HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-14, Page 11,4 e.37,,,r1F,^^^777 • yi•yerS,-' AND SURON MIDDLESEX• GAZETTE. VOL XXII. NO 26, "HW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY EXETER, ONTARIO, TFURSDAY MORNING, IVIA.R013 14, 1895 QtTI1 C 0 "IT 1\T" "Y" 00 CTS JOIIN WHITE 4 tilOeeS wubitshers end Proprietore 1 5, F WOODEUM. NEW Prints, NEW -Cambrics, • Vcr 'Duckings, NEW Spot Muslins, NEW Art Sateens, NEW Skirting, NEW Dress Goods, NEW Dress Trimmings. .A11 New Designs and. Color ilegte. You can have you.r cb.oioe if you come early, S, Ford & Co. eeerielliteMiC5111111e. Kirkton. life of Leppinees,thioh retail never terminate, I Signed en behalf of tAlineofruirEida, vA.wsoil WM. WISEMAN' Mr. McCallum made e. very approp- riate reply, expressing his appreciatiee of the kindness and honor shown them by the friends of the neighborhood. Short speeches were then given by Messrs. F. Anderson, Robert Beatty, D. Oarr, Jas. Roach, Jas. Beatty, Antos Doupe and Archie Dawson ; reeitations *ere givritn by Mitt Carr and Messrs. J. O'Brien and Wm. Giltillan, whith were well reeeived ; soags were Sung by. Mrs Bat. Dawson,. Mrs, J. Cameron, Mrs. John Gilfillan and Messrs. J.Somerville and D. Dawson in an excellent manner,and vehieh brought the program to a close. The . tables were again. 8e, and after another feast of oysters; salmon and cake, and a hearty shake of the hands with Mr. ana Mrs. McCallum, all went home highly satisfied with the evening's enjoyment. Beams. -Mr. Wm. Webb, of Us - borne, who has disposed of his 60 acre farm to Mr. Wm. Abkinsbn, left oe Saturday last to reside with relatives in .Sb. Thomas. -N. J. Boyd has removed Ins stock of furniture from this place. He may locath a Wirigham.-The infant child of Mr. Wm. Hazlewood, was buried on Wednesday last. -Rev. T. Snowden who was billed to speak at •the tea meeting at Elimville on Monday .evening was unable to be present. He attended the second tea, on Wednesday -evening and gave an address.. -Ice for the creamery has been harvested during the past week. Quality A. 1. --Mr. Jas, Beetty now drives a spanking fine horse. It was purehased from an Exeter gentleman. -Mr . Loyd, who has been spending a few weeks with Mr David [debut, has returned to Mani- -tobas-The Blake Bros. have rented a farm near Brussels for a term of years. -Mr. R. Ross, of Fullarton,has rented Mr. McCallum's fartn for a lengthy term.- Ur. Geo. • Harrah is. making preparations to put an addition to oue of his barns during the coming summer. -Mrs. John Gilfillan, of Usborne, has been spending e, week with relatives in Blyth. -The remains of Mr. John Scott of Fullerton, were inte rred at the Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon last, -Mies Myrtle Stinson has been on the sick list for several weeks.- The concert to be held in the hall Friday evening in aid of the brass band promises to be a grand success, - Mr. Henry Doupe, who has been ser- •iously ill, is steadily iitproving in health. -Mr. Wm. Roger, who has been visiting relatives in the East, has returned home. FARBWELL PARTY. -OA Wedtlaaday 'IN --evening of last week the friends and neighbors, numbering about 50, gather. ed at the residence of Mr. John Mc- Callum, a BIanshard, where a moat enjoyable time was spent, the occasion. being the eve of Mr. ancl Mrs. Mo - Callum' s departure for St Marys. The friends conelnded the least they could do was to show somo recognition of regret at their departure, so decided to tender them a grand oyster supper. At 7.80 p. m. the tables wore set and were really magnificent, being loaded down with the choicest edibles, which deserv- es much praise on the part of the ladies, Oysters were in abundance and served in fine style. After all had partaken of supper, Mr. Wm. Beatty was ehoseit to occupy the chair, when the following address was read To Me. Jese Mae. leictlemeee Dear Priehrie :-You may be somewhat surprisod this evening to see se many ab this hour gethered at your borne. Yet You will at onoo recognize ttg not So strangers but as frionds With you we have lived in this loonlity