The Exeter Times, 1895-8-1, Page 1-s
y1.1.1J XXII, NO, 44,
Fulttapthers and. Peeprlatoes
Re S. Ford SE Co,
II Will devote the next 30 Days
o to clearing lines of Summer
ou can purchase Checked Muslims at 3ic. YOU.
can purchase Prints and Flannelettes at 6c. You can
hat. our 25c all wool Delaines at half price. We are
selling extra wide I2i-C Apron Gingham at loc, and
good heavy Table Linen at 19u. We are clearing out
our MILLINERY at cost price. Come and see the
Hats we will sell you for 25c each. Lace Curtains
and Carpets at close prices. We still have in stock
Boy's 2 piece Suits (to •fil boys from 4 to ro years) at
lir.6o each. We have an immense stock in all de-
partments, and would invite an inspection before pur-
Bans-On Friday morning the fire
:alarrn was onoe more sounded, but it wae
a Wee one The fire insurauee inspector
sonnied it for the purpose of seeing what
kind of a fire corapany we had. but the
boys were on the alert in short order and
---,went to the elver with their engine and
-hose reels and had twp streemt runniug
in very quick time -Oa Friday morning
N amen aoadhotise lost part of three
fingers of the right hand whilst working
sat some machinery in the Blyth planing
mill, near the station. -Some new wheat
'was brought into the Blyth flour mills one last Week, which was an excellent
ample and etood the test immenae.
Biuses.-We are sorry to report the
death of Mrs. Miller of the Stella line
which occurred on Monday last at the
rips age of 77 years. The large crowd of
people gatbered at the funeral attested the
high esteem in which Mrs. Miller was held
by the surrounding community. She was
eoueef. the earliest settlers of Hibbert,
ootatte into the bash 46 years ago
Mar Pagau Cleveland, Ohio, who for
,aorne tinte past has been visiting at the
Tapod4uce of her parents, Mr. Delton'sge-
turned home on Wednesday last.
• Det.arn.-Isabella Livingstone, wife of
'T McCurdy, of the Themes Road, east,died
on Saturday last, at the age of 22 venire
Deceased had been ill but a few days, the
result of mortification, due to confinement,
- - It will be remembered thatHistLiviugstone
was wedded to Mr. McCurdy last year, and
the 'tutting off from a prosperous and happy
..earthly future at so early an age renders
her demise particularly sad. She le,ayes to
anourn their loss e husband and infant
child a few weeke old.
Bt's. -Mr. II. A. Graham, of St
Marys called on friends here Monday.
-A large number from this loca'ity at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Frencis in
i.IfIxeter on Sunday. -Farmers are busy
harvesting their fall wheat.
BRIESS.-Threshing has commenced and
-fall wheat is a fair crop, oata promises a
good orop, the root crop is also very good
-Me Daniel Phillips has completed his
new house.- Mr John Neil has taken up
his abode in Lucan for his holidays. -Mr
Wm Dilling, of Westminister, a former
foreman of Mr Thos Coates, a prominent
'farmer of Ueborne, who is spending his
holidays in Exeter and LUCEID, states the
crops look better in Biddulph than in any
township he has seen and the farms here
ehow a great improvement to what they
did a few years ago. -Mr jag Handford,
.of Usborne, Las purchased the Efnxtable
farm for a' good enne--A nuraber of Lon-
doner, pasted thrtaigh here on Saturday
last on their way to Grand Bend.
BEIEES..-Mrs. A. McCurdy has return.
cd from Brantford where she has been
visiting her daughter Mrs. Orr. -Mrs
Joseph Orr and son of Brantford are visit;
lug at Mrs. Holmantn-Several of oar
people spent a day at the lake Isar week.
t -The basement under the school is nearly
, .....
completed and the veneering will goon b ,
. in progress, Mr. John Beane is the con:
tracton-Mr. James Horton met with a
painful accident in the harvest field on
Tuesday, having a pitchfork thrust throne')
hie hand -Mr. A. Mitchell mei with a
• serious accident the same day, the slings
.ainaring broken in the barn add fatting up -in
him knocked him off the rack -Two
Youngbloods indulgei in abieyole and hover
ease in lower teen on Sunday evening last,
Boyr this is wrong, and although it may
be sport to you it is not to all, besides the
:breaking of the fourth commandment, -
Barry pickers report haying had fair
success in their.hunt for the delicious fruit
• this year.-1V1re Sirtion Hunter of Mansell
was visiting at Mr: Dew's during the past
week, We understand she intends goon
joining her husband in Manitoba. -Tele;
phone commotion with Exeter hi talked of
• and no doubt the fall months will witness
•;tome aetiye meaeures taken to that end.
