor on their lisle if not returned before Oa Saturday night some evil minded
Sept, 1st.
individuals maliciously destroyed a num-
FRED. Hess, SR., Clerk. ber of fruit trees in the garden of nen
jamas Deloaage, of St. Marys.
Mr, Wm. Roberta, of East Nissouri,
Ciandeboye. sold last week to Mr, S. Sperling of St.
Marys, twelve head of fat cattle for which
he realizeds the handsome sum of over
$7rOtOi mw.
aye avoid h
Aearsh purgative pills. They
ake yorfeiok and then leave you con;
stipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate
the bowels and make 0 yon well. Dose
one pill.
Blinn, -Mr. E. 0. Jones disposed of
one of his heavy horses to J H. McRoberts,
Esq., last week. --Miss Amanda and Allis
-Hodgins are spending their summer
vacation at Silyer Lake, Kinloss. -W. W.
Blackwell has abandoned the egg business
and is engaged in London with a bicycle
•firtn at good salary. -Miss Cameron is
•home for alfew weeks. Her Granton
friends will no doubt be pleased to greet
her. -The cruel hand of death suddenly
• visited the home of Mr. Andrew Mao -
Williams last Sabbath morning and celled
Last Saturday, while H. Davidson was
in the eat of catabing Mr. Nixon's horses,
one of them wheeled and dealt him it
severe kick in the body. Results may
prove serious.
We regret to record the death of George,
away Fergus, a boy of twenty years, a boy eldest son of Thomas Wilsen, of Bien -
admired by all who knew him for his mild,1
honest disposition. The parents have theelm, aged 28 years, formerly of the 9th!
sympathy of the community, The deceased eon. of Etat Nissouri, which ad evert
occurred on Tuesday night the 23rd nit
,heel been ailing somewhat during the
spring, but had almost recovered. The
cause of death was pronouncd by Dr.
Lang, of Granton, to else heart failure.
His remains were inberred in Birr come -
try. -Andrew Clark gave away his
.daughter, Fanny. to a young man of Lon.
don city, last Wednesday. The couple
were united In the holy bonds of wedlock
by the Rev. J. E. Ford, Methodist past"
The Excelsior Lacrosse Club of Mitchell
crossed sticks with the Brenta, of Paris,
Friday. The game was feat and exciting
from start to finish, though the Brants
seemed to play in hard luck. Mitchell
scored 4 straight games in 34 minutes.
Stratford is the home of a yoang man
who may be clanged as a midget, He is
24 years of age, stands three feet nine
of this oircuit.-Mr. Harold Sutton, of Inches in height mad weighs only 45 lbs.
Huron College, ihome at presentHe Any person not acquainted with the facts
s .
would judge him to be a child of from 5 to
preiteheid a wesk Apo last Sabbath in St.
J Mailhasgey, who has been 6 years.
home for than time, left Saturday for George Porter, the payiug teller of the
the Niagara District where he hes obtain; local branch of the lekntreal Sank
Quebec, and some years ago connected
ed a situation --Daltry & Hodgson are
with the St Merys branch, was arrested
once more rashing the hay trade. -W
Blackwell the town racing crack, will
start at the Chatham and Dresden
,aneets this week, where he is entered in
the principal Clam B event; -The grain
market which has been quiet lately is
.again booming arid judging 'from the
.quantities of wheat conning in it is
evident that the crops are much better
'than was first anticipated. -H A Shoff
of Toronto, will spend the remainder of
his holidays in the village with his par-
enne -Mise Ellwood of London, is the
.guerit Of Miss Retie Hodgins.
K. D. 0, itnparts strength to the whole
Post Office Store
Choice Raisins 5 lbe for 25e; Prunes,
-Lemons mid Poaches; rine Red Sal-
•mon 2 cans for 25o; Ferman I/eddies; 2
COS for 25c; Cheese, choice, Hats, per
We give yoe tho beet qlode et IOW -
„est Priene. Mtge II; Butter 14e.
sa IVO ,.A.ITIatXairr tee
onlMonday evening at his summer resid-
ence on the Island of Orleans, on the
charge of etealing $80,000 belonging to the
St. Marys Journal: -"Mr Ralph Hunt,
of West Nissouri, brought the first fall
wheat of the,season to town ou Wednesday.
