The Exeter Times, 1895-3-7, Page 8INSURANCE.
el a..r a ;IS taasiase 01 LtAltit).4
01301,1d \Lid INSURANOM QOM,.
PANN of dleetend,
rpti E LONDON KU riiAL
/feed °also, LQDQ.
N'otri years. this Oceneenr 1104 doe° the
L %retest beeiucee ia ()tautly, at the lowest rets,
oortaistent w th 4500 u rity.
Asseto, Jan, 189i, $ i4,190,00
43,000,,Polieleab oree.t.
T., E. It011SON, President.
O. MO DON A 141).1 anager.
For;further partioulare, etude to
glgenr, xotor,
Pocket & Office D tares.
All Sizes mid Prices.
Start the nen year by replenish -
lig your ales. We aneve a
-dui line of
Wank Becks,
Plies, ls,
Paper 1.1walsetS
Etc., tete.
A.nd the prices are the lowest.
ICin city call and inspect; tnem.
pug Bating
Yes the Big Clearing Sale
now on at the
Big Balimpt Store
is a Booming Success.
Crowds of eager, id.elight-
ed, and satiafied buyers
crowd the Big Store daily.
Never have we had greater
reasons for saying thanks to the
public) for the way in which they
have respondel to o ir Big Sale.
And never, no nevec, have the
public had greater thanks to us for
the wonderful bargains being offer.
Come everybody. Come and
secure some of the biggest values
ever offered in Exeter.
ttt unqi,
T 1.1RSDAY, ltIAROd " th, 1895
Total eclipse of au, mow* ou the 10th
La grippe ha epidemic in town At the
present time:
Wiggins predicti several snow storms
throughout March.
Messrs, Fatty and McDonell will b3
in Exeter ott Saturday to purchase
Chicago Oity Council has ordered that
the 10,000 bicyclists in. the city be each
tailed $2 ler yestr.
Messrs. Prier and Armstrong shipped
in -other consignment of hogs from this
station thie eek.
E.E. Shepperci has refused the tempt-
me:offer he reireirsd from Chi ago and
wil remain in Osnada.
rhere has been a gradual advance in
the pricesof cereals on the Exeter
nierket -the past week.
Farm stock is bringing good prices at
sales just now, cows have been averag-
ing at $30 and S'i35 per head.
The St. Marys Journal has changed
hands, J. Bedy, of St. Thomas having
purchased the business from G, F.
The sudden change in the weather
gladdens the hearts of skaters, and the
rink men's countenances are wreathed
in smiles.
March cettainly came in like a lamb,
but soon became lionised by giving us
on Monday one of the worst storms of
the seascm.
Mr. A. Leadmau has leased from Mr..
D. -Wood, the butcher shop lately con-
ducted by Mr. Wesley Snell. Being
an energetic young man, we predict
for him success,
A young man named Chris. Zuefle,
of Creditou, wedded Miss Millie Baker,
daughter of William Baker, Huron
street, one day last week. Rey. 'Geo.
Jackson tied the nuptial knot,
J. J. Cornish, of Michigan, preached
to fairly large audiences in Wood's
hall on Thursday evening and Sunday
afternoon,. He expounded the Latter
Day Saint doctrine.
Next year will be leap year'and the
last one for eight a ears. The leap
year which fall in the last year of a
century are not counted, so there will
be enly 28 days in the February of
The adjourned trial of Wes. Snell,
insolvent, butcher and drover, before
Chas. Snell, J. P., on a charge of ob-
taining money under false pretences,
was dismissed, the evidence being in-
sufficient to commie him.
.Several farmers from near St. Marys,
and others from near,Mitchell were on
the Exeter market on Tuesday with
grain. They say the Exeter buyers pay
from one to two cents per bush more
• thantheir qiome buyers.
• *Last week two men of Wiarton took
a day's hunting and shot a fine bear.
