HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-7-4, Page 14
:n1 ?ED IN
111 Big Difforonco
There is a big difference be-
lween our Summer Goods Prices
,and what they
Once were.
Here are some Lines that will
interest y ou when you get our
prices :—
Bargains all through
this department. You
can save money by giv-
ing us a, call.
Boy's 2 piece Suits
" Odd Pants
Men's Summer Coats
" 'White Vests
" Odd Pants & Vests.
S, 7011,1) cez CO.
Sermon Ropowm—The following is a
aorreot report of S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for
-the month of June. The names occur in
order of merit:—
Sr. IV,—Fred Sanders, Henry Beaver,
Settle Sweet.—Jr. IV,—Geo Bagshaw,
Geo. Sanders, Heiman Beayer, Clara Stan:
lake, Sam Jory.—Sr. Ill—Daniel Sanders
4 Eddie Beaver, Botha Gilbert, Ida Jory,
Luther Penhiele.—Sr. IL—Mary Sanders,
Henry Kestle, Fred Dearing Laura Ford,
'Clinton Sweet.—Jr. IL—Harley Sanders,
Stella Penhale, Marshall Box.—Pi, II,—
Minnie Triebner, Roy Peritonea Asa Ten;
4 hale, Launy Ford. Herbie Ford: Best
tpaller in 111 as IV Masses, Herman Beay;
' er. Beat speller in II classes, Mary San:
ders, Number of names on roll 46. Av:
.e erage attendance 39.4.
Fall Fairs.
ce Toronto .Sept. 2-14
London Sept. 12-21
.St. Marys . ..Sept. 25-26
East Niseouri, at Kintore.... ..... Oct. 8
Eirkton, Oct. 1-2
Northerfin at Ailsa Craig.... Sept. 26-27
South Huron, Exeter, Sept. 23-24
Thorndale, . Oct. 10.
Mitchell, at Mitchell Sept. 24-25
Hay, at Zurich, Sept 23-24
Will secretarieskindly send in dates of
-their fairs.
You Don't lelave to Swear off.
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricul-
• ture in an editorial about No To Bac, the
.famous tobacco habit euro. "We know
•of many cases cured lay No-ToRac. one
a prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years; two boxee
•cured him so that even the smell of to-
bacco makes him sioir." No -to Bag sold
and guaranteed, no cure no pay. Book
free. Sterliag Remedy Co., 374 St, Paul
St., Montreal.
They are Corning in
to see the famous
You Never Get 'Left When You
Invest In a BICYCLE That
We Handle.
quality tolls the :story,
.And figura seldom lie,
You'll always be in glory,
If frOS1:118 you buy ;
Ho who hesitates is lost,
Then licensee no more,
nut go at (moo to Main -8L,
Wiwi% yoti get the cheapeet 1310ye1es
and Bicycle Sundries.
Browniaw& erguson.'
gleetrte 13ellsi Tele
vlIoneS, Igte. •
Middlesex County NoteS.
Messrs Thos. Rosser of London enl
Thos. Rosser of Deofield, have purchesed
a getterel store at laerwood,
Cha. Thacker, of Glanford, has two
cows that within a day of each other gave
birth to twin calves. He purposes raisieg
the little fellows as ourioeitiee.
The North Middlesex license commis -
Menem heve reconsidered theiv mitten in
refusing. to grant a full year's Beene° to
the Central Hotel and Powell House,
d. company is being formed for the
purpoae of einking a teat well for oil on
Mr, John Atmore s farm, lot 25, con 21
West Williams, Quite a number have
already taken shares in the enterprise.
Another of the old residents of least
Williams died Met week in the person of
Mr. Alex. Fraser, of Nairn. Mr. Fraser
had been ailing for some years
Previous to his death which occurred on
the 19th. ult, at his residence; Nairn.
Fifty years of sumer' in curing Diar-
rhoea, Dyeentery, Cholera, Colic, Cramps,
bowel complaints of stunmer and fall, etc.,
stamp Dr. Feiner s of Wild Strawberry as
the best remedy in the market, It
sayers °bib:Iran's lives,
Mr. Wm. Ramsey er., 2nd line north
Adelaide, him not been feeling well lately,
and on Thursday last went to Adelaide
Village to consult the Doctor, "Upon his,
return he put his horse in and commenced
to draw in the buggy, wben he dropped
dead: Heart disease is supposed to be
the oause.
