HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-4-25, Page 82,113T VALLIOT,AGEINT FOB eile.,41TBE NW:8TE= ASSURANCE COM- ANYeof Tormou: oleo for the PHOENIX fteheINSelitreiet3B COMPANY, d Lembo Zeeland A.T.41414.NOS INSURANCE 00Ale leAhlY of Boatel:id, HE LONDON 1I.I 11rula T Flitle. INSURANOLI CO. OF CIAN ADA. LONDONe Thar35 years this Compeer luta deem the letramit business ire Canada at the lowest retea, consistent with seouritr. Meets, jan.189e, $3,17,no.oa 48,0001Poltolea ire tercet:1 • T. E. ROBSON, President, D. 0, llanDON AID, Manager. For:further particular& apple to DAVID JA,(111 ES, Again, Exeter. seeetetwisereeeteateetweeneesonne RIGGPS Book Store WALL PAPER is our text th's time. Never in the history of Exeter hoe WALL PAPER been offered at such LOW PRICES as we shall sell at this Seasun, ard the Pat- terns will be more AP.,TISTIC than ever, Be Sure to See the Nev Stock before buying. Grigg's BookStore "TF18 MART." --THE— Big Bankrupt Sion Is the correct spot for MENS' WOMENS' & CHILDRENS' Boots & Shoes Our assortment is most com- plete, and never before have we offered such values—not cheap trashy goods, but good, honest, well -made footwear. Here is a starter ; Ladies' hand turn Dongola Oalord $1.45 ; usually sold for $L75. Remember we have lots of cheaper lines but would recom- mend -this particular line as being the best value that has ever decked our counters. We are after the shoe trade of Exeter and are going to have it. Come and see us. J. A. Stewart. NOTICE -A11 business announcements notices ot publio meetings, entertainments auction selee, etc., appearing in theee local columns will be cinema for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. oath with order mos to persons baying open accounts. To insure change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy mustbe handed into office on Tuesday. Tr/vitt Memorial Oh. Trammel-. St. Marker Day. 7.30. Divine Service andSermon in church. 9e.m. Choir Practice. 2rto SUNDAY AFTEREASTER. 11 A.. x, Te Deno, Woodward Benedietus Holden 7 eerie. Magnificat Heath Nuno Dunettee Beath Sezrarox.-The old Gospel and Present Day Sooial Problems. Mormar,-8 p. m. Vestry meeting. WNDNEBDIY.—St. Philip and St. Tames. 7.30.• Divin e Service. Don't kill the birds, the pretty birds, That sing 'bout your door; It's doubtful if the're quite the thing On bonnets any more. The assessor has completed his duties. Rev. B. Clement, of London West, formerly of Exeter. is very ill. The council purpose taking their »annual tour of inspectien on Friday. The council has called for tenders for street watering,to be opened at the next meeting. The flahing season has commenced in earnest, and some good catches are an- nounced. Rev. Sheppard, President of the Lon- don Conference, will preach in James St. church on Sunday, May 12th. The Exeter Creamery will be run this season by Mr. Bobier. He has secured the promise of a large supply ef milk. A man named Geo. Smith, of Inger- soll, was lodgedui the Exeter lock up en Saturday night iv' Chief Gill, who looked after him until Monday Morning, when the Police of Ingersoll escorted hint to that town whete he has to &newer to a charge of cattle stealing He is wanted in London by the authorities i:hereedso it is said. Smith passed through Exeter about a week ego, when Chief Gill was talking to him, and upon receipt of a telegram, some days after, to look out for him, the eagleeyed bailiff at once detected the resemblance. Ile notified the Ingersoll police, with the result that Small was captured near Seaforth on Saturday night. By the way, Chief GW has lately been iusorne tight eter- nett. Besides the melee he gob into 1Bb wok, Smith on Saturday night, tt tonstabla was unproteeted, 1I a quiokblow, blackening /ittftt[ 1.1/4011 THURSDAY. APRIL 25th, 1895 LOCAL HAPPENMOO. • Drovittis. A moment, and our joy is gone ; lt lives, and, living, dies, A day or two of sunshine, And then there come deo flies. 