HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-20, Page 877,77,171-4
(�o-�•�y •'�
E, .& P I SA� 111
>Reaoyereci lila Olat►llg:t;.
O SUriday three
Oeily 75 Ceuta•
For five will •send
n while young t11eri
of Exeter North were in Mr, Kestle's
seventy cauls we
from, now till January 189f1,
TUE 7.7IMEs fr
JW. 1/ . i" e r c <. $ BigSummer Sale
wood,just wast of the village, they
founhidden in a hollow tree, Qhve suits
of olothes, with the exoeptton of one
and the iotot eo Weekly Mail and Ent-
p1re, for one year. This is le special
---te ^'-
BARGAIN LIST =-Your choice of
pair of trousers, They brought rite
clothing to Exeter, when .it was identi..
fled as that belonging to lilt. C. A•
McDonell of Hensall, and which had
been stolen from Mr, Coxworth's hotel
in that village on the night of the 7th
In the evening a tramp returned for his
booty, only to tindit gone. He then
called at air. ts
children 1 had taken any n othinge's to l fronn if h a
The ue�tiO°ivt Aitntstera.
Previous to adjourning at Strathroy, the
mt•mbere of the aiti:•rent districts comp, it.,
in, the Lond.•n Conference elaated the
following; r�obairmet and secretaries for the
eufn en . i ea -
Loudon 2-A, L. Russell -chairman; W.
Rigsby, fiaanei„1 secretary. '
eauuno �isecretaryohairtnan; W. H.
G" OODS*,All
And a job lot of DRY GOODS AT HALF PRICE
tree in the woods, When Mr, K. in-
formed him that the clothes had been
found by some young men of Exeter,
Wtudaar- J. R. Gundy,chairman; S. J.
Algin. financial .eoretary
Wo have a quantity of Summer Dress Goods on hand
We you
and taken there, Mr. Tramp turned and
legged it down the concession at a lively
Strut# rd-llr. �4illinms, ohairmau; G.
F. Salton, financial s,:aretary.
that we will sell you at a price that will open
can gi-ve Bar ains in TEAS.
S' g
St. Marys -J Lr'aroya: abairman; J. E•
Ford, financial secretary
' your eyes, Yes ! Eye Openers: . We would
Teas Price 5oc now 35c per lb,
c' ” u
40C 25cEdge,
,," 25C 15C "Kincardine
The season for bass closed on the
A bowling club is about to be organ-
Gaderioh-J. W. Holmes, chairman; J:
financisl :emetary.
-J, Livingstone, chairman;
B.L.Hutton,financial secretary .
quoteprices,but as rices are often
misleading, we refrain from doing so,
and as we have, the reputation for
lowest dealing and tellinp the
We are also selling :FRUIT JARS at the
Following Prices :•—
ized in town ;also lawn tennis.
Electric light is being put into several
of the new residences in town.
Large shipments of,presaed hay were
sent from Exeter this week by W. G.
Winghem-G. Buggin, chairman, W.
Baugh financial secretary,
Listowel- L R. Willoughby, chairman;
J Ball, finamle' aroretery.
.Are now clear -
truth, we have to be very careful
how and what we advertise.
Call and be convinced
Pint Jars only 4c each ; Quart Jars only 5c each ; half gallon Jars
only 7c each.
Wheat prices hawse taken a decline,
On Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock
Ridgetown fit to
ing all lines of
what we say is correct, •
We will alsoou Big B
g Y g ar ga1D S in
and yesterday the ruling figures were
92 to 94 cents.
The Clinton and Exeter cricket teams
a match on the Exeter grounds to-
another couple saw
link their earthly fortunes together.
Miss Lilian Schlenker and Mr. John
Bawden were the ha con 'e immed-
ppy coup
Summer Goods.
iately concerned. Miss Schlenker was
This is a Genuine Sale ; we mean just what We say ; the
goods will.,be offered as above stated. -
This big sale will continue for IO days.