It was very fat and had. a beautiful
• akia which measured over six feet from
tip to tip. Although the weather last
week was very. cold it seems it did not
prevent the bear from coming out,
The Exeter Male Quartette visited
Kirktoa on Thursday last to take part
in a concert there, They report
rough passage over the pitch -holes.
With one or two exceptions they were
• the only persons present of those
were to have taken part enter
tainment. The ClaalaAn.titre never dis-
appoint. •
John McQueen s sale near
Rockwood, an argument arose about
who weighed the heaviest, and the
weight of a party of four. •The:result
was: -James Weatherston, Eramosa,
325; Morgan Crawson, 288, Mr. Mc-
Arthur, Erin, 2i58; J. D. Heffernan,
265 Total 1136. Next!
Mr. Wesley Fanson of the Thornbury
Herald, formerly a typo on the Them
staff, was married recently at Coiling -
wood. to Miss Sadie, daaghter of Mr.
James Myles of the township of Euph
rasia. A.:newspaper despatch says it
was a case of elopment, the young
lady's father having objected" to the
As the last regular meeting of council
No. 94, Canadian Order of Chosen
Friends, the following officers were
elected : -Past Chief Councillor, J. P.
Ross ; Chief Councillor, Thos. Fitton ;
Vice CouncillorMrs. J. P. Rosa; Re-
corder, J. H. 'Grieve ; Prelite, Mrs.
Quance ; Marshall, Mrs. J. Horn ;
Warden, Geo. Brooks ; _Sentry; Mrs.
Morgan; G-uard, Mrs. *Wm. Tapp.
Grand, representative. Rev. Wm. Martin. Wednesdayconcluded a long
round of gaiety. Though the social
whirl this winter has tot been noticable
for very large affairs, the pace has been
well kept up, and there has been a con-
tinuous retold_ of dances, progressive
whist and euchre parties and • afternoon
teas, with perhaps the latter most in
evidence,though the number of "pro-
gressive" has been greater this winter
than for some seasons past.
\%Itey All Come Deck,
Dr. Sweet, who has just returned
from Shelbyville, Ill., after an absenee
of sevei or eight sears, says Ontario is
good enough for linn, and that those
Ottuarlians who advocate aunexation or
free trade, do not know what they are
talking about. Canadians, he says, are
a favored class. They are prosperous,
have better lams, live in a nobler way
and withal enjoy •a far more preferable
existence than de their neighbors of the
Republic. He made a living there but
all things cdnsidered he preferred 'On-
tario, ' As for poverty, he says it pre-
vails to an alarming extent throughout
the States,the outcome of whiali no
one can conceive.
Notice,..tP5'.Times' Readers.
The,PiirlisIters would esteem it a favor if
St7ettrs would,when making their purchases,
4nention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in TEE limES.
•NOTICE -All business announcements
aotioes of pnblie meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in thee() local
columns will be (shamed for at the rate of live
eents per lino each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
o persons haying open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issne copy
must he handedinto office on Inundates
Trivitt Memorial Ch,
. special Vestry Sleeting to -night, (Thursday)
at 8.3)p. m. impot taut business • mem-
leers are requested to be present.
• There are several auction sales an-
nounced for this month.
One of the delivery horses of Ford
Bros., butchers, ran away one day last
'week, creating a little excitement.
A union prayer meeting of the two
Methodist churches will be held in Main
St char& this (Thursday) evening.
The delegates to the Epworth League
tonventions'in Toronto Iast week, gaye
report to their respeotive Leagues on
Tuesday evening. Much information was
Mr. Thos. ErazeiNtlood's Sale of stook
last weak was largely- attended and good
/altos were reslized. Thcs. Cameron
wtelded tbe hammer with acceptance. Mr.
:Hazelwood will move to town to reside.
