HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-6, Page 8INSTYRANON,
PANYof Toroean al3(1 for the PHOENIX
VIRE INSUktiliet0.14 COMPANY, er London
England AIALIA.NOle INSURANCE call-.
VARY o 1n1and,
rfau atscaallo 00. OR °au &DA.
Bead office, LONDON.
Por35 yeara this Oompeny hair done the
lorgest buel eel iu Canada at the lowest tee,
4$t$�Jt ythaoourity.
Assets, jan.ttei, -
43,0001Po1icio nforee.1
T. E. ROBSON, Preeideat.
1).u, Mo PON ALA, Alemager-
Po further partieulars, epply_to
Agent. Exeter.
Book Store.
is our text this time.
Never iu the history
a Exeter has WALL
PAPER been offered
at such
as we shall sell at this
Season, ard the Pat-
terns will be more
ARTISTIC than ever.
13e Sure to See the New Stock before
Grigg's BookStore
:EDO -Y" 0 IT
Want a Bargain
—IN A—
If you do, you are wanted at the
Big Bankrupt Storo
Three ffundred Dresses.
Three Hundred Bargains.
Three Hundred Dresses to be
cleared out during June. Every
Dress a Bargain. Yes 1 a Big
• Bargain.
Black Dresses, Colored Dress-
es, all at Bargain Prices for
Wool Dresses, Cotton Dresses,
all at Bargain Prices for June.
Silk Dresses, De Lane Dress-
es, all go at Bargain Prices for
J. A. Stewart.
NOTIOE-All business annonneements
notices of publie meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in thee !mai
columns will be ehareea. for at the rate of five
cents per lino each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons having open accounts. To insure
chance of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
must ae bandedinto office cm Tuesday.
Trinity Sunday. june 9th 1895.
11 a, rn.
Te Deum Eduoardi
Jubilate Holden
Cantata, and Dues "Bridgewater!,
Special sermon on
'WEDNESDAY 12th. -St. Barnabas Day.
(Divine service 8 n. in. in the church.
a . ,
Change in Business.
Mies Morgan, of Peterboro, has
chased the millinery business conducted by
Ms D. Spicer in Exeter, dosing the past
number of years, and will sell at cost and
.under the entire stook of trimmed and
untrimmed millinery to make room for a
large and complete fall stock. Big
barging will be offered. Call while there
is a good selection.
te,A.: 0. MORGAN.
The probabilities are for •000ler wrath
o day,
Delaines, Lawns, Lace G Yee,
fall colors in the latter,) at J. P. Clarke's.
Pelt Hats from 10 to 20o„ former prices
S1.00 and $1.25. All sorts and shapes at
.J. P. Clarke's,
Mr. W. A. Armitage, of Biddalph, has
It fine head of Democrat wheat that was
out before the 30th of May.
Just to band a fresh supply of Men's
Underwear at half price. We have never
shown bettor. Aleo Carriage Wraps, at 3.
P. Clarke's,
Twenty thousand buthele of wheat
.were sold in the Winnipeg Grain Exehange
•ion Saturday at one dolfar per bushel,
afloat at Port William.
Mr. end Mrs. D. Prete& of thie place
are likely to receive the appointment of
caretaker and matron, reopeatively, of the
*Huron County house of Refuge.
The cricket team received a challenge
from Stratford. yesterday to play with a
team of that city in Stratford on Saturday.
The challeege was &dined on Rodonni of
Saturday being an ineonyenient day for
any ef the payee.
The new editor oe,the Christian Gears
„ ,clian, Rev. A, 0, Courfotee, B. D., has got
out hits firet number. and an able number
it hr. His inatigatal triodeet as ehimeelf
axed cemplimentary Rao hitt predeoestrot;
tYpical of the man. l'he Tines wiehes
all tuacees to the old Glalitraiae end the
Nttiq "O.
Wool is being marketed in large
quantities at 18e. per lb.
Stratford will pay the 28th Dattalion
Band $200 for ten open air concerts,
A band stand has been erected at
the town hall for the convenience of
the bandsmen.
