HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-5-2, Page 14
'OL, XXII. NO 32,
s. !R1 1co
BOOTS & 'SHOES, j MclEillop.
Brum-Two very flue trotting
6 stallions arrived here from the States
this week, they are for sale and there
is some talk of fornting a eyndioate
and baytng one ot them in this looal-
ity.-Mr. iIqukn, Ueborne, was vitae,
ing at his son, Mr, Fleury Henry
Flunkin'a thus vreek.-Lr. William
Roy has ereoted another wind mil on
the farm he purchased from Mr. Rob
ert Roy, He purchased, ab from Mr.
Paul Madge, of Usborne, his brother -
in -law. -It is our tad duty to report
the sad news that Isabella Hicks, wife
of Wm. John Hicks, passed petteehilly
away on Tuesday, after a lingering il1.
nese of typhoid fever.
• And was are prepared to give
you good values in any of these
departments, but this week we
wish to call your attention to
some Special Bargains in goods
needed about house-cleaning
time, such as Wall Pape'rs, Win
dow Shades, Lace Curtains,
Curtain Poles, Carpets, Ready -
Mixed Paints, &c.
S, Fora crz CO.
N. B. -Bring along your Butter and
Eggs and we will give you the top
Bitiees.-A number of farmers ia
this vicinity have finished seeding... -
Mr. Wm. Haines and family will soon
move qv. their new home in .Fickford,
Mich. May 2nd Mr. Haines sold
hia furniture and other household
.effects by auction.
Bitileee, -Mr. S. Paxton had the
'enitregeune to sive his foot an ugly
• guoh- with the ake one day last week.
-Scheel in S. S. No. 13, vvhich has
been elOsea during the poet three
-Weeks to prevent the further aimed
sof diphtheria in the section, will be
• re -opened ehortly,-While Mrs. Wm,
Reid was engaged in milking the
other clay, the cow kicked her, knock-
ing her down and breaking her arm
• just above the wrist. She is progress-
ing favorably at present.
FARM RENTED, Mr. B. Higgins has
rented hia farm on the Bayfield road,
near here, to err. Wm. eilctinlaead, for
a term of years. Mr. Aikenhead gets
pormession at once, but Mr. Biggins
: -will still continue, to occupy the resi-
)(deuce'and his many friends vvtll be
pletseed to know that he doos not
intend removing from here. He will
now devote himself exclusively to the
ineurance business, as he represents
aeveral fire insurance companies and
Abe North American Life.
•"You Loon s Haveto Swear oft.
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agrioul
tura in an editodai about NwTo.Bae the
famous tobacco habit owes, "We know
of.many coo cured by No-To-13ac. one,
a proininent St, Louis arehitect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years; two boxes
cured tern so that even the smell of to-
bacco makeo him tick." No -To -Bao soli
Alia guaranteed, no euro no pay. Book
free, Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St, Paul
St., Montreal.
They are Coming in
to see the famous
You Never Oet Left When
Invest in a BICYCLE' That
We. Handle.
A Herm, Eviner.- A. 'very pretty
1 wedding took place at Maple Lane,
•McKelop, the other evening, when
Miss Sarah Arohibeed, eldest daughter
of Mr. William Archibald, was tenited
in marriage to Mr, Jaines Hays, of
the same township. The ceremony
was performed by Rev- Mr, Musgrave,
in the presence of about two hundred
and fifty invieed gueats. Mr. Adam
Hays, of Seaforth, ected as grooms-
man, while Miss Mary Arohibald
• assisted the bride. The bride and
bridesmaid wore pretty dresses of
white tulle silk, and bouquets of white
flowi&o. Mr. and Mrs. Hays have
taken up housekeeping 012 the 4th
4th concesmon, follewed by the best
wi,shes of their many friends.
, qualitye; toltile story,.
. And figure:facia= he,
You'llftlways be in glory,
If from us zou buy ;
Ile who hesitates is lost,
Then hesitate no more,
But go at owe to'bfaimst.,
WheYe you get the cheeped Bioyelett
and Bioyole Sundries.
