HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-11, Page 8INt3URA N Ole.
.14.14IOTAG ENT VOit
WeIS tlettN ASSURANCE 00.1.11
ot townie; also for the ea. )11bax.
Ja et £ .11P
.46 u A.,is.) s co A N of London
.,„e stelliard. Alelsie-N014 INSURANCE 0Q8& -
of Eartla.nd.
TiiE LONDON WI.0 11141,L
Heart einee, LONDON.
For8i years this Company has done the
est bnese iti Canada et tne lowest rites,
consistent with aecurity.
Assets, Jan. 189 r, $S37.19e.00
43,0001Po1leies in forme
T. E. ROUSON, President.
seeDON ALL), Mau:leer,
For further particulars. Apply to
Agent, Exeter.
GR1G Gr';
Book Store
is our text this tim.e.
Never in the history
of Exeter has WALL
PAPER been offered
at such
as we shall sell at this
Season, and the Pat-
terns will be more
ARTISTIC than ever.
Be Sure to See the New Stock before
Grigg's BookStore
IffiCalmenCalsaw...-roaarsxmentr- ca.mmomonvolbair.-rus,
Bargains !
argains !
J. A. Stewart.
N, B. -Store closes at half past Biz
every evening except Wednesday and
NOTIOE-All business announcements
notioes of publie meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing M there meal
colemns will be chareed for at the rate of five
cents per line each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
icr persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issue oopy
must be handedinto office on Tuesday.
Mr Pollard has been ill the past week
with inflammation of the bowels.
The I 0 F of Clinton, will run an
excutsion to Sarnia on the 3rd of Aug:
-Flax pulling will commence next
week. The crop will be lighter than
Go to the market store for Boots &
Shoes. Cheapeab place in town. -J. P.
N Howard has decided not to re:
build his dam, but will purchase a more
powerful engine.
In 1890 the United. Kingdom import-
ed:five hundred and fifty five million
dollars worth of farm products. There
is a market big enough for a dozen
• Chief GUI on Wednesday arrested: a
young man named Brennen, for the
larceny of a watoh from Mr Luther
Braund some time ago, He was eone
vatted for trial,
Dr. Oronhyatekha says he isin favor
4)f extending the 1 0. F. to France and
Germany. It is safe to say the doctor
stands alone in this position. The al-
reoet universal feeling among the rank
and file in the Dominion is that it would
be better if the membership were con-
fined to Canada.
A want of confidence mobion in the
Dominion Government, Moved in the
house on Tuesday by the leader of the
Opposition with reference to the report:
ed resignations of three Fiona members
of the Cabinet on account of the Goy;
ettment's action in the Manxtobit School
Wawa was defeated by a vote of 111
to 72:
- est •
While chopping wood the other day,
Thos. Elliot cut one of his feet badly.
Pie tapped off a log, the axe falling on hie
1,b1 SALZ..-DOUble SOUII, keel bOtlOtneti
lake boat, spoon ears. Capacity mix or
eight pliesengeett, .Apply to
Servia King Aleeetider has charged
Sitnies te ferns a cgielition Cabinet.
'Use1 D, Olot etn otolnAdi trenblee.
reeee'reessees. •
THE EX .1.1 ME
Siirre huntereare busy, e
Binder Twine at 5X cents at
H. Bishop & Son's.
Go to the inerket ;mire for Boots
HURSDAY - JULY lith, 1895. Shoe, ()honest Otto in tuwn,- L. P.
eMeaers Dow and flendford shipped a
or load of werking liorsise to alauitoba
QLi nouday.
The ouutractors have completed the
grattotiehie sidewalk oo west side of
-420.111 at, and the eu bing is being put he
A lawa winds club has berm organ-
ized in town, With a good menaherehrp.
They will p ay on Mx. R. S. Lang'e
The Exeter choirs, aecompauied by a
iiunibiir from the surrounding couutry,
at teteled the musical festival ut Lanion
reTTett WANTED.- -T wo husidred
tubs of goad Dairy Peeked Butter
wanted fur cesh, bt J. W. 13rocleriok's
Cheap Store, Exeter,
Mr. and Mre. James Kylel Stratford,
have celebrated their goiden wedding.
