HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-28, Page 8et* eiDeettee---- There will be a Grand Display of PATTERN HATS and BONNETS, - AT THE -- Gr 13 N IC R PT STORE -ON- W,a,7 aud, aturday, .29th and 30th Opening Days. Every Lady and little Girl in the neighborhood is welcomed to out Millinery Opening. Come and criticise our stock ; that's what it's here for; that's why we have Millinery Openings. We are prepared to abide by yolir decision. We think our display of Millinery for this spring is just as neat as neat can be. Come and tell us what you think. We also show some very special lines in Dress Goods. Some real nobby goods at medium prices. It will do you good to see what we are showing in New Dress Goods. In Black Dress .Goods we have many special and extensive lines. We are run- ning a regular 85c. Black Henrietta for 58c,, pure wool and silk finish. This line is worth asking to see, New Spring Capes are all in. Some real natty makes. Drop in and have a look. Another drop in the American Clock premiums. With each purchase of $28 we give you free a beautiful American Clock, stamped and guaranteed. Ask for Clock Card and start at once. Remember 4 seven dollar cards get a Clock. J. A. Stewart. INSURANCE. -GI 11N S T ELLIOT,AGENT FOR J_LATSE WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY.. of Toronto: also for the PHOENIX FIRE INSUNANOE COMPANY, of London getgland ALLIANCE INSURA'cOE COIVI- PANV of England. ITHE LONDON MUTUAL -11- FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF CAN ADA. Ilead offioe, - - .LONDON. For35 years this Company has done the largest business in Canada at the lowest ntes, consistent with security. Assets, Jan.1891, 43,000:Policies in foree.:! T. E. ROBSON, President, D.C. MaDON ALB, Manager. Poi:further particulars, apply to DAVID JAQUES, Agent, Exeter. 8357,190.00 CRICT Book Store, WALL PAPER is our text this time. --- Never in the history of Exeter has WALL PAPER been (leered ab such LOW PRICES as we shall sell at this Season, ard the Pat- terns will be more ARTISTIC than ever, Be Sure to See the New Stock before buying. Grigg's BookStore "THE MART." Notio,e to Tines' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in Tun Trues. NOTICE -All business announeements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc,' appearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save o persons having open accounts. To insure change of advertisements in current issue copy mustbe handedinto office on Tuesday. TrIvitt Memorial Ch, 5th Sunday in Lent, March 31st, 1898. 5uNney31st.-11 a. m.,Sermon by Mr. Roy, of Bewail. 7p. m., Sermon by the Rector. Tunsalty.-4.45 p. in,, Short servioe and Bible Study. WgromsDAY.-8p. m., Divine Service. FRIDAT.-4•45 P. in.. Short servioe and Bibie Study. 8 le in., Choir Practise. Monday next will be April 1st. Isaac Hall, Blanehard, is in possession of a Bible printed in 1671. The usual weekly shipments of horses, 'cattle, and hogs were made from Exeter this week. The Mein at. League held a union meet: ing with the James et. chureh League on Tueaday. The cold spell on Tneedey with accom- panying snow reverted our minds to the past winter. The members of the Manitoba Legislai ture will present Premier Greenway with a fife sized oil portrait. The finest and largest assortment of wedding stationery, announcements, in- yitetions and visiting cards THE Titans has ever had hart jut arrived. Call and tee them: Mee. E, Hutchineen died on Ithe 17th Mete at the residence of her parents, Mr. and MTh, 11,1Vieredith. of Parkhill. She was bon in Exeter tuad Was married to Itle. Hutchinson, in 1884. Two children /oda. httsband suryive. Mr. H. 13. Osier Mile there is no truth in the rtirrier Mahe has been retained by the Olateritt Government to eproeeoute all •the murder cases, Re has prosecuted a feW twee, and id engaged to proeeettte at - other, but that is as feet as his engage- ettent goes. Mr. D. Jacques has been appointed local agent for the Agricultural Insult. alien Company .of Watertown, X. tf with head office for ilanads, at Teroxite. This Company insures against less by tornadoes :and wind Ammo and, not against Inas from