HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-20, Page 1VOL XXII. NO, 39,
Publisharo and Proophotore
I BiE Difforcoo
There is a big difference be-
tween our Summer Goods Prices
.and what they
•Once were.
Here are some Lines that will
interest you when you get our
prices :—
LADIES' and (.1-1IL1D-
Bergains all through
this department. Yu
can save money by giv-
ing us a call.
Boy's 2 piece Suits
41 .
" Odd Pants
Men's Summer Coats
" White Vests
" Odd Pants & Vests..
s, Font) & Co.
Swoon Benne. -The monthly report
-tor May, of St S. No. 2, Hay, is as follows.
Names are ha order of merit • -Fifth, R.
V Chapman; Sr 4th, W B Ross, Nellie
• Gould, Nellie O'Btien, 4ch, J W Todd,
..Jas Shirray, Flora Northcott; Sr 3rd
Carrie Gould, Willie Waite°, El M Gould;
. Jr 3rd, W F Busch, J',R O'Brien, B E
O'Brien; Sr 2nd, Eliza Tinney, Ethel
•Northoott, Jas R Northcon; Jr 2nd, Willie
• O'Brieu, Eddie Geuld; SecondPart, Louita
Armistroog, Luelle Munn, Frank North-
cott. The best spellers in the monthty• ,
spelling match weten-Fifth, R Chap
man; nr 4th, Nellie O'Brien; Jr 4th, John
W Todd; St 3rd, Willie Warren; Jr 3rd
. Jessie Menne ar 2nd, Martha. Jackson:
. Jr 2nd, Willie O'Brien; Second Pert,
Louisa Arnedrong; Firet Pare J .hn Brint-
nett. W. El. Jourrseon, Teacher.
John McIntosh, the well known notion
boss for seveml prate in the G. T, R.
• employ at Goderich, was very impiously
injured reeently by a large stick of timber
falling across his back. He was unable to
move when picked up, and had to be
taken home for medioal assistance. He
-will be laid up for some time.
While operating well -boring machinery
• ha Parkhill, the otner dey, rhea Plewes
,had one of uis thumbs taken off by being
•teaught in the macitinery
You Dont Have to Swear oft.
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricul-
ture in an editorial about No:In-Sao, the
•famous tobacco habit cure, "We know
.of many cases cured by No/re-Baca one
.a prominent at. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty yesrs; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of to-
bacco makes him SiOki." No-to.Baa sold
. and guaranteed, no cure no pay. Book
free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St, k'aul
,St., Montreal. e
. 2 .
They are Coming in
to see the fam 'us
„You Never Get Left When You
'Invest In a BICYCLE That
• We Handle.
Quality tolls the story,
And figures seldom lie,
You'll always be in glory,
If frougus you buy ;
Ire who hesitates is ies.,"`
Then heeitate no more,'
But go at once t,� Melrose,
T6 BROWNING St rteetuSON'S Store,
*Where you get the cheapest Bicycles
and Eicycle Sundries.
Browning rerguson.
Electric 13ons, Tele;
BAtlEir0.-Miss Maggie McVey, who
has been visiting at Fmk Cerlin's for
sortie days, it) at present seriously in
disposed. ----We are aorry to hear that
Miss Tonle Dalton is laid up with la
grippe, -Over five hundred poundii
of cheese is being made at the factory
here every day. Mr. Walker received
an offer of six and three quartertcents
for the cheese made,
WEDDING BELL8,-A very pleasant
event took place at the residence of
Mr. James Mills, merchant of this
place, on the 13th inst., when Mr.
Sidney Mills, his brother was joined in
wedlock to Miss Martha Elogg, of Us -
borne. The oerntony was performed
by Rev. Birks in the presence ot a
number ot ipvited guests. Mr Wilbert
Wynn of Usborne acted as best man,
while Mies Lou Elogg, sister of the
bride,acted as bridesmeid. The young
couple will make Woodham their home
and we join their tnany hist:ids in ex-
tending congratule tions.
