HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-28, Page 4The Moons Bank (CHARTERED BY PARLIAMENTosea Peldup Capital ite,000,000 best Fund 1,1100,00 Seed Mee, Montreal. WDLFERSTA,N THOMAS,Esq., GENERAL Meigeosa Itfone' adrauced to good farmers on their own note with one or more endorser at 7 per cent. pm annum, Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day, from a.m. to p.m SAI'DRDAYS, 10 ant, to 1 p. nt, current rates ot intereat allowed on deposit E. E. WARD, Manager. Establisneci in 1871 E, S, BANKER, EXETER, • ONT Tranaitets generiabankinebusinesa. • Receives the Accounts of Merobanta and Others on faToTable tonna. • Offers every aecommodatiou consistent with safe and conservative banking pencil:11es. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts issued payable at any °Moo o the eferehantaBank. Nuns DISCoUNTED, and MoNEPT0 LoAN ON NomEs and MoRTGAGEs. (Ipt THURSDAY, MABOH 28, 1695. NOTES ANL> COMMENTS. -- Parliament has been summoned to me.et on April 18th for the despatch of business. This settled the much vexed question, and. will no doubt be a relief to Liberal candidates, who feared an early election. x x x The Dominion Government has called uponManitoba to gips remedial legislation to the Catholics. The Manitoba Legis- lature now in session will refuse to obey the order. That refusal will be laid befere Parliament when the sesaion opens on the 18th prox., and then the Dominion Govern ment will force Mr. Laurier and his followers in the House to commit themselves to either grant- ing or refusing the Catholics remedial X X X Following the last Dominion zeneral elections there were a large number of bye -elections and nealry all went for the Government candidates, in many cases reversing the majorities of a few weeks or months previous. The Liberal press at that time, without exception, attrib- uted the reverses to the corrupted con- dition of the electorate and the corrupt - hag influences of the Government. From London to Haldirnand the bi4- elections since last June have been tremendous reversals hi favor of the Ontario Government. How does the Liberal press account for it 7-Mitchel1 Recorder, (Liberal . ) x x x . •Steps are bein g taken by the Depart- ment of Trade and Commerce t� ascertain the terms on which a direct steamship service can be maintained between Canada and France and Bel- gium On this side of the Atlantic the ports will be Montreal and Quebec in summer and Hanfax and. St. John in winter. With such a service, a great impetus to our trade with the countries named is expected. Besides this, a direct line to France is understood to be necessary before Canada can enjoy the full advantages of the French treaty. Tenders will shortly be asked for the service, and this will enable the Gov- ernment to form a conclusion as to its probable cost. x x x • The Patrons in the Legislature are trilling with their constituents on near- ly every question that comes before the Ontario Parliament. It is now quite' evident that they intend to vote the Mowac ticket every time, no matter what question arises. The Eastern • Creameries .Association at its meeting last winter petitioned the Dominion for • aid. in the way of marketing and export- ing Canadian butte; as the keen com- petition ef the Australian and Danish article was placing our butter at a dis- count. There is no doubt these cream- eries and cheese associations in the country represent farmers views and opinions, as well as do the patrons. And on this account the Dominion Government complied with the request of these farmers and butter makers,and have agreed to give 20 cents a pound for the best creamery made butter. But we find the Patrons voting against Mr. Whitney's motion, which was as fol- lows "That this House having regard kr the butter trade in this province, and the depressed condition thereof, has observe with satisfaction the announcement of e intention of tbe Government of Canada to p-ovido for :the immediate shipment of fresh made creamery butter to Great Britain and to putehaee at 20 °elate per pound all creamery bettor of the gnatity made betatien 1st January and 1st April, 1805, end bearing in mind the expenditure already incurred by the Goyernments of the Provioce and Dominion to improve and foster the dairy intermits of the country, reepeetfally urges upon the Government of Canticle the advisability and necessity of providing ouch 1urher or Other aid as may bo found to be necessery from time to time in order that the pro- ducers of fresh made Oreareery buttee may Hecure the fall benefit of such expendi- e ture," What the Patrons should have done ata representative farmers and to be in • keeping With their brothee farmers • of the bubter trade, was to support this •reselixtiom if they iotended to be eon,. eistent with their professions and tree to their own cellina Acting thrcitgb the bloed, Hood's Sar, ettparille net only etude scrofula, salt theum, etc, but gives health and vigcr teethe *bele bodyIla, fr B EXBI'Ell TIMES. 