HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-18, Page 51 OrtIll and
Always Conquered and
Banished. by Paine's
Celery Compound.
The sad, weary and wailing cry of lien
and s omen around us is; "1 am sick,"
"What oan I do to regain health and
The inteese heat of summer aggraya'es
the ead condition of those who suffer from
dyspepsia and indigestion. and there is no
physical or tuental rest for the afflicted
Have you tried Paine's Celery Compound
that marvellone health and strength giver?
ia nature's true and infallible euro for
your distrest.ing ailments. It never fails
to banish disease ; it gives natural and
healthful strength when most required, so
that the oppressing and enervating weathtr
•cannot overcome your bodily powels,
Reader, if you are numbered in the
iarge army oc dyspeptics, and held captive
by a cruel ens destructive disease, use
Paiee'e Celery Compound at once, if you
desire full and robust health, pure blood,
strong neryes, good digestion and a heal-
thy appetite. In past days thousands
haveebeen saved by Paine's Celeey Com-
pound. It will do the Same bleesed work
ler you. Strong teetimonials sent in every
day from cured people. Sufferer, try it,
9t makes people well."
Edward J. J avers, Real Estate Broker,
Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada "I
heve much pleasure in testifying to the
benefits I have received from using K. D.
C. While I do not believe in "cures ails."
under all circumstances I can confidently
recommend it for indigestion. I know
•of others who have also tried it with
r• I met an old acquaintance, and in com.
illpering notes I said thaii indigestion was
_ my only trouble ; he replied that he had
suffered from the same thing for over
thirty years ; I eaid that I had a specifie
I advised him to try K. D. C., he said it
was his specific and we shook hands and
_agreed to give X. D. C. our support."
It is worthy of your support, and is the
sure aupport of the Dyspeptic.
For your Outing go to Picture-
sque Mackinac Island.
Visit this Historical Island, wfich is
the grandest summer resort on the Great
Lakes. It only costs about $13
from Detroit ; 015 from Toledo ;
$1.8 from Cleveland, for the round
trip, iucluding meals and berths. Avoid
the heat and dust by travelling 011 the
D. & C. floating palaces. The aLtrafltions
ot a trip to the Mackinac region are un-
surpassed. The island itself is a grand
xoniantic spot, its climate most invigorat-
ing, Two new steel passeeger steamers
have just been built for the upper lake
route, oosting $300,000 each. They are
equipped with every modern convenience,
annunciators, bath rooms. ete , illuminat-
ed throughout by electricity, and are
guararteed to be the grandest, largest and
safeet steamers en fresh water. These
steamers fayerably compare with the great
ocean liners in construction and speed.
_Four trips per week between Tolelo, De-
troit, Alpena, aelackinitc, St. Ignace, Pet
oekey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette and
Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and
Detroit, and Cleveland and Put -in -Bay.
The palatial equipment makes traveling on
these steamers thoroughly enjoyable.
Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet.
Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. D. &
•C., Detroit, Mich:
Whether on pleasure bent, or business.
take on every trip a botth of Syrup of Figs
as It acts most pleasantly and effectually
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, prevent-
ing fever, headache avd other forms of
sickness. For sale in 75o bottles by all
leading druggists. Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
GxeiThemee.-Feeling it my day to give
you an nnsolicited teetimony for the direct
benefit I haye reoeived in my family from
the use of Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild
bttavvberry, let me etas, that while we re-
sided at Fenwick, Ont„ my little daughter
had an attaok of Dysentery or Bloody Flex
by which oho was reduced to a mere
shadow and became quite helple,s,
Fortunately my family physician edviPerl
the use of Dr. •Fowler's Extreek of Wild
Strawberry, as he teithee had nor knew
of anything bettor for this dread ful die -
ease, and therefore we give it an impartial
trial, I am happy to say that lute than
quarter of a bottle mused the flow of
bleed and clots to cease, and the child
promptly recovered. We always have
had Extraet of Strawberry in the hou A
ever since to be ready for emergencies
common to children in sutnueer from the
effeete of hefts, eto I would just as boon
'think Of lodes! My right eye as being de-
prived of Dr, Fretele0a Extract of ViTild
Strawberry. This in a teatitnony of
hank (or for the untold benefit myself and
family have teeeiyed fro this gre4t rem -
MI18, GAILD,Oilth
' t, or At11
Exeter July 170h, 1395
Fall wheet per bueln. .•-.$ 75 $ 75
Sprtnewheat per busr,..„75 75
Barley per buthe. .... ..,„ 40 43
Oats per bush.-• .,,,, 30 30
Peas per beele. .......... • • .1. r..• ••••• 55 60
J('lour porbbl 4 00 4 20
Apples per hag • ... NM 10 75 80
Potalres per bag en, .. 35 40
Ility , ar von 6 00 7 50
Woouper cord hard . ... 0 00 3.90
AN ood per cord soft 200 226
Butter per lb.... ..... .; , .... . . ....... 13 13
Eggs per dozen ..• 9 9
Turkeys per lb 7
Hogs, live weight.- ..... 4 26
Gomm .
