HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-4, Page 5.1' 4 ).• In the DO/MINION' OF CANADA DIAMONI DYES .arre the great favorites with the ladies for home. dyeing. 'Why they are Popular. They are the easiest to use; they give the brightest colors; they make colors that last rill the goods are worn out; the colors never crock or fade, and will stand soap and washing:- A.5k your dealer for the "DIAMOND"; re- fuse imitations. • Sold everywhere, 137"Directlon I3ook and forty taxtopiesot colored cloth free. 101.14 Jo IncuAnDsoN CO., Montreel, Pste. ,SUPPORTED BY PROMINENT MEN THROUGH- OUT TIM DOlMINION. Edward J. Javers, Real Estate Broker, -03 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada : "I lave much pleaeure in testifying to ihe lenefite I have received from using K. D. C. While I do not believe in "cures aIle," iunder all circumetancee I can confidently recommend it for indigestion. I know of others weho leave also tried it with .teitti efa °none" I met an old acquaintance, and in •com. paring notes 1 eaid that indigestion wao any only trouble ; he replied that he had suffered from the same thing for over thirty years ; I said that I had a opeoiflo ; I advised him to try K. D. C., he Raid it was hie specific and we shook hands and *greed to give K. D. C. our support." It is worthy of your support, and is the sure support of the Dyspeptic. For your Outing go to Picture- sque Mackinac Island. ze TriotcSAND MILES OP LAKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is the grandest summer resort on the Great lakes. It only costs about $13 from Detroit ; 015 from Toledo ; $18 from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by travelling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region are un- einreessed. The island itself is a grand romantic epot, its climate most invigorat- ing. Two new steel passenger steamers leave just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience, annuneietors, bath rooms, ole., illuminae. ed tejeatighout by electricity, and are gnararteed to be the grandest, largest and •safest steamers en fresh water. These steamers fayorably compare with the great ocean liners in consteeletion and speed. Four trips per week between Tolelo, De- troit, Alpena, Mackinac, St- Ignace, Pet- oskey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Puten-Bay. The palatial equipment makes sraveling on these steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illuetrated descriptive painphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A. D. & C., Detroit, Mich: a, BORN. ,rDLVER,-In Hibbort, on 24th inst. Mrs. Geo. Olver, of a daughte r, tbe 23rdult.. the wife of Geo. Tudor. Parkhill, of a son. 2AWKEY.-On the 201h ult., tbe -wife of J. j. Hawkey, Parkhill, of a son. 'WHITE. -In Exeter on the 29th ult. the wife of el • J,White of a daughter. ll'OSTER.-On Thursday, 20t11 ult. ,the wife of et Foster, Jr, Greenway, of a son. MARRIED l'ARK-SPROAT,-At Lucian on Thursday, June 20th, Miss Maggie, erd daughter of Mrs Sproat, to John S. Park, both of Lucan. ISHIPLEY-ADAIR-At the residence of tbe bride, near Oshawa, on the 261h ult., Mr. Geo ShiPleY, of Clintoneto Miss Florence 5 Adair, • '1.41NKL A TER-McKENZIE-At the Bruns- -wick House, Wingham, on the 26th ult., by Bev. Dr. Gifford. Mr, John Linklater, to Miss Kate McKenzie, bath of Winghatn, MARGE-SWANN-At the residence of the bride's father, 16th con Goderioh township, by Rev. J. W. Holmes, on the 26th ult., Mr. James Alfred Barge, of Clinton, to Mies May Swann. DUFFIELD-ROE-At the St. Paul's Church "Wingham, on June 2eth, by Rey Mr. Woo& 3iIr. GeorgeDufaeld, to MSS Emily, only daughter of Mr. A. Roe, of the Queen's hotel, WIngham. BARRIS-KINNISTEN-Ca June 19th, at the residence of the bride's father, by tho Rev. Robt. Aylward, B, A., Mr. David S. Harter, of Sarnia, to Hannah, daughter of Mr. Jas, Rinnisten, Parkhill. 2a-regene1e--maRN0WN.-4.t the residence of the bride's fa her, on the 27th ult., by Rev. W. Holmes, Mr, Peter MonPoe, of Tara, to Miss Lizzie J., eldest daughter of Mr. W MoKnown, of Clinton. 