HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-11, Page 4Molsons Bank TERED EY PARLIAMENT, 1865.) Capital 82,000,000 and 1,000,000 Read Office, Montreal. WOLFERSTAN THONCA.S,E8q., ' Getteasan Mseetssents 31414MeT advanced to good farmers on their 4Itafte mete with one or more endorsor at 7 per Oat, pet enema, Exeter Branch. n every lawtul day, froni a.m. to p,m SATIIIIDAYS, le min, 101 p. ,ent rates of interest allowed, tat dolmas N. 32,,HURDON, Manager. Estabilsned in 1877 1$. 10, OPITZZXciss BANKER, EXETER, ONT Trensecte a general beakinghusiness. Receives the Accounts of Merchants and Others on favorable terms, Offere every accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking principles. Interest allowed ou deposits. Drafts lamed payable at any office o the aterehents 'Sauk, 14;TOris0 DISCOUNTED, and MONNV TO LOAN ON NOTSS and MORTGAOXs. 0121,211.11101.00P102.1=8.11B1=1/.1 T. gft.A atute. THURSDAY, JUi,Y llsb, 1895. .Noties to TimesReaders. 2'1ze publishers wouid esteem it a favor if readers zooniciewhee otalany their purchases Mention that they saw the Merchant's ativer gement in Tros trues. Statute. Labor. --- The statutts with regard to the pre Yention of the sereed of noxious weeds es tieing loosely carried ;rut, and not only are our Ingliways burdened with, such groeths, but the adjoining farms are becoming overrun.. Tier 14 uniespal ollieiele are to b auto for the spread 4.1 these noxious weeds on, bete the highway and farm pro- perty. R. S. t C, 202. audit:dee by Tic. 53, 51 ;eel :311, deennetlye states. that Pit slab be tl0 duty of every oc- cupant. or if (les laud (0 unoccupied. it sball be the duty of the owner to cur down arid destroy all Carattla, thistles, ex -as e t:eiser, 11 111 AAA, rag Weed and burcleek etewhe on les an, and 11,41 other wadi.): s weeds grewing on Lis land to winch this A et nifty be extend ed by by law or the muilic pslity. so seften emir are' t Very 3(111' as is suffi- cient , 0 ereeeta the riperdire of their - seed. plea id ng that, sueh miring or destruotsorr Ce es net involve tho des- trect.oa 4,1 the growing grain. 'The council of aey eity, tease, township, or incerlsorated vi lage may hy by law, ex tend the operation of this Act to ariy other 805'i or weeds. ort r any ihsease (0 grain. ellich they declare 1, be noxis4us to hu,lintalr‘,. need ereup M toe 0)0- inieipa ty; 41(1 all the pro 08)008 ef thi. .Act sball Reply to suet) noxious e eerie and diseases as IF the same were 110/e111 anumermen, Such council may and, upon a eerditeot fifty or more rate - pays rs, shall appoint- at least one he specter tn enforce tr.e prostsiens of this Act in the tr elite-, and fix the amount of renter esr 1 tion, fees or charges be is to receive for rim performance of his duties, end in case a vacancy ellen occur in the effice of Inspector, it aball be the duty f the council to timi the seine forthwith, It shall be the duty of the inspector to give or cause to be given notice in writing to the owner or occueent of any lend within the municipeltty wherein toe said n,,x- ions weeds are growing, and in danger. . of going to seed (and in case of pro perty of a railway tsom peny, the notice ahall be given to any stetion master of tlie company resid- nt in or nearest to the municipa)ity) requiring him to cause the same to he cut down or des teoyecl within ren daes of the service of the notice ; and ic shall be the duty of the inspector to give or cause to be given such notice for the first time not later than the 10th day of July in each year or such earlier date as may be fixed by by -leve of the mutricipality. In case such owner or occupant of land (or, if it be railway property, the etation master upon whom notice has been served) retirees or neglects to cut down or destroy all or any of the said noxious weeda within the period afore- said, the,inspecter shall enter upon the Tana aud cause such weeds to he out downor destroyed witb as lirtle dam- age to growieg crops es may be, and he shall not be liable to be sued therefore; OT the inspector, instead of eutering upon the land and causing such weeds to be cut clown end destroyed, may lay information before any justice of the potpie tis to such refusal or neglect, and such owner or occupant shall, upou conviction, be hable to the penalties imposed by eeetioti 10 of this Act." The fine hero referred to ie from $5 to $20. It is fully Provided thet every of fence against the provisions of this Act snail be punished, and the peealty fire posed fer eaoh offence shall be recover- ed and levied, on summary convictiol before any justice of the peace; and all fines imposed shall be paid to the tree - Surer of the rem nicinality in which the Offence is eummitrcd, for the use of the municipality - In 1800 &bent 07 per cren e, of the population of England was supplied by home grown. wheat, In 1800 only 20 per Cent, of the snpply Was drawn from dorneetie iuurees. With title grow-, ir-tg dependence on foreign and colonial toed supplies the necessity to the Old Land 07 cornmatid of the Sters routes bee eriormously increased, No Wonder there ie meter any eeriotts objectioti to the naval estinietee in the Imperial PuViarrierrt, 11 ria d by stetelay, Item -of 010)80 lbett roe away 4 ' X00 The Xanitoba, Sehool, QueStiO,a. .Qttawit, 