HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-9, Page 5•
Broken in Health
That Tired Feeling, Constipation
and Pain in the Back
,Appetite and Health Restored by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Mr. Chas. Steele
-.o St. Catherine's, Ont.
ts-CaL Hood dt Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Por a ntunber of 'years I have been troubleel
Pith a general tired feeling, shortness a breath,
gpalu in the back, and constipation, 1 could get
Only little rest at night on account of the path
and had no appetite whatever. I was that tired
Astray limbs that I gage out before half the day
was gone. I tried a great number of medicines
11111t did not get any permanent relief from any
110 0 d SraarrSitia' Cures
Pouree until, upon recommendation of a friend
X purchased a bottle $f Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which made me feel better at once. I have con,
1611ued its use, having taken three bottles, and
' 1 Feel Like a Neve Man.
&have a good appetite, feel as strong as ever 1
tid, and enjoy perfect rest at night. I have
111311011 pleasiire in recommendingHood's Sorsa.
OTIARLES Sritar,Lit, with Erie Pre-
serving Co., St. Catherine's, Ontario. ta
1400crs Pilis aro prompt and efficient, yet
Mg= in action. Sold by all druggists. 26e.
Body Rested, Mind at Ease.
what it is when travelling on the
os of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
ni ailwny; besides there is no
.0 to "kick," for the accommodations
'p to date, the trains keep moving
ht along and get there on time. These
o Ines thoroughly cover the territory between
/Chicago, La Crease, SL Paul, Minneapolis,
Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux Palls, Sioux
-City. Yankton, Uounoil Bluffs, Omaha and
Northern Michigan, Ail the principal
cities and towns in that torri tory are
leached by the "St. Paul" lines, connect-
ing at S. Peal, Connell Bluffs and ()mane
with all lines for points in the far west.
Write to A. J Taylor, Canadian Paseenger
Agent, 87 York Street, To: onto, Ont., for
one of their new map tinae tables and a
brochure giving a description of the
tompartment Sleeping Cars, Tiekets
furnished by any eonpon ticket agent in
IlAti-United States and Canada The
Amin dining oars in the worin are run on
the solid yestibulecl, electric lighted and
steam heated traina of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
R. D. 0. Pills cure, chronic constipation.
British Grain Trade,
- --
London, May 6. -The Mark Lane Ex:
prees, in its Weekly review of the British
grain trade, says : "English wheats have
advanced a shilling, and there has been a
vigorous demand for American red. winter
wad other sorts. It la also odd that the
stooks at Russian porta have been deplet:
va. Sales of No. 2 red winter have been
Iliad° at 26o, 63. No, 1 spring Duluth,
Manitoba and Oregon have all sold at 260.
Sd., and California at 25s. 6d: Corn and
flour have been a shilling dearer, linseed
nix pence higher, and cotton seed has
brought Is, 63.
hT4XIT'el` Nre.
• Exeter MaY 801, 159
Fall wheat eer803
SPrIng wheat Per beano, .,53
Barley per bash-, r 43
Oat e per huoh,- .... . 35
PeaS ner hush-, ...... • . • 55
Flour per bbl....• 400
A,pplea Pet kilkg- " 75
Potatree per Rag. ............. 35
klaY per .. .. . a 00
Woouper cord hard...,.. . . . 3 00
Wood per cord*o5 .,,„ 00
Butter Per ih.,,,. .. •• 10
Revs per dozen • 8
Turkeys nor ..
Pork per hundred-. 485'
[fogs, live weight- 8 80
Geese • • . .. ... 5
Ducks ... 6
Chicks- „,..,
$ 85
4 20
7 00
3 DO
2 26
6 00
London Nay 8th 11196;
Wheat,white,fall, 1001be ..
, ... $ 115 to $ 325
VV h eat, red, fall, per leo the_ „. 315 to 125
Wheat.spring, per10011:01,-,.... 115to ^ 125
_.,,,. 100 to 105
Peas, per 100 lbs.,........ ...... ... 100 to 110
Com, parte° lbs , . 95 to 100
Barley. per 101 lbs.,. .. . . . . , ... .,., 00 to 10$
Rye. per 100 lbs --,, .. --..... 95 to HO
iBuokwheat, per 100 lb .. 90 to 100
Beet*, per bue,.... , . „ „,....-.. 1 VO to 1 10
hags, freoh, single , d.............. 10 to D.