9�oINTO8F1-MUNR0-On June 208h, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Robt Aylward, R. A.. M. John Warden McIntosh, to Ellen, dauehter of Mr. 3. A. lilunro. all ofEast ISUGREGOR-MoDONALD-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 261h ult., by • Rev, A. Stewart. ler. John McGregor, of Stanley, to Misterennie, second daughter of Mr. Archibald McDonald, of Clinton. IeIVINGSTONE-TOWNSEND.-At the resi- dence of the bride's father, on the 25th ult,, by the Rev, W. Smyth, Mr.Thos. E. Livinr. sten e, of Hullett, to Miss Mary 3,. second daughter of Mr. Joseph Townsend. ff.IONGSTAFF-13ELL,-At the reeidenee of Mre Gordan. auntof the bride, Mansfield ave., Teronto, on Thursday. May 30th, by the Rev Mr Broughall, of St Stephen's °hurrah, Reuben Longstaff, of Weston, to Miss Hannah E, Bell. ot $t Marys. BAGER-WHITLOCK-In Stratford, on jun° 20, at the residence Of the bride's father, a. H. Whitlock, Cambria street, by Rev. see. Moyer, Miss Mary Whitlock of etratford, formerly of Ueberne, to Charles Sager, Hunt- bereton,,Welland Co., Ont, HIED. SRASER.-At Emit Woilliams, on June 196, 1895, Alexarder meteor, aged 69 years. DKNIPSEy.-In Exeter en the 3td hist., Wil- liam Dennereer aged 25 years, and 4 months. 1P -.POP. -41 DID Yon Eyrie, Tureire. That you cannot be well unless you have Imre, rioh blood? If you are weak, tired, ianguid and all run down, it ie because your blood is impoverished and broke an. ity. These troublemay be overcome by �r1 's Sarsaparilla because Hood'a Sena - Will° makes pure, doh blood. It is in truth the great blood purifier. lifood'il Pills mire liver ilia eonstipation, biliouedeitt, jaundice, nick headache in• 4lgestio9. „giaLw 1 )14 14.1tirET REPOli,TS Exeter July 3rd, 1391 Fall wheat per bush.,..... ...,,, 80 $ Spring wheat per bush .. 80 Barley per bubb ...., 55 Oats per bush, ...... Peas per bash, ............. .......... Flour per bbl .. .. 4 00 Apples per bag ..•• se . 75 ge tater a per bag se .. 35 000 Woou oor cord hard .... ..... 300 Wood per cord soft.,.... ... • . .... 2 00 Butter per lb..... ..... ........,.... 12 Eggs per dozen...-. .... .... 8 Turkeys per lb 7 Hogs, live weiabt 126 Geese... 5 Duoks ...... ......... ............... . . .... 6 Chicks-, ,, • ,, . 5 --",..-- 80 88 60 30 ;33 60 4 20 80 40 7 00 3 60 2 25 12 8 7 4 50 5 6 5 London July Srd 1395 Wbeat.wbite, tall, 100 the 130 to $ 140 Wheat, red, fall, per 1001 be 135 10 140 Wheat spring per 1001bs 135 to 4 Oats.Per 100 lbs.. ...... ....... 105 to 110 Peas, per 100 100 to 110 Corn, per100 lbs... ....... 100 to 105 Barley per 10C lbs.... .......... 90 to 105 Rye, per 100 lbs 95 to 100 Puckwheat, Per 100 /be,- ....... 90 to 110 n.tb. uer ....... 1 80 tc 1 19 ggS, fresh, single doz..11 te 12 _Igggs, fresh basket, perdoz 10 to 12 bggse fresu, store lot s, per dos 0 to 11 Butter,single rolls,per lb. .. . .. )7 to 18 Butter porlb,1 lb rolls,bask eta 14 to 15 Butter per lb. large rolls or (mocks 15 to 15 Butter,per lb, tub or .firkins 0 to 0 Lard, per lb .. 10 to 10 Ohiokens, per pair. ....... 75 to 100 Ducks.... .,...... ....... . ..... . 70 to 100 Turkeys, 10 to lle per lb: each 100 to 200 Toronto July 3r8 1890 Wheat, white, per bus. • ... $ 87 to $ 88 Wheat, spring, per bus,....... ... 87 to 88 Wheat 5.8 winter, per bus 87 to 8 Wheat goose, per bus 83 to 81 Barley. per bus 00 to 50 Oats, per bus . ......... ..... 3o to BO Peas 60 to 62 Hay 10 00 to 116b Eggs per dozen 10 to 11 Butter, per lb 34 to 25 Dressed hogs 600 to 6 08 Potatoes, par bac 45 to 59 The Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL. Montreal, Quo., july 2. -ret the Eastern Abbattoir about 550 head of cattle, '150 lambs. 150 sheep and 360 calves were on offer. I he mnrket was fairly active alt round, both cattle and mull meats being in good demand Quite a number of sheep were taken over for ex- port at33o per Ib, live weight, Following is the genet al range of quotations : Cattle-Buteherschoice per lb, 390 to 4e; live weight, choice medium to fair, 30 to 34o, live weight; choiee cuts to fair, 2,1c to 2„0, Sheep-Commoe to g oud. 83 to $7; lambs, et to 84. Calves -Good to choice, $7 to 821; common to fair, $2 tot,6. Hogs -Lean, each 32 to 8; young pigs, 81 to 85. A STRAIN GE CASE. MR. H. MCCARRON OR DETROIT COMPLETE LY CUEED oP BLOOD POISONING. --- DETROIT, Mich., July 1.