5, (Allies ct Son of Allan Craig, khipped this ee•aeou to thte 01.1 Cottitry over $15 QUO worth of equare timber The public) eehools opened on Aloudae, after Eton. r holidoee, with a good Meta: dance, and ell the leacht re at their poste. George Delta, j of Lucau nett with a. painful aocident Le losing pat or a ilugen wtiTunaing a cireuher as w at Gibioona planiug Wulding bells sounded on Thursday last, wheu Aire. MoLeed of Liman was married to Mr. John Monells, of the 2ud con. of Biddalph. The masons have conuneuced work, and have the residences of Messrs, Ches. Snell, 3. A. Stewart and R. E. Pichard well under way. Mr. and Ate. J. S. Gilfillan of Lucar, were called to Hamilton by the death of Ma. Gilfillateei father, Mr. Calder, who died from the °fleets of an operatioe. The Commercial hotel has been greatly improved in appearance by the iatroduct• ion of plate glees windows throughant. Mine host Hawk:Maw ban an anithetic taste. The Ontatio Government has decided not to issue licenses to local option muni- cipalities, on the ground that it would be taken by the temperance organizations as a backward step. Ferraers inform UB that fall wheat has wintered well, and is looking fine. So far there has been no weather to injure it or froets euflioient to heave it, but it. has not yet passed its most critical time. Any persons basing trees dieeased by black knot, are hereby notifiecl to destroy same.or they will be proeeeuted according to law. Any person having trees should inspect eame and save a fine. James Gorrie, formerly turnkey in the jail at Stratford, was killed while clean; mg out a well at Milton on Friday, the bucket slipping. The remains were in: terred at Stratford oa Monday. A potato weighing 86 pounds has beert exhibited by Ur. J. C. Swan, of Colorado. It must be so, for the pioture of the man, with the big potato on his shoulder, and an accompanying affidavit. all appear in the Boehm Globe. Speckled, trout may be oareght on Thursday, May 2nd, and pickerel on Thursday May 16th, Baas may be caught till Thursday, May 9th, from the 10th eta - til June 30th, both days inclusive, is the close season. R. W B H Collins,of Exeter, D.D.G.Mo of Huron district, held a very snccessful Lodge of Instruction, under masonio auspices, on Wednesday, at Clinton. There was a large attendance, and some fine work was done. Rev. E, W. hunt, svilt preaoh a course of special sermons on the "Old Gospel." The firat is to be delivered on Sunday evening when he will preach:on the rela- tion of the old Gospel to present day social problems. A new higtooloie board fence has been pieced on Main street, at the opening of the deep ditcb just south of Johnston's store; not before it was needed, howeyer as the spot was a very darigeimus one to the lives of children. The Detroit Free Press says the ad- vent of the Beatty Line boats and C. P. R. steamer Alberta at Windsor will probably lead to a war of rates between the Cana- dian and United States steamers running to northern lake ports. Fred Laughton, the 12 year old son of Mr 3 H Laughton, of Parkhillmot his arm broken near the elbow while playing at school on Thursday last. He was leashed over by another boy, falling with his arm on the ground, and the boy who shoved him,was thrown on top of him. . The suggestion has been made that the town devote special attention this year t3 Arlie'. Day in the way -of planting trees, and encourage citizens by furnishing free of cost choice maple. trees. The authori- ties could give a general supervision to the wok. Graeae for trees might be giyen to some one or two of the town officer& Rev. Mr. Tony, paritor of the Presby- terian Church in Mitchell, has received an anonymous hitter, telling him thab within a few weeks the Preebyterian and Methodist churches -the two leading church edifices of the town -would be reduced to ashes. Since receiviog the warning note, Mr, Tully foand a strange key fast La one ot the door locks of his church. John Graat, the alleged purloiner of the $5.000 package of Bank of Commerce bills from the Canadian Express Com: rany'a safe in Parkhill, was taken