It was ground at Near & Mathieson's mill
and weighed 63 pounds to the bushel, Mr,
Joseph Cotbett, of Downie, brought iit a
load to Carter & 0a.'s mill on Saturday,
weighing 57 pomade to the bushel.”
Williatn Rertwiek, of Stratford, chime
that he had a narrow escape from being
lynched Tuesday night, Ho says that he
was going home in a slightly dazed eon-
dition when three men attacked him,
stopped his cries for help, toad knocked his
hat over hie eyes eo that hie yiew tif what
Huron County Notes.
Mr James Turner, of Brueefield, is etil
in it low condition.
The death of Mrs Conway of Mollillop
took place on the 21st ult.
W F Longman and family ot Londes:
bore have moved to Manitoba.
The contract for the digging of a big
ditch in Morris will be let this fall.
John Swan, of Bruoefield sold a horse
the other (ley for $175.
The Olinton News Record accuses the
Blyth base ball team of stealing a ball.
An Ashfield farmer this year harvested
two loads of hay only from thirty acres.
The Clinton New Era has passed its :30th
milestone and a firi-rt class local paper it is.
At the aee of 70 yeare Mrs Buglass of
Amberley, died last week. Her illness was
Miss Aggie, daughter of Robb Maxwell,
was married last week to John Nieholson;
all of Blueva,le.
Mr Dan Rose, of Brucefield, left last
week for Southern Manitoba, where he
owns a farm.
P. Cantelon, of Clinton, is seriously ill,
the result of an operation performed a
few days ago.
Miss nary Irwia, of Clinton, fell from
her bicycle tao other day and injured one
of her arms.
T Holmes, of Clinton, fell ou an
old pan the other day, cintting and
poisoning his hand.
Misr; Lizzie Young of Morrie, broke her
arm the other day while getting allay rake
out of the barn.
On teriday evening last, the six menthe'
old child. of H, P. Gordon, Wingham, died
of obofera morbue.
At Arnberley lad week J H McLennan,
uf Wales, iVlioh was wedded to Miss Ida
Huston, of Pine River.
Rev Mr Maur of Bracefield ta laid lie
with solatica, and is unable to attend
to his peatorat duties,
Robt Patterson of Bluevale, diet the
other day. He had suffered for years
with cancer: He was in leis 40th year.
Clinton has a wife beater within its
borders, and he is tareatenedthrough the
prase with violence if he does not desist.
Victor, the nine year old son of Jas.
Watson, of Wingheen fell down stairs
Wednesday and broke his right artn itt
the elbow,
Rev. G. F. Salton of Stratford rode to
Goderieh on his wheel the other day,keep-
ing pace with 5.50 time from Stratford to
Mr W Theobald, SOO of Mrs Theobali;
of Blount Forest, and formerly of Clinton,
died on Monday last of consumption aged
19 years and 3 months.
"Father Burn sdon," of Londesboi o,
prominent figure in the village died last
week. He was 85 yang of age and came
to this country fifty years ago.
The other evening as Mrs. Ford,of the
2nd con., Elullett, was passing outside, she
fell and freetured her thigh bone; being 85
years cf age, her recovery is doubtful
E. ,e., Combs, M. A , of the Clinton
Collegiate staff, has resigned, hs,ving
accepted the principalship of the Rich:
mond High Scheel at a stilaay of $1,000
a year.
Some farmers around Grand Bend are
preparing dabble land to eow white tar-
uips on. • This is a Rood idea. As hay is
very scarce the turnips will be a great
Mr, Wm i P. Ha,bkirk, merchant, of
Fordyce, eldest son of Mr. Joseph 8
Flabkirk, of Blyth, wive married on Wed-
needay of last week to Miss Margaret C.
McNevin, of Ashfield.