Baleen, -Mrs. A. Grant of Biddulph,
mother of Ur. J. W. Grant, of Park-
hill, who wets committed to Central
priaon last week for mix months, for
appropriating $5,000 belonging to the
Bank of Commerce to his own use,
ailed soon after learning of ber sons
sentence, and was buried at Grauton
cemetery on Thursday last. -Mrs,
Caffery, Biddulpb, has purchased t a
house and lot in Lucan and is moving
in this week -The picnic at Atkinson's
School Rouse on Friday last was a
gtand success,
Bezsoan-Xessrs Robinson k Atkinson
are visiting friends at Grand Bend -
The pionio passed of successfully last
week, notwithstanding the extreme
hot weather. The setvioes were well
attended. Sunday and Monday. eThe
proceeds Monday amounted to nearly
$60. On Saturday afternoon Chas.
dyde's barn was raised, and everything
went along smoothly, except for Lt
Cameron getting his knee hurt, but
acoording, to it accounts he wal soots
be around again. -Our football team
distinguished itself on Monday last, it
played with the Granton team and on.
the following Saturday againat Fut.
larton, being successful at both
Beller/a-David Christie sold 1,300
buehelm of wheat lasteveek, for whioh
he realized $1,350. --The so called
harci times don't seem to affect the
farmers of Efibeert. Improvements
everywhere are noticeable .On lot 10,
con. 2, Henry Roney is building a
barn tiaat will be an ornament to the
township. The stone was drawn from
the fartn of Mr, Shellenberg, Ful-
lerton, and the tituber was shipped
from Durhana.-A little son of tem
°ever experienced a nerrow eacnee
from instant death a few days ago.
Be had been on the barn floor, where
his 'mole was working, and going to a
door, which was open, he fell to the
ground, a distarice of nine feet,alight-
mg upon his head. At drat it was
thoughr he was killed, but he soon
rallied arid is now all right.
BRIDAL -The anniversary services of
the: Kiekton Preeeyterian church of
vvhtch Rev. 0 Fletcher is pastor, were
toile oa June 16 and 17. Rev. s.
Gracey. of Gananoque preached on
Sunday at 11 am. and Rev D Fletcher,
of Hamilton, addressed the Sabbath
tlohool . In the evening Rev. J. R.
Ratcliffe, ot St. Catharines, preached.
vionday a grand picnic was held in
Wiseman's grove ; dinner was served
frora42.30, after which addressee were
giver' by Revs. Dr. Fletcher, Gracey.
Ratcliffe, AA A. Grant, ot St. •Marys,
ano resident ininteters, Kit ktoti brass
band furnished ntusio ; awings auci
other Amusements were provided, and
altogether the day was moat pleasant.
ly spent -Mrs.G. L. Monett is visiting
friends in St. IVIerys.-t Our geuial p.
m., Mr. J. McCurdy and wife, return-
ed from Toronto on Friday last. -
Dominion Day promnes to be a red
letter day in our village. The annual
annivernry of tate MethodistS, S. will
take piece in Itfr: Kirk's grove and
the caranaittee of mabagement have
been suceessful in securing the St.
Marys browse band, twenty strong, for
the emulsion. No comments are
ueeded 00 thetr abilities as nmeicians.
The sporting cominittee will also hold
their third Katmai meeting on the
same day when a new and vatted pro-
gramme Of sports will be effered
to those wishing tO try their,
prooensittee. The committee have
been successful in securbig the services •
of Mr. Amos. Doupe. ex-obarapnit
high limper Of Canada, and under
direotton we predict the usual
success Athoh attends the eyeint.
--Sports open to the tamed, Conte 'one,
come all.- Ltti. F. Taylor spent, Sun-
day Vnth frIenti$ Exeter.-eie.
13oYcl, of Mitchell, paid a flying
Visit to (needs here en 'tlonritter bat,
This is now quite unnecessary Like
many °there, you may have yoat baby 'fat,
and laughing and happy, if you give it
&oda, tienleion. Rabin take it • like
JI 0. Pitts I one and regulate the
' ha wide.
