HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-2, Page 8I ISTelte NCI.. LIN i'SFlt filLLIOT,4-GLINT FOR ATRE WGA.1'ERN ASSURAleO11 0.)M- Pd.N]" of Termite: also for the Pf1U10NiX Flttll. NSUriANCE COMPANY, of Londau Ragland ALLIANCE 1NSUL.NCE COM- ' ,IVY of Buteland: ll Iia LONDON M:U TU isL jlllil; I1TS(11UJ Otl00. OF C,setADA . Head officio, - LONDON. Porta •yertrs this Company has done the largest business in Canada at the lowest r tees, eeneiatentwtth security Mints, Jan. 189 c, - $307,190.00 48.000;Polioies in tome. T.Fl.. IWUSON, President, D.O. Mo0UNALD, Manager. For further particulars. apply to DAVID JAQUES, Agent, Exeter. GRIGG'S Book Store WALL PAPER is our text this time. Never in the history of Exeter has WALL PAPER been offered at such LOW PRICKS S as we shall sell at this Season, and the Pat- terns will be more ARTISTIC than ever, Be Sure to See the New Stock before buying. Grigg's Bookstore "THE MART." —THE— Big Bankrupt Stora -FOR VALUES IN - Dress Goods, Millinery, & Capes. Yes, we are doing a great Dress .L Goods trade. We have a beauti- ful stock of neer, nobby, and stylish goods. We are selling a very nice dress length for $1.20 ; this dress is well worth $2.2e in the regular way of telling dry goods, but we struck a snap and are going to share the spoil with our customers.: IN MILLINERY we are certainly pleased with our trade, and so are our patrons. Ask the ladies who have been viewing the different displays and see what they say. If you want a choice lot of (JAPES to pick from take a look at ours ; the stock is large and complete. NOTE :-Our shop closes on and after May 6th, at 6.30 each evening, excepting Wednesday and Saturday. J. A. Stewart. NOTICE -An business announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., appearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per lino eaoh insertion. Black heading to Count as three tines. Cash with order save to persons baying open aoeounts. To unsure change of advertisements in ourrent lame copy mnetbe handedinto oboe on Tuesday. Trivitt Memorial Oh, 3rd Sunday afterEaster,May 5th.1895. 11 Te Deum Benediotue Holy Communion. 7 r. u. Cantata and Deus Special Sermon. "The Old Gospel ani the New." Dyke Holden Bunnett Bev. Hunt lost a purse last week containing over $100. We are showing about125 patterns of Prints and we will guarantee colors fast. J P Clarke. The rector of the Trivitt Memorial will preach the second course of special sermons on Sunday night on the 'Old Gospel and the new." We have just to hand, New Young Hyson and Japan Teas and will take no back seat in point of quality. Try our 25c tea, at J P Clarkes. { Trouble has arisen in Clinton over street watering. As the Council can- not compel tenants to ray frontage tax, theyhave abandoned the scheme so lonndona in vogue. This will be of interest to a number of Exeter business men. The assessor, Mr. Geo. H. Bissett has returned the roll. It shows real estate to the assessed value of $440,435; per- sonal property $44,850; taxable income $3,250. Total assessment, $488,535. Population $1,756. A. number of transfers have been ratified by the transfer committee of the Methodist Church, Following are the names of those who will be trans- ferred: From Montreal to Toronto Conference, Rev. J. A. Dowler, Rev. 0.0. Johnston; Toronto to Montreal Conference, Rev. J. V. Starr; London to Toronto Conference, Rev' J. Graham; London to Manitoba Conference, Rev. Ti Gaetz; Manitoba to London Con- ference, .Rev. Dr. Daniel ; Bay of Quinte to Toronto Conference, Rev. 3, F. 14cLachism; London to Niagara Con- ference, Rev". 44 W. P Pique; Niagara to. London Conference, Rev. JL. J. Hoskin, Gitielph to Toronto Conference Bev. Ji.' Qodfroy. xr;,7 D. C, the Blighty Rom. for Ix'tdfgen Ren. ottil I'IiURSt)AY, MAY 1st, 1805. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. itrevitto5, —T Farmers have almost finished seediug. The p.rioe of butter and eggs go down. The Central betel is undergoing inertial repairs. Thus far this has been a very dry spring. The Exeter builders and eoutrae'ore will reap a halyeet this yens. Mr. Fred J. Knight will shirtly o;.tert a geueral ato'o in Exeter north, The work ou the new gr,tnolith is side-. wale till bo commenced at once, Mr. A. Cottle held a sale of laud rollers, gates, etc., ou Saturday. The Turf Club have completed arrange- ments for the 246 May celeb:atiou. 