• Browning & Forman.
tettoyeldes Ulteotrie Bells& Tele-
1.0116neSI )0;0,
. ----
Bnrees.-Mrs. (Dr.) Cook has gone
te visit some of her old friends in
Hensall.-The annual sermons of the
Granton Oddfellows was preached in
the Eoglish church last Sunday even-
ing by the Rev. J. Elolmes.-The
Oddfellowie Comedy troupe are to give
their performance in the Opera House
on Friday night next. -The ratepayers
were notified to meet last week to dis-
cuss the advisability of building a new
echool rather than extend the old one.
By all means build arid do not disgrace
the suburb by an unshapely edifice.
In view of this, would it not be the
roper thing for the villagers to grant
a bonus towards the expenditure, said
sum to be relied by subscription, and
thus lighten tbe taxea vehicle wid be
very heavy on the farmers in this
Beages.-Mr. James Brooks has at
last returned home from his rambled in
Uncle Sam's domains. We presume he
is now satisfied with travelling and
will settle down for a quiet lite. -Mr.
°Over Duffield, another of those enter-
prising youths who prefer to battle
with the world for a living instead of
living the quiet life of a farmer, has
begun tailoring in Mitchell. -The
rush and excitement in tbe sugar bush
hes now subsided to the harder and
more essential work of seeding.
Everyone is at it, and within a few
days nearly everyone vvill be through,
-We think that those peop'e who had
the kindnet to steal our turkeys last
fall thus relieving uEt of their care,
should also tiow furnish the feed for
them buch doel not sppear to be
the case, as George Duflield had some
three or tour bags of peas sto:en from
hut barn lately.
Barna% -Mr. John Morgan lett
week received the sad intelligence of
the death of a niece, in Detroit. He
wss unable to atlead the funeral,
which took place on Saturday, it
being court day here -The Misses
Park, the new dress makers, have
opened out a new and tasty stock of
millinery .-Mr. James Sttirgeon
recently purchased one of Mrs. We1.
win'e frame houses on Main street,
also this week hed it moved to his
land on the lake bank.--Jolan Fars
gusort left on Tuesday for Cleveland,
after passing the winter at hist home
bere.-Mies Mary Walwin left on
Monday for Detroit, after spending
two months with her mother here.-'
Miss W. Moorheuse, who has been in.
disposed for a few weettieis improving,
---Reeve Burns haareceived sesurances
from tbe Government that the harbor
improvements will be made and that
the chief engineer will be sent up at
onoe.--Valentine Roth, Aged 73, en
old and respected resident of Brant-
ford, formerly owner of the brewer/
here, committed eumirie by hanging
himself in a woodshed on Sunday
• morning. • 'The old gentleman retired
in the best of health and spirits, and
• rofit about 6.30 a, ne., ,dreased tied
vvent out Not returning to breakfast
alarm Was felt. A seareh wee institut-
• ed, When he Was foetid by bis son in a
Woodshed at the rear or the house,
hanging by a rope to the joie% quite
dead. Thedeed had been effeeted by
the use ot boX, which was kinked
away, leaving the body zuspended
about eighteen inchee trout the floor,
Na tunas° is known for the tact, as the
• cleoensed Watt in good health and quite
comfortable financially. The remains
were eonveyed to Hayfield for inter-
Sale Register.
• Saturday May 4th,-.:Atettion Sale of
heuteholcidurnittire, et the reeidente of
lees James Gatlettl, Andrew Street, Sale
p. w Jelin, Gill, Alio.
Following are the market quotatione :
4670 too 6580
Hay • 6,00 to 7.00
.. . 55 to 70
• •
80 to 30
Butter 13 to13
Eggs .... ... . 10 to 10
Wg Leen, Or iniRs VOLLOw,--One dollar wil
buy you a good pair of wearing shoes at A.
Weseloh, eall and see. Ao you ean save
money by buying your foot wear from him.
