HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-6, Page 6Tll BIBS. low Sults for 10 Cents. "There aro Mrs Brown's boys all out in 3env suits agaii . neve saw suc1 6 woman I They are the best dressed family in town, and Anybody would think her extravagant if they knr tha, she did it all vitt Diamond Dyes 'The boysclothes are made from her husband's tidd ones dyed over, while het own and the girls' dresses are dyecl over, and many of the esuits and gowns do not cost her over a dime, e price of a package of Diamond Dyes." "*"."`,..11To experience te needed to do good work with Dl '1amon/.. Dyes. They make beautiful colors that, are non-tading, and are.prepared tor all kinds ot 4E'00ds, Their three sueoialBlack dyes for different 'goods, make the blackest and fastest color known. EPrDirectlon book and 40 samples colored cloth !free - Wastes Ricneutoscur co., Moiermeare P.Q. 41111MINEMENWPMMENNI•10- ALMOST CRAZY e Buffering froni Constipation Mxpected to be in the Asylum --After all other Remedies Failed B. B. B. made a Per- fect Curev: Restoring Robust Health. GENTLEMEN,—To say all I ought to in Savor of B. B. 13: would be impossible. it has been a great health reatorer to ine and I do swear bsT it, 1 am a different aman to what I was ten years ago when it was expected. 1 would be in the asylum, but laOW I am in perfect robust health and it was the B. B. B. that did it. I suffer, sed for five es six yeara from constipation, Sometimes so severely that I went out of 2zuy mind. I tried various doctors, both in the country and in the city, and took .3J0edicines too numerous to name, but everything failed to haye the desired ef- $eet. When I used Burdock Blood Bit- ters, however, it succeeded beyond expel°. 1 Mimeo, requiring only two bottles to cure .sne. To make it stilt more certain that B. B. B. is the real cure for Constipation, I may say that some two years after. ward I felt tbe symptoms returning and I took one bottle more, and from that time to this present day, (oyer eight years) I have never had any return of the disease, never knew any medicine to work so -svell. It does not eeem to be a mere re - Bever but a aure and certain cure, as I can certify to, for bundreda of dollars' worth enedicine and.: advice failed to do me any good, but three dollars worth of B. B. B. made a permanent euro that has given me years of health and eomfort. Tours truly. Toronto. C. L. KILMER. ITS VALUE PROVED. 02101-0158 EXPRESSED IN QUEBEC 1V1TH RE- GARD TO THE NEW SPECIFIC. Quebec, June 3.—There has been eon- eiderable disouseion in this city, both sumong the members of the medical f raternity and private citizens, with re- gard to the numerous undiaputed cures *OM various diseases of the kidneys through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. The matter has been not onlv discussed privately among the friends and acquaint- s/aces of those who have received benefits from the use of the remedy named, bat has been ehronicled in the public press. The general consensus of opinion is that the medicine has undergone a thorough test and has proved itself fully deserving of the great praise which has been bestowed upon it. Huron County Notes. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steveneon, of Ethel, oelehrated their golden wedding on Mon - slay. They make one feel as though life was worth Hying. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills after eating; it will re - Move dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. Thursday night the People's Cheese and Butter factory, situated three quarters of a mile from Gerrie, was burned to the ground. The manufactured cheese was saved. The fire was incendiary. The Ion is estimated to be D1,900. No in- artrance. lllost coughs may be cured in a few /sours or at any rate in a few days, by the wee of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. With each a prompt and sure remedy as this at Isand, there is no need of prolongiug the agony for weeks and months. Keep—thie zemedy in your home. Letters received from Hon. J. C. Patter- son M. P., for West Huron, indicate that leils trip to the Pacific Coast has proyed ssvery' benefieial. He will probably return Co Ottawa in about a fortnight. Mr. Tatterson's friends, and they aro many throughout Canada, will be glad to: see him in his old time health and vigor. Health and happiness are relative con- elitions; at any rate, there can be little bappinees without health. To give the body its full rneaeure of strength and energy. the blood should be kept pure and vigorous, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Messrs John aleMurray,G. L. Kennedy, E. Ossitelon and ,3. E. Blackall of Clinton 3ntye leased for a term of years, what is lirtown as Meroh's swamp, Goderich Town- ship, and intend to convert it into a game preserve. It will be stocked With prairie 1/Wickens and other like fowl, and trout, a,11d in time ehould become a valuable preserve, Mr, D, A. Forrester of Clinton ehipped last week 60 head of prime °Attie to the oonntry„wr. Formater made the 4experimentof tying up a certain number ,of cattle and allowing a similar number to 2t00 at large, to see which would do the best, feeding them all alike. The experia ,111ent has proyen very clearly that the enimals which wete retail fed are in the hest condition s, • 41.