HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-20, Page 5Can't Wash Them Out! No other method of home dyeing gives. aolors one-half so fast and beautifol as DIAMOND DYES. All the colors marked "FAST" give full, '*right, and handsome colors that sunlight will =ot fade nor soapsuds wash out, two things %hat are not true of the inferior imitations -of 3.)iamond Dyes. Do your Dyeing at Home with the -'43riginal and Reliable Diamond Dyes. Sold everywhere. PorDirection Book and forty oamples of colored cloth free. Witras & ItIcuArtoSoN Co,, 'Montreal, r.Q, CURES DYSPEPSIA, BAB BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, IILMNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. 13.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes allimpurities from the system from a common ssim_ple to the worst scrofulous sore. BURDOCK PILLS act gently yet lareughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. BORN. MEDDEN.—In Crediton on the 17th inst. the wife of Thos. Hedden of a eon. 'TURNBULL—In Mitchell on the 8th inst., the wife of Joseph Turnbull, a On 8TAHLS.—In Crediton on the 17th inst. the wife of Levi Stabls of a daughter. SIAALE—In Hibbert, on the 9th inst., the wife of George Smale, a daughter. 1MNCEY—In Goderioh, on lath inst., the wife of Loftus 11. Danoey, barrister, of a son. ANDERSON.—In Stephen on the 15th inst the wife of Wilson Anderson of a daughter \ liCAUFMAN.—In Exeter on thel5th inst. thii wife of Edward Kaufman of Owen Sound of daughter. MARRIE I) 'WYNN—ROE—At the residence of the bride's father, Elra Grove f via ,on June:3. Kate Roe to Charles j. Wynn of Atwood. fITEVENS—FITZSIKONS—In Clinton on tho the lath inst., by Bev. James Parke, Mr. Henn' Stevens, to Mn,. S. Fitzsimons, both of Clinton. GRAY—CD ARK—On 12th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, Clandeboye, by Rev. E. A. :Mown, Thomas A, Gray, of London to Miss Abbie;Clark. ill!LLS—HOGG—At Woodham, on -the 18th mat., at the residence of the bride's brother by Bev. Birks, Mr. Sidney Mills to Miss Martha Liogg, of llsborne ZOTINSTON—EDIGHOFFER—At the manse Kippen on June 12th by Rev. H. Acheson, M. Ross Johnston of Stanley, to Miss Re - leers Edighoffer, of Haar. ELDER—STEWART—At the residence of the bride's parents, by Itev,I. S. Henderson, as -slated by Rey. 8. Aoheson Mr. Wm. J. El - tier, to Miss Ellen Stewart, all of Tucker- smithi IHIGDEN—f3ARTLETT—At the Manse, Water ratreet, St Marys, on June 12t1, by Rev A Grant, Thomas Sngden, of West Nissouri, farmer, to Le ne Bartlett. of the same place. . "TOMS—REDMOND—At the residence of the bride's mother, Winnipeg, on the 5th inat„ byRev. Dr. Dural, Mr. H. P. Toms, of Win- nipeg, to Miss; Muriel Redmond, formerly of Clinton. CBONIN—DOWNEY--At Irishtown church AleKillop, on June 11th, by RAP. Dean Murphy, Mr.J-ames Cronin, of Hibbing', to Miss Mary, oldest daughter of Mr: Bryan 'Downey, of MoKillop. 1.1cDONADD -CALDER.—At the :amuse, Sea - forth on June 13tb, by Rev. A. D: McDonald D. D., Mr. John McDonald late piper of the 43th Highlanders to Miss Jemima Cather- ine Calder daughtor of Mr. A.ndrew Calder of BLOMAX—DAY—At Hyde Park on Wednes- day, June 12tb, by the Rev, A. H. Rhodes, Mr. John G. Sloman, of Masonvilie, form- erly of Clinton, to Miss • Mary, seoond daughter, of Mr. Edward Day. of London Township. ItOBINSON—TUCKER—TAYLOR—TUCKER —At the mange, Whiteohurah, by the Rev. Mr:McNabb, on the 3rd inst.. Wm. Robin- son, of TuraborrY, to Miss Mina Tucker, 6f Wingham, and Wm. Taylor, of Morris, to Miss Barbara. Tucker of Wingham. ,STEPHEN19—CLA1IICE.—At the residence ot the bride's mother or; June 12th by Rev. A. D. McDonald D. D. Mr. John Hay Stephens •second son ot Thos Stephens Esq. of the Queen's hotel to Miss darah eldest daughter of the late JaIDOS Clark allot Seafortia. DIED. Blyth on th e 17th inst. Eliza Somers aged 23 years. " 33ATTEN.