The residence of Mr. B. S. O'Neil
narrowly escaped destruction by fire oue
evening last week. A lamp wao accident-
ally upset,the oil igniting on the carpetand
but for the presence of mind of Mr. O'Neil
who happened in at the time,in taking off a
• new overcoat and throwing it on the flames
which had well developed, we would now
be called upon to record a serious tire,
Bev. R. D. Boss died at the residence of
BM father, Fictoix Co. Nova, Scotia, on the
23rd tilt. He was for some years
minister of the Peesbyterien Churcb,
Woffville, N. S , hut was forced to resign
his Charge three yeare ago owing to hie
health giving way with an affliction of the
lungs, which finally proved to be fatal.
Mr, Rosa was a young man in the vigor
,of liked kindly and :sterling quitlitiee, and
Was much beloved and respected in the
morigregation over which he was pastor.
Durina a visit last sinximor to his brothers
sT.P. and D. A. Roos of this place, he
sendectred himself to many by his kind
disposititia toad the chriatiati patiefure with
Ministerial Associatioli.
The regular meetingof the South
Huron Miumterial Association was held
in the Main St. ;Methodist Church,
Exeter, on Monday afternoon. In the
absence of the President, Rev. H. NV,
Locke was voted to the chair, and
after adoptina the minutes of the Mat
meeting, arrangements were made for
the 1`ay meeting. The election of
officers for the ensuing year resulted as
follows: -President, Rev, W. fl. Butt;
Se '
a-Treas. Rev. 0 Fletcher. Rev W
H Butt read a paper on "The Pastor
among hi people." The word Pastor
he said was taken from the Latin and
in point and meaning was synonymous
with Shepherd, and as a shepherd feeds
his flock on the best pasturage, so the
pastor was to feed hi people on the
Word of Life. Solitude, meditation,
self examination, with prayer and the
study of God's word were necessary to
prepare the pastor for coutacb with
his people. He should be sociable a,nd
friendly, while maintaining a certain
dignity of demeanour. It was not
necessary to indulge in boyish pastimes
to gain the respect of the bOys, nor'
lounge around stores and shops to be
popular with the masses, still he must
needs be one with his people. Ile
ought to dress in becoming cnstutne.
Though it might not be necessary to
wear a plug hat, a white choker and
broad -cloth suit, he would appear very
unseemingly with full -cloth pants, fus-
tian jacket and BIOUCh hat. T.n his re •
creations he was to be careful what he
indulged in and not go where he oould
not take his Saviour with him. In his
pastsral visitations he should give his
first attention to the sick and troubled,
calling on others when opportunity and
circumstances might allow. In business
meetings and church eocieties he was to
give counsel and aid, striving to be "as
wise as a serpent and. as harmless as a
dove." Hay, W. M. Martin then
followed with a sermon on James 4, 14,
"What is your Life?" He said while
the text had reference to physical life,
by request, he had taken it up in re-
lation to spiritual life. The Ohristiau's
test was in giving up all and. bearing
up fruit in the life. To the backsliders
and stnners the questien came with
still greater emphasis. Both the paper
and sermon were freely disaussed. The
next meeting is to be held the first
Menday in April in i,he Jamas St,
Methodist Church.
The St. Marys Council pay their
officials the following salaries: Clerk,
$250; treasurer, $250; chief constable,
$400; night constable, $375; assessor,
$90; collector, $125; auditors, each $20.
Mitchell officials receive: Clerk, with
other duties, $375; assessor, $75; col-
lector, $50; treasurer, $60; day con-
stable, $800 and poundage fees; night
constable, $250; auditors, each $15;
electrician, $400; engineer, with free
house arid fuel, $326; fire company,
The following item bas been going
the rounds of the presslately ;-"About
30 years ago a man in the vicinity of
°linten obtained judgment Against a
debtor for $325. The debtor was un-
able to pay, but the claim was contin-
ually renewed, and although in later
years the debtor was in a position to
pay,the Claim was never presented until
handed to the executors recenay. ' In
the meantime it has grown to about
$800, the accumulated interest bringing
it up to this amount, and the claim is
one that rnav have to be paid.," It
might he information to some and re,
which he bore up under hut toed', illness. lief to others to know that a, judgment
l'Efte 1RM has gone clown while it was yet is good only for 20 years, and that there
day." can:be no renewal Of ita
'rho New Methodist Departure..