Illr Fred Youngblutt and daughter, of
Londeaboro, while at the station the other
day, were thrown from their buggy onto
a barb wire fence and seriously injured by
their horse kick*,
The old established firm of Metiers
Herrington & McKellar, Blyth, have dis-
solved partnership, Mr. Herrington will
coutinue the business. Mr. McKellar
intends leaving Blyth:
Mr, Ware Oliver of Grand Bend 1S pre.
paring to build A large barn. The contract
Is awarded to John Binge' Mr. Joseph
Gill is also making preparations for the
erection of it large bank barn.
olieese e
wars going on eras rather indistinct. They
then dragged him about the etreets with a cheese forWinthrop a little faotory sold the Junadvance on the May
price. Seated!) factory sold their J'ane
rope about hie neck,' The ttio clearged elieese for 8i Dents; Brueefieli for 8 cents,
with the orime appeared iu coati Senn.. and othere for 13i cents nor lb,
The Stratford. Beitoon says that the
following persont have left on a pilgrimage
to the shrine of Ste Anne de Beatipre;-
Quebec C. Quinlan, North Bentham the
Aliases Weiss, Shakespeare; Miss Enwright,
Miss K. Ralph), John Hartigan, Mrs.
Hoary Martin, Miss Martin, Miss Dilitm,
Mies M. C. Ootnel, James, George mil
Richard, McNamara, Dennis Killoran,
Mims M. and T,Soanlan and John dryers,
The pilgrims roadbed Ste, Anne's on Wed-
"0,04qv morning.
1.4s. Grippe wealtexis digest on use 3DD. Co
The many frietede of Wirt Stewart, who
resided in East Wawanosh for over 20
years, will regreteto learn of his death,
which occurred in Paris the other deg,
at the ripe age of 78 years; death being
clanged from a general wearing away of
the human system.
A. white ball terrier, belooreing to Mr
John Bantford, of Clintea, had it habit at
rimming at the oow catcher ef the passing
traint. Wednesday morning he tried
eonelutione with the 7,40 ant trein the
traino thia (iodation coming out best, as
IN) AO" WM IOWA deo.
Bivars.-Mr. John Beattie accom-
panied by Messrs. &fifth and Geary
wheeled in from Brussels Sunday morn-
ing and returned home in the evening.
-Mr.rWm. Peck is the guest of Mr.
Robert Elliott, Goderich, the past few
days. -Twenty five more campers arriv-
ed here from Stratford on Saturday mak-
ing the number over one hundred and
fifty camping here. -Rev Mr. McDon-
ald of Seaforth, occupied the pulpit in
St. Andrew's Church Sunday morning
and Mr Fletcher of the Thames Road,
in the evening, -.A. friendly game of
base ball was played here on Friday,
between the Clinton and Bayfielcl clulis
which resulted itt favor of the visiting
team, 28 to 15, -Mr John Staabury ana
bride of Toronto, are spending a few
weeks with his parents here. -Miss Lot-
tie Martin who has been spending a few
weeks under the parental roof has re-
terned to Toionto.-The Brass Band
here serenaded a number of dampen,
cottages and, townspeople last Thursday
and Friday nights and received a hear-
ty welcome together with good subscrip-
tions both evenings, Success to the
band, Mr Murdock Ross was inToron-
to last week on business. -On Friday a
shooting tnit.tch was held here between
Seaforth and Clinton for a Silver Cup
which was won by Seaforth by two
birds -Mr Y McLean of Seaforth WAS
in town on Monday. -Mrs Card and
Miss Mary Osmond are v isiting friends
in Colborne this week, -Miss Sheppard
of Goderich and Miss Maud Middleton
of Goderich township are the guests
of Mrs Marks this week. ---Ur Ed Rut•
ledge of St Thomas is visitine friends la
town at present. -Miss Cash of Seaforth
spent the past week the guest of Miss
Annie Miller. -Mrs Levi Card of God
erich who has been visiting friends
here returned. home Monday.
Registrar Dickson;
James Dickson, registrar of the
county of Huron, and a pioneer in. the
county, was a native of Roxburghshire,
Scotland, and was born on the 26th of
May, 1816. Ia August, 1833, he with
father, came Co what was then Upper
Canada, now Ontario, and settled in
'the county of Huron.
On arriving in. Huron, Kr . Dickson,
sr., purchased from the Canada Com-
pany, three hundred acres of land in
the towaship of McKillop. He erected
it log house and commenced to clear
his tend in the month of September,
In 1839, James Dickson left the
family homestead in McKillop and
purchased 200 acres of wild land in the
township of Tuckersmith, one mile
south of Harpurhey. In 1851, Mr.