•Born in Seotland to 1820 and 1831 re-
el) ectively; married atSt.George, Brent
11"n tiYn.
Binder Twine at 534 cents at
H. Bishop & Son's.
• An inquest into the late fires was
'begun yestt3rday before the coronet,. Dr.
Ilyudenin. It will likely coutinue for
several days. The e are home 50 wit.
aeons to be exananed.
Our reputetion fur keeping a No I,
article is otablished, our groceries iieed
nut be enumes•ated singly, one ttial wiI
convince you thet they are what you
need at J P Clarke's.
The races on Thareday night- last on
else drivihg park Were largely attended.
The trotting race was won by W. R.
hurse, Hensall ; John Lea -
thorn's 2nd, .A. D. Tenn.ent's 8rd.
N(re will challenge the cousumor to
tied bester values in trause ings, were
steds, Tweeds and Italians than those
we ae offe ing to the public; give them
a look through at J P Clarice's.
ge t ero Logieni Dep&rtineu t reports that
rteinfall for 1893 te date is only a trifle
above half the usual amouut, and that
last month was the warmest June re-
corded by the Toronto Observatory,
A barn 110 feet long, 85 feet wide
and 20 feet high was raised on the farm
uf \V. qevingtun, con. 2 Biddulph. Two
hundred and thirty-two men helped in
the work, and not a single abeiteeet
Bin der Twine at 534 cents at
Mrs Daltry returned to 1410art on Tues;
'The wed at the towu huh in being deepenl
Centralia hag heels ronneettd by tele-
The:e ere toyerti dross advertised for
toile in this ere° e.
The receut reiu extended uorthware on,
ly tee arse a lain roiltS„
The tale of town tots advertised in an:
othet column iakettvaters oday.
The Exeter cricketers are practisi..g
fur a metals with the Loudou teem 10 the
nts.r future,
Parkdale critiket teem &hutted Clinton
the other day in the later place by an,
anniug al4d 31j lune.
. Dr, C. H. Ineram'Demise (oven Pow -
°molt.) Paruless lextraettou-no sweleed
efahe or bad effects atter.
,Sailor Boy Uncolored Japau Tea, good
enough for the Queen, tbe Big Bankrapt.
Store sole agents ef the west.
• An esteemed resident of Exeter, in the
'Person et John Hooper, died en Tuesday:
He was a fut o'er lesident of Stephen to wn •
ship and had beeuid for some time
W. A. Munro, a former typo of THE
Trues, but lately of the Parkhill Gazette,
has gone to uhioago, where be imenes
entering into the study of the ministry.
•'41-I1ere you are," nearly 600 remusans
•of Dress tioods,Pi ints,(Sangliame, Cottons,
Towlings, Shirongs and Flannelettes at
quick selling prices, at the Big Bankrupt
A team of horses owned by the Rollins
te Williams Milling Co ran away from tue
mill on. Monday, breaking tue wsggou
slightly. They were captured near tue
,selaneion House.
e're are making a study of how best to
place before our Lady Customers, noel:
lug but satisfactory Dress goads mud to ba
convinced, is to examine the different llnes
shown by Je P. Choke.
The Biddulph Council' met on July 2nd.
Acovunts to the arnount of about 1u00
were passed, and After the Reece sensed
severei by him the council adjourned to
mset on Angust 5th at 10 oeslock.
His Lordship Chanoellor 13ayd, of To-
ronto, was at London Satutdey atteuding
the funeral of his brother, the late Frances
Boyd. of London township, who died tee4
the effeots of a collision with the London.
SWeet trolley oar.
Beat 'ern if you ran, for you can't. 50c
Ladies Black or White Sailor Hats for
20e; 10c LerheaVests down to 6 far 25o;
40c pure Silk Groves for 20e; 35s .Double
fold Dress Goode, pure wool, for 291, c, at
the Big Bankrupt Store.