-In Blanshard, on June 6th, John Batten. sr. aged 76 years. MoDOUGALL-In Goderloh township on the 2th inst., Alexander McDougal, aged GA yoars :DELBRIDGE,---In Bosanques, on the 113th inst. iMary Delbridge, aged 41 years 5 months and 21 days. 13ROWN--In A shfield, Lake Bange, inst.,the beloved wife of W. H.Brown, aged 30 years 10 months. WITHELfa—In Fullerton, on the 8th inst., 3 ennie, second daughter of John and Maria Withell, aged 26 years, 6 months. Ittmouviax.—In Blyth, on June lath, Wm. Baxter BM of John B. and Alioe M, Rump, anan aged one year and five months. TORTtTNE—In Clinton, on the 11th inst.. Jag, n. L. Fortune.eldest son of mr,Thomae L. Fortune, aced18.years and 7 months, Mitchell. on Friday, June 71h, Mary Lillian, youngest daughter of Mr. Peter Batrick,aged 7 years, 2 months, and 7 days. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is the truthf el, startling title of a book *bout No-To-13pm, the harmless guaran- teed tobaceo habit cure that braces up nicotioized nerves; eliminatee the nicotine poison, makes vveak men gain strength, 'vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No -To -Bao is sold 'ender guarantee to Mare or money refund- ed. Book free. Ad 'Sterling Remedy 374 St. Fsul SI., Montreal While returning horn St. Malys on Saturday, Jos. Iliordan'e team ran away wheel about five miles from Woodham. Mr 'Riordan was in the waggon The horses Were captured and Mr. Riordan taken dare ef avd hi injurice attended to by Or, altuth of St. ,Maryr, la AB,Icn ituruus. 1 Exeter June loth, 1895 Kell wheat per bush.a... a, 92 $ 94 opring wheat Per hank, • • •• •••• 52' 94' Barley per bush..., ..., , 1.0 to Oats per bush, ..... ..... ..... 3,1, St Peas per bush ............... ,JJ 60 'Iour por bbl ..... ..... 4 00 4 20 Apples per bag .... .... ... . 70 80 Potatees per bag 35 40 Ray . vt.' ton 000 7110 Wooe per cord hard ......... 300 3 63 Wood per cord soft ..... . 200 2 25 Batter per lb.., ....... ,,..... 11, 1e Eggs per dozen 9 0 Turkeys per lb 7 7 flogs, live weight.. .... 4 26 4 56 Geese ..... ...•: • ..... -........... - 5 6 Duoks. ... . 6 6 Chicks— . • . 5 6 ......,- London June 19th ow Wheat.white,tall, 100 lbs....., I 15tto $ 160 Wheat, red, fall, per 100 lbs 155 to 160 Wheat, spring, per 100110 ..... 1Jo to 160 Oats. per 100 lbs.. ...... ....... 110 to 110 Peas, per 100 lbs .... 110 to 126 Oorn, per 100 lbs... ...... ......,. 95 to 100 Barley. per 10f lbs . 90 to 105 Ryo, per 100 lbs ............ 95 to 100 Buckwheat, per 100 lbs,.......... 90 to 100 1 00 /C 1 10 Eggs, fresh, Hingle doz.. 31 to 12 Eggs, fresh basket, per dos.— 10 to 12 Eggs, fresh, store lots, per dos 9 to 9 Butter,single rolls,per lb.-- • 13 to 15 Butt et, per lb,1 lb rolls,baskets 34 to 15 Butter, per lb. large rolls or orooks . .. 12 to 13 Butter,per lb, tub or firkins u to 0 Lard, per ......... ..... 10 to 10 Ohiekens, per pair 75 to 100 .0 to 100 Turkeys, 10 to 11e nor lb: oaeh ... 100 to 200 /Toronto June 191111895 Wheat, white, per bus..... ....$ 102 to $103 Wheat, spring, por bus 102 to 102 Wheat, red winter, per bug 87 to 97 Wheat, goose, per bus 83 to 83 Barley, per bus 60 to 60 Oats, per bus 39 to 40 Peas. 65 to 65 Hay . 10 00 to 11 50 Egg3 per dozen 11 to 11 Butter, per lb KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and kids to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health- of the pure liquid laxative 'principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellences is dtib to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the -taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the Eystem, lispolling colds, headaches and fevers snd permanently curing constipation. it has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the mediea profession, because it acts on the Kid nese; Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from to 10 u every objectionable substance. Dreseed hogs. . .......... ........ ...... 600 to 6 00 Syrup of Pigs is for sale by all drug - Potatoes, nor h .. 