HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-14, Page 8W1 -1-1!.w
'Ii'i N LS`l` i i.11.10T',A.GJ.+; TT FOl1 I
PANY, of Toron.u: also for the liROERIX
h•i;tree1:R81/RAN...:l t,OMPANY, of London.
England ALLIA rens eNeuitAJQ1 COX
PANN of &mi..'
rpt -1E LONION IdtJItJ L
-14 I"TRF: INSUR.A.NCei C 1, OF Cary ADA,.
Stead oiliao, - .LONDON..
k`pt35 years this Oompeny hasdone the
t argeab bo nese ill Oanada at the lowest r sties,
consistent with security,
.Assets, Jan.1&9i, -- $337,100.00
43;000.Polielea in force.:
T. E. RO13SON, President,
U•.4r. DioDONALO,Manager.
For further Particulars. apple to
Agent, Exeter.
10•1000000010101.0101.10100¢0, sionakommuom
The Mari
Pocket t& Oce Blares.
All Sizes and Prioea.
Start the new year by replenish-
ing your office. We hhave a
ful Line of
Blank Books,
Piles, hike,
Paver 1.3esketi
ih:,tc., kite.
And the prices are the lowest.
Kindly call and inspeot, them.
J. rI 9
Yes, Ready
For a great Spring Trade
at the
trDig Dilkmpt N
Sp�°ing Stock Com-
'T•iURSIlAY.• MARO1I 14th, 1895
W nod is being marketed in targe
There is tans of a oreamory being es-
tablished in Goderich.
Mr. \Vin. Gri;g is tearing down the
tailor shop recently partially destroy-
ed by fire,
Several news letteisare crowded out
of this issue.; we will give them space next
.The Main St. choir gave a surprise
party at.. the residence of Mr. Geo. Snell
tact evening. A pleasant time was spent,
Wm. Johns, of'Usborne, wh ,, recent-
ly purchased Wm. Brownlee'e farm on
4th concession, takes possession 'this
week, Mr. Brownlee having gone to
his farm in the 5th concession of Bid-
c1'd ph township.
The first arrival of Bicycles this season
came by express to J. H. Grieve, two
beauties, wood rim and all the latest im-
provements. one weighing 24 lbs, and
the other 23 lbs. Made by the \Vander-
er Bicycle Co. Toronto,
�•At the February meeting of the;
quarterly ()hoes; board of the London
West Methodist Church, a very hearty
unanimous invitation was extended to
the pastor, Rev. B, Clement, formerly
of Exeter, to remain for the coming
conference year.
Mr. Wm. Wood of South Exeter has
a little daughter, Violet, just six years
oicl yesterday (Wednesday) who has,
unaided, patched a quilt containing 420
pieces The work is well and neatly
done, and we doubt very much if many
young ladies three times her age could
show such handiwork
The negotiations between Mr. Bobier
and the Winchelsea Creamery Co., did
not materialize, and Mr. B. will now
run the Exeter creamery himself this
season , He will purchase the milk
outright from the farmers, which is
deemed the most satisfactory scheme.
At a recent meeting of the Ontario
Fish and Game Commission it was de-
cided to make the deer season the .ame
as it was in 1892 -from the lst to the
15th of November, It was also decided
to offer a bounty of 50 cents a head for
damage foxes, because of 5
on farmers' poultry.
The Epworth League convention of
the Exeter district will be held in this
town on the 20th inat. A good pro-
gram is prepared. Morning and after-
noon sessions in James st. church, and
the evening session in Main at. chnrch.
It is hoped the town will show its
appreciation of the Assembly by being
present at all the meetings.
The local in last week's Tntas referr-
ing to the recent congregational meet-
it.g in Caven ohuroh, was somewhat
wrongly constructed, and construed
in a manner not at all intended. There
was nodetinite scheme of itinerancy
before the meeting, an;l the vote taken
was simply in favor .01 some change
whereby transference of ministers could
be more easily accomplished. It might
mean Episcopacy or Ttinerancy, or
neither. The vote at Chiselhurst was
unanimously in favor of the pastorate as
it now exists, and the voting in either
case could not in the least reflect favor-.
ably or adversely upon the pastor Rev.
W. Martin.
A. very interesting and enjoyable
event took place at the residence of Mr.