The band ave the first of a aeries of
concerts, on the band stand at the town
hall on Saturday
+ Y evening.Alma
The volunteers go to camp in Lon-
don on the 24th. They will therefore
be in cam on Dominion Day..
a universal favorite and her musical
abilities admired by all, she having
sentquite a lengthy period both in
P g Y
College, St. Thomas, and.Univer-
city College of Music in Toronto, study-panied
ing the pianoforte. Mr. Bawden, more
familiar] known as "Jack," has been
business firms
S ecial
Mr, Wash Collins of Watford, who
Ked be in town for some days, return-
Y '
ed home un Saturday. He was accom-
by Mrs W. J. White of Bran-
don and Miss Hattie Templeton. The
latter will make her home with her sfs
An idea for raising of funds for church
purposes, which seems to contain great
poaelbilitea, was tried ai ltnoxville, Tenn,
a felt' days ago, An sdmiesion foe of tau
cents; wne charge3 for the privilege of wit
neaeing the marriage ceremony in church
of two well known residents of the town.
N. B.- A lot of Counter Show Cases for sate cheap.
A party of patent medicine vendors
pave concerto on the market square
with one of our leading
in town for the last six or seven years
ter, Mrs. Collins . for a time,-
Dr. H, K. Hyndmanwaa in London on
G f ���
several evenings of this week.
Henderahott and Welter were hang-
and has been growing in favor ever
his l.. Thiscannot
Friday onprofessional duties. -Messrs L1_11--
Dicksons ell, visited
a Of William Wood, Yeoman; deceased..
{- y�
®® lj®S e •
PANY, of Toronto: also for rho PHOENIX
FCxE INSIItiANCE C011PANY, of London
PANQ of England.
ed at St. Thomas on Tuesday for theth
murder of young Hendershott.
3' g
farmer Bros. have remodelled the
interior of their store,not only addingto
its appearance but increasing the con:
but be recesince
ived pleasure d
congratulations of the Standard will
intermingle with those of the newly
4 Y
wedded air. The ceremony was con
p y
ducted by Rev. Mr. Parsons, of Mor-
peth, an old friend of the family, and
friends in St.l Marys ovDo
Mrs. (Rev.) Locke and children left on
Saturda for Sarnia where the will
y y
=pond a few weeks with Msa. Locko's
parents. -Mrs. Manning of Clinton
spout a few days this week the guest of
Pursuant tot sea, 36, chap. 110, of the
Revised statutes of Ontario; 1587, acrinol
ie •hereby given that alt oreditors and
there having cdngaiuec the estate
of wUliam wood, late of the Township of
Stephen, in the County of Huron yeoman*
18 a are on Lefh day of 1J p
is our
of Exeter
( ®
Y ��
as we
text this time.
er rho his.4,„..
has WALL
been offered
at such
shall sell at this
Head office, - - LONDON,
For35 years this Company has done thestate
largest business in Canada at the lowest rates,
ooneiateut with aeaurity.
Assets, Jan. with
it y357,190.0o
33,0001Poiioies in foroe.ldeceaead
T. E. ROBSON, President,
v. C. McDONALD, manager.
Fur further particulars, apply to
DAVI s�enTUEz ter.
W. Broderick has an announce -FIRE
meat in another column, which it will
be to the interests of every one to read.
It is a half price sale.
The Commercial hotel has been trans-
formed from a red to a white colored
building. The change gives the house
an improved appearance,
The staff and students of the Mitchell
High School placed upon the casket at
the funeral of young Harris, rvho was
residence of 5ira. L. D. Parney,
thesister of the bride. 'Phe weddingofLondonspenttheforepart
was extremely quiet, only the nn-
mediate friends and relatives of the
bride and bridegroom being present,Glovesannounce,
The invited were: Mr, and Mrs, P.
