HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-25, Page 1VOL XXII. NO, 43, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 HURON & IVIIDDLTX. GAZETTE AXETER,ONTAATO TEMESDAT ,Aii0,1iNINcik, JULY 25, 1.895 111114:11101111.11.111011111111111•111. JOHN NVIZZTO & $0)16 Pliblia0Xfs Anxi iaroprietore R. S. Ford & Co. 777001)1-1.A.41VI, Will devote the next 30 Days to clearing lines of Summer Goods. oii can purchase Checlied Mushns at eec. You can purchase Prints and Flannelettes at 5c. You can have our 25c all wool Delaines at half price, We are selling extra wide I21.e Apron Gingham at loc, and good heavy Table Linen at ao. We are clearing out our MILLINERY at cost price. Come and see the Hats we will sell you for 250 each. Lace Curtains and Carpets at close prices. We still have in stock Boy's 2 piece Suits (to Et boys from 4 to ro years) at $X.50 each. We have an immense stock in all de- partments, and would invite an inspection before pur- chasing. R. S. FORD & 00. Bayideld. Inuevs.-Reeve Burns has let the con traot for hitt new dwelling house to Alr. 'Thee McKenzie ot Clinton, who intends =darting shortly to erect it, -.A. large crowd from Seaforth, Goderioh, Minton and other places »pent Sunday here - Mies Lottie Martin, of Toronto, is home on a visit at present. -Mr, R. MoLeod, barber, spent a few daps in London last week visiting his father who is ill at present. -The summer visitors are still docking in blit still there is plenty of accommodation yet. AR are seeming to enjoy the beautiful lake breezes. -On Monday evening a friendly game of base ball was played on the square between a team leglonging to town and a picked item, from Clinton and Seafortht, who are boarding and camping here: They played six innings and malted in favor of the home team -19 to 3. -Mr: E, Calliedy, of Goderioh; spent Sanday in town, -Mr. A. Thompson and wife, bf Chicago, are the guests of her sister,Mrs. Cowie, town. -On Monday otoriaing the tug Evelinmanwhieh Messrs. A.. Ferguson and A. • Torolie, of town, 0 were fishing out of Goderich they picked up four nem who had been wreaked of a tow barge. They were in a small boat and had been drifting around all nighe haying been wrecked the day beiore -A foot bs,11 match will be played here ons Friday between Bayfield and the Seaforth boys who are eamping here at piesent. -The Methodist parsonage is being repainted and fixed up thie vreek.- Mr. Wm. Kemp, of Clinton, was visiting, his brother here last week. -Mr. Wra. Dawson and wife of ,Zurich were visiting friendshere on Saturday latt;-13ayfield was never more popular as a summer resort than thia season. All the hotels are being filled with guests from all parts, Able cottages and private housea are being .einsaged for the summer Every accommod- ation necessary may be :found here for summer visitors. -Mr. Roes and family, of Boston city, who have been visiting at Mr. john Whiddoe's for some time, re: turned home on Taesday.-Mise Hagan, of Rifle Greee, was the guest of Miss Maggie Wild last Sunday. -Mrs. Greer and two daughters, of Cleveland, are vis: iting .at Mrs Martin's. -Rural Dean Hodgins and family have engaged a cot: tage here for the summer montlic-Mr. Henry Brandon of Belgrave is visitibg Mr. Wm. Brandon, our leading butoher,-Mr. Ed. Morrison of London, is visiting Mr. Woe, Woods, town, -Mise Nora Fergason, .of Detroit, is home on a visit at present. - Mrs Geo. King is at present -visiting at Londesboro under the parental roof.Mis Annie Erwin of London is visiting friends ,here, -Messrs Sterling, Worhail and Pickard, of Porter's Hill, spent Sunday in town. EVERTWEERIS WISGo We find some one who has been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and people on all him& are praieing this great medicine for what it has done for them end their friends. Taken in time Efood'g Sarsapa- rilla prevents aerious illness by keeping the blood pure and all the organa In a healthy condition. It is the great blood purifier. Hood.e Pilta become the favorite oathartia with every one who trien them. Vdtte per box, La Grippe weakens digestion me K.D. 0, 41'hey are Corning in to see the faraons BICYCLES You Al Ong' Get Left When You Invest in a BICYCLE That We Handle. virmermisdilisoloom intwaar quality tells the story, And Beeves seldomeite You% always be he glory, If frometta you buy ; Be who hesitetes fe lost, Thee hesitate eo more, Bet go at °nee to etain-ste, To flRO UtGSs IStleetesSOnse atone Where yell get the theapeet Bicycles mut Bicycle Sundries. BroWilitg 