Edward Jones, town, on Wednesday,
13th, the occasion being the marriage of
his amiable and accomplished daughter,
Miss Jennie, to Mr. J. 0. Ovens, a
prosperous young farmer of McGillivray
township. The ceremonywas perform-
ed by Rev. H. W. Locke, in the pres-
ence of the more intimate friends of the
contracting parties. The bride was
assisted by Miss Calder of Hamilton
while Mr. 1. A. Ovens, brother of the
groom, performed tie duties of best
man. The ceremony took place at 11
a. m., after which the happy couple
drove to their new home in McGillivray.
The presents consisted of many useful
and valuable articles of home decor-
ation, Mr. Ovens robs Exeter of one
of its most estimable young ladies
who will be missed in ilia different
departments of church work, as well as
in the circle of the young folk. The
TDrEs joins in congratulations.
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Clinton on•the 12th inat., Rev. M. Mc-
Kay of Goderich Township. Moderator.
After routine business the Annual re-
ports on Temperance, state of Religion
Sabbath Schools, and Sabbath obser-
vance were read and followed by long
discussion. That on Temperance em-
phasized the duty of Electors to sup-
port only prohibitionists for members
of parliament and enjoining total ab-
stinence on all church officers and
members. The Report on the state of
Religion brought out specially the im-
portance of family worship and relig-
ion. Regarding Sabbath Schools there
were reported 3,296 scholars and 383
leachers. Amount of money raised by
these Schools $1349. The usual grants
to Grand Bend, Bayfield and Goderich
Township congregations were asked
front the Augmentation Fund. Messrs
-Fletcher and Brigham were appointed
members of the Synod's Committee on
ibills and overtures. Commissioners to
/the General Assembly were elected as
follows : Rev. Messrs. Barr, Fletcher,
J. A. McDonald, J S Henderson and
Anderson and elders from the following
congregations: Egmondvillo; Thames
Road, Goderich, Brucefield and Blyth.
.A.conference on the state of religion
wag engaged in for an hour. Rev. M
McVay asked for a deputation to visit
Union Church, Goderich township and
the Presbytery adjourned to meet in
Clinton on the second Tuesday of May.
Values were never so much
infavor of buyers, and our stock
has never been as large and well
assorted . We would like your
opinion of our new spring stock.
Drop in and see what you think
of our spring taste. Remember
you are udder no obligation to
We are always on the look
out for snaps for our customers.
We open this • week a stock lot
of beautiful Clocks, which we
are going to" gave away to our
custpiners. With'each purchase
of $35 0o you get a lovely little
clock ; a perfect time keeper.
Drop in and see the. Clocks and
ask for Clock.Card and have
every purchase count.
J. A. Stewart.
1 'your Own Boma Paper, by t'ae late lila Garland, as salesman ab the `
Any man can take a newepaper, It is ( Exeter salt well, The eampealthaveseeertd
the cheapest thing he esu buy, Every in Mr.Eaarett a first olase man,.-Tinelaw
titne a hen clucks .and has laid an egg, hie vera are in Goderich this week attending
paper is paid for that week. It costs leas the spring assizes. -Sanaa sixteen young
than a postage stamp, Tees than to send or folks of 1,xetor attended the skatiag Oarni:
receive a letter. What good does it de gal at. Seaforth on Monday night. They
you ? It instructs you and your wife and report a pleasant time, the iuggedneas
teaohea your children, It comes to you of the roads &Wing to the pleasure
every week rain, shine, calm or atom, of the occasion, -Tho Misses Vivian
brings yap. the best news of the neighbor.. of Skaffa, were the petite of Mrs,
hood. No matter what happens it enters Baskin, this week, -Mr. Wm, Balkwill,
your door a welcome friend. full of sun- stook dealer, is confined to his room with
shine cheer and interest, It shortens the a severe attack of inflammation of the lunge
long summer day, and cultivates the long -Mra. Garland is very ill of Bronobitis,
winter nights. It it your adviser, gossip but is recoyeting,-De. McTavish of
and friend. No tnau is just to hia children Brimfield was in town, ou 'Tuesday -
and wife who does not give them the Mr fiaalewood of 'Osborne, moved his
imam paper to read. If you are not a family and geode to town ou Wednesday.
subscriber of the Expert Tutus send ice We welcome them to our amidst. --111r
your name at onoe. The paper will octet and Mrs H 13uokingham, attended the
you but a dollar and will pay you many wedding of Mrs 13'a sister, Mise Menlock to
timrs over before March, 1896 ; or we will Mr A MoCallnm,in Crediton on Tuesday.