Wit mean to go ahead up here in melte
, of some croakers on our borders who even
begrudged us a post office, :
0.01 4
To at..18AN Tao SYSTEM
Effectually yet gently, when costive or
bilious, or when the blood is impure or
filuggish, to permanently cure habitual
alenstipation to awaken the kidneys and
:Aimee to 0., he It ty activitr,withaut i r toeing
or weakening them, to dispel headaches,
colds or fevers tate Syrup of Figa.
Children aro often attacked by palatal
and dangerous Colio, Cramps. Diarrhose.,
Dysentery) Cholera Vtorbos, Cholera, In-
•„fanto m, oto, Dr, Fowletoe Extraot of Wild
Strawhe , s -4' a or' rm t sni taw cure
SVIII611 h 4111114 I. V(' : 4 1.4P k,
Blaga.s.-OUr enterprising grain mer-
chant, Mr. Wm. Baynes, hao purchased
the property formerly occupied by
Mr. Wm. Begg, and is about to over
haul the buildings. -Mr, W. Lawton,
who bas been engaged in the shoe
business here for a number of years,
has disposed of his property here
and left last week for Calgary, N.
W. T. Mr. Lawton's many friends
wish him succiess in Ins borne. Mr.
Mille of Centralia, has rented the shop
next to ItimBeattie's and will open up
in the same business in a few dart.
We welcome Mr. Mills to our village
as he is an in dustrous young man. -Our
Fair will be held on Tuesday and
Wednesday, Oct. litt and 2nd,
- Centralia.
Aocinsassr.-Tvvo daughters of the
late Mr. Carroll, of the 8t11 con. Ste-
phen, white driving through Centralia,
on Sunday last, their horse became
frightertsd at a person riding a bicycle,
and ran away. The young ladies were
thrown from the, rig and sustained
etagere injury, one of them remaining
ineensible for several days, the other
had her collar bone and several ribs
broken the latter being driven into
her lung.
Bruns. -Mr. Charles Seaman, of
London, is visiting friends herrn-Miss
Lovie hicks, who has been teaching
in one of the Kindergarten schools in
London, is home for her holiclaya.-
Rev, W. El, Butt and family and Mr,
and Mrs. Delgaty have returned from
their outing at Grand Bend. -Our boys
are talking of organizing a brass band.
-Mr. Jas. Delgaty, our successful
principal, sent up a class of seven for
the entrance examination and they
all passed ; he also sent up seven for
the leaving examination and they all
peered, one however failing in one
subject. Such a record is seldom
known in any Rotuma and speaks vol-
umes for Mr. Delgaty's ability and
labor. -Messrs. Luker and Haggith
filled the pulpit on Sunday last, in
place of Rev. Butt, who conducted
seryioes on the Grand Bend Park.
BRIEFS.-Messra, T. Scott and Bruff
Walker left Tuesday 23rd ult., for
points in Manitoba. The funeral of
Mrs Geo Miller of this place on Wed•
nesday last from her late residence in
the 8 Con, Hibbert to the Cromarty
Cemetery was largely attended: De-
ceased tvas a member of the Presbyter-
ian Churoh in this place and had reach-
ed to over the alloted :age of threescore.
years and ten. -The people of this
place were startled. on Saturday last
to hear that Mrs, Thos IVIcOurdy of Us -
borne (formerly Mass Bella Livingston
of this place) had died that morning.
She was the youngest daughter of Mr.
Robert Livingston of this place and
being of a genial disposition was a fav-
orite with the young folk of this section
by whom she will be remembered ; she
was only married a little over ten
months ago. The bereaved husband,
parents and brothers and sisters have
the heartfelt sympathy of ali. The fun-
eral to the Staffs, Cemetery was very
largely attended, the church ;not being
large enough to hold all that came. -
We are sorry to learn that Mr. •Geo.
Miller jr., W Hamilton and A Boyle are
on the sick list at present. -Mrs. F. L:
Hamilton left Monday for L. Thomas
to see her mother, who is very ill. -Mrs.
Todd Hunter, nee ,Miss Agnes Gillespie
of this place arrived here Saturday
evening from,1Viertitoba, on a visit to
her mother and'friends in this section -
There was a large attendance at the Y.
P. Society Sunday evening. The sub-
ject was ably introduced by Miss Jew-
el, Miss McLachlan and Mr. Park.
