The Exeter Times, 1895-7-18, Page 1.VOL XXII. NO.; 42, ITURO Sc MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. at WOODHAM. clreat Clearing Thesnare being advertised' in every " line of bueiness, am' in every c onceiv• able way, for the purpose of making things boom during the months of dull trade, and for clearing nut certain lines of goods and the balance of summer stook. Every merchant is anxious to get things in sbape for the fall goods, and in order to do so will meko certain neacrifices, so we ask you to note this : - e Each day with us will be a sale and bargain day, and that we won't be sundereeld by any in the trade. GREAT PUSH On MILLINERY. Eirerything is new, everything is •stylish, everything is inexpensive, everything is correct, A treat Push on Dress Materials. The newest Prints, the choicest Challies, the finest Muslins at greedy .reduced prices. Kt:gtnSee our 25c all wool Delaines at 12ic. A Great Push on Clothing. InMen's Suits, in Youth's Suits, in , Boy's Suits, in Odd Coats, in Odd Vests .and in Qdcl Pants. A Great Push in Crockery and Glassware. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Toilet Setts, sOdd*Cups and Saucers, Plates, &c., at sleight prices. S, FORD cfc 00. Kirkton Mmes. -R. Hokin has ecured a new baker. -,The orangemen went to London on 16th and report a pleasant time. - Mies Maggie Davis ia visiting at Win- chederea.-Miss Ddinnie Wetson, had a large 'gathering at her birthday party on 'Tuesday evening.-Seyeral friends are visiting at Mr Taylor's. The St. Marys end Kirkton foot bellies are deluged in a war bemuse, as the Kirk- tonitee olaim, rhe St. Marys boys acted the ,hog. The St. Marys team played at Kirkton on July 1st and were given their , dinner, and because they hung around all day, and then asked for their supper and took it, Kirkton people thought that uia- -gentlemo.uly, in view of the fact that upon their visit to St. Marys a few evenings previously theiKirkton team)were not asked to dine with their opponents. Thus far "Observer" in behalf of the Kirkton team has the best of the argument. The St. Marys man is lacking in etiquette when he says it is not customary to give the visiting team tbeir Kipper unless they ask 'for it. imagine a team:making arrange- ments for a friendly match childishly, ask- ing for a supper : Acknowledge the corn St Marys and apologise for mistaking the Kirkton boys for a lot ot hayseeds. La Grippeweakens digestion use Rd). C, Fall Fairs. 'Toronto . -Sept, 2-14 London Sept 12-21 ,St. Marys ........ .... Sept. 26-26 East Niseouri, at Kintore. - -Oct. 8 Kirkton Oct. 1- 2 Northern, at Ailsa Craig.... Sept. 26-27 -South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 23-24 Tnorndale,.... Oct. 10 London Township, Merton Sept. 23 Mitchell, . ...... ........ Dot . 1-2 Hibbart, Staff& -Oct, 7-8 Hayetat Zurich, Sept 23-24 Will secretaries kindly send in dates of their fairs, GET THE BEST The public are too intelligent to put - ,chase a worthless article a second time, on tne contrary they want the best I Physic 'fans are virtually unanimous in saying .Soott's Emilleion is the best form of Cod Liver Oil, _t_Jezrzafrnwr They are Coming in to see the famous BICYCLES in.wermiseasr•s.ammomavrsa You Never Get Let When You Invest in a BICYCLE That ramostannat We Handle. Quality tolls the story, And figures seldom lie, alwayabe in glory, Tf from:us you buy ; He who hesitates is lost, Then hesitate nO more, Hub go at ono tO )Xo IlHOWHING loVERGLTSON'S Store, Where you get the cheapest Bicyeles and Bicyele Sundries. 11rowpan 84 rorgu on. i.eyeiele, 10leetrele tt el Tele Of rite, Middlesex County Notes, Reeve Owens, of Strathroy, has resigned his office. Hay was offered in London on Saturday at $9 per to. Tee crops generally will not be no poor as expected. A. Knerdwirk, Westmiuister farm laborer, has Item fined SI by Squire Laosy for firing peas into a horse's side. R. S. Hoagies Of Leaflet has opened a commission office in Montreal and makes his home there the greeter part of the time, That tired languid feeling and dull head ache is very disagreeable, Take t of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiri and you will find relief. They never f to do good. Mr. Jas. Quarry, of Ann Arbor, Mich is in town visiting his parents, 11I Quarry is engogect in the drug busine and is we understand, meeting with rinut suocerne-Perkhill Gazette. James t't atson, a Dorchester young m went into a jevrelry store in London o Monday to purchase a locket for a presen The clerk'a back was turned and Wateo pocketed a seven dollar locket, He was arrested shortly afterwards. "Rodney" the trotting horse owned by Dr. Ovens,Parkhill, was again a winner at Algoma, (Michn races on Friday last After tbe race an American made a hand. some offer for the horse which was refused - Grasshoppers are said to be very num- erous and destructive in the surrounding country. They atteck e'en mulleus and burdocks. Why does our enterprising town counoil not get a few of the most lively speoimetunand set them to work on the weeds which adorn our streets ?