HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-28, Page 7• •., Tams X. Ni7oUotI Almost 4161- Passes Belief 'tt• es 4 4t: Mr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Floren.ceville, N. B., Struggles for f3even. Long • Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND TiSiCURED ET A y E ,s agmeasarese parilia .Mr. Nineteen says: "I -consulted dec. tors who prescribed for Ilse, but to no purpose; the cancer began to Eat into the Flesh, spread to my thin, and I suffered In agony tor seven long years, Finallyel I began talting Ayer s Sarsaparilla. in a week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this result, I perse- vered, until in a month or so the sore under my chin began to heal. 111 three months my lip began to heal, and, after using the Sarsaparilla for six months, tho last Mace of the cancer disappeared.' Ayer'sPfljx. Sarsaparilla - Admitted at the World's Fair. AYER'S P.T.LES :itogatato the _Remelt. :JO -TAR SOAP ll " gait f11 at3 Heat sorea ClefING [v11710145 ret. /senate SKIN • Seer/tap WHO% 25c POWDERS ON TARIO LEGISLATURE Wane ttleirsontionn. Gernaan—To inoorporate the Toren - to, Hamilton, and Niagara Falls Blear ie Hailwey Company. M. Germau—To inoorporete the Hamil- ton and Lake Erie Power Comp.:ay. Mr. Conmee--Respecting the municipal. ity of Nenbing. Mr. Gurcl—To eonsOlidate the debt of the village of Oil Springs, Mr. Howland—To authorize the trustees ander the marriage settlement of Jane Prittie and Robert Woods Prittie to'rnort- gage the trusts' estate. Mr. Mutrie—To incorporate the Guelph Haile ay Company, and to confirm an agreement between the corporation of the city of Guelph find George Sleeman, Mr: Middleton—To authorize the cor- poration of the city of Hamilton to con- struct a road upon their water works land, Mr. A wrey— Respecting the Hamilton and Dundee street railway. Mr. Awrey—To incorporate the Hamil- ton, Borlington, and Lake Shore railway. Mr. S. John—Respecting the Georgian Bay Ship Canal and Power Aqueduct Com- pany, Mr. Hobbe—To incorporate the Kiogston and Gananegne Railway Company. Mr. McKay (Oxfora)—To confirm certain municipal by-laws respecting the, Tilson- burg, Lake Erie, and Pacific Railway Company and Port Burwell harbour. Mr. Hardy—Reepeoting jurors and juries. Sir Oliver Mowat—Respeothig the legal meaning of expressions relative to time. Sir Oliver Mowat—Respecting convic- tions under municipal by-laws. Mr. McKee—An Atst to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Little—For the purpose of amending the Conecoidated Assessment Act of 1892. Mr. liaycock—To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Fallis—To enable the corporation of the town of Port Hope to issue debentures for High school purposes. Mr. Riohardsou—To amend the Registry Act, and to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Mutrie—Respecting the town of Palmerston. Mr. McNeil—To separate certain lands from the town of St. Mary's. Mr. McKay (Oxford)—Respecting the inspection of building societies. Mr. Biggar—Reepeoting an agreement between the city of Stratford and the Grand Trunk railway of Canada. Mr. Whitney —Respecting the Stormont Electric Light end Power Company. Mr. Hardy—To authorize the comor. alien of the city of Brantford to sell a part of Mount Hope cemetery, and for other purposes. Mr. Stratton—To amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Stratton—To confirm a certain by- law of the municipal corporation of the town of Berlin and the township of Ans- truther. Mr. Robertson—To incorporate the Grand Valley Railway Company. Mr. Richardson—To amend the High Schools Act, 1891. Mr. 6/arrow—To separate certain lands from the city of Stratford. Mr. Wood—To incorporate the Brant- ford, Port Dover, and Galt It•adial Electric Railway Company. TREEXETER TIM out of the gross income for aseistatioe and other expenditure ineonnection with their office. Mr. MeNauhton—That „in the opinion of this House the rules of thie Honee that no 'clerk or messenger should he employed nor any new appointment znesie in the Berviee of this How until the Clerk a the BOUf30 has set forth the necessity for ouch appointment, aud has delivered hie regoisi- thin to Mr, Speaker endorsed with his recommendation and approval, should be Arietly adhered to and enforced. Mr, MeNiehol—That in the opinion of this House all county offieials paid by the county except county judges