Bawden, Ridgetowni Mr. and Mrs,
Bawden, Exeter; Miss Phyllis= Clarke,
Detroit; Mr, and Mrs. J. Bowdon,
+ Lon -
dein list. and Mrs. J ihri Schlenker
Rochesteri Dr. and Mrs. Marr, Ridge
town; Miss Etta Hunt, Ridgeto vvn.
Mrs.(Dr.) Amos.-M:rs.W.J.Clarke,A.
week renewing acqu`�intances in town.
Mrs. Walters of Devon, we are sorryto
is very ill. Some time ego
she had an operation performed for
cancer of the stomach, which it seems
a struggle for leer to succumb.-
Division Court was heldhere Monday*.
His honor Jud e Do le residin .. -E,
g Y P g '
T. Bishop, son of Mr. H. Bishop, wleo
has been attending Toronto University,
before 16th
D„ isee, to eendby post,pre•paid, to Henna
Flliot, Easter, Sol;oitora fartheJ.
Eaeoutore of the said deceased; their ohrietiaa,
names and surnames, addresses and desorie-
tions, the full nartioutara of their olaime, a
entof theiraocounte and the nacuro of
the eouritiee 1f any] hold by chem, and that
afterthe,day last aforesaid the said reaeoutors.
will prooeen to distributetthe assets of the;enid
among rho parties entitled therota
having regardunly to such olaime of which
notice shall Wavebeen riven as above required
and the said xeoutore will not be liable for:
the said assets or nay part therof, to any
osteon or persons of whose claim or olailaa
the time of Such ciet rbution�eived by them at
Season, ard the Pat-
terns will be more
ARTISTIC than ever.Itqfft.number
win •
drowned on Tuesday of last week, a Notwithstanding the strict privacy
beautiful floral pillow • which was obaerr ed there were a goodly
of both handsome and valuable
The Independent Foresters of Exeter, presents which were tendered bythe
together with several vieitin lode
g friends of the bride and bridegroom.-
is home spending vacation. -Mr. and
Mrs. Ir. -Day and fancily left on Saturday
for a few weeks' visit among friends in
London and Sarnia. -Mr. la er-
HenryY g
man, of Parkhill was in town on Satur
ELLIOT & IILLIOT, Solicitors
JOSEPHSEr1OR Eaeautors,
Dated at Exeter this'13th day of June, 1895..
Be Sure to See the New Stock before
THURSDAY. JUNE 20th, 1895.
attended divine service in James street Ridgetown Standard-
church Sunda morula last. Rev.
Y p
day on buaineits in connection with the
FAR r01? SALE,
Jackson preached an able sermon to a
Methodist church. -London
1 • ,: ___
' v }
ragg S oo lore
who Shall Choose?
ver large congregation. when the Ministers object to beim
y g g
Mary Delbridge, of Winchelsea, died stationed at certain places, they cannot iu
in Bosanquet on Tuesday. She had good grace find fault with oongregatione
f been living there for certain Ministers sent to them.
Lena Brown, Park ayenue, left
Frida to en o the frealtcountr beezos
y Y Y
for a couple of weeks on the farm with
1VIr. nod Mrs. Andrews, near Exeter."
Mra. Blatchford Usborne
The�,pndersi ed offers for sale on easy retina
tot ll,00n.11, of Stephen First `lees
order. Large lel hauae,kitaheonndwoori
ahed,bnrn and drib house, orchard, iota o!
water,wall; fannedndrained,twillbo eoldtforrefusin
ohean, prQiiriotor roti . Fgr trartiautgrss
Dominion Da y will be a week from next some time, and g
Monday. had been fel but a few days. She This year there has been a great deal of
diseatiefactio"n thrcughaut the London
-Mr, and of ,
leave on 'Thursday for Plymouth,
apply to =
HENRY EILB t, Creditor,
Strawberries are being sold in Exeter at was in her 42nd year. Her .remains
boxes for interred in the Elimville Conference, at least, almost too great to
England. They sail via the SS.
