The Exeter Times, 1895-3-28, Page 1e 44' .reer AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE,. 'VOL. XXII. NO 28, 44E(EW TO HE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAROS 28, 1896 o "U. IR,c o""U" IT 1zZ, JOHN *RITZ 06 8014 reeeieswees axed rr °praetors. "Mk C CD -CT S I 1\1*- S 11). Sm Ford & Co WOCDID1-1.&111.. -GRAND- Millinery Opening. • To TEED LADIES OE' WOODEEAM, MURTON, AND VICINITY : You are respectfully invited to attend our First 'eMillinery Opening takes place on Friday and Saturday, April 5th and 6th, 1895 which MISS MoCONNELL, of Walkerton, is in charge and will be pleaeed to show you the latest styles in Foreign and Domestic Millinery. We have a Brand New Select Stock (no oldeeoods) that will `,:compare with .any house in the trade and at prices within the reach of all, our aim being to supply our petrons with the Choicest Millinereeat figurea to suit the times. R. S. Ford & Co. Perth County Notes. --- William Brooks, of Whalen, has entered the eervice of the electric Eget company, -St Marys. A number of Hibbert township farmers will atart a cheese factory at Stella, to be operated by J D Walker of Cromierty. Downie council has let the contract for Iwo steel bridges, one 80 ft span and the other 35 ft., at 6875, and 6375 respectively: Mr. Joseph Rinn, has leased for a term • of years the one hundred acre farm which was formerly owned by W. G. Glenn ' Blanshard. Mr. Sykes of Logan, has sold his farm .known as the Prindeyille farm to Mr. By s of Carberry, Manitoba, for the f $1,800. Te e farmers on the 3rd line Blenshar are selling their cattle for the May market o looal shippers at 4.12i to 41.25 per cwt., -a much higher figure than a year ago. The South Perth Agricultural Society writil not hold a meting fair this year. The fixed for the fall fair is the first Tues Wednesday followine he Western Fair A friend is in receipt of a letter from Adam 0. Sperling of Eskridge, Jeanette, an old resident of the 3rd line, Blanshard who writes that be is at present engaged sowing oats; The many friends in St. Marys of Rey S Boone, will regret to learn that the Baptiat church add parsonage at Smith's Palls were completely destroyed by fire on . Saturday night. Mr. A. Wright and family of Hibbert, have at laat settled on Eden farm, Logan for gond. Andy is a first-rate fellow and we are pleased to welcome him and his ,family to our township. Mr. james McConnell, of Hibbert, met with a painful accident on Tuesday. Mr. McConnell was attending to his horses, when one of the animals kioked and struck him, breaking his arm. The congregation of the Presbyterian 'Church, Seaforth, have selected Mr. Mc Pherson, a student of Knox College, Tor: onto, es assistant: of Rev. Dr. MoDonald during the summer months. Mr. Geo. Rundle who has been Supt. of Zion S, S. Blanshard for the lest fifteen years, was presented with an address accompanied by a very beautiful easy chair, by the teachers and seholars of the school. The other day a very large oak log palmed through St Marys. It was cut on the farm of Hiram Smith, Nissouri. It measured 49 inches in diameter at the larger end and 44 at the smaller, and tipped the seales at 1 tone and 40 pounds. An unusually large number of Logan -farmers are buying hay and seed grain, Owing to summer frost, drought and grass- hoppers, these articles are scarcer than usual. A large number alao have had their potatoes frozen this winter. Death has again visited the home of "Reeve Schaefer of South Easthope. This time the victim was his son Charles, a aeerreeing young `man, aged 21. Much thy is felt for the bereaved family, ries beidg the third member who has dfI of oonaumption withie a brief period Middlesex County Notes. The death ocourred the other day of Fanny, beloved wife of Mr E 'Hutchison, village treasurer of Ailaa Craig. She was a woman greatly beloved by her friends. