HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-11, Page 1yoL. XXII. NO, 41
s rlivtl.,
*Great Clearing
These are being advertised in every
line of business, aitd in every 0 °tautly.
Able way, for the purpose of melting
'things boom during the months of dull
etrade, and for clearing net certain lines
.;of goods and the balance of eummer
stock. Every merchant is anxious to
get thingsite stoma for the tall geode,
and in order to do so will mtke certein
eacrtlicee, so we ask yea to note tine ; -
Rteh (.3,y with us will be a sale and
bargain day, and that we won't be
.undereold by any in the trade.
Everything is new, everything. is
etylieh, everything is inexpensive,
everything is correct.
A eireat Pneh on DreSS Materials.
The neweet Printe, the choicest
-Malawi' the finest IVIuslins greetly
wed aced.prices. 'ennie our 25e all
wool Detainee at 12ec.
A Great Push on Clothing.
In elert's Suits, in Youth's Suits, in
Boy's Snits in Odcl Coats, in Odd Vests
and in Odd Pants.
A. Great Push in. °rookery
and Lilaesevare.
Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Toilet Setts,
Old Cupand Saucers, Plates, enc., at
right pricee.
Pa. reoari clio.
DEA.R. SIM. -I have wed Dr. Fowler's
Betraet of Wild Strawberry for Mee yeare
when required, aurl think it is the beat
remedy to be had for all kinas of Summer
Complaintet It has neyer failed in our
Lenity tenIure smySernmer Complaint, so
We belie great faith in it,
Muse FRANK Sterne ss, Chatham., Ont
Fall Fairs.
Toronto .Sept 2-14
London. . .. Sept 12-21
St. Memel. -Sept. 25-26
East Niseouri, at Kintore.... ..... Oct. 8
Kirkton. Oct. 1- 2
Northern, at Allen Craig.... Sept. 20-27
South Huron, Exeter, ..Sept. 23-24
Toorndale, Oct. 10
London Township, IldertonSept. 23
Mitchell, dot .1-2
Hilbert, Stella . Cot. 7-8
Hay, at Zurich, Sept 23-23
Will secretaries kindly rend in ;dates et
their fairs,
Last Friday evening Messrs. A. Cook
HiarOia County ig °teen Dashwood.
inlets L. Maj. -of Human, le visiting at Bames.-The tamers ere buay nnalng
the residence of Copt Gibson, Goderiela, , hay, whioe is 4 very fur crop with us thie
iL1 in some unaccountable wey ex-
Bantes,-Ille meny friends of Mr Following are the market quotations : changed places. -Mrs. Smallaeornne is
R J Turner will regret to learn that Velaeat 80 to 85 at presene visiting friends in Detroit,
33arleY • . - ........ - 55 to 00 The brick work of Me, Saran Smillien
Oats 80 to 32 new residence was begun this week. It
will be among the fiiest residentes in
Br-0.0E4101d. PlenSall regained their feet in a rnom.ent but
Mrs. Fenton, olao"iM
me, ta, year. -Mr, enembeld, our praetical bar- he is very low, with slight bopea for
Bly th. i Berlin, end 48 he will he ebsent on Sunray (
J. lder, of nsel!iventinat este tee menomeine to get his ankie
lier daughter, kern Andrew c:No.11g
aed t
y, ' ben eeniest, bae gotos ou a visit to Ibis recovery. - ter. W ire Ai leenhead
me, elkovho is at preseht engagea et the
ihe retideuce of Mr. and ielre. Waraetrade at Grand Bend, w
ck, ioiured in a iunaway tie
hia week. f
wili be confineel to the laouse for a
Mien EHe, o g ; ' his
1 ocaims,
John Ferguson, of Luella, was arrested
Friday night by Cousteble R, W. Wed
on a (Marge of threatening the life of
Sarah Mead, of the eitine piece.
and T. Miller of Clinton were returning
from Zurich in a single light wagon. Jest
north of Eippen the front axle broke,
throwing the occupants out. Mr. Cook
was 'Striving and exhibited a great piece uf
nerye. The horse became frieuzied and
oaartied with it one shaft and wheel, the
driver being dragged and holding fast to
lines a &mantic of nearly fifty yards, ahen
-the animal stopped. A eouple of yards
more and Mr. Cook would in all probability
have been killed, as the horse stopped at
the end of a bridge, From smart rough
journey Mr. Cook was braised, cretched
.and cut severely from head to foot,
as MaINIV•••••••.••••••••••••1•PASOMOI.1111
You Don t Have to Swear oft.
Why doret you try Clerter's Little Liver
Pills? They are a post:eye cure for sick
headeohe, stud all the ills produced by a
ditiordered Liver. Only one pill a dose.