Parisian, Mortlock Miss
Summer (goods
2 25e. were cemetery enumerate, bVe might ive one cane
High school entrance examinetione be- on Wednesday. wherein the Minister 1e the chooser of his
gin on June 27th. George MnhTab, of the firm of Gib: appointment. Rev. Mr. Holmes of Park-
W. Levett shipped a car load. of butter bons, McNab & Mulkeron, London, hill. was sent to Wallaceburg, and Mr.
-Miss and
Gertrude Kemp are visiting friends in
Stratford, --,T. W. Broderick has re-
turned from a business trip to Windsor
N.Btice is hereby given that a Court to the
Revision of the Assessment Roll, for the Toron-
to Montreal on Saturday. was instantly killed while riding his Mills of the Hamilton Road, to Parkhill
horse on Tuesday. In company with an: Mr Middleton :who was stationed at'
About sixty voices from Exeter will take y' P Y Wallacebur refused to leaye hes station
part in the musical festival in London in other gentleman he was taking a ride g v :
Jul Thep are ractiein re alar] into the county when his horse shiedand if forced, Bald he would leave theed
Y P g $ y. Y
Several farmers both in Stephen and and striking hie head against the limb church, Stich aationa as have been re-
corded during the pert few weeks, both onPage,
and Toronto. We are pleased to learn
that Mr. Broderick may remove his
family to Exeter. --James Abbott visit-
Kia parents inKincardine over Sun-buainesa
dap. -Messrs. W.SimpsonandW.Stenhen,Juneest,
left Saturday for England
ship of Stephan, for the year 1895. will be held
Crodi onFon MondaymAynLintfou th dayalo8
Jane :ass, at to o'clock, a. m, Persons having
atthe said court wiltsovern them-
a tree wali`knecked off his steed.
Usborne townships have informed TER the
on and
All Summer Goods must go,
We are determined to close out
every line of Spring and Sum -P
mer Goods.
pert of conar•gatione and ministers
Testes that the fall wheat is heading out It is probable that strawberries and would suggest change in the present eta-
well. cream will be a more expensive luxury tioning nyetemr-"A good way to prevent
A Large cumber patronized the exour- than usual this season• At present the friction in the selection of new pastors,"
cion to the Guelph Model Farm on Satur- bighandsome berries that are upon. said a rominent Methodist Saturday, els
day. 170 tickets were sold at Clinton the market come to Canada by way uf� for tllepofficial board to submit the nuinee
station. Baltimore and are grown in Maryland, of three or mere preachers, with names
�mi n t
Scotland. -Thos. Bissett, sr , has been
appointed ni lltwatchman.-On Frida
g Y,
evening last a contingent of the Exeter;
Oddfellows visited Hensall, where the
district meeting was held. -Mr. Will
Dempsey who has been ill for some
improving in health.
Black Dress Goods at Slaugh-
The North End Fire Company were Delaware and other middle statesplaced according to their preferenee.;Then
time , is but slightly
-Mr. Richard Manning who has been
ter prices. Colored Dress Goods
at Slaughter prices, WOOL De-
Lanes, WOOL Cre Dress Fancy
Printed Cotton Dress Goods,
Crinkle Cloths, Spat Muslins,
Fancy Muslin=, White Muslin=,
photographed on Monday evening by Mr. Early in the season the heavy frost the stationing committee can give them
2 will haye their's nipped the blossoms severely and this always ine or n the her interf ests ofse lthe Church ased. It is oa
Senioron Waned:has been followed ie a eery dry spring, whole to rant a pastor named, but in the
Flxamfn la d'coll for entrance to high Therefore the berries that were left on way I have stated he difficulty would be
heldschoon institutes will be the plant could not, mature properly removed. This is the method pursued by
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, for lack of rain. Bananas will take the eachers when nominating church of$
June 27, 28 and 29. pc g
place of berries to a very great extent, rials. If he wants a Sunday school super-
Mr, ,John Dew has been sworn in as intendant he Kae to give two names; if be
De Laynest
during the past number of years took
drive into the country on Monday. -T
Rev. Hunt is attending the Synod of
the Church of England
g and this week, -Mrs
Spackman and Mrs. Knight have ar-
rived at their destinations, the former
Clearing Prices
White Lawn,— all Oiri at
postmaster of Hurondale, the neve post No other month so fair of face, desires seven stewards he bas to name
office in Ciaborne: His son David Dew,ten of his members, '
C r� n k e �s
in Northern Nevada, the latter in On-
ratio, California. -Dire, John Andrew
Slaughter Clearing Prices. Now
and so on."