0te...July See -The rontine •proceedliags in.. the', lIoneta -tteelaY. eittesed no niteroet Whatetier, 01.4: the whole houee Was' agog Ste hear • the Proneleed declaration •of • Hoo Tr • Foster - • that. • • be would. ,•annotmce th0. pollens of the ativernment on.' the Manatobasehool qaestion. • He said:* "I desire to state that thess.cloyern"- 'Ment hite had under its .cons ideration • • the Peply 01 the.ManitehaLegislature, .to the renteditel order df 21st :Mareh, 1$95, and after careful aelib60:tion; has erriyed ttt: the 1"0110Witlg'on cluaiont-erThetagh there may be.sliffir. erencei-Pof Opierione •as to the easact wettish**. .'of :;the reply • in ..questiOn, the- Grovertineent'belleve§ that. it•MitY he haterpeeted•tO 1oUin ont.. sense. !Mane Of an, teiniestbie"settleneent •of 'the ManitObit COMO question me the basis Of ape§siislo ! action • :ley the Manitoba. (.,i'overneuent and Legislar tuee..and the Demitiben.Governinent isanoet unwilling to take any action Which eau be interpreted as .foreetall- ing- or precluding such "a desirable noesetnnuatien. The Government has aleo considered' - the dillicultiee, to be met With ha preparing and pee- ' lectang legislation on 50 nuportant and. Intricate a question Chuang the last hours of the present session. A. constmusleation will be sent immedi- tooter eto the Manitoba Grover/uncut en the subjects with a view to as- eertabling whether the Government is dispesed to take a settlement of the claestion whiehwill be reasonably satisfactory to the unnority of that Province, without making it neces- sary to call into requisition the po•wers of the Daininion Parliament session of the present Parliament will be called together to meet not later 1101:01 first Saturday of January next. If by that time the Manitoba Government, fails to make a satisfact- ory turangements to r emedy the orievence of the minority the Do- re r • minion. Government will be prepared at -the next eession of Parlitunent, to be <sailed as above stated, to. in- troduce and press to 0 conclusion such legislation as will afford an adequate measuee ef relief to the said. Minority, based upon the lines of the jadgment, of t,he Privy Council and the remedial order of the 21st Mar eh, 1895. Alter the announcement by Hon. Mr. Foster there wee no alecussion, but Mr, LaRivietei said that • the statement would not: be satisfactory to the minority of Manitoba. Among a (Tenth) eection 0 feeling prevails thet haurier should be inade to show hie liend by 0 straight vote in the lionee, it beinm believed that there exist; 11S nutauilversit,y of opinion among hie side. Foe in- stance, iSavid Mille. will vete with the Covernment, taking the. geound that the questioe is purely rme Of law, nod. eho aid 1.0 dispoeed of in the m tuiee. The mattes.' was ;so oussees' in 111 1.0115 of coeuere, that no et-Mir:tit Wtil4 'RCA, to the subsequent prom-mill:age in the House tuul theve it stands, till to -morrow. There is any tunount of talkgo- ing aleines and a good deal of it IS be- ing wheel away as faet—as, for her sta nee, the reeignatiou of the French Ministers. 'They have not resigned. At the close of the eession 311.-. Dal- ton McCarthy asked if the Govern- ment had asked permission of the GovernmaGeneral for allot her session. Hon. Mr. Fostee's reply was to the efreet that the Government had us- urped no authority in the matter, Owosso, Mich.. July 7.—An Assoc- iate(1 Press correspondent says that news has just boon received from Venice township that the 2 -year-old son of Edward Frost was eaten up hy hogs yesterday. Frost was at work on his farm and his wife busy about the house.. • The child wan- dered out in the yard at play. After some time the mother called for the child. Hearing no response she went in search, and f 'mind he had been at- tacked by bogs, whicb had knocked him down and eaten the two lower limbs and one arm. • NOTES ANL) COMMENTS Mr. Laurier says Ontario farms have depreciated in value by 25 per cent, during the last ten years. Mr. Blue the Ontario government stattstician, says Ontario farms have increased in value by $94 773,000 in the same time. And. Mr. Bale is a Liberal, too. x x The latest good crop reports come from the line of the Manitoba andNorth western Raiiway. This is an important section of the Northwest, and its story is very slender to that from other dis- tricts. l'he lfariitoha farmers, accord - to oflicial reports, this year increas- ed the area of their land under wheat from 1,010,000 aeres to 1,140,000 acres, the aeon under oats from 413,000 to 582,000 acres. that under barley from 119,000 to 153 000 acres and that , , under flax from 30,000 acres to 82,000 acres. They at any rate have faith in their country, and every week thepros- (001 that it will receive a market justi- fication in 1895 growls better. On Sunday, the 50th ult , white Mr. and Mrs. McCallum, of East VO Mimes were attending Divine service at St. Andrew's church, Nairn, sneak thieves broke into their house, between three and four o'clock, p. in., and stole about $70 vvortil of contents. consisting of two suits of closhes, eilverapleted ware, . jewelry, brushes, combs, silk pocket tismdkerchiefs, aloe.