Beiavs,-Assistant Postmaster Blair
leaves this week for Stretford, where
be will resunae his duties in the Post
Chloe there. -Mr Geo. Emerson left
Wednesday for the old, country on the
Allan Line. -Mr. Chas. Smith, town,
leaves on:Friday for SAWA Ste. Maria,
where he will remain for the vvinter.-
On Sunday last the Rev. Mr. Stewart
closed his 17th year with his congre-
gation and is without doubt as highly
esteemed as ever. Ete is at present
enjoying a few holidays at Bayfield.
BRIEFS.-Miss Mary Banmgarten
has once -more become a cit!zen of
Shipka.-Miss Lila Harlton has gone
to work at the residence of Mr. J. H.
Marshall, M. P., of London. -Mies
May Clark has left for other parts. --
Mr. Wm, Pickering has been on the
sick list for some time past. -Miss
Bridget Ryan has also been in very
poor health for some time past. -Mr.
Morlock is putting up an addition to
the east side of his general store. It
is to be used as a dwelling house. He
henceforth intends running the store
on a cash basis, -The fellows who
came from foreign towns, "chocked
full of day's work," got rather left on
the flax pulling business, as the gang
only pulled a couple of days, nearly all
the flax pulling having been contract-.
ed for by private parties. -Berry
picking has been rather a profitless
occupation this year as the raspberries
are few and far between, ovviag to the
/draught and frosts of the season. On
our inquiring or a fellow laborer as to
where vve would find the most berries
we received the following rather sage
advice: `tWell, you just do as 1 do,
you jusa tramp around and when ever
you find a berry you just pick it oft."
The •blackberry orop however indicates
a more profitable return , -Mr. Ira M.
Elarlton, our teacher, paid friends in
the vicinity a visit on Sunday last. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Pickering visited
friends in McGillivray on Sunday last.
Tilly Nelson is at present en-
gaged with Miss Bridget Ryae.
8. -Mr. alker and daughter,of
Thorndale, spent a number of days
visiting at Mr. A. M. Wilson's. -Mr.
Geo.Beinges presented our postmaster
with a bunch of ttmothy grass that
grew on his farm. It is 44 feet long.-.
Miss Alice, Carrie and Ethel Wilson
are spending their holidays with their M
uncle, r. Thoum
s. Stp, at Bayfield.
-Mr, Albert Hooper and son, of
Crediton, who are camping at Grand
Bend for their health, spent last Sab-
bath with W. 3, Wilson and addressed
the Boston Methodist Sabbath School
and led the prayer meeting in the
evening. -Mr. Jas.McWilson thresh.
ed tor Mr. Andrew Glenclening last
Monday. -Ori Tuesday, July 23rd, the
wife of Mr. C. H. Wilson, of tWtn
boys. All are doing well, -Mr. John
Shertett shipped a car load of sheep to
the old country last week. -The
qUarterly meeting and sacramental
serviee of Grand Bend cireUit will be
held at Salem next Sabbath at 10:30.-
Sneak thieves visited Messrft, J. T. Ss
R, L. Wilsen'ti potato pateh and dug
up 19 hills the first time and 30 hills
the second time,
Baisrs.-Quar-te-rly- Sacrament was
dispensed in the Methodist church of
this village on Sabbath morning last.
Rev. Kroh, P. E., conducted the
service. -Mr. J. Goetz has sold his bay
team to a buyer frorn Sarnia for which
he realized a good figure and has
again purohared a very active and
handsome young team from Mr. Baw-
den, of Exeter.--hir. Ed, Nebb, from
Freeport, Mich., is home visiting his
parents and friends .-Quite a number
of our citizens went to London on
Wednesday to see Bannuira's circus. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin will be in our vil-
lage on August 5tls, next Monday. -
Miss Ida and Mr. Milton Oook, who
have been visiting friends in the vil-
lage the past week, have returned to
their home in South River. -Mr. E,
Rennie and family from Hensall were
visiting relatives in the village halt
S unday.- A flax bee was held at Mr.
Wm. Sneider's on Monday night last
He didn't get as much flax pulled as
was expected_ on account of the heavy
rain whioh came on shortly after they
started. The rest of the evening was
sent in the house and several approp:
riate pieces were played on the violin
by Mr. Sneider which were inspiring
to all lovers of music,
• Karlgton
Acicinnier.-On Saturday evening Mr.