should he elected by a direot vote of municipal elec. tots, the existing system of Government inspection being continued, and office filled during efficiency and good behaviour, and that where incompeteney or irregularity ocoura in any offro the inspector shall lay his complaint before a non-partisan trilitinat to be specified by an Act of this House, also shall have power to amt, Mr Whitney—Has the Government decided upon the establishment of a Nor- mal school at London? Mr. Kidd—For is return of the staff of employes of the Store Department of all public institutions. Also that a commit- tee composed of the Hon. the Attorney - General, Hon, Mr, Gibson, Hon. Mr. Dryden, and Messrs. Cleland, Kidd, Mar- ten and Whitney should be appointed to consider whether the number should be reduced, Mr, Bush—Have the License Commis- sioners for the County of Grenville for the peasant year been appointed ? If BO, what are the names of such commissioners? If no appointments have been made, what is the reason for delay? Mr. Evanturel—Bill respecting statute labour. Mr. Howland—Is it the intention of the Governinent to introduce during the pro. ent session an Act for the prevention of sales of inerChandise, stock -in -trade, with iu tent to defraud creditors? Mr. Howland—Is it the intention of the Government to introduce an Act during the present session amending the Registry Act by reuniting the Toronto registry offices and abolishing the office of registrar of East Toronto? Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia Insect MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRICE ZS CENTS AT DRUG, STORES. 10.111M0 CENTRAL Drug Store EAMON'S BLOCK. ' A full stock of all kin ds ot Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan s Condition Powd- the best in the mark- et and always resh. Family recip. pes carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exete C LUTZ. DON'T DESPAIR We patentee DedelYs IdianPille ore any roper, R ull-Whom Bort DineeFemale n si Of Brigc ht's Dieease, Die otes, Liethage. Vein, es, Impure Blood—or ineney refunded. Seld by all dealers in medicine, or by men on receipt of mode. 66f. pOYI)OE, or SIX boxes Sla.so. 0FI. L. A# SMITH & 00.# Toronto, , SECOND READINGS. Mn Richardson moved the second read- ing of bill No. 78, to amend the Municipal Act, explainiug that it was to empower municipalities to forbid farmers selling in their markets before 9 a.m, in summer and 10 min. in winter. The motion was carried. Mr. Gamey moved the second reading of bill No. 79, to amend the Assessment Act, which asks that the date for county treas- urers to make returns on non-resident lands to the municipalities be changed from July let to September 15. The motion was carried. Mr. Gamey moved the second reading of bill No. 80, to amend the Municipal Act, making it optioual, in the case of is vacancy in is reeveship after certain dates,whether an election be held or a member off Council appointed for the balance of the term. The motion was carried, and all three bills referred to the Committee on Munioie pal Law. The House adjourned at 3.45 p. m. NOTICES OF MOTION. Me, Gibson (Huron)—Bill to amend the Ditches and Water Courses Act. Mr. Richardson—Bill to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. Riohardson—Bill Registry Act. ' Mn itichardson—Bill High School Act. Mr. I3iggar—Bill to amend the Assess- ment Act, Mr. Biggar—Bill to amend the High School Act. Mr. Byerson—Bill to amend the Fac- tories Asia to emend the to amend the NOTIOES OF MOTION. Dr. McKay (Oxford).—Bill respecting the Inspection of Building Societies. Mr. Little—Bill to amend the Assess. ment Act. Mn Haycock—Enquiry of. Ministry— When the report of the commission ap- pointed to enquire into the method of appointment and payment of officials will be laid before the House'? Mr. Willoughby—Fnquiry. of Ministry —Ifitve the Government appointed a clerk of forestry, and, if not, do they intend to appoint once Mr. Wood—Bill to amend the Act to provide for the admission of women tii"the study and practice of law. Mr. Wood:—Bill toiamend the Act respecting contracts n relation to goods entrusted to agents. Mr. Caven—An Act to amend the Pharmacy Act. Mr. Howlattd—Bill to amend the Muni- oipal Act. Mr. German --Bill to amend the Aot respecting BuildirieSocieties, Mr. German—Bill to amend the Muni- eipal Act. - Mr. Davis—Bill to amend the Act respecting fees of counsel and other officos of the administration of juatice, Mn Hayoock—That in the opinion ot this Howie the commutation allowanees to the judges and Local Masters as asked tem by the estimates were originally and now are in many ones excessiVe, and should be re- duced so WI not tO exceed the revefiee derived from the fees in respect of which this othamutetion alloWelice is inaid, Mr. 