7:7ariason. theyelos. Eleetric BellS, Tele phoneso Iltte, Perth Gowater Notes. Ivir.IVM. Lawton ata family of Gran: ton, left on Tuesday for WaghormAlberta, where they will make their tante home. Mr. G. Hamilton, of Fallarten. fell about twenty.five feet from his father's barn one day last week and received several cute and bruises. John Manson, eldest son of Town Clerk Mitchell, of Goderich, died last week of painter's colic, caused from Nina poisoned by paint while working at his trade in Cleveland. Mr. Jas. Smibert, of Devises, got his foot badly out by the mowing. machine on Saturday last, he was fixing at the guards when thehorses started, badly mangling theewhole side of the foot - While Mr. John Salmon, of Devises, was taking off a load of hay the other day with a hay fork, the top rope broke allow. ing him to fall backwards off the wagon, he was pretty badly shaken up. Mr. J. Risdon, of Devises, while ia *die not of fixing his hay fork in the top of his barn, fell a distance of about 12 feet, bad' ly epraiuing his ankle, for which he will have to lie up for about a month. The records of the Si. Marys express °face for the peat 29 years ha.ve been ahipped to headquarters. The records are contained in 50 books, weighing 350 lbs, and containing 12,600 pages and over half a million entries.• A few due ago Mrs. M. bloserip, St. Maryenustained a very tieverewrist sr rain. She was sitting on the verandah and up. on arising she stepped baokivard and seep pea off it and felf heavily to the ground, with the above result, Un Friday Mr. Joseph Turnball, of Mitchell, drove to Seaforth, taking with him his wife and babe of five weeks old. On returning florae the child. was placed on a bed, the mother believing him to be sleeping, Later, on going to lift him, it was found that he was dead. Mr. D. Walker, of Russeldale, mut with a serious though not dangerous accident an Sunday. While driving along the road north of Budeldale, his horse shied and threw him ont of the buggy whereby he received some very severe bruises and was very badly shaken up, Af r. Thomas Ai -calms, of Woodstock, formerly of Mitchell, has met with another serious loss., On Friday of last week his planing mill was destroyed by fire with all its contents including the tools of the workmen. The loss is put at $11,000 and there was only 63,000 of insuranees Mr, Venember Allan, of Zion, met with an aeoident last week. When he was bathing bis wagon out of the bar; the gangway gave way, landing Mr. Allan, team and wagon on the gronrid some feet below. Fortunately Mr. Allan escaped without injary, but the team and wagon did not fare so well. Robert Patterson a boiler maker in the Grand Truett shops at Stratford, met with an accident on Thursday. With another employe he was engaged in cutting riveta off an old boiler, when the top of one of the rivets flew off, and struck him in the left eye splitting the ball and completely destroying the sight. What mightjhave been a serious accident happened ori Saturday last. While Mr. Charles Hardy, of Devises, was mowing his horses became unmanageable,a,ndwhile trying to °entre' them he was thrown off hi front of the guards, but by presence of mind was able to throw biniself over the top of the gue.rde and escaped with but slight injury. "Mr. James elayle, in the employ of Johnson st Wright, Si. Marys, happened with an unfortnnate accident on Weelnes. day, He was standing on the roar end of a wagon at the mill,putting on a box when the horses started andhe mitsed his foot. ing falling out on the hard stoces receir ing severe bruieee and outs about the head and face. Mr. George jideling n well.known resident of St, Marys and vicinity for the past 50 years died on Friday afternoon. The besieged was a native of Notfolk, England, be came to this country and took up his residence in Blanshard 49 years ago last March. Eleven years ago he retired from farming and went to St, May to reside, wirers he has BiD08 lived Robert Anderson, of Granton, died on Suaday, The deceased was about 68 years of age and had been a resident of Grenton about 15 years, prier to which he lived on the South 13ounelary of liiddulph. Some ten yeare ago he sold hie farm to lhis next neighbor, Richard jackson. .