HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-21, Page 4The Moisons Bank (ellABTEntle PeeRLTAelleNT. 1$35) Paidup Capital 12,000,000 Beet Fund 1,004,000 Head °Ince, Montreal. WOLInenSTAN THOMAnence, Omuta/. Inereacien Moitcy advanced. to good famens on their Own note with one ot .1310r0 eactorser at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Drench. Open every lawful day, from °smto pen SATURDAYS, le am, to 1 p. Current its of haterest allowed on deposit L E. WAneee, Manager. Established in i877 S. s, O'Mara, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT nransacts a general bankinglansiness. Receives the Aatiounts of Merchants and there on favorable terms. Offersevery accommodation coasiatent with age and conservative 'banking principles rutereat allowed on deposits. Drafts lamed payable at any office o the eferelaantaBank. NoTESEnsCoTTNTED, and MolsExEo LOAN oN Nov:di and Montreal:ma. 111•Clial•ONIMIX11311•01M1 klyt 4)ittleu THURSDAY, el eRCH 21, 1895. Queries. Has there ever been a Liberal Goen eminent in Canada, federal or provin- cial. thee has ourtailed expenditure, or lowered the rate of taxation, or reduced the public debt? Has there ever been a Liberal Gov- ernment in Canada, federal or provincial, that has not added to the expenditure, orraised the taxes, or increased the public debt? If there has never been a Liberal Government in Canada that curtailed expenditure, or lowered taxation, or reduced the public debt; and if every Liberal Government in 'Canada has increased the debt—what reason is there to believe that the party would, if in. power, do any better at Ottawa than et did before, or than it is doing in the provinces today +MINIM Against Retrenchment. Awrey, Barr, Blezard, Bronson, Campbell, Carpenter, Charlton, Cleland, Coiamee, Craig, Dana, Davis, Dryden. Evantural. Fawell, Ferguson, Field, Flatt, gersdau, Gibson, (Hamilton) Gibson,(uron), Harcourt, Hardy, Harty, Hobbs, Howland, McKay, (Oxford), Moray, (Victoria), • McKee, McLean; (South Huron), McNish, Middleton, Moore, Mowat, Mutrie O'Keefe, Pardo, Richardson, Robertson, Robillard, Ross, Stratton, Traux, Wood. These are the Liberals who voted against a straight resolution to abolish Got ernment House—a resolution that would haye meant a saving of $25,000 a year. We find M. Y. McLean's name among the number. and if we mistake not, this gentleman said upon the puttforrn in South Huron that he was in favor of abolishing Government House. In fact he was in favor of everything and anything that Mr. Weis - miller was. If therewas one specific reform that people demanded in the lase Provincial election it was that Government House be abolished and $25,000 a year saved to the public treasury. In refusing to comply with this demand the new Legislature has proved false to the trust reposed in it by the Province. , 1•••••••••••111, -40.•••• Progress Under Protection At the Galt meeting Hon. Mr. Foster reproduced some truths relating to the progress of Canada under the protective tariff which are pertinent for the con- sideration of these pessimists who im- agine that the country has gone back- ward in consequence, as Sir Richard Cartwright puts it, of the "curse and. ba ,e of the tariff." Mr. Foster said there were two methods of arriving at the truth :— First, and appeai to undoubted facts , here in our own country; aud, second, a comparison ef this country with other countries under the same or a different policy. As to the undoubted facts, the National Policy had been before the people ever since 1879. What was the history of the development of business of this country from 1878 to 1893? They could easily satisfy themselves upon bhis point. There were two great divisions of national life, so to speak, so far as trade and business were con- cerned. One they might call the pro- duoing put, the other the distributing part. 'Without these no state could carry on businees. If a emintry were simply a producer without being a dis- tributor, or simply a distributor without fit produeing powers, and their iltiences being equal, it could never be so prosperous or so thoroughly progres- sive at a counbry that had both these forms of life interchaimeable with each other Let them take the trade index of distribution iri the country from 1878 to 1893, What were the filets? The exe ports of Canaele in 1879 were seventy one millions a dollars. Itt 1893 thy had risen to one hundred add eighteen minions, an increase of 60 per dont, under the Netional Tho itoporta front feteign countries were also an index of the prosperity and life of a cannery, The imports in. 1879 were eighty-one