Dickson also commenced business as a
merchalit in the village of Egmondville.'' Wingham last Friday after a weeks
visit there with friends --Mr George
Sehoellig, of Zurioh, was in town on
rueaday; also Jonathan Monier, of
same place.
The Chancery Court of London has
decided that Lady Henry Somerset
cannot refuse the renewal of a license
for the sale of liquor in an hotel ou hoe
own estate. Liquor has at last been
legislated into a position stronger than
that of the land ovvaer in Baitain,
ed by that body for public improve- ,
monts, and Mr. Dickson. had the honor I VACATION TDIE
of drawing up and moving in council
the motion upon which the vast gravel
road schemellwhich hag made Huron so
famous throughout the Province, vies
Xti 1861 Mr, Dickson. was (elected to
the Canadian Parliament, as the repre-
sentative of the united counties of
Huron and. Bruce. Here he soon de-
veloped special qualities as it legislator.
He was a fluent, foreible speaker, a
good ireasoner and an indefatigable,
tireless worker.
Ilia popularity with his constituents
may be judged from the fact that at the
general election of 1863, he was return-
ed by acclamation. At that time the
population of the -united counties eif
Huron and Brace was eV least ninety
thousand. Some idea ' of the labor
Which Mr.Diekson efficiently performed
in his representative capacity may be
judged froin tho fact that his then eon-
r 'Onshore and
representative, is now represented in
the loeal and general Parliament by
twelve representativet.
At the close of his parliamentary
career in 1806, Mr, Dickson was ap-
poirited. Registrar of the County of
13n1Eve.--Mr, J. R. Gettler has de.
oidecl to.plaee it new grain grinder in
eortheetlon with his saw mill and hal
ordered a new machine of the Joliette.
Huron in room of the late John Galt, Que., make. -Mrs. Chas. Robmson.
Esq, of the townline Fullerton and Blau -
shard, fell from a chair and fractured
two of her ribe,-Tbe Fellation cheese
factory's make of June elieese was
shipped last week, being sold at 80
per pound, -Mr, Rioharel Nethercott,
of Mt. Pleasant, has sold a young
team to Mr. W. Fotheringhata for the
old country market for whioh he real-
ized a good price.
1 1.1 t
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat .... ... ...70 to 75
Barley 35 to 40
Oats ........ ..... 26 to 30
Pete ....... ... ... 55 to 60
Hay 10,10 to IMO
Batter... .... . ...13 to14
. . .... „ , ...10 to 10 SOdOra.
It is a well lmown feet thee you oan bur &IhSTURBANCE.-In OtIr qtliet towneon
lsoots Shoes °hoarimer at A,Weseloh's than else
other plans in the °usty. as we have suet Saturday evening of last week, it flax
trentat. the old prieee wisioh we sell
openedenother large assortment of new goods pulling bee was being held at Mr. A,
o etre for well. Butter and egsrs takewill
n in ex- Baxfield's, Lake road, ,at which it was
amigo for geode Ordl and Nee and be con- evident from the many voices heard,
squaw that we sell sheep.
4. WESELOR. HenSell, ont, there was a goodly number. They aP-
J3RinIte.-mr 3 0 Stoneman, wife and parently indulged in very loud and(
family, spent Saturday and Sunday improper language, so much so, that
visiting friends in Alitchell,-Mrs I thought they were about to engage
Woods, of Bethesda, was visiting at in a regular set to, but quietness was
Wm Caldwill's on Monday, and ale° soon restored as well as sadness when
Mrs • Ballantyne, of Toronto.-Misis they diseovered that some person had
Gotley, of Clinton, is staying at Mr gone off with the drinkables, Whilat I
Wm Caldwell's this week.-Misa V regret very much that such a noisy
Smith was e,t Exeter on Wednesday. element should invade csur otherwise
-New wheat is being marketed here quiet town, I have reeson to be glad
this week, and Mr John Mttehell, of that thoee making the racket were
Dixey, brought the first to the mill not residents of Sodom but outsiders,
last vveek -Mr J W Ortwein,of Zurich, many from Exeter. A kr-ringer on
supplied our villagers with apples on hearing the row might fancy that the
Tuesday. He brought them from Sodomites were a hard lot. I do not
the lake shore and sod them at 250 a know if any of the R. T. of T's were
pail. -Mr and Mrs Sutherland have present, as 801130 who were present had
returned from their visit to Embro.- been R. T 's but were not now. I do
Mr Charles Bossenberry and family not wish our friends to entertain the
spent last Sunday at Zurich. -Mr Geo idea that the R. T.'a were mixed up
MoEwen was at Detroit last week - with that night's proceedings.