. 5
Ducks 6 6
Chicks... ....,., ...... ..... ... 5 5
4 55,
London July 17th leDe
Wheat,white, tall, 100 lbe $ 135 to $ 140
Wheat, red, fall, per 100 lbs" 135 to 140
Wheat,spring, per 1001be 135 co 190
Oats, per 106 lbs. 100 to 110
Peas, ner 100 lbs.... .. ' „, 100 te 110
Corn, eerie° lbs .. ...... ........ 100 ,o 105
Barley per 10C Ms 90 to ,, 105
Rye, per 100 lbs '90 to 100
Buckwheat. uer 100 lbs .. ...."
. . 90 to 100
":eete per pus-. ..........I e0 tc 1 10 .
liggs,'fresb, simi-le doz... ... 11 to 10
Eggs, fresh basket, per dos 10 to 10
Eggs, fresh, store lots, per dos 0 to 11
Butter,single relit:, per lb..-- 15 to RI
13 utter perlb,1 lb rolls,baskets 14 to 15
$ uctetep er lb, large rolls Cr .
crooks 15 to 15
Butter,por lb, tub or Erkine 0 to 0
Lard, per lb. 10 to 10
Chickens, per pair 75 to 100
Duoks.... ....,.. .,., ... ..... . . ... 70 to 101
Turkeys. 10 to 1.1c Der 1 .. eaeh ... 100 to 200
Toronto July 17th,1895
Wheat, white, per bus- ... $ 82 to $ 85
Wheat, spring, per bale-- .. ... 62 to 85
Wheat red winter, her bus 75 to 75
Wheat goose, por bus 73 to 74;
Barley. per bus • 41 to 48
Oats, per bus - ......... ..• • • 39 to 34
Pees ...64 65
Hay 1000 to° 1185
Eggeper dozen le to 13
Butter, per lb 15 to 17
Dressed hogn 600 to 6 00
Potatnes. nee beg 45 to 50
The Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, July 16. -The receipts to -day at
the eastern abattoir were 600 head or cattle,
320 calves and 450 sheep and lambs. Prices
forthe best beeve, wore perhaps a ehede bet-
. ter than last week, while lower grades evens
steady. but trade Was dull and inactive.
Sqles of cettle to -day were chiefly to butcher s
few export cattle being purchased. The
market for small meats was also slow. Ship-
ping sheep rold at from Bee to 330. Following
is the general range of quotations here:
Oatt)e-Itutchers', choice. per lb, 4c to eh,
live weight: do, medium to ftur do, Bee to 3P,o
do, culls, 2eo to 3c.
Sheep-Oommon to good, $3 to 85; lambs.
$2 to $3.50
Oalvos-Good to cheioe, .417 to e710; common
to fair, $2 io $6. ma,"
Lean Hogs -Each, $2 to $8. Are =Mee
150 el EAST BUFFALO.: le. ea' 1=731
East cs July 16, -The market opened
very dull and slow for all kinds of cattle, and
although a few sales of the prime to bandy
were made early in tho day at about steady
last week's prioes, the bulk of the good fat
and bandy cattle were an off 10o to Mc.
Bogs -Receipts, 60 cars; market ruled fnirly
active and stronger; Yorker's 35 is) to 3555;
good mediums, 3535 to $5 fie; common to
good heavy ends, 34 75 to e5 25; rough, 5(450
to 14 90; vige, 3500 to 8500; slags, $3 75 to
11,4 00
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 76 cars; mar
fret ruled with a fail demand for goo 2 handy
t sheep; clipped sheep. export ewes and
wether, $4 to 3425; god to prime handy
wethers, 1565 to 8395; fair to good mixed
eheep, $3 to $3 69; common to fair. $2 00 to
$3, clipped learithes, good to ellen°, 33 75
to $4; fair to good yearlings, $3 25 to 3350,
mills and common lots. 5325 to $3 50; spring
lambs, common to choice, $3(0 to $57o.