Allan Seeger, B A., of Ooderich, at the
rennet Trinity examinazione everted off
the semen prize, the one most wished for
by Divinity stucleutit,
Friday afternoon, John Garrets/ of God-
erich, locate hie collar blame iu a very
matinee. way. The; boy was playing at
naok tho whip, the sudden jerk breaking
the bone.
Do not despair of Oaring veer slok head.
ache when you men so easily obtain Car-
ter's Little Lieer Rale. They will effeot a
prompt and permanent cure. There act-
ion is mild and emeriti.
George Burrowet while working at
&eel:dews mill Goderieh, on Saturday, had
the misfortune m got a foot js,named b, -
tween two logs the retult beteg an in-
jured ankle tom will lay him up for two
or three weeks.
Mrs Items and Masters Jack and Gerald
and alias Annie Watson. Seetorte, left on
ruesday for a prolonged holiday iu linen
Seiner territory. The former goes to
Philadeleble to visit her daughter, Mrs
Powell, and MISR e'v mason will yinit re-
latives in Cornish, New Yont State.
Few medicines have held their ground
io etteeressially as Ayer's; (Merry Pectorals
Duriee the past fifty years, it has been the
moat uopnlar of all cough mires and the
deemed for it to -day is enoter than over
before. Prouipt to aot atm tete to cure.
Mr Thnmas Ward, of Value, bed green
pees fit for este on the 18th of June al.
though growing 'in the find. He hes
picked and eold about tiairty briettels this
see.set already, all of them bringing hien
el a blithe'. Mr. Ward is one of the
fortimate farmers who know how to maze
The following ladies frem thia county
have gresiciated in the sill:tie-es named at
Alma College, Se Therrien Li elm:tufo),
Mesa fauna (.1. Williame, &mach, honorer
in eheory, recitation and Shakespeare:
elistrese of Englieh Literature, Miss itlay
Bonn, Seaforth; Mistreat of )iberal arts
Miss Harrjet A. Leeoh, Verna, hemera In
Latin authors, German and itistory.
Miss Aiken, of the Calleetaln stent Goa.
erich, whose haute is la nt. Marys, has ob-
tained one year's leave of absence, to yisit
Att lea and other points ot interest to
martian She wet proceed via England,
Bootleg from Southampton to South
Africa, and after a sojourn in that tropi-
cal portion et the Empire, the journey will
be continued to Australia and other British.
A. lamp was accidentally upset in elite
MeQuarry's dreee-making room 13lytli
on Saturday night. The lamp beset and:
the burning oil soon spread, but with the
aid of willing hands it was soon checked
It wise well that thefire was checked aa
soon. as it was or the town might hone been
visited by a serious conflagration, est the
fire Mated in a block of frame buntlines
which are among the oldett in town
couple of respectecl citizens Settforth
were summoned before Justice Beattie
for refuting to pay their dog tax. The
grounds for the refusal in both oases were
that tbey bad removed to bown since the
assesement was made, and that their can-
ines bad been assessed in the municipalities
from whence they came. This object -
ton was held by the magistrate not to
be good, and the matter was eettled by
one of the parties paying the tax and the
other agreeing to destroy the dog.
Mrs. Patrick Keating of the 0tle conoess
ion of Tuckersmith died last week. Mrs
Keating had not been very well for the
past three months, but Wines she was not
confined to bed, no serious results were
antieipated. Howeyer the end came very
Sse s the nt Louie Journal of Agricul- BuddonlY and he passed peacefully away
on the morning of the 201h of June,
Dropsy of tho heart wail supposed to be
the cause of her death. She was fifty-
three years old; was of a quiet disposition
and. was much respected by all who knew
her. Deceased was born in Count Armagh
Ireland, and when quite young emigrated
to Canada with her parents. She leaves a
husband and three childreu to mere
her lois.
Goderith Star --In 000 01 the mail bags
this week P. M. Campbell found a package
containing a powder so badly broken up
that the contents 'were snattered over a
large part of tho mail matter. Wondering
what it was he tasted the powder on the
tip of his finger and as he and his assistant
were dusting it off, they inhaled enough to
set them sneezing. A. close examination
of the address label showed the powder
was amnia, and after that the stuff was
handled with great caret It ought to be a
punishable offence to creed so deadly a
poison in a thin package, as was this, and
the worthy P. Me will do well to have the
postal authorities give the sender of the
package a bit of adviee that he'll remember
Place. --Mr. Sweet, of Exeter, wse in the
village on Munday for the purpose of
taking contraces for buildings vanish
be put up title summer, -The brick "amens
are busily employed at the te w church. -
W. No swortey intends to ernit a new
dwelling house on his lot vent' be pur-
chased. litelv.-Our ruiner is itnprov ng
the appearance of his mill by ming is a
rioat of paint, •
tare in an editorial about No To Ban the
fitmotie tobeeco habit cure, "We know
of many cases oured De, No-To.Ban one
a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty yeare; two boxes
eared him so that even the smelt of to -
beep makes him sloe." No -to Bao sold
,and nentneteed, no cure no pay. Book
free Sterlioe Remedy Co 374 eln Paul
,'St., Al on treed.