Mr Henry Cook and wife spent last
Sunday in Detroit with Mrs Cook's Earkton
sister. --Kr J 0 Clausen wa,s at Detroit
Barnes. -Mr • J. 1VItursancl wile "Were
last week on business. -Dr Swan end on a visit to friends iu Strathroy and
wife,of Toronto,were the!guests of Rey
elr Swan part of last and this week.-
vicinity last week. -Mr. W. Lundie
My A Weseloh was at Seaforth last
and family, of Lima, Ohio, also Miss
Thursday. -Mr Alexander ReidLeech, of Strathroy, are guests of Mr.
. of
Toronto,formerly public sohool teacher Muir this week, -Threshing is now
the order of the day and our athletes
at Chiselhurst school, is renewing old
acquaintancee.-Mr Ed Hagen ofHills-
are prepared to try the high jump
green, spent a few days with leis sisters against all corners, -Mr. E. Shier is
here. -Mr Morris Ehnee occupied the slightly under the weather just now.-
A. quoit match between Russeldale
pulpit of the Methodist church last
Sabbath morning, and preached a ser-
and Kirkton a few evenings ago result -
mon on Prayer, with much accept- •
ed 10 a tie. -What might have result-
ance.-The financial reports of Hensall ed more seriously happened to one of
our local Jehus on Friday lest. When
circuit were distributed tast week,
starting for a drive, accompanied by
stiotving the amount of money raised
his sister and little DORM, Dr. J. J.
as follows : 1VIsssionary $188 40 ; Sup-
erannuetion $76 00 ; Educational Thompson's horse stopped saddenly,
the eheck throwine, out the little girl
$24 40 ; Contingent $5 31 General
and the others at once dismounting,
Conference 41463 ; U Relief $5 13 ;
when the horse made a bolt and raced
S VAld $1 95 ; Sustentetion $5 60 -
Woman's Missions $24 46; 8 Schooi away at full speed, smashing the cart
purposes $166 81 ; Epworth Leagues to pieces during its headlong career
$57 28 ; Ladies' Aid $255 00; Trustee and sustaining a few injuries to itself
Boards $2485 70; salaries $1,075 00. on the limbs. The horse was safely
caught after a run of about 2 miles.-
This makes the grand total of
Mrs. Albert Timer presented her bus -
$4.405 75. -Quarterly board met in
band with a fine baby girl on Saturday
the basement of the Methodist church
last. More success to you Albert.-
last Monday afternoon for the first
Mr. EIenry Doupe is indisposed at the
quarter, President Rev Swan in the
ohair. Minutes of last meeting read time of writing, -Miss Sarah Gilpin is
visiting her inother and
and adopted and various business dia. home vOar; V. S , starts For the old
posed with. It was unanimously
adopted that the salary be the same lend in a few days and will likely feed
as last year and the various appoint-
fishes for a short period at the voyage
flus slender form would look majestic
nrents raise the same amount as last
year. -Mr Wm Bonthron, of Detroit, if leaning over the bulwarks gazing on
the depths belovv. However, bon
is home on a visit. -Miss McClure, of
Colborne townahm, is visiting at her voyage Wm,- Mr. Wm, liazewood,
aunt's, eirs Chase Meyer's,this week. -
ho has been seriously ill the past few
days, is gradually improving,
Mr E Rennie has bought out the
interests of Mr R Coad in the general OBITTIARY.--It is our sad duty thie
week to record the death of one of
store business of the firm of Coad &
Rennie. Mr Coed is now on the look the oldest settlers in the the township
out for a new business -'rhe junior of Blanshard who passed away after a
league of the Methodist church intend few day's illness, the direct curse of
holding a lawn social on August 19th, which, was a vimous ram that made an
on Rey Swan's lawn, -Louis Herald onslaught upon the person of our old
and family returned Home last S.tur_ friend who has now passed away_ We
refer to the tete Mr. Cornell Svvitzer,
day after a week's visit at Shakespeare
and Toronto. -Quite a number took hi, whose familiar figure so well known to
the Forester's excursion last Saturday this village and surrounding country
to Sarnia and Detroit. The excursion 18 now no more. Deceased emigrated