'Ca-Yen—That this House ia of tho opinion that registry officee should be inspected iit a, manner that would afford a better safeguard, against fraud in regard to the proportion se the revenue payable by ki the registrar, and o lotig as the preseut triton ocnitinges bi ppOibting and paying them that they ehoulo be govetued by rules providieg' ft,8 lite as weeticable for 1101- 101'11(14 in the amorint lob they ttraet pay Money, there was not introduced an 001 whieli paused the Governtnent not to be es goed as tho eollotry desired. Mr. Davie °maple -hied that the question Wale not being fairly put. In the exhauet. ire statement of the Provincial Secretary On A previews ocosceion, it was made clear that the Government already purchased a large proportion et the supplies by tender. Mr, Crawford replied,ineking his maiden speoth in the Rouse. There had been strong reference to alleged onfairnese in moving the present emendment as a °etch vote,but he dtd not think anyone could complain of having been taken unawares on this guess, tion, which bad heen widely discussed in the past. Mr. German said that, as a prineiple, he agreed with is ystem of tender, but there watitno evidence that any euppliee were bought in any other way wltich weuld be more economically obtained by tender. Mr. Ross'Irtoved the adjournment of the debate. OOVORNAIBST 110USE. Mr. Haycock moved :-- " Thit in the opinion of this Houee the maintenance of Government House and the establishment connected therewith at the expense of the province should, after the expiration of five years from the appoint- ment or other earlier determination of the term of office of his Honor, the present Lieutanant•Government, be discontinued." In introduoing the motion he said he did so believing the.t they had in this country too expensive a system of Government machinery. He had in his dolt is statement of the cost of Government House to the country since Confederation, on which he could not at that moment lay his hand; he thought, howeventhat the amount was in the neighborhood. of $300,000 for the maintenance of Government House in Tor- onto. The most useful functions, so far as he could learn, of the Lieutenant.Gover. ncr consisted in his attaching his signature to the legislation that passed the House, and opening and closing the Legislature. In other colonies action had been taken in is similar direction. In Tasmania abi1l had been passed reducing the salary of alio Governor from $5,000 to $3,500. The Victoria Legislature had passed a meas- ure to reduce the salary of the Gov - error at, the expiration of his term from £10,000 to £5,000. .This Legislature could make no change in the salary of the Lieutenant-Governor—he wished it could --but he declared that in view of the pres- ent depressed condition of the ceentry the time had come to apply the pruning - knife to all unnecessary expenditures, and reduce as far as possible the cost of the machinery of government. And I say, sir, while we have so much need of money for the benefit of the poor, the sick, and the afflicted in all ways, that it does not be- come us to vote away the people's money for the maintenance of any such luxury as that we are now discussing. I do -nob see how we can do it and go back to our people honestly and say we have made the beat use of the money they have entrusted to us. DEER PROTECTION. , Mr. Barr asked :—" Whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce, during the present session, legislation amending the Ontario Game Protection Act, by changing and shortening the opp season for deer, and by restricting the use of dogs in deer hunting ?" Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) replied that it was evident from the number of petitions sent in that change of the open season to between Oct. 201h and Nov. lfith, made two or three years ago, had not been, in the opinions of many who knew, in the inter- ests of deer protection. The Government was now considering the advisits'dlity of reverting to the former period, '11"'eriely between Nov. let and Nov. 15th. )iNth regard to the use of dogs, he could not say that the Government would consider the point this session. GRANTS TO COUNTY COUNCILS. Mr. Little asked:—"How many County Councils in the province have accepted the Mier of a grant of $4,000 from the Govern- ment to the province towards erecting houses of refuge for the poor in their respective counties. The names of the counties, if any, that have accepted the grant. Are the houses of refuge, so es- tablished, under Government inspection, and, if so, are the reports which are fur- nished the Government satisfactory, and in favor of this system of maintaining the poor?" Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) replied that following counties were now in receipt of the grant, having complied with the. conditionsi—Wellington, York, Brant, Lincoln Norfolk, Waterloo, Middlesex, Welland, Elgin, and Oxford. The following were now erecting buildings and acquiring properties with a view to complying with the conditions of the grant:—Huron, Haldimand, Lambton, Leeds, Grenville. The Institutions were under the super- vision of the Government only to the extent of inspecting them to ascertain wheeher or not they were entitled to the grant. SUPPLIES FOR INSTITUTIONS. Mr. Marter then moved :-- " That in the opiuion of this House it is advieable, and would be in the interest of the province, that supplies that may be required for the publics institutions should be supplied by public competition in lieu of the course at present carried out." Mr. IVIarter admitted that there had been much discussion in regard to this matter, but the facts were still as strong as ever. The EOM% had been told that the sum of $82,000 represented the amoune of goods that were not tendered for, but he found on referring to the publics accounte that $88,000 worth of goods were bought for the industries of the Central prieon without competition. He condemned the system of buying from our friends," in round terms, and pointed out that although the government seemed to regard the purchase' of supplies as a matter in which they might compensate their political friends for their support, the money belonged to the people as a whole, and should be economically expended,. Mr. Gibson, in reply, said he would not detain the House long, as he had given is reply to the statements advanced on is pre- vious occasion. So far as the supplies for the Central prison were concerned they wer doing better than they could under the sys- tem of advertising for supplio at the be. ginning of each year. ,.The plan pursued was to buy the -best article at the lowest possible price. The Government invited any criticism that the Opposition might de- sire to make with respect to this matter, and the leader of the Opposition was at liberty to conduct an investigation in the Public Accounts Committee durmg the whole period of the' session. Mr. Matheson pointed oiit that no leo is sum than $60,00 was expended in the purchase of meat without tender for public institutions. As illustrating how the' non- tender operated, he cited sthe cases of a number of Kingston tradesmen who voted against Mr. Harty in june,but were silenc. ed from opposition when the Commissioner of Publics Works again ran by being given orders for furnishing supplies to the Gov. ernment. Mn McKay said it was a well known fact that it was not the invariable custom of outaide establishments to buy by tender. Large wholesale houses in Toronto did not adopt that method. He eondetnned the Oppoeition for bringing forward a clap -trap motion in order to secure the votes of new inembere who were not thoroughlyinformed on thin (motion. Mr, Howland dispoled the assertion that the motioi was one of a elap-trapoharaoler and, further, he maintaited that the pros, en b was a proper time for presenting euell resolntion to the House. The queetion wee not merely Whether ouppliet for public 10. stitutione should or ifsboilld net be bought by tender butvehe therein the exremil tures of OM XeleTithol, McPherson, Magwood, Marten Matheson, Meechanc,Mieeenapbell,Preeton, Reid (Addlogton),Retd (Derher0),13.yereen, St, John, Snore, 'Baylor, Whitney, Wil- ioughby-37, SZOGIqn itEADIMIS, Mr. 