No trouble to show goods. Butter and ens
taken same as cash. Ordered work and re-
pairing done at moderate prices. Trunk o and
✓ alises cheap for cash. •
BRINES,- Miss Ida Hothant, of
Stella, has been engaged to play the
pipe organ in the Methodist church
here . -The annual meeting of the
Mechanics' IneHtute will be held on
Monday evening, May 6th. --411.. D.
Urquhart is pushing on farm operat.
ions on ildra. Gilchrist's farm, which
be recently rented ; with his oatmeal
• saw mill and grain b uying on
the market, he will have a particularly
'busy season.' -Mr. T. Feltner, jr., has
secured a very good situation at tailor-
ing in Walkerton -An agitation is on
foot to divide our present school
section, but the scheme does not
meet with favor, at least in the village.
-The many friends of Mr. Samuel
Humeston will regret to learn that he
has been seriausly ill, -Mr, Jamee
Coxworth, of the Centennial hotel,
Erb0 is bound to have everythtng neat
and in good order about him is hay.
ing his hall, (formerly used as the
Methodist church), raised up and a
good brick foundation put under it.
-Mr. R. Cudmore, having purchased&
couple of lots from Mr. James, Petty,
adjoining the railway track, is erecting
a lime house on one of them. -Mr.
Daniel Stewart has lately purchased
an addition to the fine plot ot ground
he had purchased from Mr. James
McArthur, nine other line lots of his
recent new survey. Mr. Robert Pat.
• terson, jr., bas also purchased another
fine lot in the same survey. -Mr. S.
Smith, of Clinton, who has been
helping Mr. J. C. Stoneman for a
week, returned back to 0 inton last
• Saturday. -W. MoNatighton, a former
employee of Mr. J. C. Stoneinan, cal-
led on Mr. S. and other acquaintances
last Monday night, -Miss DeLyon has
moved 'her millinery stock into jr,
• W. 0. Davis' store, of late ocoupied by
Mr. Jaines Wright. -Our contractora
are all busy erecting new housee and
finishing those that were started last
season.-Buetnees has been somewhat
quiet in our village the past week no
account of farmers being busy putting
in their spring crops. -Mr. J. C.
Clausen was at London last Saturday
on business. -J. F. Ross, of Exeter,
was in town on Tuesday. -Mr. W.
McKay, school teacher, moved bis
family to town on Tuesday. -Mr. D.
Steinbach, of Zurich, was in town on
Monday. -Quite a number attended
the council meeting in Zurich last
Konday.-Mr. John Pope, merchant.
tailor, has pui an awning in front of
his store, which adds greatly to its
appearance. -Mr. F. Manus, our town
• butcher, leas taken Mr. Thomas Laing
in as a partner in his business, and no
doubt the new firra will do wen, as
both young men are pushing young
fellows, -Lawyer Smith, of Seaforth,
formerly of this place, was in town
last week renewing old acquaintances.
-Mr, Ezra, Roedding lett for Acton
on Tuesday to attend his sister's wed-
ding which took place on Wednesday.
Re intends returning to -day (Thurs.
day). -Messrs Nablo and Roedding
were at Crediton on Sunday.- Mr.
Charles Mason, of Bruoefield, was in
town on Monday. -Mr John McArthur,
has bought a shetland pony for his
eon. Arnold. --Our flax 'nen. Messrs.
MeEwsin 8s Geiger. are still busy sew-
ing flax. -IVIessis. Win. Stoneman and
E. Rennie were at Clinton last Friday
on business. -Mr. Henry Arnold is
getting a verandah erected by Mr. R.
Patterson,-(ttev.) Mre. J. S. Cook, of
Granton, returned home on Tuesday
• after a week's mit with friends and
accoaintruces. She sang two solos at
the mornmg and evening services in
the Methodist church on Sunday with
muela acoeptance, -Rev. Mr. Paul, of
Brussel& occupied the pulpit in the
Methodist church last Sunday morn.
ing and evening. He preaohed two
very interesting sermons to large eon-
gregattons -Lovina Deichert, 01 New
Hamburg, returned home on Wednes-
day after visiting her sisters, Mrs. D.
Weismilier, of the village, and Mrs. H.
Paine, of Zurich.