for many years and dur inn thou NOM, wo have learned to love ,and retheet you as a strictly honeet and upright roan alwaYs taking an interets snbho welfare ., of the commanitY, and else ready to essiati In any undorts,king which had for its object the Prormority of the neighborhood, and by your kindness and Cordiality you have gained our esteem, ae this evening wo come to the old homestead Whereyou have grown into Dao. hoothel owed around with GO mansithemorteo. to Spend the evening With yonland Your kind )ad y on the eVe of your &manure from rononest th. And while it is with deep moot V0 bid You a kind ferowell we wish you evory sucttessiaed happineas in t town to which yea are going, and Wo trust amen the toils and ,difeeulties of life aro past that the by one wo eaten gather to the (everlasting Mins to wilds Bethesda. Raxeri.-The Patrons will debate Free Trade and Protection in the School house on the evening of the 22nd inst. A. big flow of oratory is exe peoted.-Mrs. John Blatchford, who was taken i suddenly ill last week s im- proving'very slowly. Her many friends will be glad. to see her around soon. -Mrs. A. McCurdy, Sr., is visiting in the neighborhood. -Miss M. StfcCurdy has returned to her home in Farquhar. -Miss Mitchell who has been visiting in this neighborhood has returned to her home in Stephen. Mr. G. W. Hol- man had a few of the boys in at a wood - splitting bee last Saturday. The boys did well.- -The funeral sermon in con- nection with the death of the late Mrs Harris was preached on Suedayleat by Rev, Mr. Swan. A large congregation was in attendance. --This place boasts of the best concession roads in the township and great vigilance was the price pail. As soon as the roads drift- ed up they were shovelled or ploughed out, This can't be said of some other places where no trouble has been taken. to insure good roads, , Bonusing wire fences along concession roads should be revived as there is no trouble about mats beside wire fences. -Mr. John Dewsa boys have disposed cf their old Billy Goat. Ire was shipped to Exeter on Wednesday. .'We have not learned. whether his -goatehiP will be stuffed with batting and set up on wires for curious eyes to gaze at or whether stoma or all of the fraternal societies with him for lodge uses exclusively. -Messrs. W. Howard and P. Beavden, of Exeter, have placed in the church here two rods running lengthwise to support the north end which seems in danger of falling out, lis rnay be the force of elo- quence or the cornerdoorway leading to she basement that is eausing-the trouble, most likely the latter. The precaution is a very wise One. Hensell t wwe .Tust arrived, a large assortmeut of Spring Footwear, bought direct from the best Menu- faoturers of Ron real, Toronto, Hamilton and London. In fact we hero the best and most stylish Boots & Shoos ever shown in Hempel and at prices to suit the times. call and see that wo soli cheap for cash. A. WESELOH. Bersm.-The Salvation Army m.usical band made quite a stir on Tuesday forenoon in our town, Mr. Thomas Murdock driving them around the principal streets while they were play- ing. -Peter Lamont of Zurich, was itt town on 'Puesday.-Rev. W. D. Bell, B. A., of Hamilton, gave his lime light lectures in the Methodist church on Monclay and Tueeday nights. Both lectures were well attended. The money raised goes to the Temperance Mission fund. Mr. Bell is also organ- izing ` the select degree of the Royal Ternplars. This is a good order, and. those who want insurance aV cost can't do any better then join the select de. gree. -Mr. Henry Hoffman was in town Saturday,- Messrs, John Coulter and. • Robert Bonthron were at Seaforth on Monday on business, -Mrs Fred. Arnold and family retuned last Friday from Toronto, after a two week's visit. --Mr. jetties Jarrett, sr,, has rented his dwelling to Mr. James Murray. Mr. Jarrett moved back on his farm near Hillsgreen, on Tuesday, and Mr. Murray moved in on Wednesday. While we are sorry to luso Mr. Jarrett. we welcome Mr. Murray and family to our little village, - Mr. Bernard Thompson bought the Petty prop- erty on the London road on Tuesday, by auction, for $1000. This property contains one and one fifth mires, with a dwelling and stable on it. `rile sale of village lots at the park were withdrawn for the present titne--Mr. Alfred Taylor, of Exeter, was in town on Tuesday and Nirednesday,-Mr. Wm. McNevin and family, of Chicago, and formerly of this place, are visiting at his aunt's, Mrs. James Logan -Mame. John Pope and Charles Bossenborry were at Daah wood and &doh on Mon- day on, business, -Ur Henry Weigh and wife were visiting at Exeter last Friday. -Mr. D. Weismiller was at London last riday.