HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-23, Page 17. -•Ar•
.101111 War= et 00148
Pnestirinetre and nteoprIeteris
'Would gladly keep on talking
A of the success that has attended
But this week must give space
to other branches of our busi-
ness, and remind you that we
have for sale at lowest prices
The Celebrated Mammoth
Southern Sweet Ensilage Corn.
Turnip•Seedin different var-
Fence Wire and Screen Wire.
Wall Papers and Window
Special Bargains in Crockery
and Glassware.
Big Assortment of Boots &
Now is the time to lay in
your supply of sugar for the
.summer. Come and get our
N, B. -We are still paying top price
;fon,Butter, Eggs, &c.
R. B, FORD & CO.
BRIBPS.-Mr, Alex. Campbell is
lying sinek from a severe attack of in-
ilammatpite. Mrs. Gorle is improving.
--The severe frosts of last week have
seriously damned the fruit and early
vegetables .---Meesrs Sperr and Mc-
Lachlan, contractors, will soon have
the bridge across the Sauble here
-ready far traffic, and will be a substanb-
ial sdeueture when completed, -The
Rev. P. Scott is so far recovered as to
be able to fill his appointments again, -
The Young People,s society was largely
attended Sunday evening. The shbject
was ably introduced .by Miss Kate
MoKaig and. Mr. D. Parke.
BRIEPS.-The recent frosts have
made sad work among the fruits and
grain in this neighborhood. -We are
pleased. to learn that Mr. Robt. Ed-
wards is getting around again. It is
now nearly three months since he has
been able to attend to his business in
the mill: -Great preparations are being
made far the S. b. anniversary trbe
held here on the Queen's birthday.
The '.Columbian Flats Drill" given by
sixteen young ladies is a new feature
and promises to be well worth seeing,
-Large crowds attended. the services
on Sunday. Miss Williams preached
morning and evening, and addressed
the children in the afternoon. -Mr.
John Stewart has erected on his prop-
erty a nice, neat stable and driving
shed.- Mr. Joseph Pegler had a large
quantity of newly made tile totally
desbroyecl on Monday night by the
severe frost. -Mrs. (Rev.) E. A. Fear,
Holmeaville, is visiting at Mr. Robe.
Edwards: -Rev. 'Mr. Birks and Mr. 8,
Ford attended the District Meeting in
Ailsa Craig last week,
Weenies CoreesterAtrExvosiTrokt.
Will be of value to the world by illus-
trating the improvemepts in the meehan-
ioal arts and eminent physicians will tel
you that the products in medicinal agents
have been of equal importance, and as a
strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs
Six far in advance of all others.
leeedippe weakens digeation use D. K. 0
They are Coming in
to see the famous
,You NNW Get Left When You
Invest in a BICYCLE That
We Handle.
nuelity tells the story,
- And figures seldom lie,
You'll always be in glory,
If from us you buy;
I.te who hesitates is lost,
Then hesitate no more,
13u1 go at once to •
yoti get the °heaped Bicycle
ana Bicycle Sundries.
Browning & Ferguson.
Eidycies. Electric BellSt Tele,
Ithone, Ete,
Perth Coanty Notes.
Mr. M. Kelly, If the central road,
Hibbert, sees unfortunate enough to get his
leg broken in a runaway accident oo Tues
day last. He will bo ()endued to his house
for several weeks.
Mr, 1'. P. Harris, postmaster at Gowrie,
had an arm broken last week. He was
driying a team with wagon attached, home
from the Holden farm, when the horses
took fright and ran away.
Puhnonary consarnptiorie in its early
stages, may -be checked by the use of
Ayer's Clherry Patera'. it etops the dis-
tressing cough, soothes irritation ot the
throat aud lungs, and faduees much need-
ed repose," Hundreds lieve testified to
the remarkable virtues of this preparation.
Mrs. Porterfield, of Ellerin 'Perth county,
ran into the Kincardine express the other
day while driving near Listowel. The
horse was killed and the buggy wrecked.
Mrs. Porterfield and child were unhurt,
but Miss Cullen, of Listowel, who was in
the rig, had an arm broken. s
A.ntia Mitigley, of Se Marys'has filed a
petition against her husband, Dr. Jos. E.