John Irvine, of Litsborne township,
met with a yen. severe accident and
one which will doubtless colt him his
life. He was in the mow alone, put-
ting down hay, and in gettitig down,
fell to the floor:, a dietetics+ of 18 feet,
breaking his spine. He lay helpless
nn the floor until the following morn-
ing, when he was found by some mem-
ber of the family. Saturday evening
his son was .at' Itirkton and the in-
jured men heard him returning home
but could not raise an alarm. The
other membera OT the iamily retired,'
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat, . ........ .75 to 80
'Barley . . ... , 45 to 50
Oats , , 38 to 32
Peas 56o60
Hay . ...... ....... 10,10 to 10t10
Batter. ... , 13 1o15
Ego.. ..... ....10 to 10
It is a well known fact that you can buy
limas &Shoes oheaper at A. Weseloh's than ene
i The following communiceticia wee sent
' to the St, Maryi journal lest week, but
Ifor some reeten best known, to himself,
the editor refutted to give it space ;
To the Editor of the St. Narys Annie/.
i .
I SIB, -In your lett week's issue an
;effusion appeared headed "A. Hot Bella'
in reply to ray communication of the week
' prenous re the 81. Marys--Kukton feet -
ball matches, and a fie* vvorde in reply
might not be amiss while the ball is still
hot. Now eir, thongh wo mybe. dta
other piano in the county, as we have sust i nizens of the backwoods of the County of
opened another large assortment of new geode Birth, yet we pr de ourselvea upon a code
bought at the oid pricewhioh we will sell
amp for cash, Butter and eggs taken In ex -
(therms) for geode. Clan and goo and be con-
vinoett that we sell °beam
A. mEsEL011. Hainan. Ont.
Bninns.-A couple ot fakirs, purport-
ing to be agents for silverware, settled ious sports common to the yeuth of
St. Marys.
The firehien's tournament and band
contest here Thursday vras an un-
qualified success. The Stone Town
was resplendent with banners and
bunting, the streets covered. with
arches, and the decorations of public
and private buildings the tinest ever
attempted in St. Marys. From an
early hour the town was filled with
visitors, and at noon it was 'estimated
that about 4,000 visitors were in tOwn.
The traders' procession at 10 a. m. was
over a mile long, and was participated
in by the great majority of tnerohants
and business firms of the town. At 1.
p. an., the visiting bands and firemen
formed a procession to the fair grounds,
where the afternoon performances
were given before an audience of over
5,000 people In the band contest the
competing bands and points avvaided
by the judges were as follows Musical
Society Band, of London, 92; 'Wood-
stock, 87; Forest, Ingersoll, ties, each
37; Exeter, 29. The judges were Frank
Allen, St. Marys, and Wm. Forder, of
Berlin. A. pro test vvas entered by the
Forest bend against Woodstock and
London bands, on the grounds that
they were not amateur bands, and ob-
jection was also taken to the London
band violating the rules of the contest,
vvhich stated that all members ot a com.
peting band must have been connect-
ed with the band for at least three
months. They name one Dwyer as
not being a bona fide member. The
hose reel competition resulted as
follows, in the order named : Wing -
ham, 1: Stratford, Company 4. 2; Strat-
ford, No. 3, 3; Aliso Craig, 4; Ingersoll,
Sunday week, as Mr. Stara, of Seaferth,
Wee riding into Hensall from Zurich on
hit bike, Om freht hale twee. throwing
hl with er-.0 'wee isio the The
11,11 it ii0114 ed,1 14 Mt lee bled°
BarsFs.-Fall wheat harvest has
conamenced and the yield is turning
out well. -Mr. Canapbell of Hay, has
purchased the farm of the late Jacob
Fin kbeiner, cootainingth100 acres, for
$5,500. It is a splendid property sit-
uated on the 8th con. and will be con-
ducted by Mr. A Ooxworth cif Hen -
sail, Mr. Camp belP 't son-in-law.- A
movement is on foot' to have the Ger-
noan language taught in the Public
School two days in each week. It has
met with much favor, even among the
Engliah elenteut.-Matthew Morlock
has purchased the storelately conduc-
ted by his son Thomas, at Shipka, who
intends taking a situation as book.
keeper in Chicago. -Mr. and Miss
Kestle of Mt. Forest are guests at Yin
W. Lewis', town -W Finkbeiner has
his new house nearly completed, and
will shortly startq out itritiating mem-
bers 0 into the lodge of which he tvss
an oeganizer some months ago -Wid-
ow Finkbemer haa her new house
nearly completed/Tho Executor's of
the Estate of the late Jacob Finkbeins
er have sold the 50.acre farna to Mi-
chael Finkbeiner for the sum of $1800
--Mr, Jacob Heist now holds the
medal. for mice catching. This enter-
prise has been carried on here for
%onto' time and Haist bas proved to be
an expert at the business. He has,
however, four strong oppotients, who
ofaina they will stay with him all sum-
mer if the mice do not give out. -A
large nunaber from here atteleded the
Barnuntt circus last evening in London.
