HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-6, Page 3EXETER TIMES AYER'S flair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevente it falling out. Mrs. R. W. Fenwick, of platy, N. 8,, says: I g.„ .^ ..11"11.114'WEgt ter the , use of _ .one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original ,color and ceased falling out.- An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. FErtwrcx, Digby, N. S. "A little more than two years ago my hair began ig to turn gr ay and fall out. At 1, I , Growth 4.4 of Hair. .010•1=11•1111 "Eight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to fear I should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband fought home a bottle of Ayer's air -Vigor, and I began at once to ' se it. Th a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth pf hair as before my illness." — Mrs. A. WEBER, Polyronia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPARED RE CR. 1. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Aser's _Pills cure Sick Headache. POWDERS Citro SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia h. ao mrnurEs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NICEI TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DRUM STORES. , CENTRAL Drug Store EAMON'S BLOM. .A. full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- the best in the mark- et and always resh. Family recip- ees carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exete C. LUTZ. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd' s Kidney Pills to cure any case of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood—or money refunded. Sbld by all dealers in medicine,. or by Mail on receipt ot price, 508, per box, or bix boxes Sa.5o. DR. L. A. SMITH & CO., Toronto, ALL AOTHERS WHO HAVE USED • pAIMOTA1180AP KNOW THAT or 19 THE BEST BABY'S SOAP for Iroliotke 0,0 DOOMS sorres. labNras troubled with sores on heed and legs I tried "Palmoaar Soap." In a very short time the sores dieappOred, elfin became amooth and white, and the child got perfectly well, 1thts. HOINZNANt °Meth Only 210, Big Cake, THE NEWS IN A UTSITEIL p•••••••••• THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. interesting items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States. and An Yells or the Sliobe Contleuted anti Assorteti for BasY ne‘dinX. an.NADA. Hamilton Civio Holiday will probably be the first Monday of August. A break occurred in the new twelve -inch main on King street east, Hamilton. Ottawa hotel -keepers propose to raise the price of whiskey to ten cents a drink. The T. H. & B. Reilrocod passed the inspection of Government Engineer Ridout. It has been decided that the 35th Battalion shall camp thie year at Orillia, on the 18th of June. It has been decided th unveil the mono meat in Montreal to De Maisonneuve, the founder of Montreal, on Dominion day. The North American St. George's Union has deoided to held its annual convention in Kingston, Ont., from August Ko to 23. Owing to the advance in flour a number of the Montreal bakers have advanoed the price of bread from two to four cents a loaf. Mr. Sleeman has commenced the erection of oar and power haus& for the Guelph Eleotric Railway, and the line will be &lilt at onoe. The body of Miss Jones was found bedly mutilated at her home on the Baskatong Quebec. Another woman is suspected of the murder. The Methodist General Conference Exc. outive has decided that the next General Conference shall meet in Toronto in Sep- tember, 1898. Three hundred labourers tnet in Ottawa on 'Wednesday night, and protested against the importation of outside labour on work being done in the city. H. M. S. Crescent, successor to the Blake as flagship of the North Atlantic equadron, has arrived at Halifax from Bermuda. Admiral Erskine is on board. The convicts in the penitentiaries of Canada numbered twelve hundred and twenty-three at the end of the last fiscal year or twenty-nine more than the year previous. Dr.Bergin intends to introduce a measure during the present session of the Dominion Parliament to cheek the truck system of paying wages, which appears to be on the increase. Laura Crawford, the four --year-old daughter of Mr. Crawford, of Hamilton, was almost instantly killed by a trolley car there on Saturday afternoon, while playing on the street. Owing to the Dominion Government having refused to make a special grant for the Montreal World's Fair, the idea has been practically abandoned of holding the fair next year, as was originally intended. There is great excitement in grain cir- cles in Winnipeg over a aale of wheat at the Grain Exchange at one dollar per bushel, afloat at Fort William. This ie fifty-one cents in excess of the price paid for the crop. Michael Rogers, an expressman, was killed by a trolley car on Queen street west, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon. Deceased was turning out of the way of a westbound