HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-28, Page 2CIMAPPILY MARRILT.
elturdy Mows in Behalf of the nonee and
Agairet the leleeolutenees or Modern
einitety--whotesaie DiVeree Condemned.
The Bieesed Marriage State.
New York, March 17. -Rev. Dr. Taa,
ibeage chose as the subject of his afternoo•n
eermon in the Academy of Mush) to -day,
topia of national interest -viz.,
"Wholesale Divorod" The great audience
repeatedly showed its appreciation of the
sentimouts expressed by the reverezid.
speaker, and his sturdy blows in behalf
of the protection tee the household and
against the dissoluteness of modern soci-
ety were received with maxked appreatt-
tion. The text selected was Matthew xix,
6, "Vilma therefore, God bath joined to-
gether let no man put asunder.
That there are hundreds and thou. -
!lands of infelicitous homes in America
no one will doubt. If there were only one
'skeleton in the closet, that might be look-
ed up and abandoned, but in many a
home tbere is a skeleton in elm hallway
end 4 skeleton in aU the apaetments.
"Unhappily married" axe two words
desoriptive o ixtany a homestead. It
tieeds no orthodox minister to prove to a
badly mated pair that there is a ital.
They are there now. Sometimes a grand
and gracious woman will be thus incar-
cerated, and her life will be a crucifixion,
as was the case with Mrs. Sigourney, the
great poetess and the great soul. Some-
times a cousewated man will be united
a fury, as was John Wesley, or united to
• a -damn as was John Milton. Sometimes,
and genteelly, both parties are teletext°,
and Thomas Carlyle was an intolerable
scold, and his wife smoked and swore,
and Fronde'the 'historian, pulled aside
the ourtain from the lifelong squabble at
Craigenputteck and Five, Cherie Row.
Some say that for the alleviation of all
tbsee domestic disorders ofwhich we hear
easy divorce is a good prescription. God
sometimes authorizes divorce as certainly
as he authorizes ruarriage. I have just as
much regard for one lawfully divorced
as I have for one lawfully married. But
you know and I know •• that wholesale
divorce is one of our national scourges. I
am not surprised at this when I think of
the influences which have been abroad
militating against the marriage relation.
For many years the platforms of the
country rang with talk about a free love
millennium. There were meetings of this
kind held in the Cooper institute, New
York; Tremont temple' Boston, and all
over the land. Some ofthe women who
were most prominent in that movement
have since been distinguished for great
promiscuosity of affection, Popular
themes for smile occasions were the tyran-
ny of man, the oppression of the mar-
tiage relation women's rights and the ,
affinities. Prominent speakers were wo-
men with short curls and short dresses
and very long tongues, everlastiugly at
war with God because they were created i
women, while on the platform sat meek :
men with soft accent and cowed de -
meaner, apologetic for masculinity and •
holding the parasols while the termagant i
orators went on preathing the doctrine of ,
free love.
That caampaign of about twenty years
set more devils into the marriage relation I
than will be exorcised in the next fifty. I
Men and women went home from such 1
meetings so permanently confused as to
who were their wives and husbands that
they never got out of their perplexity, and
the criminal and the civil courts tried to
disentangle the "Iliad" of woes, and this
one got alimony, and that one got a limit-
ed divorce, and this mother kept the I
children on condition that the father
could sometimes come and look at them,
and these went into poorhouses, and. those
went into an insane asylum, and those
went into dissolute public life, and all
went to destruction. The mightiest war
ever made against the marriage institu-
tion was that free love campaign, some-
times under one name and sometimes
under another.
Another influence that has warred. upon
the marriage relation has been polygamy
In Utah. That was a stereotyped carica-
ture of the ixtarriage relation and has
poisoned the whole land. You might as
well think that you can have an arm in a
state of mortification and yet the whole
body not be sickened as to have those
territories polygamized and yet the body
of the nation not feel the putrefaction.
Hear it, good men and women of Ameri-
ca, that so long ago as 1862 a law was
passed by congress forbidding polygamy
in the territories and in all the places
where they had jurisdiction. Twenty-
four years passed along and five adminis-
trations before the first brick was knock-
ed from that fortress of libertinisra.
Every new president, in his inaugural,
tickled that monster with the straw of
etendemnatiom and every congress
stultified itself in proposing some plan
that would not work. Polygamy stood
more intrenohed, and more brazen, and.
more puissant, and more braggart, and
more infernal. James Buchanan, a nauch
abused man of his day, did more for the
extirpation of this villainy than most of
the subsequent administrations. Kr.
Buchanan sent out an army, and although
it was halted in its work still he accent,-
plished more than some of the administra-
tions which did nothing but talk, talk,
talk! At last, but not until it had pies -
oiled generations, polygamy has received
its death blow.
Polygamy in. Utah warred against the
marriage relation throughout the land.
It was impossible to have such an awful
sewer of Miquity seodiiag up its miasma,
which was wafted by the winds north,
Meth, east, anti west, without the land,
being alleoted by it..