% and several other articles; also several jars of preserves. On Sunday last while Mr. William Me. East Williams, was at Church, two mere ono glean shaven aod rather thin and the other of somewhat shorter and etouter build, both fair complexion, with dark coats, entered Me- Callom's house and stole somo silver ware, knives and ft»b.s in a box lined with red Pi.k desert a. OOPS. teaspoons, three sheets, one 0110030E Snit olothes and one light Mad edit, The robbery was committed &lbw° n 0 and 4 o'clock p. m. ete.-ese'r,--e--er---reteeeretree WITII INVALIDS. Yeal with invalids the appetite ia cap- ricious and eteeris coaxing/ that is 3(181 41)8 tek.on tiwy improve ete rapidly tinder Soot 's Emulsion, Which' iN as paletahle &corn X. D. 0. ot SlItING res TiE'iBTIR ,11 I FA S. • .• Tho Latest N.0** - Tito teinperataleeitia reite ed 04 degrees .00 SeinslayP ,,, • : • ltev. 3.L. George has resigned; the .pitstOrtete ot John ! Street ,Preelpep teritinChnisehBellevillee '! el'osesilM.Meyers,"eged 10, on_ theenylleyere, baker, was drowned in the old, eanal below • heck 2, St.. Satetialay nights while •0. 11. Laivrenee Mid, 0, H, towing Wheel froin L'uoknoW, OnL, around Lalse Erie, • passed..throngh ,Btittala Satarday, on Way -to Cleveland and Detroit.: . 'Geo. Intraley, a Oanadiam. was • cut with 11 :knife in a re* with Anthony McDermott at Blasi:ha' Luniely .pnehed. McDermott down and frac- teredfh.is skull. Luthely was, arrest- ed. • . ." A two-year old son Of 'Louis Stele - bag,. on the town line heteveen •Pilk- ingtoia, 'and Guelph township, was eeverly scalded on -Wednesday ley upsetting 'a tub of water. He may .not The boy wasstill alive when foimd, but died soon. after. His parents are inconsolable. .Frost hves•ni one of the most isolated and remote por- tions of the country and but thinly . populated. Walter Reid, about 18 years of age yontagest son of John M. Reid, -of Leamington, was accidentally di:Owned in the lake Sunday morning while riding a horse in the water where his brothers was bathing. A St. Johns, Nfld., dispatch says : A serious forest fire is ragine- in the interior. It has devastated.200 tulles of country along the new line of rail- road, and has destroyed the telegraph lines, 'Sawmills and lumbering settle- ments. The explosiim of a gasoline stove in the residence of W. 0. -Bartel, Chicago; Saturday afternoon, burned Mrs. Bartel and Miss Ora King, her sister, eo badly that they will both (lie. An infant son of Mrs.' Idartel wae badly- burnsel, but will recover. Dieastrous storms raged in the -Western States on Monday, doing serious damage to property and des, troyiug many lives. The territorry covered by the Amen WAS from Chicago west. The wind. WaS a cyclone while therein fell in torrents. Word 'WEIS received et Hinnilton 00 Monday morning that Edwin Hilder, who belonged to Hamilton, and whose mother lives in that city, -was murdered. in Whitsshall, N. Y., on Saturday. by Newell Blanchard, valou§y prat:1114(A the deed. The number of sheep inspected for shipment at Montreal to the. end of June numbered 18,720: cattle, 29,830, of which 301we1e stockers foe export to France. The number of horses was 4,1.10, and the number of swine, 128: 1,293 mon were sent forward in ell arge of these animals. :Dr. Cochrane anti Mrs Cochrane, of Brantford, were telephoned on MOD - day morning to go to Toronto, 'where 1\Ire. Patton() lies dangerously ill. Mrs. Pattullo is; Mr. Cochrane's sister, and. wife of A. Pattrdlo, of the 'Woodstock Sentinel. She died on Tuesday A Petrolea lawyer hes skipped to the otherside leaving a number of mourning creditors. He defraoded a widow out of about $4,000. which he secured by fraudulent mortgage papees, The sum of $1600 Wassecured from her on a forged umegage against property owned in that town by- Dr. Mearns. a Farmers can haul rails and do other work on b'unday was the judgment in court of Magistr ate For - ham, of Kent county, on Thursday last. Farmee Watts,'Seventh Day Adventist, has been keeping Satur- day instead of the Biblical Sabbath, and 'Methodists prosecuted the case. Watts hauled rails on Sunday, and he coulcl go ahead and do all the 8011 - day work he wanted, beiug exempt as farmer. The three Springfield postoffice thieves, Joseph Milo -ran, Charles Allen and Harry Russell escaped Fricla,y morning from Ludlow street jail. The three men entered the office of keeper Schneer at the same time. Russell leveled. a revolver at the head of Schoen, who was also in the office, and the two others covered Schneer with weapons. They threat- ened to kill them if a single outcry was made, and by this means got scot free. One of the innst daring robberies ever perpetrated near Paisley was commibted Friday morning about one o'clock. Three masked inen en- tered the residence of Mr. David Black, an old, unmarried man, living O short distance from there. Mr. Black was awakened by the robbers, Who were in the act of tying his hands, and although be struggled hard, he Was bound hand and foot, and his head covered. with a quilt. Five hundred dollars was all the burglars wanted, and being told it was not in the house, they threat- ened to pour coal oil on the victim's feet and set set fire to it unless he told where the money was. After searching the house and ransacking' his papers tliey slightly loosened the cord on one of mr. Black's wrists and made their escape. All they got for their