lire. tee K D, kr an gawk troubles. lotiq TFIIIRSDAY. MARCH 28th 1895 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Brevities. Additional locals on 5th page: There is no truth in Welter's confession as published last week. Mr M. Vincent, of Exeter. I roke a hen's egg the other day and found in it four complete yelks. Mr. Alfred Sheere and Mr. Geo. Baw- den, bricklayers and contractors, haee enteredinto partnership. Mr. Geo. Heamen of Exeter, has been awarded. the contract for the erection of a Presbyterian church at Ilderton. The Clinton New Era says it would like to have all the officers of the Renee of Refuge appointed from among thc citizens of Clinton. The man who has invented a laundry machine that will tarn out stiff collars with pliable button holes deserves a menu- ment Net as much as Tennyson, At a recent meeting of the Directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society. it was decided to hold the annual show for entire stock on the Society's grounds at Brucefield, on Friday ,April 126h. Mr. WmeHarrison's sale in Biedulph on Friday last.was quite successful, stoak selling at a good figure. Mr. H. will move his family to town at once. Mr. Blair of Kippen moves onto Mr Harrison's farm. Some idea of the severity of the wintei in Scotland thie year may be gleaned from the statement by a correspondent thee no cart vehicle or sledge passed from Glen- livet to Dufftown for sixty days during the recent storm, Mr. B. Common, the Patron candidate for the Commons, and Grand Vice- Presi- dent T 0 Carrie, of the Patron Order, will address meetings in Kippen on Monday afternoon, April 3.5813, at 2 p. m., and in the town hall, Seafarth, on Monday even- ing at 7.30 p. m, Some ninety able-bodied men assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm. Dearing, Stephen, on Friday, and organized a wood bee. .A. considerable quantity of wood was cut in the afteruoon, and in the evening a pleasant time was spent in chat and various amusements. We understand that Mr. Graham, con- tractor of London, is about to issue a writ against the corporation and a Mr, Elliott, contractor, of St. Marys, restraining them from going on with the proposed grano- lithie sidewalk in Exeter. Graham claims to have certain patents on the composition of the walk contracted for with Elliott, Valentine Ratz, Reeve of Stephen, met with an accident on Thursday last which will lay him up for some time. While drawing logs into the saw mill, the ear upon which was a heavy log, broke loose from the drawing chain and ran back against Mr. Ratz, who was following. knocking him down and running over one of his legs, the wheels cutting into the bone. There were a great many vexed houae: wives in town on Monday. That 'day being wash day nearly every lady in town had a washing opt, and all had to bang out another on Tuesday. The reason was a peculiar incident in connection with the fire of Sunday. The air being full of dirty smoke, it was brought down by a heavy snow fall Monday, blackening the elothes as if bespattered with soot. Scarcely any clothes line escaped: Rev. J. W. Bell, B. A.; B, .D., General Superintendent of Royal Templars of Tem' peratce, has been doing work in Rennin by resusitatieg the society of Royal Tem- pters and giving them a fresh start. It ie so be hoped that they will not allow their political views to mars' their useful - n585 and existence, as it id reported euch Was the calm of almosit death in the tat. Mr. Bell paid a 'visit to Exeter on Friday leen, remaining over niglit with one of the members of Advance Council, leaving the following rnornieg for Ridge - town where the council has asked for a series of meetings. The clerkin the Agricultural and Arta Departmetit are hard at work trying to figure out a pedigree book for shire and heavy draught horses out of the fragmente ofleaves and debris perked up in the ruins of the association' building at the corner of Queen and Yonge streets, Toronto. The records tor both these chime were al mat totally destroyed,and it is thought to be almost imposteible to make up a eotre let° list again. The heeretuty, Mr. Wade, hoe Bent out a circular to all the breeders