Last week, Mr. Geo. Fisher, of Us -
borne, lost one of his most valuable
horses from paralysis.
The amended postal regulations now
allow anything to be printed on the
address side of the private post c ad.
The Brandon Mail hits succumbed
to the herd thues ,• it was published by
C. 11 Oliffe who started the Wineham
Mr. Davis is erecting a. very nice and
come...noon store building in Exeter
north. We underetand it has been
rented for a general store.
The sooial given last evening by the
Lades' Aid trf the Presbyterian church
wee a success in point of attendance
aud in every other respeet. The ladies
deserve coedit for the success of the
The semi-annual county meeting of
South Huron will meet in Hensel! on
Friday, June 146, at 10.80 a. rn. AR
lodges are requested to be represented.
By order of the County Master,
Jones Nem.
Be,natias of a very fair quelity sold
for five cents a dozen on the London
market Saturday evening. Ten and
fifteen cents were the ruling prices
during the day. Dertlers became over-
stocked, and the hot „weather forced
them to sell,
The High School Entrance and Pub-
lic School Leaving examinations begin
on the 20th of June at 8 45 a. m. ; the
High School Primary on July • 4th at
8.45 a. in. ; the High School Junior
Leaving and Puss Matriculation on
July 2a4 at 8.40a, re.
An order in council has been passed
amendine the fishery regulation as
follows :-In the Provinces of Ontario
and Quebec no one shall fish for, catch,
kill, buy, sell or possess any bass be-
tween the 15th day of April and the
15 day of Jane, both days inclusive, in
each year.
There is some talk of the cup won by
the Seaforth gun dale at the Mitchell
tournament last scanner, being put up
for competition among the clubs of this
district. Brussels and. several other
towns are anxious to go in for it if the
Seaforth club decides to put it np.-
Seaforth Sun. Exeter would Ws° like
to take a hand.
The Ball Family, consisting of M.
and Mrs. Bal', three daughters and
two sonsgave an entertainment in the
Jam es-st. Methodist church on Tuesday
evening It and attranted a large
audience. The program consisted of
jubilee songs, stereoptican lime light
views from scenes in the story of"Uncle
Tom's Cabin," and interesting historical
sketches and incidents of the days of
slavery. Little Sophy sang "My first
musie lesson" in capital style and she
and Fredie gave "Bobby Shaft" equally
At the St Thomas Division Court
the other day a case of interest to per-
sons who hire horses was tried by
Judge Hughes. Geo. °elver, livery
keeper, sued for 83 extra for hire of a
team on the ground that they were
drivan further than agreed. The de-
fendant was to pay $3, and on return-
ing the boy who attended. demurred on
account of their being driven beyond
the place agreed upon. Defendant paid
$3.50,but plaintiff found out afterwards
that the horses had been driven still
further. The Judge allowed 82.
The Delineator for June contains
summer fashions, garments for sporting
and onbdoor wear, for Ladies, Missee
and Girls, conveniences for and
etiquette ot travelling by sea and land,
Rose and Violet culture (employment
spirit) around the tea -table. summer
foods and dishes, Ohio State Uoiversity
(College series') venetian iron work
(last paper,) Kindergarten papers, burnt
work, woman as an artist, services and
waiting at table, preservation and reno-
vation, article on cleaning lamp shades
and oil paintings, the newest books, a
studio party, knitting, netting, tatting,
lace making, eLc., 'etc.
Several Exeterices went ler London
Monday to attend. the June sessions
witnesses in tbe charge of burglary
against John Hodgine, Edward and.
Wells Shouldice,in connection with the
Exeter Woollen Mills some time ago.
Four critaine.1 cases are on the calendar.
John Grant, charged with stealing a
$5,000 package from the American
Express office at Parkdale ; Frank 3.
Grant, charged with shop -breaking and
stealing a bicycle ab Delaware ; John
Dykes, of Yarmouth, Raid to have ob-
tained two buggies by false pretenses
from Wm. Thompson aorl John Hod-
gins, Edward ;and Welis Shouldice,
charged with robbing the Exeter wooll-
en mill. Edtvercl Shouldice is serving
a term in the Central for tlieft, and
has been brought back.