Another influence that has warred
against the rearelage relation ID this coun-
try has been a postulons literature, with
its nailliotis of sheets every week choked
evith dories of domeetio wrongs and in-
13de11ties and enassaeree and outrages un-
til it is a wonder to me that there are any
deeonoles or any common sense left on the
smilicet of marriage. OneMalf of the
" news Stands of al our cities reeking with
the filth.
"Nave," say some, "WO admit all these
eel's,and the only Way to blear there Ont
• or correct them is by "easy clivoece.”
Well, before we yield to that cry leb tte
fInd out how easy it is now. ,
X bieve looked over the laws of all' the
statce, and i ilad that while In ionic'
States it is Omen, than in ethers in eve*
state it iseasy The state of Itlinole,
through its legislabere, mottos a long list
ite prove,- eeettege foe dtverce and thoiS
closes eie by giving to the courts
to make is decree of divoree in
Whore they deem it expedient.
you. are not surpeised at the a
meat that in one county of the
Illinois in one year there
divorces. If you Want to knew
it is, you have only to -look ov
cords of the states. In the Mt
Fnuecisco SW divorces in one yett
twenty yetirs be New Engladd 2
that not easy enough?
If the same ratin coutinue-the
multiplied divorce -we are not
the time when. our courts will h
apart whole days for applicable
you will home to prove against a
be that he left kis newspaper
dle of the floor, and all you wil
prove against is woman will be
hpsbaudts overcoat is buttonless.
of divorce double in is few years
in France, doubled in Eugl
doubled in the United States.
how very easy it is I have to tell
in western reserve. Ohio, the n
ox divorces to xnarrtages caesurae
to eleven, in Rhode Island is
thirteen, in Verraon.t one to fen
not that easy enough? •
I want you to notice that fre
divorce always goes along with
lutoness of sesiet7. Rome for 500
years bad not one case of divorc
were b.er days of glory and virtu
the reign of vine began, and d
came epidemic. It you want to k
rapidly tb.e empire went down,
What we want in this oountr
at lands is that divorce be na
and More difffoult. Then poop
they enter thae relation will be
that there -will probably be no es
it, exept through tb.e door of the s
Then they will pause on the ver
relation uutil they are fully sati
it is best, and that it is right a
Is happiest. Then we shall have
riage in fan. Then nien and wo
not enter the relation with the
it is only a trial trip„ and if tb,
like it they can get out at the
ing. Then this whole question.
taken out of the frivolous into
endous, and there will be no mo
about the blossoms in a bride'e
about the cypress on a, coffin.
What we want is that the cc
the United States change the
constitution so that a law can
which shall be uniform all over t
try, and what shall be right in
shall be right in all the states,
is wrong in one state shall be
all the states.
How is it now? If a party in
liege relation gets dissatisfied, i
necessary to move to another
aehieve liberation from the dom
and divorce is effected so easy
first one party knowa of it is by
the newspaper that Rev. Dr. S
on March 17, 1895, introduced i
marriage relation a member of t
hold who went off on a pleasure e
to Newport or a busin.ess exotr
Chicago. Married at the bride
No cards. There are states of t
which practically put a premiu
the disintegration of the mane
'lion, while the,re are other states,
own New 'York state, that had f
time the pre-eminent idiocy of
marriage lawful at twelve and
years of age.
The congress of the 'United Sta
to move for a change of the mete)
stitution and then to appoint a
tee -not made up of single ger
but of men of families and their
in Washington -who shall prepa,r
honest, righteous, comprehensive,
law that will control caveat -nu
Sandy Hook to the Golden Herr
will put an end to brokerages
riges. That will send divorce lawy
decent business. That will se
agitated forenany years on the gu
how shall they get away from ea
to planning how they can adjus
selves to the more or less unfavori
More difficult divorce 'dill put a
pel to a great extent upon marri
financial speculation. There
who go into the relation just a,s
into Wall street to purchase share
female to be invited into the part
of wedlock is 'utterly unattractive
disposition a suppressed Vesuvius.
body knows it, but this neasculne
date -.for matrimonial orders, thro
commercial agency or through th
ty records, finds out how much
to be inherited, and he calculates
thinks out how long it win be be
old maxi will die and whether
stand the refractory temper until
die, and then he enters the relati
he says'"If I cannot stand i
through the divorce law I'll back
That process is going on all the tb
men enter the relation without an
principle, without any affection,
is as much a matter of stock spec
as anything that transpired yeste
Union Pacific, Illinois Central o
ware and Lackawanna.
Now, suppose a rnan understoo
ought to understand, that if he g
that relation tbere is no possibilit
getting out or no probability, he w
more slow to put his neck in th
He would. say to himeelf, "Bathe
it Caribbean whirIvriad, with a
fleet of shipping in its arms, give
zephyr off fields of sunshine and
of peace."