- Parkhill Gazette. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAT MORNING, JULY 18, 1896 Perth County Notes. T. G. Waghorn V. $, formerly of Kireton hang out Zig shingle at Embro. their labors in St Marys and withdraw from 'toewl:a. don Army are about to close Edwin Smith, a carpenter employed on the new fire hell at Stratford, nearly had his ear taken off Monday. A plank fell on him. Mr. Erb late grain buyer of Dublin is going to move his teraily to New Hamburg early next week,where he intends enter- ing the hardware business, Wa The horse Mida belonging to B. F, Kastner of Sebringville, Mr. Goebel's Mies a" Delmarch of Mitohell will race in Mitohell on August 2ita for 11500 a side. Itti.ohell bowlers won the consultation r` prize in the Dominion tournament. Moore 8113 F. 0. Gayety and R. Wets= the doubles, and Mr. W. H. Biggar the singles. E. L. Thompson, of Mitchell, paroled an with honors the third -year examination at a McGill College in mental diseases and paned also in pharmacology and therap- n The death occurred at Ingersoll on July 1, of Hannah Walker Graves, wife of R. J. Drummond and daughter of Jonathan Grayee, formerly of East Nissouri. De- ceased fell a victim to consumption and was only 36 years of age and had just returned from wintering in Texas. Many old residents of West Williams,. will be pained to bear of the death Pf Isabella, mother of G. A.. Miller of Strath• roy, at Oil City on June 28th, at the age of 84 years and some menthe. to Rose shire, Scotland, Isabell MoBean was born in 1811 and was married to the late Neil Stewart in 1832. Judge Elliot has given deciaion in the case of Reeve Owens against the town of Strathroy, awarding.tbe plaintiff $190 in full of all claims for the use Of his build- ings as a smallpox hospital. The build- ing was destroyed by fire while in posseas- ion of the town, and the council offered $100 in settlement, which was not accept- ed. J. W, Reid, a tenor residing at Ailsa Craig was burned to death there on Fri: day last. ge was in a hones, which caught fire, tit is said; through a lamp being tipped over, and Reid was Lot able to save him self. Efe is alleged to have been drinking. Reid was a comparatively young fellow, ann a good workman, but addicted to periodical sprees. In making his rounds in London, last week, the assessor discovered a woman who was the 5ist oluld of her father. The latter is an Irishmen, and did well for his country, evidently, The lady nye that he was married five times, and had thirteen children by the first wife twenty one by the second, twelve by tbe third, none by the fourth, and five by the fifth. The London lady is the youngest child. Mr. Weld. Thompson, who has been Grand Trunk station agent at Parkhill for twenty years, has gone to Canfield Junction, between Brantford and Port Erie, where he will have charge of two stations. Mr. Thompson has occupied the positions of Mayor, Reeve, Councillor and School Trustee in Parkhill, and has always taken antective part in all matters doncerning the welfare of that town. While Miss Maggie Sterritt, of Nissouri, accompanied by her six-year-old nephew, a son. of Mr. Jas. Hadley, was driving into St. Marys the otber day the horse ran away. The buggy struck a post and threw both occupants out. MiseSterritt received two very bad outs on the left side the of face, one from the eye back to tbe temple and another below the eye, which exposed the cheek bone -and was bruised on many Parts of the body. Persons who witnessed the accident express surprise that she was not killed, Chief Manes and Mr. A. Kilbourn ran a foot race on Main street onMonday morn• ing for a wager. The chit was so certain that he could wm that he put up hia own money, while his opponent was backed by O speculator. Kilbourn woe the race, in fact almost distanced the officer of the law but it is thought the constable was greatly Impeded bythe large number of doaumeuts which he carried in that big wallet of his. For