trouble was about $3 and two pairs of boots. The money they were after had been safely banked only the clay before. A. very deplorable tragedy was en- acted at the residence of Wm. Drake, 198 Percy street Peterhoro, Thurs- day when his aged. mother, Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, 73 years of age, took her owu life by swallowing it large quantity of Paris green. About nine o'clock Mrs. O'Brien WaS taken seriOesilv ill and acknowledged. that she had taken it dose of Paris green, with suicidal intents refusing to give any reason for, doing so. A doctor' WAS instantly summonedsbutnothing could be done; to off set the effect of the poision. Coroner 13e11 WAS notified of the affair, and. after enquiring into all the circuthstances, did not think it necessary to holdall inquest. Duriti the past year Mrs. O'Brien has ha 5011)0 trouble, but sirice she has been living with her son has always been very appy. It is thought, however, that brooding ove.r her past trouble Was the cause of her committing suicide, ttre trent), iwurpiry, Goderich tewmihip loft yeste 44,y for Mart, taint The ledy will tiett J) (1(010 and A eters; pi/Mtsin atettitehac WBLI-I.AND TRULY. 001tN112, 'STOZII11 OF TIM MAINST MErnnmerr ommen . is LAID, 'Beneath a' C1111144 sky, 'With teinperattaredike that Of An 0OtOber day 'surrounded • by a' goodly 00101- 91)117, With .fittiug coreMony, and tinder happiest eonditiones the corner steno of! the • 110W !ot the 'Main streeisMethodists was laid Tuesday afternotui. . Before three e'ClOok the grounds were filled with an anxious grows" clustering arcrund the 'foundations of the edifice and • stretching : to the sidewalk. 11 wa§ shortly after 8 o'plock when the ceremony began by singing hymn 010, hi Which -a joined heart - nee; Scripture readings by Revs. Coup - land HOlmes Clinton, andprayer aiada secondhymn brought the order of service to a nroet in- teresting feature—the depositing of documents in the corner stone; and. after Rev. Mr. Locke had read. a document giving a history of the church since its inception, Which contained data that in years to come will prove interesting should the con- tents of the Stone evenr again be re moved. It gave the manes of the active workers in Main st church, the various ministers :Who have been in charge, the present officials of the church, the officers and teachers of the S. S., and the officers of the various societies itt connection with the church ; the building committee, the architect and contractors and °thee information Of an interesting character. • The various docume.nts were then placed in the jar provided for the occasion, and among those deposited Were : The records of the church. and Epworth Leagues, a history of Methodism in Exeter, Chrisitiau Guardian, Epworth League Era, Missionary Outlook Exeter 'Parse and Advocate. The jar was then deposited in the corner stone, which wine in readiness to be lowered to its foundation on the North West corner It is a handsome black, :faultlessly and artistically cut and chiselled. On its face is ingraved the words :—"Main st Methodist church, rebuilt 1895." The honor of layingthe stone fell to a former esteemed pastor, Rev. Wm. McDonagh of Kingsville; as he mune forward to peeforin this duty he was handed a beautiful silver trowel, inscribed as follows :—"Pres - elated to Rev. Win. McDonag-h, by the trustees; of Mahe street Methodist church, on the occasion of laying of the corner etone. Exeter july Oth, 1895." At tue signal the stone was lower- ed to its reeting Orme, it is hoped lot many years. Mr. MeDonagh touch- ed it with the trowel and declared it to be well mid truly laid. 'Three memorial stonee also laid on the three pillars at the front of the church. Thee- are inscribed as follows :—"Laidliss frs. If. W. Locke,' "Laid by Mrs: 1'.') 31u10 Bolder,' "Laid by Mrs. Anna Brame" 3,11.-e. Locke being the amiable wife of the present pastor, w hile Mrs Bale" was a fornem member of Main st church, and Mee. Drawn the oldest Methodist in Exeter. These theca stones were also well and truly laid. Returning to the platform Mr. McDonagh ore tut address of a reminiscent and happy character. He was pleesed to again be with Main st people, and look into the good honest faces of his old friends and associates. He was a Methodist before he was born, and had become a more ardent one as the ,years rolled past. He was sorryfor the misfortune which had befallen his olcl congre- gation, but knowing them as h(1 did, he knew from the first that Main st church .would be rebuilt. And 11010 they will have an edifice of which they will be proud. While Methodism had ever been Considered the church of the poor, its membership seldom remained poor, as Methodism had the elements which raised man 'florally and intellectually, and thus financially as 'well. Main st con- gregation had increased step by step, and a more agreeable lot of people, during- his pastorate, he had never met. They were always willing to conteibute and do it well. Hallowed were the inetnOriee connected with Main st, church. Such men as Rev. Edwards, W. H. Verity, Mr. Trick and Rev. Laud willeverremain to the credit of Main st church. With tears in his eyes he referred to the late W. H. Verity, as a typical chrietian arid- a lover of Main st Methodist church, and were he alive today would no doubt be with us. His last words to his brethren at the Trust- ee Board were still fresh to his Mem- ory. He said, gentlemen, if you are ever in nee(1 of financial aid call on me ;I will neversee Main st church in want. Stich was his devotion to the dear old Mein st church. The rev gentlemanthen concluded his address, promising to renew it with greater vigor ha the grove to which the assemblage were about to repair. ?.Jr. 