& oon, Robert John of London, and dangle., ter Maggie (Mee. Ratcliffe) survive hire. The daughter Who ie a 'widow °wee the property in the village. What might have proved to be a serious accident occurred testently to Mader Fred Rhin; of filanshard, is boy of teelye summer!. It appears Master Prod, to-. gether with Willie Ilendersou and Ernetit Wilson were opending part of their sum. mer holidays with their native's, and unfortheatelystoe Freddie he mounted ate old hammock Which had been tinder the tender merolee ef the weather for Isom tinae, while hit two companions seized the fl.0,11 sa-lup2,1,' V011 all their iforce when inulttuvIv one tif hrl It•wrizt gact away participeting Mth aster Fred to e green& with a crest', ' Middlesex 0ounty Notes, Many country mills hays been stopped for want of writer. A weak thief entered the front door of the restdence of Joseph T. l3uttery, se - cowl line eolith, Adelaide, and stole $11. Now see that your blood is pure. 0ohd. health follows- the use of Hood Sarsapar- illa whioh is the one great blood purifier e A son of Benjamin Parker, of Adelaide village, was struck on the head during a game of football and austained concussion of the brain. Frank Warner, the Woodstock lad %vim disappeared, did not suicide, as many supposed. He has been found working for Mr. R. 3, Robercson, near Alin Craig Do not despair of curing your pick headache when you cau so easily obtain Certer's Little Liver Pills. They will ef- ' feet pronspt and permanent cure., Their action is mild'and natural. Nearly all the fall wheat in the Bel- mont section ia cut and in shook. It is, on the whole, an average crop. Although the beads are a trifle shorter than usual; ' the kernels are extra well developed. A sad mendent happened on Tuesday to John McNeil, of Pine' s sideroad, while he wag engaged on the self binder. Drop- ping the line from his left hand he reached to secure it, whenthe hand caught in the ' cogs cutting the fingers off at the roots and the thumb at the middle joint. Erencroan.-Charlee 3, Booth, Olivewood Cal., says: "I bemused Ayer's Pilla in my family for several years, but bave always found them most effectual in the relief of ailments arising from a disordered stom- ach, torpid liver, and consipated bowels. Consternation reigned Supreme in the Belmont :Methodist Charch on Sunday evening, when the pastor, Rev: T.. Jack- son, hi the course of bis sermon, denoun- ced the farmers for sending their milk to the cheese factoriese on Saturde.y night, thereby causing the cheese makers to work all night and often the greater por- tion of Sunday. A reslignant type of diphtheria has broken out in the household of George Spence, of South Dorchester. resulting in the death of two children. Two more are now ill. The Board of Health met on Sunday and deemed it expedient to quar- antine the neighborhood within a mile and a half of the afflicted family. Rev. Mr. Hunter, B. A., hate tendered his resignation to the Parkhill and Lieury Baptist congregatione, owing to the fact that he is afflicted with Weenie, which the doctors claim is aggravated by the riding necessary to attend the services in both churches. Lir. Hunter has been pastor of these churches. for about four years. Three large barns were burned on the farm occupied by Mr, John Rowlson, of the 4th concession, North Dorchester, north of the river, two miles-eaat ol Dor- chester Station. They were owned. by J. A. Buchanan, of Ingersoll, and two of them were 34 by 50 feet, with a large drive barn. Loge,between $1.000 and i $1,500, with $500 nsurance, Mr. Robert Elliott an old and respected resident of East Nissouri, died ott Sunria.y in his 77th year. The deceased was s aufferer from Astiamslerhicialahortenediwhat might otherwise be along life. His fam- ily are Williana in Downie; John in Blan- shard; James in West Nissonri; Robert in Lapeer, Mich,; Joseph and Samuel at home, and Mee. 11, Greason in East Nissouri Mr. J. L: Young, of St. Marys, has a mortar ahd pestle turned oat of a piece of beechwood over 100 years ago. It was used to pound the spices at the marriage of his father's youngest sister, Mrs. Wm, tiren,of West Nistourewho died when she was 80 years ofage. Mr. Robert Elliott, of Plover Mills, tax collector, of London township, has la bie poseesaion a knife found. on the banks of the River Thames, which had been, used by the Frenoh in the early history of the aonntry. !Mr. L, D. Brown, of East Nisaouri, is in possession of a hand saw 125 year' of age, the pro- perty of his great grandfather, who lived in Connecticut The saw was used in the erection of the first frame building in the County of Oxford. On Thursday last a son and daughter of Farmer Franks, of lot 22, concession 3, Caradoe, went to gather herries back of their father's farm is part of