-Miss Margie Well, of Zurich, was viaiting at Mrs. A. Wes- efoh'e lest Monday. --Mise Bella Wilson, is at present visiting at Londesboro, ab her sister's, Mrs .A.. Wilkon.-Mr, Geo Joynt was at Clinton last Friday on business. Noe trete KINb. Soott's itn doe a not debilitate the stomach ea other cough medicines do; but on the contoary, it improvea digeation and atretigibees the sten-reds. lei effacing are ierne Vette on 7 er, n ntsa. Bieldulpie Colman. The Council met pursuant to ad- journment, The reeve and all the marabou; present.- The Auditors' Report showeci that the whole tax appearing on the collector's roil for 1894 was fully paid, --Accounts to the amount of $150 were ordered to be paid, after which the council adjourn- ed to meet again on Monday April lot 1885, at 10 e. m, -W, D. Suiten; Clark. Zurich. nnutew-wess Tillie Fisher is very low at present writing, -Mr Beverley of Hensall paid our town a visit one day this week.--Mesars Fred Kilber and Sol Hardy are tn Goderioh this week attenchngthe court there. -Mrs, A.:Pogson and son are visiting at her sister Mrs, Seigner tbis week. -We understand that Mr. Livingston has sold his flax Mill to it joint stock corn - parte in Zarioh,-We understand that William /less has bought the confectionery from bis brother Harry. Success Will. -Owing to the absence) of the Rev. Mr. Braun,' there' was no service in the efethothat church last S unday. • Chiselleurst; -- BliTEele-On Tuesday afternoon of last week fire suddenly broke out in the large barn On the premises of Mr. James Connor. it was quiokly noticed and all hands turned in to try lied save the building, but without avail, and in a very short time the fine big barn was burned to the ground. In the brn was a large quantity of grain, besides a number of valuable farm implements. Six sheep were also burned, but fortunately the cattle and horses were saved. Mr. Danner, we understand, had an insurance of $1,400 but his loss will far exceed that amount. The eeighbors are kindly laarboring Mr, Conner's cattle pntil he gets a suitable place built for them. Sharon. BEIEFS.-Mr. and M re. Albert King of McGdlivrae were the guests of Mr Mrs. Joseph Dauneey on Sunday last. Mr. Wellington Amor has gone to Usborne to workagain. We think there must Le some attraction out ot the common in Usborne for Duke for we connot keep him in Stephen. -Mr. Thos. Amey sr., has sold his fine brood mare, sired by Good Cheer, to Mc- Donald &Finlay for which be realized a good sum. -Mrs, Michael Klump is contined to her,. bed at present from sickness but we hope to soon, hear of leer recovery. -Mr. Jake Finkbeiner ts very tow at time of writing from cancer in the stomach and his friends despair of his recovery, -Mr. Joseph and Edward Xestle have rented two acres of swarnp belonging to the Can ada Company land and are now busy engaged cutting the wood thereon. edullarton. --- Bnntes.-J. R. Gettler had one of his fingers very badly cut with a saw on Monday. It Was thought he would lose a part ofhis finger, but through the skilful attendance of Dr. Arm- strong his finger will be saved. -On Wednesday night of last week the residence of Mr. A • Liodgert, Rustiest - dale, was beseiged by a nunaber of young people frorn this village and neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs, Hod. gert put their house at the disposal ot the visitors who enjoyed themselves for some hours in games, dancing, etc.'and left towards daylight thank- ing the host and hostess for their kind reception. -Brawn and piety some- times go together, as we are told that one of our clergymen threatened to throw it young man through the win dow for disturbing a revival service some eights ago. We think that when young men go to church and can not behave themselves, ad when raoral auision tails to make them conduct themselves properly, it would not be out of place to resort to physical die. cipline to keep them in. order. ' t0 1 ' -Br_ucefteld Bnuses.