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gent- ly etimulate the liver And regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. We are sorry to learn that there has been no improvement since our last issue in the condition of J. S. Smith, ex -M. P. Pebut we still hope for his speedy recovery: -Ailsa Craig Banner. Mr. john Hobbs, the Nissouri town: ship farmer who had the misfortune to have a load of wood. fall on him on Satur: d day is progressing yery fayorably, despite his serious injuries. There were no criminal cages preeented at the spring aseizes, the first clean dock: et tor years, and anording to =atom, 'Chief Juetioe Roth wae presented with a pair of white kid gloves. Rain (Jethro has solcl his farm of 100 three on con. 8, pear Lieury, to Mr, Holland, con. 6, for 44,200; and also purchased the Foster estate on con: 7, containing the 100 acres, for $3,000. The bath of Ayer's Hair Vigor is a refin- ed and delicate fluid, which does not soil or become rancid by exposure to the air, and whieh is as perfect a substitute for the oil supplied by nature in youth and health as modern chemistry can produce. Mr. James Black, a hale and hearty resident of London township (lot 23, eon. 21), had the misfortune to break his leg the other day. Although 70 years of age Mr. Black was riding a horse to water when it stumbled and fell, causing the break. He is p'roaressing favorably. W: B. Clark, a prisoner In the Kingston Penitentiary Hospital, has written a letter to High Constable Schram in which he professes to tell how the Donnelly tragedy in 8iddulph was effected, together with the names of the murderers, svho were fourteen in all. He is evidently a crank. The death occurred atedre London hospital on Wednesday of Geo. Alexan; der, farmer, of 1VloGillivray township. near Ailsa Craig, from kidney troubles: He had been ill for a long. time, De, ceased was a brother of Meeers James and John Alexander, of Ailsa Craig, and leaves a widow and "four children. On Saturday Mr John Hobbs, ex. councillor of West Nissouri, was drawing a load of Wood to London, and when near Grove church in London Township, the sleigh runner broke through a piece of ice be was crossing, which upset the load upon him, breaking five of his ribs. He was taken into a house near by in an un- consoious state. The latest report heard on Tuesday was that the injuries were likely to' prove fatal, At Osgood° Hell, on Friday. in the suit of Down vs. Township of McGillivray, Mr. Swa bey for defendants moved for order referring this action to the referee appointed under the Drainage Trials Act, 1894, or, feethe alternative, to strike out the jur teethes given by . plaintiff. The action -waif for an injuuctiou and clatnaaes tin reipeot of work done under the Ditches and Wittereourses Act, W. E. Middleton, for plaintiff, opposed the motion, an contended that the Drainage Trials Act did not apply to such an aotion Motion dismissed. Dispensing or not with jury to ba left to the trial judge, Costa in tbe wage. Stark's Powders, each paetrage of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forma a measure for one dose, an immediate relief for Costiveriese, Sick Headache and Stain- aah, also Neuralgia and all kinds of ner- , yowl pains, and another in capsules, (from 31 to i of one is an ordinary dose) whieh ado on the Bowele, Liver and Stomach, forming a never failing perfect treatmebt for all Head and Stomach complaints. They do not, aa meet pills and so many other medicines do, lose their effect ot produce after constipation, they are nice to take. 25c, a box at all medicine dole' ere of time. ' Chattelle, the murderer of Jessie Keith, will be tried in Stratford this week, and be defended by H. M, East, of Teronto, at the request ot Prosper Chattelle, of 81. Hyacinthe, Que., half-brother of the pris- oner. Mr. East will endeavor to show that Chattelle s ngane, The Crown will be asked to pay the expenses of witnesses ori tbis point on behalf of the prisoner. The life of the accused will depend alone -on this plea. . Mrs. Rebecee Gould died on Monday, March 18th at her residence in St. Marys, and remoyee one who was the oldest resi- dent, her age being 07 years, 1C months and 6 days. Mit. Gould came with her husband Mr, janieta Gould, from London- derry, Ireland, in 1846 to York townehip from whence they removed to the Mitchell Road, Blanshard. They lived there till about 10 yeate ago when they retired from ferreing and bought a home in SI. Marys. Mr. Gould died 14 years ago, and Mrs. Gould has had the constant and love,' Mg care of her daughtere, Mise Maggie ,Gould and Mr. Leary. -termini/terser1 viten. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid,. in the blood attaoking the fibroue tissue of the jointa. Keep your blood INure end healthy and you will not have rhetima. Mena. Hoodle Sareeparilla gives the blood vitellty and rude -mad and tones the whole body, neutralizes the aeidity of the blood and thug curet rheumatism. HOod'll Pill are the beet afterAintier ill eIseist digeeti011, etire heildethe. 0/01.111100••••61101.111.1110;01 Sale RegIster. , Thursday, Mareh 28, -Lend rollers, gatee, wheelhatrows, etc., the property of Ambroth Cottle, at iide Turning Factory, Exeter, Sale at emeareelook, VV. Mo Cloy. atm: TUE) M ODE tete Y; Commends itself to the we informed,to do pleatlantly and effectually hat was formeq doneda the crudest m4bnr and di:Agreeably as well. To cleaaee the oyetern and break up oelde, hea oho and Aetna Walled unlike:Went after ads Ody, see the delightful r Syrup' of Fig., Huron County Notes, Mr. 3,B, Weir and family of Clinton, left onTuesday for Searle, Man , where be goes to work on shares a farm belonging to A. ale John Roche has rented hie father's farm, sonth half of lot 2, on the 2n4 coo. of raKillop, for a number of years, at a good rental. Mrs. Wigeins, relict of the late Rohl. Wiggins, of W Wawanosh has leased her farm to her son in law, W. Sorimgour, for a term of years. Mr. Ainsley, county road commissioner, has been measuring ug the bridges in Tnekersmith as some Of them are to be rebuilt this summer. • The Dennie farm on the lan4 conoesslon of Tuckersmitinhas been dispoeed of to Mr Richard R Dennie, and intends going on a prorpectiog tour to Montana. Mr. Wesley Welsh has' disposed of his 65 acre faeca in Uaborne township, being N, 1 df Lot 14, Con. 3, to Mr. Alex. Mc Falls, of Biddulph. Consideration 23,400. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take one of Carter's Little Liver Pills after eating e it will relieye dyspepsia, aid digestion, give tone and vig- or to the system. The remaine of Chas. Barbour, of West Wawanottli, were interred in Dungannon cemetery on Monday lat. Deceased was 77 years old n.nd one of the pionsere ot West Wawanoah. A quiet event took place in Blyth on Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr, John Drummond, being the marriage of his daughter, Miss Annie, to Mr, G. A. Riddel, of Londesboro. Ministere, Lawyers Teachers, and others whose occupittibn gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Little Livee Pills for torpid Ryer and biliousness. One is a dose. Try them, ' Atter a residence of nearly 30 years m Clinton, and owing to the continual illness of his wife Mr. C. Carline has disposed of his boot and shoe business to Mr. H. j. Cluff, who has taken possession. The other day Mr McCrea. of Clinton sold to W: Snell, Hullett, a fine Durham grade cow and -pare -bred Jersey calf, at a good figure; he also refused an offer of eso for his fine Jersey cow; good stook pays. The home of Mr. Dayid Marten, Bay- field road, was lest week the scene of a very pretty wedding, when his younger daughter, Miss Annie, linked her fate with that of Mr. Robert Davidson, of Goderich township. Messrs D. and IT. McCrae, and Wm. Grieve, of McKillop, left here on Tuesday for Nanalmo, British Columbia, and Mrs. John Cluff, daughter of Mr. R French, of Seaforth, leftWhe same day for lien°, Nevada. James McArthur, Brussele,has disposed of his 115 acre farm, being lot 17, north halt, con. 8. Morrie township, Harou county, to Deputy Reeve Geo. Kirkby for 61,000. There axe good buildinga on tbe premises and a large clearanee. Mr. Robt. Melfordie, of Kippen, has decided to erect a new brick house, to cost between 82,000 and $3,000. It will be a handsome two storey residence, with all modern improvements. Mr. S. S. Cooper, of Clinton has the centred. On Friday last Alifils Lizzie Burnett, daughter of Ms Geo. Burnett, of Goderieh township, had the misfortune to get her leg broken. She was coming home from school, eel had got on a hand sleigh to ride down hill, when the sleigh ran againet a fence, A sad death took place at the residence of Mr. Charles Little, lot 17, concession 8, McKillop, on Monday, when his wife departed this life. Deceased was a daughter Mr Sam'l Smith of Seaforth, and was only 82 years of age. About three years ago deceased was attacked with