Rigorous divorce law will also
women from the fatal mistake of
Ing men to reform them. If a
man by twenty-flve years of age o
years of age bas the habit of
drink iixed on him, he is certainly
for a drunkard's grave as that
starting out from Grand Central
at eight o'clock to -morrow mor
bound for Alba,ny. The train mx
reach Albany, for it may be throw
the track. The riling man may no
a drutikare's grave, or somethin
throw him off the iron track of evi
'bilt the probability is that the tra
starts toeriortow at eight o'clock
bony will get there, and the pro
is that thci young man who bini th
of strong drink fixed on hien
twenty-five or thirty years of age
rive at a dreamed's gm,ve. She
he drinks, although lie trios to hi
aliening clovee. Eveeybody Jai
(lignite. Parents warn, Deighbo
friends were. She will marry hi
Will reform him,
If she is unseccessful in the expo
wby, then the Myatt/ mw will o
pate her, became habitual dtxksix
a cause for &Torte in Indiaba
Welty, leloeida, Counectient and
ell the Antes, So the poor thing
the altar of maiden ft you W
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X Will show you the homes of the women
wile inerried men.' to reform them. In
one case out of 10,000 it May be a suppose
fa exemeinierit, But have a rigorous
divorce law, and that Weenan Wili sole
"If I aux allienced to that an, it is for
114;2,6'1. . - ••• , '.
.44 rigorous AW.Wiii also da inutile to
hinder hasty mad inconsiderate marriages.
Under the impression that One eau be OSA,
Ly released people enter the reletiaa with-
oat leguirtr ' and •without refleabau.
Ronamete and iinelelee rule the day, Fen
haps the only ground for the niarilage
°entreat is that she likes his looks, and
he a.cluaires the graceful way 'she passes
around the icticream at the piano! It is
all they know about • eaeli other: It is al
the preparation ter life. A. woman that
could. not make. a loaf of becad to save
her life will sweer to therish and obey.
A. Chrisbian Mill marry au atheist, and
thee alevays makes conjoined wrotthed-
ness, for if a man .does not believe there
•is. a God he is neitlier to be trusted -with
• a dollar nor with your lifelong harpi-
ness. Having read =nob, about love in a
cottage, people brought up in ease will
go and starve in a 'levee
By the wreck of 10,000 homes, ' by the
holocaust of 10,000 saceificed men and
women, by the hearthstone of tee f Ile,
which. is the cornerstone of the state, and
in the name of that God who hath set up
the family institutiou, e and who bath
made the breaking of the marital oath the
most appalling of ail. perjuries, I implore
the congress of the United States to make
some righteous, 'uniform law for all the
states, and from ocean to ocean, on this
subject of marrtage and divorce.
Let me say to the hundreds of young
people in this bouse this afternoon, before
you give your heart and hand in holy el-
liance use all caution. Inquire outside as
to the habits,. explore . the disposition;
scrutinize the taste, question the' ancestry
and find out the ambitions. Do not take
the heroes and the heroines of 'cheap
novels for a model. Do not put your life-
time balminess in the keenthe of a ,Dern
wao aas a reputation tor being is inns
loose In morals, or in the keeping of a
-woman who dresses fast. Remember that,
while good looks are a nindly gift of God,
wrbakles or acoldent may despoil them.
Remember that Byron was no more cele•
brated for his bemity than for his depay-
ity. Remember that. .A.bsalom's hair was
not more splendid than bis habits were
• , despicable. Hear it, hem! it! The only
foundation for bappy marriage that has
ever been or ever will be is good character.
' Ask God whom you shall merry, it on
• y ' - ' y
I marry at all, A union formed' in playa
will be a happy union, though sickness
pale the cheek, and poverty eropty the
bread tray, and death open. the small
graves, and. aU the path of life be strewn
with thorns from the marriage alter with
itswedding march and orange blossoms
clear down to the last farewell at that
gate were Isaac and Rebecca, Abraham
and Sarah, Adam and Eve parted.
• And let me say to yeti who are in this
• . .the
: relation it you make one man or woman
i happy you. have not lived in elan. Christ
s that what he is to the church ou
say , Y.
• ought to be to each other, and if sonae-
1 times through difference of opinion. or
difference of disposition you . make up
, your' mind that your marria,eee was a mess
. take patiently bear and forbear, remem-
, bering that life at the longest is short,
' and that for those, who have been badly
raated in this world death will give
and immediate bill of divorcement
1 written in letters of green grass on quiet
;• y
graves. And perhaps my brother, m ' sister -per you may appreciate each
. other better in heaven than you have ap-
predated each other on earth. In the
. •
s "Farm BaLlads" our. Axnerican poet puts
; into the lips of a repentant husband after
a life of maxried perturbation these sug-
' gestive words: .
; And When she dies I wish that she -would
be laid by .me,
,: And lying together in silence perhaps we
w agree.
And if ever we meet in heaven I would
not think it queer
If we loved each other better because we
quaxreled here.
And let me say to those of you who are
in happy married union, avoid first guar-
res. Have no unexplained correspon.
dence with former admirers; cultivate noof
suspioions; in a moment of bad temper
do not rush out and tell tbe neighbors;
. do not let any of those gadabouts .of soci-
ety unload in your house their baggage of
gab and tittle tattle, do not stand on your
rightslearn how to apologize; donee be so
proud, or so stubborn, or so devilish that
you. will not make up. Remember ' that
the worst domestic misfortunes • and most
scandalous divorce cases started from lit.,
tle infelicities. The -whole piled up train
of ten rail• cars telescoped and sinashed at
the foot of an embankment 100 feet down
came to that castrophe by getting two or
three inches off the track. . Some of the
greatest domestic misfortunes and the
wide resounding divoice eases have start -
ed from little misunderstandings that
were allowed to go on and go on until
home and respectability .and religion and
mortal soul went down in the erase,
crash! .