"Ridgetown Standard :- "On the
()erasion of Mr. Hurdon of the Maisons
Bank being transferred back to Exeter
to manage that branch of the Institut-
ion there the OurlingClub, of which he
was secrAary-treasurer, on short notice
tendered him a supper at the Lazar
House, and when the feet that only
tWo hour S 'Exotics had been given we
are pleased to announce that one of
the nsost representative gatherings ever
held in Ridghtown assembled, even at a
late hour, it is the best evidence of the
esteem in which Mr. Harden was held
in our town. There were about fifty
oitizens present. Mr, Hurdott, during
his short stay in Ridgetown, has made
a grata relent? Mende both eoeially and
In a business opacity, and Ridgetowtx
sustains a great losa in his removal so
soonalld we only trust that his ette-
defter will be is well appreelated,
Mr, s.nd Mrs. Win. Grigg, left this
week for Montreal, where they will
visit at their son's, Mr, B. W. Grigg,
for a tittie.-Iters. Messrs, Locke Ana
JitekkOU are attending, the Conference
of the Methodist church this week. -
The congregations of the Main-st
Methodist end thePresbyterian ehurch.
es will un.ite in worship next Sunday,
in the forenoon, in the Piesbyterian
ohurcb, in the evening, in the hall used
as the Methodist churoh.-L. 11. Diek-
son was hi Seeforth 011 Satteelay.-Mrs.
Frank J. Kuight and Mrs. E
Sty,ckmon leave nest week for Lea
Angelo, Cal., the former to visit her
parents, the latter to visit Mende -
The fatuiliar air or "George, the Hat-
ter" was noticed on Exeter streets Ilia
week . -Mr Will Se'don, of Inger-
so'l, visited at bar. Geo. SamwelVe the
past week .-Mr. Jamei Neil, of Mc-
Gillivray, was in town on Monday on
his bike. -We are pleased to notice Mr
Richard Harrison on the streets again.
lie has been a severe sufferer tor weeks
from prralysis,-Xr. Fink and family
moved to Zarich this week, where Mr.
Fink takes the foremanship for the
Flax Mill 0o, there. For the past
decade he has been. foreman of the
Exeter tax mill. Rim position here
will be taken by Mr. John Galater
of Zurich. -Messrs. Satifl Martin and
a R. flueston am in Strathroy this
vveek as lay delegates to the Methodist
Conference, the foriner representing
the James -at. congregation, the latter,
Main-sb.-John Elliott, who has been
visiting in Allsa Craig for some weeks,
has returned home. -Mr. F. J. Oke, of
Toronto, an old Exeter boy, was mar-
ried last week to a Toronto lady. -
Mr. JamesPetty, of fiensall, was in
town on Tuesday. He is going to the
old country in a few weeks owing to
the serious illness of R sister there. -4
'bus load of the Canadian Order of
Foresters drove to Hensall on Sunday
to attend church service with their
brethren of liensall,-Mr. Thomas
Handford, who recently completed his
apprenticeship with Se essrs. Weekea
Bros., Marble Works, leaves this week
for Philadelphia, where he has procured
a situation under Mr. Geo. Weekes,
brother of the Exeter firm. His place
has been taken by Mr. ------Weekes
from near London .-Messrs. McCallum
and Carling, Reeve and Deputy reeve,
respectively, are attending the meeting
of the county council this week. -Mr.
John Milne, of Essex Center, is in town
this week, arranging to organize a lodge
of the Ancient Order of United Work-
men. He has succeeded in securing a
!ergo number of charter members. -
Hon. Thomas Greenway, Premier of
Manitoba, will visit his friends In Ex-
eter this week. He will return to
Winnipeg at once for the opening of
the Local House on the 18th inst. -
Mrs (Rev) Down is visiting her parents,
Mr and Mrs Chas Tom, town. -Miss
Willis <it St, athroy is visiting friends in
town. -Mies A. Milis visiting friends
in London.
union Excursion.