consumption. Mr. James Walsh, a former resident of Seaforth, died at his home in Toronto, on March 12th. Mr' Walsh was for a number of years a well known resident of Seaforth and a few years ago meved with hipfamily to Toronto, where he has since resided. Deceased was in his 65th year, and leaves a widow and eight children, Mr. Thomas Burns has sold his fine hundred and five acre farm, being lot 14, on the 2nd concession of McKillop, to Mr. Jacob Weber, hotel keeper. of Egmond- ville. We underatand the purchase price was $4,150, which is certainly very cheap, as it is as fine a farm as there is in the township. One of the oldest eettiers of Tuckersmith township passed'away ou Monday, 18th inst., in the person of Isabella Reaburn, wife of Mr. Donald McDonald, of the llth concession, H. R, S. Mrs. McDonald was 75 years of age. She had been a aufferer for a long time, and death came as a relief. Thursday evening Jos, Kilpatrick, an old and respected resident of Ashfield towship, was found dead, lying near his sleigh in Blake's woods, from which he was drawing logs to Lucknow. No marfis of violence were on the body. Coroner Tennant was notified, but under the cir- cumstancee he did not consider an inquest necessary. Apoplexy ill supposed to have been the cause of death. Monetary Times r -Becoming tired of farming on the land his good mother gave him, near Goderich, Harry Brown traded his reel estate for a liyery stable in Lon- don, and carried on the businos in hie wife's name, Letitia W. Browo: In addit- ion to the farm, a chattel mortgage oi $8, 700 was Oven, covering his horeee, card - ages, eta. Thie ie now foreclosed and his etock seized. On Wednesday last, Mr, Michael Hur- ley, en old resident of Seaforth, passed to her long hoine, Deceased had been a great aufferet from rheumatism for three or four years, and about three weeks ago the was attacked by paralysis, which termineted in derail.. Her maiden name was Ann McCeagen, and she was born in the county ed. Hutton, Ireland. She and her husband were fernier residents of Hibbert -- MIN AS DAY. it is given te eeety phyeiciaeithe tot - mule. of Soott's Emuleiou being no theret; bet no enceettsful imittetion has eyer been offered to the public. Only yearof ete petienee and rthitly een prOdueo ther beet. D. C. Pills tone and tegulete the bow. 010, Zurich. --- Bine&S.-11r. Benjamin Holtzman ane wife left for their home in Elkton, Mich,, last week. -Mr. Henry Buectilin is here visiting bis old school comrades and friends. Abont fourteen years ago be used to carry the mail betweea Zurich and Hensall.-Messrs, George Schatz and Sim Geiger left this week for Cavalier, North Dekota, where they iutend to work this summer. -The Zurich flax mill Coinpany, Messrs, Fred, Hess, J. T, Rieltbiel, R. 11, Johnston, C. Greb and Albert Freidman, have bought the flax mill and the farm on the Goshen line, south, from Mr. J, J Livingeton. They intend to run the bueineen quite extensively this year. They have already over 1,000 acres of land offered. Laican. BRIEFS.—D becdines our painful duty to announce the death of Mrs Elizabeth Fox, in her 86th year, widow of the late Mr Michael Fox, In jaat exactly live days to an hout after his detniae she succumbed to the inevitable frailties consequent upou old age. And after a married life of 65 years they encountered the ups and downs of pioneer life hentl-in-hand together she finally followed hun as above stated en Friday afternoon Net to that "bourne" from whence no traveller re- turns. We sympathize with her faroily and nuatero'us relatives in being called upou 80 8000 after the death of her aged partner to perform the last sad rites of one moat dear to them. Both of there gone to their last resting place in the short space of one week. -The return shorting match for $25 a side between the Lecan and Parkhill Gun Chiba took place here on, Thursday afternoon. Each side lined up with nine men, ten birds eaoh, Lucan winning by a score of 47 to 28. This is the second match between these two clubs, Parkhill haying won tee first by sit: birds. Another ahoot will be arranged for Good Friday, to take place in Parkhill, at live pigeons. This day's match was at live sparrows and at dummy blue rocks. eef 4 St. Marys. ^ .A. DIAMOND SWINDLER. -A man