HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-9, Page 8eitea Sava' onstimption, Cotsighes Croup, Sore reekt. Rold y ailDruggists On a euerantee. Fer e Lame side, Beek or Chest Shilohn porcine it'lester will give Feet liatia fag tioR.--s4 elites SHILOH'S VITALIZER. .`1`.P:§?:figgigtigr.sy.c:I'salV.E39thrl;e1TPUti ' er theliestremedyfor clebilitntedeesteta ver Ned.' 1,0,r Dyepopsia,Liver or Eidney treunie ceZ0Was Pr lee 75 ore: SH I LO i CATARRH REMEDY. He.ve YouCatarrn Try thisItemedy. It will positively relieve and Cure you. PEWS 50 eta. Wilts Inleotor for its euecessful treatment is eurnished free. t'emeraber, Shiloh's Remedies ate -seed nes -ruarantee t tisfactioe • • • 4 e41 LEGAL. HDICKSON, Barrister, Soli. r. • otter of Suprerae Court, Notary _t,blia, Oo uveya neer, Comnelsem uer, ere Money to Loan: °Meet n ention's Meek, Exeter, It .L1. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, RI hstETEle, - ONT. OFFIOE : Over O'Neil's Bank. TILLIOT & ELLIOT, I 'I e . Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &o. girMoney to Loan at Lowest Ratio of interest - OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. FREDERICK ELT.IOT . ISOINCOM MEDICAL I W. BROWNING A.I. D., It. 0 U • P. 8, Graduate Viotoria Univers ty; office and reeidenee, Dominion Lebo a tory ,Exe ter . TR. HYNDMAN, coroner for tam J— County of Huron. °Moe, oppsiette steal:ling Bros. store, Exeter. D 11,91. ROLLINS Ss Separate Offices. Residence same as former. ly, Andrew st. Offices: Spaokmarne building. Main st; Dr Rollinssame as formerly, north floor; Dr. Amos" same building, south door. J.. A. ROLLINS, M. Da T. A. AIVIOS, M. D Exeter, Ont AUCTIONEERS. T . HARDY, LICENSED ACC- -4-4 • denser for the Comity of Huron, Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0. "Pl BOSSEINBERRY, . '1 • censed Auctioneer General LT- Sales conducted guaranteed. Charges 0,Ont; in allparts. Satisfaction in°(3rate. Hens:111P T_TEN_HY EILBER tioneer 1 or Licensed Auc- the Counties of Huron conducted at mod- at Post-mtilee Ored. losital and Middlesex , Sales erate rete. oasiee, ton Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. VONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND Per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. H. DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. i.,.. ---r. _ Ore austesolthe Ontario Veterinary Col 1r ire. Creme : One (soar South otToern Hall, lirraressmararrsar * .THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE 'NU/RANO E 0 0 . Established i n (863. (MAD OFFICE , WATERLOO, ONT. This Company has been over Twentv-eigh years in successful oper .tion in Western Ontario, and ooetinues to insure agai nst loss or demage by Fire, Buildings, Merchandise hianufaotories and sell otber deseriptioas of itsidtable property. Intending insurers here t e option of insuring on the Premium N ote or c geb.System. During the pa.st ten years this company has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property to the moue t of 840,872,038; and paid in losses atone $709,752.00. Aesets, 8176,100.00, oonsisting of Cash. in Bank Government Deposit and the unasses- sea Premium Notes on hand find in force J.W.Weeterei M.D., President; 0. H. Tereus Secretary : J. B. fieettes, Inspeotor . 011AS ltaILL. Agent for Exeter and vicinity 1 , CARTERS IVRIA ,E : PILLSI ail the of the ece, been a lame in lonstneation rig consplatt, erg regulate prieeleas dlistreciretee goodness once try 10 110 to do lives thee Our Plus One or vegetate by their In virile Ctle 116W DOI i 1 I troubles inol. / system, such as i Distrese after , tile teen meet 1 own hi OUtirig / Leven Pitts , me ti •.- sy i 1 th of e a Ore e , s the britvel , r 1 c I . t te tis dont Ai . does Pi s thews will ddd„ mane' WaYii t et ” without theta, a i , , here iewhere t pills cure It to ity small i two p fir melte t and dg t bane Doti , , et 0 cc , 1 et debt by oiflL a /ok. • k 173,11 hi% iii' . UR, Melt Headache and relieve delta to a bilious state Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness daring, Pan le the Side remarkable SUOCCE3 has SICK, Heaciasshe, yet aseeztras a e equally estimable preventieg tine annoy ty attics 0(4706 ail eisor ethensiate the liver and Evert if they only cured HEA he they wOuld be anneet Ws &gaffer ,fecert tade lsut fortunetel,v their nem and threes who these little elite Velteble they will riot be Willing Rite after all idols heed ACHEi , ftiob a bt dei many IIMI* 0111 great boast. ile ot dd not, eelartur a rrrne Leven ti fispi-saty to Ulm se lufy are strictly it, el r rte, tart eigi *13 ti• a them. Vid ler . fel everywhere, VW D10111Z kill 1 bill 11 • THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL ovxtt TRH WORLD Interesting:Items About Our Own country, Great Orttain, Lho frittect stares, oust An Parte of the Gtobe, Condensed awl Assorted for Missy Reading, CANADA, Hartuey, Manitoba, suffered from a destracroive fire, Mr. Alex. McIntoetheh is slew President of the Woodstook Board of Trade. Petrolea electors defeated the by -low to raise $16,000 for a new central school. Winnipeg will vote May 15 on the by- law to raise $65.000 for new schools. 