HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-6-6, Page 1• *VOL XXII. NO, 37, HURON MIDDLESEX at 'LE' 'EXETER,ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING-, JUNE 0, 1895 ni WOODHAM, Hot, hotter, Hottest -but this store can contribute in no small degree to your comfort in cool things to wear, sush as -Sum= -Summit U NDERWEAR, -SUMMER GLOVES, ..--.SUMMER. DRESS GOODS, -Sutures. COATS, -and this week we cater to just such demands as these from our fine stock of fresh, new and seas- onable lines -the ready cash gets for us what we want at the closest cost -we have a uniform profit, liveable but not exorbit- ant -and past experience teach- . -es that it pays to GET IT AT FORD'S. Come and inspect our elegant display of Hats and Bonnets, suit- able for summer wear. If you - ;buy y6ur .Etat ready trimmed or only parchase the shape, you havdctisfa.ction eithdr way. B, FORD cfc CO. „Boryeeino POR 0 VEIt 30 YEens-TRIED EVERYTEIG AND EMPLOYED Two or THREE DOCTORS. afavell known farmer sap: Lot 22, "TherelO, Towuship. Wells:red P. 0.,- • "'o over 30 yeara my wife had been a • sufferer from most dreadful hcedaohes ,• at times they were so bad she could neither $d nor lie down but her head seamed as if la would split. She tried everything she could her of and was attended by two or •three doctors, but could not find veliet until we got Start's Powders for headache, biliousness, costiveness, neuralgia and the liver. Since then she has been free from suffering, and any tendency to pain Stark's Powders remove immediately. They are • the only medicine she ever got that has been of benefit."--JOUNATUAN PAGE. Priee 25c a box, 5 Imes $L at all medi- cine dealers. Mee, immeliate and per- menent, 1St 4 The people of Betties la owe thanks to Kr. 0. W. Holman for his efforts in se, curing them a post office, to be called •"Hurondale." A. HCninnielere -Far. About Hood's' Sarsaparills,--it expels bad humor and oreatee good humor A battle for blood is what Hoods Sarsaparilla vigorously fights, and it is always victori- ous in expelling foul taints and giving the vital fiaid the quality and quantity of per, feat health. it cures scrofula salt rheum boils and other blood diseasee. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly .and efficiently on the boatels and liver. 25c. EPUMIMATISM DIIEED IN A DAL -South .Amerioan Rheumatic Care, for Rheumatism •,and Neuralgia, radieally cures in 1 to 8 days, Its action upon the system is remark. able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease imme.lietely dis aPPears. The first dose greatly benefit - .475 cents. Soli by 0. Lutz, Druggist. Ss. aerreeteeteeemaetsaaaa .teri.weww.w=stew - They are Coming in to see'the-famous BICYCLES You Nevep Get Left When You Invest in a BICYCLE That , l'Ve Handle. Quality tells the story, And figures seldom he, You'll always be in glory, If from us you buy He who hesitates is lost, Then hoditate nomore,l But go atonee to Maiti.st„ To 'BROWNING St PlellaWSON'S Store, Where you got the eheapest Bicyeles • and Biqa() Sundries', Browning 84 Ferguson. yllic 0104 Eleetrie IHOUS Tetle° 110 tee te P ' E Zurich. Bitiers.-Mise Edith Steinbach, who has been teaching music in Detroit, has returned home,- Misses Jennie Rea and Emma Wells gave a concert in the town hall on Wednesday evening. The hall was fairly well filled and the enter- tainment was a good one. -The wife of Archibald Benedict presented her hue - band with a booming baby girl recent- ly. ---The pathmasters are busy repair- ing the sidewallts.-Mr. Johu Galster moves to Exeter is week to take the foremanship of the flax mill there. Mr. Henry Fink of Exeter, will move to Zurich and engage as foreman for the new flax mill company, Dr: Campbell will move into Mr. John Galster's house. Friencls from Logan are visiting at Mr. John Decherd. -Mr. P. Lamont is giving his house a coat of paint, getting the cage readywe preemie°. Wo dh.anct BRIEFS.