whose addresses he cold re- meMbetgetellingthem to give retuthe of their pedigreeto him fro as to aid in the work. tto Nebula like If ail those whose addresses he haft been limbic to obtain Wettld correspond, THE ZX WEB, TIMES. xiordeaurc Mixture. Copper Salphate,6 pouties,Quiteelinne, 4 poutide, water 40 eti galiCans. Dis, solve the copper sulphate by putting it in bag of coarse Oath and hangiog this in a veesel holding at least 4 gallons S) that it is just eovered by the water. Use an earthern or wooden yesse'. Slake the lime in an equal amount of water. Then mix the Ono and add. enough water et) make 40 gallons, It is then ready for immediate use bue will keep indefinitely. For rots, mou'de, mildew, and all fungous diseases. Prospects of a Union, Since the burning of Main st. Meth- odist church the question of a. union of the two Methodist bodies h. Exeter hats been discussed quite freely, and has gained favor. At a meeting of the officials of Main at. church on Monday offers of accommodation were received from the severalchurches in town, but it was decided to rent.the Opera House, in which to holcl all services, for the present time ; and with reference to union a deputation was appointed to wait upon the James st. officials to ascertain their views of the scheme. The conference took place Monday evening when the basis upon which the Main st. people would be willing to unite was laid before the meeting. Decision was reserved for a time, and upon the announcement of which, action will be taken e either towards umon, or the erection of a new church by the Main st. congregation. The proposal made by the Main et. people was that the James at. congreg- ation juin in the erection of a. new church in a central location Church Destroyed. Sunday morning about quarter t four o'cleck the citizens were arouse from their peaceful slumbers by th ringtng of the fire alarm. The fire had gained such headway before being dis- covered by the neighbors that it requir- ed no speculation on the part of any to locate the scene. The bright reflection from the aleady enveloped building woke the neighbors, and by the time the alarm was sounded the roof had gone in and the flames were ascending high intothe tower. The fire companies were soon on hand, but all attentin was directed to the saving of the sherds and adjecent buildings, which, duritig the progress of the fire, ignited severed -- times, and it was with difficulty and great labor that the residences of Capt Kemp and Will Folland on the rict street were saved hem the destruct g element. Large cinders were carred for half a mile. It i preaumed that fire was of incendiary origin, no Jighf oe fire having been used in the chu since the preceding Friday, but to co e- ceive a motive for the act is an impok sibility. The church was in a prosper- ous condition, It was erected in gm year 1869 when the congregetion had not a single cent to pay upon it, and a t some five or six thousand dollars. Proms time to time extensive improvemen had been made, which, with the pur- chase of a handsome pipe organ, large libraries and modern seating, ran the cost up to about $12,000, all of which -- notwithstanding the many adversitie , had been liquidated by the members d adherents. And the pastor, W. Locke, who had got nicelyev. acqua nt- ed, was -drawing large congregationstby his eloquent and logical preaching. Un fact Main at church was well tale favorably known throughout the conferences and its destruction will be regretted not only by citizens of Exeter but by many friends in other places. The fact of several of the basemen windows being open, it is thought that an entrance was effected by prying One open, and that the others were 4ilso opened to create a draught ; bne in. what part of the church the fire ewas started is not known, owing to its hies, ing gained -such headwey before disome- ered. The building was burned to the ground, not it vestige of wood used in its construction being left, and even the heavy walls crumbled and fell. Ther4ate was an insurance in the Manchestese cf $5,200 on the organs and building, which, deducted from the estimited zest, leaves a nee loss to the congre- gation of over $7,000. 