Eggs, fresh, basket, tier dos 9 to 10
Eggs, fresh, store lots, per dos 9 to 9
Butter,single rolls,per lb. . o . 12 to 18
Butter. perlb,1 lb rolhobta ..... 16 to 18
Butter, per lb. large rolls or
erocks - '. , , 33 to 14
Butter,per19, tub or brkins 0 to 0
Lard, per lb 10 to 10
Chickens, no' pair...-. ...... . 50 to 75
Ducks.- . . _. • „ to ....,, 70 to 100
Turk eye; to' to 110 ee.r"itoi7 eftela. :., 100 to 200
.Toronto May 80h lHoS
Wheat, white, per bus. ........$ 75 to $ .75
Wheat, spring, per bus.. ... 63 to 63
Wheat, red winter, »er 'bus 73 to 74
Wheat, goose, per bus 71 to 72
Barley. per bus .. 45 to 47
Oats, per bus . ... . ..... 84to 40
Petis• .... . . ...... 48 to 48
Bain per dozen - 100 b
Butter, per a, 11 to 32
15 to )7
Dreoeed hogs 5 90 to 6 00
Potatnee. nor bao 07 5.0 70
We have a aarefully sale cted a tock
of the above seed.. Fresh. Prices the
yir.EfITE & GRAY LIME. „
J. Cobbledick,
First Storehouse, Station
The Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, May 7, -At the eastern abattior
market to -day the receipts were 380 head of
cattle, 400 calves, 300 sheep, 20 spring lambs,
and 681ean hogs. There was a fairly naive,
demand all round and a small number of cattle
were taken over by shippers. Following is
the general range of quotations: -Cattle, -But•
ohers' goad, per pound 44 to :44c; is weight,
to fair 2 1-4o to 31; culls 20 to 24; Sheen-
Conanon to good, 4 to 6. Lambs, -Spring. 2
50 to 4. Calvea,-G ood to choice, 6 to 6.10.
common to fair,1 to 5. Lean hogs eaob, 4 to 8;
Cmcmoo. May 7. -There wase good demand
for cattle to -day, and the receipts being light,
revr elArlgtsis,48st.riztOonne jilo.s9t31 law!. lovfi t IDae
goOdatIPP)Y Oaf hogs Jett over tlie receipts to -
era supply. Prices are
weak and 5 cents lower, the dereand being,
very indifferent There wao a reduaed supply
of sheep, which. with a vrry vood demand,
imparted strength to nrices. A. net gain of
10o M 16o per 100 lbs was made.
Cattle-Reeeipts, 9,500 head. Extra 1,500
to 1,650 lb steers, $6.15 to $6,25; choice to
prime. 1,300 to 1,50 lb steers, $5.40 to $6: good
to choice steers. 1,100 to 1,2501b, S4.50 00 .35,30;
common to medium s tears, 900 to 1,300 lb, $4
to 36.15; hulls, cholas to extra. $3.75 to $4.75;
bulls. poor to good, $2 to $3. 50; feeders, 900 to
1 200 lbo, $4 to$4.75; stockers, 603 to 900 lbs.
8 2.60 to $8.93, cows and heifera, extra, 84.50
to $4.85; cows, fair to choice, $3 to $4.25; cows,
Poor to good careers 31.70 t ,
calves, good to choice, $3.75 to 84.85icommeoan
to fair. 82.60 to 36.50; Tex, steers. 83.15 to
475; Texas cows, bulls and stags, 82.25 to
Hogs-Reoeipts, 25,000 head. Heavy pack-
g and shipping lot*. 34.50 to $4.85; common
choice mixed, 34.40 to $4.75; ohoioe assort -
.34.60 to 34.70; light $4.35 to $4.70. pigs, $3.
to 84.55.
Sheet:la-Receipts. 10,000. Inferior to choice,
.50 to 114.60; Iambs, 83 to $5.60
.mAST •CATZTALO, May 7.-0o.ttle-Receipte,
cars through. 16000 sale. Market dull and
Yes! with havalida the appetite is oapri- qo
Pions and needs coaxing, that is the reason
Ihey improve Ito rapidly under Scott'C31
Emulsion, which is palatable as cream.JL I
D C. Pills cure chronic constipation, 82
Joy Brought io Author Ionic I
Suffering and Pain Banished
Paine's Celery Compound saves
the life of a Toronto lady.