DAJATII:-Receutly Mrs. A Mitchell
died, after an iltness of only a few
hours. She took sick on chursday,
and, notwithstanding all tbat medical
skill could do, she breathed her last on
Friday afternoon. Deceased had been
a reindent of Stanley for 60 years. Site
was born in the county of Longford,
and came to Canada with her parents
in ,1833, She leaves a husband, four
sons and five daughters to mourn the
loss of a fond mother and effeetione.te
vote. She was 79 years of age, and a
consistent member tithe Presbyterian
Balers , Mrs. L. D. Stanley 18 on
the sick list.-lierv. Mr, 'twin, of Lon-
don, took the pulpit of the Methodist
ohurch on Sunday last. -Mrs. F. Neil
was IOU y ars old on Sunday June 9th
vvhile her "mimed 18 97. -Mr. Fred.
Smyth, the catcher ot the Irish •Nine
baseball team, left on Monday for St.
Thomas, having secured a position la
the Merchants Bank. -Our people
were choked with the startling news
of the massacre in Chong Tu China,
winch appeared in the papers on Mon-
day, as Rey. 3, Endicott and wife, both
of this village, are among the minion-
ariers in that place. Much anxiety
prevailed until later news arrived
bringtng some hope.
Beiers.--Mr. Edwards ot Mitchell,
spent Sunday here. -The Misses Ber-
nard of Granton, drove over here to
church, Sunday evening. -Our old
genial friend, Thos. Murray has gone
on a visit to friends in Wisconsin. —
Rev. W. H. Butt bas returned from
Conference. -Mr. John Parsons occu-
pied the pulpit on Sunday e morning,
Mr. .1 tunes Delgaty in the evening. -
Workmen have nulled down the old
verandah of the pareonage and a new
one is being built. Plans are also be-
ing prepared for a new kitchen; then
the parsonage promises to be among
the best in the Conference --Elabor-
ate preparations are being made for
the usual Strawberry 'Festival on the
1st of July. The ladies met on
Thursday afternoon and completed
arrangements therefor. Exeter brass
band has been engaged for the occas-
iou and some of the best vocal Went
of London has been secured for & con-
cert to be given in the evening.
Strawberries promise to • be ready in
due seasonand the details are in the
hands of active and practised commit-
tees. -Inspector Tenn was here on
Wednesday attending the Royal Tem -
plan) District Meeting of which he is
C ••*4111
The elachell Recorder thus refers to
the drowning of Louis Harris :Some
one or another is surely fated to lose
his life by drowning in the dam here
each year. It seems as though every
year during the last decade the dam
has clairaed its victim. This year has
searcely waited for the bathing season
tont in before it had engulfed a
victim in its treaoherous channels.
On Tuesday afternoon immediately
after school, four boys went to the
dam to have a bathe. One of them
Louis E. Harris, son of Mr. james
Harris, of Farquhar, was unable to
swim and paid the penalty with his
hfe, in the same epot where little
Sidney Dent was drowned a year ago.
Young Harris was wading towards the
centre of the dam when he dropped
suddenly into the channel where the
water is about ten feet deep. Herbert
Love, W Larkworthy and•Fred James,
were with him and the former rushed
to MS rOSOLle and was pulling hirn out,
until the drowning boy in his spasmodic
struggles grabbed his rescuer about
body and both went down.tLove broke
away to save himself and Harris re-
mained at the bottom till his body was
recovered nearly an hour afterwards.
The deceased failed only in one subject
for a third class certificate lest year
and was prepairmg to write again this
• Brucefleld.
1NDISITION% -Tuesday of last week
was it red letter day for the °omega
tion of Union church ; on that day
the Rev, Mr. Muir was inducted as
pastor of the church. The serviCes
began at 2 p. in., when people from
north, south, eastand west began to
arrive, the neighboring villages and
towns being represented. Rev. Mr.
McKay, formerly of Lee burnaproached
the sermon, taking for his text, I Tim.
6, 12, "Fight the good fight of faith,
lay hold on eternal life." After the ser-
mon the Rcv. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton,
took charge of the induction of the
nerv pastoe. After that Rev, Mr, Shaw,
of Eginontiville, addressed it few sol-
emn words of counsel to Rev. Mr.Muir.