A Gurlerich councillor at a resent meet-
ing elaireed that billiards °mead boys to
have sharp ales, dear heads, steady hands
and ;Arena nerves, and in &slug so bit.
proved them, and the Srpnal men says the
ouuncillor was talking through his het. e
Specials at the Big Bankrupt Store, SO
Factory Cotton for 5e; 14c White Bleach-
ed Cotton tor 100; 12Sc Ceylon Flannel.
etteo 11 yards for $1; 12Sc English Print,.
for 8e; $6 (Menne Curtains for $3,95 a
Some Snaps at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Pure White Wine Vinegar for Pickling,
350 a gallon; 3 lb tar famous N P Sap
for 16c; 5 twin bars White Castile or
Oat Meal Soap for 25c, 10o box Boyal
Yeast Cakes for 5e; 10c bottle Extracts,
best quality, 6c; 20c Pickles down to 100 a
bottle; 25o for gallon tin of Canned Apples,
worth 36c.
At Chesley a farmer has gone insane his
mind being completely unhinged by his -
complete loss. The oountry all thrrush
these sections is burnt up and dry and ruin
stares thonsands in the face. The merch:
ants in the various places are so cliscourag
ea by the outlook that they refuse to bny
goods from the oornmescial travellers until
ram has fallen: More than this grasshop
pare havems.de:their appearance and thre ,t
en the rensaing of those crops whioh the
drought has spared.
There died in Clinton on Sunday Robert
Marlow, aged. 80 years and ll months.
The cause of deeth was due to a wearing
out of the human machinery. He had
not been well all spring, but was confined
to bed only a couple of days. He was a
native of England, and oame to Canada
over sixty years ago, aettling in Waterloo,
and afterward came to Huron and partici-
• pated in all the hardships of early pions), r
• life.
There died in Croderich township on
• Saturday !evening another of the noble
pioneers of Huron in the person of Itobsrt
Aeheson, Sr., aged 94 years Born in the
Couaty Fermanagh Ireland, in the year
1891e he came to this country with his
wife rind family in 1841 and settled on the
farm now owned by Samuel Walters on
the Huron o ad, Goderich township, and
aIo bought the one on the opposite side of
the road, where he died. He was a member
of the township couneil for several years
and was continuously assessor for 14 years.
Mr. Bob*. Ballantyne, (Black Creek),
had not been in his usual robust health
lately but he was able to be up and around
and neither he nut his family had reason
to expect that his end was neer, hut while
conversing with members of the family on
Sunday morning he fell over and expired.
Be was a native of Peebleehire, Scotland,
and came to this country with his tether
stewards of sixty years ago settling in the
toweehip of Downie, which he made his
home ever since. He was 73 years of age.
He leaves a widow (daughter of the late
Wm. Smith, registrar of Perth,) four Sens
and two daughters. Deceased was a
amain of James. Bellantyne, Usborne.
Tueeday, a youth named HenryHearn,
who gives his age as 18,and aye hie father
lives at Byron, drove up to Mrt Nathan
Campbell's, Southwold, north of Payees
Mills with a horse and buggy which be
waisted to trade with Mr. Campbell, After
Mr. Campbell went online() the field Dearn
hitched tib Mr. Catnpbell'a horse and drove
oft leaving the other horse. Campbell
followed and overtook him, and took him
before Prank Hunt, 3. Pe who committed
him for trial on a charge of atealing Mr.
Campbellei here% He also admitted having
stolen the other horse and the buggy
from Mr. Thos Elston, township of Hay,
county of Huron. He was taken before
Sudo Melee and sentenced to the peni' ,
teivestry for three years. Marna, it le
Paid, burglarized the house Of Mr, Grey
and stole a quit of clothee, Which he wadi"
wearieg when arrested. He elne, stole
quantity of clothing Iron Mr, Bletens
H. Bishop & Son's.
heeAsgold brick. weighing 50 lbs., and
Yelued at $13,518, arrived at Montreal
fema the Carriboo Hydraulic Mining
Cempany's mole at Clarriboo, B. C.,
&turd ty consigned to the Bank of
A good deal of drygoods.paper matur-
ed Taursctay, and. the trade at Toronto
report that payments were very sittie.
factory and the percentage of renewals
sinader theu for the same date last
year. The same is true of London.