a large' marshy bush which covers about 700 acres. In a portion of this woods, where the trees are not ao thiele, there is a very prolific raspberry patch, Suddenly the boy heard a muffled, whistling sound, and looking around he saw a large rattlesnake with its poision Image extended just to strike his eider, With rare presence of mind he tamped to her assistance, aud pulled her away in the nick of time. Then he procured a stick and threw it, hitting the reptile cm the neck and stun- ning it. At this moment Col. Payne, Nebo was making an inspection of the property, happened on the scene, and he and young Franks finished his snakeship. It proved to be between four and five years old, eed measured thirty seven inches long. An- other eattlesneke, but year or more younger, was killed in the same woods a short time ago. On Saturday last, Edward Looming, a young English emigrant, aged 19 years, was taken before the Mayor of St. Marys, charged with the clime of rape upon tbe little four year old daughter of Mr. Chas. Hyde wbo reside e in Blanshard, near Ando eob. Tbe young man charged has been for the past four months in the employ of Mr. Hyde, is rather an intelli- gent looking fellow and not at all a young man who wouldfroust appearance be judged guilty of mach a gtave offence, The evidence of De . Ferguson oF Eirkton and others was taken and was considered sufficient however to warrant WS beieg oommitted for trial at the next assizes if he does not,previously elect to be tried before the judge. It is now beyond all eavil, The test has been made. The territite hate been satisfactory. You can hate a good wine for a trifle. Wines have made glad the heart of man from time immemorial. It has made hint eloquent ;it haa isheered him in desponcleircy. Bet the masses oonid rid get it, at lead in esuntries into which it had to be imported, The Bords exits Claret Co., will sell you au excellent wine at $8 and $4 per dozers quarts This they have been doing for some time past la the Whole people., All ate delighted The Were are pouring in. A sound. wine, eiholeseme, noticing blood Ilina iu&4\ 1,1r ' --1"t"ImUrk Claret (loa II 1 M I The Bubbles witaltitig at the brim. 1 n01. Hilron Qountyotes. Mimi Ida Stewart of Blyth left lest week to be present at the Marriage of her brother Joseph m Detroit, All the members of the Olinton Oolleg.. late ataff have been re-engaged for the en. suing term exaept 51r. Rand. Bos . J, 0. Patterson hat donated the sum of $15 towards the prize list of the Huron Central Exhibition, °Beton. Mn. Frank Faltridge' formerly of Olinton bat more recently of Galt, died in Calibre nia on the 21st of Jams et consumption. To get relief from indigeetion, bilious- ness, constipation or torpid liver without disterbing the liyer or purging the bowele, take a few doses of Qatter's Little 'Liver Pills, they will please you. It is rumored that a young women who residea near Dungannon has died from the effects of injuries received at the veran; dab accident at Luoknow on the 12th, That tired languid feeling ena dull headache is very diartgreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retie- ing, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. . Miss Edith third daughter of ex -Mayor Horace Horton of Goclerich was married at Winnipeg on Saturday last, to Mr, Montague Baker, Inspector of 'North West Mounted Polka. Mr. 3.331, Bennett has leased the Central hotel Blyth, from Alt. John Marion, The Lioanae Commissionere met inmOlinton on Tuesday e.nd retool/el:1111r. Beimett7s lic- ense from the Mansion house to the Cen- tral hotel., He took possession yeaterday. Lord Tennyson, a very valuable pacer, the property of J. E. Swartz, Wingham, while bsing exercised. on Wednesday morning broke a tendon in the left front leg below the fetlock. The horse was be- ing prepared for the Wingham races and will be laid up for the season. D, Sutherland, of Wingham narrowly escaped serious accident the other slay. He Bet about to solder an oil can, aud in lighting the gasegine fire pot, the fire oame in content with the can of gasoline. The flames almost filled the shop, bat Mr. . pluckily seized the oan a.nd threw it out of the window. "Have tried others, but like Ayer's the best" is the statenaent aside over and over again by those who testify to the benefit derived from the nee of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Disease never had a greater enemy than this powerful blood -purifier. It makes the weak strong. The many friends of the family of