before Judge Edward Elliott at London, Tuesday morning to eleot trial. His counsel Mr. Meredith, secured. a remand for two weeks, as Grant was not prepared, and asked that bail be accepted. Crown Attorney Magee objected, Judge Elliott stated that if bail was granbed he would make the sum vary aubetantial. The Parkhill Independent furnishes this additional infoemation regarding the death of Wallace Graham :-About two months ago he went to Tampa, Florida, a noted winter resort, for the benefit of Ina health, leaving his wife in Chicago. From Tampa he vet to Norfolk, Virginia, where he purchased a printing establishment, and bad bis son Percy with him. On the 10th inst., Mrs. Graham received the news that her husband had died from an overdose of Choral hydrat, a drug which he wag in the habit of taking for heert trouble. Deem:teed was an able writer and 91831 very sums - /al in the newspaper briefness both here and in Windsor. Mr. Peter McKay, deputy -reeve of Tuakersmith, who has been spending a oouple of weeks in Algomavtaiking hie brother end other friends, returned home on Friday last. Mr. IVIcKay reports alt the former Sure:liter' iodated in that die 'hid well and prosperous, and *raided with their looatiorts. During his visit he purchased a farm of 440 acres, near Port Findlay. On this farm there are about 70 acres cleared and fit for crap, and. over 40 acres nearly free from stumps. A river runs through the farm to the hike and on this etreetn there is a gplendid 'water- power, sufficient, if developed, to drive deveral mills. Mr. McKay intens areas - lag s mom nilli ob it in the near future-. Prom What he says we would jogs that Mr. ItfolChy 'hat not only procured a val. table proporty, bet he hits got it tor a very reasonable figure, having paid for it nly $1,850/ TII0 B X .131 'it R garly Ceasing, As all the eider iewne about us ale aaoptiog two and three night -i each wee4 for early closing why not E'xieter Say all atores close Monday, Wedueaday and. hi. day eveuinga of °Rola week at 6 p. in, and give °mitre( r read emploYee a Wilt) freah air, vvid not all concerned be jade as rich at the mei of the eummer as though th, had kept open the three nightstud wateb• ed for every pennyjust try it foe ones aad see how it works an& we are au e that theta will be no trouble and no oue toe Ieser by so doing, The Usual Vann Built:tine. Two very useful publications from the Dominion etperimeutel faun have just appeared. The first relates to the culti. vatioa of rasebereles and ia an illastrated balletin a 25 pages by Mr. John Craig, horticulturist, It coutaiue a hietoi ical sten+ of the development of different varietiea ot the genus rubes, a description of the hading yarietiea, and results of eultural experiments, at the farm. The engravings are from photographs of fruit grown at the farm and, therefore, striotIV accurate. The beet means of p. even big losses sustained by freit growers front reetaoke of fungous diseases and hilarious Unseats are clearly set forth in Bulletin No 23,1esued jointly by Messrs. Craig and Fletcher, hoztioulturist and entomologiat of the Experimental Farm. Thee bulletin is very timely, as now is the thne that the fruit grower should arm hinaself to fight the yarious enemies which attack his ovop and reduee his revenue. The how and why of spraying are fully explained. These bulletins are now ready for distrib- ution, and will be sent free to all whine neraes are iricluded in the farm mailing list and to such others asmay apply for them, Interesting to Farmers A. raeeting of the oatmerd millers, of Ontario, was held at Toronto on March 29th, to weeder the best zneans for re. curing suitable Oats for mining and of iroproved quality. To make a first-olase article of rolled oats 11 18 neceseary to have' oats of the same BiZ3 and shape, and experierme has shown that a long, thin - hulled, plump grain in the most suitable - The consumption of rolled oats is rapidly increasing in Canada, and a limited quantity is being sent to Great Britain, Germany