" 'They are Coming in
to see the famous
,YOLI NOW Get Left When You
Invest In a BICYCLE That
We Handle.
4 -
enmity tells the story,
And figures seidonelie
Men always be in glorY;
if frotn:Ms you buy ; •
1 491..
Blansteard Council.
Municipal Council met on the 3rd of
the mount. Present full board trenutes; of
evioue meeting read and oonfiened,
Enemy J. Armstrong andreeeee the council
in regard to the hankien of his plow last
wiener plowing the meets, elaitning dam
ages, Efe was granted $4 in pay rue it of
the same. Mr, Robert Guest was tbefore
the board in reference to a ditch outlet
which was referrea to ti committee of
council to look after the same.
The council adjourned for a Court of
Revision, couuoillor Ullyet in the thaw,
After the members had been sworn the
roll of 1895 was laid on the table and the
mode of proceedines begun. There were
seven appeals air claiming to be over
asseased, but in every ease the assessment
roll was subatantieted by the court, all
appeals beam dismissed.
After the court adjourned the council
resumed their poeitioa, Re eve in the chair.
Mewed by W. S. Dinsmoreoten by Robt.
Berry that hereafter no cnutracte for
wading or gravelling be let in the muni-
cipality wirtioet the 'sensate of the rasjority
of tine board.-Oarrie.i.
Commit to meet first Mandan in July at
tbe hour of 10 °talent a. m:
Ho who hesitates ignite
Then bentate inore,
Bub go at once to Mairret.,
Where you get the eheapeet Bicycles
and Bicycle Stinclries.
TIrotrnin 8t, rergIlson,
131eyeles, Viteetrle 0431184 Tele
pitiorte$0 Vite.
Bittnes.-The Garden Party yvhich
was held in Dr Stanbury's lawn on
Monday evening by the Preabyterien
coogregetion was well attended,
Revs, Mr Carrieer, of Grand Bend,
Hendereou, of Hensel', Henderson, of
ela.nchester, and Mr Graham the pres-
ant pastor of this congregation all gave
short andresses, while the Bayfield
Boma Band gave soma aeleotions. The
proceed& amounted to needy $20,
Everybody was well satisfied with the
evening's enjoy In en t. - Messrs H
Grieve andW Counter,of SeaforthNave
rented 'a reammer cottage from T
marks ear the sunamer, mews ete'
eturrey and Bruce, of (Minton, have
taken another for the summer, They
have moved their wives and families
here to enjoy the lake breezes -mr
Wm Jewett took an excursion party
of thirty who drove over from Clinton
Monday evening to take a top to
Goderich on the water in the steam
yacht. All was well going up, bub
coming home a, stoim arose and the gay
party all took sick and didn't enjoy
the trip very much, --errs Wm Clark us
very ill at present, -err A Peck spent
Tuesday in Gocieticho-err Wm me.
(Musky our principal in the Public
School intends taking a top across the
ocean in hie holidays, -Rev 2r, Oaten
the new pastor of the methodist
chinch preached his fiat sermon here
on Sunday evening last. -Rev iiZe Alm;
strong preached to the Orangemen in
the English church on Sunday morning
last to a large congregation,
while. -At Brucelield, on the evening
ot nuesday. 2nd inst., was opened
camp No. 170, Sons of Scotland Bene
volent Association. After the organ
izetion of the camp, the following offi-
cers were lastelled; Chief, Alexandat
Mustard; tChieftain,James Rime; PASt
Peas _ 55 to 60
Hay 6.,00 to 7.b0
Butter 12 to 13
Ego., 8 to 8
tildes have advanced 100 per cont. .41141 so
have boos & shoeg, but A, Weseloit is able
to sell boots 64 shoes at the old prioea as he
had a largo stook bought before the rise thus
giving his customers the benefit, and will sell
at the old prices for cash until further notioe•
It will Pay you to call at mule and seoure
some of the spooial bargains he is offering in
suromer oo wear
Chief, James Jemeson ; Becoming A. mESELOR. Homan. dnt.