And, fellow citizens as .well at fellow
Christians let us have a divine rage
against anything that wars on tee mar-
riege state. Blessed institution!' Instead
of two arms to • fight the battle of life
four; instead of two eyes to scrutinize the
path of life, fonr; instead. ot two shall-
ders to lift the burden of life, four.
Twice the energy, '' twice the courage,
twice the holy ambition, twice the prob.
ability of worldly success, twice the pros-
peas of heaven. Into the matrimonial
bower God fetches two smile Outside
that bowel: room for all contentions, axle in
all bickerings„ and, all controversies, but
inside the bower there is room. for only
one guest -the angel of love, Let that required,
angel stand at t T
he flora doorway of this
Edenie bower with drawn sword to hew.
down the wotst fee of that bower -easy
divorce. And for every paradise lost may
there be a paradise regeleed, and after -we etice
quit our home here may we hone a bright- respeet,
home in heaven, • at the windoWs of primary
wheel this • moment . are familiar laces -trees
watalleg foe oar arrival and wondering namely;
. • • le
why vet e,arry selong, •
. .
. • • ' --
lie is Acknowledged Ao Ilie Beet author.
fie on stoesiry in America -Trees
Have an -individual end Collective
inituceerhe Growth or Trees nava
eleed-Trillimilug of the Roots of Great
linneelenee• • •
" The remedy for the scarcity Of wood in
the old 'settlement% and the °ere of growing
, . t - . • . ••
trees,- s torment the sumeot m a lecture
which was delivered by the Hon. H.G. .1aly
de Lotbiniere in Montreal the other even-
mg. The vital importance of the isubjeot
as welt at the popularity of the distinguish
ed lecturer, who is aokuowledged to be one
of the best authorities in all that relates to
Weeny in America, resulted , in filling the,
• • . „ •
hall with an arereciaeive and enthusiastic
In hie opening remarks he referred to the
gravity and importance of the subject he
had amen as the 'basis of hie address.
While in France be had been accustomed
to look upon Canada as e land of forest,
but since' his arrival in this oountry hie
orthodox views in Iles respect had been
'dispelled, and he had been surprised to note
the scarcity of timber which prevailed in
theold eettlemeets. When Canadians realiz
••. ,
ea toe danger Which threatened their
conutey y the wholesale an
b d indisorirnin.
ate slaughter of trees which had been
carried on in previous years, and was still
practised by lumber firms and tanners in
general, he was sure they wou Id rise to a
sense of their duty and demand suoh legis
lative enactments as would in future pre-
vent s h
oc spoliation. The trees of the
forest bad an
Individually, they ;leaded material for
. .rs
the construction of housee, stores, ships,
furniture, eto., as well as being the sourcebut
of fuel for many country districts. But in
. .
this century iron and stea, were rapidly
taking the .place of wood for building
purposen and coal as fuel was deemed an
adequate substitute. So that the forest in
ta individual value might be replaced, and
he trees allowed to remain where nature
. •
had planted them. Collectively, it was
impossible to exaggerate the importance of
the forein. It was valuable for the pur-
poses of laying np and dispensing gradually
the store of water necessary to the fertile
ration of the land, upon which depends the
life a nations and nothing could replace
• the forest in that important office. In old
countries such as France, where the
absence of the forest prevails, the fertility
of the soil has diminished in an ever-
increasin ratio. And there were man
• . • g . y
similar instances found on the old nontinent
of the fatal results which have followed theinstead
destruction of the forests. There wae she
danger of denuding the mountain slopes to
Buell an extent Quiet the mum andece ontinies,
their summits, •fiaciin.g no beerier in the
shape of trees to impede their progreas,
would in the spring and summer ruse
downward in huge avelanches, and, melt-
iug under the warmer temperature of the
descent, would transform the rivers into
funous torrents instead of regular streams,
inundations and long droughts following in
succession. In Algeria, in the south of
France, in Colorado, in Idaho aud in the
weat, forests' had been plaate.d more for
the sake of water and irrigation than for
the timber they would yield. The object
of the forest was to husband the supply of
water, and to distribute it as the country
required it for its development. The for.
este act as scream against the drying Winds
which suck the monsture of the land, and
serve to increase the rainfall, because their
temperature, being lowerthan that of the
open country, enables them to act as 00/1 -
densers of the . vapor Mt suspension in the
atmowhere, and cense its precipitation
This statement had been borne out by the
investigatioes of Mr. B.E. 'Xiamen, chief of
the Forest Department of Germany, in his
excellent book on "Forest laluencies."
The impoetence of the forest to agriculture
has been so well established in this and
other weeks, that successful farming might
be looked for only when " the farm was
situated near a limit of forest land. To
ensure the .best return for his labor, the
termer and husbandman should therefere
actively enth
gage in e cultivation of forest
as well as arable land. Not for the lumber
wh ichit might produce, but for the nourish,
mea of the ground' and the inauguration
of a perfece system of irrigaeion, as web
as to prodece a beneficent climatic change.
