HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-9, Page 1VOL XXII. NO 83, • AND HURON "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAT MORNING, MAY 9, 1895 . raRD WOODHAM. • F I T HE PUR8E Is an absolute necessity in these days of "tight money." No matter how much or how little you may have to spend, we will give you your choice of anything And evert - thing out a our beautiful stock, and make the price to suit you. It may be you require ANEW HAT .A STYLISH BONNETT A. HANDSOME PARASOL A GOOD DRESS 01, something, in the way of HOSIERY OR GLOVES . TRIMMINGS CORSETS O'R FRILLINGS HANDKERCHIEFS VEILINGS, &C. Whatever it may be you need, we are very likely -yes, .alrnoat cer- tain -to suit you both in quality and price. Our stock is large, our as- sortment in everyway complete, and we are selling the best goods at prices to fit any purse. , t, roan e,4 co. ,F.,,, Mitrtaeetaag 'organized a blew rile club: It ese knee° ea' "The tl ptodate. " a Thed m `1 that 'ETood's Sarsaparilla, onee 'fairly tr .., becoines the favorite spring - medicine, speaks volumes for its excellence and merit, Mr. Thoreau Earl of Logan, broke ono of hie lege on 'Wednesday forenoon. He got a foot .through the bottom of a stone •boat, and the horses moved-ona ceasing a • interpret of a bOntait little above the ankle. not despair of curing your sick head - he when you ce.n so easily obtain Car- r'a Little Liver Pills. They will effect a prompt and nermaeent cure. Their action is mild and natural. aeRev. Mr. Steele, late incumbent of Kirkton circuit, has passed through a successful operation, performed by Dr. Matheson aseisied by Dr. Irving, and is rapidly recovering. Efe expects in a few days to lee.ye for his new appointment at Grosse Isle, Que.-St. Marys Journal. On Monday last Levine, youngest daughter of Mr August Herbert, of the 3rd con., Logan, died of consumption. She had just entered. on her twenty third year and until she contracted a cold about .a year ago, which settled upon her -lunge, enjoyed good health. Mr. Wm. Urquhart, whom home is in • Fullerton, and who worked all lest sum- mer in Mesers. Lemon's barber shop in Mitchell, coinplained of a sore arm, and after doctoring it all winter with no effect, went to the hospital in Toronto, It was found that the cords were contracted and everything possible was done to slave the limb, but all to no purpose. It was am- putated at the shoulder on Monday Mat and be is getting along as well as can be . expected. - 4., You Dont Have to Swear off. Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricula • ture in an editorial about No -To -Bee the •famous tobaxeo babit cure. "We know of many eases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a prominent St. Louie architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured. hun so that even the smell of to- bacco makes him sick." No -To -Bac soli and guaranteed, no euro no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul • St., Montreal. • They. are Coming in to see the famous -13 XCYCLES rACIrroler•nenffennanswimiraftlit.n • • YOU Never Get Left When You Invest In a- PICYCIE That ...02,,,,perenewnroc.....rtacpciataseaciramosommos We Handle.. • ammecesemme=minnenown • Qualiby tells the story, And figures seldom lie, • You'll alwaye be in glory, If front its yea buy ; —Ameere--77 he who hesitates is lost, alien besitete 00 more, net go atone° to Mein-st„ Wo BROWNING& l'aitOuSON'S Store, 'Whore you gee the cheappet Bicycles and Bicycler Sundries. Browning :4 rorguson. nicsreless Uteetrie Bells, Tele • pltorteS, Ste, , Orediton. Bluems.-At the meeting ot the Quarterly Official Board of the Credi; tou Circuit, on Monday last,the Rev. Baker was unanimously invited to re- main for the fourth year. Oranton. 13nines.--Brasiness is quiet in the village. -Dr. 0, W. Thompson ;ett this week for England to take a post- graduate course in the London Medi- cal Hospital. -Mr. Pollard has sold his blacksmith business to Messrs. Branian & German and has gone to Seaforth to work. Three srnithshops were too many for this small burg. - J. A. Beattie has moved into his re- sidence over the store. Exoellent and cornmodioue rooms have been fitted up, and now Mr. B. had one of the finest residences in town.