and other nations in Enrope, and it is the desire and purpose of oatmeal millers to largely increase the export trade with these countriee, and with that object In view they now ask the co operation of the farmers and grain dealers. Farmers cad materially increase the whole value of the oat orop in Canada by giving oaref ul attention to Bemiring the beat varieties of well cleaned seed that will be auitable for oatmeal milling. The varteties now in general use, bast adaptea for milling, are the improved American, Banner and Auetralian or White Rusin, but any variety will do that will yield well and is a long, plump and thin -hulled white grain. Grain dealers, by keeping separate the thiok and thin -hulled varieties, will obtain from millers a higher price for the latter. Obituary. Another of the pioneers of this locality passed to his eternal home this week. We refer to the death of Mr, William Wood, who has resided in the 1st concession of Stepben, a half mile eouth of Exeter, Lor tho past two years, Mr. Wood was born in Devonshire, England, and came to this country when quite young, and until hie removal to Exeter some tea years ago, was a former esteemed resident of Theborne township, where he owned a fine farm in the 4th concessioninow owned by his son William. By hard labor mad keen watchfulnese deneased had succeeded in accumulating a goodly portion of this world's goods, and upon the death of hie beloved partner, he retired from farming, comIng to Exeter to reside, While in Exeter he married Mrs. Brock,efter which they pnrchaeed the small farm on whieh Mr. Wood died. He was a shrewd and energetic busmeas man, upright le all his dealings and respected by a large circle of aequaintancee. Deceased leaves to survive him, of the first family six sons and four daughtera e William, on the old horae• stead; Samuel, of Waehington Territory; John, Daniel, Charles and Frank, of Exeter; Mr. Flake, of Chicago; Mrs. Jos Senior and Mrs. J. H. Greive and Miss Eliza Wood. of Exeter; while a widow and two daughters of the 2nd family mourn his demise, and all are left in very comfortable circumstances. The funeral took place yesterday, his remains being interred in the Exeter cemetery, The cortege was one of the largest seen in Exeter for some time. Personals - Mr. John Spackman on Monday re- ceived from a friend at Port Frank, a fine specimen of wild goose, It weighed 10 pounds -Miss Lottie Hicks, daugleter of the late Andrew Hicks has returned home after a prolonged visit in Toronto. Her health, which bad become somewhat impaired, is much better -Mr. Will Dempsey, who has been confined to the house the past winter, through illness, vvas able to walk down town on Saturdey. With the advent of fine weather, he expects to get around as usual. -Mr Will Follend, traveller for a Brantford firm, Sundayed in town- -Mrs.•Elbott and two daughters of tow o visited friends in Parkhill last week -Mr. Wm. Simpson was in Parkhill last week, on business -The Misses Jack- son, daughters of Rev. Jackson, are horne from College, spending vacation. -Mrs. Brewer left on Tuesday foe Rosedale, where she will spend the Buettner with her brother, Mr. Williena Brokenshire -- Mr, T. A. Brown left on Saturday for Stratford to take charge of the inueioal • departraent of the Stratfordpublio schoole. Mrs. Brown will reside with her parent. in Bovemanyille utitil a suitable residence oan be procured. -Mr. Richard Harrison Dr slightly indisposed at present. -Mr. Richard Hoskin left for Kirkton yeetere day where he will open a flour and feed store. -Airs. Douglas visited friend in St. Thornao last week, Mr, R. Muir. Who has been attending Dental College in Buffalo, N. Y. hail returned home, -Mr. John Elliott and family are yisiting friends in Allen, Craig. -Mr. Archie Neloote left this week for l'outiac, Mich., where he ha rs secured a siutation with Mr, , Walt Andrews. --Miss Beimazotobe leaves thre week for Menitoba to visit Menthe -Mr. Joseph Clark of Seaforth event Sunday tha guest of Mr, W. Soutbeett.