-A very curi- ous incident has occurred here, and one which will be of continental interest Mr, Hugh McCarron, a well known notare public, has been a sufferer for many years from a peculiar form of blood poi,•oning inducing the most frighrful pains in the breast and back. The best doctors were consulted withont being able to give any relief and Mr. Moielatiron decided that her case was hopeless. Ho was finally recom mended lo maite a trial of Dodd'a Rel. ney Pine, and did so with the feint hope that they might have some effect in bie caee, the peculiar nature of which did not lead him to speculate it witb kidney com- plaint. To his surprise the effects of the remedy were noticeable from the vele first, and he is now thoroughly restored to health by this means. Thursday night a man named Harvey Fletcher, proprietor of the Woodstock shooting gallery, came nearly losing his life by an overdose of leudanum. He was' Buffering from toothache. 'One of my sick beaducheseyou will bear people frequently say. as it the complaint was hopeleesly incurable. As a matter of fact. Ayer's Pilla not only relieve siok head ache but effectually remoye the cateite of this distressing complaint, and so bring about a permanent cure. Harry Dent, a market gardener, of 01 sington avenue, Bracondale, was struck by a Torunto end Suburban electric oar short- ly after midnight on Thureday and in- stantly killed. A Swan of Dna antirear for Thous anis of Pecplo. If you would Banish the Blues and all Your Other Diseases Ilse Paine's Celery Com- pound. Yee, this is just the season when we hear men and women larneuting about their half dead condition. They find that physical and mental energy hare deserted them, and they are sinking deeply into the pit of deapondendy. The hot weather inviolably produce; thoeeands of miserable feeling mortale. They lack nave force, strength and vitality. They aie usually tormented by dyspepsia, flatulence, biliousneas and eleeplesanees, they cantiot rest day or nightoend lite becomes a burden heavy and intolerable. The great reouperritor, strength and healtheeiver for euch weary, worn-out end suffering people ia Paine's Celery 0orn e ound, now so universally approved of let medieel men, Paine's Celery Compound in its peoulia. composition, oombinee the best producers of healthy and pure blood, the filet essential to petfoot health, strength and activity, Virben the great meditun u ed in sweeter, languor, irritability, neryone nese and alaepleesnesa are perreani terry baniehed, Mad roen read Woreen go about their duties with a vim, will and enetgy that indleatei health and robustness. 130 Paha ' littlery Ciol a a1 011 .142 EXETER xi BIBS, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and astinds to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the vrorld's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab'.e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, 'ispelling colds, headaches and fevers .nd permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the mediae profession, because it acts on the Kid neyo, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. FOR (Wilt; FIFTY YEARS AN OLD AND W. KLL-TRIED RDDINSV.— Sirs Winslow's Soothing byrup has beer, used fifty years by millions of tnothers for their children_ while teething with perfect success. 1 so, thee the Witt, softens the gutua,allays the pais., cures the colic. and is the best remedy ft r Diarrhoea, Is pleasant the taste. Sold bY druggists in every part or the world. 250018 a bottle. Its value is inoatoulable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's 600thing Syrup andtakeno other k,nd. Us E, D, 0, for all stomach Double-. RENDMATISNI DUNI) Der, Stint!. American Ilbeornatic Cor P for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, reale-els mime in I to 8 dries Its actton opt n the system is r. mark stele and my tr rem . It removes at moo the comes end tb. lt ease 'remedial, ly r- eupears. The fire% uos greedy brue-fit• 75 cents. Sold try • Litz. Druggett. So A BOON TO i2,rinlItItt.