0 Personals Mrs. Thos. Allin, of Winnipeg, who has been visiting in this neighborhood, return- ed home on Saturday last,-Robt. Abra- ham, a tanner typo in -this office, ealled on his old friends here on triday. Bob, who was once a confirmed drunkard, is now lecturing in the interest of temperance,. and gave a lecture to the citizens of Exete'err last nigh.. -Miss Sanders is yisiti friends in St. Marys. -Mrs. John White is visiting friends in Wiudsor -We iree Pleased to notice tbat Mr. Richard Pic - ard, who was recently confined to his b with an attack of hiflamtne.tion of t e lungs, is able to visit the store daily, --e. Miss Roxie Eacrett, has been engaged as milliner by Messrs. Brown & Preeter, Creditor. -Mr. Ardagh Rollins, who has been farming in Manitoba for thee, past number of years has returned home and will conduct the farm of his father, one and a quarter miles eolith of town. --Mr. Will McNevin is again at his old post in the Exeter Roller Mille. -Mr, McAlpine, of Brussels, Ement a few days of last week the guest of Mr. J. H. Grieve. -Mises Latimer and Brett, teachers of Hensel!, were the guest; of Mrs. J. EL Geleve on Friday and Saturday last. -Rev. Locke preached in the Presbyterian ninth laet Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Bev. W, Martin, -Mr. A. B. Kinsman'who hair been furthering his studies at the Dental College, Toronto' has returned home.- Mr and Mrs FredMoDonell, of Hensall, visited friends in town over Sunday. -Mrs Hoare of Clinton, visited her father Mr James Snell., this week. -Mr and Mrs 0 Ovens, of Atka Craig, spent Sunday with Mrs Ovens' parents, --Mr n O'Neil, of Lucau, visited his son B El O'Neil, leet week. -Mr. John McKay, of Tileonburg, is visiting under the parental roof, Exeter North. -Mr. H, Latribrooke is very ill with la grippe. -R. S. Lang is in Chat- ham this Week, a witness on an apple suit. -Mr. Lockhart has recovered ,from his recent Diverge and is again at his post in the nubile Elebool.-Mr. and Min. John tteddy have returned from their vied to (Werke - • Brandon (Man.) Sen. -Mrs. lerimeocextbe, of Elimselle, is *feting her daughter, Mfg. Andreae Wein-, Thelinfant of Mr, ene Mrs, Itieherd Coetes of Ilsborne died on Tuteukty, atter * brief Illneetit-- 1 Green 01 Zurich, was the ,gueet of etre. Geo. Ford, tbe past. week . -Mr, Wm, 'Webster of lealuth, is the gteept ed his ei;ter, Mts. Bradd, Exetee North - -Mr. D. Spicer had retutned home atter a Pleasant visit among frieude in licautfox d and other places (-est.- ell' John elarlition is about to accept a Inctatis losition as book keeper for a milting firm near ffeen• Mom -Miss Thoines has opens(' a mil: linery business jui Lumen. -Miss Pawns vI Collingwood, is the geed of her sister, Mrs. 11 Birhop, W N Manning, a former Exeter bey, ha a been eleotel vice president ef the Yeune Lineal Clab of Clinten. Expression of sympattly. The Rector of the Trivia Memorial said a few words regarding the great fire of Sunday moping, Commencingthe erinon 'ast Sundhy morning,he said: "I am aura I am only expressing the general feeling of the congregation when I say that we all deeply regret the disaster that has befallenour friends at Main st, They have always been noted as a congregation for their zeal and energy, and although the difticul- ttes dividing us are very great, still it is farthest from the ohurch of England to wish ill to any work which has for its object the atnelioration of the sorrovea of the world; rather ie wishes them Goes speed and we therefore trust thee they will soonbe able to xis° phoenix like, from the ashes in which they now are placed," Good Friday will come this year on April 12t11. R. S. Lang purchased a car load of buggies this week. The cricket club will meet in a few - days for organization. A Thorald farmer has been reported for feeding horse flesh to his hogs. ea Great preparations are being made for the millinery openings this week. M. C. Cameron, of Goderich, inten.ls opening a branch law office in Clinton. The estate ef Smith & Steet, Sea - forth, paid a dividend of 100 cents yesterday. The body of water in th'e river in- creased quite perceptibly