-"Da,ninore' is being fitted at Ailsa Craig for the race meet in Exeter on May 24th. - Fuel vendors besiege the village.' Hibbert. -- The Council met on April 271h all present except Mr. McLaren. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Quite a number contractors were present and put in tenders for the construction of the bridges advertised by the council. Mr, Samuel Speare, of Cron:tarty, se.- ourepl the contract for the Gillespie and Dow bridges and Mr. Thomas Vernon, the McCann bridge. There being no other business before the council a motion of adjournment, ap- pointing Monday the 27th of May next for holding court of revision and the transaction of general business at 10 o'clock a. m., was passed. T. CARROLL, ()lei*. Zion. Buters.---There will be a concert on Friday evening under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist church. The entertainment will be of a musical and literary character. Rev. Dr. Cook ot Granton, Miss Moe - sip, St. Marys; Miss Madge of Elim - villa and Mr, Gregory of ealinoheisea, vvill take part in the Program. Mr. McPherson will give an illustrated lecture • -Mr. Frank Cornish is very ill. Dra Lang and Rollins held a con- sultation on Tuesday.. MI...McPherson, the wielder ot the rod, moved to our burg last week from Centralise -A meeting was held on Wednesday eve- ning for the organization of football club, There is a large membership, and Zion this year will possess a team tiscond lb none. Challenges invited. • •-...— Lucan. Bruees.-The lovers of baseball mei at the Central hotel Thursday evening, April 25th tor the purpose of re- organizing the club when the follow- ing officers were elected: -A. E. O'Neil, president; 0. E. Daltry, vice- president; Jas. W. Anderson; manager; Fred Smith, treas. ; Fred Porte, sec.; A. O'Neil, captain, The club will be known ns formerly "The Irish Vine." A Wonderful Couple -Mr. and Mrs, O'Neil, 98 and 99 years old, are both helpless in bed, but their memory of of the past is quite clear, and they are quite talkative. If Mrs. O'Neil lives till the 9t12 of June she will be 100 yeara old. They came from Iceland in 1830. C. I 4i Us borne Council. The council met on the 4th inst. All the members present. • The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Two tenders for Rook Elm lumber were laid on the table. KeddY-Eiunter-That Mr. Robert Bell's tender for Rock Elm lumber for Ilia use of the municipality at $10.9 per M be accepted, and that the clerk notify Mr. Bell accordingly. -Carried. Mr. Brownell, of London, address ed the council at some length, with reference to the purchase of a Western Road Machine. No action was taken. Delbridge- Gardiner -That.Road Divisions, No. 4 and 5 ennteracting lots 8 to 13 inclusive, in the 8th and 9th concessions South East Ward be united, and known as Division No, 5. That Wm. Turnbull be pathroaster of the united beats for the current year, and that a by-law be drafted confirm ing the eame.-Carried Keddy-Gardiner- That a Court for the Revision of the Aesessinent Roll for 1895, be held at theTosvn Hall Elia/vine, on baturday tbe let day of June next, at 10 o'clook a, In., and thet the clerk duly advertise the Sarno. -Oarr led. By -Law No. 2, 1895, eppointina Pathmastere wad duly read, Gardiner--Delbridge-That By -Law No. 2, 1895, appointing Pathmasters for the current year as now read be p wise d, - Carried. On motion of W. Kedtly. seconded by J. diluter- the counoil ndjourned to meet again on Satarday, June Ise, at 10 o'clock, a. m., nes Court of Re- vision and for general businees. G , W. HotmeN, Clerk. P4041 uertextrn Mune Of Hood's Sareaparilla wine friends. wherever it is fairly aucl hotteetly tried To have perfect health, you meat have pure Wood, aud the beat wey to have pare blood id to take Hood's Sateapitrilla, the beat blood purifier and strength buibler, It tenets ell taint of scrotitis, teat rheum, awl rill °OW brunets, an nt thE) geese time builds up the wbele system. noodle Pale tiro prompt And effielent. 250. Croinarty. Bninrs, -Albert Knowles isserioesly ill at: present with Mil tmtnation.