The old settlers were- not to be censured
for their indiscriminate slaughter of ,the
tre" The y
ver abundance of the forests
had made them careless as to the manner
in vrhich they created them. A clearance of
sufficient land for the maintenance of their
selvea and their familieti had been an 'abet,
lute necessity on their part. But their
example had been imitated by their sue-
camas, and it was the tuition of the latter
which the rising geueration had mete to
regret and which theyht
now song to
remedy, Thescarcity of the forest trees
in the old eettlements had been seriously
felt by the .fieriners. Many lands ehould •1797
never have been denuded of their natural
forests as they were the source of their
wee value, the soil being otherwise unfit
for cultivation. The best means to &dope
order that the damage canted by the re-
moved of the trees might be repaired
would be to. reforest the, land wherever
• and in this coenection
e. . . . , . ..1.
w um tne ground and the o imate would
should be chosen. From . the eirperie
*hien the lecturer had 'here in this hat
he 'considered the.black walnut of freezing
importance. There were other
which :eight be planted to advantage, but
the ash: oak, elm and batiswood,
wee not advitable for the farmer fb go from
the forest, in order' to secure It supply
!boota. If a. large nutnber were required
• '
-eessidereble period of time would be not
In order to carefully dig them up they
tratieplant. . And then eller all this start,
been accomplished, very untatisfactoty
might novae him for all his trou.
• Each farmer could have hia own- •
of forest Mewl at very little troublelatter
expense Grow t he tree!' from seed.
• • .
The Feeds are alveaye plentiful at Oaken theee
of the year, end shot -0d be town at ,. the
petiod. The farmer" might object te the
is blamer OP teplenish it g the ((neat* at
, , threughout
of .too Slow a nature but he Moues.. ,,,,
remember that he is not planting
, .expense.
ao,rue to
could be
in this week.
be picked
trouble of
ways careful
and around
might be
with careful
time serve
'Mahe rest
e '
growth would
tl case
ellaentee teem
b taken
from se d
eih . e
, e
With many
than that
above the
ahead be
and this -might
a stone either
or under
from foreign
Mot teatuld
tor gutting,
'the growth
once .
were ptanten
when performed,should
being left
Mai ted,
lenggth of
f '
per orming
nee had
betaken off
of the tree
. might be
this course
the bark
and the life
ficed. Mr.
samples of
t gradual
. case, and
teach their
trees, and
a patient cultivation
thought, perseverance
o working,
for others..
was much
' g
... They are
erect a memort
Thorpe, in
mot, partly
lagged, as such
of money is
exists already
and the ohuroh
great iitimirala
when Englishmenere
than ever in
eminently propene°
and a bazaar
has been held
the first feed
many interesting
including the
Burnham Tho
entry:. "Horatio,
Catherine Nelson
baptized Oct.
A note in the
one of the
Inveated with
orable Order
27, 1797 ;
; created
of Burnham
enarret Mina"
bbeenlieeteofolli 1'4474701
theme who ewe after."
taught end woad teke an
Hundred(' of seedling's
Op whioh wonid eve
sowing. Noma has
in replenishing the
the base. of alineet
noticed the tiny eeedlings
training and culture
to remedy the pretient
If the farmer adopted the
tees direotly from' the
area d that the
- - ° t
be reached as quickly
of those which might
' '
the woods. Great oere
in transplanting the trees
wh . '
t a certain development.
' enf a the
o roots was
eieTr. ila Or view, meat%
trees the tap -root grew
pert of the tree which
ground Its perpendicular
converted into ii. horizontal
be accomplished by
under the seed when.
the eeedling when transplanted
soil. In this manner
be easily available at
the lean' • process promoting
of the stalk. The tree,
required oare et' Wally
, .,, p
ua the open. The
beolose, no
to prevent licialieg. Nature
healed the wounds which
but it ft h d
theetumo hinderedaPe
the bark
th Pk '1 the
e wor tint* centre
become decayed. The limb
in oloae proximity to the'
-so alone, in feet, that
rubbed over th.e spot
the slightest obstruction.
of pruning had been
had speedily covered the
of the tree had not been
joiy exhibited .a number
bad and good pruning,
decay and deeth in the
• the process of healing
In tbe latter. Farmers
children to care
what they can learn
of them, namely:
and the great.lesSon
not only or t emse
f li 1
The children would
aid in assisting a work.
needed in this country,
f forests. _
o °tie
any tree
be trans.
p lacing
the tap-
any time
th t the
0 f th
the hand
et here
yes, b
then un-
the re.
is, in
n d
f n
to the
a time
t erect
, . e
iteleialeTZ Nnwronaildllen,:itd eple4ilireTe-reurIre
° • ennerni . • d
the Spetikership-The litawailau tee
'ear. ' .