The rain storm oa Monday evening
was one of the heaviest of the season,
Pesci while it deterred haying operations
aomewhat, the beurfit to pestiftes,
spring yens and. roots is, incalculable,
There was the usuel thunder and light--
”ing accompaniment, but no damage
was done.
A number of years ago the pro-
ineetor of the Queen's hotel, Brussels,
Alfred Roe befriended a man named
Van Allen, who was on the rocks. Van
Allen bearded with him for a time and
handed. him over an interest in an in-
surance policy, on which Mr. Roe drew
$3,000 a short time ago at Buffalo. It
evidently pays to do kind deeds.
Penetanguishene town has this • year
set out 1,000 maple trees. The muuici-
pality which adorns its thoroughfares
with shade trees is commented on by
every visitor. Shade trees improve and
enhance the value of every lot. When
planted, howeyer, shade trees must
have reasonable care • The small boy,
the careless horseman, the borer, are
their worst enemies.
The farmera in England pay about
$14 per acre in Rent and taxes for
every acre of wheat land used. If we
had to pay the seme rate here almost
the whole crop would be taken to meet
these two items. The reason the Eng-
liah are able to live under such a charge
is because they grow thirty bushels of
wheat to the acre while we grow less
than half that quantity from the same
Farmers are busy haying, and will
finish this week, when the fall wheat
harvest will commence. The hay drop
geoerally is lighter than usual, and on
an average -will yield about one load
and a half to the acre, or a little betber.
The usual return is two loads to per
acre. The wheat will harvest it two
thirds crop. Spring grains and roots
look splendid and with sufficient rain
will yield vsell. The weather, the past
few weeks, howeyer, has been dry, and
detering to the roots.
The legality of keeping a ehild in
school after regular hours for nob
learning hie lessonslwas tested in an
English law court recently when the
mother of the little boy had. the head
master of the school he attended before
the court, The judge, in giving his
decision, said that the master had no
authority to impose on children the
duty of studying achom% and thee he
therefore had no tight to detain him,
and he also said. in his opinion this
detentioo amounted to an assault As
the plaintiff in the case did not wish to
press it, the matter was discharged on
payinz costs, Canadian teachers can
take this lesson home.
Pattick Glavin who sustained severe
injury one day Glavin,
week from being
thrown oub of his bum, was conveyed
tu his home near Mt. Carmel on Tues-
day. While driving to txeter in a dart
his horse shied at an obstacle on the
road, and jumping suddenly, threw Mr.
Glavin onto one of the wheels. Hie
feet becoming fastened in the braces, he
was dragged, head downwards, for a
considerable distance, until the horse
was caught by Mr. Chris. rahner, who
was driving along the road et the time.
Mr. Glavin was taken to Mr. Treib-
l'ner'es in an uneenSeiotte state, where he
haS since been eared for. Nis injuties
geriblVe and ft Will be genie title
bef be recovers.
Only ee Cents.
For seveuty five cents we will send
us !muss from no e till Jsattery 1890,
al d tile Toronto Weekly Mail an
13, for one year.
of er, This is spetaal
I e went. To Serie Posteards,
At Montreal recently Judge Cham-
pagne rentleredan iritereeting,vertliOr in
the case of Wiriest vs. RobidouX. The
piniursfrolatetea $50 daineges beceuse
the defendaut wrote hen of an 21,0count
with threats ofleval proceedirrge if it
were net aid, 'Ile, defenee was Diet
a postcard was a means of einnintinhation
autluorized by law, • and thab no malice
rendered in the same sense some time
Mg, moreover, thab no darnege what-
ever WM shown to have been suffered
by plaintiff. A previous judgment wae
was ititelultd. The court maintained
this plea, and dismissed the action hold.
Any persen desiring to adopt a Can-
adian child will hear of some very
suitable eases by writing to Rev. 0 W.