BRIEFS, -Mr. Tho. Waghorn who
was suooessful in passing the final
examination at Toronto Veterinary
College purposes banging out his
shingle at Walton Ont.-Mra, Dr,)
Fergerion returned home on Monday
latit from visating friends in Toronto. --
Mr, efoiddis ot Exeter moved to our
village Oneday list week, He in-
tends siartibg a bakery and opening
up a flour and feed store in two week&
• We beepeak for him a share 01 the
patronage of the Surrounding villages
at this will be a long felt want
supplied if Mr. fX. is able to eerntrel
enough business to Warrant him
staying here.- fe re. Wm. Brown
preeenied her husband with a fine
baby girl on Irridey Diet. Con-
gratulations Williatn 1 -Mr. Ferrier
, Of Heroin Divinity College oeoupied
f the pulpit at St. Eaulsoti Sundisy Lowe.
-Our village bobbed teeint was re -
organized a few nights ago WW1, the
following office bearers:-flon. Pres,
Dr. Ferguson; Hon, Vice Pres. J.
Muir; Pres. W. R. Carr; ()apt. N. B.
Doupe; See. stun'i Doupte-Ara.
Dennison of Mitchell who has been
Visiting at Mr: Taylor's the last
few weeks returned home oa Fridey
last.-4Mr. N. Cornish left for St. Marys
last week, having seoureol a eitaatton
with Mr. G. White of that pittee.-
Some of our villagers have been busy
fishing for suckers during the past
'Week but were suoceseful itt finding
more out of the stream than in it.
Berers,-Owing to the late sprier.;
we are having ie putting some of the
farmers in great haste to get thteir seal-
ing done. -Rev. S. Krupp preached to
a large audience which assembled
here on Sunday night last Eo has now
left for his now fleld of labor in Middle-
ton. We wish hirn every success in his
work .--Querberly meeting will be held
here Sunday both in the English and
German languages -Miss Lydia Hang
has left for London where elle intends
to stay this coming eraumrner.-Rev
Scharffe has moved to his house which
he purchased from J. Pope some bime
ago on Main st.-Mrs. Birk is visiting
at her sister's in Exeter. -Mr. Jacob
Kellerman has gone to London on bus-
Berers.-Rev. R. L. Wilson arrived
home from Victoria College, Toronto,
last week. He has been very successful,
having passed in all subjects for the
3 year's course'and the greater part of
the 4th year. -Mr. F. Mons, who has
been sick with intermittent fever is
slowly recovering. -The fourth quarter-
ly meeting of Grand Bend circuit will
be held in Boston Methoclisb church
next Sabbath at 10.30 o'clock. A. cor-
dial invitation is extended to the
worshipping public. -Our Chief 4Thstice
has improved. his . residence by a new
coat of paint. -Mr. Wm. A. Wilson
4,nd May Wilson attended blie drawing
examination at the high school last
week. -Mr. Those Bullook has improv-
ed his property by building a neve wire
' Berees.-Some.of our yoga t people
are takit.g music lessons from.; Pibf. of
Exeter. -Mr. S. (Muff sold a three year
year old colt for $75 this week. Pretty
near every horse for sale around here
has been. picked up. Stock has also
gone up in value. 'Good times are be-
ginning to dawn, -Mr. G. E. McTag-
gart was elected president of our Ep-
worth League on Tuesday last. We
are sure Mr. McTaggart will make a
very efficient president. -Seeding is
now in full blast. Quite a lot of barley
is going in this year, --Mr. J08. Atkin-
son, who was Mr. D. D. Wilson's stock
foreman for years, has purchased the
farm lately occupied by Mr. Jos.
Gibson, for $4,350. Every one is glad to
see Joe. back on the Stle-The Brint-
ileitis and Brownlee's are tuning their
fifes and practising for the 12th ab Sea -
forth. --A gun club has been formed in
Staffa with it good naembership. There
are quite a number of crack shots iu
and around the town.
& Ord
SCHOOL RBRORT. -The following is a
correct report of the standing of the
pupils in S. S. No. 6, Usborne, for the
month of April. The natnes sae in or-
der of merit.