11. G., & B. Railway directors. have deoisied to establish 'e fruit market in arnil ton. James Bannister of Niagara, a refugee frem slavery, died at the age of 104 years. Three hundred thousand whitefish from the Newcastle hatchery were liberated in the Bay of Quinte. The steamer Sadie Shepherd has found- ered off Turtle Light, Lake Erie. One of the crew was drowned. A steady improvement in trade is report- ed in Canada and the United Slates, with an upward tendency in prices. Mr. Henry Francis Ellie, City Clerk of St. Thomas, Ont., died at his residence on Sunday morning, in his 78th year, Winnipeg Veterans will on May 12 de- corate the graves of soldiers who fell in the North-West rebellion of 1885. The body of John Smith, who disappear- ed from St. Catharines in November last, was found in the Welland Canal, The executive of the Ottawa winter carnival has decided to give the surplus from the carnival (over $700) to the City Treasurer, A Belleville despatch says the $10,000 required to secure Mr. Massey's grant of a like amount to Albert College has been secured. The Funds of the Boys' Home in Ham- ilton will be increased by. $562.20 from the performances of "The Daughter of the Regiment." The report of the Royal Commission on the liquor traffic has been presented to Parliament. It declares that prohibition would be detrimental to the interests of Canada. Lieut -Governor Chapleau has returned to Quebec from Atlantic City, where he has spent several weeks for the benefit of his health. He is much improved by his holi- day. A little girl named Stelter was lost on the prairie near Medicine Hat over a week ago. Large search parties have been scour- ing the country, but cannot find any trace of her. Another consignment of butter, shipped under the auspices of the Canadian Depart- ment of Agriculture, has arrived' at Liver- pool. It brings higher prices than Austral- ian butter. Thomas McKelvie, a country school teacher in Manitoba, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment and to receive fif- teen lashes for committing a criminal assault on a twelve -year-old pupil. The Dominion Government has been re- quested by the Imperial authorities to send an agent to London to discuss with them the points raised in connection with the Canadian copyright question. Mr. H. F. Gault, of 1VIontreal,has made a gift of one hundred thousand dollars to the Diocesan College, to provide it with a new building, which will be erected near McGill Univeraity. The Canadian General Electric Co., has been awarded the contract for the motors and all electrical apparatus in the Hespeler extension of the Galt, Preston & Hespeler Electric Railway. At a special meeting of the City Counoil of Toronto, held. the other day, it was decided to submit to the popular vote a proposal that the corporation undertake the puffiness of electric lighting. The Board of Underwriters of Winnipeg have made a formal complaint against the chief of the fire brigade, and state that the brigade is ineffi.cient. The chief has applied to the council for an investigation. Father Paradis makes a strong appeal to the Repatriation Sooiety; in Montreal for funds to furnish provisions for the Cana - diene who are leaving Lake Linden, Michi- an, in large numbers, fophe new colony t Verner, Ontario. The Montreal committee having in charge the arrangements for the proposed World's Fair in that city next year waited upon the uebeo Cabinet, and asked that a. grant of ne hundred thousand &Mara be made by the province towards the undhr taking. A leading church member of Winnipeg happened to be out late • the other night, incl when passing his church going home as astonished to find the organist in her lace, playing lively music, to which the enabera of the chair were ,holiiing a lance. Dr. F. Yones, of Denbigh, Ont.; charged irith having found and kept a valise con - ening $1,500, lost by James MoReary, aymaster for J.R. Booth and Son, Ottawa, ho lost the valise between Renfrew and hamrock last March, has been committed or trial at the Pembroke Assizes, The Rev- Wm. Gregg, D. D., who has eeu a professor in Knox College, Toronto, ince 1812, and is well known as a leader n the Presbyterian Church and as the istorian of the Church` in Canada, has esigned his professorship on account of tis bld age. His resignation has been coepted with mach