111111100=11111 weimplemiiislinimil41104•1411117. 4.1.1~11111~NDMI111101•1111111111111• Still another Methodist cherth hes Grain From OttaWale Tragedy in Toronto, been burned down -this time the Main street elturele Exetor--making four handsome structures belonging to the denomination in Western Ontario dee- troyed. within the past mouth. If *there is a madman at large whose mania is destruction of places of worship, he can- not too soon be got hold of. Unless these Ares are incendiary, the coincid- enoe of their °eminence is moat extra- ordinary. There is not the slightest conception of a motive for the burning of Main street church x The Fees Commission recommend that no member of Parliament shall be eligible for a fee paid offiee until a certain time after hie term as a legislator expires ; that all the revenues of such offices, over a certain specified sum, shall be payable to the public treasury; and that all vacancies shall be filled within a given period. If members of Parliament are barred for five years aftee retirement, if provision is made for filling all offices withirt two months after vacancy, and if the emoluments payable are made to correspond with the earning ability of,the office -holders, the worse evils in the present system will be done away with. x x The British Parliament has affirmed that it is right that membere of parlia- ment should be paid. The motion to that effect was strongly opposed by the Conservative leaders, and as firmly maintained by the Liberal leader, Sir Win. Vernon .Harcourt. There are now workingmen M. Ps in. the House, but they are maintained by the voluntary assessment of the members of their unions,though they represenb the ,vrhons people. Britain is now a democratic • country, and it is fair that there should be no class discriminations in the rep- resentation of the people. So long as only the rich can sit in Parliament, un- less a member's friends assess thena selves for his support, so long will there be a grievance that should be redressed. Payment of M. P's is now within sight in the Motherland. x x x Gananoque once had extensive carri- age tvcrks, but Brockville drew them away withsa bait in the form of a $50,- 000 bonus. The town which euffered the lose is now asking the Legislature for authority to give or lend $10,000 ir, order to secure another industry to re- place the one that is gone. These in cidents show the iniquity of a system • under -which muincipalities are allowed to grant bonuses as all. • If one is per- mitted to do this another is forced to keep eyen and so towns go on bidding against each other to the detriment alike of their own interests and. legi- tirnate manufacturing enterprise. The whole system should be stopped right now by an amendment to the law not only absolutely prohibiting the giving of loans or bonuses but which will also provide for uniformity in regard to the civic taxation imposer' upon manufac- turing industries. • x x x The news regarding the condition of Queen Victoria, sent by cable, is alarm- ing. Courtiers and attendants on royalty are prone to keep back iptelit- gence regarding the physical condition of the sovereign, and there may be much truth in the statement now made that the health of the Queen is decided- ly unsatisfactory, and that a fatal result or, at least, an early retirement, is among the probabilities. Victoria has been a modern sovereign, and there will be general regret when she is com- pelled to lay ilnwn the scepter. Yet it cannot be said that she has not enjoyed a long and eventful reign -a reign fraught, in the main, with good results to humanity, and more particularly to the people over whom she was set at the early age of 19. With one except- ion, no other sovereign in the 1,000 odd years which have elapsed since the Saxons and Danes arrived in England has reigned for so long •a period as Queen Victoria. Henry III. reigned 58 years, but nine of them elapsed be- fore he was of age. Edward III. reign- ed for 50 years and Queen Elizabeth was on the throne 44 years. Then George III. reigned 59 years, but the concluding nine were under a regency, necessiteted by the clouded reason sat the sovereign, George III. alone had a longer reign credited to him than Queen Victoria, who has now been sovereign of Great Britain for 58 years. Then her Maje,sty has attained an age that few British sovereigns have reach- ed. On May 24 next she will be 76. It is remarkable that only two British soverigns have held sway till they reach- ed. that age. Only four reigned till they were '70 years of age. Elizabeth was 70 when she died, George II. was '77, George III. was 82, and William IV., who immediately preeeded