oar, and did not observe an eastbound car, which struck him, inflicting fatal injuries. Mr. Alex. W. Murdook, of Toronto, the well-known colonial agent, is in Mon- treal engaged in promoting trade re lations between Canada and South Africa. He will confer with the Dominion Government, and ad dress the Ottawa Board of Trade on the subjeot next week. The inspectors charged with the exam- ination of cattle leaving Meptreal for European ports have discovered the exist- ence in some of the cattle of e contagious disease, hitherto unnoticed, which is char- acterized by abscesses in the head and jaw, and which is transmissible to human beings. Mr. Napoleon Tarte, a rich farmer of Lanoraie Que., and brother of Mr. J. Israel Tarte, M. , died under very painful circum- stances. A dose of croton oil was taken by Mr. Tarte, prescribed by Dr. St. Germain, and immediately afte wards the patient com- menced to suffer the most excruciating agony. The local physicians were puzzled, and Dr. Beausoleil was summoned from Montreal, but he arrived too late to save the patient. GREAT BRITAIN. General Booth 18111. Mr. andMra. Gladstone will go to Kiel for the opening ceremonies of the North Sea Canal. a Jabez Spencer Balfour, the Liberator Building Society swindler, was formally committed for trial. Nasrulla Khan, son of the Ameer of Afghanistan, has arrived at Portsmouth. He will visit London. It is now freely predicted in London political circles that the general 'elections will be held during July. The appointment of General Lord Roberts as Field Marshal in succession to the late Sir Patrick Grant is gazetted. The Canadian Gazette says it will came no surprise if Major-General Herbert's command of the Canadian militia is extend- ed another year. Lady Mary Hamilton, the daughter of the late Duke of Hamilton, will be the richest heiress in England. The rentals from her estate alrea,dy amount to one million dollars a year. A complete statement of the affaira of the Grand Trunk railway has teeu for- warded to the new Board of Directors in London, and it is expeoted that many economies will be practised. The Puke of Cambridge, as Ranger o , Hyde park, has given a reluctant coneen to the admission into the park of bicyclists but the riders will be only allowed to remain there until ten o'clock in the morning. In the House of Commons Sir Joseph Whitwell Pease's motion attacking the report of the Opium Commission and the opium trade generally, and demanding that the Indian Government supprees it, wee defeated. • a. Greet Britain still maintains her position al the greatest coal -producing country in the world. The output last year was 180,000,000 tone, The united States produced 164,486,209 tone. The Westminster Gazette says that tete next Conservative Ministry has already been agreed upon. It give d a list whith inoludes Right Hon. J. A. Balfour as Premier and Mr. Chamberlain as Home Siieretary, Lord Salisbury is mentioned as Poreign Seoretary. The Admire. ley has received new of the death of 0apt, Frederick Poor Trench, of the 13ritish ilagehip Royal Arthur, recently at Corinth, Nicaragua, where the Captain acted as governor of the port during the occupation. Opt. Trenoh died while on his way to Victoria, B. 0. UNWED STATES, The frost did great damage in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, The dignified Mr,Cherles French' Adams bowling along en a bicycle is one of the eight's of Boston. - • At St. Paul, Mine., Harry Hayward has been sentenced to be hanged June 2/ for the murder of Miss Ging. The late Robert Tyler Jones, President Tyler's grandson, had the distinction of being the only male child ever born in the White House. The village authorities of Babylon, Long Weald, have ordered that anyone hereafter attempting to ride a bicycle through the village streets on Sundays shall be arrested, The nitro-glycerine house of the Califiaorn Powder Works at Pinole blew up, killing, five white men and wounding two others. Nine Chinamen were killed and three others injured. Mrs. Anna P. Lovelace'of Buffalo, is seeking a divorce from herhusband. James M. Lovelace, a mounted policeman in the North-West of Canada, who has deserted her. During the performance of "Charlotte Corday" at the American Theatre, New York, Mrs, James Brown Potter, wrought to a high pitoh of excitement by theintensity of the play, stabbed Mr. Kyrie Bellew in the side, inflicting a slight wound. In the course of his sermon in the City Temple, London, Rev. Joseph Parker, D. D., said the only action to be taken on behalf of the Armenians was a war against Turkey. Such a war would be the most holy, humane and righteous one the world had ever known, GENERAL. Mount Vesuvius is in an motive state of eruption. Formosa has declared itself a republio and this will add to the difficulties of the Eastern question. Fifty persons were killed and thrice thab number injured by earthquakes in Turkey - in -Europe. The