' A deepatch frorn London says :-In the
Rouse - f te ' ,e - y. eityocintheye
Buxtono, P:inirl:inen°tinirylleFZeicianYetMarr
. . e. e
,Colonial Offioe in . ;Answer to Sir emerge
Badinerowell, said. he .understood that then
approaching conference at Ottawa, between
• •
the membra of the Dominion .Goirernment
. • •
and Sir William Whiteway, Premier, with
' '
other representatives of the Islaud of . New
foundland„ would fully oonsider the prove'
sal for the entry of the island into the
. •
Confederation as a • province..
M. Buxton further said that a reply hed
h . . , .
been receivea mom ew re .
N f ludland in ties
cover to tillie Imperial Government's offer to
' -relieve the previaling istress ItheHielbandt
ut of t e pub es funds, and ir er er
IT 1 tlididiaasy herwo uml daiseaslitoyetalyc Dentlamr its
out that objece .
of SMirr.EHdtagrhd0G.Fre.yLuintoreeP111,ywt0hoshaqcineasstki:dil
for information regarding the ease of W.
H. Reekard, who was sentenced to death
for t k' ' t H -
a me part in the rebellion a awaii, •
and whose eeente. nce tees subsequently come
muted to imprison mene for thirty-five years
and a fine $10,000, said that so soon as the
necessary papers were received_ the Govern- .
ment would consider whether it could
interfere in order .to obtain a mitigation of
ehe „memo,. ,
d th
It is announce at the Right 'ion. H.
Campbell•Bannerman, Seoretarye a State •
for War, has definite' b ' At d h'
y & DM ;,' 0 It
wocafancdideoy for the Speakership a the House
Commons. Yesterday'a Cabuset.Counca
e -a wit awnede:nottohedrechiadse' bethene
next week
Speakership question.
The Times says that a contest for the
s e . ie ii!eisvitoaboleia 4
SpTeakke Trsihrlissanyosw s • ffi •.1 'informed
that Prime Minister Rasebery's .00nvales-
• '
canoe is muoh retarded be lack of sleep.
Even a change of air from London to the '
country has produeed little effeot in this.
ree- e '' an
De b d h ' '
e is quite unable to attend to
any but the most urgent business.
Editorially the Times says that universal
an t will be e reseed for
d profounteregre xp
the condition of Lord Rosebery. The
gravity o e
f the rase must be apparent to
everyone. It may be presumed that
Council was more preoccupied
• i, • m• • ' health' h
with the rime mister sthan wit
th eTh Ili • 1 -
eSpeakership. e o ma announce
menti that Lord - Roseberry is only able • to
attend to the most urgent business ehows
necessity of absolute quiet, for urgency,
itself implies anxiety and menta strain,
whioh in -certain conditions suffice Mard
reoovery indefinitely. ..w• •
• In the House of Lords. the Marquis of
Ripon, Secretary of State for the Coloniea
movedthe second reading of the billrepeal.
• h • •
Mg t e restricttons upen the Ammonite
• • • • • - - f
colonies regarding the imposition o customs .
duties. Lord Ripon explained th ns,the
bit! was the outcome of the recent c.
encee of the colonies, and its operation would
enable the colonies to enter into fiscal re-
lations with each otber for the establish -
inent of differential duties The hill • was
read a second time.
What Great Britain elionin lto in the'
' Cese a War With. Itragee,
the In the ourreet rouneee ef the eteeeteenth
al -Center)" a question, which of late has pre-
. .
. ocoupied naval and military effioers, eel
only in England but in other maritime
in countries, is diecussed in a singultirlY ef•
of fective. way by Lieute-Col. H Bisbee of
of . • , H.
he the Reeral .°Liliiaeees• i•lie climatic"' is
should Englishmen in the eve t of a war
. , a .e
in witheeranoe or with France and Russia
combined, 80 themselves to -hold on to the
Mediterranean, and tO meet and beat the
enemy's fleets both inside and outside that
see.; or Is it a ter, in e rat instance an
' • ' b t ' th fi ' d
, • •
AS A temporary stretegicel Operation to
. '
give up the commend of theedecliterranean
altogether, and shut u the enemy's fleets
p •
thetteinen order to secure an overwhelming
superiority of force in the British Channel,
• and in all the ocean waters throughout)th e
1 e 0 Et.Canadian
g o e? Col. tickle undertakes first to
th • d
refute e arguments a vanced for the
former covens -and then to set forth what
seem to him the advantages of the latter.
Those who protest against a Withdrewal
it of the British fleet., normally stationed • in
the Mediterranean, Point .out that- this
would involve an evacuation ot Figyptt14,
*Inch the French would be likeleferthwi
to• occupy. The mover is, firste that Brit-
ish statesmen have repeatedly asserted that
their own occupation of Egypt is only
e temporary ; and, secondly, should England
be beaten in the war, she would lose con -
trol of the Nile Valley, whereaneif memo-
f I ' h + ' h
Il. in toe 0011.433b, 8..e 00111d make a
restitution 01 11 a ciondTo of
i i a peaces. . A
d b ' ' '
secon o jectton is that an abandonment of
the Mediterranean would leave Malta for a
•certain time depeodent on its own re.
emcee for protection. Col. Bifida°
of eeplies that the lacuna would find Malta
astoug 1 a nut te crack as Gibralter proved
in the last century ; for not only M it
strongly fortified', but • victualled end
provided with all things needed to .defend
it for a year or more. Even should it be
b wulotnimiliathealyve ateapbteurreescitoreeldalwtae,relikEenEg janpdt,s.