the Queen, was 72 when he passed away. Thus, in the natural order of things, the Queen has enjoyed an unusually long life and an. unusually long reign. Take K. D. 0, fot sour stomach and tick • headache, Body Rested, Mind at Ease. That is what it is when travelling on the fast train's of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railwrer; besides tnere is no change to 'thick," for the accommodations are up to date, the tildes keep moving right along and get there on time. Thema lino thoroughly cover the territor y between Chicago, La Crone, Si. Paul, Mitineapoiis, Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Sioux City. Yankton, couneil Bluffs, Omaha and No/there Michigan, All the prineipal °Wee and towns in that territory ave reached by tbe ',St. Paull" Roes, connect- ing at St. Foal, Come' Bluffs and ()masa with ell lines for plinta in the far west. Writo to A, j`e Taylor, Canadian Paseenger Agent, 87 ltork Street, Toronto, Ont.. for one of theit hew map time tables and a breehure Whig a description of the Oompartment Sleeping Care, Tickets famished by any coupon tieket agent in tho Cnited Stake and Canada, The firma dieing cars itt the worle are run on Ilia meld vestibuled, °twine lighted end lteiiZatilleleeesaVS1=1 Roefilwatil;! °hi68°i To the 4dttor of the Oxeter Tana Toetenero, March 24. -The city was' malt.•the past ei4hb shocked today by the news of a, mur- der and suicide. The victims of the years samples of those variettes of gnarl tvagedy are john Bell and Sarah whigh have suoceeded best on the Ex- Swallow. They had been Hying to. perinemtal Fermis have hese distributed ether iis an and. wife. ancl were oa application in 31bebags to fermers in flais metiorniug found ;lead in becletheir all pertof the Domiuion , free through heads almost Severed froxii their the mail. The object in view he this bodies,and on abundance of evidence distribueion has been to improve the to show that the woman had been, quality And character of these import- kilted by. her companion, • who had ant agricultural products throughout then iniMediately slain himself. In the country. This work has met inth a corner of the same rocen a couple much oppreciation and a cousiderable of innocent children, 4 and B years degree of Success. Last year I was old, were:Planing withpicture blocks, all uncoascious of the horror in the instructed by the .Honourable Minister T of Agriculture to forward, as far as bed adjacent to them. h.ey were the children of the swomaia by her • practicable, two samples to eaeh apptic- deceased lensband. 134 had lately ant, but the applications received •were been drinking hard and Mrs. Swan - so numerous that on basis of dis- low had become anxious to elet rid of tribution all available stook had been She had also taken up with promised by the middle •of February, another man named William. Gerrie. and all later applicants could not be The two men had lately quarreled supplied. This year my instructions and fought, and the terrible crime are to send one sample •only to each was probably the resolt of jealously applicant, with the hope that with this on the part of Bell. limitation every farmer in the Dominion who so desires may share in the benefits to this useful branch of the work of the Experimental Farms. The distribution now in progress consists of some of the most promising sorts of oats, barleys, spring wheat, peas, field corn and pots - toes. A lready more than 9,000tapplioations have been filled. All farmers desiring participate in this distribution should send in their applications early, and state which of the above named samples they would prefer, and their wishes will be met as far as practicable, Until the available stock is exhausted. The grain can be sent early, but the potat- oes will not be distributed until the danger of being inured in transit by frost is over, Letters addressed to the Central • Experimental Farm rimy be sent free of postage. • WM. SAUNDERS. • Director Experimental Farms, Ottawa, March llth, 1895. Ebteter Munecipal Council. The council met at the town hall, Exeter, 22nd Minh, 1895, All pres- ent. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling -.Harding -Orders as fol- lows :-.D. A. Ross and Jos. Senior $8 each, servicse as auditors ; James Creech '$4, charity to Mra. Sutton • do $4, to Mrs. Bartner ; do $1.50, to Thos Dew '• do $1.75; meals to tramps ; do 25c, to Murk Clark. -Carried. The clerk to write J. • Elliott re side walk, Carling -Harding -The council ad- journ until Friday, the 5th April, at 8 o'clock p. M. EACIVETT, Clerk. 7 rediton To the Editor Times. DEAR Sea, --The item in last week's Temes anent the recent melee at Credit- on, does us an injustice. The young men who were acco sted were astray in their identification -' but having been accused,and not wishing to have further trouble over the matter, we settled the charge with the understandiag that our names would not go before the public as being in any way connected with the disturbance. The facts are :wewere returning home from church and were passed on the road by young Treble and hie.