millions of dollars, in 1893 they were one hundred and tiventy.niae million being an increase of 60 per (mut. in the same period, Taking the imports and exports bo- gether ia 1878, we didis business with foreign countriee of one hundred awl fifty three millions, whilst in 1893 we did a business of $2,17,000,000 an in- crease of 66 per cent. There was another index of the dietribution a trade, namely, the carriers—the ships which frequented our ports, and the railways whit% con veyed produces from one part of the country to another. If they took tbe sea going tonnage alone, they would find that in 187& there were six and a half millions of tone entered and cleared from Canada. In 1893 there were tea and. a half millions of tons, an increase of 60 per cent. In the coasting trade the tonnage which entered and cleared in 1878 was eleven millions of tons. en 1893 it had increased to twenty four and is half millions, an increase ef 110 per cent. in that period. As to the in- land water Winne, in 1878 there were five millions of tons entered and cleared on the inland water; in 1893 that had increased to eight millions of tons, an increase of 60 per -cent, Then with regard to railroads, there were in 1879 some 6,489 miles of road; in 1893 that had increased to 15,003 utiles, an increase of 120 per cent. Li 1878 the railroads carried six and a half millions of passengers, but in 1893 they had transported thirteen and a half millions, an inorease of 109e, per cent. ..11.0,1•••••••••••0•1...11MOMNI.M.1010011.101.1.15 NOTES AND 001VIMENTS. The Patrons in. the Legislature have been making an efforb to square them- selves in the vote on the abolition of Governmenb House, but they took care thab the Government would. nee be endangered by the effort. x x x Representatives of a Belgian syndi. cate are to be in Canada shortly for the purpose" of buying horses. They could not come at is more opportune time. Nothing is so hard to sell just now as horse -flesh and a miff outlet for our exports in this line will be hailed With gladness. x The system of buying supplies for public institutions without tender causes a loss of thousands of dollars every year. Messrs. Caven, Alcheaugh- ton and McNeil, all Patrons, voted in favor of the retention of this system, Its so doing they voted directly against the fourth plank in their own platform, which calls for "rigideconomy in every department of the ' public service.' What do their 'conetituents think of them? • • x x Worth, tine famOus dressmaker, of Pares, is dead at the agee of seventy. "Worth gowns" have been "the proper thing" for society ladies of Britain, France and America for many years. Worth was an Englishman, born in. Lincolnshire, and leitened his business when in the employ of Swan & Edgar, a well.knosvn firm in London. He has made gowns for the :Empress Etigeeie and the Empress of Russia but never for Queen Victoria, and has received as much as $24,000 for one dress --but the old lace it was trimmed with cost him most of the money. x x x The Liberal organs should take John McMillan, Liberal M. P. for South Huron, to task as one of the promoters of the iniquitous scheme of the Govern- ment togive Canadian butter a better atatus on the English market. Mr, McMillan seconded a resolution advis- ing the Government to such action, wbich was adopted by the Commons Committee on Agriculture, in the session of 1894. Really is it not a wretched attitude in a supposed leader of opinion, to attack as cornme and vile what mernbera of its own party helped to originate and which unprejudiced persons everywhere agree is, a most laudable move? x x x Liberals talk to suit every Province, but every Province does not vote to suit Liberals. Canada's history in the lifetime of the Parliament now living illustrates the difference between the two parties. Once the cry was that the Conservatives won because of Sir John. Sir John died, and the party under Abbott- gained Ontario constit- uencies which it never carried under Macdonald. Then Sir John Abbott died, and his successor, Sir John Thompson, was said to be the sole and only secret of Conservative greaeness. Now, unfortunately, Sir John Thomp- son is gone, but the party which he led is still strong and secure in the national faith, in the Conservative policy and the national distmst of the Liberals. •••••••••••••••••mor BidduIpim Onermixtr.e-Died at his family resi- dence, Friday 156 inst., Mr. Michael Fox, in the 97th year of his age. fl e haves is :large family to mourn his death. lie was father of Means. R. and J. Foe, bankers. Lucan.