Norwegian ship Fjeld, coal laden, from Grimbsy for San Diego, now two hun- dred and twenty days out, has been given up for lost. In an engaaemeut between Col.Saadovalis command and the Cuban rebels,Jose Marti, the insurgent leader, and twenty of his men were killed. The Pope's health is failing east. He is said to realize that his end is near, and has ordered _his tomb from Maroni, the most famous sculptor in Italy. Five persons were burned to death. and seven others fatally injured in a fire at Bialystook, Poland, which destroyed the extensive cloth factory. Vessels suffered severely in the recent gales on the coast of Europe. Many were lost with their crews. The fishing fleets were knocked about roughly. According to advwee Item the Island of Madagascar, fever is ravaging the French troops composing the expeditiouary force operating against the Heves. The Cologne Gazette says that it the Porte refuses to grant the Armenian re- forms proposed by the powers, a European conference will be convoked, The Emperor of China has issued a deoree, recalling from the Island of Formosa, ceded to Japan by the treaty of peace, all the Chinese officials on the island. The French Government has deoided to ask Parliament for a special credit in order to erect a monuinent to the soldiers who fell during the war between France and Germany. The total amount realized by the sale of the art treasures of the late Mrs. Lyne Ste- phens,formerly a well. knownFrench dancer, was seven hundred thousand dollars. It is stated in St. Petersburg that the Russian Government has declined to agree to the military occupation of Corea by the Japanese forces' and demands that the Government atTokio recall the garrisons stationed there. A camphor famine is threatened as a re- sult of the war between Japan and China. Should a warm summer bring cholera and dysentery the demand for camphor will be very great, and its price will increase enormously. A majority of the advisers of the Sultan have counselled him to agree to the pro. positions of the powers regarding reforms in Armenia, hue the Grand Vizier Opposes these counsel, and his attitude is likely to lead to complications. Thought the Balloon the Devil. Superstition is still very strong in some parts of Germany. A few days ago a bal. loon, sent up by the army balloon battalion near Dantzio, and in which two aeronauts of that oorpa were studying atmospheric conditions at an altitude of 6,000 feet, happened to pass the district of Tuchel, inhabited by people of the aboriginal Slav race. They took the balloon—a thing never seen before—to be the Szank (or devil) and followed it for miles, intending to slay it 'wherever it should happen to alight. For- tunately for the aeronauts they passed the region safely and the bullets fired at their balloon did not reach it. Otherwise they would have fared badly. Would the Emperor Resign? An exchange tells a story whith may be taken as a fresh manifestation of a certain well-known Scotch characteristic : Upon his accession to the throne, the Emperor of Russia was appointed colonel - in -chief of the Royal Soots Greys. Whilst dressing for dinner an enthusiastic subal- tern communicated the information to hia -soldieroservant. Donald, he said, have you heard that the new Emperor of Russia has been ap- pointed colonel of the regiment? Indeed, sir I replied Donald. It is a vera prood thing. Then after a pause, he required: Beg pardon, sir' but will he be able to keep both places? Not Entirely Certain. You dee, I oame bright and early this evening, Miss Pinkie, smilingly observed Cholley, laying his cane and gloves on the centre table. Vett, I see you Ottnne early, Mr. Ligh t. pate, guardedly replied Mists Pinkie. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattor14 PRACTICAL FARMING. Hay for Dairy Cows. A good quality of greets, or of the gesso is considered to be one of the best and most perfect ratious for miloh cowa during the summer eettiton, hence whoever keeps a dairy will cenault his own intereat in ree curing the best pasturee possible by proper improvements fpr this purpose. Reasoning trona the same :standpoint, the farmer should endeavor to produce the best :meal- ity of hay for winter feeding; Especially is this desirable where cows aro milked a part Dr the whole of the wiuter season. Other oropa will be needed for this purpose, but hay made from grime will continue to have its appropriate place. And this should be in quality as near grass as the conditions will allow it to be made. How to raise the most and best hay should be the aim of farmers who keep stook, and particularly cows. Some far - mere seed to grass in the fall, but perhaps Wore in spring. This is an important matter, as much of the usefulness of the meadows after seeding Will depend on the condition of the soil and how this work is donee - First, the soil should be in a good con- dition as regards fertility and a thorough