Mr. John Hillier, and former acquaint- ances of his son -in law, Charles P,Jeffer• son, of Goderich, were ['hooked 'to hear of the sudden death of the latter at his home in Parry Sound. The following particulars were telegraphed on Monday: 'An explosion =rimed at Parry Sound in a mainline shop the other day by which Charles- Jefferson, engineer, formerly of Goderich,was mortally wounded and three other men slightly injured. A cylinder was being heated when it suddellyentploda ed with terrifio force, It was foetid that it contained water, unknown to the works men. Part of the end of the building was blown out. Jefferson received injuries from which he died three lours after: wards. Alex, Adair was out on the face and head, John Wood slightly cut and one other slightly hurt. On Saturday last Geo. Davies, elute Dr. Arthur Lockhart, was taken before Judge Doyle for sentence. He had seven charges in all against him -one for crimi- net ,fiesaa t. four attempts at indecent aesault, and two for theft and horse steal- ing. Dr. Holmes, who had been instruot- ed by the County Attorney to examine the prisoner as to his mental condition, testifiea that in his opinion tbe man was quite responsible for his acts, although perhaps semewhat mentally weak. Before sentencing, His Honor said thab, while himself having no doubt at any time as to the sanity of the prisoner, he was glad to haye the evidence of Dr. Holmes as it would satisfy anyone who thought the prisoner was entitled to leniency on ac- count of his mental condition. The trouble was the prisorer was weak mentally and physically tram his own evil and improper habits, and lie (the judge) proposed to give hira an opportunity to have hia strength restored end at the same time administer a punishment which would bare a more curative effect than merelyimprieon: ment. He therefore sentenced him to five years in Kingston Penitentiary, with two applications of the oat in ten strokes each time, to be administered during the third aner fifth years of his imprisonment On the other charges Davies was sentenced to one year each on the assault and three years on the stealing eharges, the sentences all to run concurrently. While taking George Davies,to the Kingston Penitentiart he jumped off the train near Scarboro Junction and Sheriff Reynolda of Goderich caught him. In the struggle Davies bit off one of the Sheriff's fingers. Sports in Exeter.- -- - The program of sports given on the Agriculteral park on Tuesday evening was well carried out and entertaining. The crowd was fairfy large, and every thing passed off pleaSiintly. In the Free for Alt, Maud Tho ne owned by A E Tennant, won two heats, Lady Jane, Leathorn) onelbeat; best thno 1.17 for a half mile. In the green trot there were three horses Dan Rieke, owned by Dan'l Tsberne; Sara Stanford, S. Lam- pert. Crediton; arid May S., J. Snell, Exeter, May S. won the race easily, with Sam Stanford 2nd, and Dan flicks 3rd. Best time for half milo 1.36. The bieyole race was won by Thos. Smith, Warren Snell 2ild, Will Hill 3rd, Besttime for half mile, 1.18. 'rho bey's race CVAS keenly cOntested and won by Frank Dennis,Heotor Mon, roe, Prank Taylor. 100 yard race. G. Hyledrearn Fred. Treble, Will Dignan. BEI race Ed, Dignan, Hector Mon- roe, The hurdle race was deolared a foul as hene of the conteetants tried to jump the hurdles, but rather ran against them. Not TirtrXVI). Soott'e Emaleion does not debilitate the etomach as other dotigli medicines do; but on the contrary, it improvedigestion and strengthene the diOnlisoli. It8 effeete are I iMinedielle mid prOnetiesSed, lterusall Following are the market uotations : Wheat .................75 to 80 'Barley • , 45 to e0 Cate ........ ..... 30 to 32 PARS . 55 to 60 Hay .. 6,00 to 7.50 Butter „12 to13 Eggs.,.. . ... . . 0 to 9 It ia a well known feet that rola eau bur 1041oot: &1130heeiz: roapoeor ttt , lresewl a:2.'8 thenan ()panel anOther terse A8Am:nt of iiew ggo:Ite bought at the old prices winch we will wilt °heap for cash. Butter and egea taken in ex- ebenge for goods. Clan and seetand be eon. \incest that we sell cheap. A. WESDI,011. Hensel, Ont. Bitions.