calling himself 3 Hutton, has been operating from St: Marys on the wholesale jewellery trade. His method of seeuring goods wen to assume the name of a wealthy and pro minent man and write to the trade 'asking for diamonds on apprreetion, and the get them from the expreas• "office ^after they had been refused by the bona fide parties. The Levy Bros. Co. (limited), and G. P. Lees & Co., both of Hamilton, rtheivedo orders from Hutton in thio way, and bv comparing notes discovered the fraud. They set a trap for Hutton, and Govern - meat Deteetive Greer, of Toronto, Detee• tive MaoMahon, of the Hamilton force, and W. E. Boyd, secretary -treasurer of the Levy Broe. Co. ((tinned), arrived by sloigh from Stratford Friday ev'enina. The two detectives were concealed by Expreas Agent Sharp in the Office of the company over night, and in the morning Detective Slaeman, who was on the hams miasion for Ellis de Co., of Toronto, tnrned up aud was also concealed. Hutton came in for:the yaluable parcels about 9.30 a. m' and when he had signed for them the detectives stepped out and collared him, and their him to Toronto. From accounts in Americau papers it is most likely he will be identified with operations of a startler nature lately perpetrated in the southern states. His wife and child were found at the hotel and are also in custody. The man'sv,real name is believed to be J. Coleman, a notorious awindler from the aouthern states. Mr :glutton, who was personated at St. Marys, is a wealthy banker of this tow, and is raved very, high by the commercial agenaies: Coleman is thought to be none other than the diamond' thief whose modus operandi is hes.yily swindling several jewellers of Kentucky, Tennessre, Georgia and other Southern States was exposed in the New York Jewel. 18rs' Circular of March 20 Mr. John Kerr, of Minto township, popular young farmer, was killed by a 'falling tree. Toronto's new asphalt pavements cost the oily 81,000 a mile• for hand cleaning last year, it being too delicate to stand cleaning by machinery. - It is stated that the 0 P11 freight sheds and Warehouse at Owen Sound have Peen orderexi taken down and removed to Windsor. It is believed that not only the Manitoba, but one or two other 0 P 11 boats will go to Windsor. D, W. McDonald died in Montreal on Frictay as a result of an over dose of mor- phia, hypodermically injeeted. nollonald had an accident policy of $000 on hie life in the Canadian Insurance Company. Mrs Ida May Gould, of Hathilton, acting through her solicitnr,* has issued a writ againet her huebs.ncl, Tiros II Gould, claiming $7 per week alimony. Gould nye his wife hes beenunfaithfel to him and be is now in Michigan trying to theme a divorce. The house occupied'. by P. Dollard, •Chapleau, WO on Monctay burned, by the upsetting of a lamp ott the stairway. Three thildren were burned -Gatti°, Aged 13 ; Michael, aged 7 ; and Alexander, aged 3 yearo; Johnny, aged 111 jumped out of the window, but is so badly burn- ed that recovery is doubtful. R. H. Ramsay &Son, wholesale provie. ion and commiesion merchants, Toronto, have afisigned to Henry Betber, The trouble eves owing to real eetete invest: neents duting the time of the boom, which draibed the business. Liabilities, say $25, 000 ; assets, $15,000. HAVE A GREAT REPUTATION HERE. 3. B. Taylor, Esq., merchant, Wellthd says : Stark'o Powders have a great repu- tation about here ao an immediate, Re well as a permanent gute for Headache, 1311. IA:tithe:es, Neuralgia, Liver and StOnortah Conielnietta Costiveness, I know of people who have been lotg And greet suf. feters, who have tried ithnoet eeerythinIt, and have been wired by them. We have tilted them in oar family with remarkable suenelle, preparations in each box. Soia by oXt natialOine &Alen at 25e a box, 5 hexer 111. Mod le take. Usborne. altilsa Craig. BROWS .--What we maylexpeet next summer is a p ague of grasshoppers, as Mr. Wm. Taylor, of the Otto con., discovered on the 2Is1 of March, on the sunny side of his house,_ no less than 30 young grasshoppers that had ,just hatched, and could hop as lively as in the month of June. This is a fact and no fable. Ba,ylield. ^ BRIEF8.-IVESSLottie Kerr,of Clinton, is visiting friends here at present.