-Pionios and S, S. anniver- saries are now the order of the day -- Mr. Robt. Edwards resumed his place as superintendent of the S. S. last Sun- day for the first tines since Ins illness. -Rev. Mr. Birks and Mr. S. Ford have left for Strathroy wheee they will attend the Methodist/ Conference that is being held there.---"& large party of young peeple from this vicinity intend taking a trip to the Grand Bend on Saturday next -Miss Dixon of St. Marys, returned home on. Monday after spending a few days with friends 1n the villaem.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cockram, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at Mr. W. Stephen's. • DRESS MAMIE, We have made a special out rate in prices for the month of Jared jest look at this : ' Wrappers • for 75c. • Print Dresses $1 00 Best Dresses 1 50 and all other kinds of sewing in propor- tion. Give us a call a,nd judge for your- selves. Shop : In Ur. DIcKernan's house across trone the Grist Mill. The Missns ALWA.Y' Woodham, Ont. Orediton. • Bares's.- Mrs. H. Welder of Prestou, is visiting her sistere Mrs. Mat. Winer. .-Mr. Daniel Sweitzer has gone to De- troit to take some more sulphur baths for eh eumatism.-The boys have started, pitching quoits and would like to have a game with some of the neighboring towns -A number of over sports spedb Monday at Greirnd Bend. , They repoit having had a good time. -Miss Allie Eilber is visiting her Sister, 'Mrs. E. Scott, in Philadelphia, Pa. -Mr. C. Z wicker spent Sunday at home. -Miss Ida Winer, of Seaforth,is home visiting for a few weeks Ulmer Excionsiorr. •- On Tuesday next there will be a cheap excursion to Port Huron from stations along the London, Huron ts Bruce, south of Clinton. R will be run under the auspices of the Maccabees and Forest- ers of Orecliton. This being the anni- versary of the &Iambs° Order there will be excursions run to Port Huron from all parts of Ontarioand the United States. There wildalso be excursions on the St. Clair River. This vvill be the exeuraion of the season and an op- portunity ofalifebime to visit lithe hole in the around." Fare from Centralia 95c. See small billafor time table, etc. (•) I Dashwood. Beiees.-Ddrs. Shettler, attendecl the funeral of her mother in Hullett township lase week. The deceased, Mrs. James Scott, was born in the County of Northumberland, 80 years ago, close bo the Scottish border. Arriv- ing in Canada she for a short time re- sided in the township of Dumfries. Forty years ago she and her late hus- band moved to the 13th:concession:of Hallett where she has since resided. Mr. Scott died 13 years ago. She leaves a ftmily of eight children. -The sale of the Ball estate took place on Wed- nesday last. The attendance was large though bidding was not very brisk. The furniture and undertaking business, and premives were sold to Messrs Hoff- man, step sons of the deceased for $2, 600 while the 25 acres of land north of tha village was sold to Messrs Willert and Calfass for $1,100. The Jersey cow was purchased by Mr. Wm. Bawden. The estate will pay about 85 cents on the weether last week was very hot and dry and had alai -lost stopped things from growing,but the rain we had on Tuesday night did a greet deal of good. --Mr. John G. Soldan is making preparations to move to Pigeon,Mach., where he has purchas- ed a jewelry shop. Mr. Solclan will be missed very much as he has bison a good rnethanic.--Mr. Chas Linderfield has gone on a visit to Detroit. -Mr. Frank Litt, of Sebringville, is again in the employ of Mr, G. Kaerchere-Miss S. Boyes of Stanley. is visibing 'at J. Weido's at presenb.