regret. Mr. C. M. Armstrong, managing director t the Atlantic e.act Lake Superior railway as arriited In Montreal from England. He tates that he is highly satisfied with the emit of his minion and that arrangements ave been made by which work will be °emended at once up= the line from lontreal t Pal/m.1,1a°, which will be open t the end of the year. A deputation from the Provincial Dairy csoolation waited upon the Quebee Cabinet rid asked thab the Government Should set Aide twenty thoueand•dollare annually to e dietiributed as bemused amongst farmers o the proVinee guaranteeing to export a ertain quantity of butter dating the year. he Cabinet promised to coesider the mat - Or. In the ease of Matthew Millet, suffocated O a sewer at London, the jury found that here was not the necessary precaution aken by the °By for purposes of safety to fe before the men went into the sewer, nti that, had proper preoautioti been taken sr having open manholes, which Would eve given them ventilatiori, Miller would cot have died in the ewer, COMAT BAITA1N. ropqrt that gabled wine carrenoy of the death of Sir Isaac Pitman is in.00rreet, The Ron, Arthur Peel, ex -Speaker of bhs House ef Commons, haat been vacated a Viscount. The Rev, Frederick WIUlszn Farrar, D. D., Archdeaoon of Westminster, has been appointed Dean of Canterbury. A London oable saps Eugland and the Uiaited States are acting in acoord in relation to the Chino -Japanese treaty. The Londoa Lancet says that Prof. Baxley, though suffering severely from infloeuza and bronehitia, is slightly better. Mr. Balfour has declared publicly that the Conservative and Liberal. Unionist leaders are on the best of teims. The Imperial Opium Commission has pub Belied its report, which deciders against prohibition of tens growth of the poppy or the manafaoture ot opium in India. An explosion of Are -damp took place in a colliery at Denny, Scotland, while 177 men were working in the pit. Thirteen of the number were killed and several hurt. The London Daily News says it under standthat the British Government will not join any oombination of powers to interfere with the result of the Japanese victories. The British House of Commoniewill soon be called upon to consider the bill amending the British North America Act, so as to provide for a Deputy Speaker in the Cana- dian Senate. The final decision of the British Govern- ment is to retrain from active interference in the China -Japan treaty, but with the passive support of Great Britain Japan feels strong enough to resist the demands of Russia, Germany, and France. The parents of Emma Hall, the girl who lost her life through a criminal ,operation in a Detroit lying-in hospital, are very poor, and cannot afford to visit the United States to pursue the case against the Rev. Jonathan Bell, the girl's supposed be- trayer. The Queen Regent of Holland and her young daughter, the Queen, arrived in Lon- don on Saturday on a visit. They were met at the station by the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and his son, Prince Alfred, to whom, it is said, Queen Wilhelmina is to be betrothed. UNITED STATES. It is said that Chinamen are now being smuggled into the •United States in coffins. The price of bread in Rochester has been reduced from four to two and a half cents a loaf. Mrs. Rachel Cantor,who,at 84, is staying at the Forest Home, ire Philadelphia, is said to be the oldest living actress. Gen. Ballington Booth has renounced allegiance to the Queen, and made applica- tion for naturalization papers as a United States citizen. The arrest and consequent failure of John C. Allen, the Buffalo broker and speculator, has involved in serious loss some Canadian dealers. A big load of dynamite exploded neisi Blafton, Indiana, completely demolishing the driver and team, and causing a shook that was felt forty miles away. Mr. O'Grady has presented in the New York Legislature a petition to Congress and a resolution favoring the annexation of Canada to the United States. Two thousand tailors are out on strike in New York. Some thousands of women, girls and boys, whose work depends upon the tailors, have also been thrown out of employment. A despatoh from Killarney, Selkirk, says an uprising of half-breeds and Indians is reported to have occurred at St. John's, North Dakota, just over the Manitoba boundary line. Oliver Curtis Perry, the express robber who made such a bold escape from the Matteawa.n State hospital for insane crimi- nals, was returned to the institution on Saturday afternoon. In the Illinois Legislature the other day a resolution was introduced requesting the daughters of Illinois not to accept the hand in marriage of any person not a citizen of the United States. Willard Fountain, which was presented to the City -of Chicago by the children of the world's W. C. T. U., was unveiled and dedicated on Saturday. The fountain cost $20,000and over 300,000 children,living in Europe and America, contributed to the fund. Lord Sholto Douglas, son of the Marquis of Queensberry, has been arrested in Bak- ersfield, California., on a charge of insanity, with the object of restraining him from marrying Loretta Addle, a youug song and dance artist with whom he is infatuated. The New York Senate received Mr. 