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J. W. Dykentan
St. George, NeW Brenswlek.
• --....
After the Grip
No strength, Imo AmbitiOn
Hood's Sarsaparilla 'Cove Perfect
The following letter is from a well-lulown
luerehant tailor of St. George, N. B„:
"eV. I. Rood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Gentlemen -I am glad to say that Hood's
Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done 1110
great deal of good. I had a severe attack of
e.he grip in the winter, and after gettleg over the
lever I did not seein to gather strength, and had
eleambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be
gust what I needed. The results were very
satisfactory, and 1 recoMmend this medicine to
all Who are affiicted with rheumatism or other
li6od'ss0119 Cures
afflictions caused by poison and poor blood. 1
always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house
azel use 15 when I Deed a ton1c.6 We also keep
ifood's Pills on hand and think highly of them."
J. W. DYIaSIAIr, St, George, New Brunswick.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and A -
1totpurge, pain or gripe. Sold lee all druggists
Body Rested, Mind at Ease.
That ta what it is when travelling on the
feat trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
'X Patti Railway; besides there is no
awn° to "kick," for tbe accommodations
are up to date, the trains keep moving
right along and get there on time. These
lines thoroughly cover the territory between
Chicago, La Crosse, St. Pane Mmoseapolis,
Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Sioux
City. Yankton, uouncil Bluffs, Omaha and'
NortOern Michigan, All the principal
Oities and towns in that twittery are
reached by the '•55. Peul" lines, connect-
ing at St. Peel, Coun• il Bluffs and Oxalates
with all 1inta for pints in the far west.
Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger
Agent, 87 York Street, To onto, Ont.. for
.one of their new map time tett!: $ and a
'brochure giving a description of the
-Compartment Sleeping Cars, Tickets
furnished by any coripon tioket agent in
rre. United States and Cenada The
Wriest dining oars in the worlu are run on
the solid yestibuled, electric lighted and
itettm heated trains of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.
K. D. 0. Pills cure ohronio constipation.
In Memoriam.
Written in remembrance of Thomas
Carr, who departei this Site April 18, 1895,
after three weeks illness, at the early ag e
vf 20. years, 8 months, 10 days.
Ohl cruel death how could'st tbou oome,
And snatch a love one from our home:
How oeuld'et thou with ruthless hand,
In youth call Thomas from our land.
flis seat is vacant by the fire.
Ills faoe we now no more admire.
His stately form, so staunch and free
On earthly° never more shalt see.
But oh his loss we deeoly feel,
And our grief we cannot eon:feel,
Bet to God's will we ;humbly bow
Knowing Thomas is safe forevermore.
The strains of earth are washed awaY.
A world of ein he left behind,
He left a tenement of clay,
A home with God to fled
His earthly robes you may lay aside,
He will need them nevermore,
For a robe of white, and a crown of Bebe
He wears on a happier shore.
While anxious moments glided by
In silence one by ewe
The happy spirit'passed avrae
To view/another sun.
Three weeks long the angels waited,
Waite(' while they watched us here,
Striving hard to keep our Thomas
While they waited for him there.
Oh, how mysterious are God's ways,
Re bount3.and ntijnbars all oun days,
He holds all power in his own hand,
He rules the universal land,))
But we know that he is happy,
One amongst an Angel band,
Cared for by a loving Saviour
ln that bright and happy land.
We know our loss will be his gain,
In Heaven he's free from toil and pain,
There in the sunlight of God's love,
Be's ohanting nobler songs abovo.
Kind father, though bowed down in grief'
Let des one theught be your relief,
That 17011 1/294 meet your precious boy
In teat bright hour of bliss and joy.
Fond mother thy words cannot express
Thy sorrow and thy sere distress,
Remember "Ile doth all things well"
And to Him Mt your sorrows ten.
Dear brothere and sister you feel the loss,
In simple faith &fug so the arose,
For Tagus is your broTher's friend
He'll gently lead you to the end,
Apd all other people Lord protect
's'eAnd through life their steps direct,
And when at last the trump shall sound
May a'l at tile theist hand be found.