On. Teesday next there will be a
cheap excursion to Port Huron from
stations along the London Huron &
Bruce, south of Clinton. rt will be run
under the auspices of the Maccabess
and Foresters of Orediton. This being
the anniversary of the Dlaccabee Order
there will be excursions run to Port
Huron frum all parts of °Atari,: and
United States. There will also be ex:
cursions on the St. Clair River. This
will be the trip of the season and
an opportunity of a lifetime to visit
"the hole in the ground." Fare from
Exeter 95c. See small bills for time
table, etc.
P Ross has removed into his store,
with a flue assortment of new geode.
Ono man in Montreal has made a
million dollars out of the recent rise in
wheat, a company has cleared half this
sum and several individuals have scoop-
ed in from fifty to one hundred thousand
dollars each.
Yre. D 0 White, of Granton, died on
Wednesday of last tea. after an!illness Of
several years. She was among the early
rasidente of Granton. A hust and and fam:
ily of seyeral children turvive her. who
have the symp.,,thy of the community in
their bereavement.
The loeal tns.ster gave judgment Tuee-
day in all the cases before him, in re
Masonic Mutua.1,except in one instance -
that of John Matheson. Exeter, In his
case the defence was that he had been
given notice by the eeeretary of the as-
sociation that he would be suspended if
he didn't pay within a certain time. He
did not pay and therefore Wad not liable.
rt was found in all the other oases in close
"B," where members were in arrears, they
were liable, and a schedule was arre.ngei
upon which they will heve to piv.
About midnight on the night of Thurs.
day of last week the Messrs. josepb and
Thomas Cowling, of the 4th conceession,
McGillivray township, rear Clandeboye,
were awakened by the loud barking of OA
dog, and fanoying some prowler to be in
the vicinity, ortnie to investigate, Finding
no one they again retired, to awake later
with the bones oompletely:enveloped in
flames, and but scant time for them to
arouse the other innaates and make their
escape. The building and contents were
completely consumed, on which there
was no insurance. A.hout s year ago the
barns and other outbuildingof these
brothere were burned, and being replaced
by others the letter *deo wore reduced to
ashes. together with a number ot cattle.
The secretary of the West [futon
Teachers' Association informs THE
TIMES that he is not to blame because
the minutes of bhe late convention dicl
not appear in the county papers. By
request he sent the minutes to the
Goderich Sigma, the editor promising
to forward proofs on Monday following
to the various newspapers interested.
This he failed to do, and as stet they
have not arrived at this office. A
couple a years ago the proofs of a con-
vention of the same association were
received by the Signal, if we remember
rightly, on Tuesday ot the week of
publication. This he claimed was too
late for his feeble ata ff to prepare the
report of the current issue, (although
the othet papers did it and set up a
hovel that even the secretary of the
assocletion lute nob yet forgotten. How
Dan will enures his aelfi.slatess this
time it is hard 1,) conceive, but suppose
he will blame)1 rn, hie right hand sup -
poi% the "de ."
The. bass Wang season will open on
clounty will have a Howie of
Thu Exeter oreamery is booming
under the ineuageinent of Mr. Bobier.
Work on the new granolithio side-
walk has been eonuneneed ibis week.
1s itkr• N:Ves, Snell shipped three car
loa2ds Of hogs to Quebec on Saturday
The are light dynamo has again gone
wroug, and has been sent to-Aluntreirl
for repair.
The band used their maw tand
day evening anctpleyed several select-
ions of new music.
Samuel Prezcator sustained a loss of
$80 lasb week by his cow being killed
by an engine on the L. IL & B.
Farmers report'the f alt wheat badly
damaged where not killed, and that the
orop ef ,gratiehoppers is daily getting
The autumn sitting of the High
Court of Jestice for Huron county will
commence at Goderieb, Sept, 17th,
before J teams Rose.
Saturdey, Sunday and Mond ry were
sizzlers, the thermometer each day
avetaeing 90* in the shade. The hot-
test J tine on record.
Wheat remains at the dollar point,
with little likeliheod of a rise. There
has been considerable of the cereal
marketed the past week.
J. P. Clarke is -the oldest individual
merchaub hi town, the lon,,,,oest in busi-
ness without a change of nem, and
long may he continue.