On Thursday, 20th ult., Mies Ellen
Munro, of East Williams, was united in
naarriage to Mr, John Warden alenntosta
of the same township. The marriage
ceremony was performed by Rey Mr
Aylward, of Parkhill, in the presence of a
number of invited relatives and Mende.
Dr.Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
cures Diarrhoea, Dyeentery, Colic,
Cramps, Cholera, Cholera Infantum,
Cholera Morbus and all summer complaints
and fluxes of the bowels in children and
Mr. R. Scott attended Firm Solomon
Marionic Lodge at Thameeford the other
evening, and was presented with a Past
Master's jewel in token of the hign esteem
in whieh he is held by hie lodge, and for
having filled the office of Master with such
marked ability during the mum year.
The barn and outbuildings belonging to
Mr. George Henshaw, sr., of W. Nissouri,
was burned early the other morning by
lightning. Mr. Edward Henshaw's store
and dwelling adjoining, had Le narrow es-
cape, and but for the heavy downpour of
rain, they, too, would have fallen a prey
to the flames.
Rev, A. L. Russell, B. D., the new pas-
tor of Wellington Street Church has ar-
rived here from Leamington to begin hia
pastorate. Previous to leaving Leaming-
ton he was the recipient of several addres-
ses from the congregation and °bench so-
trietiesmall of 'Which 'alluded io his work
there as being productive of good results,
—London Free Press.
Mrs. Mary .Ann Vanderburgh died at
London, Monday, at St. Joseph'sHospital,
aged 70 years. She was born at Thorn -
dale where she subsequently married and
settled with her husband, who died five
years ago. Mrs. Vanderburgh euffered
long and patiently. She was a consistent
member of the Baptist Church, and leaves
three children to mourn her loss.
A meeting of the Queen'sAvenne Metho-
dist officials was held Friday to discus
the present aspect of the pastoral trouble.
A letter was reoeived from the conference
committee expreesing regret that the
board had not seen fit to agree with the
committee's arrangement. Trustees pass.
ed a resolution confirming their previous
decision, not to accept Mr. Cunningham,
of St. Mary's.—London Advertiser.
H. Taylor, writing from Moseley, Dor-
cheater township; "I beg to inform you
of a strange occurrence which I am told
by reliable authority ia taking place here
and causing great excitment. Since last
Friday stones from the size of a marble up
to three or four inehes long are falling in
and near one particular bush. Some are
quite warm, others moist, with sancl stuck
to them. They have also been found to
move several yards from the place they fell.
Some knots and limbs have likewise been
dropping from the trees. The stones are
described: as falling lightly. Bus.
Mess having prevented me from being able
to go to the place and havestigate it per-
sonally,Igive it as I just picked ie up pees-
ing through the village. If it is any kind
of a practical joke or fish story, there are
a great many deceived,ae all the neighbor
hood are flocking to the scene." Another
report says that "on Friday Mr. John
Stra,thdee, a well known berme:awns wok-
ing in his woods in company with James
Holt, a laborer, when a shower of etones
began to fall. The stones were of all dim-
ensions,from a pebble to tbe size of a bowl.
One of the atoees. alighted on Mr.
Strathdee's head, but he was not injured,
owing to the protection afforded by his
hat. The shower did not continue long,
but at intervals since the strange occur-
rence has been repeated, Yesterday a lot
more stones fell. Tho showers are con-
fined mostly to the woods, but some have
fallen close to Mr. Strathdee'e barn.
The stones are mostly of a flinty nature.
Druggists say that their sale of Hood's
Sarsaparilla exceed those of all others.
There is no substitute for Hood's.
If tbere ever was a specific for any one
complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills
are a speeific for siek headache and every
Woman should know this, Only oue pill
O dose. Try them.
Eton. J. C. Patterson, ralelefinieter of
Militia, and M, P. for 'West Huron, ar-
rived in Windsor Saturday mornitig on
his return trip from Calitornia to Ottawa.
In enswer to a question as to the benefit
the run had on his health, he replied:—"I
an a mak man Mill, but I fell much be
ter than 1 did when I left Ottawa."
'Whet about your going to Manitoba, Mr.
Patterson 2" Well, now, I don't want to
go into political mattere, but I will say
that 1 refueed to take the Lieutenant
Governorship the first time it was offered ,
Neverthelees it wss offered nee again, and
the propoeition IS now under my consider..
ation, 1 can't tell what my eonsideration
will be.
