HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-4, Page 7• THE ER TIMES James E.NioholoQn: Almost Passes Belief 4.1131.11.1114 SIr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenmeville, N. B., Struggles for Seven. Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BY Sairsete•la AyER:s ari I p Mr. Nicholson says: "I consulted doc- tors who prescribed, for me, lust to no purpose; the cancer began to Eat into the Flesh, spread to my chin, and I suffered in agony for seven long years. PinallyeI Ibegan taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In a week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this result, I Ws& vered, until in a month or so the 2 ere under my chin began to heal. In three months my lip began to heal, and, after using the Sarsaparilla for six months the last trace of the cancer disappeared:, The AyersTArSarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. he _Bowels. SZEIVIS 1Tegulato CO NSTIPATION, 6.131LIOLISNESS, OYS PEPS I SCK 11 EADAc HE, REG U LATE THE LIVER. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGEsTIoN. PRICE25 CTS.TiEDODO'S ivIEDMO. LTD ectaotrro. THEEMETER TIMES. isimbliscedevoryThnveday mornu7, 1,1 TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 1119,1n-sta:eet ,n curl y o pposi be Fit totes Je winery Store ,E se ter, 0 u t. ,hy John White 34 Sons, Pro- Prletors. RATEs OF ADVERTaallo Fir stinsertion, peril ne....... ....... ..... ,.10 cents lach eubsegnee tinsortion ,per cents. To ineure insertion, Luivertisemen s shoniti pi sentiu no ti ater sham Wednesday morning OnrJOS PRINTING DEP A BTUS err is one rithe largest: and bestequippea in the County of Huron,All work entrusted to us willreests norpronsptattoation: DeCeiDits Itegardin 0- News- papers. Ayperson who takes a pap erre ealterty fro thoposteelice, whether dtreoted in his name or another s.or whether ho has 8uOsoribad or ar; iereeponsibie or payment. . 2 If a person orders his paper discontinued hemust pay all arrears or the publisher may enthuse tosend it until tit° payment is mado, nd then collect the whole amount, whether e paper is takenfroin the °Ill oe or not. 8 In sults for sabseriptions, the suit may be nstituted in the place where the paper is pub shed, although the sabseriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 The courts have deoided that refusing to ak newspapeca orperialie ire.a GOO p5 - or roniotring aiii. le.tvia4 Gas a uao Gila 1 kenrima facie evideal3 of incenti. m fea.0 1 /-111/;) „ "I f1.1]/ r, // often bring couebe and colds / while VNY— PECTORAL ',rings quit* relief. Cures all flanunation of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No un. certainty. Relieves, sootece, 11004 promptly. A Large Bottle for 25 Cents. d NUE IL LW reepairroas. '40 N T REAL, • "ci.:•.,..,,eeetee...et,.'ecer.evilrarVesAtifere 1116=1612:6111111.....•1 ti426,3igyer,"431.10 eicmiie..ee=ve=euai By a T1CW device recently patented in TJ. S. and Canada by CHAS% Cf..2J72-2E 0==1091 .2%Vanimmaarizrr U P U ;Ive e CAN :r teneeezeBEto ma ea% re71 anoseenesmma WITH NO INCONVENIENCE WITI1OUTATR115 CHEAP ElY MAIL Your name to ud Means coin fort to you, A Peat Card will do it. 1 . PleropotIN0A0,4 teesulsoloYeezelkl t ,CHAS. CLUTHE '( Age of inesoil or caw Immaterial, 44 kmo Sr. WEst f TonooTo ..... CANADA s ' TIIE EEO IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Interesting items About Our Own Country, Great Britton, tIliG Vatted States, and' 41 netts or filo Globe conseiliod and Assorted for Ease Deeding. °mune. Work on the Belleville Eleotria Railway has commenced. A little boy named William Anderson was drowned in Hamilton Bay. Senator Burns of Bathurst, N. B., is dead, after an illness of about two weeks. Mies MatildaElliott, of Hamilton, drank rffrebotio acid, by mistake and died from the G. T. R. Ticket Agent Vanston has left London mysteriously. Hie accounts are all right. Mr. W. J. Horton, President of the Army and .Navy Veterans' Soteety of Ham- iltou, ie mining with the band funds. The London Street Railway Company have commenced work on their line to Springbank, en the aouth side of the river. The American Tobacco Company of Caneda, with a capital of one million dollars and headquarters in Montreal, has been incorporated. The charge against James O'Brien, jun., of Montreal, of obtaining $20,000 from the Quebec Bank by false pretenses, has been dismissed. Ur. Tardivel, a Quebec journalist, will have to pay $2( 0 for calling the editor ot The Petrie a Methodist. The Court of Appeal has confirmed the judgment. Mr. Geo. F. Baird, a member of the Legislative Council of New Brunswick has beenappointed to the vacancy in the Senate caused by the death of Senator Odell. The counoil of the Hamilton Board of Trade has past resolutions in favor of a simple economical insolvent law, and