hoary headed men they are quite a pair of sprinters -Parkhill Independent. A terrible accident occurred at Plover Mille on Monday by which James Fisher of London township, lost his life. The deceased and Mr. Salmon were in London and on returning called at the residence of Mr. Charles Salmon, lot 1, con' 10, London township. Ito exchange iigs, as they had borrowed his wagon in the reorn• ing. Mr. Salmontwas driving, both men aitting on a spring seat and speaking to Robt. Mentuflin who was opening the gitte when the horse: stopped. The driver touched the whip to keep them going, when tney started suddenly, and Fisher was thrown out on his head, injuring his spine, Drs. Ford, of Thoradale, and Lang, of Granton, were summoned, but the man died in 24 hours. You Don t Have to Swear oft. -- Says the St. Louis Joureal of Agricul- ture in an editorial about No To Bao, the famous tobacco habit onre, "We know of many cases oured by No-ToBac, one a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes oared him so that even the emelt of toe bonne makes him Moe," No-to•Bao sold and guaranteed, no cure no pay, Book free. Sterling Remedy CM, 371 St, Paul Si., Montreal. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Will Strawberry cures Diarrhoea, rtyreetitanna Colic, Cramps, 101101era, Cholera Infahtutin, Cholera Morbils, and all outnniet complaints and axes of the bowele in ithildrete or adtilts. et It, en elle term eui.tO tint eutics. Mr J 11 Lewrey, teaoher, Hullett, be married to Mi4S Esther Proctor, daughter of Mr Joseph Prootor, of Aah. land Farm, Goderiolt township, on ,Tuly 24. Both are favorites. Mr. Sam,Bartiett hae purchased a lot on the corner of Queen and William streets St Marys from Alias Helen Barron, Lon. don, and intends to erect s, store and dwelling on it. ' The Rev. T, M. Campbell, formerly pastor of the Methodist church St Marys will take a trip to Europe this summer, and the Rev. W. H. Graham will supply his pulpit in his absence. R. II Pomeroy of Fullerton met with O severe accident on Tuesday afternoon. He was arranging Some garde when his foot slipped, letting through a show oaee, cutting his arm very badly. On June 29th, Mrs. A. M. Gibson, at the age of 46 years, died at her home id Chicago. The damaged lady will be re- membered iu Mitchell as the wife of A. M. Gibson, of the Gibson Manufacturing Co - Mrs. Clench, of St. Marys, is expected home from Germany in the oonreetof a few weeks, Miss Noetth Clench remains in Germany for another year, under the tuition of that eminent master, Herr Joaohim, Mr. Chas, Lemon of Mitchell had one of his henna stung by a poisonous vine or weed some two wettee ago, from which blood poisoning followed, and for some days the young man was in considerable danger. Mr. Rich, Grant St Marys had a fine specimen of the night -blooming oereas on exhibition last week at the manse. The flower was t 19 by 11,1 hushes and. WELS beautifully inted. It attracted many visitors. A young lad, son of Mr. Henry Ed- wards of Mitchell gee an armibroken at the Sunday School picnic on Wednesday. He was in the boat swing when the ropes gave way, and in the spilt he was the untortun- ate one. Mr, Thomas McLaren of Mitchell is in receipt of a letter from his son William, Manitoba, in which he statea that the crops in that province were never mere promising, and that if nothing extreor- dinary occurs a tremendous yield will be harvested. Mr. and Mr. Jas. Sills, of Mitchell, who went to Streetsville a few months ago and bought a bakery business there, sold out again and game back to town lastweek. Ara. Sills is now offering her household furniture and effects for 'sale, with the intention of leaving shortly for the west. Miss Lydia Crozier, daughter of intr. Thos. Crozier, of St Marys left Thursday for Winnipeg to visit a relative at whose home she wi I be married to Mr. Fred. 0' Meara, a eon of Rev. C. O'Meara a former rector of St James church, nt Marys, Eter future residence will be at Killarney Manitoba Mr,' J. T. Crawford of the Hamilton Collegiate Institute, son of Mr. a Craw- ford, 131aushard and Mr. J. R. Hamilton, of the Brantford Collegiate Institute son of Mr. J. D. Hamilton, Se Marten started last week for Europe, from Montreal. They took bicyclts,and after spending some time in England will wbeel to the chief points of interest on the continent. Charlie Young, the 13 year old son of G- T R Engineer Young, Stratford, left home owing to a chastisement he received from his school teacher. "Address all letters to