Rev. Mr. fienderson'of Hensall, then
addressed the congrelaatien. ; he point-
ed out to then, ia soleron words,
tour things they had promised
Muir -respect, encouragement, °bed-
ietice, suppert. Those who listened to
his words will not aoon forget the
timely counsel. Roy. Mr. Young,
formerly of Hamilton, led in prayer
for hoth pastnr and people). Fr0112 6
to 3 O'clock tee was serVed. in the
manse, to a large ntirober ef people,
snot whioh all tepaired to the olittroh,
where addresses and congratuletory
reraerks were giVen by the neighhor-
nig pastors, gestre Acbeson, Shaw
and Henderi
son and aiming by the
Ohoir, Rev, Mr. Stevvarlk ably filled
t the eller. ltir, i1ti1r Ildrireesedl the
Meeting for it short tiniei, thanking ell
forotbeir kindness; and asking his
congregation to bear with hill; as lie
was but a man among them striving to
do the Master's work. As all were
leaving the chinch, the ohoir sang the
familiar hYntn! "God be with you till
we meet again."
BRIEFS. -The Salvation Arnny held a
grand Benritiet in the Town Hall, on
Friday evening. Music was delivered
by the band, which is taking itt the
poets on the lake. They were expect-
ed to land here with the yacht "William
Booth" on Thursday at 12 o'clocx, but
on account of the storm was unable to
land, so they made for Goderich harbor.
They had a good hcuse
I amounting to $12.50.-ithe receipts
ttev. Mr. Oli-
phant returnedhome from Conference
last week. -Quite a number of the
young people of Clinton, spent Sunday
in town, enjoying the beautiful lake
breezes. -Messrs. Et. Grieve and W.
Counter of Seaforth, spent Sunday at
the River Hotel. -Mr. T. J. Marksis
erecting a couple of summer cottages oa
the river bank for the • accommodation
of summer visitors. -The Salvation
Army expect a Ladies' Band on Friday
evening, 21st inst. Their Banquet will
be held in the barracks. Admission,
10c. --Miss Maggie Morrison, of Lon-
don, was visiting friends here last week.
--Messrs. S. Mc.Phail. and John Pick-
ard, of Porter's Hill, were in town on
Saturday evening, so the girls say. -
Mr. J. 0 Richards, of Brussels, was
yisiting at his mother's here, last week.
BmErs.-MrThos McFee, of Colborne
township, was seriously injured last
Friday at a barn raising on the farm of
Mr Gallagher. The accident was caus-
ed by the slipping of a timber about
being placed in position. McFee being
on the beam ready to secure it by driv-
ing home the peg, and to save himaelf
jumped a distance of over 20 feet. The
injured man reached the ground with
such force as to badly break one ankle,
injure the other. dislocate one wrist,
hurt the breast bone and bruises all
over. -The Big Mill employees beat
those of the Signal on Saturday in the
return match at baseball, the score at
the conclusion being 13 to 3. -The bass
season Opened on Monday and before
sunrise, en that day well known fisher-
men were at the river fully equipped'
for a full day's sport. -New scales have
been placed iu the market house, the
latter, as it were being cut in two and
the machine placltd in the middle. As
the roof wadnotetinterfereci. wti,th and
a ,
slitlings:have been', placed at entrance
and exit the new balauce can not even
be looked at when'the market clerk is
not on duty, -Mrs Ellis, of Hensel!,
arrived in town last week on a visit to
her mother, Mrs Gilders, who has been
seriously ill, She returned home on
Friday. -Mr Joseph Wilson, Huron
.tad, was confined to tha house several
days the past week through illness. -
Mr Wm McIntosh, of the a T. Rail-
way, was seriously injured. on Friday
while helping unload a car of logs, one
of the pieces having slipped off the
truck and pinned him to the ground.
The gentleman had a badly bruised
ankle, a badly cut hand, a bruised
wrist, a dislocatedelbow and it general
shake up, and although the patient is
gettiag up in years it seems likely that
in a few weeks the foreman will be at
his old station of duty.
