HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-7, Page 5T . ,Li B X1 T E , Like a Ni rade Consumption—Low Condition wonderful Results From Taking Hood's. Sarsaparilla. ' tit ''• `,9 1/:'A ha. 1'a Mies Ha9vltale Wyatt Toronto, Ont, "Four years ago while in the old country Mand ), my daughter Hannah was sent away Seam the hospital, in a very low condition With oonsumption of the lungs and bowels, and weak action of the heart. The trip across the water to this country seemed to make her feel better for a while. Then she began to get worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get aft the bed. She grew worse for live months and lost the use of her limbs and lower part of body, and if she sat up in bed had to be propped up with pillows. Physicians Said She Was Past All Help , and wanted me to send her to the 'Home for Incurables.' Zut I said as long as I could hold nnyhand up she should not go. We then began Rood'&i1&Cure a goatee her Hood's Sarsaparilla. She is gotting Strong, walks around, is out doors every day; lzas no trouble with her throat and no cough, And her heart seems to bo all right again. She Stas a first class appetite. We regard her cure Its nothing short of a miracle." W. 'WYATT. 89 Marion Street. Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario.® Hood's Pilis�ai'.. purely vegetable and :Perfectly harmless, Sold lay all druggists; 25c, GIIJLEY & SUN. Parlor Setts Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Fancy Bamboo Window. Shades and Poles, ;PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and Low Prices. Gidley & Son "ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. NEW HARNESS , SHOP. Having opened a Harness Shop in the Carling Building, I wish to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that I am prepared to do all kinds . of work and repairing. First class stock on hand. Call and see me. All kinds of Harness made • to order, LOTTRILL TREN T i C.A1NTA1J Peterboro' dC Lakefie'.d Division. Notice to Contractors. EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed,and endorsed "Tender for Trent ^Canal," Neill be received at this Office until moon on Saturday, 23rd Maroh, 1895, for tbo construction of about six and a -half miles of Canal on the Teterboro' and Lakefield 1. ivis- eon. Plans and specifications of the work can be Been at the office of the Chief Engineer of 'Department of Railways and Canals at Ottawa . !or at the Superintending Engineer's Office, Teterboro', where forms of tender can be ob- tai.ned on and after Moeday, 18th lobruary; 1'3895. In the case of firma there must bo attached the actual signatures of the .full name, the nature of the occupation and place of resid- ence of oaoh member of the ono, and,further an accepted bank• Cheque for the sum of $7,500 mustaocompany the tendon; this ac- =cepzod cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be 9forfcjted if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the nates and on the:terms stated in the offer sub- anitted. The accepted cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not accepted. The lowest or any tender . not necessarily ,ncoepted. By order S. if. BALDERSO15, Secretary, opartmt ab6th8nlOttwa, To195 Tenders FOR Barn Sealed Tenders will be received by the ,undersigned (marked tender) up to the 15th DAY CP MARCH, . A. D., 1895 for the erection or a 33ANK 1.