train came back Tuesday morning, to this country some 52 years ago from
arriving here at about half past two._ near Aclare county, Limerick, Ireland,
Robb Pickard of Exeter, was in town settling with his parents on the old
on Monday. -W R Hodgins was 9.X. homestead Mitchell rev', Township of
London last Seturde,y and bought a Blanshard. and shortly after moving
pneumatic wheeled sulky for his trott. up to the 2nd conoession of the same
townehip where the remainder of his
ing horse. -D Weismiller was at Zurich
on Tuesday on business,- Rev Fletclserife was spent. Of him it may be truly
and family of Thames Road were in Bent he was one of the pioneers of the
town on Monday visiting at James country, for at the time of his taking
up land no one had ventured further
Carlisleee-Mrs Weseloh returned trona
west in this direction. Deceased was a
strict adhereut of the Methodist
church of Canada and up to the time
of his decease acted in the capacity of
local preacher, no longer ago than
last Sunday week occupying the pulpit
of Mt. Pleasant church. His
jolly hearted smile will be missed her
many and it will be hind to find one
whose characteristic will till his place
in the church. A family of four sone
and four daughters, besides the wid-
owed mother, are left to mourn his
loss, -The injuries reportedesin last
week's issue to our old and esteemed
friend, Mr. John Irvine, have proven
fatal, death relieving the sufferer from
his pains on Friday last. Deeeased
Was a native of Donegal, Ireland, and
emigrated to this country nearly 50
years ago, and alter a few year's resi-
dence dovva east in the township
This business he carried on successfully
for eleven years, when he sold it.
While a resident of Tuckersmith, Mr
Dicksen was elected to the position of
reeve of the township, in which =pee-
ity he served from 1865 to 1865. Ide
took an active interest in the affairs of
Ins township and instituted many need.
ed public improvements. He also took
a leading position in the county
council. During his incumbency, no
less a,'sum than $4,000,000 was'expend.
Is at hand and is gladly welcomed by all
°specialty- thee° whose dutiful in life have
canoed there to greatly ran don their
system to meet the requirements, physical
and mental, forced upon them. Vitith
these and others, it is important, whether
at home, at the atiashore or in the country
that thine thought be given to diet and
as further assistance to Nature, a good
building -up medicine like Hood's Same -
(Leila had best be resorted to, if the dig-
estion it poor, liver deranged and frequent
heidadhee goons to be the rule, Hood's
will change all this and enable everyone to
return to their home and batiness10 it re-
freshed Attie of mind and bodily health,
To Crewe Trcts SVSTEli
Effectnally yet gently, when costive or'
bilious, or when the blood is impure or
slaggish,to permanently mire hibituel
Oonatipatiou to awaken the kidheys end
liver to s, healthy activity,withent iir tating
or weakening them, to dispel beerier:thee,
istituency, of Which he Wes the sale colds or Wrens use Syrap of Vigs.
Isabelle, at home. The family have
the sympathy of all their friends and
neighbors in the sudden death of one
who was loved by them all, The fun-
erals of both the above took plum on
Sunday last and were among the larg-
est witnessed for it number of yeene
A. joint memorial service was held in
the afternoon in the M. C., the edifice
being tastefully draped for the °cease
ion. The Rev T Snowdon officiated
at the performance of the last sad
Or 10 f •
Grand Bend.
• Barxes.-The weather has been fine
lately and the fall wheat is all in and
some have threshed and the yield was
better than expected, -The spring °reps
are splendid and could not be better.
The root crops are fine and the potato
crop will gladen the hearts of the Irish-
man. -Mr Will Oliver has been. laid up
with infiaraination but will soon be
around again. Mr William Sheiritts
baby was taken very ill but is improv-
ing under the care of Dr McLaughlin.