* .MOST EXCELLENT. BM 3. W, :Leggett, 13rookline, Ont,, writes; "After giving E. D. 0 a fait trial, 1 am eatisfied it is the best remedy for .dvapepsia ever brought within iny, tomb, I lame found it all that is claimed in its be- halfand have ratioh pleasure in to ,commending it rie a Most eXcellent remedy Prep reniple mailed to any addrese, K. ID, 0.• Co , Wallow Masao*, X, S., and 127 Sotree* Beaten, Itilitert. VAR/4"ST reAtl Exeter jalle 0th, 1595 „Fall wheat per bush...-, 4, $ 360 bIlring wheat per bush, 08 100 BorleY per bubh.. ..... 45 5.0 Oata Per bush, ..,„ , ,,,,,,, 38 40 Peas per bash—, , 65 76 Flour per bbl ,,,,, , .. . 4 00 4 2 Apples per bag......... .... — 75 8 ' PotattPes per bag al 1 0.on Woouper cord hard W oed per oord eoft Butter per lb.., .. 05 40 600 750 300 350 200 225 11 12 9 9 Turkeys per lb .,... .. 7 7 Hogs, liye vfeight„, „,,,,,, ,,,,,, 426 4 56 Geese., . • 5 5 Ducks 6 6 Chicks.. ....'''''..'",'.. 5 6 .. London June 51h 1895; Wheat,white,tall, 1001bs $ 15710 $ 175 Wheat, red, fall, per 100 lin-. — 367 to 178 Wheat.spring, per 1001be ...... ... 167 to 176 Oats, per 106 lbs . 110 to 110 Peas,Per 100 lbs.... ..... ...... ... 114 to 114 Corn, per100 lbs,......, .......... .... 95 to 100 Barley. per 10C lbs... .. . 90 to 105 Rye, per 100 lbs . 95 to 100 Buckwheat, per 100 lbs .. ...... . , 90 to 100 Beets, ner bus—. ....... ..... . .... .. 1 60 to 1 10 _Pres, fresh, single doz... .... ... 14 to 14 Eggs, fresh, basket, per doz 10 to 10 Egg., fresh, store lots, per dos 2 to 9 Butter,single rolle,per 11) ... , .. 1 0 to 10 Butter, per1b,1 lb rolls,baskets 16 to 17 le utter,per lb. large rolls or . crooks . . 33 to 14 Butter,per lb., tub or tirkine U to 0 Lard, per lb. 10 to 10 Chickens, per pair 75 -..... :75 to 100 D k 100 Turkeys, lb i.o 110 'n-er 11):; eaeh ... ice to 200 Toronto June 5th 1896 Wheat, svhite, per bus-- .,.. $ 101 to $101 Wheat, spring, per bus .. - .. .. ... 101 to Ica. Wheat, red winter, per bus ...... 87 to 97 Wheat, goose, per bus 90 to 90 Barley. per bus............. ..... 30 to 50 Oats, per bus . ... 40 to 41 65 to 65 Hay 10 00 to 11 50 Eggs per dozen Butter, Per lb Dresbed hogs Potatoes. Der bag 11. to 11 34 to 15 5 90 to 6 00 I 45 to 50 POTATOES AND CORN We have a aerefIrlise selected steak of the above seeds Fresh. Prices the loweet. \ 434, KNOWLEDGE e Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleas- ant to the taete, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfectelax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, 31spe11ing colde, headaches: and fevers lid permanently curing constipation. .a.es has given satisfaction to millions and met with the 'approval of the inedica! profession, because it acts on the kid neys, Liver and ,Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every, objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup In Memoriam. Co. only, whose name is printed on every Lines on the death of William Park, o Granton, aged 32 years. Kind friends that have known the departed Say he was cheerful and gay, And feel Bad that ono so true hearted Should fade in the noon of his day. Whatever he thought was his duty By him it was instantly done, He was an affectionate brother A.kind and dutiful sim- ile died with his trust in the Saviour, His faith it was firm and sure, And he's passed through the portals ofglory That's only prepared for the Pure. How simple the plan of Salvation, It is only repent and believe, Now what can you gain by your doubting, And see what you have to remise: If we only believein the Saviour We will then his pardon receive, Just think of a mansion in Zloty That's given to all who believe. of ourselves we have nothing to melit But see what we have fur to gain, For we know that our Saviour has promiscd Whatever we ask in His Name. Our little home oircle is broken, But remember the days will be few TJntil there's a happy reunion And that for eternity too. While here we have many temptations, Nor free horn sorrow and pain, But if you will Only prove faithful You will meet with Your William again. "Adore." Sale Register. -- Thursday, June 13th.—The chattels of the late Francis Cornish, on Si- lot 4, 9th coneelssion 1.77sborne. Sale- at 3 o'clock. 11. Brown, auct. June 5th, 1895.