-Geo. Kellerman was in London on business on Wednes- day NBC -Miss LauraKibler of Zurich, is spending this week with Mrs, Wurtz. --The semi..annual business meeting of the Y. P. A. was held on Thursday night last when the following officers were elected ; -President, John Grob ; Vice-Presidenh, Mary Snell ; Record- ing Secretary, Thee, Snell ; Corree ponding Secretary, Adam Birk 'Prase- urer, Ed. Brokenshire ; LibrariareJohn Fenn ; Organist, Fanny Snell. Tun Lewes, The pleerant effect and poled safety with which ladies may use the Cieliforma liqtiid laxative, Syrup of riga, wider all conditiond makes it their feeorite remedy. To get the true and &ermine arthie, look for tee Devine of the California Fig Syrup Co., panted neer the bottom of the peek - age, Kirkton, , Bunted -The Presbyterian S. S. is maldng preparations for their tea meet- ing on bho 17th inst.-Rev. Aldan Tufts and Miss Eliza 3. Kirk left legit week for Manitoba. -Miss Nellie Shier is under Dr.Ferguson's cade at present. -Mr. Geo. Harrah erected an addition to his barn on Friday. afternoon last. In the course of its erection Robert • Fletcher and James Tufts received several injuries, Win ohelSea. ---- „en Sonooe Itneortee-The bellowing is a aorreet report of the etancling of the pupils in S, S. No. 6 Usborne for the month of Maya The names are in order. of merit. Senior department.-V-Eith Turnbull, Winfred Couplet:id, Aggie Hunt. er ;-Sr. IV --Herman Kyle, Fradklin Delbridge, George Godbolt ;-Jr, IV - John Coupland, JdIls Oamm ;-Sr. III - Ethel Godbolt, Leslie Robinson, Mabel Coupland ; Jr. III -Annie Brimmeoombe, Jennie Berrybill, Linda Miners. Number on roll 55, average attendance 34. junior department -Sr. • 1I -Laura Sleamon, May Hawkins, Edward Johns ;-Jr. II- Gertie Miller, Birtle Francis, Pearl Spicer, -Sr. Pe II --11a .Delbridge, Milton Sloe, mon. Mabel Sawyer ;--jr. Pt. Il -Nellie Nixon, Jessie Couplend, LOUIS Wood ;--Sr. Pt I-Ad,a Brimmacombe, Garnet Kiiiers, Charles Godbolt ;-Jr Pb. I --Ida Frank Briminacombe, Edward Cloward% Number on roll 37, average attendauce,29. • Jotter A. GREG087Teachers, ,1 ELLA E. Heens, • .0- 4 •direenway. Barnes -Master Thomas Stinson' and his mother, of Bairdeld, visited W. J. Wilson and other friends here last week. -Mr. John Sherritb, Deputy - Reeve of Stephen, is attending County • Council in Goderith this week. -Rev. J. H. Chant, W. 3, Wilson and R. L. Wilson and wife ere attending the Methodist Conference at Strathroy They will not be home until next week. -Mr. Henry Bettrarn and Miss Chris - term Wickett were married last week at the residence of the bride's father. - Mrs. J. Foster, sr., fell and hurt her • side last Monday. She is improving under the care of Dr. Caw. -Mr. W. T. Ulens has sold a driving horse to Mr. White, of Exeter --Mr. John MC - Gregor was very happily surprised by a visit from several friends from the County of Elgin. Adrangernents are being made to'hold the annual Sabbath. School picnic some Ulna next week. - Mr. W. Prome visited elr.*J. T. Wil. son last Monday. • Usborne OD/TuARY.-It beaomes our painful duty to record the death of one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Usborne, in the person of bhe late Leonard Hunter. Death under all circumstances is sad,but when it strikes down suddenly without a moment's warning the head of a household, it becomes doubly sorrowful. Mr. Hunt- er had been in the enjoyment of his usual health, but on &endear evening - lest complained of a slight pain in the breasb and in a few moments thereafter lie was a corpse. Deceased wasa native of la estmorland,England, and etnigrat• ed. to this country when but a mere lad - Settling in Deborne he gradually rose into prominence as a farmer and stdck breeder and was for.a number of years a member of the Usborne council, fill- ing both the position of deputy -reeve and reeve for a number of years., At the time of his death and for a number of years previous he was a prominent member of the agricultural societies of _Huron, a position whith his wide ex- perience aud good judgment well qualified him to fill. He was one of the representatives this year of South Huron at the Western Fair Board of Directors, and a member of the Usborne Board of Heelth. A man of sterling qualities and kindly