send it for 75e, for the balance of the year. -A Memorial eettnon referttng to the
death of Mrs It Manning and J A Kon -
d. Tobacco Company's Generosity. roe, was preached in Main St. ohuroh
The George t.Tuokett & Son s Tobacco on Sunday morning
Co., Ltd. of Hamilton, nine years ago in- Messrs. Prier and Balkwill shipped an:
stituted the commendable idea of present. other car load of hogs .to London on Dlon:
in a deed of a. building lot each Christmas da
to err oldest active employee, . This A convention of the Epworth Leagues
year t was the good fortnue of Mr. Thos, of this district will be in Exeter next
M 41,811 -gen to the firm's generosity, lie
Notice to Times' Readers,
The;puters<iyould esteem it a favor if
readers.wbtttr7;wJien•making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in THE Trains.
0TIOE-At1 business announcements
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc„ appearing in there local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
mints earlier) each insertion. Black heading
to count as three tines. Cash with order save
o persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
must he handedinto offioo on Tuesday.
Trivitt Memorial Ch,
LENT 1805.
FnnDAY 15th. -4.45 p. m:., Short seryice and
Bible Study, B p, m., Choir Practise•
SuxnAr17th.-11 a; m., Stones on the mouth
of the web. 7 p. re., Pauline persuasions.
Tunsnar 19th. -4.45 p, in., Short service and
WEDNssoa:r 20th -8 p, in., Divine Service.
The ladies know and they all say that
the prin•s at the Big Bankrupt Store are
the prettiest in town. They are right.
New transformers have taken the places
of those destroyed lest week, and now the
`citizens are getting regular electric light
A Union prayer meeting of the two
Methodiat congregations will be held in
the James St. church this (Thursday)
•, evening,
c. i , sleek•
have g been with them for 21 years. In ,�-,A drop in pinkies 1 All,25c pickles
addition to the lo; he received a substentes reduced to 150 a bottle at the Big Bank;.
F plychequn from the same source. Tqe rupt Store. •W.a*
whole staff of the concern also carne in fir The Turf Club have rented the agrioul-
a gift, the day hands i eoeiviog an extiee sural grounds for the season, paying
week's salary and the piece hands a good therefor $100.
sized. turkey, Soma time ago the Messrs Mr Eedv has taken possession of the
Tuokett turned their factory ;tato a joint St Marys Journal, and made his editorial
stock company, admitting many of the b W''Maat weok.
mare important employees into partner- What do you think ? A good American
ship, and this additional evidence of a de oclock for'nothing at the Big Bankrupt
sire to share with their men the prosper- clock
Get ono.
ity of the house cannon help but bear 5 Ideavy .fella of snow during the lash week
fruit in increased energy and good -will
among all who are fortunate enough to oe
connected with this enterprising concern,
Prairie Chickens,
Galt Reporter :-An attempt is to be
made hove to secure another shipment of
twenty five pairs of prairie chickens to be
released in sultab'e places in this locality.
Friends in Manitoba believe they can
secure the birds, and an application will
be at once made to the proper parties
there to permit the export. If only some
other localities in Ontario -the Messrs.
Rathburn, of Deeeronto, have received two
shipments -would join in the movement,
and obtain a few pairs to widen the
experiment the chances of success would
be greatly increased. To expect to see
the birds in all localities beoeuee seyen
pairs were released is absurd. There is no
doubt they
reasonable will 1
y and
here. but they mast be introduced in suf-
ficient numbers to give them a chance. If
the expense was considerable it might be
an obstaole, but everything totalled up
they can be landed in any part of Ontario
for $2 per pair, and the. Government of
Manitoba tit ill readily grant any permit of
exportation when satisfied that the birds
are intended for the purpose of trying }.
see if they can be auceessfully introdn0ed
here. The Exeter Gun Club or the Lake
Smith Gun CIub might profitably join in
the project.
The Game Laws.