The action ot Cattetet Libtle Liver Pills
its pleasant, mild and natural. They
re nor stemeTeee tbe lfver, end the bowele,
but do net purge. They are milt to
please* TrY theen•
• Huron County Notes.
Mr' John Troyer, sr., of Hills Green,
lef t last week for North Dakota, to visit
hi a daughters and other friends.
Mrs. Rola Porter of Clinton, is on a
vialti to Mrs. Win. Johnstoo, Blanshara.
Mr. Leek Kennedy of Clinton has dis:
posedeof nis butchering bust:acme to Mr.
W J. Langford, who takes permission
;next week -
Rev. Joseph MoCoy,formerly pastor of
Egmiondville Presbyterian church, arrived
from Bridal Columbia last week and is
now the guest of his brother-in-law, Rev.
Peter Mutigrove, of McKillop.
A poet appetite and refreshing eleap
are meential to health of mind and body,
and these are given by Hood's Sarsap-
Reeve B. B. Gunn. of Seaforth, moved
into his handisome new brittle residence
this week. Ur. Gannet new residence is
one of the &met to be found in Huron
oounty, and contains all the latest im•
provements of the age:
A memorial window has been placed in
St. Paul's Church, eVinghe,rn to the mem-
ory of the late Rev. Wm Davis, who
labored in that pariah for several years.
The vvindew was placed there by the sons
of the deceased clergyman.
Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver
Pills? They are a poeitive cure for sick
headaolae, and all the ills produced by dis-
ordered liver. Only one pill a dose.
Mr. Peter Cook. of Holmesville, had the
miefortune laet Friday to lose a valuable
colt, for which he had been offered e199
a few days before. Running against the
plow handle, it was instantly killed, by
the handle penetrating the heart.
Rey Mr. Nethercott, of Louisville, has
m eyed to Woodham and at a large party
at the l residence of Joseph Weaver,
Chatham township, Friday evening, Jane
34, a beautiful autograph quilt, with an
excellent address, was presented to Mrs.
Elizabeth Jane &mama, neo Jennie
Fowler, of Colborne township died sud-
denly last Saturday. She fainted, fell
down stairs, and, being alone in the house
wag not found until unconscious, and died
without speaking. She leaves a baby
two weeks old, and a sorrowing husband.
She was only 25 years old,
A haw, event took place at the home
of Mrs. Duffy, McEntee, on Monday lard,
when her second daughter Sarah Jane;
was married to Mr. John Coyne, of Detroit,
The cereraony was performed byRey Dean
Murphy at Iriehtoven church, after which
the bridal party drove to tne bride's where
O bountious repast awaited them. The
afternoon wae spent in dancing and other
amusements. The young couple took the
evening train for Detroit; may success
attend them.
On Saturday morning about half past
four the house belonging to Meant Bell
and Lasham of Londesboro was burned.
Mr. R. Bell had been liyina in it since
last winter. Mr, Bell was away; Mrs.Bell
and the children and. Miss Muir of Clinton
were. alone in the hone when the -alarm •
was given. They managed to save all that
was down stairs. The fire started at. the
back of the house and run up the rafters
to the upstairs, making it impossible to
save anything that was upstairs.
The Patrons of Industry held it gather-
ing Friday afternoon in Londesborough
Grove at Tacker's efill, about three miles
from Seefortb, and there were over it
thousand people present, the largos': half
of whom were ladies. Addresses were
delivered by Menem J L Heycock, Patron
leader ; T 0 Currie. grand vice president
Jos Stratford, president of the Farmers
Binder Twine Company; Mr R Common,
the Patron candidate for South Huron at
the Dominion elections, and Mr 31 Y Mc-
Lean, M. P. P., South Huron.
Baas. —Mr. Harold Sutton has
returned from London for vacation.
He le studying for the ministry. -R.
R. Hodgins, who had his thigh broken
some weeks ego, Is able to be up and
going around on crutohes.—Last Salm
bath was the Rev. E. A, Chown's last
Sunday on the Lucan eircuit. He will
be succeeded by the day. J. E. Ford,
of Wyoming.—A couple of our farm
era or cattle men have disposed of
their stockers to J, H. McRoberts,
Esq., of Liman, to be delivered in
August. Good prices ware paid,
I BRIEFS—The Royal Tempters of
Sodom. Exeter, Centralia and Crediton,
spent the 26th of June at Grand Bend,
and had a very enjoyable time. Many
friends of the cause, though not mem-
bers joined us.—Some of the Sodomites
on Dominion Day went to Centralia
and some to Grand Bend. Boat riding
and bathing were among the amuse-
ments.—A new building is being erect-
ed on the grenade occupied by Kr.