- Metiers. H. Either and V. Reitz in.
tend going to Perry Sound District,
next week on a fishing expedition. --
The Directors of the Hay Fire Insur-
arm Co, hold a meeting here on Satur.
day next. -Mr, 1.1. Felber has erected
a handeome neW fence in front of his
!nett premises, and otherWise improved
1 the house and surrounthogs.--hir
BroWn and friends have returned trObt
er i,it
of ethtes of whigh we have no reason to
be ashamed ha regard to the proper treat-
ment of those who may visit tide eublan-
ary sphere --in quest of ansutement, or to
try their prowees by engaging in the vet -
themselves on a street corner on Fri !Canada. The versatility of your corres-
day last and in a short time gulled some
six or seven of the sharp ones who
expected something for nothing. They
mild spoons :at 81 per dozen, when
itt reality they ere worth about 10 cents
per dozen. The fraud was so barefaced
that the sharpers droye out of town at
once. -Business has not been very brisk
in our village for the past week, owit.g
to farmers being busy with their har-
vest, which is turning out good. -Mr
Dan'l McKenzie, of London, was in
town last Saturday visiting at Mr T
Murdock's.-Mr John Grayble and
wife. of Dashwood, were. the guests of
their, daughter, Mrs John Pope, last
week. -Mr Edward Nablo, Merchant
Tailor, moved his stock to Ailsa Craig
laat Thursday. Mr Geo Erwin is re-
fitting the store yacated by Mr Nablo
for Mr J A. Taylor, grocer, who intends
moving his stock in as soon as It is
ready. -Mr Louis Herald and family
left last Friday on a week's visit with
friends in Winaham, Shakespeare and.
Toronto.-ltdre Lion, who has been
visiting here, has returned home to
Toronto, accompanied by Miss Bertha
Redoing who will visit there for a time.
_miss Sadie Monism, of Seaforth,
ent's idea Mr. Editor, he states that it is
formerly of Hensel!, is yisiting at m„ usual to give an intimation of the matter
3 nic.A.rthur's, banker. --Mm and Mrs J when a meal, is expected, and e et if we re
to believe this :versatile scribe, no such
intimation was given by. the St. Marys
elab on the occasion of arranging the
match at Kirkton, for the indiyidual who
is as changeable es a chameleon, states
that ..11 was the proposal of the
Kirkton club to pay tor the meals on
Dominion Day. Well sir it may be an
excute tbra meals cannot be eerved
at all hours in St. Marys, yet the 'Kirk on
team found no difficulty whatever in
pondent is remarleable indeed, for at the
outset he would have theintellieent reader
of the Journal believe that the urderstand-
ing when the game was arranged for atSt.
Marys it was to the effect tbat the ball
would not be stet ted rolling till such time
as would suffice for the Kirkton club to
satisfy the inner man at their own ex-
pense, whiola must have been a preconoert-
ed idea if we accept the statement of the
scribe in question, when he says praetic.
ally, "we thought the Kirkton club would
get their tea at home if the gams was not
called till a certain hour, end then again
with the innocenoe of a Saint he tells us
that, "the Kirkton betel could not expect
them to servo meals at all hours," making
the hour at which the meal would he
required as an excuse, whereas as eform
mentioned the Intent was to have the,
game at such a time that rio meal would
be looked for. Now sir, the method of
precedure with the Eirkton team re ex-
panding the abdominal cavity when
accepting a challeege to play a match is to
keep silent and depend upon the genesos•
ity of the teem whore tbey are visiting;
and on the other band when receiying a
visiting club it is the practise to make
arrangements at once for providing them.
with whetsoever refreshment may be
needed. According to your correspond -
Sutherland. and Miss Hattie, are visit.
ing friends at Eitabro for a couple of
weeks.-Messra John Hall and Joseph
Snell, of Dashwood, were in town last
Friday on business, in connection with
the new church, there. -Messrs Henry
Reynolds and Geo Petty were at
Da,shwoodlast Saturday on business.-
Mr Wm Moore, jr, eves in Zurech on
Monday -Mr E Rennie anduvife were
in Dashwood on Sunda,y, visiting his ' procuring their tea on the °mason, which
sister, Mrs Paulin, -Mr Uiclera, amid they did and paid for it too, and we might
spent Saturdayand Sunday in Goder- say -that Mr. Obsesver aisle found no
ich visiting friends. -Mrs A Weseloh is trouble in satisferiog the crayings of hie
visiting friends in Windham this week; ,atomacia at one of the beet ,hotel e in St.