St. Johns Nftd„"says Charlie, in ft letter dated Quebec, which his parents received the other day. A. son of James 'McDowell, of the Cle. T. R. baggage mote, is also missing aince May 8, but no trace of him has yet been obtained. In tin action reeently brought in the Division court, Mitchell ,against Megan Kyle (St Barnett by the Dominion Collect- ing .A.ssooiation of Toronto, the learned judge from Scotland decided that the agreement signed, specifying within a oerte.in time to place claims with the assoc- iation for collection,waa valid and binding, The Dominion Collecting Association hav- ing brought suit to recover the drat year subscription fee-tho defendants having failed to place clahne with the aesoc- iation according to agreement-jadgment was given the association with costs of court and mileage attending the same. CATARRH RELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 Minu- te,. -One short puff of the breath through t be Blower, aupplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, dittueee the Powder over the auditors of the nasal. pre- sages. Painless and delightful to take, relieves instantly, and permanently cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, colds, Ileadeeh.o Sore Throat, Toneilitis and Deafneee 50 cent At C. Lutz, correepondent to tho Farmers Sun trays :-"Patron Candidate Forrester, of Huron, is in England on businesie and his opponeuta are taking advantage of bis intentioa to retire at the last hour. He has written to coettadiat thie charge, time declare' his intentton to remain in the field until the lad vote ie polled. lir. Forres- ter 10 a strong eaorlidate, and may porteibly be returned by acclamation," Anor....momp...mg.....noommosonorimmemol.W' Huiron County NOteS. Friday August 2o5 will be Clinton civio holiday. They will ruu ao enure' to Sarnia, Mr. David Londeshore of TuokeremIth, left on Wednesday on a trip to Moosornin, North West Territory. On Sunday evening Mr. A.d. Centel° of the 9th con: Goderich township lost splendid young horse from bets. The debentures recently issued by the Wingharn town Council were purchased by R, Wilson Smith, of Mootreal,at Losi Eighty applications for the prinoipal- ship of Wroxetor publia school. 3. L. Wilson, Atwood, appointed; salary, $475, Fred, son of James Hopwood, formerly of flibbert township, nee of Hamlett) was deownen while bethtng hi a lak there laat week. Mrs. B.P. Shipley of Clinton, happened to break a needle in her hand the other day, and it needed a dootor's servioes to get it out, Messrs, Dennison Brothers, of Stanley, have diaposed of a floe five year old geld: ing to Mr, Jame e Archibald, of Seaforth. The price paid for it was $175. The other night while 'an ThOi. Fleet: ing of Clinton was driving home, his horse ran awaynaud he was thrown out, getting hie hand badly bruised. Alex Forgeson, ottStaffe, a pioneer of Hibbert, and et stalwart Liberal, is dead. He was an uncle ot Alex. F. McLaren, of Stratford, the Omservative ;candidate for the tiding. A stable belonging so John Medd, of Clinton, was destroyed by fire tbe other day at noon, together with a horse which WAS in tbe stable at the time. The fire is a mystery. Thi e week Mr. Houston, of the Clinton Collegiate, receiyet1 a telegraphic offer of the principalship of Portage la Prairie sebool, at a salary of $1,500. Mr.Houaton decided to remain in Clinton. rs ouu Hensall — Following are the market quotations : Wheat 75 to 80 Barley 45 to 50 Oats t , _ • .. „ 30 to 32 Pees 55 to 60 6,00 to 7.50 Butter 12 to13 Eggs. 9 to 9 Endes have advanced 100 per cont. 4,nd so have boots 86 shoos, but A, Weseloh is able to sell boots & shoes at the old prices as he had a large stook bought before the rise thus giving hs customers the benefit, and will seal at the old prices for oash until further notice. It will nay you to call at once and secure some of the special bargains he is offering in summer foot wear .A...WESEL011. Hensall, Ont. Blunrs. -Mr. John Sheppard shipp- a, ed four load of prime cattle to the Old a Country on Monday; also a loAd of lam be, Thos, Lang accompanied them. -The Methodist Sunday School picnuted at Grand Bend on Tuesday Th we were about 200joined the party, and all report enjeying theruaelves ina- menselyt-Mies Ellis of Godelich, is visiting at Mr, Joseph Ellis'. -Mrs, Berford wife of the late section fore. man here, now of Wingham, is visiting friends in town.