--The law:suit between Mrs. Halliday, of Sarnia, who Was injured • by being thrown out of a yehtcle near Mr, Kitchen's last aummer, will short ly take place in Sarnia. DrltecTaviett and a, atunber of wanesses wilt attend the trial. It will prove an expensive trial to either the Stanley council or Mrs. Lialliday.-Mr.Murray. Gibson, who had a ir vere attack of inflarn. elation of the bowels last week, ut alovvly recovering. -Mr. McDonald visited this week at the home of bis nano near Kincardine. -All the property belonging to the Ross Pregby- terian church, incladieg church, burial plot end the plena where Mr. Ross formerly resided, will be sold by auction on the 6th Of April.--Metisrs McGregor and Hunter shipped horses to Scotland on Saturday last; Mr, Hunter took eharge of the cargo. -Miss blevie has returned' from Edinburg, Dakota • ...es TIM W ODERI4 WAle: Connnende itself be the well formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was 1 formerly dthe in the widest rammer and disegreesibly as well, To deans° the system heti break hp oolds, heaeache and fame without unpleaaant after effeota se the delightful liquid ittitetire remedy, Steele ef Wiga, • Myth, Balm. -Tbe farm of the late Francis Wright, we understand, has been rented to a Mr. James, who takes possession at once. We believe that Mrs. Wright will take up her residence in the village, -Kr. C. C. Rowe, late deputy reeve of Il/Iorrie, heir bought from the execotors et the Tanner estate, the houae lately occupied by Mr. Tanner, paying there- for the sum of $7300. -The people of this vioinity have determined ott the erection of a cheeae factory by it cora- party incorporated tor the purpose. They haye purchased it site irona Mr. Marshall, Beet Witwanosh, about 4 miles north. -We understand that the executors of the Tanner Estate will shortly declare a first dividend of 5 per cent, and expects to increase this when the assets are realized upon. Crediton. Bann's.- Mr. Louis Shroeder and Miss Lippardeof Kluve were married:at the Evaagelloal parsonage oa fuesday by Rey. Litt. -Mr. Sorel Eilber is m Gode rich this week as a jurymau.-A. wood bee was held et Wm. Oraig's on Tuesday, with the usual dance in the evening. The boys tvorked todustrious- ly at the wood durmg the day, and were entertained in princely style in the evening. They speak highly of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Craig, - Mr. A.ugust Sweitzer of Delaware and Mrs. Geiser of Buffalo, were here this week attending the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Henry Sweitzer. RAMEY vo, d01,T. -This was an action brought by Rebecca aolt against .Michael Barry both of the township of Stephen, for seduction and breach of promise, and which had been entered for hearing at the assizes now in session at Goderich. Having suspicion that Barry was going to !avant, Constable Gundry of Goderich passed through here on Fridtet night and cutpaised Barry, who, with the consent ot the Oft, settled the matter by paying the amount of damages asked by Miss Holt, WEDDING BELLS. --A quiet wedding took place m the presence of friends of the ,contraoting parties, at the residence of Mrs. Morlock,on Tuesday last, of lieteilag;htsr: Alias Lavine, _ to Mr. A. McCallum. of Toronto, The ceremony was, perfotrned by Rev. Litt, the bride Item asststed by her sister,Miss A.deline Morlock. while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Duncan McCallum of foronto. The presents were numerous and cos tiy. (We received too late tor this issue an interesting budget at news from Crediton; it will appear next week.e- Emmen . ore -N1«.