lielee,fter there will be a liethodsb
Young People's Aesocietion tor caeh
pc4k1 oseletenee The delegates attending
the couventiou et Toronto lett week met
et the close of the eonveution and. formed
a separate association for their tweedy°
conference The following officers were
Instated for the London Uonference; Presi-
dent, Dr Thornton, Dreladen; first vie
presideut, Bev G n' Salton, 3tratfor1;
second vice, F W Daly, Loudon; third
vice Dr Shapnou, Dutton; fourth vise,
Miss Formau, Stratfard; presideut of
junior league, Miss Leaioye'Satinet;
sec: e tat yaIvor Brock, Chatham ; treasurer,
Wee Gilpin, St Marys; repreeentative to
General Epworth League Board, Rev B le
Lauceley. • These officers will act for one
year. and the association will embraoe the
London, Exeter, Sc Thomas, Ay 1 ine t,
Chatham, Windsor, Ridgetown, Straihrey,
Sarnia. it Marys, Stratford, Goderioh,
Wingham, Kiucardine and Listowel dis-
Mr. W. Butcher of St. Marys, visited
friends in town over Sunday. -J. A.
Stewart has bEen confined to his bed the
past several days eith a severe erne:et-al'
is grippe, as was also Mr.eIle,'2,673-tt -Mr.
J. K. Baker of Reefeenrierey Co., visited
friends in tower -the past week. -W. H.
Hutoleta31. P. for North Middlesex, and
Wm. Pridham, M. P., for South Perth,
worein town on Saturday, the former par.
chasing produce, the latter purchasing
cattle and hog. -11r. A.. \Yelper, of Berlin,
wan in tuwn the latter part of last week.-
J.E.Torn I.P.S for South Huron spent the
past weekin town and neighborhood. -The
milliners have returned to town: -Miss
Davis, for R. Pickard & Son; Mies Smith
for E. 3. Spackman & Co: Miss Urquhart,
foe J. A. Stewart and Miss McConnell, for
Mrs. Spicer. Miss Horne manages her
own millinery department -Several loads
of Royal Templars visited Centralia on
Friday night to hear the debate between
members of the Oetirtalia and Sodom
Councils. They report a pleage.nt and
profitable time. -M. 51. Rosebrough of
Toronta, formerly of Exeter, has been
very ill of late. -Barrister Proudfoot of
Goderich was in town on Mond-, and
took pert in the Snell trial.-kliss Ella
Rollins, of Exeter, visited relatives and
friends in Egmondville last week -A.
Tupkersmith correspondent writes: A.
number nf friends of Mise Edith Walters
spent a very pleasant evening at the
residence of Mr. W. Plower', on Tuesday
evening. Miss Walters will return to her
home in Exeter ab an early date. -The
Times was in error last week in stating
that Mr. Munro, who has been ill of late,
was able to be around again. It was his
brother, who was visiting at his bedside.
whom we mistook for the sick man -Mr.
Wilbur Manning of Clinton ie here° wait-
ing on his mother who Is very ill. -Mr.
Harry Seymour, formerly law clerk with
L. E. Dickson, is renewing old acquaint -
truces in town. -Mr. D. Miller, V. S. is
moving this week to the residence of Mr.
John Roadie, where be will reside tora
time .-Mrs. Henry Francis is confined to
her bed, through illness. -Mrs. Richard
Manning is also ill beyond recovery.
Merabers of the family have been sent for.
-Mrs. A. Stewart of the North boundary,
Usborne, is very ill and not expected to
recover. She is mother of Mr. A. Stewart
and Mrs. Hunkin of this place.-Mr.Rich
Pickazet merchant, is confined to his room
with an attack of congestion of the lunge.