-01,6 bottle of Engliah Spasm Linimeet complee I\ re LeeVed a curl) 'tot Lo se. I tats recorumemut be remedy, as it acts wirh roesterions p euiptee.s en the re- wovel fotre hie -es ‘•1 he.,cl, soft or cell - °used lumps bioS sos.vin, spliuts, cerlia sweeny , etiflee laud 'retains. GleORGE ROBB. FARMER.. MARKHAM. UhT Sold by C. Lee rz Stara's Fowa.rs, such paegage of winch contains toopi per,ttions, one in a round wooden hoz, the cov, r of which forms a ne rime for one dose, an immediate relief for Costive nese, Sick Headache and Stom- ach, SIBO Neureigia aud &l kinds of ner- vous pains, and anuthel in capsules, (free' to 4 of one is au ordinary dose) weiell 'tar on the Bow -le. Liver and Stomach forming a nem failirg perfrot treatmet. for all Bead and Stomach compint • They do not, as meet retie and so Malt uthrr medicines ,,o, lose their effect o precinct, after constipation they are ui0t-. to rake. 25e, a box at a 1 medieine de 1 - ere Short Journeys On a Long Roaa. Is the chatacterit,tio title ot A profeeely illustrated le 014 conetieting over Gee 15 rind red - page,, of acre nringly wr itt en deecril. tions of summer resorts in the ot untry north and tk sett of Chicago. The reeding mar ter is new, and the information I herein eel lie ,,qv Let almost ever3 one A copy of `Sin rt urveys on a Long Road' will be tp,t,tr tree to anyone who wi 1 eeelose ten (RIO/. (to ay pottage) to Cl• u. H. Eleafford, Gerreral paseepper Agent (Thiene, tiewsukte & St. Paul Railwa3 Chicago, Ill. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is the truthful, serail -nit title of a book 'bout No- 'Dr- Bee. th harmless panel) teed tobacco habit cure nett braces up uicotinized nerv.e; eliminates the moo 0180D,,,Mtiattti wt k men gain strength, vigor sled te,nle od. 'Yen rim no phyericat or flume:lee rtsk, as No-To-Bau In sold nutter guaanee to cure or money efuno. ed. Llt,ok free, Ad Sterling Remedy Co. 371 So Peul Se, Mot treat. At tee June carrion of the Lambton Ounety Couneil a motion was carried 0, leeish fe s f upile attending ()tont. fl,nh Schools, t wilding outside ef the Hi 1.1 Seheol cr strict. B ood-purifier , tb ugh gradual, e 0.14 (Nal0 the, t fleet Ayere. omit:tee. r 5.1 int. tido 110 0 meoioi, e only and 0 t N. tor unaitolt, excitant or beverape. Itii. rriediete eault met not eliveys whew ill - Wit ;but after a r- ssonable rime, permanen 1, er ±1 131,08 tain ft, be reelized Choerar trade prospeuts in the Caned', It IllittiOn 50110e43 e her etofore, a Stet+ d% imptortment b ieip pore d from Moo. treal 05 dr 3508, groocriee and 1iquor:4 which IS in contrret w eel the dViCea Toronto, wherl. 13ia quiet. But e p prospects in Ontrrrii ai e lair, and a 'erg. 173 01158 f Dllett es, te expected in the ste • limn, The to. ;timelier of busincee fei tie to the Doan lee •.•eorred ee Bred.. etreet'a for six re miller at 1805 is. 934 e5 fewrr Dew the tette in the first half of lest ;Per, Oratorio repo, to 4 more tele ear then brat rod Quehec 25 fewer. I`, tiO 01 11 dIvninsis aud oonceres ti) 10(81 in the Dominic), ririg Fix meet SIDOSTItt to $G 029,050, As compared with $9,500 000 it, tee fir -t half of last yea sit hieb muet b err 33)5 15) ri as au evidenee Bit 'elm ferret' v, 1 eartm arance efvol. tone of berette.e 'este rhaneet report' 1a i'sr ago. S taxes Cht R. ern te4 iThe the people around here prefer ler. Crierreer Kidere, elver Pi Ile 3.3 arry other I lute" re et, elo t ht,it ten to wnederful trill. seed 3 d,,,lee;r0ritit erree 1 ens mettle elle. $ e".`t"erstl SEMI) I CORN. PoT47OE8 AND CORN We have a carefully selected stock el the ebove seed.. Fresh. Prices the lowest. WHITE it GRAY LIME, Cobbledick, First Storehouse, Station. L aomoGnislcloio,Tna...., Huron and pBarasiaenege. er Lodon, ept :05 4,4,30 P ettrai007547:xer-------------------9,22 fe:ti37 (jppen 9.44 ruceeeld 9,52 lion Londesboro 10.12 09 Blyth -----------------------10,3812 Belgrave 10.62 Winch= arrive.., 11.10 6.00 6.16 6 20 6.28 6.55 7.14 7.23 7.37 8.00 GnING BOSTIV— PaSSODSOT Wingham, depart... ... 