-- lidr, DeLion of town has gone to London, where he has secured a situ- ation as electrician. -Mr. Fred Arnold and family end Mr- IL Arnold and family have returned from their out- ing at Grand Bend. -Mr. H. Cook and wife spent the past week at • Grand Bend. -Miss Cook, daughter of Mr. R. Cook, of Algoma, is a guest at Mr, EL Cook's. -Mr. I), Weismiller addres- sed a mass meeting at Lucknow on July 12111. -The Observer has changed hands, the new prop ietor being Mr. Neeline of Wallace burg. Mr. Campbell will go home to Orillia,-Mise Minnie Shaffer is visiting friends in Shipka.- Mrs Urquhart continues very ill, Dr. Hyndman of Exeter was called to see , her on Monday. -Mr, John Hopkirk, 1 is having a composition walk laid up to 1 e bis reenience,-Meesre. Murray, teach- ers respectively of Brampton and Tor- onto, are home spending vacation.- , Miss Bella Wilson is ill of imflamma- g tion. On Monday while Mt Q. S. than, of Chinon, was walking along Huron Street he lost all control of his' limbs and fel helpless on the eidewalk. Friends cam to his assistance, and helped bim home. Goderich and Walkerton, the oounty capitals of Huron and Bruce respectively are both cow towns, and that familiar son "Maggie, Maggie' the cows are in the corn" is pertioularly well known in both to tens. ' A very pleasent and happy event took place at the resinence of Mr: John IvIc- Gregor, 2nd conceveion, Stanley, on Wed- nesday afternoon, The mama wan the maeriage of his eldest daughter, Miss Grace, to Mr, James El. Rose, a prosper- ous young farmer of Stanley. One of the greatest Orange fatuities in the county of Huron is that of Mr. Anthony Boyd, one of McKillop's most progresdive and highly respected farmers, Mr. Boyd and three sons belong to Winthrop lodee and Mrs. Boyd and three daughters are with the Lady True Blues at the same place. On Friday :of last week Mr.- J. Mt Proudfoot, of Goderich, met with an accident in his work at the Organ Factory which almost cost him hie right arm. He slipped while attending to some sawing, and putting out his arm it came in con- tact with the rapidly revolving blade, the result being a clean cut several Mabee long and deep enough to cut several of the cords. During the progrees of the Orangemen'a demonstration at Lucknow on Friday the balcony of the McCarthy Hotel gave way and about 25 people were hurled to the ground The street was lined with visitors at the time, but, strange to say none received more injures than a few bruises. About 4,000 persons front Kincardine and district attended the demonstration. OeJuly 2nd, Inspector Miller visited the Holmesville cheese factory and prosecuted three patrons for supplying deteriorated milk. Kippel Disney and John Marquis pleaded guilty before Mayor Holmes, of Clintou, and were fined, the former el() and the latter $5. William McLeod was summoned before Police Magistrate See- ger, of Goderich, When de pleaded guilty and was fiued $5 and $5.95 costa. A correspondent in an adjoining town. ship informs the Goderich Star that there are several cattle owned.in his neighbor- hood which are affected with some diseese appearing to him as what in known as lumpy jaw, and he aska what can be done to pretreat thoseanimals being slaughtered and sold hereabouts or sent away to other markets. An authority on such mattere describes this dieease as of a parasitic natnie, and its effeot is, in the later stages, to render the animal unfit for food. Cattle affected with the disease are condemned by proper inspectors at all stook yards, and they should not be purchased by local butcherre Chapter 216 of the Ontario Statutes provides that when a contagious disease is believed to exist amongst stock a statement can be made to any Justice of the Peace, and he will have authority to enauloy a veterinary to examine the animal, which must be destroyerl if the disease be found, as alleged. Persons haying cattle with anything like disease should certainly have them destroyed and not seek to have tlaem sold for human food, Contraator Cooper eommermed to roof the House of Refuge last week, and a large gang of men will be kept at work in yatious trades, until completion of the building. Metiers Heywood & Prior have made a yery satisfaotory job of the brick- work, now nearly completed; the walla hone a neat even appearance foe a bnild- ing taking so largo a number of brick. Dr Chamberlain, Provincial Inspector, wont minutely and oarefully oyer the plans; no changes of any moment were suggested, but somenew'method of fire proteotioa was discussed. The Dr. will not Minot on bathe being put on the ground floor, but will take the plumbing as re