BRDIF8.-Mr, H. Rogers has bought Mr:
Willoughlty'a driving hone for carrying
mal with. -Me. Jobe Harmer had it sheep
worried by dogs one night recently. -The
Mt. Pleasant football club played a matath
game with the Anderson club on the
grounds of the latter on Saturday even-
ing, resulting in a score of 1 goal to 0 in
favor of tbe Anderson club. -Mrs. Duncan
Brown had the frame of her' new barn
raiaed ou Wednesday. The work is being
done by the Jordan Bros.
Huron County Notes.
The December meeting of the Huron
clunty Council Will be held in Clinton*
Clinton Council is about to buy a road
Jacob Miller, Clinton accidentally ran a
pitch fork through one of his feet the
otber day.
Mr. R. Fitzsimons of Clinton killed it
spring lamb the other day, raised by T.
Fairseryiee, Hullett, which dressed 52 lbs.
Dr. Naismith, of Staffa wbo has bad a
profitable practice there for several years,
/MS sold to a Dr. Tufferd, aud will leave
the field to the latter in the fell.
A man pretending to heve a sore arm
was eorralled by Chief Wheatley, of
Cilinton on Monday, who gave him ten
minutes trOget out of town, and he got.
A baby belonging to Mr. John Marsh,
of London, fell into a well the other day,
John Treneraeu denended the well by
climbing on the bricks and teemed the
drowning babe, There wits otter three
feet of water 1.11 the well. 'The well was
25 feet deep.
knee a long and painful illness Mr.
Patrick O'Dea, for many year, one of the
best known merchants of Goderiob, died
on Friday night. He had been a resident
of Goderieh for nearly 85 years; aud until
about two menthe ago' was actively en-
gaged iu businees.
Fall Pairs.
DOOM°, ... . .. ... ....Sept 2-14
London Sept 12-21
St. Mervin .. . . . Sept. 25-46
teat Nersouri, at Kintone. . Oct.
Kirkton, ... ... . . . , ...0at. 1- 2
Notthern, et Allem Craig. , Sept. 211-7
South Huron, tketer, -Sept. 28-24
Will noretaties kindly send in dates of
their faitSt
Followmg are the aterket quotations :
Wheat 92 to 94
Barley 60 to 60
Oats 34 to 34
Peas .. 50te 55
, Hae 6,00 to 74b0
Batter 11 to 12
Eggs-. ....,.... .... 9 to 9
Hidesbave adyaned 100 per cent. and so
have boota ,tr shoes, but A. Weaeloh is able
te sell boots & shoes at the old prices as he
had a /arge stook beugbt before the Mee thus
giving his custonaers the benefit, and will eon
at the old prwes for cash until farther notiee.
It will pay you to call at once and Beware
some of the special bargains ho is offering in
summer foot wear'
A. WESELOII• Hensall, Ont,
Ocklfellows meeting at Hensell on Fri-
day was attended by about 100. The
initiation was exemplified by a team.
from Hensel' Lodge and the first de-
gree by Clinton Lodge, which by the
way, is ono of the best, if not the best,
degree lodges'ia the district. Bro H 13
Chant was eleeted District Deputy
Gtgand Master, and Bro Wm Teylor,
Secretary. After the meeting was over
the Hensell brethren entertained the
visitors to an excellent supper at Shaef.
fer's restaurant.
.BRIRPS.-Mr. James Petty left yes-
terday for the Old Country, principally
to visit a sister, who is 111. He will
visit France and Belgium. before he
returns; he expects to be away about
three months, and anticipates a pleas-
ant trip. -G J Sutherland was in Exeter
on Tuesday evening ou businese.-Wm
Colwill. is attending the High Court of
the 0. 0. F. in Hamilton this week, as
a delegate from Court Ivy Green. Elie
business interests here are being looked
after by Mr Beverley. -Rev Mr Roy,
Messrs 3 0 Clauson of town„ and Robt
Taylor of Lake View, are attending the
Synod at London this week. -Rey Mr
Fisher, of Ancaster. occapied the pul-
pit of the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day last, in the absence of Rev Mr
Henderson, who is attending the
general assembly, in London: He
preached very acceptably. --South
Huron County ()ranee Stodge met at
Hewett last Friday. There was a good
representation present. Considerable
business onimportance was disposed of.