Senior Department. -V. -Edith Turn-
• bull, Winfred Coupland, Aggie Hunter.
Sr. IV, -Sarah Clements, Sam!'
Johns, T. Delbridge and Flossie
Andrew, equal. Jr IV, ---"John Gimp -
land, Ella Ceram. Sr. 111, -Ethel
• Godbolt, Cora Rowcliff, Lizzie Cooper,
Jr. IIL-Lizeda Miners, Jenuie Berry
hill, Mabel Johns. Number on roll
8. Average attendance 40. Junior
Department. -Sr. IL -Charlie Miners,
• Mary Hardman Laura Sleamon. • Jr.
IL --Victoria ltkiners, Gertie 1VIeller,
e'"eerl Spicer. Sr. Pb. II, -Do. Delbridge.
Milton Sleabson Mabel Lawyer. Jr Pt
IL -Jessie Coupland, Nellie Nixon,
Nellie Glidden. 'Pt. 1, -Ada Brima-
combe, Garnet Miners, Annie Coup-
• land. No on roll 34. Average atten-
dance 30- On Friday afternoon, an
"Arbor Day" programme will be given.
All are onrdially invited.
ELLA. E. HALLS, }Teachers.
Stephen Council,
Crediton April 27, 1895.
All members present. Minutes of
last meeting read and signed.
Si lot 15 and lot Nei 14, con. 17 to
be added to school section and that lot
13 and 15 be joined to S. S. 11.
'Resolved that L. Smith receive $5
monthly, contmencing Feb. Id 1895 on
condition that Hay pay half.
Revolved that, the following orders be
granted, viz. M. Winer, rep. eel. $1.50;
Mrs. Newconthe. $2, C. Prouty, $5; A.
Harris, 2 months keep, $14; W. Eagle-
son, help, $8; W. Millen 50 cts; J.
Barry, 2 culverts $5.
O. Pitontr, Clerk.
Mies May Irwin, of Clinton, has passed
her 8ra year examination at the Ontario
Medical Collage, taking first alma honors
nee the Roane prier!: this id pretty good
for so young a persoe.
X, 1), 0. the Great SPRING remedy.
2, 1895
Baines. -Mrs Pentiebaker an eld-
erly lady residing near Clinton, stepped
on a limber plank near Coutbe's drug
attire on Thursday and.receiveda herivy
fall. It was some time before the old
lady recovered suflidiently to proceed on.
her way. -Mr Levi Walper, of Sea -
forth, has leased the Mason House for
it tertn of years and has takee possess-
ion. The new proprietor is an experi-
eneed hotel man. -Last Friday ab noon
Miss Harriett Bay's life of patience and
long auffering came to a dose. She had
been gradually fading for the past year,
and a cold, caught on Sunday, the 21st
u't., was more than her frail body could
bor.-Ann Os.utte, beloved wife of Mr
Peter Straith, passed to her ling home
last Thureday, aged 68 years and 7
months, Erysipelas was the cause of
death -The busmess men of Clinton,
have decided to close their respective
stores during the 811011228T months at
eight o'clook, except Seturdays and
preceding a ho iday.-The Ontario
Government have selected Mr; W.
Weir's orchard on the Bayfield Road as
the Huron Experimental Fruit Station
and Mr. H. H. Farrel made the first
experiment on Saturday, spraying
apple trees only. The mixture com-
prises two pounds sulphate copper\ and
fifty gallons of water. Mr Farrel')will
make six visits during the season, hTs
second visib to be on or about the91h
of May. Huron's Experimental Station
should be watched withdeep interesb by
those engaged in apple raising.
Berees-Miss Wenzel returns to her
home in Detroit to -day (Thursday')
after a pleasant visit with her brother
here. -Rev Mr Litt leaves to -day
(Thursday) for Campton, his pew
station. He will be greatly missed.