We hope goon to be able to report his re-
covery. -Premier Greenway of Manitoba is
much improved. -Mr. James Pickard is
confined to his room through
Levi Wolper of Seaforth was in town on
Tuesday --J. K. Wright; G. T R. ticket
agent, London, visited W. R. Holland over
Sunday. --Mr. tRichard Harris of Luaan
visited Exeter North over Sunday to
the joy of some body'a heart. -Miss Annie
jeckell of Ridgetown is vieiting her parents
isi town. -Mr. Serra Sweet, who has been
visiting in London, has returned home. -
Miss Templeton is improving in health. -
Miss Nellie Ramsay entertained several of
her friende in an hospitable manner Tea -
day. evening. -Mrs. Geo. Manson who
hat 'been vieitieg Mande in Highgate re-
turued home on Saturday night. -John
Gould of Chathara, is visiting ender the
parental roof.-Mesei s Tapp ana Downing
have eetorned to Manitoba.-Afte. John
liletchford is visiting friends in Imam this
week. -Miss Gussie Helfand has taken a
eituation as head Milliner fot a firm in
Cayuga,- Miss Morgan, PontipcolIS
the guest of Mrs. Spieer -Mrs. 11
Spicer has reterned from the millinery
openings in 'reunite and. Lonams.
The merchants are opening piles of
opriug goods.
Mrs. Swau of Osborne, while in the
stable the other day, fell &net broke one of
her ribs,
James Homey oi McKillop, has made
an easier:talent. Several citizens are
losers in consequence.
John Klienfeldt, renior and junior,farm-
ere, of Dashwood, have assigned to air.
Joseph Seen, of that village.
We have received another letter from
Mr. John McCallum, who is wintering in
Florida. It will appear oext week.
Mr. A. McDonoll has purchased from
the Menus Baekerville, of Centralia their
lint prize carriage team, paying therefor
a good PURI.
Mr. Ed. Short of Chiselhurst on TUOli-
day moved onto Mr Win Danoey's farm in
McGillivray, Mr. Dewey haying moved to
The fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla, once
fairly' tried, becomes the favorite spring
medicine, speaks volumes for ita exeel-
leuce and merit.
The Winoheleea Creamery Ca , ale
negoiiatiug with Mr. Bobier for the par.
chase of the plant of the Exeter factory. to
bsoremoyed to Winchelsea.
On Wednesday while, s. J.
Stewart was inaking hot lemonade, and
when pouring water into the pitcher the
veseel broke, ocaldiag her arm severely.,
"n* -Mrs. A. Stewart of the North Boundary
of Usborne underwent a critical operation
on Monday, in the replacing of a rupture.
We are pleased to learn that she is recover
Do not despair of curing your sick head-
aoheiwhen you can so easily obtain Car-
ter'sLittle Liver Pills- They will effect
•a prompt and. permanent cure. Their
action is mild and natural.
Dr. Millar vacated his residence on
John street on Tuesday,-, arid Dr. Sweet,
who has just returned:from Shelbyville.
111, moved his family thereto same day,
the latter having purchased the practice of
the former.
Mr. Wm. Perkins ofahe ath concession
of Usborne, has sold his !erne of 100 acres
being lot 17, to Mr. _Win. Moody, of.
Farquhar, for the sun? of $5,500. Mr.
Moody gets a good farm, ,Mr: Perkins in.:
tends going to London title,lie has pur-
chased a fruit farm.
Mr. E. Christie on. 'Tuesday purthased
the livery business' from Mer,, John Load(
man. Mr. Christie was the former ownrar,
but owing to Mr. Loadmaa ,gettinA. dato
financial trouhle thisnliglathe insolvency
of,ifir..Virralsy Snell, heavvas oompelled to
hand the business over io Mr. Christie.
The blue -bird is hailed as a harbinger of
Spring. It is also a reminder that a blood
purifier is needed to sir -apart ihe system
for the debilitating weather to come.Listen
and you will hear the birds singing: 'Take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in, March, .April,
Mr. Harrison of the 2nd coocession of
Biddulph paving sold his farm to Mr.