There are obvious reasons why the game,
laws should be enforced this year with th"
greatest rigor. Tho extreme cold weatheel
has destroyed a large proportion of fur'
and feather animals, leaving the outlook
for next grimmer and autumn exceptional -
Yee I If you want Big value in Black'
tr; Dress. Goode you must go to the Big Bank:
rupt Store, the most complete stook in.,
est. A lecture by a SalvationArrnyoflioer was
given in James St. church on Tuesday
evening to a fair audience. The object
of these lectures is to raise funds for their
Rescue Homes, !tzttsic was furnished by a
brass band and other officers of the
ArmMatch of last year was the warmest, as
a whole, of any in 22 years, the average
being 44 degrees, Tho coldest March,
agaiti, was in 1872, when the average was
20 degrees. Daring that long period the
average rainfall in March was 4 feet 10
niche, the average clear days, 7; the
partly cloudy days, 13; and the Cloudy
Oar Spring and Summer Prints are
now in and open for inspection. Our
Crepon goods are handsome. Bef ore
rou buy Silk Dace*, Irish Guipure
Laces, Torchon5, Italian Valleneienes,
or any others, call and see those
shown: by J,- P. Clarke,.
Take Ji,, DN 0• for sour etorilach ,end
sick' headache/.
improved the sleighing, and business as a
consequence was yery brisk,
Jae. Bell, of Ildertuu, has receutly pur-
chased a large number of cattle in Usborne,
paying high prices for them
A large number of boraes were purchased
here on Saturday by mayoral buyers. The
streets were literally thronged all day.
Mr. John Harrison of Biddulph, will
hold a sale of hie farm stock on the 22nd,
after which he will move into town.
The maple syrup season is coming on
and a big yield of sap is expected this
spring owing to the severity of the winter.
James Dignan, while working about the
stable the other day, accidentally had one
of the tines of a pitch fork run into his
The flax mill was closed on Tuesday
owing to the death of Mrs. Sweitzor, of
Crediton, mother of the proprietor, Mr.
John Sweitzer.
Mr. Thos. Cameron, of Farquhar, in-
tends building a large bank barn on the
farm west of the homestead, acct ie haul-
ing brisk for the same.
A great many tenders have been received
sor the erection of a barn in connection
with the House of Refuge. They will be
opened on the 19th inst.
5 pounds ginger cookies for 25o ; 5
pounds Soda Biscuits for 25o ; 1.0 bare of
best washing soap in the trade for 25a at
the Big Bankrupt Store. e
The father of Sam: Jones, the evange-
list, died a few days ago, at the age of 90.
He, too, was a minister, and ho had five
sons who were Methodist ministers, '
45e xibbed cashmere hose for 25c ; $1.25
High Bust. corsets for $1.00 12o printed
De Lanettes for 100 ; X�8.00 Chenile cur:
tains for $3.95, at the Big tsankrupt
ly small. Last autumn's sport in both • Zv the item recordieg to the death of
domains was the beet known for a long 'fir. Garland, in last week's. Truss, •the
period; but next autumn will have a compositor substituted the name Kerslake
different tale to tell. Even the streams for Westlake in referring to the maiden
will lack their usual population and name of Mrs. Garland..
thicket. marsh and plain will be largely Mr. Albert McCalllum. formerly of
barren for huntsmen. Aside from the E xeter, son of Mr. John McCallum, was
thin bag of the hunter, there is the other married on Tuesday to Miss Laving Mor-
consideration. Prises of game for the look of Crediton. Mr. McCallum is con -
table will be exorbitant; espeoially if the ducting a grocery business in Toronto.
game laws are not put in operation The creditors of Wesley Snell have en -
promptly at the beginning of the legal eepted the compromise of 35 cents on the
term and every violation sharply punished. dollar offered last week, and ha has been
The Gourmand, therefore, who, to gratify given hia release, Mr. Snell has procured
his appetite now, especially on savory a situation in London and will move to
birds, is accessory to violation of the law that city.
for the protection of their species, will . ,' I am sure we will be glad to see you
pay his fine next winter even if he escape' Dell and get some of 'those bargains in
it at the present time. The fine is heavy Dress Goods we are offering at half price.
enough to make illicit game trade perilous. You know us well enough. that as we,
The trade itself should be animated with represent in our advertisement so yon Wil
enongh respect for law to refuse to violate find on our counter. --J. P. Clarke.
the statute whose baneats are for it as The Canadian Hardware and Metal
well as for the oonsnmers and the creatures'' 'Merchant says :-"Binder twine .manufae-
whose little lives are btief at beat. burets have decided upon considerable
--�-- reduction in prices, owing the reduction in
Personals , raw material, but refuse to make any an -
Dr' Sweet and family have become quite nouncement yet as to what the new
domiciled in their new home, or rather figures will ba' They claim no business
old home. -J. A. Stewart is able to be has, been done yet on the new basis, .and
around after his late illness. -Mrs. E. E. will not be for months."