PY 2'
general scheme of strategy to he successful.
As for Cyprus, the few British troops there
stationed would be, of course, recalled,
and it is suggestee that the Sultan might
be requested to send a Turkish Conunis-
.. . . .
stoner to administer le during the war.
But theee are not the only grounds on
which an abandonmentof the Mediterraid
ean would be resisted. By such a course,
tt; is said with truth, England would lose
all the water -borne trade of the midland
sea, IR such mention of it as could not be
to diverted to pass through Belgium, Holland,
or the Baltic. According to Clol. -Elsdake
of however, this loss would be insignificant
compared with England's -total ocean
pommerce, and would be of the less copse.
(Plane° hem's° it is admitted that in any
case her Mediterranean trade would be
paralyzedy the cowman mg renoh
b d' F
positions on its flanks; namely, at Toulon,
Marseilles, and Biserki. As for :the loss
of time -imposed on vessels .bound for India
by the neoessit of roundingthe Oape
- Y P
of passing through the Suez ()ewe e
against this .is set off the risks and
uncertaintieli of the mival passage in war
which would always render the Cape
route safer and more trustworthy. That
by an abandonment of the Mediterranean
the command of the Suez Ceuta would be
lost to England is obvious; but this.wotild
be of slioht importance after her Eastern
a .
, trade ha been diverted around the. Ca Pe,
and the issue from the Red Sea had been
blocked te the enemy by a strong oompation
of Perim and Aden. More . serious
confessedly, would be the loss of the
telegraph lines to the East which pass
across the Inhales of Suez, but the injury
would be minimized by the linea round the
Cape and across Canada, especially after
telegraph communication had been es.
tablished between New Zealand and
- Vancouver. Whatever the strategic system
adopted, it would not be safe for England
to depend upon the Suez line.
So much for the objections to the evens, -
tion of the Mediterreeoan. Now let us
see what would be the positive advantages
of such a course. These are summed up by
Col Elsdale as follows • By' witerid w 1
. . a ra .a
all her warships from the Mediterranean,
except the small fraction needed to aid in
that defence of Malta, and to seal up the
exits at Gibraltar and Perini, England would
place herself during the first period of the
wee in a position of overwhelming strength
by ,sea everywhere throughout the world
.outside -of the Meditterranean. See wOUld
.eafeguatd her vast ocean cienmetneand the
food Ripply of her population thereby
averting oonfusion and. panic at home ; and
she would be able at her leisure .to reduce
any or all of the naval bases and colonial
possessions of France odtside of the midland
sea. Should, finally, the outcome of this
policy not suffice to bring the war to an
issue satisfactory to England, that power
vetiuld then be ina position to re-enter the
Mediterranean and -beet her enemies thine-
in. In a word, the strategic scheme advo-
ceded by Col. Eledale is a prop teed reculer
pour mieue seuter ; to draw back, the bet-
ter to spring forward. -
i to
in whioh
' been
, era
_ .
• The
• it
'1; 1.,
in England
the work
and a good
finish it.
in the
w th
' )
y 4
Now, at
more in
has been
the memorial,
of Nelson
t ,11
, ,„
' \
At rears never Dad an Exciting Exper
The life of the pearl diver in Australian
is the most exciting of all. I shall
never forget the dreadful feeling that came
over me when, for the first time, I found •
e., if l te
yse in c ose guar rs with a' shark. I
felt, instinctively, a strange presence be-
fore I saw anything, theugh • I migb t . have'
walked by unconsciously had not my. et -
tention been drawn to the fact that the
mall fish, which.are usually found in great
numbers amoeg the corals, had entirely
d.appeared. ,
:rite ahaerme rif 'beim flitting little cern'
panions, when one has .become accustomed
to them, produces the effect of• intense
stillness -a feeling of silence. A creepy.
indefinable sensation of dread took hold of
Me, but it tartied to one of dewerighe
when I turned and beheld within ten
terror Ne • ••
feet of me the bulk -of .an immense shark.
The createrci had not perceived me, and
lay almost motionless,half-hidden among
a mass of cobweb oorallines. Through the
medium of the . face -glass ,ie looked about , ...
twenty-fiere . feet long, the upper part ' of
the body of a dirty,dark.green color, shad..
in away to a li -ht yellow as it neared the..
if e y
belly ; the dorsal fin black and rigid, the
side fins slightly trembling. My- first
thought was to pull up, bee as fish have ,
human nature enough in them to want . a
thing ''t • being• k
. ing as soon as they see 1 is ta en
away from them, I rejected the idea, and,
in fear that my bare hands . might attract
the inan-eathig.prolpeneity that /Marks are
supposed to have, I tucked thein . carefully
under my breast -weight.
A sweep; of., its tail, and the gre
and I wereefaee to face. Holdin y
breath, I stood •perfectly still, my eart ,
wildly, and My eyes riveted on Me
Wicked eye ii and (anemone month, I felt *-
that the shark was inspecting me with
Some curiosity, and after a few moments I
aware that^ b 1 t
, y an a rnos imperoep-
eible motion of its flexible toe', it was.
gradually approaching me.