Seoretary, Andrdew Scott; Financial
Secretary, John Bart ;Treasurer, .1ohn Leo BROREN.-On Thursday lase
seem; onapitannRey. yeeeluir ; Physi. while at Grand Bend, Mr. John Mc -
clan, Dr, Me:ravish ; Marshall, John [Arthur, hardware merchant, ineb with a.
McOovvan ; Standard Bearer, see:tent bad accident, one which caused his
Baird; Inside leuard, William Simplon; lying at the Bend for several clays. He
Outside Guard, James IVIcDonald,; i was driving along the road, when tbe
Piper, John Ketehen. { horse shied, awl burning suddenly,
the buggy capsized, throwing Mr. Mo.
Arthur violently on t'oe ground. Besides
some minor injuries, Mr. Mac had one
of his legs broken at the ankle. He
crane home yesterday and is acting
nicely. The buggy was considerably
Bentets.-Mr. and Mrs. C. A Red-
mond returned home recently feoni
Kinlough and other points up north,
where they spent a very pleasant week.
-Mr. H. Doan, the popular mail con-
tractor of the Redgerville, Chiselhurst,
Lumley and auroulale route, hes now
a fine driver and outfit for his lengthen-
ed trip. -Geo elcEaen spent thepast
week 10 Essex looking after his saw
mill interests there. -There was a large
delivery of binders irom this station on
Monday, of the Frost & Woocl manu-
facture. • They were sold hy the ener-
getic agent, Mr. Elder, The procession
of rigs was phoLognmhed, arid made a
fiue appearance. Mr. Fred Arnold and
family left tor the Bend ou Monday to
spend a few weees in recreation. -Mr.
John Macarthur has rammed from the
Bead, leaving his family there. -Flax
pulling will commence about the 15bh
inst.-The Orangemen are preparing
for the 12th July celebration awl will
join the brethren in Seaforbh on Fridley
next -The Public Reading Room is
now open, the library haring been
moved to its new quarters in McEwen's
blooket-TineCommerciel House presents
a fine appearance ill its new coat of
white. -Albert Laventry, deaf mute,
DRATIC-This week we give further
particulars of the death of Mrs. Alex.
NieLaren. Some three ructriths ago
Mrs. McLaren sustained a, fracture of
the thigh and thought she would re,
cover, but failed to overcome the
shook to her system, and after en-
during intense suffering elle was called
at last from this world of care to where
no pain can enter. Mrs. MeLaren
levees behind her a family of two sons
and two daughters, all married and
nettled in the neiglaborhood Le which
they were horn. She was the eldest
daughter ot the late Andrew .Patter-
son, of Glasgow, Scotland, and was the
only sister of the late Mrs. Duncan
MeLeren, who pre deceased her unly
three months. fier husband died
about 2 years ago. She was a quiet,
home loving woman and MB. sincerely
beloved by all who knew her. The
funeral, which was largely atten.ded,
took place to the Rodgerville cemetery
on Wednesday last.
BRIEES.-Mr. and Mrs. Delgaty, Mrs.
U. Baker and Mrs. Robt 'Walker, are
rusticating at Grand Bend. -Thos
Efandford left on Monday with a car
load of horses for North Dakota.-
Fiermers are busy haying, but the crop
is light -C W Smith has a very nobby
buggy. -The Dominion Day Festival
was a very great success, over 6220 be:
ing the gross receipts of the day: The
expenses were heavy, bub the net re;
ceipts will leave a large nest egg in the
hands of the trustees for the extensive
improvements being made on the parr
sonage.-One of those pleasant eventis
we like to chronicle, took plasm late.
ly ab the residence of Mr Valentine
Mitchell when his eldest daughter Mary
was united in mainiage to Mr Ebenezer
Imrie of Toronto Junction. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev W Et
Butt in the presence of a few of the
relatives of the family -A number of
the R T of T of this place attended the
funeral of the late W Dempsey of Exe:
ter on Friday last. -Several from here
took in the Choir excursion to London
on Wednesday.
Mos James McDowell, of the 2ud con.,
of Meleillop, parned peacefully away on
Tuesday lasb, haying rear:shed the good old
age of 80 years and nine months. Mrs
McDowell has beanie feeble health for a
long time and the end has been looked for
for severat weeks. She was a natiye of
leirkeonnell, Dumfriethire, Scotland, She
Wag ttviee married, first in the old country,
to Robert Ferguson. After the death of
her huebarid she and her two eons came to
Canada in. 1839 and, with her moteet
gettled near the farm now owned and
occupied by her eon John, arid on Which
she continued to reside until flee last. In
1841 Rho was married to Mr, James Mo -
Dowell, who and about 20 years ago. By
41:teem:laid maeriage she had five isone and
one daughter, Two SODS by her find
inarriage and three by her Remind nuryive
her. She was a Bidet of Mr John Mc:
McMillan M. P. for South Remo and
aliire of elfr' Keedillareof Moltillop.