Hrs. Wickett Says "After Using Two Bot-
tles of the Compound 1Feel Like a New Woman,"
When Doctors Fail and Ordinary Medicines
are Useless, Paine's Celery Com-
pound Always Cures.
Reenlist 1 honest results ! 1 marvellous
manna 1 15 convincing and satitifactory to
all fair-minded then and women. Even
e S optics and *coffers ere brought to a
'knowledge of the truth, by unassailabbs,
sock -bottom facts end proofs..
In the vast fie d of medicines and
XnediOa1" vreparatiOnsl, time, experience
*ad results have amply demonstrated the
truth of the oft -repeated stateracat, that
Nine's Celery CoMpound is the Only true
ata honest life flay int medicine ever
offered to auffering humanity,
The ,istrong and vigoroas testimony of
311ra 3 Wickett,of 163 Oak Street, Toron-
to, abould fill the fronting and deg..
Vairing hearts of all eullerers „with fresh
hope and confidence, and should at once
lead every Sieltly person to the only
;medicine that niakes people well,
UM. Viriekett'a letter read as followa ..-
4`La80 year, in the ter nth of November,
WM suddenly taken Cl'liy ill with nieurigy
said neuralgia. The pains in my shbuiders
mid back were most intenae, and caused
me extreme suffering, For several weeks
Wag tinder the doctor's care, apd grad-
recovEzed from the attack of nlensisY
lot none of the medicines prescribed kr
Ime seemed to .haye any effect on the
• neuralgia which had, by this times spread
all over nay body,
giadnaily becalm) worse ; my appetite
wag pooe, and the pain never seemed to
leave me for an instant, My life wee
becoming a burden to me, and I began to
think I would never rammer • 1 grew dis-
couraged with the medicines I Wag taking,
atid happening to eels a testimonial in the
newspaper about Paine'd Celery Com-
pouhd. I concluded M get a bottle,
although I had very little faith in patent
Before I had finished inat first bottle I
began to feel better, the paina and soreness
great/' decreased, and gaining hope by
my improved health. I finished the &et
bottle and bought a second.
After using two bottles of yen* Com:
pound, 1 feel like a new woman ; usy
appetile has re tuned, the neuralgia has
left me, foul 1 tun AO well as ever, I feel
very thenkful for the benefits I have
derived ti OM your medmine, and take
plettaure in reeonetnending it to My friends
Should any one desire faller particulars,
if thewill communicate with ,t1o0, 1 will
he happy to oblige them,"
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to poisonal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best: products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative -principles exnbraoad in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, tho refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ;, effectually cleansing the aystenn
aispelling colds, headacheand fevers,
•lad permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the mediae'
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable subetance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in '75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
10e to 20o lower, with tho most decline on
Clattle-Best heavy export afoot:, $4,50 to
85.70, good to prime, 1,2 0 to 1,300 lbs 86 to $5,
25; mediums, 1,000 to 1,200 Ihs. $4.70 to :4.00;
light to good butchers'. 33.76 to 34,50, fat
cows and heifers, 30.75 to 84.50: fat cows,
83.60 to $4.50; bulls. 83.25 1.) 84; extra export
84.25; fresh cows steady for good, lower for
other; stockers and feeders etrong at $1.15 to
Hogs. -Receipts, 34 cars throurrh. 100 on
sale. Market lower. Yorkers, 4.70 to 4 75;
mixed, 4.75 to 4.80; mediume.9.80t0 tile; choice
heavy, 9.90; roughs, 4 to 4.25''stars, 3 to 37n.
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 5 ears through,
102, on sale. Market 100 to 15o lower for;
lambs and full easy for sheep, Best clipped
Jambe, 5.25 to 5.90; fair tn good 4.25 to 5.11
culls and common, 3.25 to 4; 'oo1 iambs
scarce and rot wanted, at 4.25 to 5.60: clipped
sheep, mixed 3 2510 4,25; wethere. 4 30, wool
+them 350 to 460.
A later desnath says: Cattle at the decline
were nearly all sold, closing dull. Bogs
closed weak to 5o lower for all but extra
heavy. sheep and Iambs clooed dull and
weak; several cars -unsold at the close,
In Memoriam.