will .be deputy postmaster. No other- month so fraught of grace,
of Elimville, has been visitingin Lon.
g g s$3•5
Our chance to saves move on
Y y
New Dress Goods.
Yes ! Millineryis being slaugh-
g g
tered too. Your choice of nearly
lob Fancy Straw Hats for 25c,
No other month so sweet of tune,
Wednesday evening during the rain As leafy, fragrant zose.orowned.Jnne. A ynodsiti t considered by the Anth•P
storm, Mr E, Ball'of Tuckersmith, lost can Synod last week, provides that the
10 sheep by lightning. These unfortun- The band goes to Centralia on July term of an Anglican clergyman should
atas had run ander a tree near the bonne 1st• close every five years unless it be renewed,
for shelter,but a sharpstroke killed them. Tha are dynamo will be readyfor use
Y Neely everyone needs a good tonin at
The new sidewalk on the west side of in a few days. this season. Hood's Snrsararilla is the
Main street is progressing yery rapidly Mr. Vale, of Exeter North, bas a pair only true tonin and blood purifier .,left
and will be completed in a couple of tree out in blossom tbo second time. `..p,,,,.•
� �
e r 9
don thepast couple of weeks. -Miss
Latimer of Hensall, was the guest of
Mrs J H Grieve on Sunday. -On Tues.
day, Mrs Murray of the 2nd can. Hay,
and her son William, who has been in
the employ of J. P. Ross for some time
for Minnesota, where Mrs. Murray
has two sons engaged in farming --Mrs.
Men's Suits at o.
Good Tweed Suit 4.50,
�;$ O0 " c` 6.50.
cl „
I O.00 5.00.
Ladies' Vests 5c, Loc, upwards.
5c. Grey Cotton 8c. do
worth all the way from 50C t0
$2 each. Trimmed and Ordered
Millinery at prices that willple se
you sure. Stock must go, no
matter what the loss to us, our
weeks. Some are agitating the walk for tha Livingstone Bros., of Baden, irate d'
east aide but the owners claim that two- starting largeg n• HERD THE WARNING.
+ Ba linen and cordage factory The common and backache tame es of
thirds frontage tax is too Large an assess- in Buffalo, N. Y. kidney trouble, backache and weaknFsa in
ment against one-third paid by the back, are a❑iokly relieved by Dr, Chase's
Strawberry Feetiyala at Kirkton, Elim' fills. The or' 'n l and only 25 cent Kidney
corporation. villa and Centralia, on July let, .promise .Liver Pills. when all other remedies fail,
The Ladies' Aid of James St. Methodist to excel all predecessors. they cure.
Church intend giving a Strawberry Festi-
J. C. Abell and Mrs Jno. Abell, of Sea
forth visited friends in town last week.
--Mr. D: French loft esterda for
y y
Watford. to set up machinery for.tl-ie
Massey HarrisCo.-Mr John Harrison
left this week for the Soo, on a prospect-
3c., 5C'.,
IOC. d0 c�C.
perhaps you would like a ffew
snaps i17 GROCERIES. -
Good selected Raisins I,4O per
your gain. Come and share
the plunder.