-Flax pulling began on Luesday with a large gang. -D, Gotts- chalk, wife and family visited at Ohas. 130esenberry a on Monday and Tues- day, -Mrs. Joe. Ellis, Who has been attending the illness and funeral of her rnotlaer InGoderich returned home on Monday. -Mr. E. Nablo.menchant tailor is moving his stock to Mina Craig, where he iS taking the business of Mr. Reid, who was burned to death last week. -Rey. .1, S. Henderson, who has been ailing the past week, was taken worse Sunday and was un- able to conduct the service on Sunday evening. We hope to record his early recovery and to see hitn in his accus- tomed place. -Mestre. Thos. Cook and Adam Reichert and families held their annual pionio at Taylor's grove last Thursday. -Mr. John Coulter and a few friends hekl a•pioeio at Taylor's grove on Monday. -The C. 0. F. in- tend holding their annual picnic about the middle of August -Mrs. Cook, visited Exeter on Monday. -The hay crop in this section is a failure, being about one load to the acre. -Miss La- vine Cook, ot Remelt, and Kam Ida Cook of South River are visiting at Mr Goetz's Dashwood for a week. -The Misses Alice and Lizzie Weseloh, who have been visiting at Zurich returned home Monday, accompanied by the Misses Mary and Maggie Weseloh of Zurich, who will visit for a time. - Thos. Hudson has purchased a frame dwellitig on Mill street, of Mr. S. Rannie paying therefor $450. Mr. Robinson vaeal•es the premises in An gust,when Mr. Hudson moves there- to.-Mr.Greig.butcher,has moved into his new residence which he erected this summer. -Mr. John Cann of IT& boroe, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening last and delivered an able cannon to a large andience.-Wna. Moore is exca- vating for the foundation of another new residence. Truly, William is an enterprising citizen. -Mr. Neelands of Wallaceburg, moved his family to -town last Week and is occupying the house vsoated by Mr. j. Bennett-Blr Holmes of London, who is engaged with ]'Ir. Robt. Bell, moved his family to town on Friday last, We welcome the new citizens. -Mr. Fred File who has been in the employ of AIL R Cudmore, the past year, met his family ream England nn Friday last. - Mr John Foster, of the Zurich briok yard was in town on Saturday and took a large nuraber of order; for brick from the vartoue contractors. -W It. efodgias, our vvortby pathraaster, has been engaged the past few days put- ting a new walk around his hotel. It was very much needed. -Rev, Mr. Walker visited at Cayuga'his former home, last week. -Dr. Buchanan of Zurich, visited bra parents here onSat urday.- Miss Lou Gibson of Ceoderich spent two weeks the guest at Mr Win Moir's.-Miss Minnie Shaffer has re- turned from a Bleasant visit tenth friends in Shipka.-Misa Bella Wilson who has been confined to the house the past week, we are pleased io learn, is recovering.- R. Winte,s ot Seaforth, and G. Diok, shipped to To- ronto, a car load each of pigs and cat - tie on Friday last. -Mrs, Lion of To rontoas visiting at the “Commercial." -The citizens are just now realizing the want of fruit, There is not a particle to be had in this neighbor hood. -Mrs, J. D. O'Neil and family of London, areyisiting at the Commer- cial. -R. D. Roes of Rodgerville, brought home on Friday, a half dozen as fine drivers as can be found any - whale. He bought them in the South- ern townships, He has lready dis paved of several of them. -It is said that a new baker shop will be opened in town -Miss Davis of Exeter, is visiting her brother, W. 0., town. - Miss Hattie Sutherland has returned from a pleasant visit anioug friends in London. -The Flax Mid Co. have sev- eral fields of fl ix, the grain measuring over four feet in height. (Darr unRY. A SaltfOrd correspon dent writes. -After an illness of a couple of months, Mrs. Richard Gil - dere, one of the oldest reeidents of our village, died on Monday last. She was born near Quebec nearly 70 years ago, end hat been a resident of this sec. tionfor nearly 35 years, almost all the time in this townahip. She was truly a good woman, who, though in a hum - be station had the esteem and res- pece of all who knew her. Thete sur- vive her, besides her husband, four sone, and 'nue daughters. the former are Fletcher of this townehip, John, of Toledo, Ohio, and William and Joseph (*Joliet, Ill; and the daughters are Mrs.. Jos. Baits of Renee% Mrs. Rein- hardt, of Manitoba, Mrs. Thomas Mil- li= of this township, end Miss Maud, who resides at honae. Dont Tooaceo Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is tbe truthful, startling title of a book bout No -To -Bae, tho harmless guaran- teed tobacco habit aura that braces up nidotinized nerves; eliminetes the nicotine poisonNakes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You tau 00 physical or fitraticial tiek, as No -To -tee is sold tintler guarantee to mire or money refund, ea. Book free. Ad. Sterling Itercialy Co., 374 $1 Paul Ste Montreal. Hurondale. Binars. --Mr Win. MeXey,a former teacher is visiting in the neighborhood with his two children -Mr. Goo. Hetherington,while repairinghis stable floor the other day, gob one of bis hands badly smashed, Geo, finds it not very pleasant nursing a game hanelein ha eveat time, --The qaarterly meeting will be held in the Bethesda Church next Sunday at 10 o'clock, Rev. H. W. Locke will preach. -It is hoped much profit will result from the pointed remarks of Rev. Mr. Wzl- 8051 lest Sunday with reference to the manner ie which a stranger would know the churoh.