disposition his place wdl be hard to fill in the coin- munity and his sudden death has cast a gloom- over the neighborhood. Deceas- ed was a member of the Methodist Church and was 68 years, 4 menthe of age. The funeral took place on Tues- day of this week and was largely attended, the remains being itterred in the Exeter cemetery. Body Rested, Mind a,t Ease. That is whal it is when travelling on the fast traine of the Ohicago, Milwaukee •& St. Pane Rainvny; besides there is no chenge to "hick," for the accommodations are up to date, the trains keep moving • right:along and get there on time. These lines thoroughly cover the territory between Chicago, La Crosse, Si. Pant, Minneapolis, Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Sioux City, Yankton, domicil Bluffs, Omaha and Norbhern Miehigan, All the principal cities and towns in that territory are restelaed by the ',St. Paul" •lilies, conueet- ing itt Sl Pal, Council Bluffs and Omana with all lines for p >bits in the far west, Write to A. 3. Taylor, Canadian Paseenger Agent, 87 York Street, Toronto, Ont.. for one of their new map time tables and a brochure giving a deaoription of the Oempartment Sleeping Oat% Tickets fureished by airy coupe ticket agent in tbe United States and remade. The flout dining ears in the waters are run on. the solid yeetibuled, electric lighted and steam handl trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee (Ft St. Paul 'Railway, laueumatiset Omen, Rheumatism is mural by ladle acid in the blood attaelting the fibrous tieSUO3 of thejoints. • Peep yenr blood pure and heelthy and you will not baye rbeureatism Hood's Sareaperilla Rives the blood vitality End tiO1lh088 and tones the whole' body, neutralizethe acridity of the Weed and thus cures rheumatism , Hood's Pillo aro the best after dinner pied, assist digestion, °area beade.ohe. A true bill Ind beet weaved agoinet John (trent, charged with tee theft of 05,000 froth the expreill •cempleny a Cdt Parkhill , Ti statien. Stephen. SOROOL IllimoRT. -The f011ovving is a report of S..S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of May. 'tee names are in order of merit i-ar, IV -Fred. Sanders, Hattie Sweet, Henry Beaver; TV--Geo.Bagabaw,hrennan Beaver, Geo, Sanders, Clara Staelake. Sane .Jory 5r. I1 -Eddie Reayer, Luther Penhale, Daniel Sanders ; sr, II -- Denton Sweet, Norah Sanders, Mary Sanders jr. Stella penetne, Mitrshall.Box ;jr. pt. li-eLauny Ford, Herbie Ford, Arm Penale, ltby Parsons. Best speller in III and IV classes, Hattie Sweet ; best speller inclass- es' Mary Sanders. idumber of names onroll 48, Average attendance 40.18. •W, B. BAGSBAW, teacher. Us borne CoUtloil. e The council met as a Court of Re vision on the let inst. All the naeni- bers were preeent and duly sworn. On motion alf R. Gardiner, seconded by J. Hunter, T. M. Kay was appoint - d cbairrnen • The following changes were• wade in the Asaessment Roll ;- • John Rovvoliffe, • sr., assessed, as owner of Sd 11, eon. 4, and Sk 9, con. 5; Wm. Badden, as owner of parts 14 • and 15, con. 1, and W11- 15, con. 2, • and John Willis as tenant of the same: John Treble assessed to owner of part 14, con. 1, instead of T. Willis ; Alex. Meath) assessed as owner of Ni 14, con. 3, and part 14, con. 4 insteed of Wesley Welsh struck off ; Henry' 001- beit owner of part 8, S. W. B., instead of tenant e Geo. Lingard as joint ovener lotE, con. 8, iustead of house- holder ; • John Essely's •and Thos. Hawkin's dog aseesismients struck off. The following naraes vvere added to the roll :- Richard Colbert, tenant, part Leon. 1 • William Colbert owner part 8, S. W. B. ; Wellington Amy lot 8, con. 2, M. F. ; John Williams lot 23, con. 2, M. F. ;David Rowell& SI, 11, con. 4, Bi 9, con. 5, tenant. On motion the above changes and additions were confirmed and the court adjourned. The council met immediately after the Court adjourned. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. * Gardiner-fiunter--That the Assess- ment Roll for 1895 as revise -1 be accepted, and an order drawn on the treasurer for the Assessor's salary. -Carried: • Delbridge-G-ardihee=- That Enos Cook be appointed pathmaster of statutelabor division No.5, 8. E. W., instead of W. Turnbull, resigned. - Carried. By law No. 3, 1895, was then read. -Keddy-Hunter-That bylaw No. 3, 1895. as now read be adopted. On motion of J. Hunter seconded by R. Gardiner, the council adjourned to meet nein Saturday, July 61h, at 1 P • m• School trustees are requested to be prompt in sending in •their annual levies, and pathmasters in returning their lists. G. W. Readmit, Clerk. •••-•••-•-•••••0 • ip • Bethesda. --- Bnisys,...._Scarletina is prevalent in this section and the school is lesdlY thinned out as a result. -The trustees of the school have the material on the ground to veneer the school house during the helidays. It has also been decided to put a base- meut under it at the same time. This is a step in the right airection anci the people will never regret it especially, as it is very probable di the near future all schools will be heated by furnitees,-Mr. • G. W. Holman, re- ceived both telegram and letter from Ottawa last week stating that the requent for a nevv post office had been granted. It will be known as Huron - dale, there being already a post office L° Ontario by the name of Bethesda. The new post office will be located at Mr. John Derns and that gentle- man has consented to become post - mister. Arrangenaente are • almost completed for carrying the, mail and by Donainioa Day we expect every-- thrhg will be in running order. By the newairangementLutnley will re- ceive a daily 'instead et it tri weekly servtee and Hurondale a daily mail, with less weekly mileage of travel than .by the old routes. The juseice of the request can he readily • estimated vvhert it is known that it has only taken about three months to mooeifl. plish the vvhole matter, hue those having the matter in hand pushed tbe elram with energy, hence the speedy result.- A game of foot ball was played on the Hurondalegroundidliere on Friday evening between our club and what wall supposed to be Francis - town, a north Exeter club, but which Waled out to be a picked team from two or three clubs in and around Exeter. The result Was 2 to 1 in favor of the pinked team, but no doubt the score would have been the reverse had it not been for the ctleseace, through the death of a near relative, of • three of our beat players. As it Was it vvas a hotly contested game throughout, and one of the visitors did not rely upon his-prowees ase foot ball arteet but ettempted to get in a little Sula, Van tactics, and was Waked to stand aside as a spectator for his pains. Aside from this little scrap eyerything peened off welt and we hope to sons see h return matcla rind the score. re - Versed, Our boys cattina the score a tie as they Ray the fired goal by the visitors was a ilake,-We regret to announce the death et Mr, Wtia. Wood of lot 34, ben, 4, Which sad event took place on Thuile:lay. The Where', Whir% wai very largid took place on Saturday and the rentable were inter- red in the toclgertille cernetlitsg I eoeased lead not been in good health during the paet winter and an attack of typhoid fever proved too touch for his already 110w-b1ed frame. He leayes a wife awl a family of small children to mourn his loss, I3,ewas 35 yeare of age. flensall Following are the market q9usol olitatiool : Wbeat Barley 45 to 50 Oets Peas „.. ,,,,,,, ........ 65 to 75 Play 6,00 to 7.50 Batter, , ... to 12 Ego.. .... 