—Auction sale of valuable Farm, on lot 5, con. 2, Hay. Sale at 3 o'clock p. m. Wm. McCloy, auctioneer. Mr. E: Hincbley has purchased the livery business of Mr. Bergen Seaforth for the sum of gm Rev. Wm. Torrance, formerly stationed at Walton, died very suddenly Thursday at Chesley. C W. Papet, Seaforth, hag an orange tree in his store on whieh are three oranges. The tree was grown in Mr. Papst's conservatory. Miss Jennie E. Little and Mr. jos, Mills, of Mullett were married on Wednee. day last June 5. Both are well known and popular young people. To be free from sick headache, bilious- ness, contipation, etc„ use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and free the stomach :min bile. The many frierde of Mr. Dan ROBS' of the 2nd con., of Stanley, are pleasedto see that he is not only able to be about, but that be has fully recovered from the effects of the recent operation he under: went in Detroit. To entirely remove a cancer from tbe lower part of the mouth was no small task, but Mr. Rose believes that there are no traces of it left: Acting through the blood, Hood'a Sarsa- parilla not only cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc, but gives health and vigor to the whole body, G: W. Thomson, of Goderich, has re: eeiyed intelligence that his brother in law, Capt. H. Hartley, has been drowned in Lake Michigan. The fatality occurred on May 13, just off Kenosha, the vessel the deceased commanded going down in the storm of that (late. package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. CATARRH RELIEVED IN 10 To 60 Minu- tes,—One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrbal Powder, dittuees the Powder over the surface ef the nasal pre- sages. Painless and deliehtful to take, relierea instantly, and permanently cure Catarth, Feer, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitie and.. Deafness 50 cent At C. Lutz. • Master Charles Bell happened with tbe miefortune to get the secoml finger of his hand taken off at the first joint in the Broadfoot se Box factory Seaforth on Wed- nesday last. ou hardly realize that it is rnedieine, when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills; they are very small; no bad effect's all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their nee. Universal regret will be felt at the eerious illness of Rev, Dr, Ure, of Gode- rich which began lart week with something like a stroke of apoplexy. F0R OVEtt FIFTY YEARS AR OLD AND WELL-TR/ED REMEDY.— MrS Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their childreu while teething,with perfeet success. 1 t soothes the child, softens the gums,allays the pain, cures the cone, and ss the best remedy for Diarrhoea., Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists m every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syron andtakeno other kind. Ste.ra's Powders, each paosage of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a raeasuie for one dose, an immediate relief for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stom- ach, also Neurelgia and all kinds of ner- vous pain'', and another in capsules, (from e. to of one is an ordinary dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaints, They do not, as most pills and so many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after oonetipation, they are nice 'to take. 25e. a box at all medioine deal- ers HEART 12ISEASE RELIEVED IN THIRTY MINUTES. • Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart give", perfect relief in all cases of Organic of Sympathetic, Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation„ Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptome of a Diseased Heart. One doae convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. A BOON TO HORSEMEN. -0130 bottle of English Spann Liniment completely re moved a curb from my horse. I take in recommening the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the re- moval from horses of hard, soft or call- oused lumps, bleed soavin, splints, curbs weeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB. FARMER, MARKHAM. OaT, Sold by C. LUIZ. HAT MitalfilIGENT TESTIVIONYe "Paine's Celery Compound Produced Miracul- ous Results and Banished My Troubles." This Strong Statement is Made by Mr. Ambrose Budd, of Shanty Bay, Ont, Victory after vietory ; continued and unbroken march of triumphs over disease and suffering marks the fame of Peine's Celery Compound in eery land where it is used to battle with sickness. In Canada alone, tens of thousands who were once dyspeptics and Who bore awful loads of pais and, agony,. now thank lifeaVed that they enjoe healtn strength, sleep, appetite and digestive vigor brought to them by;the'uee Paine's Celery Com- pound. Thi medicine—the greatest procluet of medical science—baa reached the top round of the ladder of fame as a cure for dyspeptia, indigeation, flasulenee, heartburn, gastric