Midgley, of Detroit. Dr. Midgley is nod
known in St. Mary, having practised
there some ten or twelve years ago. His
wife claims that he • (simulated rinfoundea
reports about her oharaoter and then left
her, She says he makes $10.000 a year:
Rev Mr. Tully of Ienox church has
decided to give up his charge in Mitchell
and with his family hays left for Peterboro.
where he will take charge of his father's
farm just two miles out the town. Mr
Tully has been for thirteen years pastor of
Knox church here and is deseryedly re'
cognized as one of the ablest clergymen in
the county.
The men of the Methodist ehurob, St.
Marys, gave a conoert a few weeks ago,
and last week the worried gave a similar
one. under the title of a competition
oonoert. The committee of referees de-
cided in favor of the men by two points,
but the women are kicking againt the
decision, strongly maintaining• that their's
oast the men's concert all in the shade.
On elonday last Mr. Robert Barley of
Mitchell met with a painful accident
while riding a bicycle. When about to
pass the alleyway leading to the Hicks
House stebles, he turned in to esoape run-
ning into the bass, but only to find when
too late, the express wagon was close
behind. He was travelling at a good
rice and landed on his head against the
brick wall of the postoffice, receiving two
bad marks on the nose and forehead.
Huron County Notes,.
Mr 1. V. Fear's drug store Seater% Was
broken into on Friday night last, 'when a
quantity of port wine ann othee varieties
of liquor were stolen: , ' •
efr Dan Ross, who ha i be'eu in Dettoit
ever since he underwent a.reeent operation
has returned Y._ me to Stanley. He has
improved very much.
Condactor Crawford, who ran between
Goderich and Stratford during the past
twenty five years, has been removed to
,enether nett of the road,
Mr. D. D. Wilson's sale of thoroughbred
cattle in Seaforth on Wednesday was
largely attended and everything sold well,
cows running from $90 to $250 eteh.
On Monday the 7 year old son of Mr.
J. C. Adams of Hullett, met willa a bad
accideot. While tiding in a waggon he
was accidentally throwa out. breaking his
arm and also dislocating it.
It Is a fortnnete day for a man when he
first disoovers' the value of Ayeres Sarsa-
parilla purifier. With this mediae°, he
knows he has found a remedy upon which
he maw rely, and that his life-long malady
is at last conquered. Has cured others
will cure you.
The centred for the erection of the new
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, wag let on
Monday last. Mr. Broadfoot of Seafortb,
reeeived the contract for the wood work,
and Mr. Guttridge, of Mitchell, the mason
and brick wark, the contract prioo being
e,bont $8,000.
On Thursday evening, the second son
of Mr, Thos. McKenzie, Clinton, had a
narrow escape from serious injury, The
horse he was driving ran away, but he
pluckily held on to the lines; as the horae
plunged into the factory yard, the waggon
struck a post, throwing the youth out, the
wheels passing over him,
Mr. Thorny' Fraser, Secretary of the
South Huron Reform Association, bas
called a Mass lneeting of the Reformers of
the riding as constituted for the Local
Legislature, to be held at Hodgin's Half,
Hensel], on naturday, 'May 25, at 2 o'clock
m. The object of the meeting is to
elect offioers and to transact other im•
portant business.
Death moved oae of the pioneers ot the
McGowan Settlement. on Saturday, in
the person of ter- Geo. McGowan, at the
age of 60 years, Deceascd came to this
county , from Ifalton, with his brothers,
when East Wawanosh was an unbroken
forest, and settled on the 2ndeson., where
he has continued to reside ever since.
It is said that trouble never comes sing:
ly and it certainly seems Irue in regard
to the MoMapus family of Leeburn.
About 8 weeks ago the father passed away,
On Sunday the 5th a telegram cense an:
nouneing the death of a daughter, Mrs.
Wm. Burke, who bas resided for some
years near &limey, New York State.
During the past 18 months four promin
ent measbers of the Clinton council hisve
passed minty, viz. -Messrs. Whitehead,
Chidley, Manning and NIcefurohie; not
only were they prominent meniberg otthe
council, but they were among the most
useful and prominent 'men of the town
Of the original village collee11 there are
only two members now living; these are
Messrs. W. Murray and W. C.Ses.rle.
The death of Reeve MoMurobie of
Clinton creates a vaaanay in the mun-
icipal council that Will be filled before the
meeting of the county council in Rine.