N eh, Brighton. Ont', who has several
°hilt Van placed in his care for adoption
intaaeood Christian homes: lis hes
some bright little boys of three and
under. They are Canadian children.
and are deserving of good. homes.
Persons applying will please sead their
name and'address of their pastor
tvlinisters ;sad others knee:hie of orphan
or destitute children, in need or assis-
tance, Mr. Watch will be p eased to
correspond with, and adviee in the
matter. Financial aid and clothing in
behelf of orphan and. deatitute ehildren
will be appreoiated and applied as the
donor desires.
Person al
A Glendale correspondent says: -Mrs
Wood of Exeter, was the guest of her
son-in-law, Mr. A Gunning last week.
-The ladies of Thames Road Presby-
terian church presented Mrs. 0. Flet-
cher with a certificate of life member-
ship of the W. F. M. society.,e- Miss
Waldrond, teacher, is spending vac-
ation at Brookholm --Mr. Chas, Knight
of St Thomas speat a 'week , wader the
parental roof.- Mr, W. E. Graham and
wife of St. Mary, spent Sunday and
Moody visiting friends in to ,vn.-Rers.
Jasper Wilson. and W. MoDenagh cal-
led on inlay friends ia town on Tues-
rtey. -T. A. Russell, of Usborae, wrote
atjthe Uaiversity Matriculation exams
af Lonclen last .week. -Mr. and Mrs.
James Page of Seaferth, spent the past
week gueste at the Metropolitan.' -4i •
KateMcCle' la ti, of Stratford forme rEx-
eterite and daughter of Mr. D. McClel-
lan, has been engaged to take Miss
%ilia Aiken's place, as teacher in the
Goderich Collegiate Institute, during
the latter's absence on it trip around
rho world, -Mrs, Orem: aril Mime -Ovens of
:Was, Collin spent Tuesday et Mrs. Oven's
parente ia towne-eliss !fettle jayees, of
Aevins'on, is visiting the Miss Johns. -
Mrs. A. Q. Bobier mid Miss Fronde Saw -
len leave in e kw . rimer for the Oid
(lountry, to visib frienda.--elr. Gregory
Torn, Sou of Mr. Jame e Tum, town, who
holds it lucrative position as teacher in a
Co •egiate Lutieute in -British Columbia,
arrived in town on Tuesday, and will
spend the holidays here. We understand
that Mr. Tom is aft, r more than his health,
and that he will rob Exeter of one of its
fair daughtere -,5. A. Poplestone, D. 1)
G. M., installed the officers of various.
lodges of the I. 0. 0. P. thronehout the
county thia week.-eirs .Peck of Loneon
Is the guest of gra Dayi 1 mill.
A most painful and serious acredent hap-
pened to Mr. Layton Pidd and John
Langford, of Granter), ou Dominion Day.
They were going to their work and when
near Whalen some part of their yelncle
gave way, the horse became partly de-
tacheti from the waggon and the two
occupants were thrown with great ylolence
to the ground and dragged under the
broken vraggen for a considerable distance:
Mr. Laugtord had one arm broken into
fragments and otherwise injured, whilst
Mr. Pidd wits cut and torn in a fearful
manner, but without any broken bones,
Business embarrassments :-,Tas. Heald-
ing, baker, Brantford, haa assigned to E.
Hartley. M. Ask, of West Zorra, has
assigned. John Jackson, hotel -keeper,
Nixon,has assigned to J EC Jackson.
Neglect oo la in the head and yOtt will surely
have catarrh. Neglect nasal catarrh and you
will. as surely incruse Dulmonary diseases or
catarrh of the stomach with Its disgusting
attendants, foul breath, hawking. spitting.
blowing, &a. Stop it all bo using .Dr. Chase's
Catarrh Cute, 23 cents a box Sures.
And Remedial Legislation re-
jected by the Dominion Govern-
ment but noneof these confusing
elements prevent us from con-
tinuing to offer good and satisfy-
ing bargains to our customers.
We will offer the balance of our
Men's, Boys' and Youth's Straw
Hats at reduced prices rather
than carry them over to another
season. They are the newest
styles. Come in and be suited.