A good appetite and refreshing oleos are
-sential to health nf mind Ana body, end
tepee are givee by llotaft SarIttytvIlft,
ORANGE SERMON.- The 7111 ot July
will be a day long to be remembered
by the Orangemen of Bidclulph District,
A large and representative body of
brethren assembled at the Orange hall
at 0 o'olock and marched to the eletho;
diet church where Rov W ff. Butt
preached one of the most interesting+
sermons that has ever been delivered in
the district. His utterances Were
manly, loyal and patriotic, the text
being Phil. 1, 17. The brethren of the
different Lodges were arrayed in beauti;
ful mid costly Orange regalia and pro:
sehted it splendid appeaxance.
A Bose by any other name
Woad smell tee Sweet. It's not the
name but the thing. the name stands tor,
whioh actuate: It is not the high priced
label on tbe bottle, but the wine in the
bottle with which the pablio is concerned.
The public wanted a good but cheap wino,
and this the Bordeaux Claret Co, heve
supplied in clarets, burgurcliee, mid eau.
!ernes, at the loweet pries over offerer' in
the hiatoty of we selling in any country
-$3 and Int per dozen quarto, And yet
the wince are exeellent. They have age;
they Were tobuatness; they have bmiquet,
Wine for the poor matt at last; a wine
which will not hurt him, hut railer build
him up. The wino for the people. Aa.
drees-Bordes.ox Olaret Co., 30 Hooke!
flt,est, Montreal.
Bittern-The anniversary of the
Elinaville S. S. was as great a success
as ever in every respect. The Sunday
sermons by Rev. Westman and
ntem Lonke, of Main-st.. church, Ex-
eter, were very acceptable. and the
e.fternoon services were lamely attend -
Joielet WHOVnlel ae SONS
WaninartereAntt Proprietor's
A. large number of Ready
Made Suits have strayed away
from the Market Store during the
town. --tar, R. Patterson is dr,twing
the material for the rebuilding of his past two -weeks, and we are ax -
planing mill, destroyed by fire last pecting as many, if not more, to
year. The machinery is being "er- f011Ow in the next two weeks.
hauled, -The foundations of 1VIessits, Came early and get a Bargain as
Beek's, Holmes' and Carmichael's new
we are determined to clear ant the
residences ate being excavated for, -
balance of our Clothing.
Thos. Ballantyne thipped a car load of
prime cattle to the Old Country on Cheapest spot in town for Boots
Thursday last, -Mr, Geo, 1VIcEwen & Shoes. We are selling our
building another large flax barn, and Shues away below the old prices.
the work is being pushed forward rep -
idly. -A publics reception WAS are some startlers in Grocer.
Rim,. Mr. Wilson, the yoring minister,
give, Here
by the Epworth League of the Method. 2 + lb tins f3aking Powder fic,
ist church. Thme was a largo attend- 1 3, t. it ti 5c
ance and a pleasant tune spent. -Mr.
Williem Robinson has rented a flour
mill at lIderton and will move there
shortly. He was head miller for Mr.
13, Urquhar
BRIBPS,-Mr. John Deicherb and
wife have returned from New Have n,
Michigan, where they visited their son.
1'hey were also m Detroit. They spent
a very pleasant time, and enjoyed their
trip very much. ReV. E. Schuelke has
been to Rochester, New York, to see
his mother, -Mr. John Deichert hats
gone to Wellesley, where lie has se-
cured a situation as non maker.- Mr.
eV. T. Onnwell, from Fentewn, and Mr.
Voelker, from. near Dahhwood, have
" Glass Jar B. Powder Too
r5 13ars 0 K Laundry 250
7 Dingman's Elecec 2.5c
2 3 lb bars Laundry 2.50
4 2 44 44 250
Sweet Home. Soap, 4 cts Bar
N. P. Soap lfic Bar
Terms strictly Cash or Butter 84
Eggs at Cash Prices.
TI'. xtoss.
of the Corner stone of the Main Street
Meehodist church, Exeter.