3, A. Stewart has disposed of his pony and outfit to John MoDonell, of Hensall. The weather during the greater part of April was almost as warm as in mid -sum mer. The Sone of England have received an insitatiou to attend a church service in lelilchell on May 26t1t. Mr, James Creech, (jr.) has received the contract of watering the street of Exeter, at 91 cents per day. J. W. Broderick purchased three Bank- rupt stocks last week, and his store here is closed while looking after them. Messrs McDonell & Bissett have purchased a Clydesdale stallion which they will travel in this section this year. The cricketers have procured playing ground in the field at the rear of Mr Bishop's residence, and have prepared a splendid crease. Chas. Cluthe, will be in Exeter, at the Central Hotel, on May 76th. Tbose who requite his service will do well to visit him. See advertisement elsewhere. One day last week, while Mr, Smithson of Clinton, was riding on a load of step ladders. he slipped and fell to the ground deslouatiog one of of his shoulders. While alighting from a buggy on Thurs- day, Miss Ada McLaughlin slipped and fell, the wheels of the vehicle passing over her; She was lame for several days. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hnni, and Mr. R. El. Collins took part in the entertaiunient in connection with the organ recital in St. Theresa' church, Seatorth, on Friday. The many friends in Exeter of Mr. Bert Sheere, of London, the well-known ball player, will congratulate him on his marriage on Wednesday last to Miss Lydia C. Kelly. George Smith, the man lodged in the Exeter lock-up recently and afterwards taken to Ingersoll to answer to a charge of cattle stealing, has been indicted on other charges. The sheds in connection with the Main street Methodist church are being removed to the rearof the old eite,and erected in an "L" shape. This will afford ample room for the new church without purchasing additional land. Iwo disciples of Isaac Waltin, Messrs. A. G, Dyer and 0, B. Maraland, white re- turning from a fishing expedition on Saturday, met with a slight mishap, wbich migha have cost them a broken limb. Their horse shied at an obstacle on the road, and turning suddeuly around, threw them both into the ditch, Mr. D. coming out on top. Mr. M. had his leg somewhat bruised. The annual meeting of the Mechanics' Institute will be held at the library, Monday, May 6tb, for the election of officera and transaction of other business. All books must be returned before that date. It will no longer be known as a Mechanics' Institute,but "Public Library," according to an act paeeed by the Legis: 'eters at its recent seeaion. Reading room open as usual. Re -issue of books, May 11th.* A Holmsaville correspondent writes r - "Mr. Hardy, of Exeter, wasup on Mon- day,furthering arrangements in connection with the Colborne bridge.. Mr. Hardy has the contract for erecting a new bridge acmes the Maitland, north of Holmesville. He states that it is one of the largest wooden bridges he knows of auywhere,there being seven 67 -foot timbers in it clear of the water. He will commence aotiye work on it in a few days. A poet office is about to be established at Bethesda, in the township of Usborne. The mail routes, too, are likely to be changed. The daily mail which leaves Hensall will go to Chiaelhuret, thence south to Lamley, west to Bethesda, and north to Rodgervllle, instead of to Chisel - harlot and back to Rodgervilie, traversing the same route twice, Lumley, which is supplied with a semi-weekly mail from Farquhar, will by the new service, rrceive a daily mail, the Farquhar route being out off. The proposed route will make a convenient one, and should cost less than the present service. The Independent Oddfellows of Exeter celebrated the 76th anniversary of the order's institution Sunday morning by attending divine service. This is the way in whioh the order's anniversaries have always been marked, but Sunday's eclipsed any previoue services in point of attend-. ance and every other respect. The brethren began to assemble at the Odd - fellow's hall at 9 o'olock, and soon the lodge room was packed. After the usual instructions had been given the procession was formed. It was one of the; neatest looking bodies of men that has ever been seen on Exeter's streets.' After the pro- cession had entered the ohuroh, the doors were opened to the general public, and in a very brief space of time James street church was crowded. Rev. Geo. Jackson occupied the pulpit and preached a very appropriate and eloquent sermon. The newspaper is the commercial traveler in town and country homes, who tells at the fireside, to its evening circle, the merite of your wares and merchan- dise; if