the increase of the sample post limit to three poupd parcels. John Bellair, aged 45, an employe of Stevens' mill, Chatham, Ont., while shovelling grain in the elevator yesterday, in some way got into the bin, and was carried by the running grain olear through the shute. When the body was recovered life was extinct. Dr. Roddick, of Montreal, hoe;pzeseuted the Peter Redpath museum, in that (Atm with an Egyptian mummy 2,500 years old which was excavated from the tombs at Haevara et Maktae'Fayouni, Egypt. The mummy, which is that of a lady of rank, is in a remarkable state of preservation. On Saturday afternoon a boy, aged nine, and his sister, aged eleven, the children of Mr. A. Rat/well, of Midland, Ont., were bathing in the bay at Midland. The boy got beyond his depth and sank, and his sister, in trying to rescue him, was also drowned. The bodies were recovered shortly afterwards. The offer of one hundred and forty.five thousand dollars for the water works plant in Chatham, made by the City Council, has been accepted by the Water Works Company, and all that is now required to place the city in possession is the assent of the ratepayers to a .by.law giving effect to the purchase. Advices from the High Commissioner for Canada at London state that the third annual exhibition of the English confec- tioners, bakers, grocers, biscuit -makers, etc., will beheld in the Royal Agricultural hall, September 21. Canadian manufact- urers In these specialties can be represented at this exhibition if they so desire. Four months ago the city of Montreal was startled by the news that a prisoner named John Collins had aotempted to escape from the Montreal gaol by crawling through the sewer, anelle was regarded as certain that he had met hie death. A despatch from Three Rivers, Que., states that Collins is now aafe in the United States. Prof. Robertson, the Dairy Commissioner, is preparing a circular which will shortly be issued to the dairy trade'setting forth the arrangements that have been made for the cold storage of fresh made creamery butter in transit and in warehouse. The steamers which will be equipped with refrigerators are the Mongolian, Sardinian Norwegian, and Pomeranian, of the Allan liue, and the Mexico and Dominion, of the r °minion line. GREAT BRITAIN. The White Star' steamer Georgia was launched at Belfast. The Canadian Gazette states that Major-General Herbert will return to Canada. A canary seed trust has been formed in Mark Lane to control. the price in Eng- land. A subseription for tho Cromwell statue has been started by The Chronicle, and funds are already secured to erect it. Prof. Huxley, who has been in illhealth for some time past, suffered a relapse last week, and is now in a critical condition. The approaching resignation of the Duke of Cambridge as commandereimahief of the British army was announced .in the Coin MODS. Lord Colin, fourth son of the Duke of Argyle, a captain in tho Borid;Ay Rifle Volunteer corps, is dead. He was forty- two years of age. The Queen arrived at Windsor from Balmoral on Saturday. It is understood that the State dinner she is to give to Nasrulla Khan will be a greet affair. The International Railway Congress will be opened in London on Wednesday by Ole Prince of Wales. Two hundred and seventy- five railway undertakings will be represent- ed. Oliver Cromwell fared rather badly in the British Commons on Tuesday, and on motion of Mr. Justin McCarthy the £500 placea in the estimates for a statue to. his memory was stricken out. It is rumoured that) the Duke of Con- naught is to succeed the Duke cif Cambridge' ad commander-in-chief, and that the Queen is very anxious to have Penile Henry of Battenburg, husband of Princese Beetrice, appointed -Viceroy of Ixidia. Sir Julian Peunoefote, British Ambe.sea- dor at Washington, it in brouble for having eigned a cotnplimentary address to the cap. tent of the St. Louis, the new United States ocean liner. One paper recalls the Saekville- West inoident, and Says Englieh diplomats are see clay in the ban& of a sharp Yankee, The British Board of Trade, after exam- iningthoroughly all the reporte regarding the =king of the Smith German Lloyd eteamehtp Elbe lest January, has ruled that the mate of the Crathie, the British steamer which ran into and Bunk the German ship, was responsible for the die - aster, and his certificate 10 euspeuded. Inerren IMAM. At New York Judge Barrett sentenced ex -police Inspector McLaughlin to two years and six months in State Prison. case against eac' or Joseph Emmet, who tried to kill his wile, WfUi dismiseed itt San Francisco, as Mrs. Emmet refused to testify. The Buffalo Police Commissioners have decided to place a detail of polioemen mounted on leicyoles on the main streets to prevent reckless wheel riding. A, fitting on the main steampipe of the