pulverization. Perhaps more frequent than in any other way, a cultivated crop is first taken from the land, either oorn or pota- toes, and then the next year it is seeded to grass along with eome kind of grain. Where this is done, and the land sufficsient- ly manured, it should be in a good condition —physical and otherwise --to produce sat. isfaotory crops of hay for a term of years, with proper treatment. But in this work particular reference ehould be had to the future crop of hay, rather than mere preaenf returns. The manure should not all be applied to the first crop. If it is, there will be but com- paratively little of it left for the succeeding crops of hay. A part of the manure at least should be applied with the crop when seeding down. If. the moil is in a pretty good state of fertility and there are fears that more manure would cause the grain to lodge and thus smother or kill out the y6iing grass, then it had better not be applied. In such instances, or where there is not enongh of manure for profitable use, a good super -phosphate can be employed with excellent results. As to the kinds and quantity of grass seeds to be sown. This will depend largely on the location, the kinds that thrive best and are in moatdemand for hay. This is a large country, and no one list of seeds would be alike adapted to all sections. But in all parts some kinds are much better: than others and these should be used Per- haps no one variety is in more general favor than the clover in some of its forme. It is good for the soil, and makes the best of hay when properly managed. Here at the east we sow,quitelargely of the medium red • and the alaike clovers, believing a mixture of the two to be better than either alone. With these we use timothy to a large extent, some perhaps adding red -top or any other kind of grass that may seem desirable. At the west and south other varieties of the clover may be better, as well as of other kinds of grasses. The idea should be to choose those kinds that experience proves to be , the best adapted to any given locality or soil. Again it will pay to get the cleanest and purest seeds that can be obtained, not only for the real value of the hay, but to avoid as far as may be the introduction of noxioua weeds that are fast being spread over the country in the seeds that are purchased, to a very large extent. A little extra for pure seed should induce no one to take an inferior article, even at a considerable lower price. For some reason—perhaps the condition of the soil and the numerous inseot pests— much more gram seed is now required to the acre than when the country was new. We also now consider a finer quality of hay superior to that which is larger and coarser in growth, at least for cows and young animals. A good farmer finds this mixture to answer an excellent purpose on his soil : Eight to ten pounds of clover, three pounds of alsike clover and enough of timothy and red -top to make up a half -bushel per acre. This is good. Before the grass seed is sown the land should be cleated of all obstruc- tions that would be in the way of harvest- ing machinery, and then the seed covered very lightly in the most desirable manner. Some will re -seed to grass without any grain crop, believing this to be the better way, securing a better catch of grass and more satisfactory crops of hay afterward. Whatever the method employ- ed the idea sheuld be to secure the largest and best crops of hay possible for the uses to which they are to be devoted. Improving Pastures. There are pastures that have never pro- duced as profitable crops as the treea on them. To get anything out of these past- ures to -day you have to send cattle scurry- ing over a large area to get what they shoult get on six or eight acres. The re- sult is the cow works herself t� death and works the butter out of her cream and the cream out of her milk. A cow should never take any more exists. ohm than is absolutely necessary for her health, because exercise costs money, costs food, costs milk, and costs butter. A cow that has to aourry oyer a large area to get food will not begin to give as mutt milk as one which can get it on a small area and lie down and chew her cud and rest. Now, the question is avha to do with these pastures. You clan not fertilize them with manure, because that &hugs the cow. Consequently what is known as grass dressing, prepared by fertilizer com- panies, is a good thing. In these pastures you have failed to renew the value taken from them by grazing. You have kept them from seeding. They need reseeding. They need also to be broken under, plowed and harrowed. The ordinary slanting - toothed harrow is a good thing to use. In as early spring as you can possibly get on to it go over this pasture with a slant- ing -toothed harrow and give it a good mix- ture, as muoh as possible, a mixture ofJune grass slid white clover. It is an excellent combination ; if