'German moved the eecond reading of hill No. 84, to amend the Apt reapeeting benevolent, provident, and Shot Societies - The moeion was carried, Mat Stratton moved the sieeorid reading of bill No. 92, to amend the Cemetery Companies' AO. He briefly explained the bill, wbich is for the purpose of rotting some increased powers to such companies. The motion- was carried. T1IE SUPPLY DEBATE, Mr. Cleland resumed the adjourned de- bate on the amendmentSto the motion to go into supply. He caused some amusement by frankly admitting that it was to be expected that any Government, Liberal or Conservative, would favor ite own friends as far as possible in purchasing goods, Mr. Hardy followed, defending the Gova ernmeotagainet the charge of having unduly favored its own friends. He charged Mr. Marter with having made false comparisons in the statement which he had used on the floor of the Howse as to the prices of various eupplies furnished in Toronto and at Kingston. There was not a single compari- son made by the hon. gentleman that was substantiated by facts. Mr, Marler -1 am not comparing prices between Megaton penitentiary and Tor- onto, but between goods bought for the penitentiary and goods bought in King- ston by you. Mr. Raydook did not himself think the tender system was as much ueed as it might be. The Patron party in the House was not is unit on the question, but he in- tended to vote for the amendment. A divieion was then taken on the amend- ment resulting in its defeat, on is vote of 33 yeas and 49 nays,. The House went into Committee of Sup - On the item of $175,480 for miscellaneous criminal and civil justice, Sir Oliver Mowat stated that the provin- cial detectives had applied for an increase of salary. The Government could not see their way clear to grant the desired in - creme, however, hut owing to the hazardouis. nature of the work in which they weroy engaged, it was decided to bear the cost of accident insurance policiee for the detecst tives. A sinn of $105 was therefore place.. in thesestimates for this purpose. The item passed. On the item of 67,000 for the Ontario School of Pedagogy, Mr. Matheson stated that the view entertained by a number of teachers was that the school was yielding an inadequate return for the money spent upon it. Mr. Ross defended the naefulness of the school, and pointed to the attention given to similar institutions in the United States and Germany to illustrate the importance of the work carried on. The item passed. Sir Oliver Mowat said the subject which the bon. gentleman had brought before the House was an important one, and no doubt had been very carefully considered. It was really quite possible and probable that some modification might be found practi- cable which would give the hon. member and those who agreed with his views all that they desired, and at the same time that the advantages which Government house afforded shohld, be retained. It must be borne ininkiiinedk,that the Lieut. - Governor was the,erepresentative of the Queen, and our system of government required that the Chief Executive officer bhould occupy that position. Rtsference had been made to depression that prevailed. That depression, he believed, would only be temporary. He hoped uncler the cir- cumstances the hon. member would accept his suggestion, which was that they should appoint a committee for the purpose of putting todpther the facts in regard to this matter. Take the matter of the title to the Government house property. It was given to the province originally, not absolutely, but as a- site for the house, and upon condition that the Dominion ehould be relieved from its maintenance. This property was a very valuable one, and when the preeent depression passed away, which he hoped would be before the term of the present Lieut. -Gov. ernor, it would be worth $300,000, and perhaps more. The suggestion had beeu made that they should get the consent of the Dominion authorities to the sale of the property, which would afford a sufficient return to permit of the erection, near the Parliament buildings, of a building for the Lieut.