-Rev Theodore Hauch and wife, of Marys, even though the hour was un-
thinking MT, irvi-n•Teveuld aorah in Hanover, were guests ,ith Mr 'Henry
when he lintilied, and alre. Prvine, not CoOkrilaete, Ttlesday nigtt; they were
awakening during the night did not
miss her husband until morning. Thus
the poor man lay on the barn floor, in
a paralysed state for 12 hours, and
when found hia body was numb and
the sense of feeling had left from below
the dottiest region.
BRIEF8.--Mr. Geo. Stacey, of De-
troit is paying a short visit to friends
in this vicinity. -A noticeable increase
in the attendance at St Paul's church
is apparent siuoe the Rev. Cooper
accepted the incumbency. -W. R.
Carr, V. S., of this place, is content -
planing a trip to Auld Scotia a short
time hence. -It is our sad and painful
duty this week to chronicle the
death of Mrs. Thoa. McCurdy, who has
been suddenly called away by the
mysterious hand of providence at a
time when life seemed brightest and
the young wife's ambition had been
realized in becoming a mother, but
the mother is taken and the child left.
Deceased was of a very cheerful and
robust nature and was safely delivered
of a aon on Tuesday last, Inflammation
80 110 shortly after and her sufferings
were ended on Saturday last when the
hand of the grim destroyer entered
the household and separated the
mother from her husband and child.
The subject of eur sketch has been
well known to your correspondent for
a number of years and was one who
always had a pleasent word and smile
for those with 'Whom she came in con-
tact. She was married a little less
than a year ago and is now no more.
She was a consistent raenaber of the
Church of England and loved and re-
spected by all who knew her. A large
concourse of people assembled on
Monday last and followed the remains
to their last restinn place. The casket
was covered with flowersatilent tokenek'
of the grief of those behind and era:"
blematiotett the brighter life to her:
who is gone. The aged parents,
brothers arid sisters, and the aorrowing
husband have the heartfelt synaPitthy
of their IteXity sorrowing, acquaintances
and neighhors.
• • • • •
• !;,f •
No prat.* is too extravadan:h.
An yet tiee. wine itereff is better than
anything whiet is said about it. Wilson'e
Invalid's 1Shiet Wine, That is the ode.
brated-brand, which has rapidly risen in
public favor. t The reason is that it meets
the need for a bracing tonic which ehall be
without the disagreeable features of meai-
eine. Wilson's Invalid's Port iit a fine
old wine, ot undoubted age, which has
the effect of a braaing and stintelating ton-
ic. It dispels laesitude, pute a new heart
of hope into the invalid, but chiefly hitt
invaluable in that it gives new blood to
an impoverished system. Sold by all
&elan at $7.50 per. ease of 12 -quart
bottles, half ease 84 or 750 pot bottle.
A.ddress-Bordeaux Claret Oo„ 30 Mani-
tal btreet, Montreal,
Dr, Agnew s Oure for the Heart gives'
Perfect reliant] all Cases of Organic or
Synapethetio Heart Disease in 30 minnteo,
and speedily effects a CUM. It is a peers
less remedy for Palpitation,: Shortness of
Breath, Smotheting Spells, Pain in Left
Side and all symptoms of a Diseased
Heart. One dote convinces.
Sold bit, 0, LUTZ,
on their way to visit Mr Philip Hanch
in Zurich. -Mr John McArthur, ban-
ker, and family, returned home on
Tuesday after s mnding six weeks at
Grand Bend. They report the weather
somewhat disagreeable lately. -Mr A
Wesel* our Boot & Shoe dealer, has
the nicest show window in town. --Miss
Maggie Brownlee, lady clerk for D
Weismiller, is visiting friends in To.
ronto and other places for a couple
weeks. -Rev Wilson preached for Rev
Locke in Exeter on Sunday last, the
latter administering Sacrament at the
Bethesda appointment for Mr Wi/son.
-Mr A Coxworth has purchased a farm
in Stephen township, the property of
the late Jacob Fmabiner, paying for
100 acres $5,500, He will take pos.
'lesion in the fall. -Rev J S dender•
son and wife are visiting Mr Hender-
son's parents in Glenallan.-Rey Mr
Wilson will preach in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday morning next and
Rev Mr Walker in the evening. -Messrs
T Palmer and F Matins have taken a
tea agency for a firm in London. -
Messrs W Bawden and A McDonell, of
of Exeter, were in the village on Tues-
day. -Miss Ross, of Clinton, visited
her sister, Mrs McLean on Friday and
Saturday last.