A later despatch says: Cattle closed Very
dull. with only rart of the exnort cattle geld
n t $5 To to 3535, and a number of common
and stookery stuff left over -fully 59 loads in
all. Dogs cloeed stead to firm, but with
eevera 1 loads of late arrivals of heavy hogs
held ever. ebeee and lambs closed steady
for sheep and very dull for Jambe, with a
number held over.
Dairy Markets.
Utica, N. Y., July 16. -Cheese -Sales to -day
1 60 boxes at 7e; 5,140 at 71-80; 0400 110 73C; 1,380
o r, cemmission.
Butter -Twenty-five packages of creamers:
butter sold 00 17 3-4o to 17 1-8c to 180. 'elle
market is ec lower and very weak.
Little Falls, N. Y., ,Tuly 16.-Cheese-8ales
to -day, 1,970 boxes et 7c; 964 at 'Teo: 2,107 at
e. end 180 boxes of dairy at 7o to 7go•
Butter -Sales of 24packages dairy butter at
16e to 17c; 22 packages ;art:turnery butter at 17o
to 17ec.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty
Years by millions of mothers for their ohildreu
while tgethiug with perfect success. it seethes
the ehted, sot tent] the gums.allays the pain,
cures the collo, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold be i
druggists n every part of the world. 25 °erre
a bottle. Its value is inealeulable. Be sure
and ilea for Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Seism
andtakeuo other hind.
MOIR-At St Marys. OR Julyllith, the wife of
Mr. Daniel Moir, of a son.
DOEPE-A t Lakeside, on 5th inst., the wife
of A M Doupe of e• son.
OIIDMORL-In Heneall, on June 21th, the
wife ot Mr It Cudni ore, of a son.
co Gre-e. t Newdale, Man.. on 24th of June, to
Mr and MrsJ 1, Cook. a daughter.
BRINE -In Rho:shard, on the Oth inet., the
wife of Mr. Um. Brine, 00 a son.
ELLIOTT- n Wingham, on the 91.h inst,, the
wife of Mr, Theis. Elliott, a daughter,
NETIERFIELD -In Wingham, on tee 1001,
inst., the wife of Mr Jail Nettertield, ir., a
C A11 II -At Hartney, Manitoba; on
.Tune 25th, the wife ot Harvey Callender,
• formerly of Clinton of a daughter.
Br) tel)F.N-BOS2Anton, on the
10th inst.,by th 13 Rev ovine, Mr F
Bowden, of St 'r h amass, to Miss Tillie Bow-
ers of Dumrannon.
msDaB-KAIN--at the residence of Mrs.
Houlden, Clinton, on July 2n4, bY Rev A
Stewart, IM r itiehard Mudge, of Loudon, to
Mise Ellen Hain, of Stank's'.
MePITEE-MelLWAIN-At the residence of
the bride's father, en ,July Ond, by Rev It
se Henderson, Mr, John Mane°, of Colberne,
to Miss Ellen J alcIlwain, of West Waw -
an osh .
B LA OK-SPROULE-On the 10th lusts, 51. 01,0
Issas° edesich, by Bev Jag, A. Andersen,
11, A.,W Minn, John Black o,f Aehfield town-
ship to Mei garet proule of the township of
West Wawanosh.
HOES MeGREGOR-At the residence of the
brido'n father, Tueltersmith, on July 161.h,
by Bey S Iiendel Son, Mr, 'Tames 11 Hoes, of
Stenley, to Miss McGregor, daughter of Mr
John McGregor; of Tito korsmith.
DOHF,RUY-In teem-J.0n the fith inst., Alex
Doherty, aged VZ yeam
Lavaates-an Fullerton, on the 10th inst., trio
1,160N -A Stfe, Perth Strafe, :founts',
/yroilftern. t son of Edward Haynee.
July 8th, Alexander Ferguson, in his 780h
MoKAY-In Itthtchotl, on the 1.00h inst.,
Youngest daughter of David sioltay aged 6
MAODONALD In Zetiand, on the 811, inst..