-- 'rhos Lang has purchased one of Mr. Boyle's farms, for $3,700. This is a good farm, but it is somewhet out ot repair.- It is with sorrow we record the death of Mrs. Ferguson, wife of ex -treasurer of this township The deceased had been watching by the bedside of her aged mid sick partner for a number of months, when she was smitten down herself. She lay at death's door for a number of weeks, but on Saturday preceded. her husband to their future rest. The deceased was seventy tvvo years of age, having lived half her life in this vicinity • Anderson. --- BRIEF:I.-Miss Bell, of aensall, and Mrs. W. Hazelwood, of Kirkton, are visiting friends her. -Leahy Cameron received a dangerous wound in his knee last week while engaged in the erection of Kerby Roberteon's new building. -Thos Anderson, of this place, left last week for Algoma in comp any with R. Ogilvie and family of Kirkton. We wish him success. - Our Temperance Lodge is booming. They purpose giving an open meeting Friday evening, May 10th. "The policy pursued by the Conservative Government is the most beneficial to our country" will be debated, and as our young men poseees considerable oratorical pnvver we expect that the debate will be both interesting and profitable. Dashwood. ---- BRIEF0.-Farmers are about done putting in spring crops and a few good showers would be welcome. The contract for building the new church was let to Mr. J. Kelbfleisch whose tender was the lowest for putting up the church,till the last of October, for the sum of $3,257. Mr. Kalbfleisch seems to be the right man in the right place* 7'he foundation is new dug and the masons will start in a day or so. -Quarterly Sacrament was dis- pensed in the Methodist church of this village on Sabbath morning last. Rev. Mr. Kreh conducted the meet- ing. --Mr. J. Kellerman intends put- ting up two dwelling houses this com- ing summer. -Mr. Frank Litt from Tamstock who has been employed at Mr. Kftereher's of this village was in town on Tuesday. -Some of our farm- ers are making their first experiment in spraying their fruit trees, which we think is a very good act. •Kirkton. Bateee. -The Royal Tempters in. tend holding an open meeting on the 16th. A visit is expected on that evg. frorn the sisters and brothers of Exeter. And a good time is antici- pated. -The baker shop will be in full svving next week. We wish Mr. Hoskin success. -Muir & Manning are having their store renovated and im- proved by the skilful hands of G. L. Moneys -The base ball team is now in good working order, they are open for matches with any of the surrounding teitins.-Mr. Gregory of Winchelsea was visiting friends at Kirktor. on Sunday last. -The quarterly board of the Kirkton circuib (Methodist churah) met on Tuesday last to discuss matters, and transacted businese per- taining to the welfare of the church. - Mr. W. 11. Gilpin, druggist ofeToronto paid a short visit to his mother and sister of this place last week. -Mr. Donald MoCellum etill remains poorly. -Mr. Absalom Dope has located in St. Marys. -Rev. •H. .0. Steele has left for his new appointment at Grosse Isle, Quebect.--Miss Jennie Patterson, of Detroit, formerly of Blanshard, died on Friday last after a few weeks illness, The remains were brought to Kirkton for interment in the Episco- palian Cemetery, the funeral taking place on Sunday last from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Atkinson of Usborne township. The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of the neighborhood in the loss of One who was dear to them just at the prime, of life, the deceased being only 26 years old. In the absence of O resident minister the'last sad rites . were pertormed by Mr. D. Brethour. -Our local cotem, the St, Marys Journal, must have -secured a pro- fessor of modern languages for Gorges. pondent from our lively village, for last ',seek w, read of Mr. Ferguson M. D., being elected office bearer of the Kirkton baseball teane.