-Gevernor sufficiently large to permit of the performance of the duties of: his office. The amount derived from the 'sale would cover the cost of this, and afford a balance, the interest of which would go a certain distance towards making a provision for any expenditure by the province in this direction. He did not regard the matter as a party question, a,nd he did not want to vote against the motion, but he withed, in view of the importance of the subject, that is committee should take this matter up, make a thorough enquiry, and report their conclusion to the House. He therefore moved that all matters relating tm Govern- ment house and the question of the discon- tinuance of themaintenance of Govetnment house should lie referred to a committee consisting of M.essrs. Dryden, Bronson, Stratton, Ferguson,. McNish, Marten Whitney, Howland, laycock, Ms:Pherson; and the mover, to report thereon. Mr. Meader said it would be within the memory of the older members of the House that sorne seven years ago he introduced a resolution similar to that moved by the member for Frontenao. Ask:that tune the vote in fie- favor was Is small one. He could not do aught but vote in favor en the -resolution against the maintenance et Government house- , • Mr. Hardy observed that the question should not be made a party one. It was properly outside the sphere of party poli. tis, The course suggested by the Attor- ney -General was a reasonable mee. He appealed most confidently to every fair- nunded member of the House that in is delicate matter of thie kind they should not vote blindly, but Wait and see just exactly what course was the best to pursue. The question was then put by Mr. Speaker, and a division was taken on the amendment of the lion. Attorney -General, roulting as followe t-- • Ayes—Messrs. Awrey, Barr, Blezard, 13roneon, Campbell, Carpenter, Charitoit, Clelasid, Conmee, Craig, Dana, Davis, -Dryden, Evanturel, -Farwell, Ferguson, Yield, Platt, (erman, Gibenn (Hamilton), Gibson (Huron), Harcourt, Hardy, Harty, Hobbs, Howlend,M ditty (Oxford), McKay (Victoria), McKee, McLean, MeNith, Miit dletou, Moors, ItioWat, Muftis:, O'Keefe, Pardo, Rithardscran Robertson, Rob:Ileac , Ross, Stiestacho, ',Cruel:, Wood -44. Nays —Meesre. Dotty, Bennett, Brower, Chirtiegio, Caveis tynes, Fallis, Gamey, Gtrd,Haggerty, th`Y seek , Iivootb, Kerns , Kidd, Langford, Little, MeCtillum IS1(' Donald, NioLaren, MONangliton, Weak others. and all 'women who are nursing babies, derive almOst izulo ceivable benefits from the nourishing properties a 1 This is the most nourishing food known to science. It en- l'inhOS the mother's ailk and gives her streneh. It also makes 'babies fel and gives more nourishment to growing children than all the rest of tie food they eat. Scott's Emulsion has been prescribed by physicians for twemy years for Rickets, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of abildren, Coughs, colas, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Oonsumption Send for pam,141e4 on Scoll's Emulsion. FREE. Soott & Sown°, SelleviI1e. An Druggists. s0o. and 51. 4210-4&--sits--as:freame*-414.4144 IN COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. The House then went into Committee of Supply. he estimates for the maintenance of asylums for the insane develimed a rather interesting discussion as to the mode of treating the inmates, in which Messrs. Meacham, Howland, mid others took part. On the item of $17,030 for the maintenance of the Ontario Reformatory for Boys, Penetanguishene, Mr. Matheson drew attention to the fact that there had been an increase of $7,400 in the cost of salaries at the reformatory since 1875, although the number of inmates was practically about the same. Mr. Gibson replied that the province had benefited by any inorease that may have taken place by the improvement in the system pursued at the reformatory. He would like any members of the House who could spare the time to go up and visit the institu don. The item passed. The committee rose and reported pro- gress. Mr. Hard Y moved the appointment of a committee conaisting of Messrs. Gibson, Farwell, Chappell, O'Keefe, German, Davis, IVIcKiry (Oxford), Marten Whitney, How- land, St. John,Haybook, MoNaughton, and the mover, to he knees n as the Legal Com- mittee, and to whom should be referred from time to time all bills of a legal character in emendation of the law. The motion was agreed to. LOCOMOTIVE BOILER BURSTS. The Engine Attached 10 usa liixpt esti Train Wrecked while Running. A despatch from Hari isburg,Pa., says:— The boiler of the locomotive on the Pacific Express, west bound, on the Pennsylvania Railroai, exploded while the train was running at the usual rate of speed, eleven miles west off Harrisburg. The force of the explosion turned the engine completely around and the mail and baggage oars were derailed. John