'H. E. HfiestOni the Treas, gave O statement of thebuilding fund, and while it WAS Customary on ,stich occasions to pass around the plate for contributions they' did not pnrpose doing so to -day, hut, if any peraon wished to andto the fluids they were cheerfully invited to do ,so. Ile wap gratified to state that when the church is coMpleted the cost; 'Some $10,000 wid all b0. provided for, not a Cent of debt reMaining. eBefore: the burning of the church in March last the congregation was free' of :debt, and Oot deshing to See oldMein street i•in se lagging state, loyal IneMbers and adherents put theirshoulders to the Wheel and erionhacitho necessary ftincle eubsCeibed for its re -erection. , ! Thelonierd thee ! tTpai:Ort to VIC school g; eye, the !nest '650tItiltd erounde in town.' wile 6 a pletform meting watt held and A ten. elven by the Ladies' All Of!' the ehneth ••,,06 the pletfortn we o: Revs ad; Doririgh, Strathroy; ClIn on, 011 former (motets); nett, Ceistrs1;ei Cnupluid . and Ys Hoed, Otediton The -chair ries stectioled by Rev TT W Leeke in, hit &MI 11A tip! end onto taleirm Maanete Ete first eel; d epee Hev Mt tie Wee pi:cased to be ,With his old f, ion& once Mere; waif socry. , to bear of:the•herniao,i Utho church, 'and s)3. he read,- t1t,..,.iler.#.0r,,,*(iiit$4 daynpqied ,his Aoki, 40.4,i0ifo and fondly 011so. . , . thneruleita, otHmee sosily4r4h,;4anmaaoauyrt:ulaattemis; . , , ories ot main t church and its oongrei: Mien, and upon hearmg of tbe deoie011 to rebuild he felt much pleased, as the Ye; putetiou of Main so ware tO0 Wide *read :to allow it to beemee ' extinct, Be was Pleesed to learn that they were about to bead on e." emelt etrenger foutelatiou. Main et.i.cat has many, friends throughout Ontarioawl wore they here today 'such MOP SS '‘V 111 Verity, and others who b4v,,, paased,away, with grand records , left to loud, would toot ,permit ,Ihe noble old church to pass out of exiatence, There. are difficulties .to contend side oppoebito to he metbut if the right opillt is °leen ved they would eae ly be Burtuottilted tie alluded happily 1'1) the fsrowth of the church sleet+ its ineeption In Exeter, It had iaised a generation of\ good men aud women. Seleudid as their new temple might be, prosperoott as it misht be, they ehould remember tbat it was only the workellop and if they forget that they forgot everything. It 0118 1101 built for the town, but for the country, in vending out into the world good ehristian prople from the church wed Sunday school, They should got lose sightof the fact that they had another temPle, a spiritual tom t le, to build, and that they were working in aod's workshop. Another generetiou would bleats tbern when they had pataed away, and would sae that they bad done it well. He stated. that Main st church heti always bee vl1 ustained from the pulpit, and would always be if its future proved to be a good as its past reoord. Be wished the congregation all prosperty and concluded a splendid address. Rev j W B.-olenee, of °buten, one of the former successful pastors of the oh nroh, was happy to appear before his many old friends On the -present occasion although rrgret: ing the destruetion ot the olds chureh by tire, and he was pleasecl to sae se many gaibereclon the grounds to celebrate the laying of the corner stone Ho had matif pleasant memo ies onus pasto sauna Exete , anti wouid be only tuo plied to become a pastor of Main etchutch a third time. He had found lbe congi egution goocl workers, liberal and true to the cause, and felt as: enrol that Main st chn:ch 0(0011 1100 again, mightier than ever. Mille enemies :Nei. and incendiaries may do their tootle, rislit sal p: (wail eud the church go on triumph - au ly: The churob °feted was pot dependent upon smy bunme brine, 1118 (611 sustaining He iras pleated 10 1811))) that the outlo k W718 f.t) bright, and tires he people of Mee: st did not get any celebrity from outsideito lay the corner stone but that the. had with 4, themselves and friends Sufficient couraee and cash to perform the work thoroughis and well and it was a credit 10 the church He stpulte worth; of encouragement to the ocingrei.ation. e.ulogiscd the labors of the planes/ Methodists atel ceopacterized the re/.itiftlinp„ of the church eoifice as stimulus to the work of christiaeity. The conoregraem had uothiug 0, intr.; the many little tots naming about would in years to come be at their beaks and crown the present onergira by perpetuating the erand wnrk. His remarka teem only cursory and he would unt inflict a long speech mem tee peeplo„ Rev.:11! MeDorsagh renewed Lis adares4 Methodist mielstsre had ()whets experi- ences ; ho bad had some 01le31.1, and route of them nene too 1 appy. Meybe it wire their riwn tattle He eas pleased to learn of the back bone of Mein st. people, or a portion of them, in deciding to rob their church, , Three years would tee the congregetion stronger and larger than ever. Methodism was becomieg more popular everyday, and iestead of doing away with chinches, new edifices were boing built. -fie alluded to the humble bt.ginuitg of Methodism in the days of Wesley,ancl said that now every 50,h Wan, woman and child on the lace of the earth was a follower 07 John Wesley. Such a growth was among the marvels of the eighteenth and nineteenth century.. Methodism was older tban Romeni 501, Orangism, or any other ism, It was the strongsst body iu the world and the most successful The Methodist church had won 40,000,000 of adh-erents and members in a little over 200 years. 