—Died at his home, Biddulph, on Thureday inst.; Mr. Thomas Atkinson, aged 90 years. Be also leaven a large family to mourn his death, and.like his neighbor, lir. Pox, was one of the earlypioneers of the tovrtithip.—Mnlienismin Taylor, veil -knoWn. in Lucan and Biddulph, died in London on Saturdaylin the 70th year of his age. Ile had been is sufferer from chronic ebetunatism for twelve years. • THAT PAtE. FACS. Pot Nervoue Prostration and Anaemia there is no medioine that will so promptly and infallibly restore vigor and strength as &etre Emulator. ea+ . Free sample otln; D. C. and Pills sent to any addtege. K'D„ C. Oo Ltd. New Glaegow, 8.. end 127 State Se ilmton, Mass; Ttt X ET E Found Guilty. ST. THOMAS, March. 15.—At 8 o'cloele this morning, or an hour and a half before the opening of the court the space in front a the entrance door to the Court, Home was twowded with, a multitude of excited men and women and children struggling to obtain an entrance to hear the address of counsel for the defense and (gown, and the judge's charge to the jury in the Hendon abott murder trial. When tlie outer doors were opened at 9 o'elock t scene was witnessed white), does little credit to any civilized cciniumn- ity. Men, -women and children mingled. witthe men in their frantic efforts to reach the court room. Directly the prisoners were plaoed in the box they were surrounded. by a group of relatives and intimate friends, principally women, dressed in black, and. ell weeping tarofusely, Both prisoners were strongly affected by the scene, the elder one. bowing his head, and the younger one crying bitterly. About 10 o'clock Norman McDon- ald, the prisoners' counsel, conamenc- nd his address to the jury, in is calm, clear, deeply -earnest voice. He first went over the evidence sustaining the alibi iu favor of Hendershot% and scathingly denounced the attempts of the witnesses, some of them near relatives of the prisoner, to ruin the reputation, and .perhaps tone away the life of an umocent num by eepeating conversations which had. occurred months ago, and detailing statements which the prisoner may have made in thoughtless or joking manner, and had no relation to the case before them. He attempted to show thab a clear case of alibi had been proven by the defence. As to the case of Welter, he said there was no motive upon Welter's part to take away the life of his young friend. and relative. The alleged young on. Hendee- shott's part, he said, did not apply to Welter, and the jure- could not con- vict one prisoner and free the other, the two having been indicted to- gether. He reminded the. jury of the terrible responsibility that rested upon them, stating that as the lives ot the two men himg upon their .verdict, groat caution was necessary in coming at a decision. Referring to the life insurance, Mr. 11.1cDonald said: "To whom was the policy upon the deceased man made pay- able? Edith Welter. And at whose suggestion was it made payabe to John Hendershott until the young couple were 'minted ? The agent of the life insurance company.' Continuing, he said. the trip taken by Hendersb.ott and his daughter on the fatal Dec. 14th had been long contemplated, and. was to fulfill en- gagements made months previously. The Crown had failed in attempts to sheer Hendershott's poverty. Hen- dershott was well -to -de. Money could not have been the motive in his case for the commission ot such a terrible crime. Mr. McDonald closed hisaddress at 12 o'clock, after speaking over two hours, and is considered -ione of the ablest ever given in this court room. Mr. Oster commenced his address for the Crown at 12.30, and spoke for half an hour, until the hour for ad- journment for lunch. He resumed at LEO. MR. OSLER'S ADDRESS.* ST.. THOMAS,. Morclaa,15.--hhfe. Osier, on rising to address the jnier, said. they were not there to consider the policy of capital punishment. They were there to do justice to the prisoners and nothing more. Com- passion or mercy had no place there. He might reply to his learned friend's plea for compassion for the prisoners by a similar appeal for the . young man who was cut off in the morning of life, the crown claims, by the hands of the prisoners at the bar. In regard to the evidence being merely circumstantial, be said tbat was the only kind of testimony upon which the schenaing, deliberate mur- derer could be convicted, and he believed it te be the best class of evidence. If there were no convict- ions upon circumstantial eviden.ce then the worst class of murderers would, always e-scape the penalty of their crimes. He reviewed the evi- dence at length in an eloquent and convincing address of two hours and a hail