•lady- When they came- to the obstruction on the road, we caughb up the them. The obstruction was remov- ed, whereupon the guilty parties, who were hiding, appeared and completed the work. The fact of our being •the only persons seen naturally accounts for being charged • with the offence, while in reality we were innocent. .By giving this correction in your paper you will -oblige. Yours truly, . J. IVIoAn, C. Mina. SAWING HAMEL-Last Saturday there took place at Hill's Hotel a match between John Eilber jr and Geo. Eilber, a half cord being sawed hyPeo. Eilber • in 23 minutes therefore gaining the championship of Crediton. BRIEFS. --The R. T. O. T. held an open meeting on Friday night last which proved a success. Friends from • Sodorn and other places took great pains in rendering their part of the programe-Mr. Westcott of Seaforth is visiting his sister Mrs. Jae, Hill who Fs GP the sick list, but we are pleased to report she is recovering. --Mrs. jno. Hoffman, and lilies Wittic, of Plettseille, are visiting under the parental reef .--- One of our flax mills finished ouTriday last. This is the earliest they have gob through for a number of year, only losing six days in all. -Mrs. Jacob Finkbeiner, sr, is on the:sick list. -Mr. Tobias Fahner,sr, we are sorry to report - is very :sick at timo of writing. We hope to see him around again in the near future .--Miss Adeline, Morlock who liaillbeen to Detroit work- ieg thts past winter is hcme visning. -Mr. John Snell of Bader paid our tewn a visit one day last week.- Mr. 0 Zwicker of London was visiting under the parental roof on Sunday last. -Mr. Moses Feist has started to leer° shoe makingat Mr, B, flrown's.-Rev. Geo. Finkbeiner of Illinois, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sun- day evening next. -Rev. George Fink- ebeiner and wife, of Davis, Ills, are visiting his father, leir. Jacob Fibk- beitier. sr., of this phial es. Not only is K. D. O. a prompt rein,- er but it curets Indigestion Try a free Sample of K D O. and Pills. E. D 0 Co. Ltd., New Gliolegow, N. S , and 127 State etreet, Boston, Matte. Mr. ilaycook has introduced a bill into the Leeittlature providing that when a municipality paye 40 per cent of the cost of a pavement laid in accordance with the local unprovemont plan throe who pay tbe remaining 00 per cent of the coat phall only be exempted from 60 per cent, of the general rave for pavements. Eaten tot ZeRSOSS oP IOW . Beni. E. Boy, St, Jovite P. 0„ When I commenced tieing X. D, O. I had been suffering eeveral years front dyspepsia ; I triedsentered remedies wbich gave me little or no relief, 1 got relief almost ill soen as I commenced using R. D. O. sexcl now I am well end feel like it new mon. I can highly Nonni:mid X. D, C. to eufferers from thet terrible (thew, Dyspeptic A St. Thornae Church Burned. • ST, THOMAS, Ont.,March 2L -.About 5 o'clock this afternoon. the First Methodist Church, situated on . the corner of George and Curtis streets, was discovered to be on fire. The buildingis the finest Methodist i Church n the city, and cost $25,000. It was. thoroughly repaired and beautified inside • and outside two years ago, at a cest Of between $4,000 and $5,000. The firemen made a brave fight to save.it,.and in a short time had five good streams playing On the building, but unfortunately • the fire could not be got at in time to check the flames sufficiently to get them under .control, and by 6 o'clock it was evident that the church was doomed. At 6,45 the roof fellin, and nothingremained but the walls and the tower. The fire is supposed to have originated in. one of the furnaces, which was being heated for the evening services. The loss is estimated, at $80,000, including a fine organ worth $3,500. Insurance $17,- 000. General Ifiection. ----- Ottawa, March 25, -It is altoget er unlikely that nnportant legisla- tion will be submitted to the a,p- proaching session of Parliament. For the last two months the painting bureau has been preparingthe voters' lista,. in order that when Parliament met it might be free to turn out, the sessional work. This has retarded the • painting of reports and other documents.which Must be laid before Parliament. • So far as can be gathered, however, the work of the session will be facilitated as much as possible. That it will be a long one the Liberals predict; but, if they prolong it, they do so at the expense ofethe country and the cost of votes. There is a .feelingabroad now that the general election; with which the Opposition haf beenethreatening the country, ,liase. recetted considerably into the distance. The present Par- liaauent will not Pass out of existence until the 14th of April, 1896, and all . that the law requires is that within a year from that date there 'should be another pessiten. So, that, if thought advisable, the, people might be given till the end. of next year to meditate upon the issues that are arisin,g, and determine how they will mark their ballots. • The Latest News. The Bell Telephone Co.mpany is su- ing the Montreal Street Railway Company for $27.006 for damages caused to their system. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Henderson were sentenced at Hepworth for cruelty to a child to a fine of $50 each and three months' imprison - relent. Ada, the three-year-old child of Mr. Tait Grahana of London, was drown- ed in Kettle Creek, St Thomas, and her companion, a, girl namecl Murphy, is missing, a.nd was probably drown- ed. • The Newfoundland delegation to Ottawa to discuss the terms of con- federation has • been appointed. Messrs Robert Bond, • George H. Emerson, Q. C., Edward P. Morris and William H. Harwood were the delegates named. Mrs. John Armstrong„the gay and attractive wife of an estimable citizen in Kingscote, near Orange- ville, has eloped with. J. Short, a shanty boy, in her hnsband's absence. Mrs. Armstrong sold her husband's goods before leavitag. Three prisoners under sentence in gaol at Woodstock, awaiting trans- fer to the Central Prison, made a desperate attempt to escape. • They threw Mr. Cameron, the gaoler, down, and got as far as the yard, when they were caught and. over- powered. The will of the late George Ridley, who died recently in Downie, has been entered for probate. His estate is valued at $16,275, of which $10,475 is real estate. The will is a very short One, and bequeathes the entire estate to hie wife,'Janet Ridley, her heirs, successors or assigns. Mrs. Ridley is the sole executor of the will. A horse owned byRev, Dr. Hindley, Congregationalist minister of Forest, was being led through the yard when a piece of barbed wire caught in the blanket which covered the horse. The frightened animal broke away and dashed through the. streets, goaded by the clinging wire. Coming own James street the frenZied animal headed straight for the G. N. W. Telegraph Company's office, and went through the large plate -glass window of the. oftlee at it single bottled, nearly frightening the wits out of two young lady clerks. Don't Tobaeco Spit or Sbaoke Your Life Away • Is the truthful, stsitling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmlees, goartin- teed tohaecO habit cure that bffrioee up nicotinized nerves; eliminates the niceties poieon, mattes weak •men gaiii etreepth, !tiger atei'manbood. Ytill run no physical oe financial risk, as No -Td -Bee is sold Wider guarantee to cure of Money refund-, ed. Book free, Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374, SI, Paul St., Montreal, Heriaall our amine Mock of footwear is now cm- plete We hove on band the very latest sty- les, snob as monis raor and box toesalloOttdillY too and ladies' Philadelphia toe,• In uxford arid gaiters. hi fad we nave the beet and cheapest stock ever oifored in Hensel before. Rave also jot received a Argo assortment of trunks and valises which we will sell at Meek bottom prices for cash. Oar and examine one stook before purchasing elsewhere, Butter and oges taken in exchange for goose. Qall at ruedubla ee et ot shigwwgeo oad0181: oheat) for cash. No A. WEstenon, Following are the market euotatioue Wheat 58 to 59 Barley 88 to 40 Oats 30 to 30 P 55 to 70 13ay . . . . . ..... . . COO to 7,00 Butter 16 to 13 Egge.... ... 16 to 16 BR1EPS.-There will be an organ recital in the Hensall Methodist church on April Oth and 7th. The Rev, Mr. Torrance, of Paisley, will preach on Sunday, morning and evening, and on Monday evening, -will give a lecture. There will also be a patisical program of solos and music by the choir. Everybody should come and hear Mr. Torrance. PM' ceeds to go to the new organ fund. - Mr. Wnes Jackson, of Clinton, was in, town on Tuesday on business. - Mrs. C. Deichert, of New Hamburg, is visiting at her daughter's, Mrs. D. Weismiller.-Mr. Morrison, manager of the Bank of Commerce at Gocler- loll, was in town on Tuesdcty on bus- iness. -Mr. Chas. Bossenberry and family were visiting at Zurich and Dashwood over Saturda,y and. Sunday. -Mr. John Coulter had a wood bee one day last week and a party at night. All report having had a good time. -Mr. Bob. Abraham, of Wier - ton, gave a Gospel Temperance lecture in the Methodist church on Monday night to a' large audience. - Mr. Geo. MdEwen, reeve, was at Zurich on Monday attending the council meeting. -Mr. Geo. Ach.eson, of Goderich, was in town on Monday and sold his store to Mr. G.F. Arnold for a good figure. The store is now occupied by IVIr. Robt. Bonthron.