you choose, a little red clover. Then follow with your dressing, and, if you can, give it's dressing of land Plaster, which 18 a good thing. In future handling of the pasture that is run down divide it. Cattle tread down at least three or four timed se much as they orop. Say, take a pasture of forty acres anct divide it into throe parts. Put the cows into the third this Week,the next third Johnson. the next week, and the laet third •the next W44,, and right back egilio, and you Will find a loge improvemeet in the oroemege and also in the oharaoter of the butter mid cream, an, improventent in ite fievor. Making Roads. The beat time for road work is after the spring work has been completed, be:taw:0 he ground is then neither too wet nor too dry, and when dry weather sets in there ie no use trying to work roads. Road work in the fall is just as impreeticable, because the track will be muddy until the freeze-up occurs and the following spring will be full of mud holes. For this reason divide town- ships into road districts so that the main portioa of the labor can be done after the orops are in. Every crew of men preparing roads must have an overseer with them all the time. lee must understand his busi- nese, and one superintendent cannot preperly oversee more than one crew of men. FASHION IN FIJI. Jt Gives as Much Concern to the Eadies There as Elsewhere. Fijian womn have a most affeotionate disposition although, like all seini-civilized people, they are extremely sensitive and ready to take offence at the veriest trifles. Their skins are usualli of a bright dark brown, smooth and glossy as polished marble, and many, while young, possess handsome features and moat symmetrical forms; but, unfortunately, their natural grace speedily disappears after marriage— at least, among the common people, who have no attendants to relieve them in the heavier duties of the household. While unmarried, their hair, pioturesquelet, adorn- ed with hibiscus and other amines is per- mitted to fall in thin plaits down the back of the neck. This is regarded as a sign of maidenhood. After marriage the plaits are out off, and not allowed to be worn again. In Suva and Levuka the women gener- ally wean& blouse- shaped pinafore of thin white cotton, but in their homes or in the interior districts they are content with the sulu, a kind of loin-oloth made from the bark of the native mulberry tree, and wrapped two or three times round the body. The,manufacture of this cloth, called tappa, is one of the leading industries in Fiji'the bark being bested with wooden mallets into thin sheets, whioh are joined together as required. When taking part in the meke-meke, or native dance, the girls wear a short, thick petticoat of dried grass, adorned with black and yellow tappa streamers, the bodies remaining bare from the waist upward. The hair is decorated with flowers, and frequently frizzed and plaited in the fashion somewhat resembling that depicted in Assyrian sculptures. Most of the chiefs and their wives areex- tremely partioular concerning the clothing of their Offspring, the girls usually wearing white cotton pinafores, or blouses, over a colored cotton petticoat. The families of the higher class of chiefs possess a some- what aristocratic cast of features. This is especially noticeable in the descendants of King Thakombau. Among these is his granddaughter, the Princess Ada, who possesses ms.nyof the intellectual character- istics of the deceased monarch. Her attire, as becomes a member of the Fijian royal family, is somewhat more elaborate than that generally worn'and consists of a thin silk bodice of some light color, edged with ornamented ribbon, and a calico petticoat over a pair of loose calico trousers—a coe- tume admirably adapted to the Fijian climate. Shoes and stockings are discard- ed by Fijians of all classes, save on special oocaeions, and during the hot summer months many of the European residents feel tempted to go and do likewise. THE AMEER'S SON. Sirdar Nasrnila Khan Will Stop at Dor- chester Iliouse—Ile I fan Expensive Visitor. A despatch from London says :—Sirdar Nasrulla Khan, the second son of the Ameer of Afghanistan, who is now visiting in England, will remain at Dorchester house, whither he went immediately upon his arrival in London for six weeks. His visit will cost the Government £6,000, exclusive of the damage that will result from the habits of the ninety natives of his suite. The experience met with in the visit of his father to England barred him from being lodged hi any royal palace, as it was found necessary to disinfect the palace occupied by the Ameer after he and his suite had left on their return to Afghanistan. The collection of works by the old masters in the old Dorchester house have either been removed or covered up to protect them from the. distinguishecl visitors, and British officers are in charge of the temporary residence of the Prince of