- • Biddulph. .Routterer aternene. -R. D. flifferd, a married man who resides in London, had an experience on Wednesday evening which he will not forget for n3any a day, and which spoiled many plans be had laid out for the future. Hiftord is a farmer, but for the last three months has been living at the above address. Durtng this time he had been in quest of a farm on which to settle, and a loan company offered to lease him a good faun on the Roman Line of Biddulph township. It was the place occupied by Edward Bowers, who had some trouble with a crowd one Saturday evening last summer, shot and killed Wm. Cain, and is now serving five years in Kingston fer manslaughter. The peoperty is next to the scene of the famous Don- nellyenurder, and was formerly owned by a man named Robbins. 'The loan company leased the place to flifford for one, two, three or fiye yeara at$200 a year and the taxes. The lease took effeet on March 1, but Elifford did nob start to move until Wednesday. On that day lee took asleieh load of imple. mots, furniture. eta., to the place, and when he had about holt' the goods unloaded, was sueprised to see a stranger ,drive In the gate. The new- oomer nppearel very familiar, and after it few remarks began to intimate to Hifford that he was in danger and that he had bettor move off the place as quickly as potsible. afford was not one who was to be eesi:y frighten- ed ane he started to argue with the stranger. The latter; however, was as fluent es a Philadelphia lawyer, and told Hittord that be was liable to reoeive rough handltng, to be burned out, or something worse. By this time afford began to realize that the man was in earnest, and wag more firmly 'impressed when three more strangers drove in and corrobornted the statements of Caller No, I, "You had better get off the place to -night, because we will allow no person but — to occupy it," said one of thein. After a little further parleying the men departed, but in it short time en - other lot evrived, and their threats towards Rifler(' were even stronger. "Dont you know that it man WAS shot down on the road there tiot long ago?" asked one of then% Hifford had heatct of the Cam tragedy and nodded assent Ho thought, too, from the way the stranger spoke that a similar fate might befall hint, but he did not even then give the mewl the Sails- lactic:tit ofloolting frightened. At last one of the crowd -a big fellow, weigh- ing about 175 pounds -grabbed Ilifterci by the throst end threw hint to the groend, The whole gang piled dit and forced him to agree to leave the place the pet morning. One of the party remained with Hiftbrd for two or three bows and left the best of friends. flifford kept to his word, and vvitla ids goods and ohattels re- turned to London On Thursday. Ile notified the loan company of the affair, and stated that he would not enter the plaee again it it were given him, Dashwood. *Mr. (Shea. Fritz is offezine some great in- duomaente in the lino of hieyelos this yese lio handle; good cheap wheals as well tts those of, Fancy mice. Parties 'wishing to purchase wheels woted de wel to call on Mr, Fritz as ho will supply their wants: He isagentfor the celebrated Bruntford bicycles. Beiees„-Severel of our villagers attended the auction sale of Mr. A. Kipfer, Blake, last VVednesday.-Dr. McLaughlin visited London last Thurs- day ou business.- Mr. Jacob Keller- man is at present taking advantage of the good sleighing by baring large quantities of wood teamed to Exeter station, which will be shipped to his wood yard in Louden. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Rothermal from Kalbileisins Mina were visiting et Mr. Etenry It oesees oa Sunday. -Messrs Henry and Adam Manse of Tavistockpaid Dashwood and vicinity a visit last Saturday and Sun - date -Mr. John Soldan moved into Mrs,H, Birk's house on Tuesday. Mrs.. Birk intends to move to Exeter. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman and tem Wurte visited friends in Zurich on Sunday: - George. Pfaff of Elkton,efich„is at present bere attending to the estate ot his father, the late Mr. Conrad Pfaff, The :Auction stale of the ;laid estate took -place on Friday and was largely attended by a large crowd of people. -lir, Christtan Hang who spent the winter with his mother, left on Tues- day for his former home in Cavalier, Dakota -Mies Adeline Pfaff Ieft 00 Tuesday for LindereMich. Oentralia. --- BEtrepe.—Mies Maud Anderson daughter of Joseph Anderson, leaves next week fur Cairfield,Iowa to reside. -Mr. Jas Delgaty attended the funeral of his uncle at Bayfield on Thursday lase -Rev, W Butt attended the funeral of the late Rev. J. W. Anuia of London lust ruesday.-Mrs. (Dr.) Shouits came home from London last 'Thursday evening where she had been attending the funeral of her mother about two weeks ago, -Mrs. ot the late Walter Hill, passed away on Tuesday last. She had been in bad health for some time past. .Eler sons who had returned to their homeslately were telegraphed for again. • The funeral will take place Thursday, to the Fairfield cemetery. -Jas. and Elam Butt, who forraerly. lived in Exeter, visited their nephew and. niece, Rev. W. 11. Butt and Mrs. J. Delgitty, last week, Grand Bend. Bnings.-The sleighing is excellent now and the logs are commencing to move again -At the residence of Mr. George Webb was the pace of a pleasing event, it being the marriage of his second daughter Emma, to Mr. Aaron Ireland. Quite a number of friends and neighbors witnessed the ceremony which was perforined by r Carriere. The preeents were beantilul and useful and showed much respect for the young couple. All will wish them health and prosperity in their voyage through life. -Mrs. R. J, Fallis of Bruce is visiting here tins week and ia looking well; her little boy Russel is also with hew -The fishermen are having good success catching trout now with their hooks: They make good hauls near:y every day,-Johe Welsh is busy now building a boat for the summer gill netting and ex- pects to have it completed soon. -A, W. Robinson hact a bee on Tuesday drawing his dump cars to Parkhill.- Mr. Frank Allen is getting out timber for the erection of a new barn to re- place the one burnt by lightning lest surniner. Don't Tooacoo Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Is the trethiel, sten tling title of a bcok about No-To-r3ao, tho harmless, gearan. teed tobacco babit cure that braces up nieotinized nerves; elfininates the nicotine poison,' makes weak men gain strength, vigor and menbood.. Yeu run no physical or finateial risk, as NoaTo-Bao is sold under guarantee to cure or raoney refund- ed. Book free. Ad Sterling Remedy Co., 371 St. Paul. St., hfontreal Mt John Clark has sold his farm of 1.00 Noma, lealug lot 6, on the 71h oon,, of Hallett to Mr. Jonet Britt es. for the stun of 65,000. „Mr„ 13 Moe no. Ilea a tine farm Of 300 antes. Mr. Clark is geese to Mani- toba. To ULM PURE 13t.oen• There is no medicine before the people, equal to Hood's Sarsaparille. It is the atandard spring inedieine and blood puti. tter and it posaossea peculiar melt which others try in vain to reach. It really makes the weak etrong De not neglect be purify your blood title spring. Take Huod'd Sarsaparilla now. „ Hood's Pine become the favorite eabhae- tic with every one who tries thein 25e, per box . A very letge oak tree Wag Ont recently on the Wm of D. DetterY,. lot 11, ton. Best NiSaeuri, whieh mcastired at the butt 38 belies. From the butt to the to it measured 82 feet and four cords' of twenty ineh Wood were cut out e(,' hteeehte n Eden Smoot. Iturcata.--The following ia the correct report for 8, 8, No. 4, Osborne, for the mouth of Febrearya-V, Edgar Bus. well Sr. IV, - Berioni Kerslake, Rhoda Kerslake ; Jr. IV, -Nelson Kerslake, Horner Bewail ; Jr. III,-Etha °aye, Ernest 33uawell ; Sr. 11, Percy Webber, Edward Kerelatte ; Jr. II, -George *Tones, Milton Bissett; Sr. I, -Boy Luxton, John Jones nallarton. • Baines. -R. Ross has moved from the Mount Pleasant neighborhood to the Mc- Callum farm, near Eiriceon.-}libbert & Deborne Maumee Co,have appointed Mr. John Wilson, agent, in room of the late Capt. Francis. -John Yeo, of the 8th con., near Gowrie, has moved me to the farm of W. Hanson, on the nth oon., whicb he has leased for a term of years.. Stanley. Bemes.