oramp, and the num- berless evils that make life intolerable through imperfect digestive vigor, No medicine in the world btit Pine's Celery COMPOund dab egectually reiuth the hard and difficult cities of dyspepsia and indigestion. This statement le borne by the testimony of Ambrose Budd, wh o says "For the benefit of sufferers I gladly give noy experience .with Paine'e Celery Compound: After suffering with dys- pepsia for thirty Ave yeare, and meeting with many failures with other medicines I decided to use Paine's Celery Compound, having beard of so many cures effected Dy it, The Compound, after I used ii for a time, it precluded miraculous results and banished my troubles, "From a condition of heIpleetiness— be- ing tillable to sleep or eat—I now feel well and strong. X am astonished at the results as my trouble was an old and chronic ode. X have recommended Pine's Celery Com- pound Co tome of my neighbors, and in every ease it has given satisfaction 1 will always strongly recorinnead its nee when I have opportunity,' WI:11TE St GRAY LIME, CORN. esS774.71...7.7.7,70,77p77•4770‘.....7.., Seeds of all kinds. J. Cobbledick, First Storehouse, Station. ---. London, Huron and Bruce. 140/NG NORTH— Paesenger Loudon, depart . • 8.05 AMit • 4,00 Pat Centralia 9,07 5,47 Exeter... .... ...... . 9.22 6.00 Honsall 9,37 6.15 Rippen ... 9,44 0 20 Brucefield ....... •... 9.52 0.28 Clinton ..„"......... .. 10.12 6.65 Londesb.oro 10.29 7.14 ' Blyth :10,38 7.23 Belgrave 10.52 7.37 Vingham arrive,. 11.10 0.00 GOisd SOI.Mr— Passenaer Winghani, depart... ... 6.35".A. 11. 3.25P. M lielgrave 6.60 3,47 Bytiti , 7.03 4.01 Londoelsoro— . 7,10 4.08 Clinton.. . 7.30 4.28 Brucefield...... ......... ... 7.49 4.46 Rippen. .........., 7.57 4.53 8 06 4.58 Exeter ... 8.25 6,12 , Centralia—, ....... .„., 8.4 5.23 ..—. ' o. --TUE-- People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO Basun or DIRECTORS TR EXETER. ONTamo Dr. J. A. Rollins, ` President. Dr. 0. Lutz, - Vice -President. L 11. Dickson, Solicitor. David Mill, Valuator. Fred. W, Co13j, - Secy -Tress. InnEcrorte. 7no Grigg, E. A, rollick, ;Jas. 6Iilier, Win Southeott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Semi. Sanders. Make money by saying money. Sixty cents per month will ensure $1(.0 in 7i years. For iorms of application and all necessary infor- mation RuPlY to the Secretary, Mr. Fred. W. Collins. Post office, Exeter, Ont. -• n DR. SHO'ULTS, 0 eINTRALIA Office opposite Methodist Parsonage, KINSMAN, DENTIST, • LD. S. SPECIALIST in GOLD PILL- ING, EXTR T IN G. and KATE vt ORM. Gas and looal s, Anaesthetics for painlees ex- tracting. 2nd door north of °ART...Hews store DALTON ANDERSON D.D. S • L. D• S. Honor Graduate of tbe To- ronto Up iverSity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Specialties, Painless extraotion and preservation of the natural teeth. Office over the Law Office of Elliot de Elliot, opposite Central Rotel, Exeter, Ont. 1-11Q AGNEW L. D. S.DENTIST, cumioN. Will be at Greb's hotel Zurich on the second Thursday of earth month and at Hodgin's hotel Hensel' every MondaY MONEY TO LO\AN. Large sumo lubneito loan or, Farm lands at Five and a half per cent- prive to funde. Apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors Exeter anuary 1895 DUFFERIN HOUSE, • OEN- TRALTA. A FIRST-CLASSCOMIVER- cial betel, first-class wines and Smears, cousin odious sample rooms, and an attentive hostler. R. HORN, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on lot 9,con. 2,of Stephen, a thoro'bred Poland China Boar. Terms $1 at time of service. WM. BAKER, Prop. April 15th 1805-3m. NOTICE. — To the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works:—Geneentrex,—Please take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co. will be held at the bour of 2 o'clock p. m., in the Town Ball, Monday, June 3, By order of the Board. T. B. CARLING, See'v-Tretts. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. cOTJRT OF REVISION. The Court for the Revision of theAssessment Roil of the Township of Usbornewill be held at Elmville. on saturdar, June Isit. 1896, at 10 o'clock a- ins of which all persons interested will phase take notice and govern them- selves accordingly. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Clerk See that off Horse Only three weeks ago we began mixing a little of Dick's Blood Purifier in his feed and now look at him. I tell you there is no uondition Powder equal to DiCit's,—Am going to try it on the nigh one now. Dick's Blood Parifier, 50c., Dialt's Blister, 50. Dick's Liniment, 25c., Dick's Oint- ment, 25e. Mailed on receipt of price. DICK & CO, I'. 