to if e f he moon occurred
Ward leered friends. in London over A total eclipse o t
y t ap
Sunday. -Mrs Butcher, of St. Marys, Sunday night and was viewed by hundreds
has returned home after a vials among of citizens. When entirely coyered by the
friends in town -Mrs Blatchford has earth's shadow it at times altogether die -
returned from visiting friends in Liman.- appeared from view, and the whole of her
Mrs. James Parkinson and daughter are disk was invisible, while again its shadows
visiting friends in Detroit. -Among others could be seen, shining with a dull red or
who attended the funeral of the late Mra. copper -colored light. 'The eclipse began a
Richard Manning, were her sone: W. 0.,ofg little before nine o'clock and lasted until
Cleveland, 0.; John T. and wife, of Ridge- atter eleysn,
town ; Wilbur and wife, of Clinton ; and While driving in the country on Thurs.
John Trick of Toronto, anda brother from day last Messrs. L H. Dickson and James
St. Thomas; and Mr. Manning, wife, son Walters met with a mishap. The roads
and daughter of Parkhill. „.Mise Calder, being rough, they were upset out of the
of Hamilton, visited -friends in town this cutter, the horse running away. Mr.
week. -W. Caldnill who has been in Diokson was driving; and not wishing the
Toronto for some time has retained to animal to get free clang to the lines and
town, and is again in the employ of 3. P. was dragged for some distance with his
Ross. -Mr. Sam'f Penhale, of Toronto, face on the snow. For some days he wore
spent the past week visiting friends in a disfigured physiog.
town. -Mr John Penhale of New Dundee, We would call the attention of
is renewing acquaintances here after an our readers to the great offer in
absence of severs! years. -Mr A McCallum the speeial Dress Goods sale • now
of Toronto, viaited friends in and around in progress at Mr. J. P. CIarke's.
Exeter the past week: -Thos Pearoo has These goode aro not being offered
moved to Mitchell where ho has opened a because they are inferior, but for
flour and feed store. -Mies A L Crocker good and satisfactory reasons mentioned in
has returned to I3lytli to take charge of the advertisement. Do not miss those
Anderson & Elder's milliuery department. bargains, You can see many of
-John Torrance, of Zuriob, President of those goods now shown in his window,
the South Huron Conservative Aaeociation, marked at regular and reduced prices.
was in town on Saturday: -Messrs. John The Stratford Herald reports the
Mellis and Willie Powell visited friends in Masonic lodge of instruction held there
Kippon on Sunday, -Mrs. Elliot of Mit- last Thursday for the lodges in the Huron
ohell, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. district, as one of the beat events of the
(Dr.) Anderson, town. -Mies Annie Tay- kind ever introduced. R. W.Bro. Collins,
tor, of Toronto, is visiting under the D. D. G: M„ of Exeter, prodded and the
parental roof., --The Misses Hattie and three degrees were exemplified respective -
Susan Davis spent. Sunday in London.- ly by Britannia lodge of Seaforth, Wilmot
Mr. Itobt, Faneon of Seaforth, was in of Baden, and Stratford of Stratford. The
town on Monday.- Rev. 3. W. Holmes work done in the several degrees was of
visited friends in town last week, -Mrs, a high order and, drew forth enooniumn
Henry Francis, who has been i11 for some from the 0, Dt G. M. and the brethren
time is not improviug.-w. Dempsey is who were privileged to witness the work.
on the mend, and with the advent of R, W. Taro. Collins declared he never saw
opting will recuperate his usual health.- anything to equal the woek. Tho attend -
W. Folland at time of writing is slinking anise at the evening session was very large.
slowing. --Mr. Fred. Shipman of Toronto, Among the yleitore present were the
was the guest of Mies Suaan Davis following from this county :--Goderioh,
during the pant weep. --Mr. 0• T. Brooke A 8 Ohryetal; Blytli, ,lames B Tierney, J
and wife who have been visiting MendsinM Hamilton; W Drummond; Seaforth,
thea vicinity during.the winter, left for Rev J W Hodgins, (Grand LodgeChap
their home in Wienipog on Tuesday.-- lain,) J W Reid, R Scarlett, Alex C
Mesere.--Mr. Jos. Senior is a delegate Winter. R 8 ;:lays, B C Oheeiewright, A
from the Exeter ledge . S. C), E. at the R Simnaon, W 'W Meredith, ti Wilson,
A trdmendous assort-
ment of imported Dry
Goods of every description.