105 years ago there were no teethorlists in Caneda, but the year after in 1870 the trot Methodist arrived here. Mr. McCarthy W5 s among the first expounders of the gospel. He WAS whal is knowu as a local preaeher, and was cast into prison ter preach ng the word of God; when released shortly afterwards by a Judge in his favor, he was captured, placed on a boat and sent to the Thousand Islands, and never again heard of: Every third pereon in Ontario is a Methodist and every fifth person in the Dominion an adherent of the Methodist church. The Sabbath School is larger than all others combined, and M the past fourteen years there have been erected on an average of three charches a day. This eireply illustrates why I claim Main st. church should be re- built. Keep before the mind the true aim of Methodism, in spreading christianity thronglsout the world, Let all work for one common object, be they Methodist, Presbyterian, Chnrch of England, or any °thee denomination. Do this and your enemies can never crush you down, work for Christ and you will win. He loved the young people of Main st, church and knew they would be a unit for their cher- ished church. Put shredder to shoulder and truss in He who 01)1e1h and there will be nothing to fear. Mr. MoDonagn con: eluded his address by a few further encouraging remarks. Tea was then announced, and owing to the large crowd present, when all had ratisfled the inner man, the day had become too well epent to continue die platform meeting and the gathering die; persed. , Tae affair throughout was moat 000: cessful, far surpassing the expectations of the committee, the proceeds of the tea amounting to upwards of $70. Tbe erectiou of the chinch will now be,proceeded with in due hastmand it is expected that the opening will take' place Renee time in Noi ember, ' , CCSMIIIIDNDAI3LE PRC)TviEl'ITUDE. A l'll3SIDENT OF O'r JOHN, A.13, •stsTC.FlS 1UO03ESS1117, TAIAT, OF DODD'S RElltIFN Pats. Se, jotter, N. B., July 8—Mr. Robert Moore, feeiding 10 Indrantown, a suburb of thie city, ha 4 reeeetly made -what is al lowed by all who are acquainted with the facts to he a most Iretnittkable tecovery. Ho has been a suffeter from tt serione dom. plaint of the kidneys for over seven yelps', and timing that time has suffered einem- eietiegly, luta also eutfered consider- ably in pocket, hevieg paid large tiumit for medical advice, Quite recently he lisp. poned to reed of the merry turee effected by bodel'e Kidney Dille, and with cote - Mendable promptitude 'nude a trial of thetas, with the resat, thet after taking three botee of the temedy he was entirely restored to health, l="ortb, ()minty 19 sptes. Mr. Leigh, Of Kirkton, Mat a Atte colt and fat steer, quite A 1000 Illts0 heal times. Samt,1311V1ille of the South Ward, St, Matys, hag tentoted to the 8th concession Bittrehard. All the law offices in $t' Meree will ,he elosed itt 3 'o'clock every day from 'over ute till the lot of Septerebee, . Mre Thoe. Howard, of 'St Marys WAR ' retnoved trethe Asylum at Hamilton laet week, in Et bad conditiou. , Thos, Heron has sold out his 81 )1,10 and business ha Broblcadele to J, W, &toter- ina ok, Elf Naesegaweya. , Mrs, AWE WE1StCo3t, Leemiugton, found a ptize in her hen hone the other day -- Cochin chicken with four lege. It d 0 t, Mr, D. Cole, of Lekesidelosc a vele - tee horse by lightning luta week. Mr 0 ,te has been most unfortunate in tile lois of 11.°Mrsiesetatiluilb sMprrein, g.Folliok wheeled out to IvicIntyre's pkurie on Mouday and thence to' Exeter, where they spent Tuesday -- StA.tgaStYtreitjtfuotid‘coani. July lot the Parkhill horse Rodney, drivtu by Dennie MeEwen, won the 2.50 trot at p5011 3) Otte otraieht heats, reduciug him marls to 2.34i. Mr Geo Buckle and hie sma Alfted, of St Marys left Theo/day afternoue for Yore, England. They will sail on Saturday morning from Moot:eel on the Allan hee steamer Nutuidiare Official notice has been reoeived nam- ing the post oilice to he opeued at Me- in tvre'a Corpora, Blanehat d, "Bannock I' 0," Mr. ,T. El. Jameaou, township clerk, Blaesharte wid be the eostmartsee An application has been made on bo. hall of ale deteudants to have tho ttial in um Clink case, Mitchell, chauged from CI-oder/oh to Stratford. juegutent Wes, giveu onSatarday grauting the application Mrs. John .sa byte, sr., of Mitchell, rind her daughter, .Mise Maggie Whyte'left last 0.31010 for an exteuded vi -it to ,Mani- toba and the Northwest Territory, and Ms. 3. /3, Coppin and two deoetam a Dave gone to the Soo to visit relative , and remaio a couple of months. The sweat