'O'Grady's concurrent resolution favoring Canadian annexation with laughter. Senator O'Connor did not think it becoming for New York state to invite Canada to sever its connection with England. New York tax commissioners have decid- ed to hold the Gould estate for $10,000,000 of personal property, this year, notwith- standing tele fa.ct that George J. Gould, in whose name the amassment is made out, claims Lakewood as his residence. While the is little deoided change to record from the principal business centres of the United States, the noticeable feature of the past few 'clays has been the firm price of the leading articles of commerce. Leather is firm, arid hides have made a phenomenal advance. Iron and steel are quotably unchanged, but pricee keep steady. Cotton, coffee, sugar and pork are well maintained in value. Wheat' has made some decided advances. While there is a better undertone in most lines of trade, the advantage so far is more marked in the industrial than in commercial lines. Petroleum is becoming quiet, wool is in better demand, and cotton goods are ad- vancing with the advancee of wages at the mills. OF.NERAD. Cholera has breken out at Meade, A cattle plague 18 raging in several of the Governments ef Smith Rueeia. Muzzles are treed on refractory Women in,the provincial penitentiary at Cologne. The. Dowager Empress of Russia is sefferingfrom a paitiful accident, by avhich her foot was crushed. The strike Of the Paris omnibus men continent, bile the conflicts With the police are becoming lees frequent. A large quantity of pyroxyline exploded in a magazirie ab Felladorf, Austria, 'Pwenty-six men were wounded, Some'550 German Bailer% and marines went out on a speciiril train front It161 to Wilhelmshaven and embarked for China. Thc New South Wales Legislative Conn, oil heat deferred for eix months all tuition on the proposal to reduce the Governor's, salary. The royal, commission Q11 OPIUM bartt reported to the Imperial Government, the general effeot being that onium is not doing the evil to the communities using it gener- ally supposed. The Spanish Cruiser Reina Itegente, which was lost in a storm off the Spanish coast last month, his been found in 109 fathom of water midway between, Capes Taeife end Trafalgar, Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria - Este, the Emperor's heir presumptive, will publish the diary of his voyage round the worldanade two year's ago, The first volume deale with India, Ceylon and Java. despatch from Tokio says that the envoys of Russia, Germany, and 1 ranee have formally protested at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairagainst the zwairporation of any Chinese territory in the Japanese Empire. The Japanese Government has issued an offiaial statement deolaring that the corn. meroiel advantages obtained by Japan in the,treaty with China will be shared by the other powers under the most favoured nation treatment. • Russia has established it medical staff at its Consulate at Meshed, in Persia, to watch and give notice of the appearance of epidemic diseases in Northern Persia. Caravans entering Iturshan territory must obtain bills of health from it. On Sunday evening, while Evangelist Dwight L. Moody and an immense congre- gation were praying for rain iu Fort Worth, Texas, a storm burst upon the town, beat down, the roof, which fell upon the eongre- gation,causing it panic), and a large number of persons were seriously injured. Ten de.ys and two hours is now the rel:iord from Bombay to Brindisi. The Peninsular and Oriental steamer Caledonia, which held the previou weoord, made it on April 2. The time inoludes MI elope and the trausit through the Suez canal. Japan has notified Russia. Germany and France that she will not yield to the exac- tions of the powers, as to do so would expose her to a revolution, as the Japanese people are intoxicated with their successes, and would assent to no concessions. The new amendment to the French mar- riage law proposes to declare that all Frenohmen who have attained the age of twenty-five and women who have attained the age of twenty-one shall be tree to marry after giving three months' notice to their parents. There are four genuine oases of leprosy in Brooklyn. All the victims