yon are wise enough to employ it to speak for you. Xt never is neglected, never goes unheeded, never speaks to inattentive or unwilling ears, Is nevem bores. It never time. It is always a welcome visitor, and meets a cordial reception. It speaks when the day is done, when cares vanish, when the mind at peace and at rest Is in its most receptive mood. Then it is that its etory is told, and all who read treasure what it says, and are influenced to go where it directs for the thing of Rhich it Speaks. But there is no literature for the oomtnon people like that of the newspaper. What better message can the merchant send than his a 1tortisement of household necessities or fashions novelties? What better avenue to the domestic group can the tradesien ilea? TEE EX E tl.'ER TIMES. Early Ctosiee. The Exeter merobaete have agreed to close their lesprettte pliers of business nt 6:30 o'clock eyery Might et each week (•westing Saturday and Weduesday, and all eveniuga preceding a holiday) dating tits bummer, cowwenciug ou Mouday nest, May 6th. Partnere and others will treveru themselves accordingly, and attain a point to make their purchases dating the day. Close Season icor iris), The Ottawa Fisheries Department has issued notices regarding theclose reason for fish. Baas cannot bd caught or sold between Mty 10 and June 30; inaskinoage, from April 15 to Julie 15; pickerel. from April 15 to May 16; speckled trout, from Sept. 15 to May 1; salami trout and white fish. Nov. 1 to Nov 30. The use of fire- arms explosives or snares to oaten or kill fish is prohibited. Persons aenvicted of breaking the, law wi'i be subject to a fine or imprisonment. and all informers receive hall the fioa. Good Cheer for Farmers. The upward tendency in• the yalua of farm stook lends the Farmers' Advocate to retnark thus : Our live stook market repar's are becoming decided y mate ohee ing reading for the feoderc, though the long delay in the up turn of prices has been, we must say, rather surprising. Choice hoof cattle have been selling in Chicago at $6 60, compared with e 50 a year ago ; hogs, 5 42, compared with $t 95 ; lambs, $6, compared with 35 75 ; and sheep about the same Cattle and hogs have been moving up in this country also, as would naturally be expeoted, though Canadian prices, at corresponding dates,have drag- ged along considerably lower than in the States, It is encouraging to note the re- ference to sales in Chicago of good driving horses at from e225 to $1,000 eaoh. a► Personals. A. McKillop correspondent says :-Mrs. James Lawrence, who has been in very poor health since January, spent several days last weak in Clinton, hoping that a change of atmosphere would prove bene- ficial to her, From Clinton she went to .Exeter where she now is, visiting ber sister. We hope to sea her return greatly benefited and invigorated. -Mrs. John Enke and little daughter, of Chicago, visit- ed friends in town the past week. She came to attend the funeral of her father, the late Wm. Wood. -Miss Southcott, of London, visited her brother, Mr. Wm, Southcott, last week. -Dr. N. F. Harris- on, of Detroit, spent a few days of this week under the parental roof. The doctor was called home on account of the illness of his father who recently received a partial stroke of paralysis, but who is regaining strength rapidly. -Mr. J. A anelt, student for the ministry, is home spending yaaation.--Mr. Will Lovett, who has been engaged in the grain buying, here, for some yearn, and who recently disposed of his store -house and business to Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, left yesterday for Parkhill, where he will engage in a similar business. Ivlr. Levet% bas been a good citizen of Exeter, and was e favorite alike with the townspeople and farmers. While we regret in losing him from our midst, we commend him to the citizens of Parkhill,-F.W• Farncomb was in town on Monday. -Mitchell Adyocate : "Miss Dent is attending a few days visiting friends in Hensall and Exeter." -A Miss Sanders of Exeter attended the bachelor's ball in Mitnhell last week. -Mr. James Pardon, formerly teacher at Farquhar, who baa spent the last seven months iu Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, is home on a vacation. He has finished his first year's course and was successful in all his examinations. Mr Pardon returns again towards the last of September to the College, which is one of the oldest and the beat in the United States, -Miss Maggie Murry is ill at her home in Hay township. -Mr Frannie of Fullerton was the guest of Mr. D. Mill