event of the week was fi, 0 marrirtge of Miss Nell: eF1 es third, ot al itr t 11 to Mr. Robert Lynn, wi hili took luau ir, the Catholic church oil W.,the,stlay ttiorti ,ng in the presence of a larg• ast.ertthf ge. rho mareare cep eaey ft lin .ed b 0 communion mass Wes celeb uted by lt, Father Kettly of luslitowle The wiilowgrove chees fectory end., ite nets mallow., "0r l.lin ;4;w y, is ,to tug well ;Ms e ear. Ie IS PO 0 ta,,i J. 1p born 12,000 1( 13 01,0 le Wok, 40 nollt ,t (ley. The greatecit itunibe of eh eso ina,io treetne day 1.st year was te elt e; this 3,, ar me factor% heti made iiu hieh as sox teee • Tbe month of Met, this yeer eetter ,1 elestO , ('0nd) of milk over an i al.ric,. tee me for last year And the fir , see D tN d)styrt s‚0110snI tm1. iwethit y11.,,ithf r, went (nt 12i)0.8(10 0 1.,, 7. ,, pt, ,01,c1. Ou Prid ,:.. of bier etes Me F. ilitioll of Fuller ten, a as sennimeed 44v Xi Henry Ciechei, to 9> 08) bet to (:1105 10 14 s tatt Flat v f r tuoug 11 sultir, lagu e • 'lie CaRe del 1(1" te t,, 111,1 a. to , , set 4ell ise. - noeledged th ; charge se ; was fief $5.11y an nehug cost.. The smut 11.7 M re 1. 4-01 et lied Michael Ituldritete lie'vro i hp 011 gi • rate for it su tine low:ut•go .1 0 ee Rote ritsch pleaded tniAy 3100 eeP 1. d tis 0081 -by pa„Ong a smal Inc and ct4 -• One day tette/1111 a ni n t'1,,r de 14 bicycle rode into the 9'31U'"'0( ,ni ,N • (4.. Marriott. a reepected fennel of P,lan aro, and asked for ten ploymeut, 14. 31 ce engaged the man to work ft.r him N.,. Weave at 819 per mou ti. After nein g ne„, ssr. Mai tiott's employ for a few lap, be disp.aed of the bicycle .o a St. Al mare for the sum of $25, placing the 'same in his pants pocket. Next day, wh le engaged hoeine potatoes, the roll of bill got for the Itiovote became wet hem the sweat of the laborer a..,11 Wae taken free his pocket awl placed under' the shade of large potato plaet. The proprietor's dee taking in the situatbm became linatielth hungry, awl seiztug the roll took there from a$2 bill and began eating it. The bill wedging in the cur's teeth caused him Lo cough vehemently. This dew the laborer's attention, aud i uslene to the -pot he secured the rensaluing 323 of his pile. Early on Tuesday morning of last week he quickly dressed bimself 10 a Burt of broadcloth, (the proprietor's best clothes) arid taking the caat off clothing under hia arm, fled from the premises. Mr. Marriott followed the thief as far as St. Marys but as yet has failed to ' find aby track of him. Fartaers, howare of nit 0 on bicycles looking for work. • UST NIIAT'S 14ItED03.1. Exclaims thousands of people who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla at this eeasen of tbe year, and who have noted the success ot the medicine giyieg them relief from teat tired feeling, waning appetite ard state of extreme exhaustion after the close c nfinement of a long winter season, the tarty time attendaat npon a large and pressing business during the spring months and with vacation time yet some weeks distant, It is then that the build- ing -up powers of Hoorre Sarsaparilla are fu ly appreciated. Is seems perfectly ad- apted to overcome that prostration caused by change of season, climate or life and while it tones and sustains the system it purifiee and vitelizes the blood, Flelen Martin, widow of the late Rev. Charles Fletcher, and a well known and highly esteemed resident of Gode doh for many years, pearled away on Monday eight lao, after a lingering illness Deceas ed Wati horn in Cults Parish, near (Apar, Scotland, In October, 1818, and was, there fore. in he seventy re youth vear. She was the datlehter and eldest child of the late David Martin, a prosperous farmer, whose youngest son. James, is now owner of "Priestfield, ' near Ladybat k, rifeshire, bootlatid. in 1843 she married the Rev Cherles Fletcher, and at °nen came to America, settling first at Ohippewa--then a much more important Place chan'now - where Mr- Fletcher had charge of the United Presbyterian congregation, They remained there for four yorpo, 81)011 Mr. Fletcher was called to tcoderieb, wiser° they remained periodically instil her death Toprevent,pale and doliersio ohildron from lapeieg trite chrenic invalids later in life they should take A t cr's Sarsaparill, tgether, with wholesome food and out door exercise. Vnat they need to build op the, the system is good red blood. OAT/LEAH ittailIcHWZD IN 10 To 80 Mum. tes,--Otte short puff of the breath tli neigh the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew'or Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the Powder' over the ant -fade of the natfal pre- sages. Pinafore' and deliehtful to take, peileveit ioststitly, and permanently erne Ceti/Mb Hay Peter Cleldte Eleaditehe St Threat, Toemilitio and Itett(hees, 50 ttefit At C. Lutz. That Tired Feling Moans dang-er. It is a serious condition And will lead te disas. trona results if it is not over.. , come at once. It is a sure sign that the blood is impoverished andimpure. Tbebest remedy is ft OD'S Sarsai arilla Which makes rich, red blood, and thus gives strength and eitu3. 