Thursday, June lath, will be Decor-
ation Day with the • Oddfellows. We
have not heard of the Exeter lodge
going to commemorate the day.
The semi-annual district meeting of
Biddulph L. 0. L. will be held in J.len-
tralia on Saturday, June 15th, at one
o'c'ock p. m., for the transaction of
J oHN NEIL, District bloater.
Mr. W. H. P. Hooper, of Khiva,
Stephen township, was married on the
21st ult., to Miss Maria G. Pedler, of
the same township. Mr. Hooper is a
son of Mr. John Hooper, town.
The music at the Trivitt Memorial
churah was excellent on Sunday le.st.
We specially refer to the alto solo of
Miss Frank Fish in the To Deum,
which was splendidly rendered.
"Ziminerman), "Johnston," Johnston," and
"Tanner" visite, Exeter on Sunday.
When returning home they refreshed
themselves with shower baths and mud
pies, "Tanner had a apoke-less.--St.
Marys Argus.
Mr. Wm. Kunz of Drayton, formerly
of Crediton, is about to embark on the
sea of matrimony with a young lady
near Drayton. Will is a young man
of excellentqualities, and we learn the
young lady s a favorite in the commun-
By a recent Act of Legislature a
transient trader includes any person
commencing business dila ricrt residing
couttauously in one munscipa,lity for a
period of at least three months next
preceding the time of the commence-
ment of such business therein.
The Presbytery of Barrie has ui.ani•
mously nominated Rev. D. M. Ramsay,
M. A., B. D.'of Mount Forest, as
Knox College lecture.. on Old. Testa-
ment literature and bibical theology, at
a salary of $1,500. Mr. Ramsay is a
former Exeterite, and son of Dir..Ta,mes
Ramsay, town,
The following gentlemen werNlected
township chairmen at the recent Con-
vention of the South Huron Liberals:
Wm Lewis, Stephen; Three Gregory,
Exeter; Jas Ballantyne Usborne; Fred
Hay; 11 B licLean, Tucker:
smith: W M Gray, Seaforth; John
Ketchen, Stanley; Lien Switzer, Godo'
rich township; James Thompson, Bar
Mr. JR. Ross will leave for Winni
peg and Pacific Coast next week to tran-
sact some business for the Confederat-
ion Life Associetioe, and may be absent
for two months; Hie business in
Exeter will be carried on as usual dur-
ing his absence. We congratulate Mr.
Roes on the appointment, and combin-
ing pleasure with business, will no
doubt have a pleaeant trip to the
The council, at its meeting on Friday
night laid the petition of the business
men of Main street, with reference to
street watering. on the table, and re-
solved to get legal advice before taking
definite notion, The petition was sign-
ed by nearly all the business men, end
asked the council to apply a surplus
from the proceeds of a frontage tax
accumu'ated the past two years, to help
defray the cost of street watering for
the present year, instead of passing the
amount to the general funds.
You en% Beat Them.
Some, of the most striking pat-
terns in Art Muslins ever shown
in Exeter. Prices from 8c. to
r8c. They have sold at sight
to customers.
We show the finest BLINDS,
mounted on rollers with a
charming !pull for 6oc. You
can't purchase better for the
money. Cuttain poles and fix-
tures necessary in all sizes.
When you require LACE
CURTAINS, we only ask a call,
get prices and inspect qualities.
Choice designs,
311 S
is now 431 per
bushel, and still
going up,
areselling go ods
cheaper than
Read the list of
20 yards ,of 8c Grey
Cotton for $1.00
12 yards of 100 Twill-
ed Sheeting for $1,00
10 yards of dearest
Feather Ticking
made for $1.90
12- yards of 100 Prints
fot $1..00
17 yards of fast Col-
ored American
Challies for $1.00
See our 75c Summer
Corsets, now 50c
This is the best Summer
Corset ever put on the mar-
ket for the Money.
We Are Selling
2 pair of Ladies Fast
Blk Hose for 05c
2 pair of Ladie9 Fast
Blk Hose, (very
fine) for 30e
Ladies Vests at 50, 70,
10c, 120. 25c and up.