whalebaok steamer Christopher Oolambn blew out on her trip from Milwaukee to sCohaliae Chicago, and several people were badly Foreman Frank A. Grover, of the Roches- ter Gas and Electric Light Company,while at worlt on Thursday evening, received a shock of three thousand volts of electricity, or about twice as much as is noel in elec. trocuting prisoners, and was resuscitated after seventy-five minutes' bard work. The Unique Oyoling Club, of Chicago, oomposed solely of women, has visited a severe penalty on two of its members who violated the olub rules by wearing skirts instead of bloomers. They were discovered in Union park, and a committee fell upon them and divested them of their objection- able and euperfluous drapery. According to the advices furnished by the two leading commercial agencies in the United States, business in the chief indus- trial centres across the line is altogether in a more flouriehing and satin factory condition than has been the case for a long time. Trade is said to be approaching the activity of 1892, and in some directions the advance hi so rapid as almost to amine the propor- tions of a boom. ForJ une the bank clearings are 20 per cent. beyond those for June last year. One important factor in the situation is oontinued favourable crop news, and another, the steady confidence with which people are repleniehing exhausted stocks. In some direotions heavy rains are causing damage, and in other directions damage arises from want of rain, bat altogether conditions are largely in favour of a steady and conservative increase in all the import ant lines of trade. GENERAL. Grand Duke Alexis of Rama has been placed upon the staff of the German navy There is 9. revolution in Macedonia, and the rebels have defeated Turkish troops. . A report has reached Varne,,Bulgaria,from Constantinople, saying that a plot direct against the Sultan of Turkey has been discovered. The Khedive, who has quarrelled with almost all the members of his family, intends to visit Constantinople to seek the Sultan's support. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt has been fined $2 in a Paris Police Court f or employing two children under 12 after 9 o'clock at night at the Renaissance theatre. The widow of Lord Randolph Churchill is at present in Paris disporting herself daily on the wheel in a very smart cycling mourning costume. The fatigues which the Empress of Ger- many endured at the Kiel festivities have resulted in increasing the delicate eondi- tion of her health. The Portuguese Chamber of Deputies in Lisbon was destroyed by fire on Monday, and all the archives were burned. The Chs mber of Peers was saved. Onehanga, in New Zealand,had a woman mayor last year. She wiped oub the floating debt of the town, and added to the sinking fund, but was not re-elected. Bordeaux timber merchants are import- ing supplies from the Baltic. Timber from Canada is still taxed the maximum tariff, pending the ratification of the treaty. The Russian Ambassador to France, Baron von Mohrenheim,invested President Faure on Monday, at the Elysee palace, with the collar of the Order ot St. Andrew, on behalf of the Czar. In Astrakhan the Kalmucks are dying out. They are afflicted by some mysterious mental disease that is fitling the asylums and hospitals, and the mortality Is so great that there will probably soon be not one of the raoe left in the district. A special despatch from Shanghai says that fighting is in progress at Taiwan, Is. land of Formosa, where ten thousand blackflags are assembled. The .Te.panese are attacking the forts at that place, and the British warship Spartan is removing the foreigners from the town. The ilineteeth annual rneeting of th British Woinen's Temperance Assooiation was opened in London on Monday, when the annual address was delivered by Lady Henry Somerest. In the course of her re- marks she said that Toronto was the best governed city on the American continent. No fewer than 1,939 estates are to be sold at auction this month by the State Bank of Russia, 'which ha a foreclosed the mortgages. They nearly all be'ong to no- bles who are hopelesely insolvent, in a few eases through a succession of bad harvests, but generally through extravagance and neglect. Some Big Things. Vanderbilt's yacht, the Valiant, is the largest that has ever been built, She is 308 feet long, 39 feet wide and 14 feet deep. The largest aback ever dretyvn on eirbank was one of $12,278,750. It was drawn by G. W. Young in favor of Thomas A. aleEntyre of Brooklyn, N. Y. The tallest chimney in the world is at Friedburgh'Germany. It is 40) feeb high, and coat in the neighborhood of $30,000. The largest orchard in the world is situ- ated near Santa Barbera, Cal., belonging to leiwood Cooper. It comprises 1,700 sores. The largest eleotrio generator in the world belongs to the Edison Illurninabing Company in Now York. It is situated at Nineteenth and Gratioe streets. The largest state building in the United States is the Capitol of Texas. It is also seventh in Size among the greab buildings of the world. Ib cost $3,500,000. The greab tramburg (Germany) grape- vihe. which was planted in the year 1751, and is now 60 inolies in circumference, is the largest in the world. The largest esthete in Ruesis Is the " Crown lands," It belongs exolutively to the Czars, and is an estate of over 100,000,. 