Stacey.—.A. wedding is expected to take
place in this locality in the near future.
The happen, it a person from Luce,n and
it temporary resident of this place.
Mr, Richard. Oliver,of Mitchell tnet with
an accident while assisting at it barn
raising on the farm of Mr. Thomas Pall:
man, Hibbert, Thursday of last week A.
brace fell from one of the plates, striking
him upon the head and eboulder. He was
seriouely injured.
Juo. Coleman and bride left for their
home in Saginaw, Mich. on Monday last.
The young couple are both natiyes of
Hibbert township and have scores of
friends in this part whose beet wishes for
their happbaeas .and prosperity follow
them to their new home.
It is intimated that His Lordship the
Biehop of Algoma has definitely declined
the offer of the Principalship of Huron
College, vacant by the resignation of Rem:
Mr. tai1i0le. deyeral other names are
mentioned, among them that of Prof, R,
Watkin, of Lennoxville.
Mrs, John Page, of Lietowel, has in:
heritecl $8000 by the death of a brother in
England. Her brother was blind, es the
result of an accident at a game of ball
when a youth, and was left aufficient
funds by his father to provide for him
during life. He left £3,200, divided bo;
tweeu Mra. Page and another sister.
Mr. Richard Honey of Mitchell left
last week for the Province of Quebec,
whore lae expecte to spend meet of the
season buying and pressing hay. The
hay crop promises to be so light here then
Mr. Honey was not going to be able to
hold his old country trade with the limited
supply. He has gone to look for richer
Daniel Wade, of Mitchell, Ont., who
has served five years in Kingston for wife
murder, has boon pardoned. It appeared
from evidence subsequent to the triel that
the woman was troubled with heart die -
ease, to which doubtless her death wen
immediately daenthough superinduced by
a blow struck e.; ter husband in a drunk-
en spree.
Two Fullerton township farmers named
Seabee% and Bohfreitsch mime their grie-
yances before Police Magistrate 0' Lane
of Stratford laat Wedneaday, Mr. Soo:
bach and his neighbor have not been on
the most peareefal terms for sometime past
and Ur. Seebaoh declared to the magis-
trate that Mr. Roldreitech had threatened
"to break every rib in hie belly." Not-
withstandieg the fact that man's ribs
were not located in that meet the magis-
trate thought 11 wieeet to biria the deka-
dant ovev to keep the peace, himself in five
hutidred dollars and two securities of 8250
Dreen Sirte,—/ home used Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wm Strawberry for eine years
when required, and think it is the beat
remedy to be had for all kinder of Suttemer
Compleinte, It has never failed in otir
banner to ouro anySuintnor (brachia, se
we have great faith in ite
Alto. lhastt STrintoligt Chatham, Ont.
BRXEFS'—Mrs. 5, Sweitzer is still on
the sick liate-eWe are pleased to state
that Mr. Gabriel McPhee, who has been
quite ill of lace. has somewhat recover-
ed.—The mill has been shut down for
the last couple of weeks, owing to it
scarcity of water. Messrs. Jas Wilson
tee Co., of Greenway, have the contract
for webbing down an artesian well. We
expect operations will commence this
week. —Several of the Shipka boys took
part in a football match, which was
played at Mb. Carmel, against the "Bul-
garians" of the 12th con. of McGillivray
on Wednesday evening of 1 tat week.
They failed to bring home much honor
with them, however, as at the cloae of
the game the score stood 3 to 0 in favor
of the McGillivray team.
Baises.—After a long illness death
relieved the sufferings of Mr. James
Dow's eldest son on Thursday last,
The funeral on Saturday was largely
attended.—Mr. John Whyte has a
new wind mill for pumping water,
erected on his fifty acres adjoining the
village. Mr. P. Madge is the contract.
on—Annivererry services were held
in the Cromarty church on Sunday ;
tvsm eloquent aermons on Elope and
Love were giveneby the Rev. Robert
Hamilton of linintford, and were
listened to by large and appreciative
audiences. On Monday the annual
5, 8, picnic was held in Boyle's grove,
when addresses were given by Revs.
R. Hamilton, Brantford, and J. S.
Henderson, Rennin Muaic and
singing were supplied by the Hensefl
choir and the school children. The
day was fine and the people in good
spirits and the afternoon sped all too
quickly; everybody happy and with
plenty of good things to eat, the
average small, boy was in his glory.