Blair of Kippen, will move into town this
month, into the premises of Mr. John
McCallum, Exeter North, which be has
rented for a term of 5 years. Mr. Mc-
Callum is at present in Florida.
The creditors of Wesley Snell, insolvent,
met in:Elliot & Elliot's office yesterday
Mr. John G111was appointed aesignee,
and Messrs 11 H Collin's end E Ward,
inspectors. The littbilitieg were given at
between 86,000 and ' 97.000 with assets
$1,200. Mr. Snell offered as a compromise
35 emote on the dollar, oat tbe creditors
would not accept.
The southern part ot the village will be
without electrio light for some days, owing
to an accident to the apparatus. On Satur-
day night,the snow drifting into the
formers, which were heavily charged,
caused them to break, The transformers
south of the town hall bay° all been
taken down awaiting new ones, The
breaking of these saved the email globes.
- It is said that the eleotria light con-
tractor in Parkhill, on he night of the
nomination made a yigorous speech against
the council, and demanded that more
economy I be exercised. It transpired,
however, that the old Board, for the most
part, were re.elected and their first move
towards retrenchment, was to dispense
with electric light on the streets. The
electric light contractor will doubtless
deem this action as 'arse economy.
In view of an agitation which has been
gaining favor with adherents of the Presby-
terian church, fot a' change in the mode
of stationing their ministers, the Genets'
Assembly has ordered a vote to be taken
in the various congregations throughout
the Domigiou, to ascertain the general
feeling, A meeting was accordingly held
in Cavort Presbyterian church on Monday
evening, which was largely attended. A
vote was taken and a change renommended.
The proposed change is to station a minis-
ter for four to five ycare, insvead of the
call system now in vogue. At Ohiselhurat
only three voted for a change, tvhioh
speaks volumes for their pastor, Rev. Mr,
Martin: •
Just as Mrs. WeSomereille Seaforth,
was about to retire on Sunday night, a
lamp on the dining room table, the light
of which she was about to blow out, ex -
Plated, the flenies setting fire to her hair.
Mr. Somerville was already in bed, and
she rushed into the room where he was,
but before be could get up she had eating-
uiohecl the flames with her hands. Noth-
ing else caught Ere, and, except for the
shook to her nevem, caused by the fright,
Mrtf. Somerville le little the Wore° for her
unpleasant experience. The porcelain
sbede on the lamp was blown up into the
air; and fell on the table, so that the ex -
'ridden mast have been quite a forcible
one, and it is a weeder eonsiderable darn.
ago was not done. The bowl of the lamp,
however, was lined with tin, Which treob-
abb. kept it from bfirsting and seattering
the oil about.
For nervous headache use K, D. 0: Atli
We are receiving and
passing into stock New
Goods of every description,
New Prints, New Dress
Goods, New Tweeds, New
Worsteds, New Overcoat—
hags, Now Shoes, eto,, etc.,
all purchased for spot cash.
We are selling heaps
of them every day; the pat-
terns are beautiful and the
cloth is the best made. Over
two hundred patterns to
choose from. Now is the
time to get the best choice.
We have now a full
assortment of Tweeds, Wor-
steds, Pantings, 85c., for
spring trade. These goods
were purchased on particul-
arly favorable terms and we
are aiving customers the
advantage of our close bay-
We have placed in.stock
the finest assortment of
Sho es ever shown in Exeter,
and at prices never before
approached You should see
our stock, it includes every-
thing new and 'stylish in
Ladies' xd G6iitlemens'
„weafitir spring.
Gents' Felt •
Just to hand, all the
latest bloCks in English and
American made Hats, both
in hard and soft felts. Every
gentleman invited to call
and see the correct thing
for spring wear.
We are selling 27 lbs
Redpath's, extra standard
Granulated Sugar, strictly
pure, for $1.00.
33 lbs do, best Yellow
Sugar, strictly pure, for
.Did. sroil.. 40 it? .