Every lodge in the county will be pres-
ent at Seatorth on the L2th and the re-
port of the committee and members
generally indicate a large gathering.
Stanley District, Scarlet Chapter was
afterward convened and three candi-
dates exalted. -'--Mrs. Roach, of Detroit,
is visiting at Mr. Coa,d's, having been
summoned here owing to the stwious
illness of Mr. R. Coati. We hope soon
.to report his .recovery. -C. A. Mc-
Defte/lhas recovered his clothing stolen
froni his robnnin*Coxivorth's hotel on
the night of the 71h instoThe 'garments
were foundin it wood near Exeter and
comprised four suits of clothes and odd
pants and vests. Suspicion points to a
gentleman tramp who spent several
days around the village aboutahat time:
-Mr. Elenry Cook and wife, and Mr.
and Mrs.C.Meyers on Sunday attended
the laying of the corner stone of the
new Evangelical church ia course of
erection in Dashwood. The services
were conducted by Bishop Esher of
Clevelaad The ceremony was quite
imposing. -Rev. Curry preached in
Exeter on Sunday morning last, Rev,
Locke taking his Bethesda appointment.
--Mr, P. Hagan ot Detroit, zaccompan
ied by a friend.Mr. Cavinaw, spent the
latter part of last week in town, visit-
ing Mr. Elagan's sisters. -Mr. John
Shirra, of Detroit visited his old home
here last week. On Monday, ac-
companied by his mother, he left to
visit friends in Toronto and Montreal,-
itleasrs Pope, Bossenberry, Weseloh
and Reichert went to Zurich on Sunday
evening to hear Bishop Esher preach.
-.A. Weseloh was in Clinton on Mon.
*day on business. -W. R. Rodgins took
his trotter to Exeter on Tuesday night
to take part in races -there. We learn
that the horse made a geed fourth, but
before the season,is over he will give
[be best a close contest for first place.
He is it splendid gaited animal and very
promising. -A horse belonging to Mr.
Cantelon of Clinton, received a ann.
ear* on Monday while in the village.
-J. McArthur and family left on Mon-
day for Grand Bend where they will
spend a few months in camp. -Chas E.
Meyers has gone into the erg and cab-
bage plantbusiness and ifishoving a good
trade.- Judge Doyle of 'Goderich, was
in the village on Wednesday on his way
to Zurich Division Court. -Miss Mc.
Ewan, of the Clinton public school
teaching staff, accompanied by numer-
ous invited friends from Clinton, visit-
ed her home near here last Saturday
and the party enjoyed themselves im-
mensely. -Mrs Joseph Ellis returned
from Goderich on Tuesday after visiting
her mother, who is very ill. -Miss
Whiteside, who has been attending
Normal Sand, in Toronto, has return:
ed home. She expects favorable results.
-A, WeSe1011 has improved the appear;
aim of his store by the addition of new
and bandsorne ,blinds, -A team of
horses belonging to Wei. McDougall, of
Hay, ran away in the Village, on Tues:
day. They were caught by Duncan
Taylor at great peril to his life. --Mr,
John Hall, of Dashwood was in town on
Monday. -The flax mill was shut down
on Monday, having finished the season's
J Broadfoot, of the
Mill Road, left on Ji riday lest on a
short Viait to his son James in Ilichb
gan.--The old Presbyterian churob
sheds of 013rneefield were last week
/netted to the Union church. Mt 13
Kennedy did the work,- Mr 3 tHall
had seven sheep and three lambs, on.
Wednesday evening lad, killed by
lightning. His lose ni ktiVared by bra
We have moved the balance ot our stock
Back to our own Store
which is now .restbred to its usual condition, if anything, nicer.
The stock moved back is by far the best part of it, and having
added some new fresh goods by way of sorting, the whole will be
sold at fire prices.
Nice Fresh Groceries
,Ii.ept constantly. on hand and sold to cover cost, thus keeping
pace in cheapness with damaged goods.
ggr Remember this Sale is for CASH, or Eggs and Butter at
Cash Prices.