N. Fletcher, ifirkton.
A few dies ago an Ontario druggist
Said; -
'The ladles are buying more Diarriond
Dyes jdet now than la past years. They
Coate to MO nod 1 uy one pae,kage as an
experini.nt, and fad the dye so easy to
use that they nom color meet of their old
eletbins, and, come out With new gowns,
cloaks, jeeketa, and suits for the whole
tangly In my experierice of 20 yeara as a
drugsist, I must say, that Diamond Deem
aro the only package dyes that have lived
and workei themselves up to the highest
point of populatity.'
Weyer° of imitation tlaokage dye, tbey
are fraudand deceptions, and when used
emote a case amount Of 'trouble and dis.
appotetment. Ask for the 'Diamond ; sec
that the name /'Diamond" is on eaoh
pattkage; refuge all other no matter bow
*Strongly you are urged to give thens a
Tobias Etutton, alias Henry Smythe, the
alleged diamond swindier hrteited at St.
Meals some time ago was ecaninitted for
triad Thursday in the Toronto ?elide Mid,
Itetios; waved exemitietiOn.
ItttliREBT RErtaitass,
T '
etiteir Mae. let, 1$9,7
Bali wheat, per eush...se et74 $
Sertrig wheat per 74 75
BerleY nor bubh......., 411 4f)
Cats per bueh, 30 3e
Peas per instill 60 DO
Flour per bbl se.e. 4 00 4 20
Apples pee bag 76 85
Potateee per beige . • .. ..... 00 40
nay ton. .. ........... 6 00 7 60
W weeper oora .. 3 00 3 e0
VII ood met eorel eon. 200 a 25
Better per lb.,. 6 8
Eggs per . . ... . .. 10 10
Turkeye per ib 7 7
Pork Der bundred 4 80 5 GO
Hoge, live weight., ..... „3 80 4 00
Geese... •5 5
Ducks ...... , .. ... 6
Ohickae. . 5 5
London May let 1895:
Wheat.white,fall, 100 the-. $ 115 to $ 125
Wheat, rod, fall, per 100-1 be ......155 80 125
Wheat.spring, per 100110 ..... 1.16 to ies
Oats. per 10e lbs... ..... 100 to 105
Peas, per 100 „ ...... 100 to 110
Corn, eerie° the 95 to eOU
Barley, per 10C 'bee, ... . .. .. 90 to 105
Rye, per 100 the .. . .... 95 to loo
Buckwheat, per 100 lbee. ...... 90 to 500
Beets, per bus.... ....... CO to 1 10
Eggs, fresh, eingle doz. ... 10 to 11
Eggs, fresh, basket, per dor to 10
Eggs, fresh, store lots, per doe e to 9
Butter,single rolls.per lb.-- 12 to 38
Butter, perlb,1 lb rolle,baakets 15 to 28
ES utter, per lb. largo tolls or
moats 18 te 14
Butteoper lb, tub or firkine 0 to 0
tenet, per lb. .. . 10 to 10
(thickens, Per pair ....... 50 to 76
Duckee • • . 70 to 100
Turkeys, II to lle per 1b eaeh 100 to 200
Toronto May 1st 1895
Wheat, white, per bus- • $ 71 to $ 75
Wheat, spring, per bus ... .. „ 03 to 63
Wheat, red winter, per bus 73 to 74
Wheat, goose, vor bus 71 to 72
Barley, per bus , . 47 to 48
Oats, per bus ..... ...... 40 to 40
... 98 to 48
Hay 10 00 to 11 50
Eggf per dozen10 to 12
Butter, per lb 15 to 17
Dreseed hogs .. 5 00 to 6 00
Potatoes. Der bag 67 to 70
We have a aerefully selected stock
of the above seed.. Fresh. Prices the
J. Cobbledick,
First Storehouse, Station.
Corner in Wheat.
Chicago &pen 29 --Wheat adyanoed 24o
from the elosteg price yesterday. It was
gossiped on the board to -day that the rich
Chieago men who own most of the 24,000,000
bushels of wheat in store also control nearly
all the contract grades of the grain at the
important receiving poets in the country,
They are credited with holding contracts from
the sheets for many millions of bushels, P.D.
Armour and his friends are put at the head of
this clique of wheat holders. The belief
that theyalso control all the contract grades
of wheat n the centre of speoulation was
etrengthened to.day by a despatch from New
York stating that William Wall ape owned all
the No. 2 wheat in the New York stoles,
estimated at 1,250,000 bushels, Some years
ilea he was a member of a Arm which run a
disastrous park eorner here. and went broke
on the deal. It is said that ia that way he
gained the frienaship of elr, Armour, and the i
inference is drawn that Mr. Wallace s holding
the stock of wheat for the big packer.