-Some main sneaking,low bred devil, mewled upon his belly one night recently and with a sharp knife out two litege gashes in the dashboard ot one of our villager's buggy. It is a pity he could not be caught and served the memo way that Peter used the matches, Only this •cowardly wretch should have bpth his eats cut off instead Of one. Suspicion points strongly to certainperson who stays around here, ad the Rev . As Tufts B. A., of Vioteria dotage, is home oh visit and will officiate in the Methodist church on Sunday next, Goon Resiters Onseavan. Rev, Dr lafeLeod, Thornburn, N, S., "1 breve in several eases observed the,good results ofyour remerly for dyrepeprela in my oongregation, I have no heeltation in recommending itr,t1s a ueeful remedy," Prominent men thronghent Out land winless to the meats of this great reemay, GREAT becauee it cures. •Free satin:lee D 0. Coe Ltd., New Glasgow, end 127 State street, Roston, Mass, Hibbert nesesee__,The. Salem footballers met the other evening, and re -organized tor the coming season, with the follow- ing ofbererse-Hon. president, J. Pin - der; preeldent, G. Vipond; captain, R. 0. Good, The club is now ready to arrange for games with local teams -- Jas. Watson succeeded in capturing the eagle which had been pursued by our local sports since early spring, The bird measured seven feet, seven and a half inches across the wings. • Stephen. Sanwa Rum:am-The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 3 Stephen for the month of April, -IV -Sr, Fred Sanders, 415; „nettle Sweet. 353; Henry Beaver, 277; -Jr. IV -Geo, Bagshaw, 435; Geo. Sanders, 434; Her- man Beaver, 400, Wesley Sanders; 245; Clara Stanlake, 503; Sam jory, 467. - Sr. III --Bertha Gilbert, 532; Eddie Beaver, 513; Daniel Sanders, 438; Luther Fenhale, 417; Lilly Kestle, 361; -Sr. IL -Clinton Sweet, 830; Mary Sanders, 821; Henry Kestle, 759; .Har- ley Sanders, 727; -Jr. II -Stella Pen. hale, 757; Marshall Box, 686; -Jr. II Pt -Fanny Ford, 235; Roy Parsons, 2e7; Asa Penhale, 227; Herbie Ford, 226; Frankie Trfebner, 228; Minnie Triebner, 224; Homer Bagshaw, 196. - Best spellers in ILL and 1V classes Wesley Sanders, Pt II and If classes Mary Sanders. Average attendance for the month 37. W. B. BIGHIAW Teadher. Bethesda. BRIEFS. -The farmers are nearly through seeding and the young people are discussing, an outing for the 24th of May. Some think of the lake while more think of having a picnic at home. Foot ball, base ball and other games will be provided. -We were pleased to see THE TIAIEs note on our Post Office proposition in last week's issue and hope soon to report the affair settled. We are not selfish but only want our rights. At present the Hen- sall-Ohiselhurst route and that to Lum- ley involves about 100 miles of weekly travel,and Lumley only gets mail twice a week at that, while with the route we propose, Lumley and Bethesda in addit- ion to B oclgerv ilia and Ohiselhurst would get a daily mail with •only about 95 miles of travel. So that any one can see it would not only be a gaeat con- venience but a save in distances and very probably in expense We are aware that some people do not favor our proposition, but they are prompted more by selfish motives than by a desire to serve the public good. We have one of the wealthiest communities in the county, and we doubt if there are people in a counfry neighborhood in this province of Ontario who read more or aro more desirous of daily communication with the outside world, and there is no re tson why their wiehes should not be gratified when no one would be inconvienced thereby. We do not wish to take away any post office hub simply to extend present arrangements to include us in. the fevers bestowed at present on those on our borders. Exeter Municipal Council. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at the Town Hall. Exeter, 3rd May, 1895. All present, except Mr. Treble. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling-FIarding-Orders as follows: Jas. Creech $90, parb salary; J N How- ard $39.60 street lighting and $5 for Town Hell lights to May lst; john Moreshead $2, labor; D Russell $2.50, do; 0 Smith $2..50, do; T Webster $1.87 do; R Williams $4.50, do; Geo. Cud - more $2.60, trees for park; Jas Creech $a charity to Mre. Sutton; do $1.50, T Daw; do $1, Mrs Bartram. --Carried. Harding -Carling - That the usual grant of $60 be given the band on the terms of playing outside at least orme week when practicable. -Carried. . After explanation by the Library Board concerning change of law re- garding the same, it was moved by T B Carling, seconded by W. Harding, that the council consent to continue the interests of the institution as formerly by the library Board, the name to be changed as required by law. -Carried. On application of Mr. Davis, re drain ea Elgin street,it was moved by T the council furnish the tile, the parties Wareing, seconded by W Hardingethat interested to do the digging under tr direction of the Road Commissioner. - C4rriecii AB.law re street watering was duly read and passed on motion of J Taylor, seconded by W Harding. Harding -Taylor -That the Coat of Revision of Assessment Roll be held on Friday, May 31st, ea 7.30 p. tn.- Carded,. Taylor-Catling-Thab the Council now consider the advisabiliey of build- inea bpd stand .--CarriecIt Taylor -Carling -That Messrs Car- ling and Harding, be a committee to procure a sketch and estimates of stand and submit to Outsell at next meeting. .-Oarried. Carling-Taylor-Adjourninent un - Friday, 17th inst, at 8 o'clock, p. m. 111:Eacatere, Clerk, Tuckersmith. Comma Magenta .-The courier] met at Brimfield on April 27th. All the mem- bers were present. The clerk was instruoted to advertise asking tencters for the- • erection of two Queen's trine cedar bridges ever the Bayfield River, one 80 ft epee, (Crioh's) and one ' 90 feet span at McLean's, After posing a few accounts the eouricil adjournea •to meet again as a Court of Revision of the assessment -roil on Monday, May 271h, at 9 o'clock, and for general business at 10 o'clock Cimeenway, Barers.-Mr, Jae: Brophey, our looal fish dealer, le suppiring the market with NO. 1 white fish. -The trustees of school No. 10 assisted the teacher and soholare on Arbor Day in fixing up the school yard and planting a number of trees and flow; ars.-Rev J. H. Chant preached a very interesting and instruotive sermon at the Quarterly meeting service, and the choir sang aeveial appropriate pieces. which were inspiring to ell lovers of rousie.-The trustees of Boston lafethodist church have ordered a new wire fence) to be built around the froot of the church grouncle. Anion DAy,-,ibout seventy five visitors greeted the teachers of our school on Friday afternoon to shew the appreciation of their efforts in getting up an "Arbor Day" program. During the morning the scholars were busy cleaning up the yard, planting trees, and making flowers beds, and everything bore a neat appearance in the afternoon. The program was given partly in the school and partly outside in the shade. The program from beginninR to end was excellent. Some of the most striking parts ot it were :"The song of the Woodmeu" and the "Forestere" ; the Boy's Drill, managed by the Principal ; and the song by the girls, especially prepared for the day. Our worthy teachers Mr. Gregory and Miss Halle have reason to congratulate themselves on the /illness of their undertaking. (*rand 12end- Biners.-The weather continues pretty dry, and a shower of rain would do a great deal of good, -The farmers aro pretty well through seeding now. The land has worked excellent this ening.-The fish- ing season has commenced aud. the catch hail been good so far. -Kr. Berney is visiting here now after spendiug a mouth with hie son near Toronto. -The II, 0. T. M. met on -Monday evening and transacted all necessary business connected with the Tent. They intend celebrating tbe llth with aped nem tate in the grove. -Mr. W. 13. Mile is making some improvements on his place of business which will improve its look and menvenience.