2 cans peas, for 15c,
• 2 cans corn, for 150.
2 cans tomatoes,for 15c.
5 lbs Ginger Snaps, for
lbs Ginger Cookies,
for 25c.
Best Drum Baking Soda
for 2c.
Sunlight Soap, twin bar
for 6c.
• 1- lb sealer,Forest City
Baking Powder, for 20c.
Globe Wash 'Boards, for 15c,
3 lb box Soda Biscuits,
for 20c.
Gillett's Pepper Box,
blue, regular 10c, for 5o.
We have the best 25c
Tem in town,
R. Pickard
& Son,
Did you remember what your wife saki
aDout calling at
and ordering some of those
which are creating no much talk, and those
They are daisies. Come I get your choice
betore they are ill gone. The best th,ing
• you can do to preserv3 domestic peace is
to do it now without delay. Have you
• seen our Ladies' footwear? They are the
finest we have ever shown; the latest,
newest, best. For Gentlefnen's footwear
we have no equal,. It's not a question of
importance to you whether we import or
pay spot cash. Tile question is where
can I get goods the cheapest. Allow us to
ell you: at
The Belle of the rpAM WORTS AND DUROC-
The undersigned has for sale a number of
. Young hoes -male and female-ef the above
Evening. breeds, The stook is thoro'bred, imported.
and prize winners at all the fairs last fallt
Terms reasonable. Also for service Thore-
i bred Tamworth and Duroe-jersey Boars.
e4ferms.t 1 for either boar- informetion oheer-
Her Lovely Pink Silk Dress, fullY given on application to the proprietor
Lot 4, Con 7, Stephen Township, (one mile
north of Crediton.) C. EARNER,
• Crediton, P. 0, Ont.
A few weeks ago a ball was gieen in', a
flourishing Ontario town. 12 oath and
beauty was fully represented, end many of
the ladies wore charming ecratmes. The
belle of the evening was a yeti g lady of
twenty years.'she was the personification
of grace and beauty, and won the admi-
ration of all who were present.
Her brother, an intimate friend of the
writer, told the following secret: 'My
sister looked charmingly .beautiful at Mrs.
7-'s last evening From what I had
hoard about her ball dress at horn* fully
expected chagrin and disappointment as
far as I was concerned, because I under-
stood she was to wear a dress that had
been dyed with Dia.mond Dyes.
"For some time she had worn a creala
silk, but it had beaome somewhat soiled,
so mother and sieter determined to dye it
a light shade of Pink, and I fully espected
a failute.
Before going to the ball I was called to
see ray sister in her new dress, and I oould
hardly believe it was the old dress re -dyer's
The lovely light pink WAS eal-dusiy
rich shade, and the wharle"imatome go be-
coming that 1 sw.r. tairij. delighted. Young
and old were charmed with sister's good
taste; but of course they had no idea that
Diamond Dyes played so important a part
in the success of the coetume."
Monan.-When you re -dye any,valuable
material always use the Diamond Dyes, if
you 'wish euecesssthey never fail to give
good reetilte.
A. very pretty wedding took place on the
20th tilt, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Royal Military College of Canada
1.ho annual examinations for cadetships in
the RoyalMilitary College will take place at
the Head Quarters of she several minte
Districts n' which candidates reside in June
eaoh year.
In addition to the Secilities tho Colleae
affords for an education in Military Subjects,
the course of instruction is such as to afford
a thoroughly practical, scieutiAo and round
training in all departments which are assent- ,
ial to a high and modern education.
The:livit Engineer Course is oomplete and
thorough in al ibranohes. Arohiteoture forms
a?. spa ralliz,i'ttect.
eta efourse of Physics and Chemists!' is ,
koh as to lead towards Dleotrical Engineer •
ing, Meteorological SOIV100 and other de-,
Partmente ot applied mitotic°.
what ieEtiltligatoiy Course of surveying molude
and down as naoessary forthe -
lentos. of Dominion Land tiurreyer.IlChe
Voluntary Course comprises the higher sab-
jeote required by the degree of Dominion
Topographical Surveyor. Hydrographio sur-
veying is also taught.