Arranged by Archlteets Fowler ttr Fowler, saving a lot of expense to the couuty. Tho Impactor says the land is good, with fine chances of drainage, and the building will be a geed menfortableone. He generally favors more ud then they have secured here -100 or 0 Acres, betlautte there is an opportunity taiee something for the maintenance of e inmate, but there is pleaty of land to niply with the Governmeet require - Ants, l'ho De had been making hilt nisi imitation of Godetioh jail before ming hero, end he nevi it will not be ng before 4 hear jail is neoeisary, as the eient Otte ounistiefeetorya, la 15 to th CO The wife of W. Caiatelont of Clinton, iTin met with a painful acoident on Saturday 60 by running ani bite het foot; under a 1,s lete-,1 Cave she les aoing Cromarty. Blum. -Death has been busy in thia neighborhood lately, having added two more to the number who have paesed over the bourne f ram whence no traveller ever returns. Miss Mag- gie McVeigh was buried on Saturday last anti Mr. Alex. Ferguson, a former resident of this place, but for some years past residing in Staffa, died on Monday evening. It ia only a few weeks orrice bis aged partner was buried. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of the entire oommun- ity.-Tbe Rev. Mr. Scott baying gone on his holidays the pulpit will be filled by the Rev. Mr. Stewart, of London on Sunday next. -Mr. Jackson, oft Sarnia, is yisiting at his nephew's, Mr. F. L. Hamilton, for a few claye.-Mr. John Brown and two daughters and grand -daughters left last week for an extended visit with friends in North Gower, Carleton county -Mr. Malcolm McKellar having given up the egg business for the presen t, Mr.Geo.Mil- ler, jr., is filling his place. -lir. Jas. Gillespie is recovering after a week's serious illness. -A number of the young people from this vicinity took in the choir excursion to London last week. Blanshard Council. -- Municipal council ,net on Monday, the 1st. All members present. min. utes of previous meeting read and confir need . Albert (dunning was present and asked for grant for upper side road from 10th to town line, Referred to Coun's. Pothering's= and Dunsmore to inepect, with power to give a small grant if desirable: A communication was received from Mr. James Russell, Motherwell, claim. ing $25 for damages sustained to him. self and buggy, in going over the bank of the river at or near Robert Daw- son's, Fotheringharn- Berry - That the communication as was read be filed -- Carried. The Reeve eited that a number of ratepayers had complained about the fences of certain ratepayers in the vicinity of the upper side road, being out on the road, thereby utilizing a part of the higlavvity. Berry-Ullyot-Tlaat the Clerk .not ify the parties referred to having their fences out on the road to have lithe same removed therefrom on or before the first day of August. -Carried. A number of orders were granted. Council adjoerned to meet first Monday in August, at tbe hour of 10 O'ClOCk a. nu. -,T, El. .1AltIESON, Clerk, PRIVATELY DISCUSSED, .— MONTIMAlt PHYSIC:IANS BECINNINC LARGE- LY TO PRESCRIBE A NEW REMEDY, Sr. JOHN, W. 13' July len-There is still O good deal of talk here among all classes over the recent despatches which' appeared in so many Canadian papers, relative to the cure of Mr G. li. Kent, Ottawa, from Bright's disease. Although thc nierite of the ease have not been °polity discussed at any of the meetings of the medical soototy, there hart berth it good deal of priv- ate oonference and the impreseion whieb the report of the recovery has made is evinenced in the foot that a good many playaimans have prescribed Dodd's Kidney Pine in their private nao. No higher testi. meny titan this weld be given to any remedy, the tette:nano of medical men to admit any good in proprietary reedicinee being Well known. ,Orie of Mr, Oliver Jemaing's lions Park, 111 I hatched a ohlaketi with tire perfectly ict heads lest Wee*. It clic& Isagoormamisomikm.m.a..P.m, ,TOBN Waltrittt dr SOO ernblioneen and teropetetore Zurich. Bames,-Mr. Nich, Delohert, front Detroit, is home with his parents for a couple of weeks for Ins holidays. - Mr. John Gellman, of the 14th coil - cession, has barley which measures over five feet long. He has a good crop. --Flax pulling has commenced. The pullers are preparing for a grand time as some ot the ilex is very good, -Mr, Puget, wife and son, from De- troit, have been, the guests, of Air. F. Kibler fora week. Mr. Puget speaks well of Canada, of our customs and the morality of the people, -Baying is wen advanced and many farmers are cutting this week, It ie good, well filled and plump .