-John Dalziel was here on businese last week. -Mr. Breuner has oommenced fencing his grove which will h.:reprove its appearance. -Mr. Hamilton expects to have hi a mill running this week. He has puehed it on very fast. A Ourious Sheep and Dog Case. Considerable speculation exists as to the responsibility of Mr. Alex. Scott, the owner of the dog that evorried Mr. Cons. wrth'e sheep It o.ppeara that a stray dog suffering from hydrophobia, unknown to people along the Town I,ine between Blenheim and South Dumfries, hod bitten Mr. Scott's dog, The family had seen nothing wrong with the dog. The dog had left and nothing was known of him further than that - a neighborine hound was seen with hint. Bat he had not gone far when he retarned home and was afterwards shot. Healthy dogs never make a companion with a rabid one. The dog was seen worrying Mr. Coneworth's sheep when he was shot. Soon after the sheep ehowed signs of hydrophobia and a veter- inary surgeon was Rent for wno ordered the sheep to be killed, that is, those skew- ing signs of dimase. The others were ordered to be watched. In all 15 sheep have been killed, and there have been light symptoms of the disease in others. en arbitration was ananged and the eheep were valued at 320 each, which the owner refuses, wanting 350 each, the flock being o inost valuable one, perhaps the best in the oountry. No ease has been tried so far as is known. No blame can be shown against the owuer of the dog, in fact lie has, we understand, expressed a desire to Pay a reasonable sum for the injury done by his dog. On the other hand the owner of the sheep refuses to take only the tall value according to his own velnation. The case will now likely be settled by law. What form it will take it is difficult to say, If a dog bit a men would the family get any remuneretion from the owner of the dog? -Galt Reporter. WORLD'S COLUMRIAN KxPONITION. Will be of value td the world by illus., tratiog the improvernetitti in the meehin- foal arts and etnieent trhysioittne will tell yen thet the prodeots In Mediemal mentos, have been of egintl importance, and as a strenetherong laxative that Sytup of Fige le far in m1,6)10001 all others. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. hey first make yon Rick and then leave yon constipated., Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and then make you weil. Dose, one pill. A youne man nattiest Nelson Liagsburn, ot West Meath, Ont Was drowned Tburs day whim booming lops Ile was 19 years of age. The body was recovered about au hour afterwards, As the strength of A building depends upon the molidity of its foundation, so health depends Upon the condition of the blood. To expel impurities and cause the the vital fluid to become vigoroutt and life. giving, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the most powerful and effective medioine in use - A etwoner's int -meet was held/ At, Kin- cardine, Ont„ Thursday, on the body et Mrs Morrisen, e walow, 38 Tears of age, who died euddelnly on Tuesday last. After taking Medical and otber testimony, the jury found that ber death wile due to natural causes, and that there was Do foundation for rumors to the oontrery. Death has been very busy in Mitchell 0,11r1 nelghborhood within the past few m eeks,and gtief has eotered Many a home. Since the first of Janitery Our ttvo tender- takets have attended 36 funerida, which is burin exoess of the deaths dinettes the Aetna time of any pteVione year- • Exeter. JOHN WalITE itc SONS Publishers and. Oroprietese Public School. Room 1. -Sr 5th, Elsie McCann Alex Martin, Russell Hicks, Fre Lutz, Ernest Gregory, Ida Johns. 5th, Stella Gregory, Eva Carling, Wil Bavsclen, Frank Fish, Edna, Oreec Ida Ferguson. No on roll 43, avera 45. T. J.Loottnerer, Teacher. Room 2. -Sr 4th, Eva Brownin Rhoda Handford, Rose Harton,s Oho lotte Petterson, Freddie Sweet, An Martin, Jr 411, Clara Fanson, Li Quance, Ada Powell, May Thotna Mary Heideman, Herbie Pickard, N on roll 49, average 40. Miss Vosems, Teacher. Room 3. -Sr 3rd, Violet Willi Wesley Howey, 1Vlay Armstrong, Te flunkin, Coleman Moncur, Hen Gould, Jr 3rd, Willie Muir, Shirl Bobier, Vercy Hardy, John Newcomb rollEddie 55, y 8ate ::Orgte4) Ada Balsden• No o Miss A. E. GREGORY, Teacher. Room. 4. -Sr, 3rd, Melville Howe Alvin Johnston, Mamie Fanson, He man Prior, equal; George Sander Floasie Snell. Jr 3rd, Mervyn Hues ton, Norman flern, James Baldse Cora McPherson, Mervyn Hick Mabel Penick, Jessie Dow, equal. N on roll 51, average 46. Miss M. E, GILL, Teacher. Room 5. -Sr 2nd, Annie Heideman