BRTEES.-Dr Logan, of Pickford,
Mich., who has been visiting under
the parental roof for the past couple of
weeksesreturnecl home last week. -Mr
Wm Struthers, of Toronto Medical
College, is visiting friends here at
present. -Mr E R Swerts attended the
rteces in Wingham last week. -Mr Col -
Well and wife, of Pinnecouning, Mich.,
.);0 visiting friends' giere,,-A friendly
,game of foot ball Tirm played here on
Frid iast bettiteen i the campers
Of Seaforth and'. the `Bayfield boys,
yvhieti resulted in -favor of the home
team, 1 to 0. -Miss Mary Osmand, of
'London; is visiting her mother here at
present. -On Friday evening the band
intend serenading some of the cottages
Play excellently for the short time Tprhaecy-
also some of the •townspeople,
tising under the leadership of Ur R
McLeod. -Mr El Greer and wife, leave
,on Wednesday for Mester, Dakota,
where he intends to make his home for
some time, -A large crowd from See -
forth and Clinton spent Sunday in
town. -Miss Ada Burns was visiting
friends in Clinton last week. --Rev Mr
Kerrin, of Mitchell, preeched in Trinity
church here last Sunday. Rev 'Mr
Elodgins, of Seeforth, will occupy the
same pulpit next Sabbath . --Mr LIKerr,
wife and family, of Clinton, spent
Sunday in town visiting friends.
Mir, Joseph Whitely, of Godetich town:
ehipwais having a welldifelby oneraulkner
The hole. ilea been all smooth to adiStance
Of t52 -foots In going detail to e resume
diggiteani Thhredity Me. Faulkner jolt;
eaglY tbill thine) arOtind good bye, and the
jrikPf filidied a world of meaning. In
thit'efslr wae:`foul air and at the bottom Mr
Faulkner was noticed to drop the elm&
and fall over; Mr.Whitely was lowered in
buoliel and made five &operate attempts
before Faiilkner was tenued. Then the
windless wont wrong and a horse luta to be
th vi it to tho .gasio Countleo, to. GrippetotOteito digest on time k.1). (), WOW en.
pioneere of the township and •highly ree-
pected by all who knew her. She leaves
a family of five girls and four boys, all
grown up. She -was in her 75th year.
Mrs, Homer Andrews and children and
children and Mrs. Claanabees were visittng
Ffarliednadyglaarietd. acquaintances in Eleneall
An interesting game of base ball was
played on Recreation Park last Thursday
between Exeter and Clinton. The home
team won, the score being 21 to 52,
Mr. A. L. Shipley, agent G. T. la,
Granton, and wife left for Portland,
Boston and New York on Monday, via
atettmer from Toronto.
Many a man goes away from homefor a
week and imagines that he is miss ed by
by the whole community, and when he
cmaea home he finds there isn't a person
in town that knew he had been away.
B F Brook & Son, Listowel, made a.
large shipment, of wool last week -tour
cars in all, and amounting to about
13.$1n0i,t0e0d0swtoarttehEi.. It was exported to the
The le.te Registrar Dickson, of Huroh,
who died last week, is surgived by his
second wife, and unmarried sister of great-
er age than he and three sone and one
daughter, as follows: John, deputy re-
gistrar, Goderieli; Robert, of Toroatas
seasonable in the mind of your corms- Samuel, postmaster of Seeforth, antiMrss
pendent. Speaking preventively Mr. 1.1, E. Tom, of Goderith.
Editor we hope that the, ()Maids. of. Si.
Marys foot ba'l club will not give occasion
for references such as we have been
compelled to make at this time, and. in
passing netting the reference to Observer
being ashamed to sign his name we may
say that greater minds than Observer or
in fact greater than the author of last
week's epistle have seen fit to adopt a
pseudonym in place of their own. In
conclusion I may say regarding my prev-
ious communication that the chief official
of the Kirkton club was fully coznizeett of
the fact that it was sent to the St. Marys
Journal for publication, and expressed
himself as well eatisfied with the contents
thereof, and we would be pleased indeed
to see the explanation referred to, which
is stated was proffered by a member of
the Kirkton foot hall altib, for we fail
to see any explanation of the affair in the
outpourings of wrath with which the
eearetery of St. Marys team visited upon
ns in your issue of last week. Thanking
you Mr. Editor for your valuable space,
am:Sir, Yours Truly,
Kirkton, July 16th, 1895.
ay, ,
Huron County Notes •
According to the Clinton list there are
930 voters in the town. Of these 291 are
eligible to serve as jurors.
Hot weather proves &evening to those
whose blood is poor. Suahtpeople should
enrich their blood by Hood's Sarsaearillie
There were iegistered in the township
of Hay, for the six months ending on Julv
1st, 44 births, 9 deaths and 12 marriages.
Architect Fowler, wbo is superintending
the building of the County Poor House,
hat decided to make Clinton Ins perman-
ent home.