Mr. Xeneedy has resigned the D peter
Reesteship, and will contest the Reeveship,
We are told that at a:meeting hold oft
Wednesday evening. the Couservetivers
deaded that he should, Mr. D. Oentelon
being their obeice for the petition of
deputy. Mr. Kennedy, by reason of his
Orfila° as downy, has a oerteitt claim oti
the higher °Moo, but Mr. Searle, long a
member of the bow:tail, thinks he has ale;
Add garnet that he tem Inky Mi. A. nein:
bar 01 names of posaible oandidates ere
mentioned, in addition to the above,
adtong tbem being Waste F, Macpherson,
W. Jaekaon, S. Plasernee. James eoott, T.
Jackson, sr. and J. W. Irwin.
Last week we made rerereuoe to the
death of Judge Toms, the senior Judge of
the county of Eluron. Ho was a just
Judge, a true friend and a genie1 gentle-
man, and in his death the County of
Huron griffons a severe loss and the Pro-
vincial Bench loses one of its very best
men. He had been ill for about two
weeks, From the titan the seriousness of
the case was noticed by his medical
attendant, Dr. Whitley, and about e week
sinee two enainent medicat experts from
Toronto were °ailed to Goderichfor an
operation and consultation. So weak,
however, had the patient tecome through
inability to take nourishment, that the
intended operation was deferred. From
the time of the departure of the Toronto
medical men until death, there was a
gradual deorease in strength, but as the
loss of vitality was slow and alraoat im•
perceptible, those who were nearest and
dearest to him, and his numerous friends,
still hoped that restoration would gradual-
ly eoine and that his home would not be
a house of mourning. The deceased
Pentlemau mess the youngest man ever
placed MI the barrel: in Carlyle, he having
attalued the eminent position at the age
of 25. The wisdom of 1115 selection at
such an early age has been fatly realized,
for his judicial career has been unusually
brilliaut, his decisions, even in the most
intricate oases, generally bearing the test
of appeal in any court, and then becoming
standards for future euidanoe. In legal
circles the decisions of Judge Toms were
always deemed right, and such was the
reputation attained by his judgments,
that of late years the word apprise seemed
to have passed from the legal vocabulary
in Huron, in cases where he occupied the
bench. Isaac F. Toms was born at Char-
lotteviile, Norfolk county, Ontario, and
was of undoubted Sootch United Empire
Loyalist ancestry, both maternal and
Paternal branches being wholly of that
stock. The deceased studied law as Sim .
coe and Toronto, and moved to Goderioh
in 1860. In1866 he was appointed deputy
judge of Huron and Bruce. On the
separation of the counties he was made
junior judge of Huron county, his appoint-
ment dating from December 1872. The
appointment of Surrogate Judge of the
Maritime court followed in 1879, and that
of County Judge in 1882. Early in life
shewed a partiality for soeieties,and at
his damage was a Knight Templar, a
Royal Arch Mason, a Past Deputy Grand
Master of the Heron Masonic Distriot,
Past Superintendent of Royal Aroh
Masons, a member of Huron Encampment
No. 28, and Huron Lodgeleo. 62, a Past
Grand Representative of both of these
bodies, an offioer of the Goderich branch
of theRoyal Arcanum and treasurer of the
Sons of Sootlend. The deceased married
ins1875 Geergina Charlotte, only surviv-
ing daugbter of the late Dr. John
• George Rosonkin, a distinguished lingaist
andhomeopathist.who originally cams from
Prussia, end miter practising Ln the United
States and Great Britain Enally settled in
Montreal, where he died in 1859. The
surviving members of the family are his
widow, s.nd only daughter, Mess Sibyl.e
Biddulph Council.
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. The reeve and all the members
present. -The foltoveing aecounta were
ordered to be paid :-John Brooks, ennui
Paid for snow shovelling div. 5, 1.5o;
John Wilson, damage to plow opening
road test winter, $2.50 ; Arthur Gibson,
broken plow do 53.00 ; E. Langford, rev.
culvert and shavelling snow div. 5, S. 13.