-Mr, Guo. Sparke, one of the oldest and most highly reepected residents of the Bronson Line, died at his residence on Wednesday evening, of heart failure. He was between Wand 70 years of age, and leaves a wife and large family. A. Liberal and member ot the Presbyterian chureb.-Mies Sarah Fee. Goshen Line, is visiting friends in Bayfieldand the vicinity. -Masers Dan Campbell and. John Baird have been visiting in Brace Co. the past week. -Mr, jamas Mustard. of Chicago, hat been vedengwairong his friends here for Some time. -Mies Rosa, of Mioh., who °erne over here with Mr ham Aikenhead to spend some tirne here, has been very much indisposed for the laat three weeks; she id at present with. her cousin Mi. Jas. Aikenhead; her father is also here with her. The Mortuary Record. Por.D.-Efallett --"tow-ra-ahip lost one of its pioneers on Saturday, by the death of Mr. John Ford, of the 2nd con, who bad reached tbe age of 80 years. Deceased settled here over 50 years ago, and has ever sines remained a resident of the township ; be was a quiet, unobtrusive man, and leaves a wife, two sons on the farm, two residing in Clinton, and one daughter. Politically he wee a Conserv°, live ; and an adherent of the -Episcopal church. lIfelexcaasia-Mrs, Win. Mellichael, ot MaKillip, died on Wednesday la.st, after an illness extending ever five years, during the last two of width' she was constantly confined to beat Ws. McMichael, whose maiden name was Mary Birchall, was born iu county Cork, Ireland, in 1850, and. came to this country when a young eirL She first resided in Merrickville and after- wards senioved to the • township of Elib- bert. Thirty nine years ago she was married to Mr. McMichael, and removed to McKillop, where she has ever since resmitsds. ING.-Another esteemed citizen, gone to her reward. We refer to the death of Harriett Trick, beloyed wife of Mr. Richard Manning. which otherred on Thursday last, at the family residence Exeter. Deceased was in the 67th year ot her age, and had bean ill for eonse weeks, the cause of death being a general breaking down of the coustitutiou, the result of a heavy strain on the system, brought about by the csnstant watchful- ness and care which for 3 eau past she has given Mr. Manning, who is a victim of paralysis. Mrs. Manning was born in Cornwall, England, Feb. 121h, 182e, and at the age of 5re yea.re came to Canada with her parenta. Tney settled near Port Hope, where, in the year 1847, eh° married Richard Manning. In 1853 they mooed to Stephen township, into a house on the lake road, bat shortly afterwards came to Exeter and lived in the residence now occupied by Mr. I. Bowerman, until 1860, when they purchased the farm in the lat concession of Stephen, now owned by Mr: Thos. Rowe. By industry and good management, they were able in souse 20 years to retire from farm life and again move into Exeter, to the residence where deceaged passed peacefully away on Thared.ay morning last. It was hi the later yeare ou the harm when Mr. Man- ning received a severe sunstroke, the cause of the trouble from which be has been suffering for some tints. Death brings sadness wider almost any cireurn- stains% but there are times when it seems doubly severe. Sucha case is the present one. Ulla separation from a loving husband is sorrowful enough, but when he is usable to care for Monett in the least, it is an occasion for profound sympathy : and the last earthly parting of the dying woman and her husband, with either unable to speak, but with bauris clasped and tears flowing down their cheeks, was ett affenting that it will never be forgotten by those who witnessed the sad some. Deceased was 0.0 estimable and lovable woman, was widely known for her benev- olence, and held in the highest esteem by everybody. She leaves a family of six children, five sons and one daughter, two setts, Samuel and Albert haying preaeded her, The surviving members of tbe fam- ily aro: W. C.'Cleveland, Ohio ; John T„ aml Mrs, Geo. Weir, Ritigetown ; Luther, to