H. Pefliey, fireman, was blown fifty feet in the air and died a few minutes later. John A. Funk of this city, the engineer, was seriously hurt, but will recover. He was brought to the hospital here. The engineer says lie cannot account for the accident, but thought some cold water might have accidentally entered the boiler. The roundhouse men -say the engine was turned out in good condition, At the time of the accident there was 160 pounds of steam pressure and the boiler was about two-thirds full sof water. Old railroaders think Funk allowed the water in the boiler 10 get below the crown sheet. Funk was buried for a while under the demolished cab of the locomotive. The poital car was thrown upon its side and badly damaged, but the clerk escaped with slight injuries, The Value of Light. A sunbeam is a small thing, yet it has a tower to fade the carpets and curtains, to rot the blInds, and for this reason some folks 'carefully exclude the sunshine. What in the resale? The family is alwaye ailing, the yonug girls have a waxen, white skin aliti a weary, pinohed corrosion of count. thence. Their appetites fail, they fell into such a had state of health that the doctor in called in, In olden days he would have nhaken his head, perhaps, and friend would have whisnerea that dreaded word " zleoline !" Nowadays ho notes the pole genie and waxen thin mei says preeeribes iron and milk, fresh air exe solo eud Ofttll a ehange. If he 1 re %es r ol Im itmg about the dtrkened l'OOMP, s' puzzled ILS to why ito permanent, lint rove - went ismnifeste itself, and, possibly, the t ;isnot will -sleek. other ialv'oe. The prizes cantered by the Japanese at Vieng Kew ibolude ovoid gunbotte, two cleanser:a one hundreds juesks and a largts quantity of ntttnitiuxa Of War. Children Cry for Memel. Casteriz, The M er cart To c Belie SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINV Saved the Lives of Two of My Children."— Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong— Tired and Ailing "Women Take 94 the BLOOM of EA_RLIER YEARS. What will touch the mother heart more deeply than the illness of her little ones ? She may suffer much herself, and women are sorely afflicted with many ills, but she will endure all this, however often, without a murmur; but there, can be no dis- guising her anxiety when the little ones of the home are stricken down with sickness. And how many puny children there are! We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp, but they are weaklings. Mothers, woulcl you have your loved ones strong and healthy? Would you enjoy good health your- self 1 Then use South American Nervine Tonic; there is no doubting its efficacious properties. Investigate from is scientific or a common' sense point of view and you will find‘ that nearly all disease has its start in the nerve centres of the body. , The mission of South American Nervine is to at once reach the nerve centres, which are to the whole body what the mainspring of the watch is to every other part of the timepiece. Science has made perfectly clear that the troubles that affect the individual organs of the body, nave their seat in these nerve centre; so, without any wasteful experimenting, South Amer- ican Nervine reaches out -to the seat of the difficulty, and straighteninft out what is wrong there heals the whole body. Listen to what Mrs. H: Russell, Wingate, writes on this point : "1 have used. several bottles of South American Nervine- Tonic, and will say, 1 consider it the best medicine in the world. I believe it saved the lives of two of my children. They were down, and nothing ap peered to do them any good natil I procured this remedy. It was very surprising how rapidly both improved on its use. I don't allow myself to be without some of it in my house. I recommend the medicine to all my neighbors.'! It will certainly grant new life to all who are delicate, whether:going, naiddle-aged, or old. Do not worry along with ill health, but dispel it, and brighten your lives by the immediate use of South Amex'. lean Norville. C. LUTZ 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent for Exeter. Tues. ,WIOKETT, Crediton Drug Store, Agent. GR!:T 44SAK. „TTad to "Grin and Iear /1" whoa no had a pain, Yon can g.ritt and 1)=14 once by eaten Pgatrg Ianitxtr oold Awl teed everywhere. A Whole by 1t5etf Ithhis eVery fotrri et external or it Dosti-4.APASpoonfiti itt halt be of