-Mr. John Fallis is here for a few
days but Letends leaving on Wednesday
for Bruce county where he intends
staying a short thne.-Miss Wanless of
Varna is visiting Mrs Thos Fallis.-
Miss Mollie Rusk of Goderich is visiting
friends isere.--Mr Hamilton, sold a fine
batch of fat hogs and delivered them on
Monday. -Concerts are held, in the
parketten and the evenings are splendid
for them now. If you can possibly
sparethe time for a week's outing come
to Grand Bend, you will enjoy it and
the expense is little more than at home.
A great many are in camp now. -Will
Fulton of Parkhill was here Sunday
and returnecl in the evening. -Mr
Hamilton is almost done sewing his
stock of logs, -The K 0 T itt met on
Monday evening and transacted all
necessary business. -Mr Dewer preached
in the park on Sunday evening and had.
a gaol audience.- Mr Whitaker re-
presenting the lefasurett Co of London,
was here on Tuesday.
The Western Fair.
- The Directors are determined to give
the people of this Province suoh an ad-
vanced and educative exhibition as hair
nob been witnessed upon their geounde.
It is their aim to so change the Fair in
every possible particular that it shall be
devoid of any stale or wora:out repitition
of former years, but no the cent,ary to
make it a liye,.progestive show, replete
with Lew end mteresting exhibits and
special feature e that are plearring and en.
tertaining because of their immense pro-
portions and rarity, The Prize List has
been carefully and thoroughly reviewed,
revised and amended, and is now complete
end exhaustive. The %vents of the Exhib-
itors have been cerefnily studied, and
concessions made wherever the Exhibition
could be proportionately strengthened -
liberality being displayed in the prises
offered with a view to the expansion of
the nuraber aud quality of the exhibits.
The acoommodatiens provided for hold-
ing tbis Fair are secnnd to ?vale -plenty
of well arranged stable and pens, good
water and plenty of straw for exhibitors
ef Live Stook, specious buildings for other
displays and exhibits, and the most
beautaul grounds, with the best arrange-
ments for the public eomfort, cheap rail.
way audaexpress ratea, electric) cars to the
gsounis live stook, machinery and goods
of all kinds delivered by the G. T, R.
cera1 nthe grounds, the rery best live
stock market available, the choicest
animals for sale. and a. large number of
bayers in attendanee.
The Secretary Oates that Special At-
traotions have been carefully selected and
oontraoted for without regard to cost.
The Great Wild. Etat Show consisting of
50 people, first-olass artiste in their
respeative lines Arabians, Turks,
byname, Bedouins and Ladies of the
Turkish Palace, with their Herta% Camels
and Donkeys, will be the salient feature of
the Fair. The peogramine le too ling to
Ajax, the Diver, from A tower 75 feet in
a small:tank of water; l Alyini, fired from
a cannon attathed to -the Beloon. Pertello
ot Fitzroy, moved to hie Ittet Coraedy Company; Martellasithe Swinging
residence he the township of TJsborne, Wire Artist, SaD28013, the strongest man in
where he has toiled ever sinee and has the World, Trained ...zenithal; etc.; the
by his energy tranefornaed what was at
the time of his taking up, part of the
great Canadtan forests, into one of the
best farms in the vicinity. The sub-
ject of our sketch was a consistent
menaber of the Methodist ehureh, hav-
ing Occupied the best gifts the ohterolt
had to give in church offieee. Fie Was
a staunoh loyalist and ConfebrYittive be
the beak bone. The family who eur-
uive him are hie aged wife, 3 seas and
3 daughters ; in DitkOta ; John,
township of Usbetne Charlesen the „
Or SAW, einotneviag opens, rani in Leis
j S
homeeteed ; Mrs, Callender, MSie and all symptoms of it D11100,004
erriek. Heart. owl dos, tenvitiess.
ville ; Mrs,. Pullartoa, Seattle, and sew by 0. tirTz.
most:elaborate display of Fireworks coati
Those who desire Prize Lists or Pro-
greaten:tee should address the Secretary,
Mr, Thos. H. Browne.
Restate inssess Retrevite ex Zanier
Dr. Ageism's Cure for the Heart gives
tieriect relief in all cases of Orgatue or
Sampathebis Heart Dream° in 30 Miriateirs
and speedily effecte Mire. It is it peer.
less remedy for Palpitation,: filiertness ef