The grandest Bargain in a
Tweed we have ever offered at
40c. Its value we think is un-
We have a lot of Ladies'
Gaiters, the stock of which is
good but the elastic • has given
out. Their price is $1.35 per
pair, they will be offered for soc
per pair—sizes 5's, 6's and 7's.
500 kegs Of gilt edge butter
wanted for which the highest
market price will be pai,d,
For Bargains
In all Lines of
Etc., Etcz,
R. :Naar&
& Son.
That we are asleep.
No! We are in it just as much
as we ever were. With all the
low and Bluster we are prepar-
ared to sell Summer Goods as
cheap as the cheapest. Call and
be convinced,
Exeter IVIumeipal
The Ccuncil met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the Town Hall Exeter, 5th July
1895. All present. The minutes of the
previous nieeting were reed and confirm-
Carling -Treble. --That any person
about to put down granolithic sidewalk
on Main street shall before doing so
apply to this council for permission and
the work shall be done under direction
of the council who will pay one third of
the coat of such sidewalk. -Carried.
The clerk reported $589.00 required
for County purposes, for the current
year. The clerk to draft a by law re-
Taylor-7,That orders be
granted for the following sums, viz :-
Geo. Bissett $5.00, for preparing
Trott officer's book; Jas. Creech $8.00
charity to Mrs Sutton ; $3 to Geo.
Muttart ; $2•00 to Mrs 5, cIntosh ; Joe.
Parsons, 62e labor and the clerk $25.00
part salary. --Carried.
The constable is instructed to enforce
the law regarding dog tags and taa.
Oar ing-Trebl e.---Tha t Messrs Crock-
er ens' Hartnoll proceed with the deep-
ening of the well as soon asPossible and
that Mr. Crocker be paid $2.00 per day
for labor and appliances and Kr,
Hartnoll $1.75 per day for labor, the
.council to furnish such other -help that
Lay he required.-Cerried.
Taylor -Raiding --'rhat we advertise
for as e of deberituree in both local
papers, tenders to be received up to
July 19t11 at 8 o'clock p, ne-Carried.
Carling -Treble. --That the e JUncil
adjourn until.. Fricley the 19th inst.,
at 8 o'clock p. m. -Carried.
• Wide leaf sun shades that cost 15c.
each, ntade by the French people, will
be offered at 50 each to clear, at J. P.
EALED TENDERS, addressed
the undersigned and endorsed "Tender
for Coal, Publio Buildings," will be recoivei
linen Thursday. lSbh July, fnr Coal supply for
all or any of the Dominion Public B mild -Logs .
Specifications, form of Tender and all neces-
sary information oan be obtained at this
Department on and after Thursday, 27t11
Persons tendering are notified that tenders
Will nor be considered unless made on the
printed form supplied, and signed with their
actual signatures.
Each tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted bankchoque, made payable to the or-
der of the Eionourable the Minister of PRIAM
works, aqua to five per cent. of the amount of
the tender, which will be forfeited if the Parte
decline te enter into a contract when called
upon to do eo, or if be fail to supply the coal
contracted for. If the tender bo not accepted,
the cheque will be returned.
The Department does not bind itself to no -
crept the lowest or any tender.
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa. 26th .1 une,1895.
Extensive Sale
ofValuable Residental and Building
Properties in the
Village of Exeter.
There will be offered for sale by Public
Auction on
THURSDAY,the lith ?,ay of JilLY, 1095
thefollowing desirable properties viz :-
FIRSTLY. -Part of lot one in the first con-
cession of Ilay, formerly owned by Wm. L.
Brimacombe, upon which is erected a good
frame house and steble, both in good repair.
This lot contains 3 aeras of of good land upon
which there is a goo?1 orchard. Possession
may bo had imnsediatele after day of sale.
SECONDLY: -Lots 84, 85,80, 87, 88, 80, 90. els
02,93 and 94 on west side Andrew street in the
Villas of Exeter, Each of diese lots ow:stain
oars -fifth of en aore and emelt one forms a
building site that is not exeslled in the Vil-
lage. All are high, well drained and close to
the ohurehes and to the Publio School.