6.35 0.01. 3.25001 Belgrave 6.50 3.47 4.01. Londeshoro 7,10 4.08 Clinton . .. 7351 4.28 Brucefield.... ...... ........ 7.49 4.46 Kippen. ........... ..... 7.51 4.53 Bonsai' 8 06 4.58 Exeter ..... ...... ...•-• ••• 8.25 6,12 Centralia 84 6,23 --THE-- Pulpit's Building and Lean Association LONDON - - ONTARIO _— BOARD OP DIRECTORS IN ExtvrEa. Orererao Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lu z, - Vice -President. L B. Dickson, Solicitor. David 0111, Valuator. Fred. W, Collins, - Secy -Treas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, E. A, Penick, Jtie. Milier, Seuthcott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Saml. Sanders. /sfake money In saying monoy. Sixty oents per moroh will ensure $100 in 7,1 Tears. For torsos of application and all necessary infor- mation imply tc the Secretary. Mr. Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA. Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. Fi KINSMAN, DENTIST, 1 • LD, S. S EC1 ALM' in GOLD FILL- ING, EXU Ea °TING and Pi ATE WORK. Gas and ]"cal Anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. 2nd door north of CARLING'S Store DALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • L. D- S. Honor Graduate of the To - lento Univ, lRityftrd Royal College of Dental eurget ns of Ontario. Suecheties, Painless exit, notion and ureservation of the I stunt] teeth 4 ffie•e oVer the Law Office or Elliot St E 'Hot. opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. T) AGNEVV L. D. S.DENTIST, 01,11,710N, Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of each month and at llodgie's hotel Boman every Monday MONEY TO LOAN. Large sums Money to loan on Farmlands at Five and a half per cent- private funds. Apply 0 ELI Iter & eLLIoT, Solioitore Exeter anuary 1895 1) UFFEB1N HOUSE, OEN- mrtsLiA, A FIRST-CLASS COMMER- eial here], firet-lass wines and liquors, comm odious eample rooms, and an attentive h, seer. R. HORN, Proprietor Exeter Packing House. 1\' °TICE. Parties wishing fresh tenderloin, fresh pork, spare ribs, shanks and pig's feet, can get them Wednesday mornings. A good supply of Hams, Rolls, Backs, Bellies, Shoulders, and salt bacon on hand at Dwest cash prices. Live o.ogs Wanted! Every Monday morning for delivery, C Snell, Prop BELIEF IN Six Boons.- Dinordered Kid nay and bladder cliseaaes relieved in eis hours by the "Great South American Kid ney Cure " Tbia new remedy ie a great surprise and delight tu physiciens on ac count of its exceeding promptnese In re- lieving prtiu in the bladder, kidneyrebeek and every part of the urieary paasages in male and female. It relieveri retention of water and pain in paesing it inmost immed etely. If tori want quiek relief and cure this is your remedy Sold by C. LUTZ, HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IN TH/RTY Mnaurxs. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives ree fect relief in ell carms of Omani° oe Symputhelie T-leart Disease in 30 minntes, and sprediry effr ets a cure. It is a peer - lass remedy for Palpitation" Shortneas of Breath, Sinetherieg Spells, Petite in Left Side and all cymptorne of a Diseased Heart, One dree conviocos. Sold by C. LUTZ. Tun LADIgs: The pleasant effect and perfect safety with whieli hicii(s may use the Californie liquid laxative, Syrup of Pio, under all conditioep, makes it their 1000ite remedy. To get the true end genuine article, look for the name of the Califoreia Pig Syrup Co., printed ttear rho bettom of the paek• age, 1, Lt,, 10 TO (1(0 M/DD_ .hor t yene'of the bteeth through tire Blower, supplied with eaoh bottle of Dr Agnew'e Catarrhal Powder, dittusee the Powder nver the serfaoe 11 the Basel pre - gegen, Peinlese end eeliehtfitl to bike volieres inteautly, and perroneeetly eure Oratardi Hay Fever, Coicle, tleadetibe Sore Threat, Tocsilitio and Peafnitiat Seeds of all kinds, Seed Potatoes 8neoialt y this week. .„ 174 NO MDONC REQUIRED. Worth its cost as a fertilizer. The only safe way to use a Strong Poison r R SALE B Y 18110 P.S.