duration. THE JUDGE SUMS UP. His Lordship's charge to the jury occupied about two hours, and was a thorough summing up of all the evidence. adduced. He cautioned the jury upon many points on which there was room for doubt. His charge was considered favorable to the prisoners. THE VERDICT. The case was given to the jury- at 5:45, and the court adjourned until 0 o'clock. At that hour the court room was jammed and hundreds were standing outside the court house. The jury came in at 10:05. Court Clerk elcLaws asked them if they had come to a verdict. The foreman said, "Yes," and. then the clerk asked for the verdict. "Guilty," said the foreman, "for both men." THRILLING SCENE. As soon as the verdict was given the spectators began to rise and a thrilling scene followed. The daugh- ter of tb.e prisoner Hendershott gave way to violent grief and the, con- stables were kept busy trying to restore order, His Lordship asked the prisoners if they had anything to say. They both replied in the negative. Re then asked them to stand up that sentence might be passed upon them. Trog SENTENCE. The two men rose to their fee% deathly pale. Chief Justice Meredith then sentenced them to be hanged on June 18 next, The prisoners were immediately led awayto their cells amid the heart-rending ories of their relatives. It is said that their counsel will at once apply for a new trial. Wierneart's CONFESSION, luta been learned that the pros eetition is, or considers itselt to be, at length in possession of all the fads attending the killingof William Henry 1sdershottt on Friday, December 14th last, The facts have 1)0011 obtellted, front 11, MAD to whom young Weltee confessed: the whole crime, and. it is given to the Crown on voudition that Ito ia not brought into the -Witness box. This condition, accordingly, renders it impossible for the Crown at this court to bring the facts out it secins front this' information that young Hendershoth was murder- ed in -the most cold-blooded manner, aud the first weenie; was made on him at a .disadvantage. The murder was committed itt the mottling, before John Henclershott left for Eden, and he was present and took part in doing the unsuspecting young fellow to death. Yomig Hendershott was on his hands and knees when. the first blow was struck. He had knelt down to drink out of the pool in the woods, in which subsequent to the murder the axe and, the hands of his slayers were washed, • . Just when he placed his lips to the water he received the blow from the tnne on *the right temple. He was not sttunted, but rose and attempted to run. Th.e menehaveng begun their bloody work, followed it up. They went after their victim, and finally one of .the men grabbed hen by the wrists, while the other struck at him again and again with - the axe. One other fatal blow was delivered, namely, that on the back of the skull, but the remaining blows were weak and. ineffectual, owing to the horror, probably, which had seized upon the man who wielded. the weapon. When the deed of blood was done the body was taken`and placed where the tree which figured in the case was expected. - by- the Men to fall when cut, for it had not yet been chopped down. Owing, however,. to the fact that the tree leaned,and was rotten at the center, it fell otherwise than as theerethought it would, and ib ha,d to be removed to where it was when found by those to whom Welter first brought the news. The place where it was pet at first was where the -crotch of the tree fell, and where a large pool of blood was found. After having accomplished the deed to their satisfaction they .wash- ed themselves and the axe m the pool, and hid the instrtunent with which they had murdered their victim between the bark and the wood. of the hollow log. The arrange- ments were tben made for Hendee- shott's trip to Eden, for the sending of the telegram to him there convey- ing the news that his nephew had been killed by the falling of the tree, his return next day. to St. Thomas, *here Welton met "elm by arrange- inente and all the subsequent details. Our Agricultural Society. That the Stephen. & Usborne agri- cultural society _has' ha the past enjoyed a prosperous and profitable career is due, no doubt, to the fact that until recently' the affairs of the Association were conducted so that the. greatest • poisibleehbenefit might be secured to the greatest possible number. It is to be regretted • that for the past two or three years com- plaint is heard on all sides that the management of the Association has been and is being controlled by certain individuals who are manip- ulating every transaction for then. own