Moiety, 50c; A. McRoberts, shonelling
snow do 50c: Wm, Dishman, rep. wash-
out, div. 2, $3,00 ; Joha Neil, ditching and
Tile, div. 2, $3.00 ; D. Westnaan, building
culvert, S. B., div.. 5, $2-50 ; A. Gibson,
team ploughing snow, div. 5, $1.50 ; G;
Foster, damages in full for horse which
died, being hurt in defective roma last
winter, $35 00 ; D. Dante V. S., evidence
re -Foster horse, $2.50 ; J. Thompson, 2
days shovelling enow, S. B Moiety, $1.60;
Wm. Carrigan, 22 days at gate, 1894,
$1.00 ; Robe Keefe, 12 days rhovelling
2210W, div; 4, $L50 ; J. Lewin copying
assessment roll, $6.00 ; W. D. Stauley,
expenses re -printing auditor's report,
51.50 ; W. N. Powe, work on rood, div 3,
$2.00 ; Satnes Leisk, platform in front of
township hall, $2 00 ; E. 1.3utler, erecting
water closet at township hall, $5.00 ;
John Bawden, foundation under hall,
$147.00;; Jas. McComb, hardware for hall,
350.-D was deoided to open the Court of
Revision on May 271h next at 10 a. m. -
The court adjonrned to -meet again on
May 27th next at 1 p. m.
Summary from Assessment Roll for
the ToWnship of Biddulph for the year
1895 es -
1895 1894
Total value of every
kindof property $1,213,545 $1,210,995
Total number Doge 280
4 4 Cattle 3317
r, Sheep 1469
‘, Hogs 1198
C Horses 1287
" days labor 2818
population 2112
Church of England 842
Methodists 685
R. Catholics 684
Presbyterians 192
Baptists 9
Cherch of England
R. Catholics
W. D, STINVEIY, Clerk,
Berere.-Mr, Oharlers H. Reid has left
for the old country with a number ef
horses. We wish him,suncess. Mra. Wan
Rathwell, sr., who has been spending the
winter in Toronto with her datighter, bas
returned to her summer residence on
Goshen Line. --Mr. G. Clark, who tare not
been well for some time, we are pleased to
hear is retsovering,-The yery severe frosts
of the past week have left everything in a
blighted condition.
You Don t !lave to Swear off.
Says the St Loiter Journal of nericule
ture in an editorial about I40,Te 'Ban the
famotts tobaboo habit cute. "We know
of many caries cured by No-ToeBae, one,
o premihent St. Louis architeet, smoked
and chewed for twenty years; two beires
cured him so thet even the smell ot to-
bacco trinkets him Welt." IsiosTo-Bao son.
and Atlaranteed, no mire no Pay, Book
Iran, Sterling Remedy Co,, 874 S. Paul
St., Montrsal,
Bonn's.- A verTsa-d -death occurred near
here bunday evening, when the 10 -year-
old sound Itt,. Thomas Vivian, died from
diphtheria. The little fellow was sick for
about three weeks, and at times it was
thought he would recoier, lint lest Sup -
day paralysis of the heart set in, death
followiing in the evening --Au heiress
appeared at Mr. Lorne Butson's last
week. -Mrs. Baird, of Stratford, aud Mrs.
Dann, of Newcastle, were visiting their
sister, Mrs. Chubb, this week. -Mr.
Joseph Izzsrd is busily engaged Oyster-
ing the upstairs of Mr. Sedlere store, -A
questing match is being arrenged between
Staffa and Gowrie for the 21th. These
clubs played last year, and Staffa came
out victorious. -We are sorry to report
that Miss L. Sadler who has been on the
sick fist during the past week is no better.
-Mr. J. Vipond while playing foot ball on
Thursday last fell, fractunng both bones in
his leg. Dr. Wood of Mitchell, was called
and the wounded limb dressed and put in
splintn-Mrs McLaren, of Toronto, arriy-
ad in the village this week, she intends to
stay for a while to assist in taking care of,
her brother-in-law, Mr. Whitson, who
for sometime past has been on the sick
lion -Miss Oliver who has been on tIse sick
list for some time past shows but slight
ingns of improvement. -Grape vines, pots..
toes and other advanced vegetation show
the sad effeots of the late frost. -Oar
cheese fernery commenced operations
Belem -Mr. J untie Doupe returned to
Aylmer on Monday, lase -The Sacrament
of the Lords Supper will be adminietered
in the Presbyterian church next Lord's
Day. -N, I. Boyd of Mitchell formerly of
Kirkton was in town on Sunday late
calling on friends. Newton seemed to be
spending an exceedingly pleasant day
dimple° the chilliness of the weather. -
Casualties for the present week aro above
the average, Master Charlie Our having
broken his nose by running against a snag
echool, G. L. Money was trying to hang
himself by the little finger on a wire nail
and badly lacerated the fiager ID. doiog
so, John Elliotesuccessfully flattened his
finger by placing it under a bent at Mr.