000 acme. The costliest mansion in Great Britain belongs to Lord or Marquis Bute. Ho has expended over $8,000,000 upon it, The largest aerolite which has fallen since the daWn of history tumbled into the frozen n'011 of Greenland in 1870. Ibis now in the museum at Copenhagen. -It Weigle 40,000 pounds. Out Door Fancy Work. Out of door fancy work at this season of the year is far more fascinating than the thread and needle style with its accom- paniment of bent shoulders and burning eyeballs. The smell of the earth is whole- some, and work in the garden a delight. We present herewith a design for a very pretty lawn flower stand or basket which can be easily and oheaply constructed out of materials hat are everywhere sem- aible. The centre pole may be twenty feet high, if desirable, It should be set at least three feet into the ground, and for one foot below the surface of the earth the pole should be smeared with it generous coat of tar, In tne country an ornament- al tree may be employed in lieu of the pole. The basket is made of hoop iron one inch wide ; ninety feet of it will be required, and forty rivets, such as are employed for uniting the ends of hoops for tubs and Such rivets can always be obtained at hardware stores. Let a portion of the hoop iron be cut into thirty-six pieces, two feet long, for the sides, and one piece, twelve feet and three inches in length for the rim. Now punch thirty-six holes four inches apart, exactly in the middle of the long piece, measuring from edge to edge; after which punch a hole half an inch from the end of each of the pieces two feet in length and rivet one tnd of every piece to the hoop rim to form the sides ; then punch two holes near the ends of the hoop rim for the rivets, place the hoop around the post, rivet the ends together, and suspend the rim by wires extending from the rim to the pole. After which saw out a plank wheel fourteen inches in diameter for the bottom of the basket, having the wheel in two equal parts, with a gain in each part to fit the post. After the wheel is nailed to the post, let the lower ends of the side irons be nailed to the periphery of the wheel. Let the iron be smeared with coal tar to prevent rust. The outer aide of the iron may be painted. The two horizontal spars are simply nailed to the sides of the post, about seven or eight feet from the ground, and the ends are supported by wires,as shown in the engraving. A small hanging basket may be suspended from the end of each spar, and a neat little bird -house also may be secured at the top of the pole. The rim of the large basket post should be support- ed by at least four or six wires. Ox muz- zles, which can be purchased at most hard- ware stores for twenty •flve cents each, will tnake pretty baskets to be suspended from the ends of the spars. That part of the pole which the large baskets surrounds should be well tarred before the earth is placed in the basket. The soil ehould con- sist of fine and rich garden mold, when one cannot procure leaf mold from the woods, with which there should be mingled say three or four quarts of sand and the same quantity of ashes per bushel of mold, with a quart of iron fillings or iron turnings. Verbenas, portulacca, scarlet geranium, abronia, lobelia, mignonette, Masa, sweet alyssum, and many other flowers may be cultivated in such a basket.—Toronto Ladies Journal. AT HIS WIFE'S GRAVE. -- For Fifteen Years a Devoted tiusband Ras Lived in, a cemetery. • "If you die, 1 will sleep by the side of your grave all the rest of my life." This remarkable vow was made fifteen years ago to his sick wife by Edwin L. Morrison, at that time chief clerk of the Pennelyvania freight department,at Miamiville,Ohio. For twelve days after his wife's death Morrison's grief was to great too allove him to fulfill his vow. He lived at Camp Denison,and when the stupor left him he built a rude but at the aide of his wife's grave in the Miami- ville Cemetery. To the sexton, who pro- tested at first, Morrison said that he was receiving $35 a month to watch the grave. Time weut by, and the man still sat in his hut gazing at the grave. At last the keeper of the cemetery learned his story. Now Edwin L. Morrison, once the handsome railroad man, is old, wrinkl- ed and haggard, but still