during the recent thaw. There were only 97 liquor licenses granted in Bruce county last year, as against 180 in 1874. ' The Ladies know, They all say that the prints at the Big Bankrupt Store are the choicest in town. Mr. T. A. Brown has been appoiae agent for the Dominion Building and Loan Association of Toronto. If you want wall paper there is no place in town where you can do as well as at the Big Bankrupt Store ; their stock is simply immense. Do you know you can buy a lovely pure wool, silk linish Black Henrietta worth 85c for 58c at tlie Big Bankru t Store. Just take a look at it. Miss Horne will hold her Spring Millinery opening un Friday and Satur- day. March 29th and 30th. The new- est styles in shapes and trimmings. Every lady invited. $3.95 a pair for $8.00 Chenile Cur- tains, $1.95 a pair for $3.00 Lace. Cur- tains,40c a piece for 50c Opaque Window Blinds on good rollers, at the Big Bank- rupt Store. An immense stock of Lac Curtains and Carpets, " Every lady in the land is invited to the grand display of new, nobby, and natty millinery at the Big Bankrupt Store on .11 riday and Saturday, 29th and 30th Come everybody. Wm. Perkins and family, of Usborne, left yesteeday for London where they will in future reside, Mr. Moody, of Farquhar, having taken possession of Mr. Perkins' farm on the 4th conces- sion. Buy quick for low prices. 27 lbs best Granulated Sugar for $1.00, 33 lbs nice Yellow Sugar for $1.00, 5 lbs Ginger Cookies for 25c. 400 "Sailor Boy" Japan Tea for 25c, 10c extracts for 6c, at the Big Bankrupt Store. Grand Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th, at, E J Spackman & C's. Every lady cordially invited to come and inspect the newest styles for the season. E. SPACK5fAff & Got Miss Urquhart is ionize in charge of the show room at the Big Bankrupt Store. She says that the display for this spring will be the finest she has ever made. Opening days, Friday and ,Saturday, 29th and 30th. ea.lyir. Thos. Ross, of England, has entered an action for $100,000 in con- nection with the will of the late Senat- or James Ross, of Quebec. Gavin Ross, of Rodgerville is a relative and :shared in the distribulion of the estate Of the late Senator Ross, You buy Men's and Boys' Ready° Wade Suits at prices that knock hard time culd at the Big Bankrupt Store. No better spot in town for' Ordered Suits. Remember we make to order the very best Black Worsted Suit for $17.50. The weather for the coming days will likely be changeable, but we continue our Special Dress Goods Sale on the con- ditions of last week's advertise- ment. Hundreds of yards have gone out with our customers, there are still very desirable lines left. Another lot in our win- dow to -day. See the prices, Don't let this offer slip; some Of our customers have carried away 50't0 70 yards each. Bring along your eggs, butter or cash and get these bargains. We are making some change in our place of business which will en4 able us to serve ,our patrons with greater comfort. Come and in- spect our Prints, Blk and Color- ed Dress Goods or anyline you need, we will show them With pleasure whether you purchase or not, Butter, 14c.; Eggs, ire. Yours Sincerely, Midi Minnie Andrew' of Vilited T friencio 1$030 Week:al/0es jattiell ILP 6 r • Pickard & SON Spring Millinery Opening We shall make our dis- play of Spring Efats and Bonnets, and French, Eng- lish, and American Millinery novelties on Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th, and cordially invite every lady, both in town arid country, to call and in- spect our stock which will be the most crimplete in all Papers. We are making a special- ty of this line and ar counting on doing a ver large trade. We have pap ers in all qualities and a1l7 prices. We start them at% 3c, a roll, and are displayl-- ing the largest variety atterns ever displayed in 4xeter. arpets. We have them in Wool, Tapestry, Brussells, Unions, Hemp, ttc., and are showing especially good values in all he above lines. If you in- Aend carpeting a room this spring, -ve shall be pleased :to show you. our stock. The 'values are right. rdered Clothing. We are having a big run in our Clothing department and