Jennie Murray, Jessie Cameron, Millie Martin. Jr 2nd, Willie Newcombe, Winnie Howard, Herbie Harrell, Willie Murray. No on roll 79, average 67, Miss H. E. WALDRON, Teacher. Room 6. -Sr 2nd, Merle Gould, Nina Carling, Harry Hueston'Louise Car- ling, May Newton. Jr 2nd, Veda Handford, Ruby Treble, Dolly Dick- son, Ethel Farmer. No roll 75, aver- age 62. Miss H. D. PRINGLE, Teacher. Room 7. -Sr 2nd, Percy Westaway, Nettie Fulton, Ruby Davidson, Gertie Johnston. Jr 2nd, Addie. Gillespie, Annie Brown, Fred Jeckell, Laura Towle. No on roll 15, average 52. Miss A. V. JECRELL, Teacher. m, , nk I Jr he goh, g: na da s, 5, na ry ey 0, r - s, n, 5, Change of Business. Mr. Will Levett, on Tuesday pur- chased the fine Bobier Block and bus- iness of the Bobier Produce Co., in Exeter, paying therefor a good. figure, and will remain a citizen of Exeter. Mr. -Lovett is well lamewn to the com- munity, and his superior business abil- ities and good qualities require no ens logy from us. To those with whom he has not come in contact in his former business, we might say they will find him honorable in every •sense, and a person with whom it will be a pleasure to do business. He takes possession at once. Mr. Bobier will devote his time for the present to the Creamery business. Public School Board. Minutes. April 24th. -All preeent. - Business duly confirmed :- Minutes of previous meeting ; pr T: Fitton and E. Howard, that the Board visit the school on Satur- day first to plan rearrangement of play grounds; pr Dr. Lutz and E, Howard, that the report of the Ina: Com., showing an additional insurance effeoted of :$1,500, at a premium payment of 313.05, be accepted, and the order iasued for pay: ment be sustained; pr Dr Lutz and W J Ceiling, that three copies of the Concise Imperial Dictionary be procured for the um of the sehool, at a coat not exceeding 31.75 each ,pr T. Fitton and E Howard, that the Secretary be desired. to furnish a statement of the cost of fuel for a two year's term prior and subsequent to the introduction of the present heating syelern; pr Dr Lutz, adjournment. April 301h. -All present, Minutes duly confirmed : - Minutes of previous meet: ing ; pr W J Carling and P. Frayne, that the agreement made by this board by the purchase of the land to the south of the plot recently acquiree to aline in centime ation of the eouth' boundary of the old school grounds, and to the line of -the eastern boundary of the present sehool grounds, at a rate of two hundred dollars per acre, be confirmed ; pr P. Frayne and W J Carline, that the fence to the south ofthe grounds be coutimied to the eastern coundary of a uniform height and char- acter with tbe old, and that a fence be built along the east and north boundariet of the new grounds to a heightof four feet with a gate at a point to be 'determined by the committee; pr lar Lutz and E Howard, that the children be reetrained from enter- ing the now grounds meta the commence: ment of the September term ; pr Dr Lutz aud E Howardahat the foltowing account bepard :--11. Bishop a Sons, seed, 34.86 ; Pr T Fitton and E Howard, that the teacherel obeques br iseued payable ion the last of the current month ; pr Dr Lutz and W J Carling that laerosee be a prohibited game ; pr Dr Lutz, adjournment, J. GRIGG, Secey, Rem E. Hunt will preach the third sermon of the special course next Sun- day evening on "The Old Gospel agid National Politics, Mr. Geo. 114ansoti has devised a simple moans of destroying ourculio oti plum trees, which he wishes Trot TXMES to give to ita many readers: Procure& sheet of sticky fly paper, wrap it tightly around the trunk of thls tree, sticky tide out, ad tie at top with a cord to hold it in place. Heim tried it end finds this the best means of preventing their getting into the tree. & 'Forest, Ont., despatch saanet--An uns sueeessfel attempt Mae trade Teesday night to burn the Stsederd itewspaper office here. Mr. Alex, Iteer, editor. who Grend Vie President of the 0. V. attributes the attempt to Instredl engett- dered toward e biro 00 aceeunt of hie Op- prialtien bs IttiManisila in pelfliale X. D. C. the nior ghty Outer f' •Indiges Hour