J. A. Stewart.
vaLon the church lawn, on WednesdayThe Godericb Ba'ebail Club will hold e. '-�-
baseball tournament on July 1, when
June 26th. Tea served from 6 to 8 $150 will be offered in prizes : $75 for COM/1'1\T -
o'clock, p tn. A musical program pro. first, $50 for second, and $25 for third. ___
vided. A cordial invitation is extended
Stra Q ■K.
ing tour.
D. C. The hignl curer for indi est;
Y g
box ; 6 lb. for 25c.
Good New Currants 5c. per Ib.
to all. Admission to Adults 25c, Children Messre. Hunter and Crossley, avenge-
Canned Corn; Peas, Tomatoes,
`®" ' "
NOTICE -All business announcements
notions of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc„ appearing in thele local
eolumns will be charged for at the rate of ave
to cents per
lines. rive
G ((�� LT {�
15c. Exeter Band in attendance. lists, have clouted five weeks' union meet G e n er ai 1l e c Uio n
ing at St, Thomas.. Two hundred profess-
The rases on the AgrioulturaI Park, on ed religion during the meetings, ---
Tuesday evening, were largely attended,
and somewhat keenly contested. The Gladstone said recently to an interviewer WHEN IS IT TO BE ?
heats were half -mile. The trotting race that he was too old a man to have a,. -
Winslow's Soothing Syrup
rears by mitlione of mothers
while teathfnq,with perfect
the child, eoftone the gums,
cures the colic, and is the
RI-0nRDY.-- Mrs 2 boxes 1 5c ; goc. per doz. ;
hag been used fifty
for thoer ohildron Pickles, 2 bottles for 25c.
suooesa. It soothes r
allays the pain, Christie Brown Co.'s cele -
best remedy for brated Biscuits in all the fancy
es goo word
to persona having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issue copy
was won by J. Le neat' 's horse, A. Doe's opinion of any kind on rho new woman,"
second, A. E. Tenaent'e third, while theThis question is disturbing the
and that' bee ideal woman bad not an," �l g
in thepastthreescoreyears and ten."
running race was captured by L. H. Dick- minds of the politicians. The
druggists to every part of the
a bottle. Its value is incalculable,
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's
world. 25 conte makes ; also Sodas, put up in till
Be sure,
Soothing Syrup boxes to retain crispness in hot.
9 'son's
horse, that of A. E, Tennent winnieg Brnetit et's reports the following as• Commercial Polic of the count
eeoond: Y
in Ontario,• -Geo W Holdenby,
ry and the future existence
Etc.,Etc r
andtakeno other kind.
Use K. D. C. for all stomach troubles.eignmehts
Do like Black
The opening season for blsok base fish- general store, Islington, t� Alex Fleming. of
ing began on Monday, the 17th of June. Toronto; L evlaKfnnon, dregs, grenades, the Government hinges on these
• you a good ea
Try our B. Brand and Orient'
The act reads that the close season is etc., St. Williams, to Robert. Steven; Joe. -11,.
from May 10th to Juno 15th, buth days White & Co., wbo]esale liquors, Windsor: poltl.ts. lis question •rests with
Q 1 I ok�JL Colons. Best 2 5c Tea in .the
Old English Fair, June 28th'
inclusive, and that bass shall not be taken to John c, Iter. the people. Meanwhile it will
e..®. trade, A Bile of Japan's,
and 29th
.on Reotory Grounds -novel attractions,
Yrook out for bills, :
by other means than angling by hook. and Judge McDougall Monday afternoon be well to keep cool by provid-
line. According to the Ontario Ant black ordered the extradition of Hutton, alias
base, shall not be taken of leas length than ``Diamond Charlie.," the alleged diamond ing suitable Clothing, and forSide
To meet the wishes of their cus- clearing at Loc per lb.
tOlxiel:'s The Geo.: rt'nclrett &Son Meat, Shoulders and
Change ib. Business.