Rev Smith, of Hamburg, takes his
charge here. We welcome the new-
comer. -Mrs Schwartz will leave next
week for Port Elgin, where she will
reside in future. Her sons ere located
there. -The funeral of the late Jacob
Finkbiner took place last Sunday and
was largely attended. Mr Finkbiner
died on Thursday after a prolonged ill-
ness. The cause of Ms death was en-
largement of the stomach and cancerous
.growth, interually. He suffered nsuoh
pain, but bore it with Christian forti-
tude. He leaves a wife and, smallfamily,
who have the heartfelt sympathy of the
community.- The bicycle craze hag
struck Crediton. From appearances
some of the young men should have
bought tandems. -Mt Sam?! Eilber is
nursing a stiff knee. He wheeled to
Exeter one day last week, and falling
enroute, sustained the injury. Sam
should have practised at home before
undertaking such a long ride.-Mesers
M Winer and Jas Hodgins atteuded the
funeral of their brother orangernan, the
late James Brown, of Exeter. on Tues.
day. -The wife of Mr M Finkbeiner
presented hirn with a young son last
week. Matt wears a broad smile, and
for some time folks wondered what was
wrong. -Jacob Holtzman is building a
trick kitchen to his helm, thus im-
proving- his property. -Mr. John
Eilber has purchased Wm. Baines
pump shop, and intends going into the
pump business in the fall. -The brick
yards have returned operations for the
season. -The fax men are busy seeding.
They are putting a large acreage this
aeason,-Chas. Wolfe, our accommo-
dating mail carrier, intends erecting a
new fence arouud his premises. It will
eclipse all others -The fraternal societ-
ies in town are making arrangements
for an excursion in the near future. We
wish them success.
Hay Council.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment, on Monday, April 2911i. All
members present. Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of lase meeting read and ap-
Ehnes -Geiger-That J. Schroeder
be appointed pathmaster in div. No.
53, in place of J. Goetz, and Henry
Dating itt div. No. 1, in place of A.,
Geiger -Turnbull -That in regard to
petition of J,Ponthron and others, no
action be taken.
Elmes-Battler-That lot No. 29, S.
B., be eaten from S. 8 No. 8, and ad-
ded to U. S. S, No. 15, and that a
by-law be passed to that effect.
Turnbull-Battler-fhat L. Smith be
granted $2.50 per month from 1st of
February last, as oharity.
Turnbull-Geigsr--That J. E, Mc -
Denali be notified by the Clerk that a
complaint has been lodged with that
council in regard to weigh scales on the
road in "Jensen, and that the matter
be taken up at next meeting.
Elmem-Babtler -That the following
amounts be paid :-R. Jennison, work
at Heyrock's bridge, $10 25 , Williain
Follis, telephoning and spikes, $1.00 ;
Hart & Riddell, treasurer's cash book
and blanks, $3.92; O. Wiliert, work
at hall, $1.00 ; J, Fuss, fixing culvert
at Zurich, $1.00 ; Mrs. E. anii8e,
charity, $5.00; Sohmous & Campbell,
printing, $6,25 ; Mrs. Southerby,
county watd, $13,24 ; Sinn Dietz, use of
jack screwm, $4.00 ; L. Smith, charity,
$7.50 Cese, plow broken, s3.00.
By-laws Io : mid8 were duly pas-
seaCouncil adjourned to meet again on
Mondey, Slay 271ht at 10 o'clook a, Ine
SA a Court of Revision of the asses -
meet roll for 1895, and for gerieral busi-
ness eftet the Courb of Revision.
Fete. Hess, Clerk..
Exeter Municipal Vouncii,
The council met at the town hall, April
2711, paranant to asijoernment. All
present, Kinuto of preview; meeting
read and collet -wee.
• A. petition to water a portion of Maio
street waS read.
Tatlor-Harding---That the petition be
received and the prayer of the petitioners
be granted. --Carried.