—Get Our prices on Eavetroughing. Creamery Cans, Milk Cans, Churns Barbed Wire' (AMERICAN AND CANADIAN.) 8t, SON, Are You GOING TO GET A 'cycle? We have the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars. PERKINS & MARTIN, Panson'e Block, Exeter. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up youi prescriptions, but we haye a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 50 U. But don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine ansi a large assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and) quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. ,4 Suit of (Mathes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. j. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Spring IL Summer Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. J SNTILL, EXETER FOUNDRY 3328T.41-.131.,X6121EZD 1867. Hea.dquarters for Plows, Scuff- lers, &c., Bridge Bolts and Castings. .efernelakW601*IIMMOUNSIVeto. We have for gale a number of new and second hand Portable and Traction Enginee at prices frorn $150 up, inducl- irig dm following makes: Connell, Waterous, Sawyer, Massey. Norse - worthy, Leonard Se White, Stevens 85 Burns, Peterson & Co. Parties wishing to purchase weukl. do well to call and get prices before pur• ellasings RIKES Strikes are all right, 11 struck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not your sister, strike not your brother ; But strike a good scheme when ever you can, Strike a deal with J. H. GRIEVE, And you will strike the right nun For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain. Remember the place. J. H. Grieve. Timely itivico. ----- Jute and -wool blankets we always take the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need ; /farness, collars, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, ./rets ombs, brushes and (lards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises aud school bags, in price a.nd quality for the young and She old, Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the cold; Elm city harneas oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots O shining, Bells, children's cairiages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots, we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. E 1WHAT A !LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - - If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is She right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures proye 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, BED, DRESSER, WASH STAND, MATRESS, SPRING, 2 Punows, ROCKER, $20.50. CHArit, TABLE. Coming brides and young married couples take advantage of the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. $20.50. J.D.ATKINSON NORTH OF TOWN HALL. 8 GIP LEY UNDERT4KER & SON. -AND- Furniture Dealer, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds always on hand. N 11.0W, EXETER. Mg 1 IT 1 _— Have you an old Buggy Top that needs re.covering and von wish to haye made as good as new 7 Side Curtains played out? Your Cushion played out ? or other Trimminge shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on 3. 0 CILA.TISEN, 35ECMSTS..A.,1,1.„ Or leave your orders att:3 ones' Carriage Works, Exeter. All orders will receive prompt attention, and done in a workmanshiplikkmanner Chargea moderate. Ezizeter North Store Mr. F. R. Knight has opened a General Store in the stand lately occupied by Brook's Harness Shop, with a full stock oil strob GENERAL GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE., STATIONERY, ETC. roduee take» it exohatgo for ds, Parlor Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Fancy Bamboo Window Shades and Poles, PICTURE i A Large Variety and Low Prices. ^ Gidley & Son ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. GET HUI PANTS 3301ATINT At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits, $11, 20, 21, etc. The - best place in town to, get a fit. W, 'JOHNS, The Tailor. "f0A11, FOR SERVICE. trite undersigned will keel) for tie:vice on Iot 6oSL) ,of Stephen, a tit ofo'bred Polied Chirlat Be e Terme $1 et time of Steeled. WM.BAKER, Peon.