benefit. Abontethe time of the annual meeting for the election of officers, you can see these wire pullers scurrying around town for their heelers, and. I have seen some peculiar looking agriculturists at this meeting veting as instructed. Three years ago I asked one of the directors if the fair ground would be leased, as usual, to the highest bidder and was informed that it would. The ground was advertised to be leased by public auction and I deterinined to become a bidder, but before the sale I was informed that an attempt was being made to side track me by some one fixing the President. I at onco caused a notice to be served upon the President be- fore he could see any of the priniloged manipulators; notifying him that he was not to lease the grounds private- ly, that I would pay. him more for the ground than any clique haA offered him, but preferred to have • the matter decided openly and by public auction. These privileged persons, however, got hold. of the President and. actually prevailed (?) upon him to consent to a lease to them at $80, whereas, had it gone to public auction, 1 was prepared, if necessary, to go as, high as $150, a clear loss to the Association of $70. Two years ago the ground went to public auction, and these same per- sons attended but had not the back- bone to go higher than $100, ab which figure it wasknocke,c1 clown to ine, much to their chagrin and annoyance. Having lost their grip on the Association, we find these sante persons promulgating, an Association which they club the "Exeter Tureplub," into which many of our citizens have been unwarily drawn. The object of this club, so far as I have been abls to discernas to provide sport by way of horse -racing for a clay and rob the town of all the money our good citizens see fit to contribute to the club. This turf club has taken possession of our agriculbural society and we find that the old manipulators are at the head again, that virtually they control the agricultural society in a way that the old. league may be profited. lb may be interesting to the patrons of ths agricultural society to know that last year the directors of the society leased the race .course to the turf club for $25, although they ha.cl an offer of $45 from one of our chimes, and I would have even given .$75. Only the other day as the fair grounds were adverbised to be leased by public auction and that when offered to the public by auction' the terms of the lease were fixedand cooked tip beteveen the Agricultural society directors and the officers of the turf club so that any person leasing the ground would be Obliged to sublet; to the turf club at a cer- tain fleet. This, of course, preclud- ecl pub= competition, as any person renting the ground would. expect, to make any Use of it he or they saw fib. I was prepared, to pay $175 for the ground. this year if it was Ieased upon the usual terrhsi and would have given, and will yet give $75 for the track. The resale; was thee; the grounds were leased to the turf - club at $100, is cheat loss to the agricultural society of $75. This, Itowcwer, is only one instance of the robbery and. jobberyewhieli the agri- cultural soeiety is being subjeoted to by certain citizens who care not what the societeeloses so long as they secure the intender. The year I leased the grounds they were thrown open to the public, I permitted the horsemento go in on the traokevith their horses free of charge. A turn style was constructed to admit any persons desiring to use the grounds for recreation or sport. That year the track was he better condition than it was before or has been since. Yet, members of the agricultural society who aremembers of the turf club have actually asked me, to allow the ground to go to the turf chilewith- out opposition. This is honest management of our society's affairs, is it nob? This matter requires pub- lic discussion and when I have heard frozu the other side I may relate some further rather interesting facts for the patrons. Yours Truly, Wee, Beavienre (Hinton Bauens.—Mr. Plunasteel rented the Poor House grounds for $50, and ' the plowing which he is to 'perform the fall, having the farm the same as at present, will amount ha all to the value of about $110.—Among those recommended to the Grand Executive as District Deputies of the Sons of England we notice the name of Mr. Thos. Jackson, Sr., of Clinton, for Huron and Perth.—Miss Mair has secured a position as inilliner itt a leadingstore in Zephyr.—Mr. Hess, of Zurich, was in town, Tuesday viewing the town hall belfry and es- timating on putting in a town clock, -e-jonathan Brown of Clinton, had the tops of several fingers taken off while working about the electric light engine the other day.