- Messrs. G. F. Arnold and J. 0. Clausen returned la-st: Friday from Toronto. -Mr. Abel Short went to Lucknow on Thursday for Mr. Thos. Berry to bring down a horse for him. i He rode clown n less than one day, stopping over night in Olinton,on his return.- Mr. Wm. Laramie and Miss Aggie Hunter were united in mar- riage last Thursday afternoon. They left on the evening train for Clinton and VVingham, and returned on Monday. -The entertalmnent and lecture given in Carmel church on Tuesday night was a grand success. Professor Moffat, of London, gave some grand instriunental music on the new organ, and Miss Case, of London, gave some choice solos, while the Rev. J. S. Henderson gave the latter part of his lecture, "Through Wonderlaaad," illustreted by lime light views with the scenery on his trip, which was very interest- hig,-Mr. Thos. Berry was at Zurich on Monday. -Rev. Mr.,Acheson, of Kippen, was in town mi. Tuesday. - Mr. Sohn Torrance, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday. -Mr. George McEweia's new hay press arrived this week. -Mr. J. T. Wren, principal of the Hensall public school is about to leave Rensall and go to Keewatin Lake of the Woods tlistrict, where he has secured it good situation' as principal of the public -school. He leaves next Monday, and we regret very much his departure from our midst as he was highly esteemed by all. He has been principal of the Hensall public school for over seven years and will be very much missed by both old and young. We wish Mr. W. success in his new field of labor. It is not positively known, who will take his place as principal of the liensall school. -Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas Deichert, of Zurich, were at Mr. Wm. Hodgin's last Tuesday making slimmer sausages'at which Mr. and Mrs. D. are expert hands. /IA I • 4 Zion. BRIBF8.-The young men gave Richard Jones a helpmg hand with his wood on the 20th paste, and in the evening they had a, •tociable gather- ing, when all present enjoyed them- selves. -When John: J. eCornish moves away, Samuel Peart will take possession of his house on the south tarm and our school teacher will oc- cupy the house vacated by Mr. Peart. -Have any of your seen Thos. Brock lately? His face is all smiles, as a very young lady has eorne to brighten his home. • k Clinton -- Bnnimse-Postmaster Porter has rented. the, post -office building and. will move his family in as soon as conetenient.-Mr. Blair, of Stratford, a thoroughly competent gentleman, has been engaged by Postina,ster Porter to take the place of Mr. Fair, who is about to engage in business for himself. -On or about the 1st of April we tuiderstand that Mr. W. ID. Fair, so long deputy postmaster in the office here, will take ovee the book and stationery business and store, so successfully conducted for some years by Messrs. Rance &Spald- ing. Mr. Rance is now. engaged, 4 the banking bushiess.at Bl•Yth. Sharon. Blitions.-A number of farmers in this vicinity are busy making maple sugar. --On Saturday night of last Week the residence of Mr. M. Amy was beeeiged by a munber ofyoung people from this burg and neighbor- hood. Mr. and Mrs. Amy put their house at the disposal of the visitors who enjoyed themselves for some hours in games, singing etc., and left, thanking the host and hostess for their kind, reception. -A number of horses have been sold by farmers in 'this vicinity at prices ranging from $45 to $60. -Mr. John Fodder Is making preparation for raising his barn and otherwise repairing it the coming etunmer.-Wellington Amy sircsugr:cillea tp°oVsi isiborlfgo'r where s ulia has Wells it genial, good hearted fellow and wilI be missed by the young peo- ple; ---Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Xestle tmerit Sunday with friends in Exeter, X. D, C fee 1 eartburn end four stott. itch. Tutikersmah -- COUNCIL 1VIDETING. -The townehip couecil met at Weberhs hotel, Eg. mondville, on Saturday, Mereh 9th. All the memberwere present, ea. sept Co un. Patterson, who was enroute to the old country with a oar load ot horses. Tile contract, for the supplying of timber required to township pur- poses Was let to J, Doig, for the elm at $9,95 per M; and, the (seder to A, Mustard, at $12 per M. The following changes were made in the list of path- nsasters for the current year ; DIY.2, Robt. McLean inatead of J. Blair u 13, J. Caldwell J. Smillie II 39, John Martin J.Carnoohen " Or George Black Geo.Stewart 47, F. W. Crich Thos.O'Brien 49, Jae Sproat se P. Murray 55, Wm Hudoon iellifoNaughton 60, Wm, Bubolz W.JeCheeney 61, H. Carter it • Jae. Taylor 63, Wm. Elgie John McKay 11 68, D. McMillan i W. Kinsman .11 75 John F. McKay A. MeKeY 11 77, Hugh Chesney u J. McGee it 80, W. C. Clarke • W. Smith 83,D. McIntosh W. Dixon The poundkeepers remain the same as last year, viz; R B McLean, 'Jag