45 to 5 gists in 750. bottles, but it is menu - The Live Stock Markets. factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every EAST BUFFALO. . package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, East Buffalo, Junel7 -Cattle-Reoeipts, 42G5 and being well informed, you will not oars; market quiet and slow, buyers all bid- 3,ccept any substitute if offered. ding lower prices. Hogs—Reeeipts, 95'ears; market fairly active and bIgher for all grades; Yorkers. $4,80 to 64.85; good mediums, $490 to 495; common to good heavy ends, 6426 to $450; rough, $3.75 to $443.; Pigs. 54 75 to 6580; stags, $3 to 6350. Sheep and Lambs—Reeeipts, 61 cars; mar- ket very dull and lower; clipped sheep, export ewes and wethms, $8 30 to 54 /5; good to prime handy wethers 113 GO to 63 00; fair to good mixed 8350; common to fair. 8250 to 89 65; culls, $1 to $2 26; clipped yearlings good to choice, $4 25 to 8440: fair to good, 6360 to 53. 75; cues and common lots, $2 to 8325; spring lambs common to choice, 63 50 to $6, 1.101\ TREAT. Montreal, june 17.—There were about 460 head of butohers' cattle, 600 calves, 600 sheep and lambs and 80 store hogs and small pigs offered for Ealo at the East F,n d Abbatoir to- day. The butchers were present in large numbers, end trade was fair, with prices about the same as • on Thursday, except for leanish stook, which was not so plentiful as on that day, and sold for rather moro money. The best butchers cattle sold at about 4io per lb.. and some 26 large cattle were bought by shippers at that rate. Pretty good stook sold at from 40 to 4s and the half fatted animals at from 8.3 to' 3 3-40 per lb. Good calves sold at from $5 to $8 each, and. common ones at from $1.50 to 84 each, Shippers are paying from 4o to 44e per pound for good large sheep and the others are bought by the butchers at from 30 to 4o per lb, Lambe sell at from 82 to $3.50 eseh, very few bringing over $3 25 emit. Fat hogs are flat very pienuful, and sell at about 43-40 per lb. for fat hogs. Lean atore hogs are rather lower in price, or from $5 to $8 each: Young pigs sell at from $1. to 82 each. CHICAGO. Chicago, Ill., June 17.—There was a meagre supply of cattle on sale to -day, and choice kinds were 10o and 10c higher, with a brisk demand. The offerings of hogs were quite large, but the demand was good, and prices averaged higher than Saturday. There was an active demand for sheep, and prioes for desir- able lots moved up 10e and 15. Cattle-Re- oei pts, 1,600; extraf1,400 to 1,500 pound steers, $5 90 to $6; choice to prime, 1.300 to 1,600 lb. steers. $5 40 to 585: good to ohoice steers, 1200 to 2300 lb steers, 900 001200 83 75 to 470; bulls, choioe to extra $375 to 4 35; bulls poor to good 62 to 350; feeders 900 to 1100 lbs $375 to 4 75; stockers 600 to 900 lbs 22 40 to 3 75; cows and heifers extra 325 to 475, cows fair to oboise 278 to 4; cows poor to good canners 1 75 to 2 50; veals good to choice 5 to 6; veals common to fair 3 to 4 75; Texas steers 2 70 to 4 60; Texas cows bulls and stags 2 10 to 325. llogs..-Re- °MIAs, 8(000; heavy packing and shipping lots, 4 60 to 485; oommon to ohoioe mixed 440 to 4, 4 75 ()holes; assorted 4 45 to 4 65; light 4 30 to 4 62; pigs 290 to 435. Sheep—Receipts 3000; i nferior to choice 210 440; lambs 375 to 6 25. 111114110XATI811 UtrItED 900& DIY. -South American Rheums.tio Cure. for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically omen in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remark- able and inysterione. It removes at onee the cause and the disease Immediately die appears. The first dose greatly benefit' 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Ss. A BOON To EloueEMEL-One bottle of English Spann Liniment completely re .moved a curb from my horse. I take in recommening the remedy, as it aots with mysterious promptness in the re- moval from horses oi hard, soft or call- oused lumps, blool spavin, eplinta, curbs eweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB. FARATER, MA0KII451. ONT, Sold by C. LUIZ. ,..A•minek Some of the farmers are beginning to be seriously alarmed at the prospects of another grasshoppee scourge. The hoppers are quite as numerous as at this time last year. Exeter PaelEin House. NOTICE. Parties wishing fresh Eenderloin, fresh pork, spare ribs, shanks ancrpig's feet, can get them Wednesday mornings. A good supply of Hams, Rolls, Backs, Bellies, Shoulders, and salt bacon on hand at I ew,est, cash prices. Live Hogs Wanted! Every Monday morning for delivery 0. Snell, - Prop. TEE LADIES. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may IIFe the California liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all oonditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the pack. age. CATARRH RELIEVED /N 10 TO'60 Minu- tes. -One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses the Powder over the eurface of the nasal pre- sages. Painless and delightful to take, relieves instantly, and permanently cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitin and Deafness 50 cent At C. Lutz. Starit's Powders, each package of ifshich coutains two preparations, one in a round woecion box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an immediate relief for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stom- ach, alao Neuralgia and all kinds of ner- vous pains, and another in capsules, (fro'n to of one is an ordinary dose) which octal on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaints. They do not, as most pills and so many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after oonstipation, they are nice to take. 25c. a box at all medicine deal - re 4EART _UNEASE RELIEVED IN THIRTY NIINDTEs. Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Organie or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a MTG. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation„ Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dere convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. MIR ITU The Joyful Exclamation of Mr. Alexander Mof- Millbrook,Ont. Paine's Celery Compound Victorious after tb.e Doctors Failed. Mr. Moffatt is of the opinionithat all his sufferings and troubles had their origin in liver complaint, a terribly dangerous malady that is dragging many a man and woman to the grave, This dikes° may be acute or chronic. In the acute fermi; there are violent burning pains conveyed to the ehoulder and right arm, short cough, fever, irregular bowels and con- stipation. In the ehronic form of Jiver complaint, there aro many morbid con' ditions, such as enlargement, softening, absoesses and degeneration. The symp. toms are weight in stomeeh, flatulence, nausea, bilbous vomiting, loss of appetite, thirst, white and dry tongue bitter taste, and a beet of other misorabie eonditions. Long experience has fully proved, that Paine's Oelery Compound is the only inedieine that den suecesefully grapple with the dread disease of liver oonapleint. Honest and able doctors are advi,ong their patients to make ate of Palhe'e Compound, for the great reason, that they know2of no Other medicine that gives such prompt and effeetive result. The CUM of Mr. Moffat amply gives every etatement made In fayor of Paine Celery Compound, and clearly demonstrates the fact, that when physic. lane fail to cure, nature's medicine is sure to do the good work. Mr. Moffatt writes thoe ;- "Having been a safferer for years from severe pains iu the side, beak and breast, caused, I firmly believe. by a eluggish liver, 1 received the treatment of eminent physieians, and was corapelled to wear ehamoie at, but nettling lietiined to do me good. "At last I was advised by kind friends to try Paine'a Celery ()emporia; and after using six bottles, I tinethat I ant pop. manently mired. Paine's Celery Com. Pound has Unload dons ;venders for me. You may publish this for Mao benefit of sufferin humanity , EX.BTER 8IiflJD CORN. POTATOES AND CORN .....srn:rertomam.......Krohnevsmnwalwra We have a eerefully selected. stook of the above seed.. Fresh. Prices the lowest, pitilibiliMOSSIparnallalwalwotlentely WHITE Os G4Y LIME, J. Cobbledick, First Storehouse, Station, PENITENTIARY SUPPLTES. QEALED TENDERS addressed L..7 "Inspector ef Penitentiaries, Ottawa," and endorsed ''Tenders for Penitentiary Sup - P lies," will be received until Saturday, 22nd of June, a114 o'clock. noon from parties desirous of contrasting for supplies, for the fiscal year 1896-90, for the following institutions, name- ly ,- 1cingston Penitentiary, St. Vi -cent de Paul Penitentiary, DorobeF ter Penitentiary, Manitoba Penitentiary. itish Columbia Penitentiary, • Regina Jail. Separate tenders will be received for oaoh of the following classes of suoplies ;- 1. Fkur (Canadian StrongBaker's) L Beef and Mutton (fresh). 