&RN ----ON TUE INDUSTRIAL FAll,M often County of Huron Ct mile south of OliPlans and speciiieationa can be aeon at ,Alex. aleMurohio`s, Meets of Clinton, from slow` to the 15th of bfareh, and at T. H. Mo- Cal um s, Reeve of ,.Exeter, up to March the 5th, and at the Quern's hotel, Winghem, from tho0th of March to the 16th. The lowest or any tenter !not necessarily aodeptod, H• ENRY 1611x]1165, Chairman of liuildite Committee, Crediton, 1'. O. 1 A&KET REPORTS. exeter Maroh 66b,1895 Fail wheat Gerbusb n 50 $ 58 Springwbeatpsrbush . 66 Iib 1larleyper bush ..., oats per bush.....,., .. ,:: .31 Yeas icer bush 12 55 se Flour per bbl 4 00 4 20 Potatro Apples pa arper bag.....,bag 35 40 Ilay rot ton 6 00 7 00 Woodper oord hard ., 3 00 : 3 Se W tied per oord soft ... 2 00 2 26 Butter per lb,.,, 13 14 EWu rkey r dezen 15 l6 Turkeys per lb 7 7 Pork per hundred.,............... 480 5 00 Hogs, live weight , ..... 3 80 4 00 (ieeso 5 5 Pucka 5 b Chicles., .,, . , London, March 6th, 1895( Wheat,wbito,fall, 100 the $93 to $ 95 Wboat,red, fall, per 100lbs .. 90 to 93 Wheat.spring per1001be -.• 82 to 92 Oats, per 100 lbs ... 85 to 86 Peas, per 100 lbs........,77 to 90 Corn, per100 lbs 90 0 95 Barley, per 10Clbs •78 to 90 Eye, per 100 lbs.90 90 to 00 Buckwheat per 1001bs ......,85 to 0 Beets; per bus......... 1 t0 to 1 10 Eggs, fresh single doz.. 11 to 12 Eggs, fresh, basket, per dos 10 to 10 Eggs, fresh, store lots,per dos ' 8 to 9 Butter,single roIIs,per lb20 to 22 Butt er,portal lbrolls,baskets 20 to 20 B utter, per ]le large rolls or crooks ....• Butter,perlb, tub or firkins 18o 18 Lard, per lb. 11 to 12 Chickens, per pair 50 .14 70 Ducks..., 70 80 Turkeys, 8 to 90 per lie eaeh 60 to 1 75 Toronto March 0th1895 Wheat, white, per bus.,... .... $ 93 to $ 93 Wheat, sprins, per bus........ ... 0 to 93 Wheat, red winter, per bus 82 to 66 Wheat, goose, per bus 56 to 9 Barley, per bus ,..... 45 to 46 Oats, per bus . .............. 34 to 3a Peas, .............................. .... 55 to 58 Hay,8 00 to 9 00 Eggs per dzen 00 to 2.5 Butter, per lb. • 17 to 22 Dressed hogs. . . ... ........,6 30 to 6 80 Potatoes, Der bag 60 to 0e For etomaoh trou'tles use 1i. D, O. British Gram Trade. LONDON, ?arch 4. --The Mark Lane Express in its weekly review cf the British grain trade saga : English wheats have been dd dearer. Rinoethe beginning of Maroh foreign wheats have raised, Amerioan Ne 2 redwinter cargoes fetching 218 3d per quarter, and California 4s 112 car cental. Barley bas improved and oorn and oats aro quiet, To -day Englisn wheats are firm. California red winter is in fair request and dearer, Oats dull but firm, and linseed has .fallen 6(1. Corn and beans are 6(1 dearer. Buffalo Live Stock Markets EAsT BO FFAto, N.Y.. March 4 -Cattle-Re- oeipte,104 ears through, 150 on sale. Market 10c to 15e higherlor good beavy shipping and export grades; strong far fat butchers' tick slow and lower for common to fair grades. Choice to' prime steers. $5,30 to 65.60; good heavy shipping, $4 90 to 6525 ; medium to good *4.60 to $4 85; light to fair $300 to $450; mixed butchers' stook, $350 to S4 fair to choice rat cows, $2 25 to $3 90 ; heifers, $3 to $4 26 ; oxen, $2 50 to $4 75 ; bulls, $2 65 to *3 85; fresh cows, t2 to 83 lower at 518 io $45 per head. Cattle closed steady at early preseifor the, better grades, but 'easlland lower for comment Flogs -Receipts, 83 cars thin -ugh, 90 on sale market opened steady to strong. Yorkers: $4 35 to $4 40 ; mixed packers, $4 35 to •$4 40' m edium, S440 ; good heavy, 34 40 to $4 45 p iga, $4.30 to $4 40 ; roughs, 63 60 to 24. At t e oloeo the early strength hnd departed and therearket was dull and lower for all kinds. Late sales were at $4 30 for Yorkers. $4 45 for mediums, and 54 35 to 4 40 for good heavy. s Sheep aid Limns-Recelpt9„ 7 ears through 110 on sale: Market steady.:, Cbeice to best lambs, $5 75 to $6 ;'fair to good, B47d