More' s raising last week and allowing the
weight ot bent to come on said finger; and
at the same place a batteredsphisiokbuomy
might have resulted to one who sully
deserved it had. not some who were
desirous to be spared the howls and
execrations that would have followed,
stepped in and prevented the well merited
punishment from taking ply:ie.-Mrs. (Dr)
Ferguson of Blyth Is spending a few days
with her punts of this place. -On
Friday last the spirit fled from Mr, Angus
McCallum at the advanced age of 79 years
and 21 days. Deceased was one of the
oldest settlers in the neighborhood and
was h ighly respected by all who knew
him A large concourse of friends and
relations followed the remains to thou
last resting plaoe on Monitty last to the
Presbyterian Cemetery., The last sad
rites being performed by the Rey. C.
Fletcher M. A. -The Royal Templets of
Temperance held an open meeting in
Aberdeen Hall on Thursday last, a num:
ber of friends from Exeter entertaining the
large audience which had asaembled, and
the Rey. Fletcher el. A„ gave a most
interesting and instruotiye lecture. --
Rev: Looke of Exeter was in the village
on Monday last trying to purchase one of
Mr, J. MoCurdy's celebrated herd of
jersey cattlo.-What might have resulted
in a serious conflagration was stopped at
the nick of time, on Monday last when
Mr. Bert Bryans noticed the roof of his
kitohen starting to burn around the stove
pipe which passes through the roof, There
are too many of this class of fixtures in
the houses of our village and it might
be well if the insurance companies would
enforoe the building of chimneys to all
those wooden structures through which
stove pipes pass in olose proximity to the
wood work.-efr. Denwoody of Stratford
has been engaged by Mr. Richard Hoskin
to fill the important position of baker to
the pharoahoaio hosts in the yioinity.
4•4 .
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat 95 to 98
Barley 40 to 45
Oats 35 to 37
Peas 55 to 100
Hay 6,00 to 7,00
Batter 11 to 12
Eggs. to 9 .
WE LW, OTHERS POLLOW,-.One dollar wil
buy you a good pair of wearing shoes at A.
Wesoloh, eall and eee. As 9011 oats MVO
money by buying your foot wear from him.
troublete show goods. Butter and egas
taken some as cash, Ordered work and re-
pairing done at moderate pAri.eows.nsTuruzoklls.and
valises cheap for oesh.
Bames.-Wheat is 95 cents on the
market with very little offering, although
some of the neighboring farmers have
four years' stook on hand, It is not likely
to reach the $1.00 point. -The frost on
Monday night was the niost severe of the
treason and fruit and garden SASS suffered
destruotion,-A faahlonable party was giv
en by Mr aud Mrs El Arnold oe Tuesday
evening Guests were preeenwtfroema teavar:
bus outside points. -There illb
meeting in the Methodist church on May
241h to celebrate the laying of the corner
stone of the neve Methodist churoh. Ren
Looke of Exeter, will take part, and e hot:
ed harpint ot Oblong° will tender Belem
tions on a $1,000 harp.-Efenry Jacobi,
lately in the employ of 3. C. ClIertseti left
on Mendel, for Manitoba, for the benefit
of his health. Efe has been suffering cent
siderebly of late arid he hopes the ohmage
of climate will improve hie health. -Fritz
Letrsoh, left on Tuesday lot Baden to visit
Iiia petents.--Mr, Henry Deichert of New
Hamburg, heether Of Moe D, Weismiller,
is tisiting friends in add around Rentall,
jno. Olieet, for the past number of years
denied kr Dr Ditarkeid, loft on Monday
for Lotideabore, where he has engaged in
a similar capacity with Dr. Agnew. We
are sorry to lose John, but the people of
Londesboro will find lent A gentleman
in every senses -Dr. Thomption was. in
London on Saturday, while John Pope
vieited the Forest Oity on Tuesday.--Reve
Walker of Kippen ana Swann, of,Hensall,
exchanged pulpita on Sunday morniug
last. -Mrs 3T Wren will visit her sister,
Mrs. Murdock, in Tharneeford, fora few
days prior to leaving for Keewatin-Johe
Gtaybel ef Dashwood, was the guest of his
(Weigh*, Mrs Pope, this week. -A Wes;
eloh hes been indisposed tlae peat meek,
but we are pleased to irony, him at the
helm again, almost at well as ever. -Alex
McKenzie whose accident was recorded
last week, has altnoet recovered from his
injuries, and in a few days expeote to
resume bis labors at the planing rail.—
Messrs Murdock and Weismiller visited
friends in Zenith Sunday. -J B McDonald
and Miss Amy Murdock visited friends in
Ailsa Craig on Sunday, and on their way
homs discovered the Exeter tannery to be
on flee and to whose credit the saving of
the Institution is duo -Mieses efaearthur
and Hoessiok ot Attie Craig are visiting at
Mr. J Maoarthar's at pretent.-Misses Me•
Laughlin, Gidley and Smith of Exeter
spent Tuesday evening the guesta of Miss
Oook.--Mrs Thompson of Ingersoll is
visiting her sister, Mita Carlisle, at
present. --The A 11 aud. A tl and I
0 0 I? societies of the village were re:
Presented at the funeral of the late
Judge Toms. Goderieh on Thursday last,
Messrs D Weisrailler, Dr Tnomson, 0
A. MoDonell and Geo McEwen repro:
sensing the former, while Messrs Gi
C Petty, and J Clausen and 3 G
Sutherland. represeuted the Oddfellows.