3. Forage. 4. Opal (anthracite and bituminous), 5. Cordwood. (1. Groceries. 7.Coal oil (Best Canadian, in bbls)• 8. Dry Goode, 9, Drugs an Medicines. 10, Leather and findings. 11. Hardware, 12, Lumber. Details of information, together with forms of tender, will be furnished on application to the Wardens of the various Penitentiaries. 3..11 supplies are subject to the approval of the Warden. All tenders submitted must specify, clearly, he institution, or institutions, • whioh it is proposed to supply, andmust bear the endors- tation of at least two responsible sureties. DOUGLAS STEWART, Inspector of Penitentiaries Department of Justice, ottawa, May 20tb , 1895 London, nuroit and Bruce. aorNo NOETE- Passenger London, depart 8.05 A, II. 4,30 p.m centralia..... 9.07 5,47 Exeter ............ 9.22 6.00 11 ensall....... ...... - .0,376.15 Kippen ..... 9.44 820 Bruceffeld -.. ..... 9.52 6.28 Clinton . 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10.29 7.14 Blyth .10.38 7.23 Belgrave 10.62 7.37 Wingham arrive-- 11.10 8.00 GO/NG SOUTH"- Passenger Wingham, depart... ... 6.35'..k. 24-, 3.25p. m Belgrave BytA b. .. Lon desboro Clinton.. Brucefield... ....... ........ Kinnen..... ... ..... 7.03 4.01 7,10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7.49 4.46 7,57 4.53 Hensall .. 8 06 4.58 Exeter . ......... ....... 8,25 5,12 Centralia ... 84 5,23 —THE -- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO BOARD Or DIRECTORS IN EXETER, ONTARIO Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lutz, - Vice -President. L 11. Dickson, Solicitor. David Mill, Valuator. Fred, W. Collins, - Seey-Tres. , DIRECTORS. jno Grigg, E. A, Follick,:Jas. Miller, Wm Southoott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Semi. Sanders. Make money by saving money. Sixty cents Per month will ensure $100 in 74 sears. For forms of application and all necessary infor- mation apply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. W. Collins. Post Office, Exeter, Ont. I.INIONON.S•liffet.1••••• DR. SHOULTS, CENTRALIA, Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. LT KINSMAN, DENTIST, .1..JIL • LD, &SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING, EXTRA 0 T IN G and PLATE WORK. Gas and local Anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. 2nd door north of CARLING'S Store fl ALTONANDERSON D.D.S -L., • L. D• S, Honor Gradriate of the To- ronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. SPeeialties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Office over the Law Office of Elliot, Elliot, ODOOSI te Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont. AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, 6 OMNI ON. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursdayof each month and at Hodgin,s hotel Hensel' every Monday MONEX TO LOAN. _— Largo sums Money to loan on Farmlands at Five and a half per cent: private funds. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors Exeter annul, 1895 DUFFERIN 1-IOUSE, CEN- TRALIA, A FIRST-CLASS 0 MUER. oial hotel, first-class wines and liquors, commodious sample rooms, and an attentive hostler. It. HORN, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on lot 9,00n. 2,of Stephen, a thoro'bred Poland China Boar. Terms $1 at time of service, WM. BAKER, Prop. April lhth 1805-3m. IET TER PANTS DOW -1\T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order Ifor 3: 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a, fft. W. JOHNS, Seeds of all kinds. Seed Potatoes 8necialty this week. 111 NO MMHG MIRO. Wortt its coza.s a [utter • ., The only sale way to use a Strong FALE CreamorY Gans, Milk Cans, Churns. , 3 Barbed W ire (AMERICAN AND CANADIAN.) P. S.