-Mrs. John Williams and fennily, are camping :at the Bend. -The Misses Ortwein are visiting friends in New Hamburg and Waterloo, -The Misses Striumpfer of Toledo, are visiting old friends in town. -Flax pulling has commenced. -Fall wheat harves has commenced and the yield will be very large in this neagh- borhood. Hurondale. 1 BRIEFS.. -Mt. Ralph Keddy has im- proved the front of his place very much by erecting a new wire fence of very neat pattern. -The rain that fell here Monday night has gladdened the hearts of the farmers and made a decided improvement in the appear ance of things. -Mr, Win. Horton can no doubt boast of the champion field of corn of the county, it being over seven feet in beighth.- Several of our people took in the glorious I2th, but were disappointed in not seeing the champion foot ball match. -The 2, of I. of this place intend building a new hall. It will be large and high enough for a store and an assembly room as well. We want telephone connection with Exeter, a blacksmith and shoe shop and tlaen we wall be up to date, -The fishing excursion to the lake will no doubt come off this week or next, wait for it. -The Post office is brimming and the P. M. reports large in coming and out going mails. -Mr. G. W. Holman and family intend tak- ing a holiday trip soon. G. W. says that since he quit teaching he cannot realize the fact that people have holidays. Grand Bend. Braaten -We hacl ; splendid rain here on Monday night and it will do a great deal of good as the land was in great need of it. The potato crop will be greatly helped. -Mr, Frank Al- len raised his barn on Monday even- ing and it will be completed in ft short time. -The camping season is in full swieg, Mr. May of London, and Mr. Jones of Wincbelsea, are among the latest to arriye.-Services were held in the park on Sunday morning and evening by Mr, Butt and Mr. Delgaty of Centralia, and were listened to with utmost atten Ion.- Mr. W. B. Fulton is here spending bus holidaya and is looking improved atter a few baths in the pure waters of Lake Huron. -Mr. Hamilton Is getting Ins logs pretty well cornered. On Saturday they cut over 130 logs. -Mr. Crowe of Wallace - burg, is here after his logs, the wind has been a little against hint lately but will get off to -day with a raft for Mt. Clemens, Michigen.-Large Pienica expected here to -day (Tuesday) from Bengali and other towns, thousands of peoPle have visited this place this sea- son. -W. B. Fulton and Fred Fallie were out driving with a colt on Monday and by some means it kicked and landed them out on their heads, it ran for a short distance, and no doubt thinking they were hurt stopped and waited for them. -Haying is nearly completed and haye commenced to out fall wheat. Bayfield. BRIEFe. -111r, J Brandon and Miss L. Brandon, Beigraye, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Brandon of this place. -Mr. 3. Cook of Varna spent a few days of last week with Mr. Wm. Tippet, town --Mr. Wm. Tippet who has been at. tending the High School at Seaforth returned home for his bolidayn-The Misses Boon and Misses McDougall of London, are visiting at the Albion Flotel.-Mr. W. H. Baker of Seaforth, is epending a few days in Lown. -The Orangemen and Young Britons ot tbis place attended the dernonttration at Seaforth on the I2tb, the Y.B'a taking Int prize for best dress ana largest number.- A number of people from Seaford] and other pieces are expect- ed here next vveek to centp. This is, tio doubt the prettiest and healthiest place along the shore for camping, boats can he had always at reasonable retes,firet chess restaurantreeverything to suit the summer visitors. -Mr .Trow, wife and -family of Stratford, errand at the Queen's Hotel on Monday to spend ' the summer on the shore. -Miss Annie 13eattie of Clinton, spent Sunday in town .-John and M.alcolin Wbid- don, who have been attending the High School at Clinton, returned,home last week for their holidays .-Mrs. M. aeration of Detroit, is visiting friencts itt town. -Mies Annie Campbell et Toronto is home on a visit, -The Mis• so s Kate, Jean and Annie Struthers, are spending a few days with their mother here. -Mrs, A. 'Grainger of Clinton, spent Sunday in town with Mrs. Burnis.--Eighit rnenebtere Of the London nioyole Club arrived at the River Hotel Iset Sunday for dinner and left for Goderich in the eVening; they were taking a round trip..