on Monday. -Dr. H. K. Hyndman was confined to the house on Monday, through a alight illness. Mr, W. A. Gregory has secured a luorative situation in the furniture fantory of Anderson & Co. of Walkerton. -Mr. Wood of St. Thomas, attended the funeral of his brother here on Thursday last -Mies Alice Russell of St. Marys spent Sunday under the parental roof -Mr. W. J. Mc. Kay called on friends in town, ou Sunday. -Mrs. Daltry, of Lucan, who has been visiting her parents in town for the part few weeks, returned home on Tuesday, - Mr. A. MoDonell was in Wing/ram Tues- day purchasing horses:-- Mrs. B. S. O'Neil visited friends in Lucan last week. -Miss Odell, of London, is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Amos. -Dr. Anderson and wife, of Mitchell, were the guests of Dr. Anderson, town, oyer. Sunday -•-Miss Elliott, of Mitchell, is the guest of Mrs. (Dr,) Anderson, town. The Sir John Thompson memorial fund amounts to $36,000. Bee keepers report aerio\,is losses of bees during the past winter. Next Sunday will be Quarterly meeting Sunday in the Methodist churches. Mr. Cottrell intende moving to Centralis, and will erect a fine store building there. Manitoba fire losses since the beginning of this year are more than half a million. Hon. J. 0. Patterson, who is in poor health, left Ottawa Wednesday for Santa Barbara, California, where he will spend a couple of months, A despatch from Killarney, Selkirk, Saye an uprising of half breeds and Indians is reported to have occurred at St John's, North Dakota, just over the Manitoba boundary line. The Patrons of Industry at Qainn, Ont., have passed a vote of censure on Mr. S L.. Pardo, M. P. P. for Kent, for the course he pnrsued at the last session of the Local Legislataret The Ontario Legislature has passed a bill to abolish horse racing at agricultural fairs. The bill, however, "permits trials of epoed" at such institutions. This will please the horeemen. Mr. W. 11. Dearing, while passing under some old lumber piled away, his bead name in contact with a rusty nail, inflioting a nasty scalp wound. A little more and it would haye penetrated the skull. Rev. B. Clement, pastor of the London West elethodktte, has been confined to his bed by illness for over a week. He is now slightly better, and his many friends hope soon to see him around again. - Advertiser. At the annual vestry meeting, hold on Anril 15th, of St. Patrick's church, Bid- dulph., a resolution was unanimously adopted disapproving of the proposed separation from Kirkton, es recommended by the Executive Committee. Tommy Russell, of London, the boy who platted ties on the fork Stanley Railway track net as the evening expresa was approaching Westminster', plca•ied guilty yesterday morning before Judge. Wm. Elliott and was Neat to the Reform. atotry for two years. 1!Tay the aecoild, A. Mol one'l makes a shipment of horses this week, The council will meet on Friday et ening: The dry ',weather has a damaging effect on the fah wheat, iiitas Mabel Dent, of Mitchell, is vis- iting at the rectory, Mr Gee Bissett is buying grain for 5V G Bissett, on the market, Main street was raked on Monday and presents a clean appearance, The residence being erected for Dr, Anderson is feet nearing completion. Commissioner Creech is busy replac- ing the dead trees in the park with new ones, The reee track is being put in shape for speeding ho.sos for the forthcoming meet, The ladies of Main-st. congregation meet on Thursday afteenoon in Drew.'s hall Mr John Loadman has secured > a situation with Messrs. McDenell & Bissett. There is a new grain buyer on the market, in the person of Mr Joseph Cobblediok . • Are you reading the new story in T$E TltnEs 1t will repay you for the time thus spent. Tha Creamery was started yesterday. It . is being worked this year on the cream gathering plan. W. J. Bissett while working in a field on Tuesday put one of the tines of a fork through his foot. Mr. John Wood shipped two car loads of battle this week, one'to Toron- to. the other for export. A. meeting of the Exeter Gun Club will be held on Friday evening, May 3rd: Members please•attend "Beauty," the pony purchased from J A Stewart by J E MQDonell, has been re -sold to John Maoarthur, of Hensall. In Gents' Felt Hats and Footwear we only ask your careful inspection and we are sure of the results. J. P.Clarke. Mr.Geo Penhale of Stephen and Miss Jessie Vosper of Exeter were joined in wedlock yesterday; Congratulations. The Board of Health have issued their annual circular to householders and warm others. Prepare