Nellie, daughter of Devid 8 MacDonald, aged
17 years, 4 months and 27 davit,
I Cli Ni,1'ON-4ntrutehot oh the 7th les).,
OetheetrieJelinetee, rel Of the late John
JOhnatOnt erred ta rears aaadarg,
SialarNBattaarn Hlateluttd• on dtli Mk,
„ Mabel Ilan hter of ' Wart SkiniflOrt
0 8
BRIERS. -The Chosen Friends of
Elinsville are making arrangements
for a ,picnio to the LrkeAind are in:
viting Zurich, Parkhill. Clandeboye,
Exeter, Centralia, Woodham and
,Stafla; this will be ' the picnic of the
season, wait for Thos Smote
our veteran well digger has been at
Whalen digging a well tor Mr Hodgson.
Thos is an expert; no doubt, Mr Hoag;
SOH will have a aupply in the future,
-Mr jos. Johns visited 0rediton S fi.
on Sunday, -Mrs Jas Itlartin of Kin:
burn and the Mistiest Oke ol Exeter
spent Sunday the guest of Alr Jos
Istawkios,-Mr Wm Coates of Eden
and his best girl were the guests of
at Skinner on Sunday. -Our villago
blacksmith spent a couple of days in
Seaforth, last week, Our met chart t
'Mr Johns has been doing quite a
mailing business lately in the twine.
Barnre.--Mr T. Wilson, F. Ulen s
Mrs. R L Wilon, W. .1 Wilson, and
their families visited Sarnia and Poi t
Huron last week, the trip through the
wonderful tunnel, called the trip
around the world was greatly enjoyed,
One of the party made the remark
that tbe people of Sarnia and Port
Huron would make these Wednesday
Excursions much more attractive if
they would advertise more of taa •
special attractions, and direct f.
to their parks, cemeteries anci •
public places interesting to country
people. -A large number of our eiti.
zens attended the 12th celebration at
Forest Friday and were pleased vvith
the speeches. Mr.Colernan of the Can-
ada Company hes been surveying out
a corner for water on the,.22ud conces-
sion, they propose digging a MILD ber of
ditches this fell. -Rev. G 171 Thompson
is a very popular preacher and is at-
tracting large congregations every
Sabbath. -air Esler and wife of Blake
Visited friends in and around here last
week . -VVe were greatly blessed wfth
two large showers of rain last Monday
afternoon and evening. -Miss Laura
Baker and Louisa Istayter are visiting
their brother and sinter at Bramp-
814 4
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cares
Coushr, Colde, Ae tb ma, :Bronchitis,
Tightness of the Chest, and al iChroitt and
Lung Troubles. Summer coughs are more
dangerous than winter coughs.
Detective Geyer, of Philv.delphia and
Detective Cuddy, of Tometo on Mond, y
found the bodies of two girls buried in ails
cellar of le $t, Vincent street, Taranto
The bod:es were identifiei as those of Etta
Alice and Nellie PM zel, who are suppose'.
to have been nim &red by one Holmes.
at present in euetody in Philadelphia,
chaiged with murderipg the lather of the
Pitezels tor the sak e of the insurance
SIRS. -I have used Dr. Low'a Wei in
Syrup fur Worms with excellent results.
I can recommend it to all othere who are
troubled with worms.
The Triumph of Cove
EveryManWho Would Know
the Grand Truth.
The Plain Fact; the New Dis—
coveries of Medical Science as
Applied to Married Life,
Who Would Atone for Past Er-
rors and Avoid Futur
falls, Should Secure
The Wonderful Little Book Called
"Complete Manhoo.1”
And How to Attain It.
"Here at last is inforuaation from a
high medical fee:tree that must work
wonder with this generation of men."
The book fully describes a method Eiv
which to attain full vigor and manly
A method by which to end all unnatural
drains on the system.
To cure nervouenees, lack of self oontrol,
despondency, eta.
To exchange a jaded and worn nature
for one of brightness, buoyancy and
To ours forever effeete of exceses, oyer -
work, worry; etc.
To give fill etrength, development and
tone to every portion and organ of tile
Age no barrier. Failure imeossible,
Two thousand refelencee.
The book is purely medical and galan-
tine, useless to curiosityseekers, invaluable
to men o my who need it.