-The Mimes Avvty end Messrs Thompson and Barley of Mitchell were guests at the rectory on Bilberry, r 4* Mr, Archie McPhee, of the 71h eon., of MeGillivray, has tnoved to 'Parkhill, hay- ing pur hased the hone on Willism ate for 0 occupied by Mr. Daub. 10%. Porter, who has been ill, id ki • duty in the post office,alinton. is brother, George, who fell the other day and Woke or bruised some Of hio tibm, itirecovering. M B1 S Huron Ctoutity Notes 'rho opere hotter,. in Goderielt will riot be rc ceutly burned, will cost 57.(100. Pilaw, new priblic school. to reelects hir. J. Forest, oi Clinton Collegiate, hat beeu engaged to teach. at Thessalon, at $4.5 per mouth. Mr. S. J. Pollock, of Itrucetield, who has Hold out bit business there, thinkk of removing to Clinton. Mr. D. Bair, of Sununerbill, hue rented his farrn of 40 acres to Mr, 8 Lowety, for a te m of seven years Mr. John et, auks& eon of Jae. Wealese, of Verna, hes bought the Imola end ,outtit for rump malice owned by the lste Mr. cela:11:n:ed to bis residence for Borne days, by an attack of la grippe, bet is uow mule Mr. D. D. Wilson of Seaforth, has been While Alaeter John eicEwett, son of Mr Melcolln AleE Wee, of Stanley, was ontting wood, he acoidentally out his font with the axe, which will lay him op for *tome time. Some time ago Mr. Thou- Manning. of Loudesboro, had the little fioger of his right hand cut with o sliver, which ran ioto had to have the finger amputined lest Saturday. The seventy tic 0 farm of Mae James Sheen of Logan has been sold to Mr. Wan Lawreson for 33,000. With this addikiou Mr. Latvrason has now one of the finest farm in the townships. The old AfeCtillogh property, on the Huronroad, Goderich township, has been aold by Mr. Jonethan Miller to Mr Sam - rel Johnston, for the sum ot 32000 It oontains about 32 acres. Mr. Wm. Monk hes sold his terra of 100 acres, being lot 11, 3rd con. of Hallett, to Mr. John Dale, for the sum of 03,800. There are frame buildings OD the place. This gives Mr, Dale 300 acres of land. The other day while (he five-year-old son of Mr. Edwin d Wiae, Goderich tow. ship, was playing about a crusher, he got Iwo of his fingers caught in the gearing and very badly crushed; he will lose the thumb and pelt of the first finger. Tne new pipe organ for St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, will be placed lo posit - 100 next week. Rev Mr. Farthing, rector s, of 51. P. auk's, Woodstock, will preaoh on the occasion of the opening April 281b. it is expected to coat the congregation The breakwater at Goderich has suffer- ed another large cave-in as a result of the spring freshet. Fully 200 feet of it, about 800 feet trent the east end, has tumbled into the river, and the safety of the bar- bor will be in jeopardy if the break is not repaired before another eeason of bigh water. -Star. At the eale of the late Archibald Brant, on Tueeday last, the 200 acre farm in Morris township, Huron county, adjoining Wingham, was purohased by Malcolm Lamont, of Wingham. for$6,030. The farm is admirably adapted for stock raising and praising, for which purposes Mr. Lamont will use it. A meeting of the License Comeniesion- ere of Wed Huron was held at Inspector Paisley's office. on Monday. A petition from ratepayers of Blyth was received, asking that a license be granted to John Mason, of Blyth, but the village not hav- ing the population requivite for an addit- ional hotel, the request was not granted. Mr. Thomaa Ward of Varna has just sold four two year old steers. tbe combined weight of WI:deb figiares up 5,300. One of these steers weighed 1e480 pounds. They were sold for 6 cents per round for May delivery. It will time be seen that Mr. Ward realizes the snug sum of $265 for his four animals or an , average of nearly $67 per head. Wiogham's business men have complet- ed arrangements with the Livingstone& of Waterloo and Thstowel, whereby the firm will erect a flax mill in that town, Mr. George McKenzie gave four acres of land, the merchants subscribed $500 as a bonus towards the