NEW DRESS Goods, all the
newest kinds and makes,
NEW GING-HAMS, and numer-
ous other lines imported
direct,from Britain by =-
elves, and bought for spot
Cash, thus by saving m.id•
dlemen's profits and taking
advantage of Cash discounts,
our customers are assured of
ne-T goods at best possible
values and lowest prices.
Oar new Flannelettes are simply a aur-
prise to our customers, and they are
selling well , More to follow and to be
seen at J. P. Clarke's.
Mrs. Sam'. Treumner of Petrolia,
formerly of Exeter, and daughter of Mr.
John Mitchell of Crediton, died last week,
in the 37th year of her age. Deceased
had been confined about three weeks ago,.
and was in the best of health until a few
slays prior to her death, when she was convention in Hamilton this week. He i. Wm Arnett, 1?, 8 Jackson, J Orr Rose;
d end 'sent the fore art of the week visit:ng his Clinton, W J Paisley, W J Shaw, Je W
seized with paralysis. A husban p p � y
• Hoover,T (S Bruce,A.J Hot,
e the father in Blenheim, who. is ver ilI.•--•Mr. ; Balaton; J
three children survive her who have , ,y,
sympathy of a large circle of friends here: M.;ifaarett bas secured. the potation entad . Towey, J Chidley, R J McDonald.
New Capes
and Wraps.
We have just opened
out a very complete assort-
ment of Ladies' and Misses'
r. ria
Wraps s
r� stylish
wear. Tho goods are y
and good fitting, and their
price will recommend them
to every, lady who intends
purchasing. Call and see
They are going fast,
`The good values sell them.
itemember we have prints of
• 11 the correct shades and
patterns, and the cloth is
the best made. Ask to see
our. special line of American
fast colored Prints at Sc per
8c Factory Cotton (just
opened up another large
\shipment, same g000s as be-
fore) for 5c.
zd, yQw'o �� ?
Did you remember what your wife said
a bout calling .at
and ordering some of those
12 yards regular 10c
Twilled Sheeting for $1.00.
10 yards extra. heavy
Feather Ticking for $1,50
12 yards regular 10c
Flannelette for $1.00.
15 yards wide. Bleached
Cotton (extra value) for
which are creating so much talk, and those
They are daisies.. Come t. .your choice
before they are all gone. 1 best thing
you can do to preserve do'tiestic peace is
to do it now without delay. Have you
seen our Ladies' footwear ? They are the ,.
finest we have ever shown ; the latest,
newest, best. For Gentlemen's footwear
we have no equal, It's not a question of '
importance to you whether we import or
pay spot cash. `i'.Ile question is where
can I get goods the cheapest. Allow us to
tell you: at
We are selling 27 lbs
Redpath's extra standard
Granulated Sugar, strictly
pure, for $1.00.
33 lbs do, best Yello
Sugar, strictly pure, for
•i -;:t2 cans corn, best brand,
2 cans tomatoes, best
brand, for 150,
5 lbs Ginger Snaps, for
rens Goods
The time was when scarcely
anything but single fold dress
goods were sold, but custom and
ruling fashions determine that
nothing but double folds are
desirable, hence the necessity of
clearing our shelves. I have
yards singlele foldd goods.
The values are right, and. I will
positively sell them for half
price as follows :-
18 yards at 1234c. for 6c.
122 .'C
14C• cc
I27 " 18c. " gc.
45 - rt 25c. rr I2xzc•
-191 " 30C. " I5a.
282 ' " 32c. " 16c.
5 lbs Ginger Cookies,
for 25c.
2 bottles of ". JohnBull"
Pickles for 25e.
We are doing ti rushing
grocery trade. We buy in
large quantities and handle
the best goods. Try our
25c Tea ; its the best in
R. Pickard,
First class produce of all kinds
taken in etchange .for above.
oial hetet, flrat-olase wines and liquors,
commodious sample rooms, and an attentive
R. HORN, Proprietor
Tho annual meeting of the patrons of the
Centralia Cheese Faotory will be held on Wed-
nesday. March 20th, at 9 o'clock p. m, sharp.
All patrons and those wishing to become
patrons are invited to attend. Let there be a
rallyof the farmersat JNO.thPARSONBis meeting,
0. W. SMt'2H,Manufaoturer
The undersigned has for sale a number of
young hoes -male and female -of the above
breeds. The stook is thoro'bred, imported,
and prize winners at all the fairs last fall.