British Grain Trade.
London. April 29. -The Mark Lane Express
In itg weekly review of the British grain trade
says ` Flour has risen Is for both English
and American makes, the highest London
price being 25s for English wheats. To -day
wheats are is d earer even damaged wheat
bringing 20s, good red wheats 24s and the
finest vrbi les 25s. California IA eats are ue 78
and No. 2 red winterls. Grinding barley is
6d to ls higher, and corn, flat and round. has
risen Orl. Beans and peas are held for a ed
rise. Some dealers report a rise in flour of le
The Live Stock Market.
Chicago, April 29th. -There was a good sup-
ply of cattle on sale to -day. Buyers took but
few, and prices were weak and lee to 15•3 lower.
Choice medium weights were in fair demand.
Priees of hogs broke from 5o to 15c,when trade
began on larger receipts than expected, Tho
market for sheep was overstocked, and the
consequence was a week. dragging market, the
average decline in prices beau 10c.
Cattle-Reeeipts, 16,400 head. Extra 1,500
to 1.650 lb steers, $6 10 to $6 20; choice to prime
1,300 to 1,500 lb steers, 35 50 to $6; gond to
eeeiee steers, 1,10,0 to 1,200 lb. $4 50 to 9500;
common to medium steers, 900 to 3,31.011), 93 90
to 3525; bull, ohoice to extra, 93 75 to 4470;
bulls, poor to good, $2 to $8 60; feeders. 900
to 1,20e lbs $4 to $4 76; etookers. 600 to 9001be,
3205 to 3305; cows arid heifers, extra, 3480 to
4455: cows, fair to choice, $t to 9420; cows.
poor to good canners, 61 65 to $2 75; 'nab, good
to choice, 3075 to 9470; veals, oommoh to
fair, 9280 to 4380, Texas steers, 8275 to 3385;
Texas cows, bulls and stags,$2 to 8375.
Hogs -Receipts, 38,000. Heave packing and
shipping lots, 3470 to 3491; common to choice
mixed. 3485 to 3503; choice assorted, $4 80 to
4 90; light, 84 55 to 4 90: Pigs. 3 50 to $4 76.
Sheep -Receipts, 19,000.Inferior to choice,
4860 to 94 80; lambs, $3 80'io $5 8e•
East Batt lo, April 29, -Cattle -Receipts,
92 oars through, 155 on sale. Market slow and
15o to 20e lower for steers of all kinds' fair to
fat cows and heifer stook stronger, and com-
mon to fair butehers' stock steady. • No extra
steers sold up to a late hour. Good to prime,
1,3e0 to 1,400)11,, $5 25 to $5 50; ligbe to med-
ium good, 1,150 to 1,275 lbe, 34 86 to 3535;
light butchrrite 950 to 1,050 lbe, 64 25 to $4 75;
fat cows end heifers, S4 75 to 3520; prime
heifers, 53 85 to 955); fair to good fat ,eows,
3060 to 34 60; b ells stronger; light to choice
butcheree .e13 26 to $4. Oxen steady at 3375
to 8,6: Veals in liberal supply. about 1,500
bead. Light to fancy, .3625 to 476. Market
closed very dull for good heavy steers: bulk
of sales at b 50 to 5 8 %, mostly 580 to 5 65; a
few odd head very fancy brought 890 to 625;
coarse, fat 1,300 lb steers, 5 to 810; extra ex-
port buns. 4 2550 450.
Hogs-Iteeel p ts, 51 cars throe gh ell 5 on solo.
Market Ph to 20o lower. Yorkers, 5 10 to 5 15
early; later 508 800 10; mixed packers, 5 15 to
580; mediums and heavy, 6 20 to 5 25; a 'few
extra at 5 30 to 5 35; roughs, 440 to 4 60; stags,
8 25 to 4. Market closed for all kinds , lower
with late sales of Yorkers_ at 5 to 805 good
movioxd and mediums. 6 16; good r0'heavy, 240lbst
5 18 to 6 20. Several toads light grades left
Sbeep and letmles-Rocei tits, 6 ears through,
85 on sale. Market fairly steady for good
bandy grades of both. Irenvy lambs enio
Bost wool Iambi,. 580 to 608; fair to good
elieped, 475 to 5 CO; best wool mixed eheep,
4 25 to 4 001 fair to good clipped, 3 75 to 469.