—Mr. J. B. Kennedy was out one day last week with. Mr. Farran's bay pacing mare, by Texas Jack, and covered an eighth mile 'in 18 seconds. This is a pretty good clip for a colt. The Presbyterian church at Wind- sor was destroyed. by fire on Satur- day last. Fire originated from the felir7n,000ace. Loss $25,000; insurance The West Huron Voters' Lists has been received at Ottawa and will be printed at Once. This concludes the list for the Dominion. They will be ready for use early in. April, if necessary. bye-election Telection for the Provincial Legislature in Haldimand took place Tuesday, the candidates being the same as at the general election. Dr. Baxter [Liberal], has 252 majority over Senn [Patron.] Our •Delett Taxes and what We have for them. "I am answering the question as to the deleterious effect of the National Policy during the Jest 16 years. But our opponents say "besidenll that there is a very importarte branch of the :subject which you have not mentioned. What about the expenditure, what about the debt, what about the taxat- ion of the country?" The expenditures of Canada from 1878 to 1893 have been large. It Wai necessary that they should be large. It was part of the Liberal Conservative policy that they should be large. • Why? In 1878 what was before us? A large country with what we believed to be immense re- sources for development; Provinces spread 3,000 miles apart with no means of inter -communication, and, just as veins and arteries are necessary to carry the blood from the heart to the extrem- ities and back again, and keep the life mechanism going, so for a country's its veins and arteries of communication must be opened to every part of the lifeblood of the country. ita commerce have free course to run to and fro and vivify the whole body. We believed that this country had elements of pros- perity, had resources which were worthy of a strong effort We discount- ed the future, we borrowed money, we built the railway, we made Canada is country fit to stand alongside of any other modern country in the race of competition. We made a country that our own people should be proud to stay in, and a country to which other people might be willing to come and cast their lot with us. The time for doing busi- ness on a back street was passed in 1878. We had been doing that long enough, and if we are going to do business with. other countries we must do business on is front street, and put in plate glass windows. We built railweys and canals and opened up 'steamship lines, and we mortgaged the future to is certain ex- tent, and any other poliey would have kept Canada back and made it a back number among the countries of the world. In doing that we borrowed money, but the expenditures when made, taking into account the earnings of the country and the expenditures out of earnings, only amounted in the end to $38,000,000, and when eight years ago we came up to $36,000,000 we called a halt, and f sr the last 'eight years our expenditure has been about at the even figares, $36,000,000 or $36,- 500,000. W hat about the debt oE the country? It is to -day $246,000,0007. We have it with canals, we have it with railways, we have it with public im- provements, which make our country modern and give life to it, and what 'happens? In a measure the public debt la increased; you have to pay every year to carry the debt. The interest that you pay today to carry (bit debt is $1.78 per head of the people per year; the interest you paid in 1879, before you had these imprOvements, was $1.59 per head, The increase has been juat exactly 18 cents per head in fifteen yeavs, is little more than a cent per head ot the population per year for these improvements and all these facil- ities we have to -day." --Hon. G. E. Foster at Galt. Tun Ai ()mum Commends Mien to the well formed; to do pleasantly and effectually what watt formerly done in the crudest manner ani diaegreeably aa well. To cleatoe the gyatent end break up, °nide, headache and fevers without unplenaut after effects see the deligbtful iiqnki laxative remedy, Syrup of Pigs, THEORY DXhLODED, Tne BERIE1? T#I4T RetettIT'S DISEASE is Iscultanzoi No Lonexat Et'ows Gem SOIIEltsla, Man., March 16—The oia thee tbeory of medicel men that Bright's dieease was ineurable has been exploded ti the matiefaction of all people le this part of Canada, Arthur Coley a well known farmer, living near here, was attacked by the disease be the autumn of 1893. He was prostrated by it during the whole of the following winter, He anct his friends