Everything passed oil splendidly.
fhe collections taken amounted to
over thirty five dollars, which will be
devoted to the S. 8. Library fund,—
Mr Jag Gillespie, Sr., was suddenly
taken ill Tuesday,—Mrs. A. itecLemen,
of the lst coacession, diecUon Monday,
after a long illness. Funeral Wednee-
day.—Mr. Geo Hamilton is home thie
week helping his father with the rush.
—Haying is becoming general in this
community.—Mr. W. Hamilton, who
has been teaching school in Edgington,
P. Sound district, is home for his
holidays. We also notice the genial
face of Mr G. Robertson, Stratford, a
former resident of this place, among
the yisitore this week, to this section.
Exeter Municipal Council.
The Council met by order of the
Reeve'et the Town Hall, Exeter, on
29th une, 1895. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and confirmed.
Carling—Taylor—That the Reeve
and Treasurer be authorized to borrow
81000 on the credit of this corporation,
The reward for the detection of in-
cendiarism was cancelled.
• The council adjournecl until the 5th
of July,
Mr. Geo, H. Williams, tbe extensive(
manufacturer of fruit besketa and ex May-
or of Thorold, writes: I suffered very
severely from eick and nervous headaches
and biliousnese for over 32 years and had
tried all advettised pills, powdere and
other medieinee, bub obtained very little
relief, until about two years agoI began to
use Stark's Powders and since then have
been like a different man, and now seldom
have a headache. If I have any tendency
that way Stare's Powder's give immediate
relief, Prim) 25e it box, 6 boxer, for el,
sold. by all medicine dealers.
Miss Nellie Crittenden, eon. 6, Elma,
was painfully injured one day last week.
Sbo was drieing from Mr. Nichore to her
hotue, loci when close to the Ga T. R,
crossing the horse took fright at the 8
o'olook train and rim away, throwing bet
violently to the grouud, bruising her
face badly, as well rie hurting her 'shoulder.
The seat and top of the buggy broke off
and vrent with her when she was thrown
to the ground, otherstiee she might hay°
beet hurt even more serionsly.
A big Wedding thole place on Wedueeday
itt tho residmice of M. Frank Anderson,
Fallarton, the oceasiou being themarriage
of his daughter Miss Nettie, to Mt John
Williams, of Seaforth, It is said thet
uteri), 400 guests were itiViteet.
Th 04 the VOA SPEW% remedy,
Following are the =riot quotatione ;
Wheat 80 to 85
Barley 55 to 60
Oats „ , .. .... , 30 to 32
Pearl 55 to 60
Hay 6,00 to 7.50
Batter 12 to 13
Eggs , • ....... ,. 8 to 8
Wides have advanced 100 per centand so
have boots Se shoes, but A. Wessiok is able
m sell boots & shoes at the old prices as he
had it large Stook bought before the rise thus
giving his customers the benefit, and will sell
at the old emcee for cash until further notice.
It will pair you to oau ELt °nee and some°
some of the special bargains he is offering in
summer foot wear
A. WESEL011. Hermit. Ont.
Bninirs.—The follovviag is the effi-
cient staff of officers of the Sons of
Scotland, liensall; —Chief; Robt. Bon-
thron; Chieftain, W. A. Thompson; P.
Chief, D.MciEwan;Rec.'W.MoKay;Fin
Sec., J. K. Campbell; Treas. J. E. Mo
Donnell; Chap. A, McPherson; Physi-
cian, Dr. Thompson; Marshall, Donald
Burns. 8. Bearer, A. Dougall; 1, S. G.
Jas. McArthur; Piper, D. 1VIeEwan;
S. Ge Jas. Gilchrist;
BRISIFB. —Mr . Geo. Stacey of Lud-
ington; Mich., is visiting friends here
after several yeara'absence.—Mr. John
Laing left last week to visit a brother
in the state of Maryland.—Rev. G.
Willoughby preached his farewell
sermon on Sunday night, previous to
departing for his new field of labor, —
Mr. Adam Wiley took it trip to Owen
Sound last week to see his brother
Thomas, who has been sick for some
time, and vvho accompanied him back
to Fullarton.—Mr. Wm. Urquhart,
was down to the hospital in Toronto
again, to have his arm operated upon
again. It is not healing satisfactorily
since the amputation.