A despairing man who had applied to us
soon after wrote :
"Well, 1 tall you the first clay is one Pll
never forget. I joet bubbled with joy. I
wanted to hug everybody and tell thorn
my old self had died yesterday and tny
new self was born today Why didn't you
ten me when I first wrote that I would
feel it this way
And another thus :
"If you dumped a carload of mid at my
feet it would not bring such gladness into
nay life as your method bee done."
Write to the Erie Medical Company.
Buffalo, N. Y , and ask far the little book
called "Complete Manhood." Refer to
this paper, and the otarmauy promisee to
send the book in sealed envelope, witbont
any maks, and entirely free, until it is
well introduced,
Porsons To Trod.
WANTED, -Several faithful gentle -
Men and ladies to traVel for established
Salary $780 & Expenses
tjosition permenent if snit4d ; eleoitioreaetl,
Slate refereeee lind enalooe Sielfseddreeeed
Oishipea erivelope, THE 1I1. PIONAL,
016,-4117•41$ Omaha. MC iturenuo.,
Brings comfort and improvement and
kids to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The rnany, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life rnore, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principleembraced in the
remedy-, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
"ispelling colds., headaches and fevers
id permanently curing constipation.
has given satisfaction to millions and
a with the approval of the medica
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance,
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug.
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
American Rheumatic Corp. for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radioally cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark
able and neyt-terions. It removes at once
the cause and the disease inamediattly dis
appears. Tbe first dose greatly benefit -
75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Ss.
A Boost TO Hosszarna.-One bottle of
English Swan Liniment completely re
moved a curb from my brase. I take
in reoommening the remedy, as it sae
with mysterious promptne:s in the re-
moval front horses of hard, soft or call-
onsed lumps, Moo 1 saavin, splints, cnrbs
sweeny, stifles and spiains.
Sold by C. LlJEZ.
RELIEF IN Six Hotrae.---Dieordered Kid
nay and bladder diseases relieved in six
houre by the "Great South American Kid
uey Cure." Thin pew remedy is a great
eurpriee and delight tu physiciane on ac-
conot of it exceeding promptnesa m re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,baok
and every part of the urinary paesagea in
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost immed .
ately. If you want quitik relief and cure
this is your remedy Sold by C. LUTZ
We have a carefully selected stock
of the above seed.. Fresh. Prices the
J. Cobbledick,
First Storehouse, Station.
London, Huron. and Bruce.
'40IN0 NORTH- , Passenger
„London, depart......,. 8.05 e, m44,30 P.M
Centralia 9.07 5,47
Exeter-- .. ...... 9.22 6.00
Hensel ft 9,37 6.15
Eippen....:9.44 6 20
Brucefleld 9.52 6.28
Clinton ...._ ....... 10.12 6.55
tondesboro 10.29 7.14
Bls th :10.38 7.23
Belgrave 10.52 7.37
Wingham arrive11 10 8.00
GotNo Some- Passenger
Wingham, depart... ... 6.35 A.. m. 3.2&p. M
Belgrave 6.50 3.47
Bytlh . 7.03 4.01
Lon desboro 7,10 4.08
Cliuton. 7.30 4.28
Brucefield... ........... 7.49 4.46
Kipp:in. ........... 7.57 4.53
liensall .. 8 06 4.58
elxoter ............ ..... 8.28 5,12
Centralia .... ......... 8 4 5,23
People's Building and Loan Association
Dr. J. A. Ronine, President.
Dr, C. Lc z, Vice-Prosident.
L D. Dickson, Solioitor.
David 55111, Valuator.
Frea. W, CoI1in, - Socy.Treas.
Jim Grigg, F. A, Penick, :Jas. Miller, Wm
Soutbcott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos,
Sand. Sanders.
Make money let a eying money. Sixty cents
per month win ensure' $150 in 71 years. For
forms of epplication and all necessary infor-
mation anpla re the Secretary, Mr. Fred. W.
Collins. Post ota ce, Exeter, Ont.
°Moe opposite Methodist Parsonage.
LD, B. S PBC !Alan in GOLD PILL-
Pl.ATB WOTIN. Gas and Meal
Anaesthetics for PaIR1OES Gx"
tracting. 2114 door north of
e L. D. B. Honor Gradnate of the 'So-
mme thtiv.tsity and toy& College of Dental
Surgeeris of Onterio. Specialtiee, Painlese
extraction and preservation of the return]
teeth 0E144 over the 'Lev/Office of Dlliet &
osmosi to Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
-0 AG N W L.b.S.DtNTIST,
L. clam '
will be at elrot't hotel Ze itab
taa the eiteoudT dee et els
as 4i;
Are You
We have the best assortment
and the cheapest.