Flue. -Lucan has been visited by
been to Tavistock, where the former another fire. Tlais time the fated
has bought a jersey Bull. -Mr. eforris building was the G. T. R. station. It
Elines has arrived home from Dela- was not of incendiary origin, however.
ware, Ohio, where he Imel been at- On Friday morning abeut aloe:lock the
tending, college, end will spend hie sum.- builnarag was discovered to be on fire
mer vacation here. He looks well and and h rd grined too much beedway to
prevent considerable destruction, The
liretnen,promptly answered the call
Kipper -1.
but before the flames were extinguish.
ed the interior of the building had
Brunes.-Mr. Win Crxdrriore shipped been gutted, The fire originated
from here lest Saturday it etrload of from the eitchen stove the station
horses and one of steers, direet to the agern living at one end of th t building.
1 wheat in .
old eouatry market Fel
Burers,-Mr. Ed. Robinson of Lon -
this pert lookiug well mu" all nett is hon.
was in town attending the num r -
required ie faverahle weathaf for Ina- al 111,1 grandtriOther, Mrs. Graham.
turing.-Mrs. William Blair and Miss
Mr. Dave Seen, a former tailor in
Agnes, who letre heen for settle time
411 t. -own„ but Igen; in business in Miss
111ichigen, returnee 11 01 on Monday
souri Stem dieposed of his basiness
last. -Mm James Blair, of Cortisone], there And spendiag holidays with
gavel a free exhibitioa of clack wire hirsited. at thrtne,.of Mr. Jhlest Me
ed and very satisfactory. Oa Mandel 1.1 t neither in town; he is getting,
afternoon some six "metered people, waikihz, with ehtneen (meek feats en le:Lurie ,nn at !tticw,i1,4 qa yatakeeaed
but talaer 'till 1
young and old, assembled in tetr. sautes on eloticlay night. Thom wet ft. veer'en"41' 'ss • t..ArAnn tor himss--11r. 3
Andrew's pleseic grounds and 'Li:Int a
large crowd of spectre...area-Henry
very pleesant time. Strawberries
Arnold attl wife left Seturday .for the
being unobtainable, oranges and ban -
Grand Bend. where they renbed a cot-
tage for severe" weeks. -Mr. John
Coulter was at Zurich on Monday -Mr
Richard. Coed, Wh1J bas been confined
to his bed for some time, is able to be
about again, and went to London on
Monday to ttke a bath in the sulphur
springs. -Mr. Milton Cook, of Berlin,
is visiting at his uncle's, Mr. Henry
Cook ancl his two sons were visiting at
Sebringville and New Hamburg last
week. -Mr. Thos. Palmer returned
home from Walkerton last week and. is
going into partnership with Mr. John
Pope, merchant -tailor. -The choir of
the Methodist church will join those
from Exeter in taking part in the music-
al festival at London to -day. -The
infant daughter of Mr. Grigg, butcher,
died on Sunday, aged 1 year and 2
months. Buried in the It odgerville
cemetery on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Grigg have the sympathy of the vil-
lagers in their bereavement. -Ha and
Mrs. Shortt are visiting at their soil's
in McGillivray this weok.-Mr. 0,
Meyers has his butchering business in
running order and is °catering to the
public in his usual genial manner. -
The Methodist Sunday School will hold
their annuel picnic at Grand Bend on
Tuesday, July 161h. -Miss Peine. of
Zurich, is visiting at Mr. Weiemiller's.
-Mr. Nellie, of the Benisons .bank, Ex-
eter, called on several friends in town
on Monday. -Mr. Themes Murdock
and frunily visited friends in. Brantford
the past week. -Mr. Wm. Cllausen, of
Debroit, is visiting wider the parental
roof. -A number from hero attended
the ceremonies of the layine of the cor-
ner stone of Main at. Methodist church,
Exeter, on Tuesday. They report a
pleasant time. -The Exeter brass band
were in town on Friday lett on their
way to Chiselhuret tea meeting, and
enlivened the streets with their ,excen
lent music for a time. The tea meeting
was largely attended, the proceeds
amounting to $80. Speeches were de-
livered by Rev. 1VIessre. Kenner, of
Staffa, Swann, of Hensel', and D.Weis,
miller. Eerie, of Hensalla-The Church
of England S. S, eieniced at Bayfield
on Thursday last.. They report a
pleasant time and say that .Bayfield saw
one of the largest crowds ever in the
villagesmade up of pionicers from. var-
ietal points. -D. D. G. M. Bro. S
Poplestone, of Exeter, visited Hensall
lodge, No. 228, I. 0. 0. F., and instal-
led the officers for the ensuing teem.
Officers as follows i. -Junior Past
Grand, 0. Meyers ; Noble Grand, J.
G. Sutherland ; Vice G., 3. C. Stone,
man ; Per -Secy„ L Herald ;
Geo. Brown ; RecoSeeys Jas. Mc -
Blare, of tetenailen, are tl,e aai,:4,1; 01
Mr. Andrew .B011 tmd other triends.-
Mr. Arch. McGregor lied the misfint-
restung one meek...me/me entnie was Bey, who cued on Wednesday of last
Rees vvereseived at the tables instead.