are negro children,natives of Barbadoes, West Indies. One is isolated in the Kingston avenue Hospital, but the others are at large, and the Health Department officials say posi• tively that the disease is not contagious. A large force of workingmen was employ- ed on an immense new building at Brussels, in which a show representing the °icy of Venice is to be given, when the roof col- lapsed, and many of the men were buried under the wreck. Fifteen of the victims were seriously injured and several others were badly hurt, , A despatch from St. John's, Newfound. land, stats that negotiations are progress- ing with repreeents.tives of the British Government, Canada, and Newfoundland respeoting the granting of an export bounty en Newfoundland codfish, and that this is regarded as the rast expeditious method of settling the French shore difficulty. • The New York Central recently announc. ed that it would use electricity on its line between Buffalo and Niagara Fallinand now the Niagara Falls Power Company offers to furnish the power free in return for the right of way for the power company's conduits along the roadbed of the company's tracks, where there is a strip of land 60 fee t wide not used by the railway. QUEEN OF CHARITIES -- Some of Lady Burdett -Commis Personal Peculiarities—Her Fortune and Her Ph t tauthrone—ner Marti itA.r- -Other Matters of Interest. Although Lady Burdett -Coutts has never, at any period of her life, been at all it pretty woman, she has probably received more offers of marriage in the course of her long and useful career than- many a reign - ng beauty. These have come from all sorts and conditions of men, from royal princes, such as the Duke of Aumale down to cranks. In fact, from the importunities of the latter clam she has had occasionally to seek police protection. A few years ago the finally decided to embark on the perilous sea of matrimony, seleating as her shipmate a young American, born in Brooklyn, but naturalized as an English. man. She had nursed the young man through a serious Janina contracted distributing relief in her behalf to the eh k BARONESS RURDETT-00UTTS, and wounded at the close of the Turco - Russian wet. Her husband, who is about 50 years her junior, has been permitted to assume her name, though not her title, and received on his wedding day from his aged bride an annuity of 050,000 for the remainder of his life. Since then she seems to have taken a new lease of life, and, in spite of her advanced age, is more' aotive and youthful in her ways than ever. The basis of .Lady Burdett -Coutts' great wealth, of which she has made such noble use, wee the celebrated old Cleutte Bank. It is said that her name' has figured at the head of every charitable or philanthropic enterpriee, either as founder or priumpla eubsoriber, for the kat half a century. In recognition of this philanthropy, Queett Victoria conferred upon Mies Burdett. Coutts a peerage, shied which tittle she has been kbown as the baroness. Children Cr' for Pitcher/e Castorial er,arar GOOD TIIIES ARE COXING _- PEOPLE wArromNa FOR THE RE. TURN OF BETTER TIDIES. -- Wheat as Firmer omit nigher —harloYareas Potatoes, and AU Classes of Live Stook Are Musk moist. Thait at This Male Lest Year—The ChoOMIndostry Is more Prosperous Than mover—This will Ale an ail Ivo Season at our Saw IOW& The newspaper report of a rise in the price of any domestic, .ataple is usually a hadd,unadorned,mit tter-of-faot iteiraaiming only at the highest excellenoe, that is truth in the fewest words. But though it le not captivating reading it is becoming popular as news. As news it ranks higher, end occupies a more honorable plaoe, them it ever did before. It is the kind of news that everybody is now on the lookout for. People are watching for the return of good times, as Noah and his fellow -voyagers must have watched tor another sight of land. For years the trade atmosphere has been very heavy, marking points constantly falling lower and lower on the scale of values. In some oases only the ruins of old prices were left. Wheat, for example, sank to less than half what had been its average value throughout this generation. About prices, therefore, until lately there WRS scarcely anything to report but weakness and decay. But during the past six weeks news of advances has been dropping in. This is seized on by thousands who never bothered their heads about an advance before. People who derive their income from employment, business, or investment far removed from agriculture, are rejoioed to see that WREA.T IS FIRMER or higher. Hardly any earner now con- siders himself too remote from that souroe of wealth benefited by any thing that in- creases its value. Ten per cent. added to the price of wheat might mean