Nott, George Nott, Wm Ohapenta, John F Dale, R Dinnie, Brian Clary, Alex Buchanan, Jos Brown, Samuel Canto - clean, Robt Leatherland, Wm .Plewes, Wm Berry, Wm Kinsman and Wm Carnochan. The trustees of S 8 No 6 were given permission to pile the tnatenal required for their new school on the road side, on condition that it be piled up so tbat it will not en- danger the imbibe travel. The audi- tors' report was laid before the counoil by the clerk, and after a careful ex- amination Was accepted. It shows a balance on hand of township funds of $568.73; liabilities, none. A few ac- counts were paesed and 840 given as charity, The next meeting will be held in tirucefield, on Saturday, April 27th, at 10 o'clock, a. m: ALEX. G. Swum, Clerk.: Centralia. BRIErS.-Mrs T Eleton,of Rodgerville, is at her mothers with a sick baby. - Messrs Sandford and Elliott baro re: turned from North Dakota, whither they went with a ear load of horses. • Their trip was a very silo -moduli one. -A Bowe: laugh baa gone to take charge of E Butt's saw mill, near Chnton.-W Taylor has moyed into the village, from Mooresville. -Mr and Afro B P Hicks spent Sunday and Monday with friends in London. - Edgar Pym was sent to Belgraye Station last Monday as relieving agent. -The itt T of T's bad an oyster supper on Friday evening last and report having had a good time. • Hay Council. Council met pursuant to adjournment on Monday, March 25th at 10 o'clock a. in. All members present, the reeve in the chair. ee Battler-Ehnee.--ahat the Treasurer's borelamen be accepted as being satiates: tory and that the books and funds be hand ed over to the Treasurer, ear. F. "[Kibler, Carriedejg Ge.r-_ Batt'er-That all parties having firewood, refits, cedar, or timber placed on tbe road be xegnired to remove tbe same forthwith, at lariat 20 feet from the centre of any road allowance within the township of Hay.-Carried.- Battler-Ehnes.--That the trustees of S. S. No. 8, be notified by the Clerk that lot 29, S, B, will be detached from S. S. No. 8, and added to U. S. S. No. 15, and that the matter will be taken into considet. alien at the next meeting. Turnbull -Geiger -That the trustees of 8. 8. No, 2, 3, and 10, be notified by the clerk, that a petition has been laid before council by J. Bonthron and others ask: lug that a new S. S. be formed out of S. S's, No. 2, 8, and 10, and that said petit: ion will be considered by conned next meeutirnngh Tull-Ehnes-That F. W. Pare, comb be employed to make a report in regard of the cleaning out and deepening of the said drains under Cbap. 56, Sec. 3, Ont. drainage act. 1894, -Carried.- Ehnes- Battler -That the following be appointed pathmaaters. for 1895:-A. Holland, J. /3. Case, le Elston, D. MeEw: en, R. Bell, R. Meefordie, J. McMahon, B. Northcote W, Chaprnann'J. Bonthron, • W. Dougall, R. Jarrett, A. Mee:Nene, Je Carrick, 0. Aldatrcrrth, G. O'Brien, W. Timmy, T. Dick, 8. Troyer, F. Deters, 3, Howard, 0. Redmond, A. W. Jarrett, G. Reichert, J. Penhale, J. -Mitchell, J. Green, C. Forest, E. J, Troyer, A. Foster, L. Bohn, J. Deeher, J. 0. Gingeiich, O. Eisenhofer, J. Cook E. Gies, J. Bamford J. England. 3 Bever, jr. J. •Weido, M. Wurm, J. Gellman, J. Ovich, • J. Voel: ker, L. Eckstein, Pi. Bender, C, Kolosky, J. Boecbler, H. Lipphartft, H. Bender, J. egn,er'W. Stelck, El. Kaereher, J. Gell- man, J. Gaither, 0. Rerig, Albrecht, J. Goetz, W. Miller, R. Rallifieieeb, B. Dimony, A Masse. S. Spencter, F O'Brien, A, Fee, G. Tarnbule J. Pollock, A. Me: Murtrie, J. Cochrane, C. Troyer, J, Bum: ford, J. Thompson, J. Mero, A Thompson, W Eling,H Isaac, W Harris, 11. Reynolds, P Beaver, G leadiger, W Zimmer, U. Willert; J Willert, J Kennings, 3 0 Stone: man, 3 elcArtbur D Robertson, W Elder, P Palmer. J Hodgins, 8 Humeaten, 3. Beek, 3 Weselob. P'Signer. .1 W Ortwein, B Turnbull. D Foss. ' Gag -r -Turnbull -That the folio wingbs appointed fence viewers, for 1895;-W Regent, G Grant, C Eacrett, A McLaren, S Thompson, 11 Bauer, J Decher sr., 8 Preffnee M Reacher, J Melliok, W Snider, C Miller. Poundkeerieren-J Patterson, J Cox: worth, W Nicholson, J Nortboott, R Mc Allister, 3 Decber jr. 0 Grebb, D Spencer. T Turnbull. u Hohlbein, E Keerober, and that a By Law be passed to this effect. 