TIMM Z --Lots 87, 38 and 94 on the east
kido of Main street, opposite tee old market
ermare, splendidly situated for building or
business purposes; also close to refunds err and
so oral and oon veto ent to rallwity s tenon .
FOURTIILY.-The centre Pasts of lots
number ono and two. Carling and Flounders
atreets,"Gilley survey," beautifully situated
for building purposes.
F,Fputy.-Tho centre parts of lot"E,"
containing two-thirds Of an acre. This would
make a lovely spot for any person wishing to
secure a mite for a good residence -one half of
the property forming a beautiful grove.
This sale will afford farmers and others de-
siring to acquire villsge property for building
or other pomace, a rare opportunity. ao the
owners are determined to soil, and bargains
may be expected.
Full particulars may be had front the under-
signed and will be tonourieed on day of Bale.
The sale will begin in PrancestoWn on the
Brinutoombe property and will be cootinued
on the different er000rtiOS,
J'A‘MBe IlOWaltnelileeter.
mrist,1110 WARD, Exeter,
W: BRE/WACO MBE, Stratferd.
nx0' ON; ilartiAter. 'Exeter.
Tbe ar C new steamers are sow run-
ning four trips Der week between Toledo,
Detroit and Mackinac. Send for their
illustrated pamphlets, Midsummer Voy-
ages to Mackinac Address A. .A..
SCHANTZ, G. P. C. Detroit,
Thursday night or early Friday morning
robbers entered the offise of the Continental
Steamboat Company on the wharf on Dye
besot, Providence, R. 1„ blew open the
safe and took all the cash contained there-
in, about 62,000,
Malcolm MoDonald, a Woodstock boy,
who achieved quite a name as a jockey in
the Western States, was killed lad week
at St, Louis, by falling from a horse. The
body was brought borne tbere on Sunday
and buried in the R. C. cemetery.
Fifty 30585 Of success in curing Dior
hoea, Dyseutery, Cholera, Colic, Cramps,
Bowel complaints ofsummer aud fall, etc-.
etamp Dr. Fonver's of Wild Strawberry as
the best remedy in the marbet, It
eaves children's lives,
' K. 1). 0. the household rernady for
stomach troubles,
To 8
To meet the wishes of their mesas
tomers The Geo: E. Tuckett & .'Son.
Co., Ltd:, Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon, the market
A Combination Plug of
6 6
This supplies a long felt want, giv-
ing the constuner one 20 cent plug,
or it 10 cent or a 5 cent. piece of the
famous "T & B" brand of pure Vir-
ginia Tobacco.
The tin tag "T & B" is en every piece -
Clearing Prices
Men's Suits at $3.5o
Good Tweed Suit 4.50-
(1 (1
10.00 8.00.
Ladies' Vests 5c, Doc, upwards.
5c. Grey Cotton 3c., Sc. do 5c.,
ioc. do Sc.
Perhaps you would like a few
snaps in GROCERIES. •
Good selected Raisins $t.00 per
box; 6 lb. for 25c.
Good New Currants 5c. per lb.
Canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes,
2 boxes r5c ; goc. per doz. ;
Pickles, 2 bottles for 25c.
Christie Brown & Co.'s cele-
brated Biscuits in all the fancy
makes ; also Sodas, put up in tin
boxes to retain crispness in hot
Do you like a good Black Tea?
Try our B. Brand and Orient
Celons. Best 25c Tea in the
trade. A line of Japan's,
clearing at rOc per,, lb .
Side Meat, Shoulders and
Hams ; Pure Lard ; old and new
Cheese; Chase & Sandburn's -
best brands Coffee ; also a good
blend, ground) fresh, worth 4oc.,
for 300, a lb.
-BOOTS & SHOES at old
prices. Now is the time to buy,
as Shoes have advanced 25%,
WALL PAPERS at clearing
prices for balance of s'eason.
Highest iies paid for Butter
and tg