9 to 9 Ridee have adTanced 100 per cont. and so have boots & Oleos, but A, Weselea is able to sell boots & shoes oath° ell prairie as he had it large stook bought before the rise thug giving hie customers the benefit, and will sell at the old prioes for ()ash until further notice. me nf the special bargains he la offering in It will pay youat.oweEasuE at onus and sent° so sudiner foot weer IODITOE TIERS. L011. Hops/al. Ont. "'understand that s01320 of your readers are accusing me of writing the item headed "Political Meeting" which appeared inyour paper under tho Hansen news. and I take this opportunity of stating emphatically that I clid not write it nor had I anything to do with it in any shave orforro. A. WESETIOH. [We substantiatethe above. ED. TOLES.] BitlErS. --The anniversary of' Canad- ian Forestry wss celebrated in this village Sunday afternoon with 5 par- ade to church. Notwithstanding •the extreme heat, the brethren turned out strong. The parade was formed eit2.30 o'clock, the Exeter and Varna courts sending large contingents. At tbe churoh there' was a good turnout of citizen!, but not so large as might luxe been but for the extreme heat. Rev. J. S Henderson, pastor of the church, preached an able sermon, as is his custom, the theme being love as embodied in practical benevolence. The need of love was world wide. It was othe common lot of humanity to suffer, and to alleviate these wide- spread ills and wants was a work of love. Love, • as practised by the societies, brought one into the best and noblest of company. In other ways societies such as Canadian For- esters were accomplishing a needed and grand work. Court Ivy Green are to be complimented upop the success ot the affair. -Mr John Graybel, of Dashwood, visited at Mr John Pope's, last Sunday. -Mr Geo edoEwen, Reeve of Hay township, left on •Tuesday morning for Godench to attend the County Council.- -Business is somewhat improved in our village since the refreshing shower of rain on Tires:lay night. --The furieral of the late William Wood, took place from his late resi- dence on the 41h concession ot Us - borne, on Saturday at 2 o'clock id ra„ for the Rodgerville cemetery. It was one of the largest funerals that has taken place for some time, as there were upwards of one hundred vehi- cles. The funeral services were con- ducted by Rev J S Henderson, as de- ceased was q member of his church. - Mr Wm McNaughton, of Brussels, has been engaged by Mr J 0 Stoneman to run Ws business, during his absence for a week. -Mr Richard (load, of the tirm of Coati & Rennie, is at present confined to his bed. -Mrs J T Wren left last Saturday for Thainesville, on her W5 o Keewatin, where Mr Wren Is teacbing school. Quite' a number were at the station to bid her good bye. -Mrs (Rev) J 5 Cook, of Granton, was the guest ot Mrs E Ranaie, on Saturday, -Mr J °Stoneman left Sat- urday on a visit to Lambeth,- he is also going toitrathroy as a lay dole - gate to attend Conference.-Reys. Messrs Swan and Walker left on Mon- day for Strathroy to attend Confer- ence. -Messrs Ed Bossenbedry and Henry Wing, of Zurieh, were ie our vileage on Tuesday, on their way to the New Hamburg horse races. -Rev. dr Cosens and family, ot Walton, were visiting et Mrs Wm Colwill's on Monday and Tuesday. -Mr Granger, of Bayfield, was in town on fuesday On business -A very pleasant time was spent at the residence of Mr Robert Stewart, Roclgerville, on Tuesday after- noon, the occasion being the marriage of Ms daughter to Mr Win Elder, of Tuckersmith. The nuptial knot was tied by Rey J. 8 Elendersoo. 'rhe presents were numerous and cosily, and everything passed off very pleas. antly.-Mr Thos Murdock, wife and daughter, Miss Martha Hunter, Mrs Lammie and Mrs Sinion Huntedattend: ed the funeral of eers 'Murdock's father, Mr Leonard Hunter, in Usborne on Tuesday afternoon -Mr Robert Ellis cipent last Sunday in Goderich.