-W. It Hedging has procured a
TRIM IVIEETING•-The Annual Distriet
Meeting of the Goderich District was held
in Plensall on Thursday and Friday of
last week, Rev- J. Vv. Holmes, chairman,
presided, Rev. E. A, Fear was elected
seoretary. The reports front the various
circuits in the district were presented and
were neon the whole very encouraging.
The Rev. W. Smyth was elected to the
Statiening Committee. Rev. 1. Edge
and R. Holmes, Esq, to the School
Committee= Rev. 3. Galloway and J. C.
Stoneman to the Epworth League_Cons:
mittee It was reaommended that Alma
appointment from Ontario St. church be
united with the Londeaboro eirouit. Tnis
change will no doubt be made eta in
future the Minister of Ontario St Ohara),
Clinton, will give all his services to that
Bnanns.—The ram on Saturday last
has repaired to a considerable extent
the damage done by the recent
Mr. Coates' new barn is nearing com-
pletion and is numbered as one of the
finest in the township.- Mr. and Mrs.
Rundle spout Sunday last visiting
friends in Blanshard.--Mr. and Mrs. R.
Coates sperec Sunday with Mr. and Mrs
Westoott of Usborne.-Mr. R. Clark-
son yisited frienda in St. Marys on
Saturday and Sunday. -On Friday
evening last a number of the young
ladies of this vicinity banded together
and proceeded to the home of Mr. Ed.
Stewart for the purpose of surprising
Ed and spending a couple of hours
under his hospitable roof. Ed. being
of a genial nature at once proceeded to
make the ladies feel at home and ere
long they were all busy enjoying them-
selves in various kinds of amusement.
Ed claims to have spent a very pleasant
evening and he surely must as we
learn that the young ladies did not
arrive home till the wee' sma' hours, all
feeling much pleased with their even-
ings enjoyment. Surely Ed will nob
be so bashful in future.
• IS1•
BRIEFS -Mr Zimmerman who has
been visiting friends in tho village and
vicinity has rammed to his home in
Tavistock. --Mr Hicks and family, of
Exeter, were the guests of Mr Jos Snell
on Friday of last week.-MrsF O'Keife
is visiting friends in town at present. -
We are pleased to see that Mr. F Kraft,
who had the misfortune of dislocating
his shoulder, is getting around again, -
Mr Emanuel Rothermeal has moved
into Mr Geo Kellermann's new house. -
Rev Eby attended the quarterly meet-
ings in McGillivray, which were held
there on .Ascension Day. -Mr Louis
Roedding, of Crediton, was in the
village on Friday night last. -The sale
of Mrs Anna Ball's insolvent furniture
dealer and undertaker, of this village,
will be held on Wednesday next, 29th
inst.-The masons are making rapid
headway at the new church. -A young
man from Mitchell, who went by the
name of Merryfield, borrowed a biey-
cle on Thursday of last week from a
young gentleman in town, to go a diet-
ance of about six or seven miles, prom-
ising to return next day, but has not
appeared yet. However, the detectives
are on Ids track. -Mr John England,
who has been laid up for about five or
six weeks is able to be around again
with the aid of crutcbes.-Our neigh-
boring farmers are not found behind in
feeding cattle. Mr Geo ,Kellermann
sold ton head which tipped the scales at
an Average weight of about 1500 lbs
Post Office Store
50,000 lbs. wanted for cash
and exchange for goods, or
manufactured into blankets, &c,,
as wanted, Bring it along, high.
est price paid,
In consequence of the recent misfortune which has overtaken
us, we are constrained to hold.p.