• 111
Beiees.—The garden party at Mc-
Kinley's on Friday eyening last was a
decided success, the proceeds amount-
ing to $33.—The Lutheran S. S. pic
inc was held in Taylor's grove on Mon-
day, and was very largely attended.—
Mies L. Williams, who has been attend-
ing Alma Conege. St. Thomas, for the
past two years, has returned home.
She has passed all examinations and is
an honor graduate of Alma college.
We extend congratulations. — The
World's Fair will be held on Monday
and Tuesday, Sept, 23rd and 24th. --
Mr. Neil McKinnon, of Parkhill, a
graduate of McGill University, Mont-
real, Ins been the guest of Dr. Camp-
bell, the past few days.—Seireral
iationsin the A. 0 U. W. will be
received at the next meeting. The
order is in a flourishing condition, .As
the society is offering $1000 certificates
a great many are taking advantage of
the chance to obtain cheap and reli-
able insurance, -On Sunday afternoon
while Mrs. John Torrance and four
children were driving to church in
Zurich, the horse became frightened
at a cow on the roadside, and capsized
the buggy, throwing the occupants
into the ditch. Master John had his
shoulder blade shattered, while one of
the small girls sustained several cuts
in the face, which required it few
stitches to repair. The others escaped
injury. Dr. Campbell relieved the
wounded, --Miss Mabel Haist, of Port
Eluron, Mich , is a guest at Me John
Bniees.—Rev. ET. Butt. will
preach a special sermon to the Orange•
men on Sunday next, at 7 p.
Visiting brethren are cordially invited
to attend. Meet in the hall at 6 p. ni.
and march to church,—Mr. Delgaty
sent up II pupils to write on the en-
trance and leaving examinations.—Mr
Delgaty conducted the examinations
at Grand Bend last week.—Mr. S.
McCoy has had erected near his home
a flue new windmill .—Rev . W. IL
Butt conducted the review service in
the Sunday School on Sunday after-
noon, and there was a large attend•
ance of children and parents.—Mrs
Josiah Butt of Clinton, mother of our
pastor, is vieiting at the parsonage.—
Mr. Cottrill, recently of Exeter, who
is building here, has moved into the
village with his family,
in connection with fhe Methodist
church, which is an annual event to
the community, was held on Monday,
and was very largely attended, the
gathering surpassing that of recent
years. The weather was all that could
be desired and shortly after dinner
the crowd began to gather, 'and sewn
the strains of the Exeter Brass Band
were heard in the distapee. Arriving
at the grounds they took up it central
location and discoursed choirs() music
to the delight of the listeners, Straw-
berries and cream in abundance were
provided and the waiters were kept
busy till alter six o'clock. Gaines for
the children were provided ad a tug
of war between the single and mended
ncten was especially exeiting, tis was
also a game of foot ball later in the
• evening. requiting, patriotic speeches
were delivered by Mr. Delgaty and
Ream W. 11. Butt and J. G. Gilland.
Both Old and young appeared to en-
joy the day. In theevening a grand
concert was given in the church in
Which Mr. Gibson, Of London, end
Miss Patterson, of Derided, took a
leading part vvith great credit to them-
selVea and delight to the audience.
Weiner TrtavrarattO,
Whether et pleamire bent, or business,
take mete:try trip a bottle of Syrup of Figee
aa it ante moist pleireantly and effeettnelly
on the kidneys, liver and bowels, prevent*
ing fevcr, headaehe and other forms a
sieltnese. For little in 750 bettlea by all
le Oleg druggists, Moutatured by the
Ottliternia Pig Syrup Co, only.
41Q0N Wan% MONS
PubI tort Vla 0,P eV0P0e$41X0
Bittrs. —Miss Ida Dempsey visited I
in Exeeter over Sunday, - A, very inter- Slaughter. Sale
Luoan. (3ritE
eating *mom] event took p ace on
Thursday evening at the residence of
Mrs. Sproat, when her daughterMaggie
was united in wedlock to Mr, J,
Spark.—Mr. A. T. Braithwaite has
purchased the grocery and hardware
business of Mr, J. 11, McComb and
intends moving in shortly. Mr. Mc-
Comb intends resting a year for the
benefit of his health,
Bmera.—Rev Mr Muir preached an
appropriate sermon to a large number
of Foresters, on Sabbath afternoon
last.—Mis Geo Forest is visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs McIntosb.—
Mrs J H Sirapson placed a Sarcophagus
monument over tbe body of her late
husband, Rev J Simpson, in Baird's
cemetery, lest week. it is of a unique
design, with the Bible placed on top,
bearing Ins last text,—Mrs Alex
Jamieson bas secured a situation with
Mr McNaughton, of Varna.—Hr Geo
Beech, of the Amencau hotel, took
possession of the manse Mindy oc-
cupied by Mrs (Rav) Rose, last Mon:
day ; we will miss George, as he was a
good citizen.