For the half year ending June 3011],
there were rectorded with Mr Campbell,
Clerk of Huilett, 31 births, 6 marriages
and 23 deaths.
MI111 ML d f Seaforth who
Mr ea co m ,
is now staying with his daughter in Lon-
don, is dangerously ill, and but alight
hopes are entertained for his recovery.
In the County Gun Club contest, at Sea -
forth, last Friday, the teams competing
were Seafortb, Clinton, Mitchell and
Brussela, the cup being won by Seafortb
byT6hopoaienttis. on
of Carter's Little Liver Pills
is element, mild and natural. They geatly
stimulate the liver, and regulate the bowels
but do not purge. They are sere to
plume. Try them,
Knox Church, Brussels, pretented , Rev,
D, 13, Mollae with $25 and a silver baptis-
mal bowl as a recognition of his willing;
service in the position of modeiator in
connection with their church.
Mr. Duncan McKenzie, of Stanley, is
at present on the sick list, we hope for
his speedy recovery. Mr. Frank Scott
and Mr. John Scott have been confined to
the bowie for some time vvith rheumatitm.
Mr, IV. Townsend, of Tuckersinith, has
purchased the farm of Mr. dos Townsend,
paying in the neighborhood of al,500 for
it. said takes possession next October. We
believe Mr 36s Townsend intends moving
to Clinton to reticle.
On Thursday last there died at the
residence of her daughter, MrirYW Smith,
oue ef the earliest settlers of Goderich
township, i the person of Mrs Perdue,
widow of the late Tilos Perdue, Who died
tiome eleven yeoas ago. Mrs Perrthe has
been almost helpless for Bette tittle, and
about three wart ego she fell front her
ohair, breaking her hip bone.
The many friends of Mrs Go Miller, 81
of Hibbert will be sorry to bear of her wa-
der, death, Which took photo Atonany after.
Abbni Dicessed waa one et the early
A coupIeyoung men entaaged in a Ost-
euff encounter the other evening, nett the
one who struck the first blow watt fined
50 cents by the magistrate.
We have this week to chronicle the
sudden death of Mr. If, Snell, of the 14
conceseion, near Zurich. Deceased had
attained quite an old age and had been
ailing for some time mail last Saturday
morning he passed frem time into eternity.
Mr. Snell was one of the first settlers in .
these parts, and through hard labor and
patience had made himself and femily
The long looked for deoision of ,the
bridge appeal case of Morrie Township ye.
Huron Co., was rendered reoently ars
follows; -"Township of Morris -vs. County
of Huron. Judgment in action tried
without a jury at Goderich. Action to
recover 40 per cent, of the amount expended
by the plaintiffs in the maintenances of
certain of their bridges, founded on 011
award, Judgment for plaintiffs with
ooste, for 90 per teat. of the expenditure
made by them for the maintenance of the
bridges mentioned in the award before
the 1st September, 1894. If the parties
cannot agree as to the remount there will be
a reference made to ascertain it." Reeve
Mooney is making enquiry as to the new
bridges erected or in course of erection in
.895. This decision will probably settle
the question as the county has paid more
in lew than the full amount claimed.
In Jan. 1892 113Y son was taken with Kidney
disease. Though attended by three physi-
cians, and change of climate he grew worse
and by '93 had falleu from 106 lbs to 95 lbs. In
10 days from ttarting to use Dr. Chase's Irid-
neyLiver Pills we were able. to move hint
nonle. In 4 months he gained 50 lbs. and woes
fully restored to health by the use of this
medicine. ,Ino. Hastings, 123 St. Paul St.,
Fall Fairs.
Toronto ....Sept. 2-14
London.. • ...Sept. 32-21
St. Marys •.Sept. 24.-2$
East Nissouri, at Kintore. .
Ocb. 8
icirkton ... . . ...... -Oct. 3-4
Itstiftthern, at Ante Craig-- Shpt. 26-27
South Huron, Exeter, Sept, 23-24
Thotudale, Oot. 10
London Township, Ilderton Sept. 23
Mitchell Oat .1---2
,Hibbert, Staffa.. ........ ..,Oct. 7-8
Hay, atZurich .Sept 25-t28 Granton, ,s.Octt
Stratford Sept. 21sal20
.Wili secretaries kindly send In datth of
their far s,
Oat Office Store
Clearing Sale of .Prints and
Summer Goods. Great re-
daction ill prices.
See our Delaines, were tsc,
now only, 'be. Groat Bargains,
and 14iit'be cleared out at 1,
sac e to make room for otlie
go . Eggs, t rc; Butter, 1 3C t
leeltrXMe ate natrottelearleTtattehia