Absent but not Forgotten.
Written ou ths death of Miss Jennie
Patterson, who died in Detroit, May 3rd
at the ao.e of 26 veins.
Alas 1 how sad to as it seems;
Another friend is gone,
Herpon rind suffering are e'er
tier Father called her borne. '
"She has gone, our dearest loved one.
To her happy home above;
Where there is no pain nor' sorrow:
But where all isaoY and love.
She has gone, our dearest loved one,
Who on earth wile once our pride;
There to meat with .dear and loved on
Who have crossed the other side.
She had a kind and loving heart,
To help her friends aim came;
In doing good, and being kind
Had always been her aim.
And yet Tknow we should not weep.
Nor should we fee) so sad.
Her pain is o'er, she's happy now,
And thia should make as glad.
In those bright and golden regions,
With its pearly gates so fair,
She is singing with the angels.
And is ever happy there,
But with those she's left behind her,
We deeply sympathize
And what their grief and feeling's are,
We fully realize.
Oh 1 yes, dear friends, we Iittie know
Who•next will get that cyan,
So Tot each one with heart and soul, '
Be ready one and all.
Oh! mar each remember this
Until our dying day,
"Th ere is no meroY in the grave,
S hot is repentance day."
Minnie Clemens.
DICK -In Stephen, on the ath inst., the wife
of ja meg Dick of a son.
WILSON. -In Usborne on the 30013, ult., the
wife of Wm Wilsoo of a son.
Bibbert, on the 2613 alto the
wife of Mr. W. 11. Drake, of a eon.
BLOWES-In Mitchell, on the 205h ult., the
'wife of Mr. A. J. Blowes, of a daughter.
oonistelow Oen. --In Exeter on the 50 inst.,
the wife of Wm. Collingwood of a son.
GREY -In Hilbert, on the 30th ult., the wife
of Mr. Maxwell Gray, of a son.
SPMOUR-In Mitchell, on May 1s5, the wife
of Mr. Samuel Seymour, of trip lets.
(ill girls.)
ENGALLY-WREN.--:in Hensel], on the 7th
just., by Rev Mr SWan, Mr W E'ongaljyto
Miss W ren. of Hensel].
BALL-RAFSON-In U'oronto, on theist inst.,
by Rev. Mr. Kerr, of Angers ,St church, Mr.
Albert E. Ball, from near London, England,
to Miss Edith, second youngest daughter of
the late Sohn Rayson,of Olinton.
MoIliTyRF . Blatishard, on the 27511
Robert McIntyre , aged 66 years and 28 days,
WILEY-In Fullerton. On the 2803 ult., :Fames
Wiley, aged 42 years, 3 months and 13 days.
SPENCE-In Goderich, on 281h ult., Henry
Seen co. aged 76 years and 6 months.
JORDAN -In Funarton, on the 25th ult., Sam-
uel Jordan, aged 76 years, 6 menthe and 13
THOMPSON-z-In Goderieh, on Monday, April
20, 1895,Thornas If • Thompson, aged 82 years
and 7T/tenths, -
EIZERMAN-In Mitohell, on the 25013
Jane, beloved wife of August Eizerman, aged
25 years and 10 months.'
FERGUSON-40 Staffe, on the 27th ult,, Janet
Brodie, wife of Alex: F. Ferguson, etted 73
years end 6 months,
HERB ei RT-Ia Logan , un the 20513 ult. Le.
youngest daughter, of Mr, Angus 'Ger-
bet t :aged 223•ears and 15 days,
.EET.-At afordee, Mau., ori the 286 ult.,
. 1. Sweet. Y. S., former& 0 e Exeter, and
brother of Dr. Win. Sweet of thia Place, aged
SO years, 4 months,
OSA...VINE]) liO0SES4^r...
The buyers for foreigu markets do not
want blemished hoises et any price.
Spaying, ()orbs, Binebenes, etc., ciao be
entirety cured by Dick's Bnater, Price
60 eta, Diek's Liniment is invaluable for
arrainq and b.uises, Prim) 25 ots to ha
had at all druggists. Full directions ore i
the Wrapper.
I Lcondon,Uaralt aod. Brno°.