everybody is pleased with the values we are 'Showing. With every suit we sell we guarantee to rnish good linings and rimmings and will make ye01.1 a perfect fit Ask to 0:ee our special values in 131ack Worsted Suits. eady to Wear Clothing We have a very complete stock of ready mades for men, youths and boys. We have just passed into stock a43,1arge lot of goods purchas- e considerably below their ✓ gular values. Call and.see our stock before purchasing. money. eguarantee to save you Boots and Shoes We are showing special values in Ladies' Oxford Ties, pointed, square, and medium toes. Ask to see our leader at $1,00. It's a beauty for the money. We sell Gr000des cheaper than any other house in town. R. Pickard & Son, DIRECT XUPOUTERS, There are others, But the place for satisfactory dealing in all lines of Mer- chandise is CA,RLING BROS. • Fon example, take READY MADE and ORDERED CLOTHING. Therenever was a cheaper or finer assortment in town, Take HATS, CAPS, FINE SHIRTS, Colored and White, and TIES, where can you see a finer selection? Take DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, in all the latest styles and coloring -s --handsome 'goods. Take STAPLES, we defy zompetition for quality and price. Take TEAS, why! others are not in it, and for SUGAR, every one knows that's cheap. It will draw flies but not cus-- tomers. Fakes and tricks draw trade for a time, but as for us we are not disposed to adopt such methods in order to draw trade. If you want square dealing go to CARLING BROS.- N. 3, -Miss Torn is now on hand to do. all kinds of Dress aud. Mantle Making. 0. E. The brass band will hold a consort on MO/MEAL, October 24, 1877. April 10th. , Messrs. DICK & CO., City. AIM' 10th is the date far the band Dear 1. 917'S :-I used a hox of your Puri - concert. Note it. fier, and found It an excellent article, J D. Atkinson put in a new engine and My horse improved so much in appear - boiler last week, to replece the old ones in ance, that I have since sold him to Anted - his factory. ess4cau buyers, making a filet elate sale. I A, job lot of writing paper and ea -1 leo had a florae that got badly srrained in velopes at the Big -Bankrupt Store. le knee, A Veterinary surgeon told me LeIshsettheacieitihtafillneprwiceeat. her has had the' the result was that, in lees than ten dell try Dick's Blister. which I did; and. effect of reducing the quantity of snow, I was driving him as well as ever. and now eheels take the place of runnere. - Yours Truly, Gents if you want the correct thing in hats for Spring, the Big Bankrupt Store is the spot for e cm. A beautiful stock. e The following are the license commis- sioners appointed for North Middlesex :- Lachlin 0. McIntyre, Alexander Smith, ;Cm Gunn. r Mrs, Spicer will hold her spring Millinery opening on Friday and S,atur- day of this week. A. select stock. Every lady invited. Mr. Net 11. Richardeon, traveling og t of the Peoples' Building and Loan Assoc- iation, cf Loudon, Ont., has established a local brenth at Florence, with Walter Drew as secretary -treasurer. SWEET, Widow, Deemed. The Sunday and all week day services in connection with the Main st church Notice is harry given thEitalLpaetresonott congregation will be held in Drew's Opera Tis'aaYinTsceerallSyweeettailliateagoarthe Town. sthip ore House for the titne being, the Managing Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widowea Board havitg rented the hall at a monthly deceased. who died on or about the 8th day rental of 55. of February, 1690, are required, on or before Mr. Woods, of Toronto, representing tto"thltehn ddaeyr s 7 rtf nAePdtilex8e9o5t,itt oor soefadt hoer Ed Vavteer, I /lessee Gordan Mackay & Co , wart in town 1 full particulars of their claims and securities, on Friday inspecting the Company's block i affidavit.fany7,hell& t They purpose re painting the build. by them, duly tiTerkfixeedeutig a by law appointing a Eheep valuator for leere will proceed to distribnte the Estate among Mg and putting in plate glass fronte. the parties entitled thereto, having reference ' . Mrs. Wrn. Harding on Teureday last only to the claims of which notice shall ' received a telegram announcing the death of her sou, Richard erimacombeavho died same morning near Hamiote,Manaaged 44 years, He was formerly a resident of fisborne townthip, . Several townships are this year passing Mansier. /avid Spicer has applied for a patent staff his combination ladder. For stomach trou Iles use K. D, 0. '1UFFERIN HO -USE, OEN- -, TRALIA, A FIRST-CLASS °MUER- oia hotel, first-class wines and liquors, co ro odious samplo rooms, and an attentive his5tler. R. HORN, Proprietor: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Surrogate Court of the County of llaron.