0. BOX 482 MONTREAL, UET TOUn PIRS 0-NATI•sT At W. Johns', -The Tailor. Made to order for $3: 6, 7, etc. Suits .11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a at W. JOHNS, Tha Seed Potatoes a Specialty this week. U NO MOM REQUIRED. Worth its cost, as a fertilizer. Me only safe way to use a Strong Poison roR E Creamery Cans, Milk Cans, Churns, Barbed Wire (AMERICAN AND. CANADIAN.) ISH P SON, P.'S.—Get Our prices on Eavetroughing. Are You GOING TO GET A Bicycle? We have the best assortment and the cheapest. Come in and See Them Or else write for particulars. PERKINS & MARTIN, Panson'e Block, Exeter, We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We -have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. ie don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up your prescriptions, but we have a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25e up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5c up. But don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps'3 large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, I. box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow i what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. A Suit of Vlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable place, aInd A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Spring & Summer Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take antoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- tractive. A. SZTWILL. EXETER FOUNDRY MEY=MS3EMS, 18E7. Headquarters for Plows, Scuff- lers, &c., Bridge Bolts and ' Castings. 011.11•INVOLIMPIIIINNOMANNEWEI.M140. We have for sale a ,nuraber of new and second hand Portable and Traction Engines at prices from $150 up, induct, ing the following makes: Connell, Waterous, Sawyer Massey. Norse - _worthy, Leonard & White, Stevens & Burns, Peterson & Co. Parties wishing to purchaSe Would do *ell to call and gat. prices before pur, chasing. J .. liC12142theilr at CO. ST 01.11241.0..161.PEot. ESI Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong, Strike not the weak because you are strong ; Strike not your father, strike not your mother, Strike not Your sister, strike not your brother ; But strike a good scheme when ever you can, Strike a deal with J. H. GRIEVE, And you will strike the right man For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEEDz-:, Our stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain. Remember the place. J. H. Grieve. 111•11••••••• Featherbone Skirt Bone. A light, pliable, elastic bone made For giving from quills It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giv- ing proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bone Corsets are cor ecir with this material:. SM.E and 81-IAFE to Ladies Dresses. For sale by all leading Dry Goods Dealers. A Timely Ativico. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead. Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need; Harness, collars, whips and sweat pads - we have a good supply, srets ombs, brushes and cards When used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect yciu from the cold; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, Hells, children's caariages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots. we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. WHAT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY - If spent in the right piece, That J. D. Atkinson's is. the right place to buy your furniture. The following-, facts and figures prove: 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $20.50. BED, DRESSER'$20.50. WASH STAND, MATRESS, SPRING, 2 PH,Lows, ROOKER, $20.50. Cu A fit, TABLE. Coming brides and young married couples take advantage of the above. offer. We supply comfort cheap. J.DATKINSO.N NORTH OF TOWN HALL BOWE( GID LEY UIVDEl?TtIKER —AND— Furniture Dealer, Main Street, Exeter. Full Stock of all kinds always on hand. t. N EXETER. EMI 1 HT 1 Have you an old Bitg'gy Top that needs re-covering and you wish to have made aa good as new ? Side Curtsies played out ? Your Cushion playeed out ? or other Trimmings shabby and require 60 be renewed ; If so, call on 01,41.11VIVN, Or leave your ordere ae,jones, Carriage Worke. Exeter. orclero will receive pretrial attention, end done in alvorkinenshiplike:roanner,1 Charges tatitiftlitt. Parlor. Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Vanoy Bamboo Window Shades and Poles, PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and LowPrices. Gidley & Son ODDPELLOW'S BLOCK, finials in Six Rouns.—Disordered Kid ney and bladder diseases relieved in pia hours by the "Great South American id ney Cure." This new remedy la a, eat Burprire and delight to nhysioianic on 50 - count ot its exceeding promptheita i re- lieving pain m the bladder, aok and every part of tbe nritutrytan44g in male and female. It relieves.tfredin 0 of` water and imin in passing it iirdellit ea ateIy /t you want quick ralletae aye' thin is your remoy Sold by Oa LUTZ