Marltet closed steady for good heavy stook,
but very dull and lower for oonemon and
harnyare lote.
Montreal, Quo., Apri120.-At the East. End
Abattoir market the attendenee this morning
was not as large as on butt day, but prices
were firm. atid the den)and for sheep and
Iambs' was 'tery good. 'Owing to advices feora
theEnglish market buyers hero are mere
careful ituoue their purchases, business beteg
reported quieter, consequently verYlittle has
helm done the past few dos in export stoek.
There Wore over 400 butcherfecatfle cleared to-
day. many of them beitur buns and stall fed
eoWe and heifers in &lib,' gotei eohdition.
The market for calvoe ie Overstocked since
lance last market cley, and about 400 were
brought in today, There wore 2b0 ebeep and
1751ambs. The priees offered for butchers'
cattle is about the sante as last week, °bottle
bringing from 00 to acgootil, 3io to 4c; fair, 3e
to 011e, arid inforier ea to 3e per lb Sheet)
350 te 6 each, arid Walla 3. to 425. ealves from
180 to 760, ao6ordine 50 glee and condiOon.
There wore only a taw lean horse offered at
last week's erases- a te 10 otath. The market
beats that DIY oti the Otteyert, arid St Lawrence
tevere ere expected down this evening With
both beetle and preduee, The ftumers being
Brings comfort and improverreent and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet.
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the„world's best products to
the needs 0 physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, $yrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effeetually cleansing the syetem,
lispolling colds, headache& and fevers
tad permanently curing constipation.
:it has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the rnedica'
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neya, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable subatance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 750. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also thename'Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
busy with usual spring operations, the (tattle
end milkeows for 5115 01051 part are brought
in by dealers who search the country places
for th one.
HALL -At Lucile, on 12th ult., the wife of Mr
Joseph Hall, of a daughter.
BAIRD-4n Parkhill, on the 21st ult„ the
wife of Oliver Baird, of a son.
KAISER -In Bruciefield, on the 17t11 ult., the
wife of Mr, John Kaiser. 8800.
BROWN -In Exeter North, om 185 inst., the
rife of John Brown of a son.
rtk on on th e 28511 ult., the wife
of William Brown of a daughter.
ROBINSON.-At Ailsa Craig ,on 18th ult., the
wife of 10..7. Robinson, of 8800.
FINKBEINN1R-In Stephen; on the 25t11 ult.
• the wife of Matyinkbeiner, of a on
TAYLOR -In Stanley, on the 37t11 ult., the
wife of Mr. Dunean Taylor, of a son.
B ARRY-In Tuokersmith, on th e 17th ult..the
wife of Mr. Iticbard Barry, of a son.
TOWNSEND-In Tuckersinith, on the 91st
ult„ the wife of Mr. Amos Townsend, of a
GRAHA81.-On the 9811 ult., at 5.5e Duralas
street London, the wif e of Detective J. A:
Grahara,of a son:
MA RR1E 1)
30HNSTON-KESTL61-tn flay, on the 16t11
ult., tet the residenee of the bride's father,
Mr. R. Johnston, of London, to Miss Sarah
K oaths, of Hay.
PENNALE-VOSPER-In E xeter, on the 1st
inst., by Rev Geo 3 Doke on • Mr George Pen -
hale o4Stephen, to Miss .1 essie Vesper of
MOSES -VICE -At the Manse, Strattord, on
the 16th ult., by the Re7. L. Leieh, Aurelias
Moses to Millie, 'youngest daughter of
Mr. George Vice, St, Marys.
JACOB -BODE -In Logan, on the 23rd alt., bY
theB ay. Mr. Landsky, eir• John Jacob, son
of the Townehip Clerk. to Mary, youngest
daughter of Henry Bode.
BAUR-DIGNAN-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Hay,on the 1st inst., by Rev
Brandteellfr Henry Baur to Miss Lottie.
eetiond daughter of Mr Ross Digest)).