-- Mts. Hewson, who has been seriously ill for some ttnie past, is now recover- ing. --Mrs. Jae. Pollock' speht a few clays last week in Clinton. -Rev. Mr. Davidson, who has very efficiently filled tbe pulpits of St. A.ndrewe church here and Bethany of Godericla township for the past slx months. has gone to his home in ,fount Forest. Ris many friends are sorrye te lose 13L1Ch a faithful and earnest worker. Lucan. BRIEF.3.-Mass lda Dempsey has re. turned from Exeter, where she has been spending a week. -Mies'l'homas, of Exeter, has :opened a arillinery store, opposite the Post Office. -Many Lucanttes will be pleaeled to learn that Mr.C. J. Fitzgerald, who resided with his parents here for a number of years has been appointed starting judge at the track at Wathington'at a salary of $100,00 per day. Chris bee been for 5 years sporting editor of the New York Sun and we wish him auccess in his new position. Lieury. Banes. -Mr. John Cathro has sold 'his farm of 100 acres ou the Stla con., tenni.. Rolland of tie 6th con., for $4,200, and has purchased the Foster estate, 041 the 7th con. containing 100 acres, for $3,000. -Mr. Robert Burns, our esteemed blacksmith, has sold his business hereto Mr, John Reid, black- snaith in Mr. J. A. Knapton's shop, Parkhill -Death has again visited the neighborhool and claimed as his vic- tim, on Sunday morning last, a bright and promising boy in the person of Japhet Reeder, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Moes Reeder of the 18th con., aged about 16 years. Stanley. Bedees.-Mr. Robert Pollock, of Stephen, yistted relatives in this town- ship recently. -We are pleased . to know that Miss Johnston is recovering from her recent illness. --Mr. J.Parks, Goshen Line. has moved hato the house on the Wells estate, owned by John Reid. -We are pleased to hear of the recovery of Miss Georgia% Johnston, Goshen Line. Suer PO3TPONED.-The Case, Halli- day vs. Township of Stanley, for dam- ages which was to have been tried at the Santa assizes last Tuesday has ,been postponed on acdount of eythe illness of an important witness. An- other attempt is also to ,be made to have the vonu changed from Sarn ia to Goderich. 11 will be an expensive suit for whoever loses. The :plaintiff resides in Sarnia: She was thrown from a road cart on which she was riding one day last summer, on the 2nd concession, oppostte the residence of Mr. John Ketchen, and seriously injured. She was taken to Mr. Ketchen's residence and was cared for there several weeks before she could be removed to her home in Sarnia, and this action is to recover damages for the injuries she sustained, as she claims that:the roed:wae too narrow at the point where the accident occurred. UTanton• Bittnes,-Geo. Beatson, of Granton, left last week for Melitut, Man., where after winding up his affairs wt I return to On tario.-Mr Bert Mossip will enter Dr. Ling's drug,store shortly for the purpoae of learning the drug business. Geo. Keith is serving an appren- ticeship with the wagon -maker here and will open a shop as soon act he has a thorough knowledge of the business. -The foot ball team is already organ• ized for the coming season and is now open to receive challenges, which may be sent to the president, Mr. fe'enry Sexidborne or to the captain, Mr. Wm. Baines. -The many frieu.'s of the fate Miss Lizzie Hobbs will be pained to learn of her death which took place at her reaidenee on the 181h inst.-Mr. John Wilson for many years in the employ of j. E. Murray of this place, left for Marshall, Mich,' 'on Tuesday last. Mr. Wilson has pur- chased a gents' furnishing emporium there. Weneneu Betts. -A very pleasant event took please at the residence of Mr. H. L, Pidri, the other afternoon, being the tnarriage of his daughter Eliza to Mie Win, ltigney, of Granton. About 70 ,guests were present, and the presents to the bride were nuna• crone and handoome, dev, Dr. Cook performed the ceremony. The bride Was attired in a beautiful cream color. ed drese, and was Supported by her eider Mina, While the bridegroom was attended by his brother james. After the eerentony all sat down to a table leaded With the most delicate ein,nde Which women's exquisite taste t'cottlel procure. InVited attetits were present ftoni Itirkten London Stattfotd Hentliell, St, Meryl', rilanshod and luddulph, IOBITUARY. —Fanny