Sacrificing Sale - for a raw Weeks.
Having gone over the stock, we find the goods in better
condition than we expected, though unfit for ordinary sale, and we
have decided to sell the entire $10;000 stock at
Half egulax Prices.
While the store is being repaired we will offer goods at your
own figures.
Call and see the Stock and you will be convinced that you
can save many dollars in few purchases.
BRIEFL-The Ladies' Aid ot the
Methodist Outride will hold a "Blue
Jay" social on evening of 241h May.
A splendid program has been prepar-
ed for the occasion. Admission 10e,
BRIEFS. -Rey. Mr. Ryan, of Tilson-
burg, spent a few days in town last
week. -A big time is to be held in the
Salvation Army Barracks on the 2nd,
3rd and 4111 of June, when Command
ant Booth is expected with thirty
others. They are taking a tour up
the lakestin their yriedt. They have a
good band in connection. Everybody
is welcome, -Rev. Mr. Armstrong ex-
changed pulpits with Rural Dean
Hodgins, of Seaforth, laat Sunday. -
Mr. Er. Greives and wite of Seaforth,
spent Sunday at the River Hotel. -
Mr Chas, Gardiner of Niles, Michigan,
anci Thoa. Gardiner of Nebraska, or -
rived home last week. -Mr. R.MoLeod
of Seafortb, is starting •up a barber
shop here, opposite the Albion hotel.
Brum. -We are pleaaed 1 notice
that Mr. Chas. Lang has been euccees-
ful in pegging his first year's; estainin-
anon at the Toronto Medieil school.
Congratulations Charlie.-lt is our sad
duty to chronicle the death ot Mr. E.
John Brooks which 'occurred at his
residence Sunday morning last. Mr.
Brooks had been in dedeate health for
some years, yet his death was as un- I ising and enterprising young noon.
looked for as it was sudden. He went I The ease, as far as le oomprehendable
to a quiet onlooker, appears to be
of a very complicated nature, As for
the object of antagonism we should
Infer from general appearances that
either is 'a welcome suitor, but as we
and they know, botb cannot, accord-
ing to our constitution, be made the
happy possessor of the prize. Well
• what can be done to alleviate the
distressed hearts ? Netther will al-
low•Inmself to be considered as of a
secondary qualuy and yet both cannot
be appeased of their insatiable regards
for the sweetest ot all. As for a can-
did opinion from a refleetive rnind
say -let the case drop until after the
corning havest is past at least, and
then an outlet to the difficulty may
present itself and other soil as pleas-
Fullarton. , ant to till may have appeared upon
the scene.
BRIBFS,-Several of the farmers of
the town line, Fullerton aud 131ansh-
ard, have been visited by sneak
thieves who carz Led off nearly all the
bens belonging to the farm , No less
than four farmers in one neighborhood
have been thus visited. -Mr. John
Barr, one of the earliest settlers of
the 13th concession, near Motherwell,
passed away on Tuesday :night of last
week, aged 71 years, ---The Mt Pleas
ant football team are putting in good
practise lately, and are now open to
receive and accept challenges from
any amateur clubs. -Jas. Ward has
been elected superintendent of the
1VIethodist Sunday School in place of
a. H. Bain, who has resigned after
many years faithful service, -The
pupil& ot the public school here have
presented their leacher, MT. 3, A.
MoNaughton, with a handsome writ-
ing desk as a slight token of their
love and esteem. -Avery strange in-
cident occurred on the farm of Mr,
Wm, 11. Chowen lately, About six
weeks ago he bad a ewe which gave
birth to a lamb, and on Friday last the
same sheep gave birth to two more
lambs. The idrst lamb was apparently
healthy, but it was tratnped on by its
mother and killed about a week after
its birth. The other two are strong
and healthy.
last week, for Liyerpool, witk two
loads of cattle ; we vvish hirn success in
Ibis Ins first trip across the Atlantic.