-..Mr,13. Cal' lady and Jtio. :Baker of Goderich, epent Sunday in Worm -Miss Kate Harrison Who hike been visiting in StretfOrd hat aturned home. impori# streilth to the whole L TRAYED. A large number of Beady Made Suits ,have strayed away from the Market Store during the past two weeks, and we are ex- pecting as many, if not more, to follow in the next two weeks. Come early and get a Bargain as we are determined to clear out the balance of our Clothing. Cheapest spot in town for Boots &Shoes. We are selling our:" Shoes away below the old prices. Here are some startlers in Grocer- les; - 2 lb tins Baking Powder 5c 1 4i. 4 I I C t 5c " Glass Jar B. Powder roc SOAPS. 15 Bars 0 K Laundry 250 7 " Dingman's Elect'c 25c 2 3 lb bars Laundry eno 4 2 it et eno Sweet Home Soap, 4 cts Bar N. P. Soap 15c Bar Terms strictly Cash or Butter 8Z Eggs at Cash Prices. irtos4. *MIMI Lucan. , BRIEFS. -Mr. L. D. Stanley has pur- chased tbe entire steak of dry goods, groceries, and boots and shoes belonging to MoCosh Bros., of this place. -One a the largest crowds of people seen at Luoan station for a long time assembled there at 3 o'clock on Saturday afrernooe to bid ferewell for three months to the Rev. R. El. and Mrs. 8haw evho started on that day for Europe. This great turnout of people of all classes and creeds show but feebly the great regard that the people of Lumen and vicinity have for them, and many were the silent prayers offered up tor their safe return as the trtiin moved out. Blyth. BRIEFS. -On Weduesday afternoon a, foot ball match was played in the park between Blyth and B uesela clubs, which , was a very intereating one, There was a good crowd of onlookers present The Blyth brass band played several selection during the game. At the oloee the gams stood 2 to e in favor of Bruesels,--Abonte bali past two Friday mereintg our villagers were aroused from thmr slumber by the sound of the fire alarerre their attention being drawn by the fiery - elements which was fast consuming the buildIng and shed at the rear of the Mansion hotel, but the fire having got wide headway, it was impoasible to stop its ravages in consuming the whole buildina. The main portion was brick veneered. Theininatei barely eseapedtvith their liven The firemen worked herd to keep the elements from devouring other property, although several unused buildings on Mill street were consumed. Mr, Joseph Fist cher, of Walton boat his valuable stallion;aleo Mr. McKellar, our encase maker, lost his driver which were in some parts of the building. AK.A_er_son. BRIEFS. -The crops are looking ex- cellent in this locality notwithstanding the dry weather, In the matter of rain we have been unfortunat.d, having re- ceived but two showers the past few months. Grasshoppers have been plentiful in this district, and may yet prove formidable enemies to the farmer -Miss Jennie Anderson, of Toronto University is home spending vacation -Mr. John Atkinson, teacher, is visiting under the parental roof. - James Lane returned from Manitoba last weekend reports good crops there. -Mr. and Mrs William Watson, of Mornington; have been spending a few days with friends hero. -Miss Nellie Anderson has returned home from spending her holidays in Exeter, - Quite a number from Anderson were in St. Merys watching a game of football between Anderson and Se. Marys clubs Score 1 to 0 in favor of St. Marye The Kirk ton and St. Marys teams are at log,ger heads in the interests of their stomachs.- Mr. Hyde's new barn, is completed, and lie will move hie house mto Andersen shortly. -111r. 7Vill Rob- inson, of Denver, a former Anderson boy, who is conducting a large practice in law there, will take unto himself a wife in a few days. We wish him all happiness and few troubles. -While sitting at a meal the other day Miss Jennie Anderson had her ann badly scaleled. She was being waited upon and in throwing out her arm, unaware that anyone was approaching, she knocked the cup of hot tea out of the waiter's hand, scalding her right arm badly. A BICH VAetreexon, "If there tvas only one bottle of Magi yard's Yellow Oil iu Manitoba I would give one hundre1 dollars for it, writes Philip H. Brant, of Monteith, Matitobit, after haying used it for a severe wound and frozeh fingers, vvitb, as he says, "as e toniehing goad results." ICIRKTOX Post Office Store Clearing Sale,,of Prints and Summer Goods. Great re- duction in prices See our Delaines, were x5e, now only xoc. Great Bargairls, and must be cleared out at a, sacrifice to make room for other goods. Eggs, toe; Butter, 12o,