Manitoba -, Wilbur, Clinton, and Ravioli, who resides with bis father. Tbe tuneraltook place on Saturday, and was condueted by Rev. H, W. Locke, assiated by Rev. J. W. Holmes of Clinton, the mambas being interred ;n the Exethe ciemetery. The attendance was very tare° and the floral offerings most elabor- ate. ituticles wreaths, armee and other forms of floret offerings, given by members of the family and friende, we noticed a very handauth wreath presented by the tadiest Aid of Main et,Methoclistt church; also h floral croas irons the Wetnen's Missionary Auxiliary, both of • which aocietiee deceased was a Member. Two brothers, John Tel* of Toronto, and W. Trick, of St, Thomas, awl one sister, Mrs - John Marshall, of Hamilton, survive her. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. n feae ytx p7,,..re,a.z..97,i ,eeikr.:14 ariztt,t,toh. p!, 1- ALL-- WIER HODS being cleared:out at Cost Prices. Auci beautiful Sprit and Summer Goods taking their place at the Market Depot. Get some of the bargains, J. P. Ross, Hix. -Mrs. Mary Hill, relict of the late Walter Hill of the township of Stephen, died. at her son's residence Stephen township, on Tuesday, in the 5Gth year of her age. • She had been ill for some time and her death was expected. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Brewer, town, and leaves a family of several children to inourn the loss of an affectionate mother. Her remains will be interred in the Fairfield cemetery bo -day. leZ . The celebrated, stainless Ladies' Elm, the kinds of which we have sold for years past; are cheaper and better -made goods this year. Never had a single complaint of them. ,Bold by J. P. Claire. • .A new bank check, something like tlae Ohinere laundry cheek, is being discussed in bank &oleo, the object being to ao away with identification. The cheek is in two parts, and ono is to ba sent to the bank upon which it le drawn. If on pres- entation they corrupts& yon get your dollars. • Our Worsteds and Tronserings, Tweeds and Suitings, Collars and Neckwear. Socks and Braces, are not surpaased itt values. To be sonviaosd is to price them at J. P. Clarke's. Mr. Henry Creighton, of the base 1:ne Blanshard, dispoeed of all Ms farm stock and effects on Tbursday last. Like too many others Mr: Creighton lute lost hia all through beeking netes and raying the debts of others, and wa4 obliged to re - the from farming. - .0, s SaleReetister. Tuesday, March 19.-Ferin stook and implements the property of William Perkins, 1(4'17, con 5, Usborite. Side at one o'clock. Thos. Cameron, =et, Friday Match 22.-Farin stock, imple- ment/a etc., the property of W. Darrison, lot 1 con.'1, Biddulph. Sale at 1 o'clock. No teserv;. T. Cameron, Atm Thursday, March 26, -Land rotten, gates, wheelbarrows, ete., the property of Anabroto Cottle, at his Turntng Factory, Exeter. Sale at one o'clock. IV. Mc Cloy. ante For nervous headache use K, D 0. Exeter MunicipatOouncii. The Council mot at the Town Hall, Exeter, March 8th, 105. All pres- ent. Minutes of provx‘des meeting read and confirmed. • Carling -Taylor -Orders for the following sums :-Jas. Creech, $5.35; clothing for Eye, Pips; an Insene per - sou. and $4.75 for conveying her to the Asylum • D. Spicer, 603 glazing ; Jas. Creech, $4.00 chteity to Mee Sutton. ; do $1.00 to Mrs. Bartner de, $2.25 Mrs, Piper ; d. $2.03 etre. McIntosh; do $1.50 to Thos. Dave ; Jno. Piper, 30e labor; Wm. Parsons, 30c do ; ancl Jas. N. Howard, $36.00, for street lighting and $3 Town Hall lights to lst of March.-Cavried. By- laws, No 6,17, ande8, were duly reed and passed.--' The Council adjourned until Yriday the 22nd inst.. at 7.3J p. itt., on mo- tion of T. B. Carling, eeconded by 3. Taylor. M. EA.CRBTT, Clerk. Norway Pine Syrup oures coughs. Norway Pine Syrup cares colds. Norway Pine Syrup bets the lungs. KI KTON Post Office Store CHEAP SALE GOING 01 ALL THE T/ME. We are showing the best Spring Suiting,s in Twood cgd 'Worsted, Xever offered at such low prices before. BARGAINS Had • a big rush at our bargain counter last week. A number of good artic- les left yet. Cali and see us,