for weather. Ladies' Kid Gloves, Black Silks and Tans, Black and Colored Silk Lace Mitts, also Misses Just to hand, at J P C lark e'a. The mysterious disappearance of Philip Rupert, a quiet, respectable citizeu of Stratford, is engaging the attention of the police. The plans for the new Main at Methodist church will be on exhibition at the prayer meeting, in Drew's hall this (Thursday) evening. Don't forget for best values in Hermsdorf dyes, in Ladies Hosiery we carry them from 15c to 40c per pair, absolutely stainless, at J P Clarke's. Mrs. Glavin, relict of the late John Glavin, died in Biddulph last week. Sheaves one of •the pioneer settlers, very few of whom are left to tell the reminiscences ,of the olden times. The meanest man has finally been discovered. He refused to pay his wife's funeral expenses, on the ground that she belonged to him only "till death do us part." For Cream and Black Crepons-fine values in all wools, also Cream Serges and Henriettas, all colors;` also Satin Stripe Bengalines different shades at J P Clarke's. An old resident of Exeter, in the person of James Brown, Exeter North, died on Sunday last, at an advanced age. Mr. Brown had been ill for some time of general debility. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was conduc- ted under Orange auspices by Biddulph L. 0. L., County Master. Bro. John Neil, reading the burial service of the Order. The advertising agent for Messrs. Edmonson & Bates, Toronto, propriet- ors of Dr. Chase's Remedies and Scott's Sarsaparilla, was in town yesterday and made a contract with the TIMES. He was shown our circulation records, be- sides the pile of papers ready for this week's issue. He was surprised at a country paper having such a circulation and paid us the proportionate rate, which is a good one. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is the truthful, startling title of a bcok about No -To -Bac, the harmless, guaran- teed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves; eliminates the nicotine poison,:makes weak man gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No -To -Bao is sold under guarantee to cure or money refund- ed. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. J. P. CLARKE We are thankful to our custom- ers for patience exercised during the time that has so unfitted our place of business for comfortably supplying the needs of those who are pleased to give us a share of their eirpatronage.We shall be in a position to exhibit the new and desirable lines that are daily com- ing to hand, consisting of Ladies' Dress Goods, in all the leading styles ; Ladies' footwear in the newest last and makes, in Oxford's, Blacks and Russet Tans ; Ladies' Buttoned and Laced Boots, excel- lent qualities ; Children's. and Mis- ses' Tans ; our Gehtlemen's Boot & Shoe department has never been better supplied. In our new departments will be found Hats & Caps,Boots & Shoes, Carpets & Wall Paper, Window Shades and fixtures, Ready-made Clothing, China '& Crockery- We will show the finest selection of Dinner Setts next week that are to be seen in town. This is not say- ing too much as we wish to be truthful. Come and: see therm and be convinced. All kinds of produce ten itf' exchange: 111Pickard & SON'S GREAT CLEARING SALE NOW IN FULL BLAST. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPART- MENTS. R. Pickard & Son DIRECT IMPORTERS, There are othirs, But the place for satisfactory dealing in all lines ' of Mer- chandise is CARLING BROS. For example, take READY MADE and ORDERED CLOTHING. There never was a cheaper or finer assortment in town. Take HATS, CAPS, FINE SHIRTS, Colored and. White, and TIES, where can you see a finer selection ?, Take DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, in all the latest styles and colorings—handsome goods, Take STAPLES, we defy competition for quality and price. Take TEAS, why! others are not in it, and for SUGAR, every one knows that's cheap. It Will draw flies but not cus- tomers. Fakes and tricks draw trade for a time, but as for us We are not disposed to adopt such methods in order to draw trade. If you want square dealing go to _....., CARLING BROS E. —Miss Toro is now on. hand to do all kinds of Dress and Mantle Making. 