-In the Estate of TECAMZER have been given; and after such distribution the Executor will not be responsible for any part of the Estate to any oredior, of whose claim proper notice shall not have been given at the time of such distribution. This notice is given pursuant to Statutein that behalf; THOMAS CHAMBERS, Executor, each ward or sub division. No sheen killed or worried will be paid for unless a oar- ,Dated at Stephen March 1,5th, • 189C5r,edi_to,n P. tificate of the lose or damage is signed by I one or more of the valuators. The private bill before the hegislature to reduce the limits of the corporation of ' StMarys so as to put the farmers' property baelr into tho townships from which it was teken was discussed on Friday, hut decision resereed• On Friday afternoon last,Mrs. Elizabeth Littlejobne was attending to the household duties at the residence of Mr. E. is. Ward of the Molsons Bank ethen she felland broke her hip. The injured limb was set an d the patient is doing nicely. Findlay & McDonell will be at the Central hotel on March 30th, to purchaee horses. Exeter is the beat centre in Huron-cortuty for good stock, and there there are more stock shipments made from here than any place in the county. Mr. Stratton has introduced a bill into the Legislature declaring biopsies to be carriages and permitting munieipalities to impose licenses on therm All aims derived wALL from such licenses, however, will have to be expended in improving bicycle roadways -PAPERS, and paths. The Counoil may also compel bicyclists to carry bells or gongs and sound them wheu. approaching eny vehicle or in this line we have an crossing. The celebrated Bob Abraham of Wiarton, immense stock • of choice an enthuelast in the Temperance cause gave a lecture in the James us. church on Wednesday night last, The attendance was not very large. Bob was at one time a typo cn the Tams staff and was a slave to liquor, The subject of his address was 'sixteen years' dissipation," which was handled with ability, :The difficulty in qbtaining water tor Sunday morning's fire suggests the want of more water Janes for fire protection. Some few years ago, when a distribution of tanks was being made by the' council, the Txmns suggested that one be put at Main St' church corner, bat thia was over-rid- den by the plea that church property was not likely to catch OF be sot on fire. At the present time, however, it seems to be the most hazardous of all public prop- erties throughout the country, Mr. D. Weismiller who' recently sold his business in Hensall, may go to Clihton to reside. 01. All Ready for a rushing Spring Trade, To Smokers To meet the wishes of their cus-, tomers The Geo. E. Puckett; & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of SMOKING TOS,A000, This supplies a long felt ant, giv- ing the consumer one 2fYeeiit plug, or a 10 cent or a5 cent piece Of the famous igz B" br wof-pure Vir- ginia Tobacco. • The tin tag 'I rf is on every pl000,, American and Canadian Novelties, commencing at 3-4c per roll. See our Gilt Goods 10c. LACE CURTAINS, Cornnaencing at - 300 per pair. See our big values in at $1,50 and $1.25. Carpets, Rollers, Blinds, Curtain Poles and all house furnishing goods complete. CLOTHING ) Ready Made and ordered. We intend. making a special offer in ordered goods. See our ordered Black Worsted Suits at $15 and $17. Dress Goods were never better. Some heavy double fpld go -ods at 22fc and 25c, which were good value at 450 and 50c a, year ago. Groceries as cheap as any house i11 the trade. BOOTS & EMUS. See our lines of Ladies' Ifords. 0, C....rOliCNSTOIV., re- .