Nearer and nearer came the leviathan,
the shovel shaped nose pointing directly to
my face•gless, the gleaming .uneer part
now plainly.' visible. Flesh. and blood could
• • . .
stand it no longer, ancemeth a yell, I thieve
up my arms. Instantly there '0 1 a a ' 1
,,• , WIC
of water, a cloud of mud 'and ninenemy
vanished. . • . \
' The -only thing to do, says Lieutenant
Herbert Pheltit Witinersh, R. N.., is to
close All openinge in the heed as eightly as
and be pulled up..
Church oontaining
son of Edmund
; born Sept. 29; privately
publicly Noe. 15;
probably written
of his family,
ensigns of the most
Bath at St. Janies,Sept.
rear admiral of the
Nelson of the Nile
Oot. 6, 1798. Coetere
• • •
out of
i ely
I. "
. of
Ten Miles Skyward.
.It is reported that Mime French soften ti
fic gentlemen have succeeded in sending a
. 1. ,
balloon to the great height q . , s
f ten miles o
adjusted that, it would descend at the 'end 'beating
of five hours. Therniameters whioh register
automically indicated that the temperature
, .
grees below. the
at thee altitude was 110 de*became
• .
artificial zero of ' our Fahrenheit sole.
Noting this circumstance an exchange ex.
presses gratification at the fact the,t 'note
we know where cold waves come from when
they do come," but ,also it wants to know
6 a
what keeps the greet reservoir so high"
.. .
11 cold air seeks .to the lowest level, as is
bated in the school-booke ? The question
e .
easily answered. The density of a mass
Of air decreases With a rise in the tempera:.
tUre SO that. for equal heights ,above the
sea Lye' the colder of two air Masses is the
denser of. the two, end the lower level itt
sought by it not on account of its diminished possible
temperature,. but because of its inereased
densuy. The rule that the colder air 'seeks
the lower level ia not tio coMprehenave or
, direot a Statement of the real truth as would
be the assertion that the dame air 'eke
the lower eevel, that a rise in temperatete learned
. I ' t oe - " ' d
causes a gtven vo unne o . .r to expan ,
thereby' decreasing its deesity, and that
bothden-sity anc temperature dec•reaae with
greatet 1 ' ht b th 1 1 f land 14 an
grea e eng a eve e eve o• o
sea. g
' '
Laboneleerec Scolds RaIlWaY Cointianles
. tor Their stinginees.
On three different eines running
London no attempt ivhatever is made
carriages,even when the thermometer
been at 20 and 30. degrees below
point. On journey's team Leedom
oot. warmers can generally be obtaineel,
in large numbers of traits running
London, and stetting in the early morning
country or suburban stationeeven
wraohed makeehift of one or. two
warmers among tea, eight, or ten' people
voucheard to the. paasen ere, though
are nrobeblv half- fr ' 14 when
" , d'• . e "'en, duringthey
an must furtuur congeal
half ot three- a 'tete ' f Ithat
tea r , . o an hour
• '•
have to sit in the train.' This is a bsolu
1 1 .' - • • 1
mexcusa i e, extept•from the point 0
f th h ' h Me et- T d ' T
o e s are o rs, say ..on on .
N " that ' t • ' ' hi
ow at se many Mee are fun m ',....00es
it no more diffieulty about heating
cariliges with steant or hot vista
engine than thete ie in fitting the
with atinostherie brakes
dean eget, et a solely a question
- •
Canadian Padilla Enterprise.
A d atch f oin Duluth says • It
eaPe - r .— was .
on Monday night that Canadian
'tl t h tl - . h' th •
apt a is s have A ,o en a mare on e
- 1 d e en ' d . '
Du uth en .ron liege ,an . the ,Daiuth.
d lie b N thrailways.Th '
MBEla a " ern 0
road contempleted erten time 'Mtn
. ,
Rainy Lake region, and partial surveye
been made, Now it ie learned that a
t'f the Canadian Paelec has been
which •will. tap the ,gold country
Fort 'Frances and Beeny, Lake city,
that the goatee part of the tigra of
weir has 'been &loured.
Greek Met Greek. . a
• • '
Wife -Here le an item 10 the ttaper about. necessary
a druggist; Who failed in busies and can't and
pay hie -hills. had
Hueband-Hum I Very, strange 1 But results
perhaps hie water•pipes base ,, . ble.
Better than Bellamy. and
Young Wife (dreamily).- How lovely it
would be if all things in thie world would seasons
work in hermiiiiy.. ,. Abet
Husband e h nigh tfullyi- M te yeti 1 For th
time:nee, if coal would ouly go up,and down li
with the thermometer. alWaye
At the' hairdeeeser'eenA barber, ' after had
applying it sticking plaster to a gash made breech.
with the razon prepared, nahleg daunted, stetted
to Cen 1,inue xise operation. ,Ouitemer--" 1 beta/e'en
only tigliteem to firat blood. The ducl it 'at and
an end; let as theke hanclee 4