- One day last week while John E mcDonell, was lifting a gas pipe, he slipped and the pipe tell or) his toe bruising it so severely that he had to U40 crutches for a day or two -MrVincent Sohn:taus left on Saturday for Paris, where he has secured a situa-Mr, Garnet Sinallacombe bits started to learn the ,tioti art of printing in the Hensall Obser- ver office, -A company of men from Mitchell landed in our town last Fri- day with t he "Merry5o Round" and intend stayiug this week. -The neteuel pionic of Cermet Presbyterien Sunday School take e place tonitiy, (Thursday,) at Taylor's • Grove, ----The District Meeting of the IC 0 F will take place her on Friday, June 14th, when Visiting brethren Are expeoted from Gee -feriae Ofietore Seaforth, Exeter and Brueefietd. A contest or team work is to take place between Carnets and Hensall, and a real good time is anticipated, A Toronto dispatch says that it is not probable that the Deputy Attor- ney -General will granttheapplication for a new trial in thecaso of the Iiendershot murder.• . • X. W. Smiley, a Brussels merchant, was married in Toronto' on Monday to Bva May, daughter of Mret, Dens- more, 50 Wellington Place, and sister of Trove Dr. Deresmos'e, 'Kansas _ _ (YQ/IN SONS rablisbers and Propirlotorts , •E SAL sriaza., BOOMING We have moved the balance 01 our stock Back to our own Store •which is now restored to its usual condition, if anything, nicer. The stock moved back is by 'far the best part of it, and having added some new fresh goods by way of sorting, the whole will be sold at fire prices. Nice Fresh Groceries Kept constantly on hand and sold to cover cost, thus keeping pace in cheapness with damaged goods. 'Remember this Sale is for CASH, or Eggs and Butter a Cash Prices. •• MARK.ET DEPOT'. T., P_ JER,OSS. The Methodist Church. eator. No on Roll, 80; average attend- ance, '70 Mess E, Wernmen, Teldher. Room ve.-Sr II, Merle Gould, Nina Carling, Harry Huston, Louise 'Carling, May Newton. Jr II, Ruby Treble, Deily Dickson, Ethel Armstrong, Della Treble, Lottie Elliot, No on Roll, 74; average attendance, 66. Miss H. PaeNcer,e, Teacher. • Room vu. -Sr 11, Gertie Johnston, Percy Westaway, Ruby Davidson, Minnie Brown. Jr T.I, Fred Jeokell, Laura Towle, Porey Wood, Annie Brown No on Roll, 81; average attendance, 60. • • Mess A. V. Jeckell, reacher, Officers elect for the corning terra of office, inthe Royal Tempters of Tem- • perance, of Exeter, are :-Select Coun- cillor; Bro Geo Penhale; Vice Coun- • cillor, Sis Clara Vesper; Herialn, Bro Sidney Davis; Assistaut Herald, Sis E T Johns; Recording Secretary, leis A Vin- cent; Financial Secretary, Sis M. E Gill; Chaplain, Bro Et Nelson; Guard, Bro John Oudmore; Sentinel, Bro Thos Daw; Treasurer, Bro Peter Frayed; Past Councillor, Bro Peter Frayne; Organist, Sis A Gregory. K. D. 0. Pills tone and regulate the bowels. The Stationing Committee of the London Conference of the Methodist Church met Monday evening in Strath- roy. • This is the first meeting under the new arrangement of conference. Six districts which iormerly belotiged to the Guelph Conference are now in: eorporated with tbe London, viz. Strat: ford, St Marys, Goderich, Kincardine, Winglaana and Listowel. This largely increases the size end strength of the conference; and also increases the d ,fficulties of the S tationing Com mittee as both the neon and circuits are to some extent strangers to one another. A proposition to change the bound: aries ot the Granton circuit was laid on the table. - Changes asked for the boundaries of Londesborough circuit were made. • Jackson appointment was transfer' • red from Dlyth toWalton. Committee we get the following dis• trirorrso:m the first draft of the stationing Wingham, Gorham A Gafford, Pb D; leesevvrter, Alex Birks, B A; Wroxeter e Wesley E Kerr; Brussels, Geo if Cobbledick hi A B D; Walton, R W Londesboro, hiugh J Fair; W J Ashton; Blyth, teeorge Buggin; Auburn, Wm Baugh; Bel: grave, Edward •A. Shaw, Bluevale, D Rogers. Win A Smith, college. St Marys, Andrew Cunningham; Granton, Jos S Cook B D, Ph D Ducar; Ed win A 60WD, B .D; Ailsa Craig, Walter Ayers; Kirktora, Thomas Sowdeo; Woodham John Kennedy, B D; Nissouri, R Hosking; Thames: ford, Harvey D Moyer. Stratford Central, George F Salton, PhD; Waterloo st. eet, Jos Ward, B D: MitcheldeVen D D; Monk ton, A. MC - Kibboia: Staffa, John Kenner; Fullerton, Josiah Greene, Ei _E Kerr- ingtond Harmony, Nathaniel S Bu : wash: Emb o, E Kershaw. Godericb,NoitleStreet, Joseph Edge Victoria Street, Henry Irvine: Clinton; -Rattenbu y Street, Toe W Holmes: Ontario Street, 3 Mille; Seaforth, Bond; Holmesville, ti Moss; Bay field, P W Jones; Varna, Webster W Leech (Henna), Francis:Swann, Wilson; Kippen, Jag, Walker; Dungan- non, 0 Edmonds, B D; Nile, J W Pring; Bentnillor, E Olivanb. Exeter, Main Street, 11 W Locke?! James Street, George Jackson. Park: hill, 5 B Foid•Elimville T B Coupland: Ocentiania, W E Butt; thediton, Jos Deacon; Bir, T Blatchford, /3 A; Bryanston, 3 H Ki klana; Sylvan, Hest; Grand Bend, Chant, B Clement, goes to London west; Wm d'enhall, St Johns; Id Iledmond to Westminister, Jasper Wilson to Strath: roy; A. L Ruasell to WiMISOr; ESSGX, W S Pascoe: Kingsville Rev McDonagh; Pelee 'Blend, 3 A Snell: A Barker goes to Napinee. Exeter Pibac School. -- -- ROOM r. -Sr V, Alex Martin, Elsie McCallum, Russell Hicks, Ernest Gregory, Frank Lute:, Barton Elooper. Jr V, Stella Gregory, Eddie Eacretb, Victorie Bagshaw, Francis Fish, Ida Ferguson, Warren Ross. No ou Roll, 41; avenge Attendance, 34, T. J. Lomenand, Teacher, Room en -Sr IV, Eva Browning, lElarvey Dignan, Charlotte Peterson, Bhocla Handford, Frecl Sweet, Herbert Ford. Jr IV, Clara Farison, May Thomas, Lida guano, Etta Gillespie, Mary Heideman, Maggie (late!, No on Roll, 40; average abtendanco, 38. Mess 0. Vosrea; Teacher. Room in. -Sr III, ,NTay Armstrong, Coleman Monet); Olive Treble, Henry Gould, Violet Willis, 'Prank Reds Jr 111, Willie Muir, Carrie Dyer, Shirley. 13olner, Dottie Hyndman' Nettie Wale tore, Veroy Heady. Noon Roll, 54; average attendance, 45. M/SS A. E. GREGORY, Teacher. Room evr.-Sr III, Alvin dohbston, Niel vine Flowey, Mamie Fenson, George Senders, Dan Renate, Flossie Snell. Jr: III, Cera McPherson, Ntirmen, Bern, Mervyn Huston, Frank Taylor, el °nye) Hicks, Jarnea 'Balsam No on RON, 52, everage attendance, 46. MISS n, Gut, Teethed Iteiose v, -Sr 11, Herbie Gregory, *Tenni° Murray. (Tefiaie Cameron, Sandy Bawler', Millie Martin, Athie Mode- m)), r LT, Willie nettray, Newcombe, Thomas Luskin) erbert H • Idea et lan GET TEE BEST. The piddle are too iirelligent to purchase a worthless aridele asenind time, on the contrary they want the best 1 •Physicians are virtually unanimous in saying Siortar Emulsion is the best form ot Ood Liver Oil You Don z Have to Swear off. Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricule, ture in an editorial about No -To -Bae, the famous tobacoo habit cure. "We know of many cases cured by No-TowBac, one a prominent St Louis architect, smoked, and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of to - beers° makes him sick." No -To -Bac sell and guaranteed, no cure no pay- Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 St. Paul SI., Montreal. • The Misses Ahvay, dress -makers of Woodharn have redaced their prices as fatiowe for the month of -Tune:-Wranners 75cl Print dresses, eta; Best dresses 31.50. Ali kinds et tailoring done at equally low pricee Ex- perienced in the art, perfect satisfaction is guaranteed. ' . DOB/111.11C , tee DIAMOND DYES are the great favorites with the ladies for home dyeing. Why they are Popular. They are the easiest to use ; they give the brightest colors; they make deters that last till dm goods are worn out ; the colors never crock or fade, arid will stand soap and washing. Ask your dealer for the " Dimmer:le"; ace fuse imitatioes. Sold everywhere, trirDirectiou Book and forty samples of Voloruct cloth free, VELLs & IticitaxiosoW 00., Meutreal, p.9,4 =RION 1)ost Office St or& WE ARE SELLING Flannelette Shirts for Four pair Men's Socks for Three pair Ladies' Hose for Ladies' Vests each 25d. 26c, Anther fresh stock at BOOTS SHOES to ha.ncl this week. Try as tor PENCE WIRE We can give you pric.es as clipap 21,s the chear.:st. OOL W4NTlD ..