Addressee were delivered by EeVs.
Weetmen, bootee and Jackson to an
interested a.nd approving audience.
The Kirkton brass band, led by the
genial H. Brown, of tVinchelsea, and
marshalled by Captain Pommy, in mil-
itary array, enlivened ploceedings by,
sweet and appropriate music. Pro-
ceeds $134.00.-A large party from
this vicinity want to the lake on Tees -
day. -Mrs. rhos, Veal fell off a teuoe
the other day and injured Boma ribs.
He is recovering slowly. --While going
home from the anniyereary Elim -
vine IstJuly, Mr. and ears. Daniel
Hodgson met with painful actedent.
They were riding in the back seat of a
buggy and in crossing a bridge the
fastenings of the seat gave way precip-
itating them head foremost to the
road. Mrs. Hodgson was severely
bruised but is abte to be arenas! again.
-Mr. Edmund Lidcitoott, it former
resident of this plape, has been renew-
ing old acquaintances here for some
days, and occupied the pu pit on Sun-
day evening last. Mr. Liddicott has
sold his butiness iu London and in-
tends epending a few months in
Englanci.-The hay crop is exceeding.
ly light,
The council met on the 61h inst. All
the members were present. The min-
utes of previous meeting were read
and adopted.
Keddy--flunter--That the clerk
advertise tor tenders for a cedar truss
bridge, about 40 feet span, over Fifth
creek, Tenders to be sent to Mr. T.
M. Kay, Farquhar P. 0., on or before
the 31st inst. Piens and specifications
to be seen at Mr. Kay's, --parried.
Delbridge Gardiner - That the
Treasurer be and is hereby authorized
to borrow the sum of $400, to meet
current expenses.-Cerriecb
Gardirier-Keddy- That hereafter
no allowance be made for work per-
formed on the road in vvinter, except
with the consent and under the con-
trol 01 1110 palm:meter of the beat in
whtch the work is performed, and
that the pathotasters are hereby re-
quired to give notice to the clerk of
the amount of such labor performed,
and tint the Meth -give credit for the
same on the new lists, eight hours to
counb for one day, the same as ordin.
cry statute labor and that pathetaasterts
be notified of the aboye.-Carried.
Huneer- Delbridge - That Polly
Smallonombe receiel ve the suof 85,
aseirdance she being unable and unfit
to work, the council at the same time Arthur ; Chap., G. CI, Petty ; Conduct
expresses its opinion that under the or, John Miller ; Warden. Jno. Sbacy ;
existing circumstances the relatives oti,R, o. N. G.., Jas. maaliarraid. m. D. ;
tune to lose a valuable littoral mare 10
try and Miss Ida Dempsey were called
to Exeter last week., through the, ill-
ness of the,ir brother, Mr. Will Demp-
week. -Rev. R. H. alum and wife left
els° unifortunate in 'doting her favorite last week on an extended trip through
cow, Ireland, Seotlann and England. The
best teethes of Lunen people go with the
Rev. gentlemen and hi a lady, for their
safety and enjoyment. .-We are sorry
to learn of the ilness of the wife of
Mr. Robert M.cNatuee, Clerk of the
Division Court. --On Friday the 28th
ult., one of the oldest and most res.
pected residents in the persoa of Mrs.
Graham, died at Lucan. Deceased
was born in Scotland in 1810, emi-
grating to this country gone° 50 Vears
ago and settling in this neighborhood,
where she bas resided ever since. -
She was the mother of two children,
Ira Graham who died in British Col-
umbia some time ago and Mrs. Thos.
Robinson of this place ;who survives
the aforesaid person should see to the
proper rnaintenance.-Carried.
.A. largo number ot orders were
granted amounting to $395.19.
On motion of j. Hunter seconded by
W. Keddy, the (mutton adjourned to
meet again Saturday, Auguat 8rd, at 1
Geo. W. flotisaae, Clerk,
P. S. -Trustees will Osage be
prompt in nmIttng levy. and Patb.
motors are requested to return lists
ac coon as posaibte, Address all corn*
neunieetioni tO Clerk to flurondale P.
L. S. N. G. W. Bider ; R. S. V. G., A.
Weseloh • L. S. V. G,, D. W. F. Foss,
-Mrs. D. Urquhart is confined to her
bed through illness. -Jas. Hannan; of
Shipkri, vented her sister,Mrs. Shaeffer,
on Saturday, -While driving to ehurch
On Sande)/ morning last, Mr. Frank
Blatchford met with what might have
proven a serious accident. One of the
berets slipped into the ditch, carrying
the other one with it, carriage and
horses forming a pronsisouous heap.