FRIER -WEIGHT -In Mitchell, on th e 23111
• ult., by the Rev. Dr, Williams, Mr. R. 11.
Frier, of Port Huron. to Elizeneth Rexene,
eldest daughter of Ur. George Weight,
STEWART-AKINS-In Elam, at the residence
of th bride's rather, on the 17th ult., by the
Rev: Andrew Henderson M. A., Janet,
daughter of Ner• Alex. A. king, and Alfred,
eon of Mr. Alexander Ste wart,Logan.
HAYS-ARCHIBALD-At the residence on
the bride' s father, Maple Lane. McKillop, of
the 17th ult., by Rev P. Musgrave, Mr. James
Hive, to Miss S arah, eldest daughter of Wm.
Archibald, Esq , all of MoKillop.
MARTIN -HAL LETT-At the residence of
the bride's mother, Seaforth, on the 24th
ult., by Rev. Galloway, Mr. Harry Mertin.
of Blyth, to Mies Lizzie, only daughter of
the late Sergeant E. E, Hallett.
orajg, on 24th ult., by the Rev, D. L. Dewar,
Edwin Phillips, eldest son of Jos. Phillips,to
mess minute Stewart, youngest &slighter of
Mr. Jas. F. Stewart, Deputy -reeve of as
BAY -In Clinton. on 26th ult., Harriett Bar
daughtei of the late A. 13ay.
AITKENS-In Parkhill, on the 20th ult.,
Sarah Aitkens, aged 70 years.
PECK -At Hills Green, on 19511 tilt:, William
Peck, aged 75 years 6 months
EINKBEINER-In S tephen, on the 25th ult. ,
jacob Finkbeinor aged 58 years; e months.
BROWN -Th Exeter North, on the 28811 ult•,
James Brown aged 87 years, 6 months.
JORDAN -In Fullerton, on the 24th ult. Sam-
uel Jordan. eget' 76 years, 6 montbs and 13
88 15.
IMIKS-In Logan, on the 23rd ult.. Bella F.
Hicks . wife of Wm. J. Massaged 32 yeare, 8
motthe and 8 days.
HUNTER -In Tuokersmith, on the 20511 ult.,
Mews. son of Mr. Simon Rueter, aged lt)
Years, 10 months.
STRA1T11-In Clinton; on 26t0 ult., Ann
Cutts, wife of Mr. Peter Stealth, aged 63
years and 7 months.
ATKINSON-In London, on the 281.11 ult., at
his residence, Jas. P. Atkinson, formerly of
St, Marys, in 1113 558h year.
IlloIeENZIE-At Delomine, On 17th ult.,
Nathaniel McKenzie, formerly of Atlas
Craig. in the 355h year of his age.
GLAVIN-In Blddulph, on the 2550
Margatet Glavin, relict of the late John
Glavin aged 78 years.
11ILL-In Mitchell, et the 23rd ult.. Sarni)
Jane Favrostt, wife of Joseph Hill, aged 46
years, 2 months and 28 &ere.
FORREST-At Rosabure, Manitoba, on the
12511 ult., George Forreet, eldest son of Alex.
For xest, Elms, aged 39 years, and 6 mei-Ills.
Winslow'S Soothing Syrup has boat wed fifty
Years by millions of aesthete for their children
whil o teethin g.with perfeet suceerse. It Boothia
the ohild, sof tens tbe ganasoallays the pain,
cures the °olio, and is tho hest remedy for
Diaertmene Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by
druggists in every Dart of the world. 26 deists
a bottle. Tts value is incalculable, Be Imre
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
andtakeno other kind,
_ • -
To Mosta Print BLOOD.
There is no niedieine before the people
equal to Hoodat Sarsaparilla. It IS the
standard spring medicine arid bleed
purifier and it postessee peculiar merit
which others try in veils to reach. It
really makes tbe weak strong. 110 net
neglect or purity your bleed this Pprirtg
Take Efoodas Sertesperilla Lows
}Tool's boom° the favorite eat-
hartie with every ono who trite them. O5c
Plr O.
i MJ
Lentden„ l'inreit and Bruce.
0.01110 51)18706 -
London, depart.......
ExeterCentralia .. ...
lieneoll„..... •
IPPeon ..
rertteelteld , .......