'the following amounts were ordered to be paid,-Garrow & Proudfoot, legal aclyice 1892-34-$15.78 •3 A Williams opening centre road, e7.00 ; M Gorman, ord. 41,50 J elockrane, errors in taxes 97. -Carried. Turnbull -Battler -That the council adjourn to meet again on April 20th 1895. Pune Hess, Sr, Mile. Mutt Moffett, of town, has eold her 50 acre farm at Bayfield, to Mr. Chas Parker, for the Ram of $1,000. Mr. John Oaken of town, has rented hie hem on tho Mait- land oen., Goderieh township, to hia brother Henry. M. Geo. Gordon hart bought the cottage on High St., owned by -Mr, Jae Wertr# paying therefor tbe acm of 4450. Mr. Ben Tomlinson has bought from Mr. John Hatlend the cottage oo copied 1110 him on Itatienbery Steed, it about $1'00, -Clinton New Era. A 0011112111 Action. Women th e • GreAtest; • Sufferers. GRAVE RESULTS OF— TEN OCCUR, In All Cases Paine's • Celery Compound Cures and • Restores Per- fect Health. Headaohee are varied lu •eheaacter, of frequent occurrence, and are produced by ta• variety of causes. The common headaobe is often produced by eorne indiscretion in diet, or deviation from ordinary habit of' life. We have also congestive headaehee,. /hermetic headache, and bilious and nor.. vons beadaches. Wemen ere oftener the victims of these troublethan men. Wheu neglected from day to day grave and fatal consequences often moan Some of the ablest and best physicians freely admit that Paine's Celery Come - pound is the eafest, sweat, and best medie. eine for eyery character ot beadache, In-. deed, this opinion is strengthened by the thousands who have given testimony in favor of Paine's Celery Compound. Headaches being more prevalent in the Spring season, it is of the utmost impor- tance that every sufferer should know how. to act, One bottle of Palmer Celery Com- pound will often permanently cure. Nature's marvellous Spring medicine at the same time, build up the entire- eye. tem. • Sunday morning Adam Dimma and his - wife, of Wheatley, were on their way to see the parents of the latter, wben within 40 rods of the hones the husband sudden -- 1y reeled. Be weir curled into the hones but died before be reached the bed. t•Sucoess is the reward of merit" not -ofe assumption. Popular appreciaton is what, tells in the long run. For 50 years, peo. ple bave been tieing •Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and to -day it is the blood purifier moat ka fayor with tbe public. Ayer's Sarsaparee illa cures. P. 8. Armstrong, of Blar.shard, has been appointed on the executive oommittee of , the Fire liniderwriteke' As:iodation. At . their annual meeting many subjeots of interest to the country and .to' the companies were discussed. The cora-. pulsory use of the jack by eteam thresh--"' era received a good deal of attention. - Another item that was discussed was the advisability of making the insured carry a. proportion of the risk, say one quarter or one third. This would mean that a, peep. son carrying a policy and haling a toss by fire would be paid three quartere or two thirds of the amount of that lose. A Ion of $500 would be settled by paying $875 or To claim the tall policy the loss would have to be over, $1,300 or $1,500. This would eat down many of the policies, beat the purpose of adopting such a regu- lation, (if ever it is done) is to lessen iba inducement for any person so inclined to-. commit incendiariam. - ,•• PRODUCTS OF SCIEN CE, FOR HOME USE. • BEAUTIFUL AND BRIL.. LIANT COLORS. • Within the last 1041 years " science has been at work, and the results are tbe fast, DiamoLd Dyes for Cotton : Turkey Bed,. •Scarlet, Pink, Crimson, Purple Beeb Brown, Orange, Olive Green and other colors. • These dyes make colors so fast that even washing in strong soap -suds will Dot cause them to fade. It women will ask for Past, Diamond Dyes for Cotton, and are that they get them, they will be able to dye. any of the above colors absolutely fast and, uefading, colors that will remain till the' goods are worn. oat. • Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton give' grand and brilliant colors to carpet rags, and are therefore invaluable to country people aho make Rag Carpets, These pop - War dyes are far ahead of all other foxingear of dyestuffe, and meny Jere° dye limpidly: use them regularly. Common package dyes• -•worthless .imi- tetions- are now sold in some litotes ; be- ware of these Moist every time on getting the guaranteed Peet Diamond Dyee ; tried,„ sure, true, brilliant and nnfadmg Mortgage Sale. -OP VALuA.BLE- FARM PRopEurr • -IN MIR -- *TOWNSHIP 01' MoGILTIVRAY He Tan 00-eiSTy oe MIDDLESEX • Under and by virtue of the power of sale, contained in a certain rnortaace to the vendor, - which will be produeed at the time of sale,. there Will be offered for sale bY Public auction Saturday the 8thDay otaprit A.D. 1895, at 12 °ego -3k, noon, at A. RILL'S ROTEL in the VILLAGE of OgBD1TOX, the following Proilerty, namely, Lot No, 10, in the lath con - meson of thorned Township of meelillivretie • containine100 aeres, more or leas . The property will be offered alibied to a re- 8Eebld;RMS:-Ten per cent of irthe urchase ett°bPaldgth°veatleclieltadahdiieOf heeteardtteeanOewithin eo days thereafter with interest itt ala tier Content per annum,' • Per further particulars apply to Henry Ell. bet P3nq,, Orediton . or to meagre Pearson & Debtor), 1 Toronto Street, Toronto, solicitors for the vendor. tinted at the idity of Toronto tide Pith dee of ettirearmes.