""' -
Dash -wood.
aTicTle—Irs.A. Mentz, of
l'avistock, are renewing old acquaint-
ances m the village and vicinity.—Mrs
Mich. Fenn bas been visiting friends
in London.—Mr. W. H Levett, of
Exeter, was in the village on business
Friday last. -0. Fritz is spending a
few days in Morriston. -Samuel Lingey
is visiting under the parental roof en
Elkton, Mich.—Mr. J. Bowerman, our
enterprising painter, was at Exeter on
some special occasion on Tuesday last.
—Mr, Henry Reese has sold his house
and lot to Mr. John Smith of the
Goshen Wurtz is visiting
friends in London at present.—Child.
ren's Day and Quarterly Meeting will
be held in Zurich on Sunday next. —
July 1st passed off very quietly in our
village, as everybody seemed to enjoy
the fresh air at the Grend Bend.—An
infant child of David Schroeder's died
on Saturday morning last, and the le-
mming were interred in the (eoshen
line cemetery.
Poar OFFICE.—The new post office
was opened on Dominion Day. The
mail canner, Mr. Willis, arrived about
noon with a large batch of mail mat-
ter. In fact tbe initial mail both in
and out was very large and would
have done credit to it village.
PATRONS. — S VS 1' al of the Petro t3 8
and others of this place attended the
Patron picnic in Tuckersmith on
Friday last to hear the platforni dis-
cussed. While all appreciated the
matter and marmer of Ur. Haycock's
address,yet, judging from those on the
platform and the remarks of at least
two of the epeakers, nearly every-
body thought tbey had got into the
wrong pen and that it was a Reform
conventiob. When will Patronism
learn to steer clear of party hacks and
keep them from running or attempt.
ing to capture their conventions ?
Those on the platfoim besides Messrs,
Haycock, Currie and Common, were
Messrs. Holmes'Clinton New Era ; A:
Bishop, ex -M. P. P., and M. Y. Mc-
Lean, A. P. P. The three latter did
notatppear to the audience as Patrons
but perhaps they are.
lemur GATITER1NO.—A very pleas-
ant affair took place in Mr. John
Horton's woods on Saturday after-
noon, it being the occasion of tbe
annual gathering of the Horton fam
ily, There are in this neighborhood
and back to the east of this a large
number of relatives of that name, and
it is their custom, and it beentiful one
it is, to meet together once a year to
enjoy each others society and give
their children an outing, and truly the
affair this yesa was it success. There
was ice cream and leraonitie and a
table of delicacies that would have
suited the taste of an epicure. There
were swings and all kinds of amuse-
ments in which all joined heartily, the
most aneursing ofwhich was a needle
race for an apron, which was won by
Mrs, Nicholas Gorton, of Clef -ion -1e.
If others wouldimitate this good ex-
ample there ought to be less family
and society jars.
ANNIVERSARr.—Dominion Day was
celebrated by the people of Bethesda
Sabbath School by holding a straw-
berty festival in Mr. John Oke's
orchard, The eay wee fine, but owing
no doubt to the menv attractions
elsewhere, the orowd was nob large,
although the preparations for the re,
ception of visitors was most complete.
The speakers of the day were Revs.
Wilson, Welker, Edge, and the pastor,
Mr. Swann. Music was furnished by
the school. Foot ball, base tall,
swings and croquet supplied the
amusements, The ladies did their
part admirably in providing the good
things. • Rev, lir. Edge, of GOdericb,
delivered the speech of the day On
church entertainment. This itis young
country and in this day of false foreign
alurements, :toe much cannot be done
or said to encourage the young people
to appreciate their horaes and to cul-
tivate a kindlier feeling in the land of
their birth. It appetite a Mistake
that in moist of our Donainion Day
celebrations no one seems to think it
befitteng the occasion to speak of the
glorious heritage that Canada affords
for all peeceful and law-abidieg Stine
read daughters. it is a Special feattire
ot the 4th of July calebratiott • in • the
United States and It has • its due
weight. So be hero and the
reaolte that eteld atecirtwe evettild he
Yferi's & Boys'
We are clearing out out
Prints at prices that will aston-
ish you. Prints worth Ien, per
yard for 2c.