Clutter; ,
Whightem arrive
Gonto ffourfr---
Winahain, deeert-- .-
13yLlh ...
LOP (109bOTO... • .
Kippen, .„ „...... .... .
He:avail ....
Centralia-- ..... .
8,05e, is. 4 47130 )„ el
0,07 5
9 2e 6.00
9,37 6.15
9.44 0 20
9.52 6.28
10.12 8,5e
10.20 7.14
;10,88 7.23
30.52 7.37
)13Q 8.00
6.34'4, Is • 3.050. et
6.50 847
7.03 4.01
7,10 4.08
3 '
7.49 4.40
7.57 4.53
806 4.58
8,25 5.12
0,4 6,23
REIRTIMAIX,11 011+.0.3) IN A VAX. ^ South
American Rheumatic Cut P Jur Rheum atter°
and Neuralgia, radioally 001 08 le 1 to 8
days. Ito action upon the system is remark-
able and mysterious. It ielseovee at once
the cause end the disease immediately
appears. The first dime greatly benefitre
75 canto. Sold by C. Lutz. Druguiet. 818
People's Building and can Association
Dr. J. .A. Rolling, President.
Dr. 0.Luz, - Vice -President,
L le. Dickson, Solicitor.
David MEI, Valuator.
Fred. W, Collins, - Seey -Treas.
Jno Grigg, E. .6, Penick, Vag, Miller, Ws11!
tioutheott, Dr. '1 bos. A. Amo,e'
Sam], Sandors.
Make numey 71 9avirta money. Sixty cents
Per usonrh will einture $11.0 in 7 years. For
tonne of application and all necessary infor-
mation annlY tc Ito Secretary, Mr. Fred. W.
Collins, Post OfEce, Exeter, Ont,
Office opeosite Methodist Parsonage.
.111--1- • LD, S. SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL-
PLATE 05 01(10. Goa and looal
Anaesthetics for painless 6X -
training. 2nd door northl of
• L.D• S. Honor Graduate of the To-
ronto University and Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of • Ontario. Specialtiee, painless
extraction and preservation of the return]
teeth tefEee over the Law Office ot Elliot &
Elliot, opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, Out.
Ate cuarioN.
Will be at Greb'e hotel Zurich
on the seoond Thureday of steels
month end at Hodgin's hotel
Heneall every Monday
House and garden with stable and pump,
fruit trees and orchard, with tbree sores of
land, more ()Hess, near e Village where a
church is convenient Address 5.11,
0 .. Cut.
Large sums Alone), to ioon'oo Farm lands at
Five and a half per cent. private fund. apply
to ELIIOT & ELLIOT, Solieitore Exeter
anuery 1595
See that off Horse!
Only three weeks ago we began mixing
a little of Dick's Blood Purifier
in his feed rind now look at bine, I tell
you there ie no Condition Powdar
equal to Ill3Cre'8,-Am going to try it on
the isigb one now,
Dick's 'Blood Purifier, 60e., Dioli's Mater,
50. Dielt's Linimen#, 25c., Dick's Oint-
raent, 25o.
Hogs to weigh from 120 to 220 lbs.
live weight.
Notice to the Public. -1 am sell-
ing at the Packing House Score, Spare
Ribs, Tender Loin, Cuttings, Pickled
Pigs Feet, Pressed Tongue, Head
Cheese, Sausage, Bologna, Rams, Rolls,
Breakfast Bacon. Dried Beef and Pork.
As I have engaged Mrs. Harness to
see to this part, customers may depend
on getting first class goods in every re-
spect at lowest cash price.
Now is the time to get your crocks
and pails filled with first class lard as
prices are liable to go up.
Can always
Be Avessed Well
It he goes to the proper Tailor.
We have a large range of Pat -
10 choose from - Natty
Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds,
made up in any style, and fitting
the customers so well that inti-
mate friends do not scruple to
ask who made your Suit, Our
customers never hesitate but
answer with et knowing smile,
The Tailor.
tinders Supplies of all Kind
Cali and get our Prices. They are very law this year,
Two cars of Mammoth Southern Sweet Corn just arrived, Rook
Bottom Prices, both Wholesale and Retail,
We have now a large Stock of all kinds,
Paid to Roofing, Eavetroughing, Furnace 'Work at the lowest prices,
P are Headquartets for SPORTING GrOODS of all kinds.