0, 33. Atkinson Bros. have placed a new en: gine and boiler in their factory. It has been ascertained that Luther J. Allen's death at Stratford resulted from I an overdose of chloral. Mrs John Grant, of Parkhill, formerly4 of Exeter, is going to conduct the Corbett II hotel as a temperance house. - The License Commissioners at London i have extended clic time for closing bar rooms to 11 o'clock, standard time. P A LaRiver, a Montreal merchant, is Being Bradstreet s commercial agency for $25,900 damages for alleged damaging report, The trial of Clara Ford, charged with the murder of young Westwood by shoot - him on his doorstep one night last winter, was begun Tuesday in Toronto. The Dominion Government has decid ed not to adhere to the order passed recently reducing -the space for cattle on the, spar deck of vessels from 2 feet 8 inches to 2 est 6 inches, Mr. John Willis will recover his farm recently sold under mortgage sale, Mr Penhale, the purchaser, being willing to forego all claims on consideration of a sum in payment for expenses and trouble! in connection therewith. Friends came, to Mr. Willis' rescue. At the new hospice building being eters; ted at Falls View the breaking of aeiteam derriok boom let fall a load of stone upon a young man named Charles McColl, in; fliotiug injuries that resulted in his death an hour and a half later, `e At Thedford, the other day, the building containing Dr, McEdward's drug store, the Bell Telephone office, W. Robson'e jewel. lery store, and the Oddfellows hall, was totally destroyed by fire• Dr. McEwards had $2,000 insurance on stock, which fully covers his lose, end the building was in• eured for 31,500. The Oddfellows lost everything, the hall being nicely furnished, and was insured for 3150. The fire startcd in the ceiling of the hall, and as there has been no one in the hall for days, an investigation is likely to follow. W Robson, was formerly of Kirkton To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cus- tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T n" SMOKING TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T & B" brand of pure Vir- ginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece X108 �sTo w e wul give thisw eek a special reduct- ion of lOg Cash discount on CLOTHING FOR MEN & BOYS. WALL PAPER, CARPETS, LACE - CURTAINS, _l And ROLLER BLINDS. We have en- deavored this spring to keep a first 'class stock -of goods and to sell at prices to suit the times: Butter, Eggs, and all farm produce taken in exchange. 0. O. JONNEtTON. iO YOUR N[[13H O X1003 CHAS. tv C J. t1 H tum a-4, 34 t•S9ves:, tsts eei „/"N- MheD fY W �Cs.Y+W W�v.'1� r, Q,V�.,'i'i7Y©G9'1%Q'd, t�k'a'ff+ •44/4 4j' Z �. The Expert in designing alt adjusting TRUSSES and APPLIANCES to..., RUPTURED uff i t Ucil� Ei} ceras cLUT,ut people will visit personally IN i N ;,, ; H A P19 9 Brunswick House, Tuesday, May 'i4th. KINCARDINE ,Queen's Hotel, Wednesday;May 15th. Cur ? To 179 Rattenbury House, Thursday, May 16th. Go D t;"., A 1 C H , .Albion Hotel, Friday, May I7th. EXETER, Acheson's Hotel, Saturday, May l8ith.; ,,T 1' e gQj, ," ( (t" To be Cured of Rupture depends simply on the purchase and fitting of s3 '; 1U4 it •J3 Q 1+' Ms my new device. Light and CooX; t8atisfacrioi; tr> every cane. ,p �R:�t a%rms` .Truss wearers should sec it and be fitted to appreciate it, µFl ' ,3 ft ";; g'- ' iI" app 11"" can he relieved, and often entirely cured, by ,mechanical treatment as'. •d ? 11 r Y",t41. applied by me, Credentials i'roiu the genera public and. oetreseeseestessmetesteateseesseseeeto celebrated surgeons alt over the laud. Send for Book of bona fide Testimonials, free on• application, T,reflAs. Ci.urlte Eve Toronto, Ont, DEAR SIRt—I beg to state ('tat the appliance you made for my brothers knee gave him intmediatc relief, and he 19 now able to wain without crutches, The swelling is gradually going down. Yours sincerely, ADA Gown, Enderby, 13,C, Rev. J. M. PARKER. Pastor of the River Hebert, N.5., Ba hist Church whose son was afflicted with White Stvelling, and was con,plctcly cured by my appliance, ,,flay be referred to. t'ectly natural, SABLE RIVeR, N.S. DMAR MR. CLUTlr5 t i feel it my duty to inforn, yatr that after being' away from home three months, and on my return 1`s / found a marked itnprovenment in my child's feet, By the time you specifert a euro, I am sure they will be per Yours truly, ALexnrml:e. Lee. A FEW BRIEF STATEMENTS Your now device retains my Rupture with ease. J:w.Wer.srr, St. Catharines. You only, gave ore relief from a severe double Itupturc by your new device, A. cure is certain. Jxo. K,iusPa, Scbringvillo., As the success In overcoming RUPTURE' and all bEFCRM/TIES depends so binds on the ',crooned examination of the ease, this Is an opportunity of consulting the head df the largest Institution in Alt line In Canada, of 24 gears experloiice, 4