were 'convinced that he would not live through the mutt summer. But to -day be is alive and hearty and woritiog like a nailer to make up for the time he lost while sloe. The happy change is due te Dodd's nidney Pills, the only eure for any kidney disease: Themes We Walsh, treitattrer of the county of Norfolk, died on Thuredey, aged 76 years. Theatrical maaagers are urging upon the Government to give a drewbaok of duty paid upoussoenery brought into Can- ada to be used` in engagements here and afterwarde taken hack to the United States. The sooner you begin to fight the fire, the more easily it may be extinguished The sooner you begin taking Ayer'e Sar. saparilla for your blood -.disease, the easier 'Will he tha cure. In both oases, delay is daugerone, if not fatal. Be sure you pet Ayer'e and no other. The Government has decided to appoint a representative farmer to keep up corn. mumoation with farraers' societies, collect agricultural statistics, inyeatigate markets, beim bulletins and investigate difficulties as to the shipping facilities and freight rateupon produce. TRULT ARTONISNING.—Miall Annette Ne Moon, Fountain, Minn. says : Ayer's °harry Pectoral hits had a wonderful ef- fect in curing my brother's children of a severe and dangerous cold, it was truly astonishing bow speedily they forma re- lief after taking this preparation." A fatal accident °conned on Tuesday at Sharbutt Lake. Mr. Sliter, engineer in the Thompson & Avery's saw znill, while watching Mr, Thompson adjust the belting in the saw rein, had both legs broken below the knee and was injured internally by the belt breaking, throwing him onto the belting working the. ball - wheel. He died shortly after the acci- dent. ARO 7011 01,111SED WITHOUT CLEAIV8ING, • 7 -HERE 18 NO TRUE LIFE. 'Pure EloodmensHealth, and Strength. Paine's eel pound the Best Spri One "Mak Well ery Com -- Word's ng Medi- cs Peopf o .), In Spring time nature commenees to don a fresh attire. She puts on new garments. and decks herself with fresh beauties. She throws aside the dull and dead condition - of winter with its accumulated impurities, and is infused with a new and vigorous,' life, In like manner, at Vila season, should all men and women banish the weights and burdens of impurities with which the - system is filled. The blood ,is tilled and clogged with poison and disease; the nerves are weak; the mutates are flabby and relaxed, The whole system is like a • disordered house, it requires cleansing an& Eettin in order, that all the machieery may work safely and harmoniously. War NOT TEsT IT Too. Thousands who have been cleansed .and Rev. Wilson McCann, Rector at ()mem. made ,strong by Paine's Celery Compound, se; "I have tested K. 1, 0, and knowing willinsly support the assertion that this its value can recommend it to all sufferers methane eleames aid rejuvenates the from indigestion." human system in spring time, in a way • We claim to bold the largest list of let. that lie other medicine oan do. „It giveu tors for K. D. C„ held by the proprietors new life, fresh red. blood, vigor and of any medicine in Canada. Its merits streugth to the weak, nervone, rheumatic prove itgreatness Tty it lung th and dyspeptie; and makes the skin of ' s 0. Co., Ltd. New Glasgow, N. S., and 127 those suffering from blood diseases as soft - State street, Bootee ll/fess. The Nova Scotia fissenably Wednesday night rejected, by 21 to12, a woman suf- frage measure. • E. G. Bradford was mangled to death in the machinery of a sawmill near Port Fortune, Q„ on Tuesday. In the Dicks inuider ease at Toronto, the Crown was nntsteadisto proceed, and the prisoner wreoteraanided for a week. ; Harsh purgetiniftenledies are fast giving W& y to the action and Mild effects ot Car. ter'a Little Liver Pills.- If you try them tbey will certainly cute.you. One of the best known men -in Yar. mouth, N. S., Capt. Scott, was found dead in hie yard Friday aftethoon. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of death. He was 57 years old. Wm: Johnston, a transient Swede from Ste. Sault Marie, cut bits throat on Thum - day evening in the waiting room of tbe union station at North Bay. • He had just arrived in town by Soo train No. 8. He will probably reoover. If sick beadathe is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver ?ills if they will positively cure it? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take: , At a meeting of the Grand Lodge cif Quebec] Orangemen resolutions were pas- sed yesterday strongly opposing any remedial leeislation in connection with the gaestion of Separate schizo's of the Province of Manitoba. To get relief from indigestion, bilious - nese, conetipadion, or torpid liver without disturbing the amerces or purging tbe bowela, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you. At a: meeting 'of the directors of the Consumers' 0ordage.0os at:Montreal yes- terday it Wati stated that no dividend could be paid became) of a lots of $200,000 daring the year. One director is said to have overdrawn his account to the extent of $70,000. Sergt. Redmond, of tho' Quebec: police force, who waa nearly killed BOZO° LIMO ego, while distiliiug illicit whiskey, was ' condemned yesterday. on two different ON charges to O aud one month imprisou- m' eet �u failing to pay the fine, six months imprieonment in each caret. 8ale Register. Friday March 22. --Farm stock, imple- ments, etc., the property of W. Ilarrisun, lot 1 con. 1, Siddulple. Sale at 1 o'clock. No teserve. T. Cameron, Auc. Thursday, March 28 —Laud rollers. gates wheelbarro es, etc., the propeity of Ambrose Cottle, at his Tioning Factory, Exeter. Sale at one o'oloolc, W. Mo Cloy. Saturday. March 22, -Farm stock and ohattels, the property of the estate of Mesas. Kleinfeldt, at Dashwood. Sale at one o'clook. B. Bosseelerry, Aso., dos. Snell, assignee, For nervous headache use LD. 0. and clean as that of a little child. Zs D. McMahon,- of Peterboro, Ont,, thankful for new and fresh blood and Dewed health, writee as follows— "I have great pleasure in testifying bit the fact that Paine's Celery Compound has caused a remarkable change in my oondition. I Wag troubled with a very bad type of Eczema on my face, and in patches otter my body for. four years; and, wae under treatment of three dootors at diffeteut periods.- I have also tried otheirrc aineedies, but all proved useless. At last I bought a bottle of Paine's Celery Com- pound, and put in Iodide of Potasaium,, as recommended on the ,label, The one bottle did me so much good that I bought- fiye bottles more, and now am happy to, say I arn perfectly cured, and completely free from the troablesome disease." You Dont Have to Swear off. -- Saya the St. Louis Journal of Agricul-- ture in en editorial about No -To -Bao the. famous tobacco habit cure. "We know of many calm cured by No -To -Bac, one, a prominent St Louie architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured hum so that even the smell of,te.„.....,- baeco makes bim sick," No- To-Bes'r‘"--"t and guaranteed, no cure no pay.* : ` / ,, free. Sterling Remedy Co., 874 Se e St,, Montreal. • sillY. Fotheringhara vs, Stephensth,, ;`,-,S. Action for conatruction of e wilh -erTfe late Joseph Stephens. of Woodhir'ssand to declare that John Stephens, Uzi algae° under Paid will and assignor to et 'tiff,. took a -title in lands devised, being .art of lot 17, West Boundary, Blanthe,1 ., in fes simple absolute. Thia me came on before Chief 'Justice Meredith, on the 21s1 ult., at Toronto, on the pleadings. Shep- ley, Q. Cr end E. W Harding, for plaintiff; Dr. Hoskin, Q. • C., for infanta; no one appearing for adult defendants. His Lordship deolared that the events hap- pening asthey did, the power of (levees - 'malt wider the will Waa removed and the plaintiff took is fee simple absolute in the lands from John Stephens. When soinany people are taking and deriving benefit from flood's Sarsaparilla, why don't you try it youraelf ? It is high-- ly recommended. Mr Andrew Seebaoh. ot Logan, was in town het week to obtain advice reepeetr,-0.,,. ing a suit for danarest which he threatce757s. to enter against the corporation. He olainttisi that the anthoritioe sent hie eon Isom - while aufferiug from amen pox, mein greet inconvenience as well, ai damage. It will be remembered that the young man was returning to hie father's from Chicago, and stopped over in Mitchell for is few hours to eonault a dealer. Discover- ing ho was is alibied of snaall pox is conveyance) waa obtained and he was arisen ro liia borne: Per this o.ot of kindnese the town will likely 'lave to defend itself agamet an action for damson-- Mittheil Recorder. THRIFTY HOUSaVIVE'S Let 110 Everywhere recogniie how Storekeeper much can be saved -by using Talk Diamond Dyes And their superiority to Tl others. One ten -cent pack- age saves the cost of a hew gown„ for it makesean old one like new, Diamond Dyes Come in more than forty colors, for dyeing W001, Caton, silk or feath- • ers. They are easy to use, and neither tint tor soapsixds will make the color fade. Sold everywhere. Direction Hoek and forty samples of dyed cloth sent fret. WJILLS & RICHARDSON Co., Montreal, P.Q. you lobo using obeSp imitStiont4 dyee. Diamond Dyes Only Insurel , Successful Work