Length of Course four years.
Four Commissions in the Imperial Regular
Army are awarded annually.
Board a.nd instruction $200 for eaoh term,
consistiria of ten mouths' rosidenoe.
For further information amity to the Ad-
juvant General of Militia, ottawa, before 15th
Department of Militia and Defence, 180b •
John S. Cameron, of Stanley, being the ,
Mr. George Forrest, of Alberni, Biitieh
Esq., of the Parr line, Stanley.
Columbia. °iciest sou of James Forrest,
, one in a round
Stare's Powders, each outrage of which
coutains two preparations0
marriage of their daughter, Catheithe, to f
wooden box, the cover of wbioh bourns a
measuie for one dose, an immediate relief
for Costiveness, Sick 'Headache and Stonc-
aoh, also Neuralgia and all kinds of ner-
vous psine, and another in capsules, (from
to of one is an ordinary dose) whieh
acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach,
forming a never failing perfect treatment
• for all Head and Stomach complaints.
They do not, as moat pills and ao many
other medicines do, lose their effect or
produce after constipation they are nice
to take. 25c. a box et a 1 medicine deal -
The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills
,is pleasant, mild aild natural. They aent-
ly stimulate the liver ana regulate the
bowels, but do not purge. They are sure
to pleat e. Try them,
You Don t Have to Swear off.
Says the St. Louis Journal of Apicul-
ture in an editorial about No -To -Bac the
famous tobacco habit cure. "We know
of many cases cured by No -To -Bac, one,
a prominent St. Louis architect, ernoked
and chewed for twenty years; t wo boxes
cured him sothat even the amen, of to-
bacco makes him sick." No -To -Bac aoll
and guaranteed, no cure no pay. good
free. Sorting Remedy Co., 874 St. Peuk
K. D. C. for hes:rtburn and sour stoat
• ach
Mal hotel, firet-elasse winos and liquors,
commodious samell rooms, and an attentive
• R. HORN, Proprietor,
The ennualmeeting of the patrons of the
Centralia 0 heese Factory will be hold on Wed-
nesday, Mar011 20th, a12. o'clock p. m. sharp:,
All patrons and thoswishing to beoome
Patrons are invited to attend. Let there be a
rally of the farmers at this meeting.
MO. PARSONS, President.
0,,,;,yyjo 8 yet i te, leenufitoturer
In the wetter of John Klienfelcit, sr, and
John Eltenfeldt, jr,, of the township of
Hay, in the County of Huron,Varmere,
The abore named Sohn Elietifelett, sr; and
John Klienfoldo, ie., hex° made an assign-
ment 10 mo, pursuant to Chapter 121, R. S. 0.,
A mooting of the creditors of tho said insol-
vents will be hold at my office in Dashwood,
Ont., on Tuesclay the 12th day of Maroh, in -
Stant, at I o'olools D. M., !Or the appriintIng of
inspeotorti and giving direotions as to tho dig-
peesereer ef.the esteto generalise
Partioulars of claims of oreditore. Proved he
affidavit and acoompan ied by securities (if awl
I require to be Mod with inc before or at said
IS080131I SNELL.
DaSh.P(00(1, Ont.,
wisa; Exeter, Ontl,,
Assignee's Solloitor.
Detect this lot day of Mardi, 1895.
Clearing Sale
• of Winter
Fur Coats.
Fur and imitation Caps;
• Fur Capes and Sets,
Slsigh Robei the
large size, $6.00 to $6.50.
These goods are worth
$9 to $10 'in any • regular
store in Canada,.
Overcoats for Men and.
Boys. •
Felt Sox and 1Rubbers,
and anything and. • every.
thing in the store belonging
to the ; Winter Season, to
be cleared out at any, price
regardless of Sprofit j :and
ca. aoravz-roisr.