Ladies Gloves at 1.00, 150,
25c, 35o, 50c and. up.
We have a quantity of Summer Dress Goods on hand
that we will sell you at a price that will open
your eyes. Yes ! Eye Openers. We would
quote prices, Lut as prices 'are too often
misleading, we refraiia from doing so,
and as we have the reputation for
lowest dealing and telling the
truth, we have to be very careful
how and what we advertise.
Call an,d be convinced
what we say is correct,
Exeter Municipal Council.
The council met as a Courb of Revis-
ion at the town hell, Exeter, Slat May,
1895. All the members present end
duly sworn by the clerk. The reeve
was chosen chairman.
The following cases were disposed of
viz :- Maria Hutchmson changed to
David Hutchinson • Albert Box, assess-
ment austained ; B. Pickard & Son,
asseeSment sustained ; Bell Tele-
phone Co., assessment suitained.
These being all the appeals the Rql
was passed and the Court closed.
The council meeting was then
pursuant to adjournment. Minut s of
previous meeting read and confirm d.
An appeal by R. Pickard and a
ber of others against assessmeetWor
street watering until the amount\o!
surplus derived from local assessmt
as earplus of former years is expende
for that purpose, was laid over until
the reeye gets legal advice on the
Moved by J. W, Taylor that this
council pay 25c. per night for the ser-
vices of any nightwatchman who may
be appointed for that purpose by any
number of citizens: Not seconded,
Oarling-Treble-That we appoint a
nightwatchman and applications for the
position aakei for. Said watchman to
be paid by the council. -Carried,
Harding-esTay/or-That we grant
Mr. Muir 25c. per night to assisb itt
paying a night watohaern.--Carried.
Treble -Carling -That Mr.. Barnes'
account. $7, for repairing clock and.
pump, be paid. -Carried.
Carling -Harding -That the folio 14,-
ing sums be paid, viz : -j. N. Howard
$34.20, for street lights and $5, incan-
descent -s to Slat May; Gurd & Oa.
$3.69, dog tags; express on tags, 250;
W_ Westoott $6.87, labor ; John Par-
sons $8.12, do , Thos. Welsh $5,62, do;
Silas Handford $12.90, do; Geo. Hod-
gins $6.8't, do ; Jas. Gould $5.62, do;
Wm. Parsons $7.50, do; Win. i ord
$1.50, do • John Morshead 81.00, do;
and $24.00, night watch serymes -
The enuncil adjourned for two weeks.
M. EACEETT, Oterk,
The dog Mae have arrived.
The Iodependent Order of Foresters
will attend Divine Saralee in James et
chtiech on Sunday 16th inet• Rev. Jack-
son will officiate,
Our Grocery depot iron t %MR never
better in qualibies and varieties. Tbme.:
too, Corn and Pero, new thin week, at J.
P: Clarkee.
We are showing the finest range of
Swiss and Striped afuslins in white,
suitable for Blouses and Dre-see, with a
large variety of laces to mate!), at J. P.
1, BORN.
SWEET. -In Exeter, on the 5th inst., the
wife of Thos. Sweet, els son,
STRAND -In 'Osborne, on th e 1st hist, the
wife of Henry Strang, of a daughter.
PUCKS -In Centralia, on the 8001a ult., be
wife of Mr, R, P. Rieke, of a son.
1100P/IR-PEDLaR-At the residenee of Ur
Wm, Bittreson, Balliehoro, on the 21st ult.,
by the Rey. T. S. MeKee, Mr. W.11. Fro Ver.
to Miss Maria G. Pedlar, both of Stephen
Sour stomach az.D.o.
eetened by the use o
Into the premises of the undersigned, on or
ahoub 20th of May. a young heifer red; and
Lot 19, Con. 4,17shorne •
Notioe is hereby given that a Court „for tha
Revision of the Assessment Roll, for the Towne
ship af Stephen, for the year 1895, will be he'd
imording to adjournmen t. at the Town Ball.