Come in and
See Them •
Or else write for particulars.
Fanson'e Block, Exeter,
We Want You
to come into Our Store
ANT sometimes.
We have so much to sell besides
quinine and all those bitter things. We
don't want you to think we are happy
only when you are sick. Of couree, if
you must be ill, we always want to put
up youi prescriptions, but we have a
thousand and one things you need be-
sides medicine. Just now we have
some uncommonly good values in
Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up,
Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes
from 5c up. But don't let us forgot to
draw your attention to the extensive
stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of
Real Castile for 10, 1 box containing
six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2
cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old
Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large
aesortment of medioinal soaps, and
many other lines. All the above are
excellent values, both in quality and
quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow
what you can do to -day. Call at once.
J. W. Browning's
,9 Suit of Ulothes
or a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fir.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
SELL never disappoints his
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
Spring & Summer (hods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take much pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at-
nsm,..a.mr.asi--xlEop 3-857.
Headquarters for Plows, Scuff-
lers, &c., Bridge Bolts and
We have for sale a number of new
and second hand Portable and Traction
Engines at prices from $150 up, includ-
ing the following makes: Connell,
Witterou ,s Sawyer Massey, Notse-
worthy, Leonard r.Ca' White, Stevens aga
Burns, Peterson & Co.
Parties wishing to purchase Would ack
won to rail arid get prieee ,before iUr
Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong,
Strike not the weak because you are strong;
Strike not your father, strike not your mother,
Strike not your sister, strike not your brother ;
But strike a good scheme when ever you can,
Strike a deal with J. IL GRIEVE,
And you will strike the right man
For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our
stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties
in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain.
Remember the place.
J. H. Grieve.
Tholy Exeter
Jute and wool blankets we always take
the lead,
Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers,
what you all will need;
filarness, collars, whips and sweat pads.
we have a good supply,
.arets ombs, brushes ano' cards when
used keep away disease ancl the fly.
Trunks, valises and school bags, in
price and quality for the young and
the old,
.Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs,
and mitts; to protect you from the
Elm city harness oil, dressing and
blacking, keeps harness and boots
a shining,
Bells, children's carriages and wagons
preventsthe little ones from crying,
Long and short boots, elt and rubber
boots, we claim the best and nicest.
Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and
Harness store, be sure and get his
I. 1191111)(
Furniture Dealer,
Main Street, Exeter.
Full Stock of all kinds always
on hand.
Have you an old Buggy Top that needs
re•coyering arid you wish to hay° made as
good as new 7 Side Curtains played out?
Your Cnshion played out 7 or other
Trimmings shabby and rtquire to be
'renewed ;
If so, call on
Or leave your ordera eV:Jones'
Carriage Works, Exeter,
All Orders will receive prompt attention
and done In a worlarnanshiplike.tnanner'
Charges moderate.
E=eter Worth 6toe
Mr. F. It. Knight has opened a
General Store in the stand lately
occupied by Brook's Harness
'Shop, with a full stock ot
rtcA tte ta
eXchatage ior
Parties wishing fresh tenderloin, fresh
pork, spare ribs, shanks and pig's
feet, can get them Wednesday
A good supply of Hams, Rolls, Bach,
Bellies, Shoulders, and salt bacon
on hand at lawest cash prices.
Live Hogs Wanted!
Every Monday morning for delivery,.
C. Snell, - Prop.
& SON.
Parlor Setts
Side Boards
Bedroom Setts
Fancy Bamboo
Window Shades and
A Large Variety
and Low Prices.
Gidley & Son
NT MI 11117S
At W. Johns', The
Tailor. Made to order
for $3, 6, 7, eto. Snits
$11, 20, 21, etc. The
best place in town to
get a fit.
The Tailor.
The undersigtted will keel) far eel -vice on let
9•0011.2,52 Stephen, a thero'bred5.oland China
Boar- Terms $1 at time of aervice.
A staridard-bared jersey Bell fee eervico en,
10033, 005.4, Ifsborne•
thy 16.-3 In . RodgiervIllo P 0'
. -
I ItairitilliN HOUSE, MX.
eial betel, firetselatet
ertantaedleue eampee rooms. eta MI 31801.1.01,68
heetler: itot
13 egeeive