site in hie rude hub Ly the side of the grave of the woman he loved so well. For fifteen yeare he has kept up this solemn vigil. Morrison's history is full of tender pathos. Au example of true devotion, he is familiar- ly known by every child in the village, and few persons visit the sequestered little town of Miamiville who fail to hear the sad story of Ed. Morrison. In ram or shine, summer or winter, he lingers around that little spot of green turf. He seldom talks long of his wife now. A small Bible is in his hut. It contains the names and dates of the birth ot several boys and girls of his name, but most prominent upon this page of record are the words " Mary• L. Morrrison died April 24, 1880," written with a lead pencil en a very irregular, trembling hand. Here and there in his Bible are marked passages and folded leaves. Among these is a verse from I. Samuel, beginning : "'Whereas, I have not dwelt in any house " etc., doubtless referring to his hermit life. Another verse, farther on in the book, is completely ob- literated by a pencil scratch, while in the margin near it is written " The fifth oommanchnent, null and void." The grave of his wife is unmarked by head or foot stone. "I have never put up a monument," he said, " Ib was her wish that I should not, Theynever tellthetruth,anyway,'sho said, and, besides, I would always remember what she had. been and where she was buried. I don't need any monument of stone to remind me of her, for, you 800, I live here with her, and there is a monu- ment of her memory built in my thoughts that readies to the skies]." Day after day foryears he has spent in the gloom of this old greveyard. No strife of the outer world mars his calm and peaoeful existence. His friends have attempted to prevail upon him to return to Cincinnati, but he refuses. Beauty, devoid of grace, is a mere hook ett thout the bait,—Telleyretel, Chilaten Or for Pitcher's Castoris‘, Leather Tires for Army Cycles. The military workshops of Puteaux, in France, ere turning out leather tires for the army cycles in place of India rubber ones, which are difficult to repair when they break down. Leather tires can be sewn without muoh trouble by the cyclist or a neighboring shoemaker. Moreover, they are lighter than caoutchouc ones, and less apt to slip on wet pavement or asphalt. Discipline, Indeed. Germans are nothing if not methodical. Herr von Osten-Saolten, a lientenant of Hus- sars, recently wounded himself mortally by accident. The doctor told him he had only three hours to live, whereupon, after mak- ing his will, he drew up the official report of his own death and sent it to hie superior officer. How to get a "Sunlight" Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap , wrapper, (wrapper bearing the words "W"y Doee a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a Man") to -Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, endyou will receive by poste, pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lc. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Betrayed. She powders. How do you know? Look at George's coat collar. 'nen Baby feaS dick, we gave her Castor.. When she was it Child, she critd for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she &eve them Castor* The impartiality of history its not that of the mirror, which merely reflects ol jeots but of the judge who gee% listens Red de. cides.--Liunartine. . A DEVOTED SON. A Teaching Tribute to 11111$ Mother by Itenowned rrenelt moor. g The rarely beautiful spirit of OHM love of the hero of the Crimean war, General Bosquet, to whose memory a statue has just been ereoted itt Patz, is shown in the follow- ing letter recently printed, to his mother, written to inform her of his promotion to the rank of a Mardhal of France. My Dear Mother: There was yester- day it family fete at the Tnileries, and you were not there, The Emperor sent me an order at half-paat five to come and dine with him that same evening. It was a kind of indioatiou, bat, as usual. I sus - piloted, nothing, and I thought the cham- berlain had forgotten me, and wished to retrieve an error, I found tianrobert there, and no one else, except the ollioers on duty, The Emperor arrived in the meting room in the most simple manner possible, and. took us out to dinner. Canrobert beingseated at the right and myself at the left of his Majesty. During the dinner, the Emperor talked a great deal about acoustics, and of various phenomena relat- ing to thee, branch of physics. And then he amid: 'Gentlemen fill your glasses with champagne. I want to propose a toast to. day to two good friends of mine, who are near me --to Marshal Canrobert and Mar- shal Bosquet,' and behold both of us, surprised, almost speechless, seeking the baud of his Majesty, which he gave us with the most gracious simplicity, "After !Goering the table the Bmperor went to the apartments of the Empress,and went, to the office of the aides-de-camp of the day,where I sent you a couple of words by telegraph. I should like to have follow- ed the electric fluid. I should like to have taken you in my arms, dear mother, and wished you a good sleep, with the dreams sweetest to your heart. Every one here speaks to me of you, every one salutes the mother of a Marshal of France, and knows very well that upon her falls all the merit and all the glory. Thank (lod, who is just and good,sincte be has permitted the son to honor his mother'and to render her an object of congratulation of all the mothers of France. Ah I my mother, for one of Ithose moments when one can sae, nothing with your head on my shoulder I" More Than Dumb. IThe two deaf and dumb friends stopped for a few minutes' conversation. What did your wife say about your being out so late hest night? asked one of them. Nothing. That's strange. What's the reason 2 She's got a sore finger. British marines have been landed at Formosa, and a conflict with the Black Flags is expected. The Spaniah Government has announced its intention of sending ten additional battalions of infantry to Cuba without delay to assist in quelling the insurrection. eart Disturbance ovarnmenevcavasaimeoseir There is more hearb disturbance now than ever. Present day modes of living, hurry, excitement, worry, promote it. You needn't have heart trouble, be- cause you can keep from having it. cars 4.)arsa ulna `,.Yrrlii1V&V Palpitation or fluttering of the heart, smother - Ing spells at night, swelling of the feet and ankles, shortness of breath, pain in the left side, fainting spells, mean that tbe heart is oppressed—eiroulation is out of order. DELAY IS DANGEROUS Note the papers daily chronicling the demise of some one by neglect of these warnings— result, total heart failure. Scott's Sarsaparilla cures heart disturbance by equalizing the ein culat ion, restoring nerve power, supplying pure blood and relieving Use heart of its burden. use SCOTT'S SKIN SOAP In Your Bath. Sold by O. Lurz, Exeter, Ont. • 't •4--ot..140.1-. BU pock —41 • - , BLOO ITtERS , CURES "EPSIA„ LOOD, CONSTIPATION, NET T OUBLES, 111 EA AC Er BILIOUSNESS. B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. t; RD 0 Olt PILLS act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. to Your Honorat /Vile" rIfirekcso Pfsfer• Arid tell her that I am composed of clarified cottonseed oil and re- fined beef suet; that I am the purest of all cooking fats; that my name. is that I am better than lard, an& more useful than butter; that I am equal in shortening to twice the quantity of either, and make food much easier of digestion. I am to be found everywhere itt 3 and. 5 pound. pails, but am. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Wellington. and AnA EU% NOINTREAL. pdk AD-MAKEIVS Lalif NEW FAILS TO OlVF SATISMOTIOli tr72 "'. tz:RP FOR iY1iiex 11 V ICA.= Li, THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT. Trade Markl DR. A. OwEN, The only Scientific and Practical Electrio Belt made for general .u.se, producing aGentainp Current of Electricity for the em.e of Diseas% T hat can be readily felt and regulated both ha quantity and power, and applied to any part of he body. It can be worn at any time during vorking hours or sleep, andwill positively cure i Rheumatism, Sciatica, General Debility Lumbago. Nervous Diseases Dyspepsia, Varicocele, Sexual 'Weakness Impotency, Ridney Diseases, Lame. Back, Urinary Diseases Electricity properly applied is fast taking the "late of drugs for all .Nervous, Rbeuinatic.ISid- ery and L'rmal Troubles, and. will effect cures 'n seemingly hopeless; cases where every otheii mown means has failed. Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ may thie means be roused. to healthy activity -fore it is too late. Leading medical men use and recommend lie Owen Belt in their practice. arm ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE . 2anta ln f Idlest information regarding the cure of acute, chronic and nervous 'diseases, prices, how to order, etc., mailed Isealed/ FIRER to any address. The Owen Electric Belt & Appliance Co, 49 KING Sr. W., TORONTO, ONT6 201 to ell State St., Chicago, Ill MENTION THIS PAPER. BRISTOL Sarsaparilla Cures Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Sores, and all Eruptions. BRISTOLIPS Sarsaparilla dOSJIMMOISINISPIOM Cures Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. ERISTOUS Sarsaparill Cures Old Chronic Cases where all other remedies fail. Be sure and ask your Druggist for BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla ^ Nobody Could Tell. Judge --Do you think that he hit the plaintiff intentionally? Witnees—I couldn't Bay, Your Honor. You else, the defendant is orose.eyed.