-The brick work of the oheese fac-
tory has been completed.-M.r. G, Me
Donald has bought a Royal Psyche in -
cycle aad Mr. T. H. McLauchlin has
ordered one of the celebrated Mon -
ache. Mrs. Wm. Scott left last week
for Bad Axe, Mich„ to attend the
funeral of her niece, Miss Jennie Mc-
Allister.- Mrs. John Ross and faeallY
left last week for Clinton; they will be
much missed by their many frieuds
in this neighborhood. -The meetings
of tbe Y. P. S. C. E. will inthe fut-
ure be held on Friday evenings. -Mr.
James Foote, filled thepulpit of the
Methodist church last babbath, owing
to the Illness of Rev. Mr. Leech. -Mr.
Fach has purchased the mange former-
ly occupied by Mrs, Ross. -The Ball
Family will sing here on May 29.
are again v tatted with
cold weather and the recent frost has
done much damage to fruit trees
which were all in full bloom. -The fall
wheat in this section hes a very fine
appearanceancl if theeiveather ia favor-
able an abundant yield is looked for,
-The farmers In this neigborhood are
busy erecung teneee, adding much to
the appearance of their farms. -We
have a question of momentous impor-
tance to lay before the public Una
sveek, that of rivalry of' aflection ex-
tended to one of our most distinguish-
ed beautiee by two of our most prom -
to bed on Saturday night as well as
usual, but ababout 4 d'elook Sunday
morning, Mrs. Brooks heard him
breathe heavily and he expired a
moment or two later. In the death
of Mr. Brooks, Granton bas lost one
ot its oldest inh a bitan (n1 the old
settlers of this place there only re-
mains Mr. H. Caraeron). Mr, Brooks
was always noted for being a hard
working, industrious man, a loving
husband and father and esteemed
neighbor. Re has been tor many years
an elder in the Presbyterian church
where he will be much missed. He
leaves a wife and .seven chitdren to
mourn his loss and who have the gin -
core sympathy of the oonainunity.
k •
BRIEFS. -Mr. G. W, Holman is in
Goderich and Clinton this week at-
tendmg the Union Teachers' Associa-
tion, and to other businesa relating to
the Association. -Don't forget the
plonks in Deputy Reeve Keddy's field
and Mr. Jno. Blatchford's woods on
the 241h. All vselcome. Strangerg
invited. Grounds open at 2 p. 111. -
Several of the boys attsnded the Pat-
ron meeting on Thursday evening last
in the School Rouse No. 2, Hay, which
was addressed by Mr. Stratford, presie
dent of the Patron Binder Twine fad -
tory of Brantford. The object of Mr.
Stratford's address VMS to urgethe Pat-
rons and farmers generally to takea
deep interest in this institution. The
address was an able effort and should
do much to dispel the mists of party
bliedaess, and help partizans to ieslize
that prosperity depends more on in-
dividual effort and on good manage-
ment than upon the doings of any
Government. The speaker showed
that low prices, in stock partioalarly,
were the result of injudicious breeding;
farmers did nob pay enough attention
to the qttality of the stook raieed, they
were in fact to lase an old saying,
penny wise and pound foolish. Fart
0 441 t 4 mers sheuld support farbeere for office,
1 whereas at present they were led
by party expediency to support the grit
Belem -The members and adherents 1 or tory nominated, without consider -
of Union Church who have been With
out a settled pastor tenors the lamented
death Of Rev. Je El. Simpson, are now
in hopes:that ere. long the matter Will
be satisfactorily adjusted. A call wag
sometime ago extended to Rev. Wal-
ter Muir, of Ai -master, and this call
Wile sustained at the meeting of
Huron Presbytery, on Tuesday. In
case it is conceded by Hamilton Pres-
bytery, (which meet e this week) his
induction will take place on the 1.1th
of Jima. The stipend offered is l$1,
000. —11/essre . McGregor and Iihdtbr
shipped it car load of fat cattle for the
Old country, ort Wednesday, Mr.
annter takes charge of tiled on
boird Ahip. -Mr. John t Gtatunn lett
ing their own tnterests. 1 Union is
strength, and unless farmers unite to
protnote their own welfare they might
as well be content to he the Staves of
combines and the willing tools of par-
ty hacks. Partnere were blind to
their own interests and stood in the
way of their own progress,who,for par-
ty pnrposes, allowed doetoro, lawyers'
and other professional died to repro
seat them to the parliamentary hails of
our Country inatead Of ednoitting their
own sons to fill these positions of hon-
or and trust at practical representative
farmers. On the whole the talk web
a geed one, and should sun:mist°
enterprine along the lines indinated tfl
tho Above outline of tho sildross,