—Get Our prices. on Eavetroughing. Are You GOING TO GET A icy& We have the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars. PERKINS 85 MARTIN, Fanson'e Block, Exeter. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up yout prescriptions, but we have a theusancl and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from Sc up, Tooth Brushes from 50 up. But don'tlet us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the abuve are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. Suit of llothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable plaoe, arid A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Spring & Summer Ooods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in, showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. . EXETER LLO FOUNDRY moraa.minismtmenn 18E7. Headquarters for Plows, Scuff- lers, &c., Bridge Bolts and Castings. magsfealgefonowlinetaiOreerniniane We have for sale a number of new and second hand Portable and Traction Enginee at prices from $150 up, includ- ing tile following makeConnell, Waterotis, Sawyer, Massey', Norse - worthy, Leonard & White, Stevens & Burns, Petersen 4.16 Co. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to call and get prime before put- tbaeing, Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong ; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not your sister, strike not your brother ; But strike a good scheme when ever you can, Strike a deal with J. H. GRIEVE, And you will strike the right man Fora fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain. Remember the place. J. H. Grieve. 1 Featherbone Skirt Bone. For giving 5TH.E and SHAPE to Ladies Dresses. For sale A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giv- ing proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bone Corsets are cor ec=fri. this material - by all leading Dry Goods Dealers. Tholy ilitivico. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes 'and rubbers, what you all will need ; Harness, collars, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, ../rets ombs, brushes and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, /Robes) rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the old; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking', keeps harness and boots a shining, Bells, children's cairiages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots, we claim the beat and nicest. 'Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. WHAT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - If spent in the 'light rque, That S. D. Atkinson'S . the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures proye 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $20.50. .13ED, DRE ss E' $20.50. WASH STAND, MATRESS z 2PI SPRING,aws, ROCKER, CHAIR, TABLE. Coming brides and young marriect couples taks advantage of the above' offer. We supply comfort cheap. $20.50. J.DATKINSON NORTH OF TOWN HALL. II I. ROWE GIDLEY & SO. UNDERT4KER -AND- Furniture Dealer, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds always on hand. . ZT 110407E, EXETER. IIELLO 1 AT 1 Have you an old Bilggy Top that needs re•coyering and you wish to have made ea good as new ? Side Curtaios played out ? Your Cushion played olct ? or other Trimmings shabby and require to be renewed ; If so, call on X. 0 CLAM:MINN, Or leave yeur orders att.lones' Carriage Virorke, Exeter. All Orate ot1jreeeiVe proront tott�nton, exd done in tetvorkmanshi konannet Parlor Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Fancy Bamboo Window Shades and. Poles, PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and Low Prices. Gidley & Son ODD -FELLOW'S BLOCK, Berets re Six Roune,-JDisordered Kid uey and bladder diseattes relieved in si*, hours by the "Great South Amerisan Kid ney Cure." Thin new remedy is a great surprise and delight to phytticiana 00 00 - count of its acceding promptness in re. - paha in the bladder, kidneys,bcoft and every park of the urinary paNeages in nude arid female. Itreliercs retention of Water Ettla pain In passim it rainiest imbred