Oredi on, on Monday, twenty fourth day of
June 1895, at 10 o'olook, a- re, Persons having
abovi eutnse as sa aaotrtdhi on gy,
said Court wll govern them -
0, PhOLITY, ()Jerk.
Step1ttt,Jtj00 lo,1805.
ER. G. W. EfOrmaa. Speolal :Agent
Webeg to aoknowledge with sincere thanks
receipt of °beck for 89000 on the life of Mr.
William Wood. The promptness with whiell
the soranany have settled this claim,. being
within SiX days from to e time the claim was
proven, and the courteous, business -like man-
ner your Company have dealt with IP., should.--,
reoommend The Federal Life to those needing'
insurance. as a thoroughly reliable COMP4139.-
Sighlly0(1 Ps0ARN.NsYRNWaitOp,
witness :-.7.EszpoesuptElor,zaN ASAc J.11.1RU.EL MARTIN
Exeter, June 6th, 1695.
IlTiNTER-In Usbo't2
rne on he nd in
Leonard Bunter, aged 68 ears, 4 Inonthei.th' 1
WOOD -In *Osborne, on the 30th ult., wipiam 1
Wood, (near Rodgerville,) aged 66 rears. t
TIM Otearowerasatos.
One Pill a dose, one box 25 cols. One pill
relieves constipation. One box cures an,
ordinary case. One pill taken weekly neut-
Vire are clear- raiiees formation of uric acid in the blood and
Prevents Bright's Kidny diseases and Diabetes
ing a number of
lines of Silk and
Cotton Laces in
various makes
and widths,
We will sell a
number of Para-
s ols one.third
off regular val-
R. Pickard
& Son,
rue onI y 01 r.Oh aseeKid Li Pill s Kidner ver s.
Don't Tooacco Spit or Smoke
Your Life Away
-Is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No -To -Bao, the, harmless, guaran-
teed tobacco habit cure that braces up
nicotioized nerves; eliminates tho nicotine
poison, makes week men gain strength,
vigor and manhood. You run no physical
or financial risk, as No -To -Bao is sold
ander guarantee to cure or money refund-
ed. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy
Co., 374 St. Paul St,, Montreal
- Dee LC D. C. for all stomaeh troubles.
To Smokers
To meet the wishes of their cus-
tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son
Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have i
placed upon the market
A Combination Plug of
This supplies a long felt want, giv-
ing the consumer one 20 cent plug,
or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the
famous "T & EV brand of pure yip-
ginia, Tobacco,
1% "T !-111' i rn overyicao
Theundersigned will take a limited num,
her of cattle and horses to mature on Let 4,
5 con., Ray; Yearlings 750 per month; two
years el. (no hind shoes,)
Cedar posts at the;mill Exetar, 10 to 12
3-1n T. N. HOWARD.
0 r...10'fi
Clearing Prices
Men's Suits at
Good Tweed Suit
$8.0o ,c
$3 -50-
6.5 o.
Ladies' Vests -5c, roc, upwards.,
5c. Grey Cotton 3c., Sc. do- 5c.,
roc. do 8c.
Perhaps you would like a few
snaps in GROCERIES.
Good selected Raisins $x .00 per
box; 6 lb. for 25c.
Good New Currants 5c. per lb.
lannecl Corn, Peas, Tomatoes,
2 boxes 15c; 90C. per doz. ;
Pickles, 2 bottles for 25c,
Christie Brown & Co.'s cele-
brated I3iscuits in all the fancy
makes ; also Sodas; put up in tin
boxes to retain crispness in hot
Do you like a good Black Tea?
Try our B. Brand and Orient
Celons, Best 25c Tea in the
trade. A line of Japan's,
clearing at Toe per ib.
Side Meat, Shoulders and
Hams; Pure Lard ; old and new
Cheese; Chase & Sandburn's
best brands Coffee ; also a good
blend, ground, fresh, worth 4oc,,,
for 30C. a lb,
prices. Now is the time to buy,
as Shoes have advanced 25%.
WALL PAPERS atclearing
prices for balance of season.
O. C. atall\TSTON.
Highest prices paid for Butter
and Egg%