ARKE Dmicx.. Our Stock of Spring and Summer Goods is now complete. Everything charming, new, and up to date in style. The Ladies should see our Dress Goods, Prints, Hosiery and Wall Papers. Gentsshould see our Tweeds, Hats, Ties, Collars, Shoes. All nobby, new and sure to please, and prices almost out of sight, (so small.) Call around; glad to. see you J. P Ross, A. SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT. Mit. T. ELAZLEEURsT, Or BetatergoltD. USES A Seem/0 REMEDy wiTII GREAT EFFECT Beteerrroan, May 6 -Interest has been revived bare, through thepublished des. patches about the Kent case in Ottawa, in the extramdinary recovery from diethe- tes of Mr. T. Hazlehurst, an esteemed resident of the town. This gentleman suffered very severly from the complaint, losing a great deal of weight, and trying a number of remedies without enmities. At last when completely run down, he deter- mined to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and in an inareditable short time recovered his healtli and strength. He attributed his . recovery entirely to the use of this valua- ble remedy, and has recommended it m several cases with marked guineas. 1.-6-111.*• 4 Huron County Notes The wife of Mr. Frank Freeman, of Torouto, formerly of Clinton, died on Sun- day last. B. Ge Westcott of Leamington has an egg laid by a Plymouth ben wheal measures 6 x 8 inches. eee Mr, Adam Faust of Hay has sold his 100 acre farm to Messrs H. & • D. Trumner- Efe had an auction sale last week. Tbe coming great demonstration on the ' 12th of July next in the town of Seaforib, promises to be one of the best held in Western Ontario. Mr. George Taylor of Kippon, has re. fused. a $200bid for one of his brood mares, which ahowe that goocl horses are still worth raising. Thos. E. Hays of McKillop, white in Seaforth the other day, hie hotee ran away throwing him out and initiating serious injury. Thos. 11. Thompeon died in 'Clinton last week, from blood poisoning Ile sus- tained injury to his heal while pulling off his boot, blood poimning setting in. The teoderich District meeting, lefethe- dist church, which was to ha.ye been held at Hansen on the 15th and lfitb Inst., will be changed to the 161h and 17th. The race meet to be held in Seaforth in July will occupy two days. There are to be six mom on the programme and the purses, as already announced, will amount 1, to $1800. Mr William Habkirk, of Seafortb has leased Dr. Scott's farm in Harputhey - for five years, and is now occupying it. He has Masa hie residence in Seaforth to Ur. M. Jordan. The Commercial hotel, Seaforth, lately destroyed by fire is to be rebuilt at once. The plan is to be of the most modern kind, and wheu finished will be amongst the finest west of Toronto. Mrs. Charles Lowrie Mime shortly for the old country, where she intends to reside in faure. Her many friends in Seaforth will be sorry to part with such a worthy oitizen and friend. Miss Maggie Norris, of Hibbett, intro. deiced bloomers in Mitchell on Monday evening last. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills ? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and all the ills produced by a disordered liver. Only one pill a dose. K.. D. 0. mires Deropepaia. Stara's eowders, each pemeage of wbich contains two preparations, one in a roond wooden box, the cover of waich forms a mensut e for one dose, an immediate relief. for Costiveness, Stec Heaclashe and Stott- aoh, also Neuralgia and all kinds of ner- vous pains, and alsother in capsules, (from to Is of one is an ordinary dose) whish acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stemachs forming a neverfailing perfeet treatment for all Head and. Stomach complaints, They do not, as moat pills and eo many otber inedictees do, lose their effect or produce after constipations they are nide to take. 25e. a box at ellmedicine dart- •s era Isset2. XXRICTON • Post Ofiaoe Store A new stock of 'HATS for old arid young, in Straw arid Felt, just' opened out this week ; also a few cases of tOoTS 8t SHOES it the latest styles and gnisb. Call atiol see them, Highest price:paid for Butter and Eggs. xi4t 41, 144.01413$1.0