Terms reasonable. Also for service Thom '-
bred Tamworth and Duron Jersey; Boars.
Terms. St for either boar' 1.nforito§ionoheer-
to the � ro r:etor
even on application p
Lot 4, Con 7, Stephen Townshi�;`(one mile
north of Crediton.) CEARNER,
.Crediton, P. 0. Ont.
In the matter of John Blienfeldt, sr. and
John Klienfeldt, jr., of the township of
Hay, in the County of Huron,Farmere,-
The above named John IClienfoldt, sr; and
John Iilienfoldt, ir., have made an assign-
ment to me, pursuant to Chapter 124, R. S• Wee,
3. meeting of the creditors of the chid insol-
vents will be held at my office in Ditahwogcl,
Out., on Saturday, the fith day of Mafroh, in-
stant, at 1 o'olook 1. m., for the appointing of
inspectors and giving directions as to tho dis-
pose of the estate ceneralty.
Butter i 5 c., Eggs I 5c1 Yartioulars of claims of creditors. proved be'
affidavit and accompanied by securities (if any
I requireto be filed with pie before or at sat
meeting. 'JOSEPH SN ELL.
Dashwood, Ont,,
• Assignee
Exeter. Ont!,
Assignee's Solicitor.
Dated this 1st day of March, 1995.
3. P. CLARE.
Mortgage Sale
-IN THE- � 1
Under and by virtue of a power of sale con-
tained in a certain indenture of mor`gage to
the Vendor (which will be produced at time of
sale) default havingbeen made in the pay-
ment thereof, there will be sold by Public
Auction at HAWKSHAW'S HOTEL in the
at 2 o'clock. p. m. (subject to suoh conditions
as shall then be produced) the following prop-
erty, viz'
Ft'RSTLY, The East half of Lot fourteen
(14) in the) st Concession of thn Township of
Usborne, containing fifty (50) acres more or
SECONDLY: The west half of Lot fifteen
(15) in the and Concession ofUsborno, contain-
ing fifty (50) acres more or less.
THIRDLY; The South forty (40) soros of
Lot fifteen (15) in, tho 1st Concession of Us -
borne. tv ftl. ,t, r
FOURTHLY: Ten (10) acres, part of said
Lot fifteen (15) in the 1st Concession of Us -
borne, facing tbo Side Road known as Ifuron
Street and within the Village of Exeter.
Thera are excellent buildings on the rrem-
ises,•includiuga •good Brick House, Barns,
Stables, eta
This is one of tho fiuest farms in the County
of Huron and borders on the Village of Exeter.
TERMS OF SALE. -Ten per sent cash on
day of sale, balancein 30 days or as may be
For further particulars apply to
Auctioneer. Vendor's Solicitors. 00
,,Dated this 19th day of Maroh.1395, Exeter,
Good enough for any body ',Sailor Boy"
Japan tee, at the Big Bankrupt Store,
Messrs. Ross and Taylor have placed a
now engine in their factory. Thej
ely increasing trade demanded greater
Linen goods in Towels, Towelling,
bleached and unbleached Tabling;, Russia
Crash Towellinge, Butchor'e Linens,
and Table Napkins. Come and get prices
at J. P. Clarke's.
Mr. Thomas Fowler of Tuokeramith has
rentedhis farm to Mr. George Layton. Mr.
Fowler reserves tie house and garden, as
his family wish to reside in the country.
To meet the wishes of their cus-
tomers The Geo. E. Tuokett 6c Son
Co., Ltd., Hamilton,. Ont., have
placed upon the market •
A Combination Plug of
This supplies ti long felt want, giv-
ing the conswner one 20 cent plug,
or a,10 cent or e 5 cent piece of the
famous Y'T & 8" brand of piuo Vir-
ginia, Tobacco,
The tin tag "T & B "is on every piece.
Clearing Sale
of Winter
ur C'i its. -
Fur and Imitation Caps,
Fur Capes and Sets,
Sleigh Robes in , . the.
large size, $6.00 to $6.50,
These goods are worth
$9 to $10 in any regular
store in Canada,
lank r'r` Vs.
Overcoats for Men and
Felt Boots,
+'elt Sox, and Rubbers,
and anything and every-
thingy g �
thing in the store belenging
to the Winter Season, to
be cleared out at any price •
regardless of profit and
Q. C. JOUNS z'AZ'.