-Operations are in progress. raising the school on props ready to have the basement placed underneath. it will be veneered al- so with brick, which will improve the dilapidated appearance ot the piece, -"Hurondale" will no longer be writ- ten on our mail matter, but it will be stamped by a brand new atarap which has just arrived. The golden scales have also turned up, and every - tiling now is all 0. IC. Cromarty. OraTtrAny James Gillespie. of Oromarty did not live long to enjoy his retirement frorn the feriae. He re- tired from the /arm but a year ago; on Wednesday he Was laid to rest in the old cereetery.where the °V landmarks are one by one gathering in rapid mac - cession. Mr. Gillespie was among the first stook that settled in the Cronaarty section, and a fine and sturdy old steck it was. Five years ago the old guard was unbroken, with the Laird -Alex MaLaren-its long and trusted cluef at the front, with his true and tried lieuten- ant --James Gillespie- always at hand. when duty or occasion required him. But what a thinning oat of the ranks in five short years. Three eicLaren's have passed away, and only oce- Duncan-remains of the first stock, Tlie sods had not yet settled over the graves of the Ferguson's when James Gillespie departs to join the revered band upon the other side, And many another worthy mince first we knew this neighborhood has gone to join their company. They were a worthy and an honored band et yoernanry whose memory will live longs after them, and whose lives will be erriu- listed by those who take their paces en both public aed social lite. Few are the words that can be seed against the life and character of James Gil- lespie. Many are the words that can be uttered in his praise. We have ketaten kim ultimately for yetra and shall not /oak upon If s hitt, again, till that day comes when es e hope to meet him in his glorified state. Ells is worthy of his reward. Grediton. A.ssetiee.- On Sunday morning Michsel Hunnisucker was attacked by the Allister boys and beaten in a cruel manner with clubs. For some time they have been in diepute over a line fence, and on Sunday liunnusucker was pasturing his horses on the dis- puted ground, watching the animals that they did no damage to Allister's Grope. The young men saw him and after a few words set about beating him. They were arrestei by constable Winer who took his patrol wagon and brought them to Crediton before Sofro Lewis, who released them on bail until such time as the old man is able to appear in court. BRIEF& -lire. Jaoob Fin k he in er is erecting a new residence and coining to Crediton to reside. -Mr. Fraser Ginter, and wife, who have.been visit- ing Mr. ()has Ell leer, sr., for some time, returned to their home near Hamil- ton, on Tiresfiay.-Mr Sam'l Brown and two brothers-in-law, together with their wives and children left on Tues- day to visit friends in reattsv.l'e.- 1 Toronto Mrs Siebert, of Plattsvilie has return. ed home after a very peasant visit with friends here. -Fall wheat harvest is about completed and the barley cutting has commenced. The oat crop is immense in this section: hey was also a good crop, excepting in old meadows.-Theie e several cases of I, A large number of Beady' Made Suits have strayed away from the Dlarket Store daring the past two weeks, and Wie are ex- Leoting as many, if not more, to follow in the next two weeks. Come early aud get a Bargain as we are determined to clear ott the balance of our Clothing. Cheapest spot in town for Boots & Shoes. We are selling our Shoes awa:v below the old prioes. Here are some startlers in Groeer- leS lb tins Baking Powder 6o 1 1tt g 5c r ;24. Glass Jar B. Powder roe SOAPS. 15 Bars 0 X Laundry 250 7 " Dingman's Elect'c 25C 2 3 lb bars Laundry 250 4 2 t t 250 Sweet Hotne Soap, 4 cts Bar N. P. Soap 15o Bar Terms strictly Cash or Butter & Eggs at Cash Prices. Q. m. ROSS. Kirkton Barnrs.