1 id -city to the muscles, vigor to the brain and health and vitality to every part of the body. Hood's Sarsaparilla positively Makes the W Strong. "I have used six bottles of Hood's Sar - 8891001115. as a general tonic and bave enjoyed the best of health. Although bad a strain cf work I have had no eiele spells for umay months and no lost time,. so I ten doe ely repaid." THOZIAS S. Hum, , 26113imsse'ns St.,St.John,New Brumswick., od's (Sarsaparilla Is, the Only Tru 61lood Purifier' Prominently in the public eye. ki0OCI9 S tions krice 250. per boxes t -see euro habitual consti, pae 11A.B.111 FOR RENT: 10 acre farm in the township of McGillivray heiea lot 1, cot. 4. 12 he laud is it a good s1ale- 0; oultivatime h rio, been thorough!), ultders dram ed the pas t year. An abutida,itto ot Kona water; 10 acres read + forted! wheat- Possess - ton given i.st August. Apply to FARMER Bens. eeteter. )1i1BENTU RI -LS FOR SALE': ioncleis will be received by the Dounoll 01 the. Village up to Fri& y 1131 19(11 inst..- at 8 muleelt 5 ne for the ourabit-to '1 .108 or inme, debeutures of else sae r ae to SI (>00 sterile. temente:es !Jeering iutereSt 1110 parr 0 or anct tiayah e in ton y ears, in equal annual install- 1,,cols al, the otlice et the ereasurcr of this Corporation, rho lowest or any tender not uocessartly turcepted. By oni),R 11, bl Clerk. Dated at Exeter this set daY of July, 1805. 1.41.1 FOR 2 - led 31, COn. 4 of the townshio of Ifsb c, emitting /00 acres, be of celled-, reel rare& ' and the rest well timbered with maim, beech; a, got d from,' harm SCN;a, feet, alsn• good Ileum stubles end drivi me shed. ' gtettl , ltq; ip.use auti o her Quit u Wings, large or- chard with plenty ,4 stred fruit trees. 'rhe tarm is 'won at mted for graiti or oasinrage., it is sir tutted 011 g od gravel rt. tid four miles from the thriving village of m 'min store sh pa, Post efface and chorale tied 2 Tates from sch rd. For, =urther par- ticulars upp4 t 1005. 11')). Nvonn, ehiSel- burst 0, (1. or MR, WM. MITC111ilLL, Box 14, Hensel), P. 0. .1-1 X li,,C1Y1,0E.6' Ail if., IC - FARM Itlit/PilelliY. The 010ersigned hereby offers for sale that valuable f.,rm property,. cetupesed of lot 6, soutt, boundary, townstep of HAY, ElOPtainillg b3* adlueaSlicament 000 huedred hares. 't hie is the nine of the late 'Themes Ching, Esq (3)8 (1' the t est in the county re If or, n. is erected unon the land a good Miele house and Lret•clese out buildings, ¶1he farm is weil drained and fer,etd, cormeeienity sit- uated to market and in overc -particular a must eestratee property For terms and par- ticulars aDD/y to L. B. DIOKSON,Barristor, EXPte,", or seta EEL SANDERS,Bxecutor, Exeter. • ARM FOR SALE, The undersigned Were for select] easy terms • lotIlmon 11, tp, of Stoplten First nlass order. Large brick house, ki'clien and wood.' shed,barn and drive -house, orchard, lots of water, well fenced and drained, will be Bold, cheat), proprietor retiring. Per particulars apply to HENRY EILBER, Crediton, ‘‘TANTED HELP.—MEN OR I Women in every locality (localor trav- elling), to introduce a new discovery, and keep our show cards tacked up en etrees, fences and bridges throughout town ondit country. Steady emelos meat :1ommission or salary eas per month and expeuses, astd, money deposited in any bank whean elta-m, rted. For Particulars write THR WORLD lemma, . eltettemo Co., P. :0. Box 221, London, Ont.,, Canada my 8 Voters List 11395 -- Municipality of the Township of Usborne, In the County of Huron. , OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN J. that Ibave transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of' the Ontario Voters' Lists Act 1880, tile conies required by said seetions to be transmitted or- deovered Of the list made DOrSilant, to said At of all 5008008 uPDealiDR by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality to be eptitled to vote in the said mu-icipality at eu- actions 0> r members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at municipal elections, and that the - said list was first posted up at MY office ad Hurondale, in said municipality, on the ard.; dos' of July, 1885, and remams there for in- spec:time Meteors are caned upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immed- iate proceedings to have the saiderrors correct.. ed pemording to law. 0130. W. 110LMAN, Clerk of Useorne Fluronclale; P. O. Dated this ard day of July 180, IN °TICE TO CR EDITORS. In the estate of Margaret Glavin, late. of Bidcluiph in the County of Mid - Widow, deceased, eium is hereby given ettratifint to 11.44c 0. 1887. 1887. chap 110, seo, 36, that all persona having claims against the estate of the above" named' Margaret GlaVin, deceased. who died on the,, 33rd of April, 1806, aro herabst tot:1111143d, on or , heft/Y(01e Jb ef A ugustotias, to send to. the.' undersigned E /women of the said &smarted. ' their netets and addresses Red fun Partioulete of their elai.as. And notice is farther given , that atter Vie ist of Auguet the Said EXeoutois , will pr,ocood to distribute the risvets .of the. eaid dr/erased among the parties entitled' thereto, havine regard order bo fl1o90 clainia of Whitih that+ shilli then have eietitie, and thoV will not be liable fer the said a feeto or tete, nett theteof to ittlY itt flee 01 Wheiti ' they shell nothive 1101100 at the tittle of ent b (Pettit:titian. // frVRAII ED., GLAVIN, Otititialie 9.0.5 ,3.3, entIatitIN'. IgNionor. Pito W42deil do ot'. , 11 re, '#.1s