Afghanistan to keep it as tar as possible from being damaged. Nasrulla Khan found it difficult to follow the programme made for him after leaving Pethawur. He insisted upon a halt being made whenever the whim seized him, Chaining a Beauty. Jinks—Everybody predicted that Hard - head would have trouble after he married that vale beauty, but she never leaves her home unless be is with her. How does he manage? Winks—He fills the house with mirrors. The Rosy•Cheeked Maid. The roses that bloom in the spring, tra Is, Have nothing to do with her case, For hers are the roses that blown, tra la, The whole year 'round in her face. Proof Positive. Much has been written in ridicule of the wild answera given from the witness -stand, where all connected thought seems to escape some people. But strictly to the point was the evidence of a woman in Maine who WES Striving to prove an alibi fOr a boy in a horse -stealing cam A witeess testified that he had seen the boy at the village on that day, when the woman sprang from her seat, and cried He we'n't out, nuther 1 , His pants was hangin' on ;the olo'es line all day I It was perhaps brdained by Providence, to hinder us from tyrannizing over one another, that no individual should be of se much importance as to cause, by his retire. intuit ar death, any chasm in the For Twenty Years scows Emulsion ha4^beeu endorsed by physicians of the whole world, There is no secret about its ingredients. Physicians prescribe Scott's En1111$1011 41MisemswaloMmadiv adataitiatMemagosmanatiaitiMir because they know what great umnishing and curative prop., erties it contains. They know it is what it is represented to bo; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway 004 - liver Oil with the hypoPhosphites a lime and soda. For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump. tion, Sorofula, Anemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Rickets, Xar- asinne; Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all oonditions ef Wasting. The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in salmo4- colored wrafiper. Refuse inferior substitutes! Sendfor tamp/del og Scott's Emulsion: FREE. 80ott & Downs, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. and $l. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Mother Heart Touche " I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Saved the Lives of Two of my Children.":— Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong— Tired and Ailing Women Take on the BLOOM of EARLIER YEARS. What will touch the mother heart more deeply than the illness of her little ones 1 She may suffer much herself, and women are sorely afflicted with many ills, but she will endure all this, however often; without a murmur; but there can be no dis- guising her anxiety. when the little ones of the home are stricken- down with sickness. And how roany puny children there are 1 We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp, but they are weaklings. Mothers, would you have your loved ones strong and healthy? Would you enjoy good health your- self 1 Then use South American Nervine Tonic ; there is no doubting its efficacious properties. Investigate from a scientific or a common sense point of view and you will find that nearly all disease has its start in the nerve centres of the body. The mission of South American Nervine is to at once reach the nerve centres, which are to the whole body what the mainspring of the watch is to every other part of the timepiece. Science has made perfectly clear that the troubles that affect the individual organs of the body, have their seat in these nerve centres, so, without any wasteful experimenting, South Amer- ican Nervine reaches out to the seat of the difficulty, and straightening out what is wrong there heals the whole body. Listen to what Mrs. H. Russell, Wingate, writes on this point: "1 have used several bottles of South American, Nervine Tonic, and will say, I consider it the best medicine in the world. I believe it saved the lives of two of my children. They were down, and nothing ap- peared to do them any good unth. I procured this remedy. It was very surprising how rapidly both improved on its use. I don't allow myself to be without some of it in my house'. I recommend the medicine to all my neighbors." It will certainly grant new life to all who are delicate, whether young, middle-aged, or old. Do not worry along with ill health, but dispel it, and brighten your lives by the immediate use of South Amer- ica,n Nervine. C. LTJTZ 'Sole -Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter. WICKETT, Crediton Drug Store, Agent As many good things are likely to. But you are safe in running the risk if you keep a bottle of Perry Davis' PAIN KILLER at hand. It's a never -falling antidote for pains of all sorts. Sold by all Druggists. teasnoon‘mumpoimusammiturful lc a hail glass ot water or milk (warra11t0hVtilltBt3 --41X04%.