Meredith the beloved wife of Mr. E. Elletehinsnu, the genial Village Treasurer, and Second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Meredith, was born in Exeter, Ont., May 29th 1861; and ,with with her parents to Parkhill in 1870, and re- mained there until August, 1884, when she was uneted in marriage to her now sorrowing husband, who is left with two ohildren, a beautiful little girl of nine years, and a bright boy ot two summers, to mourn her loss. The first few years of their mar- ried life was spent in Strathroy, and from thence they removed to Stratford to remain only one year and thence to Ailsa Craig, and lived here until death claimed her as his prey, which event took place on Sunday, March 17, 1895, at the residence of her parents, Station Street, Parkhill, Ont. eireenway. BRIEFS. -A. very pleasant event took place althe residence of Mr. W. J. Wilson on Tuesday ,eveniog of last week, 11 being the marriage of Mrs. Wilaon's sister, Bella, to Mr. Edward Miller, or Pitsford, Mich. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. J. H. Chant, of Corbett, and was witnes- sed by a few' friends and relatives. After the ceremony all sat down to a, sumptuous repast. The newly married couple ;intend to move to Traverse City this week where they intend to make their home, The best wishes of their many friends go with them. - Tho Gospel Temperance entertain- ment will be held next Friday evening tt 7.30. -Our village merchant spent Iwo days in ,tbe city of London last week buying spring goods. -Mr, John Sherritt bought a car load of :cattle last week. -Wood bees are the order of the day. W Kadirig, Thos. Belt, R. Wi'son, Jerry BrOphey, W Belt and several others had them last week. • 4 • • if --- BRIM. -The milk routes for the Winchelsea Butter Factory were let according to advertisement, and Mr. John Taylor WAR engaged as assistant butter inaker. The nrosrects for the coming season are bright. -That times are hard and money scarce is very evident by the 'chi:lieu:4 youog men have ic securing situ rtions for the coming summer and their offers to work at greatly reduced wages, -A joint Epworth League has been organ- ized by the young people of Elimville and Sunshine. The League will rneet alternately ; the first meeting will be held at Etimerille on Thursdry Evening April 4th, the theond at Sunshine :on the following Wedoesday evening, Let every one do their duty and make it a grand success. -Mr Fred Lagrice who left a few weeks ego to visit re'a- tives in the States, has decided to remain there. -Mr Thos Smale who has been 111 for a long time is slowly recovering, -Mr Wm Miners attended the Grand Council of C. 0. C. F'. at Toronto teat week as representative of the Elimyille Council, which has in- creased in membership, several new members having successfully "rode the goat' during the past three months, and others no doubt ,,.encouraged by their succees pro,pose to try their T B Coupland has promised to give a Stereoptican or Lime Light review of the past quarter's Sunday School lessons, in the Elimville church on the evening of Good Fri- day. This is a new departure and promises to be worthy of a large at tendance as Mr Coupland is an orator- ist of no mean order. --Hr McIntosh a coming singer &some reputation gave a concert at Mr John Nixon's on Mon- day evening. (From another source.) Be:mt.-Miss Maud Brimaeombe is visitine at her sister's, Mrs. John Hodgson, Whalen, for a few weeks. - A surprise party, consisting of young people of this place, visited Whalen on Wednesday evening last and spent a pleasant tirue at the residence of Mr. Dan'l Hodgson They speak very higlely of the hospltality of Mr. and Mrs flodgeon,-There was also A stir. prise given Mr. George Delbridge, recently, prior to his return to Mani- toba, where he has been residing the past two years. There was an oyster supper in oonnection with this affair, and all report spending a pleasant evening. -Mrs. Itchard Del bridge, one day recently, had her face and one arm badly scalded with hoeing lard. She had taken it Off the stove, and was carrying the kettle across the floor. wheii she tripped and fell, the contents scalding her as above, -The water has been so high around e owing to the late thaw that the female population has found it diffi- cult to get around. --Another oddit ion has been troade to the choir talent. We have now One of the best choirs in this sechon„-Wm, Miners was in Toronto last week attending the Grand Couriettof the Chosen Friends as to delegate from Elirnville council, The local membership is inereasitig rapid. 