Mies Morgan, of Peterboro, has par-
chased the millinery business conducted by
10 Moires. thief, on two different warrants, one con. Ladies who control the better
A Liverpool despatch of Saturday last apinghila to Gainaboro, Ga,, the other judgment of the home, they can
said : "'A heavy consignment of Ameri- to Moberly, Mo. It will be remembored
can and lanadian horses was sold here Hutton was arrested at St. Marys settee be supplied -with a large selection
R Pickard
Co., Ltd., :Hamilton, Ont., have
placed upon the market Hatns ; Pure Lard ; old and new
Cheese ; Chase & Sandburn's
A. Combination PlU of
g best brands Coffee ;also a• food
Mrs, D. Spicer in Exeter, during the past
.number of years, and will sell at post and
Under the entire stook of trimmed and
untrimmed millinery to matte room fora
,large and complete fall stock, Big
Urging will be offered, Call while there
yesterday. They were much admired, time ago, having swindled several Can,
and found many buyers Twenty six Mien jewelers.
Canadian horses averaged 30 guineas each
o , The distrust meeting of the Independent
and twenty four Canadian horses. which3
were landed from the steamer,sold readilyOrder of , o 4 was held in Hensall
and Well. on Friday, June loth, A mend of the
series of Lode instruction was given by
T1ie Ioaal junior base ball team are hard Clinton
of Muslins in Swiss and Piques,�T
and Satin Lace stripes, besides
Challies front. $c to OC per and
11 Y
The largest varietyof black,N,
white, cream, corn and ecru
. (�j'�
W S V d1'
blend round, fresh worth 0C:
e � �� r ground, , 4 r
for 3oc, a lb:
SMOKING TOBACCO rice,5: IVow is'the time to bu
p t b . yr
as a good selection.
o. NroAaAN.
Hassell and lodges. lflensall
aefiraetiee Avery night. On Friday night lodge, Me, 223, gave the initiatory in a.
Inst they played ball with the school team manner •without a fault,aad (Mia i lodge,
Laces ; besides Torchons4 Ital-
ian Sevillia
Valerie ienl e5, Laces,
11�Z'ORT�Zi 1, •
'�'' a5 Shoes have advanced 25
This su lies a lou felt want iv-
Pp s , s i b
WALL PAPERS t cleat In
Minfstere, Lawyers, Teachers, and
otherol whose occupation gives . batAittle
eteteide, ahonld nes Carter s Little l'flle
for torpid livor and bl]louenees, One a
dd8e. Try thea:
Acte tfonr l leogi. uta 4th page.
and beat them by Otte inn. Score 17 to 18. No 83, exemplified the First Degree of
On Monday night they played with an. Oddfellowehip, wflioh pleased everyone;
other team and beat them by 18 rune. and both teatue they retired Bron ht
Score ly to y
$56 Their expect to play faith applause after applause. The nein
Lunn on the 1st o! July on .the to_
, lodge of /nett uotien Will be held in Sea.
grounds, and are open for•o1:a11en et/ from :forth . • , o g_ .
B then Cledertoh Bpd fitrrtttbrd lodger
Nby other olabx. : • . . ,., .. saiitl ni lwmti tv. rim *AA.
hand made linen Lases at
4, ._ i
Qy r .a + i ,
I al'C16 Print f it I ,po,
hitter" 12 !4c i Egg~? IOc. .
tug the consumer one 20 cent ping,
. rices for balance of season:
o1 al 10 cervi p1 a> 5 `alit piece of the
c 1, /�w•
fatmous ` ' & B brant] of`ptlre Vir- Wig 0. ,,rax air . •
g a Tobacco.
- _ I l :. for Bullet`
; lr �., � .. lig e t prtces paid
i ilo. VII 1 A,A' 1F ,, , 1C til •17 t 71002 r.., a • ' �.. >l