Dashwood. Elimvulle
BRIEFS, -The corner stone of the new
church was laid on Sunday afteinoon last,
The ceremony was performed by Bishop
Esher from Cleveland 0, assisted by Rev.
Eby and was witneesed by a large crowd
of people. Bishop Esher also delivered a
very enthusiastic sermon before laying the
corner stone,e-Mr. Geo. Kaercher has
sold his blaekernitb ehop to Mr, Henry
Guenther for a handsome sum. Mr,
Guenther intends to continue the business
in ,the old stand,and as he is a popular and
energetic man no doubt he wilt do well.-
Statuteilabor and pitmen areall the rage in
this locality a,t present. -Mrs. Kellerman
is visiting friends in Berlin. -Mr. and
Mrs. H. Cook from Hensel' were the
guests of Mr. 3. Goets on Sunday. -Mr.
Geo Sonoellig, inauranoe agent, was in the
village on Tuesday -C. Fritz was in
Exeter on Tuesday.
Bamos.-J S Altai -Coma left here on
Tuesday for Hamilton to attend the Hien
Court meetina of the Canadian Order
Foresters .-Mr Charles Moody is *having
his residence renovated with a fresh coat
of paint. -Miss, .A.nnie Etamulton sebool
teacher, was vieitiog her parents tifie week
-.011 Friday afterno n an interesting
game of foot ball was wittiessea by it large
crowd in the park groeulls between Myth
and Clinton foot ball teams, am fa- trier
being on the winning sloe. alyth' Brass
Band was in attendance and played aotee
sweet strains. -Elia Somers -eldest
daughter of Mr Riehaed Somers, of [bis
town, who had been seriously ill for some
time past, passed away to the great beyond
on Monday afternoon.; The bereaved
ones have the sympathy of the whole
community. -On Mouday evening a
public meeting of the ratepayera Wai held
in Industry hall for the purpose of talk-
ing over the advisability of building a new
school in a more central position of the
town, or making an addition to the old
one After several had spoke on the
subject, a vote was taken which was ire
favor of having a new sabool.
P -o -a114.-4
Biunrs.-Mr. C. Grab, of the Huron
Hotel, Zorich, left on Monday for Detroit
to attend the wedding of Kr. Harry Jen-
son, late of Harrisopoo Miss Fitzsimmone
of Detroit. He will also take in the races.
-Buainess has been duff in the village.
A. 0. CT. W,-Rickbeil Lodge, No 393,
A. 0. U. W. held a very intereating and
instructive meeting on the 14th ben ,
when D, D: G. M. Patterson and several
other Seaforth bretbren visited the lodge.
At the close of the lodge meeting the tis-
itors were invited to lunch by the local
brethren, after which the meeting was
called to order and G. M., 3, A. Williams
occupird the chair iu his visual able man -
per. After an addrees of welcome to
the gneets of the evening several toasts
were propoaed, among which one to the
Queen, coupled with the names of E. J.
Hagan and St Hardy, "our order" Dr.
Campbell and A. Elanse; "our guests."
Riokbeil was responded to by the visiting
Seaforth brethren Messrs. Patterpon,
Stevenson, McIntyre, Slater, Hexby and
Wilson. Songs by fitexby and Dr
Campbell were favorably received; After
yery enjoyable evening the meeting
was brought to it close by singing "God
Save the Queen."
Perth County Notes.
• ---
1\fr. Jos. &severe, of St. Mays, is very
Typhoid fever has broken ont in Strat-
1st of July will be Deeoration Day in
St. Marys,
Little Myrtle McClure, daughter of
John McClure, of McKillop, met with a
fatal accident the other day. ,While out
in the barn with other children she climb-
ed np OD P bay reek white' was leaning
apainet file mow to look tor eggawhen the
rack fell upon her and °melted her tender
Cyclist john S. johnson will not
race Zimmerman at Asbury Park.
The match may be decided at Han -
has Point, an offer of a 05,000 purse
having been made by the Toronto
Perry Race Association,
Mr, 'Wm. A. Mackay, a Ind ht
young student of Knox College, o -
rant°, died from consumption Sun-
day et the vesiderme of his father,
Mr. W. C. Mackay, 300 Adelaide-st.,
TouonboMr. 6. t. McPherson, assistant
general passenger agent of the Can-
adian 'Pacific Railway at St. John, N.