We have a great big snap
in all Wool Single Fold Dress
Goods, at 3c. per yard.
Bran New Stock of Grocer-
ies just received, which we will
sell at cost.
Terms strictly tash, or But4'.
ter and Eggs at Cas -h. Prices.
Pee/ma—The annual S. S. picnic
held on Donainion Day was one of the •
most successful that has been held for
it long time. Dinnerwas served from
12 o'clock to 2 p. m , after which a
platform meeting was held addressed
by several speakers. The St. Marys
brass band furnished a great variety of
excellent music and was highly appr ec-
iated by the visitors present and with-
out any flattery whatever are a credit
to the town to which they belong. The
total proceeds of anniversary amounted
to $185. In the evening the athletic •
games took place and were well con-.
tested. The following are the prize
winners :-200 yard race, 1st, II S peare
in, 2nd, R Bryans; running hop step
and. jump, lst, 11 Bryans, 38 feet 74
inches, 2nd, 31 Haweins, 38 feet .5 •
inches; running high jump, 1st, H •
Spearin, 2nd. F Spetrin•, vaulting with
pole, 1st. R Bryans, 2nd, .11 Spearire,
tossing the caber, lst, J W Wood, 34
feet 6i inches, 2nd, Dave Foster,' -33
feet ne inches- putting lighe shot, let,
M Hawkins, Zee feet 4 inches, 2nd, :1
Hawkins, 40 feet 1 inch; needle race,
ist,11 Spearin, 2nd, R Bryans. As
there were no entries for the sack race
it did not take place. 11 Spearin bMng
the beet eeneral athlete was awarded
the special prize. .After the games
there was a bake ball match between
St. Marys and Kirkton, the visiting
team winning easily, Our boys should
practise if they expect to make good -
playing. There was also a foot ball
match betweee St. Marys and Kirkton
when the St. Marys boys were again
victorious, 2 to 0, which brought the
day's proceedingsto a close. IS hoped
that when JulY'lst conies around again
the committee will provide similiar
amusement to entertain the crowd who
attend the picnic.
BRIEFS —Haying will be in full blast
in a few days. Tbe crop will be lighter
than usual on account of the dry season.
—Archie Dawson and sister, Maggie.
armat present visiting rela.tives in Glen -
worth and St. Thomas.—Miss Nettie
Shier is still confined to her bed. but
we hope to see her around shortly —
On accuunt of the busy season the Ep-
worth League will close their meetings
after Friday evening until the first of
September, as is their usual custom.—
Miss ef Kirk who has been teaching
school at Pelee Island, is home for
vacation.—Arthur Beatty, B. A.. who
has been attending Cornell College,
lthica, N. Y., has a:rived home for
vacation. Arthur is netting quite an
expert on tbe wheel.—Our boys went
to St. Marys on Saturday evening best
and had a friendly game of foot ball
with the boys there. The game re-
sulted in a draw as neither sides were
successful in securing a goal.—W, Re
Carr, V. S., is occupying his spare mo-
ments breaking in it blood colt he pur-
chased from Mr. Alex. Hackney, of the
Thames Road.—Rev. George Jackson,
of Eeeter, preached the S. 5. anniver-
sary services in the Methodist church
on Sunday last to large congregations,
both morning ani evening.—Rev. Mr.
Cooper, the new incumbent of the Eng-
lish church, moved into the Rectory on
Friday last. He comes highly recom-
mended.—The regular service in the
St. Pa,ul'e church and also in the
Presbyterian church were withdrawn
on Sunday last on account of the anni-
versary service held in the Methodist
church. This shows brotherly !eve on
the part of the Pastors.—Geo Hazle-
wood, jr., has moved into his new resid-
ence and now feels quite comfortable.—
While Mr. Case, a commercial traveller,
was running his wagon out of the Hotel
feeble on Saturday morning last, it get.
beyond his control end, fintlly stripped
in Mrs. Gilpin's garden,completely de-
molishimg the gate.—T Waghorne V. Sr
of Walton, celled on a few' !Amide here
last week,
mvn ......imaxe****OirmrsOyeernoionwory*
Post Office Store
Sale of Prints still con-
tinues. Great drop, in prices
Bound to clear them out. Call'
and get a bargain, it will pay
A Large Assortment of
l'antings just to buxicl, See
avt-crxit tawc.aLzrzrxIg'tzt•