building, and the town will probably exempt the new industry from taxes. A very sad and unexpected death oc- curred in Clinton on Tuesday evening, in the demise of Mr. Robe. Wetter& Deceased was a promising young man and had been employed at the Organ Factory ; a few days since he was laid off work by a slight cold: this deyeloping into pneumonia. He was the youngeat son of Mr, Winter& Tuckersmith. During the progress of the fire in Sea - forth on Wednesday morning, the porter at the hotel was in such a hurry to remove hinagelf and his chattels from the burning building, that he climbed out of a second storey window with his trunk. He land- ed on terra firma safely himself, bub the trunk went metalling to the cellar; it WAD, howeyer, recovered by the bystand- ers. The White Cloud Novelty Works, of Michigan, purpose starting an industry for the manufacture of a Hame-Fastener, and Harness Buckles, in some part of Western Ontario. They say they will employ between 35 and 50 hands, their plant to coat 017,000: They claim to have an offer of a cash bonus of $3,000, free site, water power, free light and exemption from taxes for 20 years, but they want a larger place and have 'written to Clinton. They are willing to accept a 10112 Of 310,000, with a free site, power and exemptions for twenty years. K. D. C. the Highty Curer for Indiges- tion, 1L P itiBlif We will be prepared to meet the needs of our custom- ers in a few days. Come and see our improve - men ts with room and com- fort to all, P„ CLAREM R1Pickard & SON'S GREAT CLEARING SALE WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY APRIL 27TH. NIMINII•0211MINIMIONIIIMA BARGAINS IN • ALL DEPART- MENTS. R. Pickard & Son DIRECT IMPORTER. tkr, re are others, But the place for satisfactory dealing in all lines of Mer- chandise is CARLING BROS. For example, take READY MADE and ORDERED CLOTHING. There never was a cheaper or finer assortment town. Take HATS, CAPS, FINE SHIRTS, Colored and White, and TIES, where can you see a finer selection? Take DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, in all the latest styles and colorings—handsome goods. Take STAPLES, we defy :ompetition for quality and price. Take TEAS, whyothers are not in it, and for SUGAR, every one knows that's cheap. It will draw flies but not ens-, tomers, Fakes and tricks draw trade for a time, but as for Us we are not disposed to adopt such methods in order . to draw trade. If you want square dealing go to CA LING BROS N.• 33.-1V1iss Tom is now on hand to do all kinds of Dress and Mantle Making. C. S. Exeter Municipal Council. Lioenses Granted. The council met pursuant to adjourn- ' ment at the town hall, Exeter, 191h inst. All present, Minutes of previous meeting read and con hrmed. .Taylor -Treble -Orders as follows : Rollins 4.% Amos $5.00, medical exam. 'nation of Eva Piper; Jas. Creech $4.00, charity to Mrs. Sutton ; do $4.00 to Mts. Bartner ; der $2.00 to Aire. 'Mc- Intosh ; do $1.50 to D. Daw ; $12.50, wood for town hall ; Walter Westcott $1.00, labor ; Jno. Popplestone 50c.do; R. Davey $2.00, do. -Carried. The clerk to write to Mr. Farncombe re sidewalk. • Carling-ffarding.-Tleat tenders for street watering be asked for. Tenders to be received up to Saturday, the 271h mat, at 7.30 p. mo -Carried. Carling-Treble-TheCouncd to make a tour of inspection, of street e on Friday the 26th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. Carling -Treble. -Adjournment un- til Saturday the 271h inst., at 7.30 p. m. -Carried, kf. EACRETT, Clerk. Livingston Bros. will not locate a flax mill at Wingham this season as intend- ed. A Waterloo merchant was called up- on to contribute $10 to the postal revenue the other day, for having en- closed a letter in some mail sent as second-class matter. The official returns of the attendance at the Canadian Horse Show, Toronto, show a total attendance of 14,300 for the three days, and a surplus of $5,000. The success of the big show was com- plete, W. H. Meek, farmer, River Road, Southwold, sued the municipality