13, has had his headqoarters remov-
ed to Toronto, succeeding Ur. W. It
Callaway,, whose resignation. Was
aceented sotne -time noby the com-
pany, with regret
BRIEFS. -Dont forget the festival
on the 1st July. The best time yet. -
A. number of Elimville folk attended
the Zion picnic on Sunday andeAlon-
day and report a splendid t
The Elinaville choir go to Fre
Sunday and Monday to part
in the anniversary service
Beaton of London is visaing ,eregr. Ir.
John Andrew's. -Miss Cotteifi of
Hamilton is visiting relations in this
neighborhood -The remains of Miss
Mary Delbx,idge were interred in the
Elimville cemetery on Wednesday.
She died in Forest an Monday, after
a brief illness of four days, having
been taken suddenly ill. She was a
former resident of Winchelsea and a
sister to the :11.1essrs Delbrielge and.
Mrs. Philip Andrew of Elimville and
Mrs, win. Westcott of Exeter. -The
sports of the village have secured a
loot ball, and areopen for a challenge
from Winchelsea team; and Hanson
says it's a good one.
Suffering fron,L Constipation
GENTLEaTeN,-To say all I oughteto itt
favor of B. B. .13, would be imposeible.
It has been a great health restorer to me
• and I do ewear.by it. ). orna a. different
Man to what I ens ten years ago when it
• was expected 1 would be in the asyliire, •
but now I am in petfect robust health and
it was the 13. B. 13. that did it. I suffer.
ed for five or six years from conttittation,
Bement -nes so severely that I went out of
my ailed. I tried various doctors. both in
the country ond in the city, and took
medicines too numerous to name, but
everything failed to haye the desired ef-
feet. Whtn 1 nsed Burdock Blood Bit-
ters, however, it succeeded beyoed EX,,TO-
tationb, requiring only two bottles to cure
me. To make it ttali more certain that
B. B. B. is the real care for ConatipatIon,
I may say that some two years after-
ward I felt the symptoms teturumg and I
took one bottle more, and from that time
to this present day, (oyer eight years) I
have never had any return of the deltas°.
I never knew any 13300.10the to work ko
well. It does not seem to be it mere, re-
liever but a sure and certain cure, as I can
oertify to, for hundreds of dollars' w. rtb
of medicine and advice failed to do me
any good, but three dollars vo rib of
13. B.13. made a permanent cute that bets
given me 3 ears of health and comfort
Youre truly.
Toronto. C. L. Kneres.
For your Outing go to Picture-
sque Mackinac Island.
Visit this Historical Island, which ire
the grandest summer resort on the Great
Lakes. It only costs about $13
from Detroit 515 from Toledo ;
$18 from Cleveland, for the round
trip, iucluding meals and bertha. Avoid
the heat and dust by travelling on the
D. & C. floating palaces. '.6 1e a•tractions
of a trip to the Mackinac region are un-
surpasaed. The island itaelf is a grand,
romantic spot, its climate most invigorat-
ing. Two new steel passenger steamers
have just been bnilt for the upper lake
route, costing $300,000 each. They are
equipped with every modern convenience,
annunciators, bath rooms ere,
throughout by eleotrwity, and •are
guaranteed to be tbe grandest, largest and
Weed ateamera on fresh water. These
steamers favorably compare eitb the great
ocean liners in coustruction and epeed.
Four trips per %veal(' between' Totelo, De-
troit, Alpena, Ziackitme, St. Loam Pet-
oskey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette and
Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and
Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-ittBay.
The palatial eguipment makes traveling on
these enamors thoroughly enjoyable.
Seed for fllustratea deeorintive Pamphlet.
Address A, A. Sonasee, G A. D,
0., Detroit, Mich;
Post Office Store
Great Value, Another cage
added to stock—choicc Patterns
and' Cloth of the best quality.
Call early and get your choice.
I-Tighest price for produce 0
all kinds.