-On the whole the crops are good in this section.-eobt. Davis wants a good farm to rent. Bob is a good mace -George Hazelwood, jr., has moved to his fine mansion on Mary street. John Somerville, John Abray and G., L. Money were the con- tra° tors. -Rev. John Davidson of Bothwell, has been visiting at Mr. John Fotheringham's'nd their friends in Blanshard. BeHe has been taking the services in the Mitchell Presbyterian church for the past two Sabbaths. • • • • CiTanton.- BniBra, -The fall fair will be held on Oct. lst and 2iad .-Miss Stafford of St. Marys, who has been visiting friends in town, returned home on Saturday. She was accompanied by Mrs, J. A. Beattie, who will e visit ‘friends in St. Marys for a ticee.-Mr. Pidd still wears the bandage on his cheek, the result of an aecident the other day. His cheek bone was laid open. The buggy was broken to atornie-Farmers are busy and the village is quiet. Brinsley. Berees,-flereshing vvill soon beret), as the farnaers in this neightorliood are drawing in their wheat-elr. W. H. Hutton of Toronto is visiting his father, Mr. Win. Harlton of the Ilth con., who is at present lying in very poor health. -Mr. and Mrs John Bice are happy in the addition of a young daughter to their family. -Miss Lizzie Scathes been laid up for some time with hay -fever. -Mr. John Bloomfield bought a new Massey Harris Binder lastvveek from Mr. Armitage of Lu - can, -The Church of England pastor. Rey. Mr. Detei has been away for a week's recreation, The pulpit was oc- cupied during his absence. by a Col- lege student. --Mr. Wm. Rowe has taken another trip to Kansas. James Taylor, of Dovvnie, has been accidentally drowned at Oaknook, Man. v. -#*4-4 HEED TUE WARNING, The common and ever-present warning of kidney trouts'°, backathe and sveekness in the beck, are guiekly relieve1 by Dr. Chase's PiIls. The original and. only 210801 KicineY Liver Pills, When all remedies fail, the' cum Fall Fairs. .Sept. 2-14 London Sept 12-21 St. Marys ..... Sept. 25-26 East Niseoari, at Kintore., Oct. 8 Kirkton Oot. 3- .1 Northern, at Ansa Craig.... Sept. 26-27 Soath Huron, Exeter, Sept, 29-24 Tnorridale, , Oct. 10 London Toweship, Ilderton Sept. 23 tlot 1-2 typhoid fever in this locality, Conradi Hibbert, Staffa Kuhn and Wes Mitchell are down with Hay, at Zurich, . .0ct. 7-3 .Sept 23-24 = it.-Tomtriy, son ot Mr Geo Glanville, Biddulph at Granton, Oet1-2 fell out of a hammock on Fridae, and Stratford, ' Sept. 24-25 .broxe his co'lar bone. -What about Will deretaries kindly send re dates of our C/VIC holiday. The farmers will their fairs, soon be thrOugh harvest and now is • the tine to agitate. -Flax pulling has oominenced; the average this year is very large. leo I 8121pka. BIttsiss . -Flax pulling is now the order of the day. The crop is in all parts reported to be rather light, but it pulls quite easily as the ground is; very dry and loose. -Messrs. Jas. Wil- ' son, Son St 0o., of erreenway, hoer° just finished putting down an artesian well at Mr. 8. S'Weitzer's mill. They have also put one cloven for Ur. Fred, Gainer. Abundance of Water Ives found in both casen at a depth of about 100 feet. -Mr. O. Baumgarten hail moved int:ails neW book house. - Mr. Morlook of thediton, will /10100- terth take oharge of the business form- erly rtni here by his son Thos, Mor - hick, -The heavy mine of hat week did an incaToulieble amount of good to the tertners in this vicinity. All stock was in a starving condition but it Is hoped they will pick up consid- erably) as the grits' bag taken a fresh tart. The (spring crops are also ma- terially benefited. -The MiSties Keho, are at present spending A short Vaca- tion with their father, ifir, Patrick Echo. (reele. led Pine tone and regulate the bowels GET TFIE BEST The pnblic are too intelligent to per - these a worthless article a second time, on the contrary they want the best I Physic - inns are vittually unataineons in saving SeotteiEniuIsion is the best form of Cod Liver Oil, A Htnir VALuaslint, "If there wasonly one bettle of Hap: yard's Yellow Oil in Maniroba I would give one hundred dollars for it," writes Philip H. Brant, of Monteith, Mataitoba, after haying used it for 5 severe wound mod frozen engem with, as he says, "as- tonishing good results." ItIEKTON Post Office Store 0.••••••••1•••.****• Clearing Sale of Prints and Surntner Goods. Great re- duction in prices, See our Delaines, Were 15e:, now. only tbc, Great Bargains, and must be cleared out at a sacrifice to make room for other goods gggs toutter1 12C$ 1.6X 4q.,411:re2e.