• Tenders for street watering were exam.
ined as follow : --(en, Blettest, $1.10 per
day ;Win. Trevethick, $1.85 do; A. Hol-
land, $1.12 do eV, J. Bissett, 81.23 do ;
.1. W. Creech, Ole do ; Christie, e1,25
do ; duo, Snell, $1.00 ; Marry Parssns,
$1 25 do:•
Cerling-liarding-l'het J. W. Cfreech's
tender, being the lowest, be accepted. -
A. tender for one or more tanks at $21
was accepted front Mr. S. Baleden 00
motion of W, Herding, seconded by T. B,
Carling -Harding -Adjournment until
Friday, the 3.d May at 7.30 p ni -Car.
14 EAoartre, Clerk
just received a car load. of Beaehville lime.
Also a quantity of Matninoth Southern sweet
cora for Need. -,
0. W, SMITH Cantralieeeeee,
April 22nd 189E,
BRIEFS.-Mr. Henry Spence died on
Sunday evening, aged 76 years, after a
rather long illness. The deceased was an
old soldier, and retired many years since,
wben holding the rank of Sergeant -Mayor
in the Royal Artillery. During his service
he was actieely employed in the rebellion
of 38, and had many hard experiences
during the early portion of hie long term
under the old flag. The funeral took
place Wednesday from his late residence
to Maitland cametery.-About 4 p. m. on
Monday the fire alarm called attention to
the burniog of a small frame house owned
and occupied by Mrs Angus Nicholson, he
St Dayld's Ward. The fire origiaated
under the thingles-sapponed from the
chimney -destroyed a portion or the roof,
and. but for the quick arrival of the fire
company would have soon been gutted.
Berees.-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on Wednesday, Mr.
Henry Baur, of this village, was
welded to Miss Lottie Dignan,
daughter of Mr, Ross Dignan of the
Zurich road, east, the ceremony being
perfermed by Rev. Brandt- The groom
was euerported by Mr. Will Colvin), of
Exeter, while the bridesmaid. teas
Miss Attie Dignan, sister of the bride.
The wedding took piece at three o'clece
in the presence of a large circle of
friends. The presents were name/tots
and useful, and attested the esteem in
which the bride is held. -Mr. Fred.
Seiner sustained an accident to his leg
the other day, from which he has not
fully recovered. -The mill is doing a
spleadid trade. -Mr. Fred. Hess, sr.,
the famous carriage builder, has a large
number of buggies on the way. They
are a fine looking lot of rigs. -Zurich
will not celebrate the 241h this year,
although some are anxious for a tourn-
ament -The village is quiet in conse-
quence of farmers being busy seeding.
o rintove
Our Stock of Spring and
Summer Goods is now complete• .
Everything charming, new, and
up to date in style.
The Ladies should see our
Dress • Goods, Prints, Hosiery
and Wall Papers.
Gents' should see our
Tweeds, Hats, Ties, Collars,
Shoes. All nobby, new and
„sure to please, and prices almost
Int of sight, (so small.)
,pall around; glad to see you.
• J. P. Ross,
- --
BRIEFS. -Mr. Philiskie Holt, a very
enterprising boy, large for his size, has
removed from our midst and been en-
gaged with John Wilhelm for the sum-
mer. No doubt he will be missed great-
ly in our frequent and social gatherings.
-Tbe saw mill is kept very busy this
season. A. large force is at work and
still the time is very limited in compar-
ison to the number of logs to be hand -
federal the amount of work to be done.
-The weather is very dry for this time
of the year, and having had so little
rain, the wheat in many cases is
beginning to show signs of consumption
andis wasting aws,y,aad if rain does not
come ere long the disease will be gate
prevalent. -Mr. Geo. Mawhinney,seof
the Goshen line, during the past week
took it drive to London on some affairs
which are very aigniticant personally,
yeb in which the publios.t large is little
concerned so far. -As the dry weather
is very favorable to the roads or any
path upon which travelling forms the -
most important part, our race course
here will be in good condition for train-
ing and speeding the far famed wind
splitters of the viuchtty here about.
Mr, W. Morrison has rented his 50 acre
farm on the 2nd con. of Hullett, for one
year to Mr. John Noble.
Ur Wm. Haines and 1 away of Wood-
ham, move this week to their new home
in Ficaford, Mich.