2350004-^. Panegger
I14013tiOti, . 8.05 s, At
(tee tralia. A • 0.07 0,47
Exeter... 9 22 6.00
... 0,37 6,13
RiPPen 020
Brueeffeid•9,52 6.28
Winton 10.12 0.65
Loraleebore„ .... 10.20
Belarave., .. • ... 10.62 7.37
Wingliam arrive,.,,.. 1110 8.00
Goole Sowers- Passenger
Winghann depart-. ... 6.35 e. 0. 3.26y. n
„. 0.50llytIh 3.97
.. • .. 7.03 4.01
Lon deabore..... 7,10 4.0$
Clinton. ... . '7 30
Brucefield.„ ... .... 7.49 4.4ii
TOptien. 7,67 4.63
8 06 4.63
Exeter .... .......
Oentralia 8,4 6,23
iingulikrion Cowin IN A DAT South
American Ten eti matte Cur e for Rheum atiara
and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days, Its action upon the system is remark-
able and my, teriens. It removes at one°
the cause end tba disease Immediately die -
arm( are. Tbs first dose greatly benefit?.
76 oeots, Sold by C. Lutz, 1)ruggist, 818
People's Building and can Association
T...onDozr - - ONTARIO
1 04151)ntantaTenS To EXPATIS, OSTAsio
Dr. 3. A. Boilioo, President.
Dr. U. Lutz. - Vioe-Preaident.
11. Dickson, - Solicitor.
David 81811, 'V'aluator.Fred, W, coning, - Secy-Treita.
Jno Giigg, 13, A, Follick, Jas. Miner • Wra
southeo tt, Dr. hes. A. Amos,:
Sam]. Sander,.
Make nioney t Raving money. SixtSt oents
per month will ensure $100 in 7 Years. For
forms of applioatien and all necessary infor-
mation apply 50. 5133 Secretary, Mr. Fred. W.
Oollins. Post Office, Exe ter, Ont.
Office anrosite Methodist Parsonage.
IN G, EXT.R.a.0T IN G and
PLATE WORK. Gas and local
Anaesthetics for painlees =-
treating. 2nd door north! of
L.1)- S. Honor Graduate of the To-
ronto Univeraity and }loyal college of Dental
Surgecos of Ontario. Specialties, painless
extraction and preservation of the natural
teeth office over the Law Office of Elliot &
Elliot, onnosite Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont,
. ouNg..oN.
Will be at Greb's hotel Zurieli
on the second Thursday of each
month and at Hodgin's hotel
Hensel' every Monday
Bouso and garden with *table and pump,
fruit trees and orchard, with three acres of
land, mole or less. near a -Village where a
church ia convenient Address 4. 15.,
Marfa'''. 0-, en
Large sums money to loan on Farmlands at
Five and a half per cent'. private funds. Apply
to ELLIOT& ELLIOT, Solicitors Exeter
anuary 1895
See that off Horse!
Only three weeks ago we began mixing
a liti le of Dick's Blood Purifier
in his feed and Doer look at him. I tell
you there is no Condition. Pourd6r
equal to Dick's -Am going to try it on
the nigh one note.
Dick's Blood Parider, 50c., Dick's Blister,
50. Dick'e Liniment 25c., Dick's Oint-
ment, 25e,
Mailed on receipt of price.
DICK dr CO, P. 0. Pin 482 1,10NTIMAL.
Hogs to weigh from 120 to 220 lbs.
live weight-,
Notice to the Public. -.1 am sell-
ing at the Packing House Score, Spare
Ribs, Tender Loin, Cuttings, Pickled
Pizs Feel, Pressed Tongue, Head
Cheese, Sausage, Bologna, Hams, Rolls,
Breakfast Bacon, Dried Beef and Pork.
As I have engaged Mrs. Harness to
see to this part, customers may depend
on getting first class goods in every re-
spect at lowest cash price.
Now is the time to get your crocks
and pails filled with first class lard as
prices are liable to go up.
We do Nothing but
UP -to -dote
Winslow's Soothing Senn) has been used nfte We ,,,,„,,„,„teo a perfeek fib
ye ars bY inOliont or mothers for their children -
ile teethina,with perfeot duneeSs. 11 sootned and w,tiranaaship .to be fire.b.ciase.