for $60 damages for cutting down two trees on the side of the highway in front of his property. Judgment re- served TheT. Goderich Star was burnei out recently, and Editor McGillicuddy, of the Signal, offeeed the Star the use of his plant The rival editors, who never spoke as they passed by are now friends.. -London Advertiser. The plans for the new Main Street Methodist church are now on. exhibit- ion. They were prepared by Mr. D. A. Ross and are very nice. If built accordingly the church edifice will be a handsome one -both inside and out. Every cellar and back lard in tower., should be thoroughly cleaned up before the end of next week. If this is not done the most serious consequences may result. Already unpleasant odors come from many quarters, and these will increase in intensity and danger as the weather grows warmer. Heuseholders ought to see that the work of cleansing unclean premises is carried out without any further urging; but, if more pressure is needed, the Health Officer will be justified in incur- ring any needful expense in applying it. Complete returns from Fialdimand gtve Montague 2,015; McCarthy, 1,421; majority for Montague„ 594. There were 30 rejected and 23 spoiled ballots. 1.), C. the Great SPRING remedy. %anti Powders, each peerage of wbich contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a. measuie for one dose, an immediate relief for Costiveness, Sick Headaohe and Stom- aide, also Neuralgia. and all kinds of ner- vous paine, and another in capsules, (from to of one is an ordinary dose) which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatment for all Head and Stomach complaint& They do not, as most pills and an many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after constipalion, they are nice to take. 25c. a box at all mediehae desi- ers .NAINAMIIIII•••••nmem. To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cus- tomers The Geo. E. Tuckett .4e Son Co,, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market ra,ii A Combination Plug of "T ID" SAIOIONG TO84009 This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T &ir brand of pure Vir- ginia Tobacco. The tin tag 1 & is on every piece 1 The following tavern and shop licensee haye been granted for the License Districb of South Huron for 1895 6 : Township of Stephen.- Richard Horn and Wm. Moffat, Centralia ; A,. Hill and W. Clark, Crediton' Wm. Holt, Khiva John Donahue, Alt. Cannel ; James Hannan, Shipka ; Joseph Brenner, Grand Bend ; Leary Willert, Dashwood. Township •of Ushorne.-Joseph Ste: phene, Woodham; Alfred Welters; Devon,. Townehip of Hay. -Wm. Nicholson, Blake; Charles Grab and H. L. Paine, Zurich; W. R. Hodgins and James Cotworth, Bengali. Townsbip of Stanley.-Efenry Shaffer, Rippen, Geo. Fetch, Brimfield; Wilson Cook, Varna. Townehip of Tuckersmitb.-J. B. Weber, Egniondville; Wm. Kyle, Tooker: smith, Charles Witte, Brucefield. Basfield.-Ew'd Elliot E. R. Swede. for six mouths, James Pollock. Exeter. -Wm. Simpson, John Leathorn, W. T; Acheson and T. W. Hawkehaw; ahop, Farmer Bros. and F. J. Knight eaforth.-Wmt. Flan ttlegan, James Dick, 3. H. Ma/1113011y, James Weir and T. The Stephens; for shop Ew'd Dawien; wholesole, H. Jackson & Son. War. BAILANTYNB, Inspector. K. D. C. Pills cure ohronkt constipation. You've No IDEA. How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the needa of the people who feel all tired oeet or run down from any cause. It gramme to oil up• the whole mechaniem of the body ree that all moves smoothly and work be- comes delight. If you are weak, tired and nervous, Flood's Sarsaparilla ie just what you need. Try it, Hood's Pills cure liyer ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, aick headache, irldi- gestion. .1011bIOn log Cash dis- count on Friday and Saturday on all lines of • CLOTHINV, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. • We will give a -cash discount of 10g on all pur- chases o f one dollar and up - Wards o n the above date. Avail y9ur- selves of this offer. co o.\r,o ITSTO A,