The occupants escaped injury and but
for the breaking Of the buggy tongue
nothing244 'I erect
ea 11
o dham.
BRIEFL-The farmers are all busy
haying this week, but no doubt a
number of them will stop operetteras
on Friday and take in the big orange
celebretion in London. -.Mrs. W. G.
Brown of Ingersoll and Mrs. Thos.
Fotheringham of Greaten, were the
guests of their mother, Mrs Nixon,
last week.- Mrs. .1. W. Abray and
daughter Miss Annie, are visiting
friends in In gersoll.-Nessrs. Fred.
and J. C. Copeland are home from
Essex Co. for their holidays. 3. C.
leaves this week for the Northwest.
-Mr. T. E. Sawyer leavesenns week
for Benda, (near Kincardine) where
he is stationed by the London
Conference for the coming year.
Mr. Sawyer will be greatly missed
from the Epworth League and S. S.
of this place, for during the past
two years he has taken a very active
part, both In League and 8. S.
work. We wish him every succeas 10
his new field of labor. -On account
of the very dry weather we are haying
our pump -maker Mr. James Swallow,
it doing it rushing business.
Betees.-1,,lany Totes readers will
regret to hear of the death of the wife
of Mr. James Semple, painter'of Lon-
don, who passed away on Saturday
afternoon at the family residence. No.
309 Grey streee. The deceased lady
was 48 years of' age, wart born. in Bar-
row, Scotland. She had been a resi-
dent of London considerably ovr r
twenty years, and her death will he
lamented by a wide ci ole of friends
besides her relatives. Mrs. Semple
leaves a grown up family including
two daughters -Mrs. Me.Neil, of
Shipka, and Jennie, at home ; also
seven sons : James, in New York ;
Archie in St. Louis; liugh, in Crediton;
Robert, 1n. Sarnia ; John, Joseph and
Daniel, at home, - About fifty
from here attended the Choir
Exeursion to Lendon on Wednesday few miles from Grayetherst, wlmie puttiag
(yesterdae.) They report having a horse in his stable Saturday afternoon
spent art enjoyable den. - Mr hweaaskfleaknedd aoni e wit
b ma itant litj6u1 ia
tne r bbs
Sioueber and wife are the guests of Mrs rt
out recovering consciousness.
loucher's father, Mr Chas Brown.-
13ntErs.-Mr. Tripp and family of
Thoradale are visiting, at Mr. A. M.
Wilsonn.-The dry weather has caused
a great seareity of water. A large
number of farmers are obliged to draw
vs,ater for their stock. -Rev, d.. L,
Wilson left last week to take charge
of Port Lambton circuit. -Wilson and
Jermette bored a rook well for F
Ulens last week. They did not secure
it very strong flow, A t W. ,Hutchin-
son's they struck an extra strong
spring and just as they reached the
rock' the water came almost to the top
in a few minutes.- Mr. C. fl. Wihaon
cut a large field of rye Monday. It
was an extra good crap. -Mrs. James
MoWilson received word last week
that her mother was very sick. She
left last Monday to visit her in AcIron,
If there ever was a specie° for any one
complaint, then Oarter's Little Liver Piths
are it specido for sick headache, and every
Woman should know this. Only one
Dr, Fowler's Extrad of Wile Strawberry
cures Diarrhoea, Dysentary,
Colic, ramps, Cholera, Cholera,
llurantuin, Cholera, Morlbusand
all muniner complaints and flutes of the
bowels in children or adults.
Herman Bomemann, a fanner livitg a
Mr and Mrs D Finkbiner are renewing
old acquaintances in town. 1118 about
seven years since they left here and
moved to Mioh. Ile reports having
had good suocess since he left here, -
Mrs Faist has returned from Miele.
where Meehan been visiting the past
few weelts,-/VIr Ezra, Feist Who left
for Mich, last aprieg, has returned to
town Ezra thinks Creditor' la the
best place.-1Vess Martha Hawkey is
visiting relatives in town -Pitelicera
and oanapers cen be seen palming
through here every day on their Way
to Grand Bend. -05 Friday evening
last while Mr Albert Morlook Was rid.
ing a bideele around town, Mr WM
'Redden ran into him With a horse and
buggy4nUbiflg the bier% eonsider-
ably-- eV Mr Yethuid, the new
Ale t
Post Office Stor6
A New and Fresh Stock of
Groceries opened out this week.
Ask to see our Raisins, lbs for
Get your MaChillO Oil from
us; we keep the best,
Exeter Rollt.r Mill Flour
always Oil