Sho Ch1ld,�fte,e gums, at lees the rain,
cures the aolio, and le the best remedy for
Diarrhoea,, eleasant to the taste. Sold br
dreggists in every next et the world. _25 °anti
p. bettlet Its value is inealOulable, .13e sure
and tots for IkIre, Win/doter Soothina Sine
and taken° other kind. •
W. 301INS,
The Tailor.
A.asq-z) sHimr)
Early Rose,
f, X. L.
Pond Seedlings,
American Wonder, We carry the largest stock of Seeds in
Red Elephant, jHuron Ooty, and can satisfy you in any
White Elephant, thing in this line.
Seed Emporium.
All Fresh Seed and the beat to be pia -
The Celebrated Mammoth Southern Sweet ensilage Corn.
Get our Prices on Nails, both Out and Wire.
Headquarters for Fishing Tackle,
Are You
We have the best assortment
and the cheapest.
Come in and
See Thern
Or else write for particulars.
Fanaon'e Block, Exeter,
We Want You
to coro.e into Our Store
ANT sometimes.
We have so much to sell besides
quinine and all those bitter things. s We
don't want you Su think we are happy
only when you are sick. Of course, if
you must be ill, we always want to put
up ppm Prescriptions, but we have a
thousand and one things you need be-
sides medicine. Just now we have
some uncommonly good values in
Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up,
Nail J3ruelies from 5c up, Tooth Brushes
from. 50 up. Bet don't let tie forget to
draw your attention to the extensive
stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of
Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing
ix cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2
ekes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old
Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large
assortment of medicinal soaps., and )
many other lines. All .the above are
excellent values, both in quality and
quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow
what you can do to -day. Call at once. 1
J. W. Browning's
A Suit of alothes
OP a Single Garment
Should Combine now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit,
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A. J.
SNELL never disappoints his
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
Spring 3, Summer Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take muoh pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at-,
414.. SUnIgra.
Totton jointeel Harrows at
$13.00, Cash.
Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong,
Strike not the weak because you are strong ;
Strike not your father, atrike not your mother,
Strike not your sister, strike not your brother ;
But strike a good scheme' when ever you can,
Strike a deal with 3. H. GRIEVE,
And you will strike the right man
For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our
stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties
in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain.
Remember the place.
J. II. Grieve.,,
Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which
were made five or six years ago.
The Featherbone Corset of to -day
is as far removed from the old
style, as black is from white.
tile and wookblankets we always. take
the lead.
Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers,
what you all will need;
Harness, collar, whips and sweat pads -
we have a good supply,
drets ombs, brushes and cards when
used keep away disease and the fly.
Trunks, valises and school bags, in
price and quality for the young and
She old,
Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs,
and mitts; to protect you from the
Elm city harness oil, dressing and
blacking, keeps harness and boots
a shining,
Bells, children's cairiages and wagons
prevents the little ones from crying,
Long and short boots, eIt and rubber
boots, we claim the best and nicest.
Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe et and j D
Harness store, be sure and ghis
Apent beetha; right p1ue5r.
That, Xs D. Atkinson's is
the ri,ght place to buy your
furniture. The following
facts and figures prove:
10 Piece
Bedroom Outfit,
$20.50. •
DRESSER $20.50.
$20.50. BOcCIREttintlt,
Corning brides and young married
couples take advantage of the above
offer. We supply comfort cheap.
Furniture Dealer,
Main Street, Exeter,
Full Stock of all kinds always
on hand.
I. 11 11.0197E,
IIave you an old Buggy Top that needs
re.coymieg and you with to have made ag
good as new 7 Side Curtains played out?
Your Cushion played out ? or other
Trimmingia shabby and require to be
renewed ;
If so, cell on
br, 0cr..A.Trerx,
Or leave your order g at Jonee
Repairs promptly attended to. Carriage Work*, Exeter,
J .
ivi & Co. .
J. urra-y . Alainl dd6orna :tall it rwtelig a iel) re graiik eft tmteanritirelP.
Chargee moderate,
Parlor Setts
Side Boards
Bedroom Setts
Fancy Bamboo
Window Shades and
A Large Variety
and Low Prices.
Gidley & Son
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rieiy end Madder diseattes relieved in xi*
hettre by the "Great South American Xid
try Clure." This new remedy ig a great
surprise and delight to nbysiolana on leo*
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Water and mein in pasting it altaoat httood
11 you want /utak te)fa And sate
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