A Lar ge Stock just Arrived.
Are You
We have the best assortment
and the cheapest.
Come in and
See Them
Or else write for particulars.
Fanson'e Block, Exeter.
We Want You
to come into Our Store
ANT sometimes„
We have so much to sell besides
quinine and all those bitter things. We
don't want you to think we are happy
only when you are sick. Of course, if
you must be ill, we always want to put
up your prescriptions, but we have a
thousand and one things you need be-
sides medicine. Just now we have
some uncommonly good values in
Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up,
Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes
from Sc up. But don't let us forget to
draw your attention to the extensive
stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of
Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing
six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2
cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old
Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large
assortment of medicinal soaps, and
many other lines. All the above are
excellent values, both in quality and
quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow
what you can do to -day. Call at once.
J. W. Browning's
A Suit of ()lathes
or a Single Garment
Should Combine•now a days,
Correctness of Style,
Good -Workmanship,
Moderate Cost,
Perfect Fit.
You look for these in an old and
reliable place, and A, J.
SNELL never disappoints bis
patrons in any of these. A
large assortment of
Spring 8f, Summer Goods
In Worsteds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we will
take much pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
other lines that are specially at-
Tatou Jointed Harrows at
$r 3 .00, Cash.
Repairs promptly attended to,
3 -.Murray & Co4 1
Strikes are all right, if struck against wrong,
Strike not the weak because you are strong ;
Strike not your father, strike not your mother,
Strike not your sister, strike not your brother ;
But strike a good scheme when ever you can,
Strike a deal with J. H. GRIEVE,.
And you will strike the right man
For a fine suit of BLACK WORSTED or fine TWEED. Our
stock is complete for the spring trade. All the latest novelties
in Fine Goods. Give us a call and secure a Big Bargain.
Remember the place.
J. H. Grieve.
Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which
were made five or six years ago,
The Featherbone Corset of to -day
is as far removed from the old.
style, as black is from white.
Theiy Aivioo. LITTLE MONEY
ute and wool blankets we always take
the lead,
Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers,
what you all will need ;
Harness, collar, whips and sweat pads.
we have a good. supply,
strata ombs, brushes and cards when
used keep away disease and the fly.
Trunks, valises aud school bags, in
price and quality for the young and
the old,
Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs,
and mitts; to protect you from the
Elm city harness oil, dressing and
blacking, keeps harness and boots
a shining,
Bells, children's cairiages and wagons
prevents the little ones from crying,
Long and short boots, elt and rubber
boots, we claim the best and nicest,
Enquire at Treble'e Boot, Shoe and
Harness store, be sure and get his
If spent in the right place,
That J. D. Atkinsoia's is
the right place to buy your
furniture. The following
facts and figures proye :
10 Piece
Bedroom Outfit,
DRESSER, $20.50.
2 Pnzows,
$20.50. OITA Tit,
Coming brides and young married
couples take advantage of the above
offer. We supply comfort cheap.
0 1,1 GID LEY
& SON.
Furnitu re D e al er ,
Main Street, Exeter.,
Full Stock of all kinds always
on hand.
1\1' ZLOWE,
'eate C. CLAUSEN
1/orma 11 - Ontario
Begs to announce to the public that he
is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage
Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc
Carriage and Inggy Tops of all kinds
Old Buggy Tops recovered and made
as good P.S Hew.
Our barmen are well known, 089171819
perfect riatiefaction, We roanufaetute
argely and consequently mu, prices are
ow. A call will convince
• 30, 0 0:41.4'tr is1011".
Parlor Setts
Side Boards
Bedroom Setts
iraney Bamboo
Window Shades and
A Large Variety
and Low Prices.
Gidley & Son
Bamur tu Six tioatte.-Ditordeted
nay and bladder diseases relieved iusit
hearer by the "Great South Atzterleart
ney Cure." This new remedy ia greet
surprise and delight tu physielerts en eee
cenot of ite exeeetling proteptnetot081 Kt.
lieving pain in the bledder, kidneygobeek
add every pot of the urinery peteaget
mew andletnele, • it reliette retention ot
vieter and pain in prosiest it air:emit harried
ately„ If sten Welet quick relief sua our,
thit ie vow One • Sold by 0. LUTZ