ten per cent, of the unemployed added to the employed. It might mean pa.yiug returns eie a manu- facturer who was produoing at a loss or not produoing a tall. It mieht start up a big vol- ume of business in it whole locality, and make houses yield rent that are now vacant. It might aild to the ciroulation of money, and increase the income of those who own bank stooks. All advances in farm products contribute to such it diffusion of good times. Lately there have been severabadvanoes in farm products. In this province wheat is now 35c. dearer than it was a year ago, when it was under 50o. In the export market it is 10o. dearer, Beef cattle are worth $12 to $15 it head mora than they were then. Barley, peas, potatoes, and all classes of live stock are much higher than they were at this time last year. Hogs have made a sharp advance. The cheese industry has long enjoyed progressive pros- perity, and is now more prosperous than ever, There is more wealth therefore to start from than there was then, and the improvement which begins with the farm- ers pervades every other class of industry in the country. While THE FARMERS ARE TEIRIVING, trade and industry cannot be sickly. Aside from causes proceeding from agricultural prosperity, there are other influences at work for good. The large operations in, the lumber -woods during the past winter will be followed by an active seaeon at our saw mills, giving employment and promot- ing trade. Work in our oil regions is sure to be stimulated by the high price to whioh petroleum has risen. So great an advance in the value of an article in so general con- sumption is pretty certain to give an impulse to ehe development of oil lailds by the enterprise of capitalists here or from the United States. The way an advance passes on is indicated by the price of boots. and shoes. Firstasattle have grown dearer for the reason that the supply of them on this oontinent is short. Fewer cattle mean fewer,and consequently dearer, hides. Dearer hides m'ean dearer leather and the railing of the price at the tanneries. The boot and shoe men, having to pay more for their leather must ask more for their 6nished product. The advances in this series appear to be merely compensatory, and therefore not to maki the position of tanners of the manu- facturers of foot -wear better or worse. But both thou: classes of manufacturers suffered severly from depression, their prices having been worked down below a fair profit. Since they found in the cost of their material an occasion for raising prices at all, they will probably be able to tack on enough additional to mend the depression prices. Au advanoe has A WHOLESALE EFFECT. So much are low prices and bad times associated in the popular mind that a slight advance in,the price of articles they have to buy would nob be regarded as an unmix- ed evil by consumers. It would indicate an increase of buyitig power on the part of the producers, enabling them to 'take more of what we have to sell. Further, an out- side advance indicatesthat the world is recovering, as we are. The price of raw cotton has made a great stride in she United States, advancing since the end of February, by above lie. a pound, or by nearly 24 per cent. Petroleum arid beef have risen phenomenally there. In that country wages have been going up here and there for some time. Further, its bank note currency had to be increased by $2,• 00,0 00 d uring last March. s se:emirate for Infants and Children. •-.Castorla la so well &doted tO aileron that r recommend it as superior to any prescriptIon. 10207ra to me," 71, A. Ancimn, Itt. 111So. Oxford St„ Brooklyn, N. T, "The use of 'Castoria ' is so universal and its merits so well Imewn that it SOODOS n work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Oastoria within easy reach." CA.RLOS MARTYR. rf, D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Castorla cures Collo, Coustipatlou, Sour Stotaaoh, Diarrhoea. Bructatiort, 10118 Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di. s'estiont Without ineitiousi medication. "For several years 1 have recommended your Castor's,: and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Etia7113r, PARDES, M. D., "The Winthrop," iiletle Street and 7th Ave., New Pork Clkir. Tan CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 Ifuname STREET, NEW TORR. filfellEfillIEEMBIERIMEEITMEZZAMIESSONIEESII1 78-7M3.; • wertiAraWb •I'ITEME12W-KitiV. . ,SINf I HABITS IN TO 1111 . ,. LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN a a KTHE RESUL T' of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and bOdy indnc ed by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking the livea and futtiren Elhappinees of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at art early age, msam D'at the blossornin of aahood, while others are forced to drag out a weary, fruitlesrs and melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony but find no solace or comfort there. The Rvictims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit,R the trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K.