1y. -Mi'. Wm. Miners has been ill during the past tew days. -The lady collectors for the Bihle Sodiety were around last Friday and Met with tam OttleCOSO. They were piloted by Mt. Satn'l Pytiil The route lay eOuth of Elineville and owing to the bail roads the trip for Sam. was tiOubtlees not ttS Pletteaut it might have been nutlet other cirotthaetaticeile,ebilVidttoittley is 'or heilfVons heedatthe usa K, MOE 4,4' 11111111D11 011011S being cleared out at Cost Prices. And beautiful Spring and Summer Goodp taking their place ofu the Market Depot. Get some of the bargain, J. P. Ross, visiting under the parental roof, hay- ing left the Exeter roller mills. -Mr. Richard Jones bad a house warming last Wednesday. It par took ofa wood bee in the afternoon and a social hop in the evening. A pleasant time is reported by all present. Dashwood. Oarruertee-It is our sad duty this week to record the death of Mr Christ. mu Grill, an old retired farmer and resident of this village, who died on Saturday morning laat at the ripe age of 80 years. The deceased was a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, and came to Canada many years ago and settled in the township of 'Wilmot, from whence he came to Hay, and settled on a farm.in the Bronson Line. He leaves a wife and six children to " mourn his loss. The funerel took place on Tuesday and his remains were interred ire the Goshen Line ceme- tery. Beam.- After enjoying severe.' days of spring like weather, mother earth was again wrapped in a mantle of snop on Tuesday. The north and south roads are now in an impassable con- dition owing to the thaw of last week'. -Mr John England, of the Goshen Line, Hay, had the misfortune to get one of his lees broken in several places last week while drawing wood. The member was set by Dr McLaughlin and the injured man is now doing as well as can be expected. -Several members of the Dashwood Y. P. A. attended the Y. P. A. entertainment in Zurich last Tuesday evening. -Mr John Mc- Callum, of Exeter, who has spent the wiuter in Florida, was renewing ac- quaintancea in the village last week. --Messrs Pateland and Rennie received a large stock of hardware and bicycles last week. -Mr David Gottschalk, of Zurich, intends to start a shoe shop and confectionary store here. ---The • auction rude of Mr John Kleinfeldt, which was held in ths village on Satur- day, was largely attended', but tlae articles sold ratheieclaeap.-Our tailors are very busy at present making suite , for the Easter' holidays. -We may soon expect to hear two hearts beat as one. Mr Geo Kellerman, who purchased the brick church on the Goshen Line. intends to erect two houses this sum- mer on one of his lots.- Mr John Grill, of Elkton, Mich., wail here at- tending the funeral of his father. --Mr Fronk Litt, who has been working for his brother -in -levy, Mr Geo Karcher, has returned to his home in Sebring - ville.-Kr Philip Hauch, of Zurich, also attended the funeral of Mr (era FOR RHEUMATISM. A REMEDY THAT Ras SPRUNG- me Por CLARITY BECAUSE IT NeVER FAILS TO CURE. DETRoIT, Mich:, &lamb 25 -People in this state are specially subject to rlaeuma• tism. The young and old alike are attacked by it and until the introduction of Dorld's Kidney Pills a few months ago, no reliable cure for the dime° was obtain- able. Bat these pills heve eradicated the disease in eyer3r case where they were used, and nobody need suffer from it while .thie remedy can be had from every druggist 00 the (south:mat. The reason they cure is that thetimattarn is due to diseesed kid- neys or ivapaired action of these organa. 13y making theee organs whole, the cease is remoyecl and the theurneelana theedity disappears. SIRKTON Post office Store IS BOOMING. Why? Because we have NEW PRINTS, NEW COTTONS, NEW SHIRTING, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW FLANNELETTES Everything new. No shop or shelf worn goods in our stock. All seta at the fewegt prices, Est: Canadia il only llo