John Mills of West Wawo,nooh, sustain-
ed quite a los eacently, by ono of his
cattle falling into a manger and breaking
ite neck.
A boiness change has telt= piece in
Winglaam, T. E. Cloture having sold his
furniture and undertaking busmen to hie
cousin, John Oronyn, late of Chicago.
Thither J. Allen, of Oneida, was
found dead iu the Aneerican Hetet o n
Saturday morning. He le a brother of
Jobe C. Allen, of Buffalo.
Bey. Thomall Cumming, Truro, N. S.
is only justio to Nay that your K.
D. 0 has been wend. ti1004 Med, by
raeraberS of ray family, and alwaye with
good resulte."
These burdens of lifeepalpitetion of the
heart, nerveuenese, headache, awl gloomy
imbodingo, will quickly Metopesr if y
too IC D. O. 'The Grottiest Core of the
Ago for all foots of Indigestion,
Huron County Notes
Reeyveelliaoltuirtch.hie, of Olinten, does not
The May meeting of the Goderiett
District Methodist Cnurelt will be held at
Hensall, on Mey 15th.
1Vlies Daisy McGregor has takea the
posiition as teacher in , 8 No. 1, Hallett,
in the place of Mr. McKay, who has
accepted the prinemalship of Hensall
public school.
Messrs. A. M. Switzer and W. J. Kay,
of Olintou, late of the Detroit College of
Medinine, have succeeded in taking 85
per cent ou all subjects during the entire
course, and, according to the rules of the
college, are excused from taking any
further examinations
The many friends of Mr. Andrew
Calder, of McKillop, and formerly of Sea -
forth will regret to leant that he has been
confined to bed through Rinses, for oyer
six weeks, and hie oonditian is not yet
much inproved, although his medical at-
tendant thinks he la slowly recoveries'.
On Wednesday morning last, a small
frame building, the resideno&of Mrs. Wm.
Love, Blyth was destroyed by fire. • The
firemen were promptly on hand, but were
unable to save the building, so devoted
their efforts to sayi ng those in close prox-
imity, there being a strong wind blowing
at the time. •
Last Friday ()Ain's shed was turned into
a sort of tide show. A Mr. Percy, of
Kinloss, drove his rig there and in the
vehicle was a monstrosity in the shape of
a Sit legged calf. Tbe animal was per-
fectly formed in all other respeots. Un-
fortunately it wee deed. A large number
of oar citizens ealled in to see it. Lack -
now Sentinel,
Mr. Dan Ross, of Stanley, had already
undergone two operations for the removal
of a cancer from the interior of Met month,
and last week left for Detroit, to meet Dr.
Elliott, late ef Brueefleld, wed be pa/
under treatmtnt for removal of the
troublesome affair.
X,. D. 0. cures Dyapepsia.
Stars's Vowdere, each paeicage of which
°Detains two preparations, one in a round
wooden boa, the cover of which forma a
measuie for one dose, an itnmediate relief
for Costiveness, Sick Readmit° and Store-
aoh, also Neurelgia and all kinds of ner-
vous pains, aud anotlaer in capsules, (from
to of one is au ordinary dose) which
state on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach'
forming a never failing perfect treatment
for all Head and Stoinach complaint.
They do not, as moat pilla and so many
other medicines do, lose their effect or
produee after constipation, they a& nioe
to take. 25c. a box at all medicine deer -
Life Was a Burden and all
Remedies railed till .B. B.$.
was Tried, now Digestion is
Perfeot, and Health Has Re-
DEAR SIRS. --Until lately I suffered con-
tinuaily from Headache eaused by condi
patient which rendered my life a burden to
eared and to others. After trying (too -
tors and remedies without number and
with no good results, I was aavised to try
13. B. 13. I now rejoice that 1 did so, tor
two bottlet have completely oared roe, I
now eat well, and rny digetnon is petted.
I believe there is no remedy equal to B.
B. B., and I reeomatend it to all eufferers.
Cbealesbourg, Qua*
Post Office Store
just °poled out,
See our special value iu
50c. Cashmere. We solicit
a call,