& K. 5 Wm A. WALKER, War. A. WALKER. MRS. CHAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY.* 51 1 ...x. /II^. . SBEFORII TREATY:MET AFTER TREATMENT Divorced but united again * VirNO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT:VA, 0 'Wm. A. Walker of 16thstreet4ayst--"I re sufferde, nntold agonies for me "gat life. I Wee in isdreet when& young and iinorant. As ' One of the B6f0 Irienteatited feyaille an other Private diseases. I had ulcers; in the( taonth ar.d hroat, bone pains, hair lobate pimples ft face, finger nails cacao oft, entissions, 'became thin andsi despondent. Seven' doctors treated nee with Mercury, Potash, etc. They helped me but could net cure me. Finally a friendinducedmetotryDriellerinede &Heroin, RTheir New Method Treatment cured mein. a few weeks. Them treatment ie wonderful. 'eon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to este in a single I vt case." tairCURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED te II M POTENCY K 11 Capt. Chas. Ferry says:—"I oweiny life to Dee- IL & E. rtgi6 leimirareVelatineshasbitiinclj!'t glpeIrmnpaUlTilictite Elinigfrn- & were draining and weakening my vitality. 1' married at VARICOCELE K ee-24 under advice of my family doctor, but it was a ttEMISSIONS ftsad experience, In eighteen months we were dltorced. 1 ea • then consulted Drs. E. & K., who restored me to manhood ..., ae, Ear We treat and CUY8 Varicocele, Emission:, Nervous D * S e- ebez.:y:RheeEnfi 'by their New Zlethod Treatmetit. Ifelt a new life thrillthrough t:tgici.,.: Blu.iy nerves. WiEwere united again, and are happy; This was • six years ago. Drs. It. &K. are scientific specialists and a heartily reoOMM R fli 0 Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, SyPhilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self eibuseV • Kidney and Bladder Di.ceases. • SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200.000 CURED. NO RISK I &READER! Ar. YOU a victim? Have you lost Ba'hopeAre YOU OfaltaMplating mar, riage? Has your been disesed? Have you. any weaknesi? Optir New lilethod Treatment will oure von. What it bas done for others it will do for von a IsA00NSULTATI0N FREE. No matter who has treated yon‚writefor:an honest opinion Nee= of Charge. Charges reasonable.- BOOKS FBEE—"The Oolden Monitor" (, onr. lh • Diseases of Men. Inclose .1.308tage. 2 cents. Sealed- ' il2U"'NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI -Mil VATS. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envel-II%0 opes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat - men*, FREE. DRS KENNEDY 81, KEROAN, D " N .148 SHELBY re G oETROIT MICI-3,!$ , & 111.712.15AAVIASFga.Kg-42 (Mt 0:F ERI:NG. SCIATICA.,AHEUMATISM • ' •NEUIIMPIA • A INS'l N BACIt OkSIDE .0P1 A NY blU5CULAI PAINS hj5IN.UsING POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES, also Coated' Tongue, Dim- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY Ar 10a TO TAKE. PRICE 2.5 CENTS AT DRUG STORES. ft4 111117 Alg is t3C)%4' SOLDEVERYWHEIR. 25 c : .fticEitHbi- • • FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEAR: DUN'S NE RN; E NERVE BBA/th are a am um- 13EANS fv.glgige.'roTt:(A`;'orrgLneL„111, KI by over -work, or the errors or ex- ----****. ceases of youth. This Remedy ab. solutely cures the West obstinate cases whep all other TAEAT2t11:143:8 have fulled even to relieve. 7.;old by drug. gists 01 51 per paelcate, di'six for V, or 104:`; by mail on receipt of price tiy nduriTsiriq THE JAME., :•rs THECOOK9S BEST FRIEND Sold at Browning's Drug Stere, Exeter LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. . • The Best Spring Medicine Is 13. B.B., its powerful, cleansing, purifying, and regulating influence courses through the natural gates and Allays of the body and re- inoeee Bad B100d and all impure morbid matter 13,13.13. tones the sluggish liver, restores lost appetite, gives regular action of the Bowels, and makes Rich, Red Blood na giving health and Strength to resist the heat of summer and ward off the attacks of disease. For children its use is mere than val uable--It is necessary in spring, and pleaeod parents testify that it give.s life, health, strength ,and a ..."4'04.,*4 " 13rfilit, Clear .k1.11 to the little ones. in eases of Dyspepsia, Corp stipation,Bilionsoess,Sielt Heaelaeh ea Scrofula, otc., after yeers of triuraphitet test anti aositive proof it is only eecesaary to say that ures