to $5 60 culls and common, $..325 to $4 60 ; good mixed $3 60 to 84 ; eatrp Wvoi hers, $4 25 to $450: culls and;common lots, $175 to 53, No export demand. Market" .closed stead to firmer for good grades ; slow for others. A good many late arrivals held over unsold, Late sales of extra 100 ib lambs, $6.10 ; fancy export wethers sold at $525, BORN. FORSYTH-In Exeter, on the let lust , . the wife of Mr. Alex Forsyth, 'of a son. • it1A RTE D. F.ANSON-hiYLES-At Collingwood on the 13th nit., Mr. Wesley Fanson, of Thornburg, formerly of Exeter. to Miss Sadie, daughter of J ames,Myles of Euph rasia township. LEARY-CHAPPEL-At the parsonage Elim- ville, Feb. 20th, by the Rev.T. B. Ooupland, George Smith Leary: to Johanna Chappo:, both of Ilibbert. BRUCE-FULTON--.At the parsonage Elim- ville, Feb. 27tb, by the Rev. T. S. CouDlcnd, Edward Bruce to Marf Ann Fulton, both of Ribbert. DOUGHERTY-FULTON.-At the Methodist parsonage, Eltitrville. Feb.27th,by the Rev. T. B. Coup land, John hn Albert Dou gheorftHy,iof troKtu0p toMargaret.Ellen Fulton bert. ZUFFI E BAKSR-A•t the residence of . the bride's parents, on the 20th 'ult., by. the Hey. .Geo. Jaeksoa, Chris, Zuefle. of Orediton to Miss Millie, daughter of Mr. Win, Baker, of:this village. MEDFORTH-BREWER-AL St: Andrew's church, Hull, England, on the 26th January, by tba Rev.�, J J. Bedlow, A • K• C., George Medfortb,•of 8t, Marys, Ont., to Helen, youn- gest daughter of the late. Jno; .Brewer, of South Lincolnshire, England. BLOOMFIELD-BURGESS-On Feb, 27th, in the Methodist Church, Lucan, O nt., by Rev, J. H. Orme. uncle of the bride, assisted by Bev, E A. Ohowon, B. D., John:Bloomfield, to Annie E. Burgess. • DIED, GARLAND -In Exeter, on the let Inst.. James Garland, aged 65 years, 13 days. I b GA 1iD N ER- n I Rib ort t t. ins Walter Gardiner, aged Gn bo o tad 1 years. HORNER-In St. Marys, on the2Cth ult., Pat- rick Horner, aged 81 years. MONROE-In:Exeter on the 5th inst., John A. Monroe, aged 60yeare and 3: months. HARRIS -In Osborne, on the 3rd. inst., the wile of John Harris, aged 55 years, 5months, NMRN.-At Whalen, on the 13th ult., Thos. N:tirn, aged 76 years, 1 in on th , 1 day, OAVEN,-In Seaforth, 011 Fele 27th, James II. Cavan, eldest son of Mrs, P. Caven, aged 21 yeara and 8 months. • DEARNI6i S: -On the 241h ult., at his resi- dence near Branton, John Dearness, aged 71 years. 88ORLEY.-InBlanshard, near Whalen, on the 25th ult., BenjaminMorley, sr., aged 84 roars, 5 mon ths•, 15 days, WILSON -In St. Marys, on 27th ult„ Edefin L. Wilson, son of kir, Chas, Wilson, aged 37 you rs, 3 months and 15 days. MURRAY--ln St, Marys, on the 24th ult, Annie Bissett, youngest daughter of Mr, David Murray, aged 14 years and 8 months, MoINToSII-At Motherwell, on (he24th ult. Sarah McLaren, beloved deughter of Robe„ and Annio McIntosh, aged 16 years and 2 months. LITTLE -In St, Marys, on the 23rd ult„ al the residence of his son-in•lacv, Samuel Towle,Jatnbs Little, aged S0 years, 1 month and 17 days. 401, MoliTunAL, October 24, 1877. Messrs, DICK & 00„ City. Dear, Sirs :-I used a box of your Puri- fier, and found it an exbelient article. My horse improved se much in appear - anise, that I have in a a e a ce sold him to Ameri- can buyers, oinking a first oleos sale. I also had a horse that got badly strained in the knee, A V'eterinary 8urfenn told mo to t.y Dicks Blister, wlifeb I did and the r, suit was that, in leas than tett day., I was driving hint a,t well rt e eror, Take K, D. C. ft r tour st trach tnd Sick headache, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to persona). enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with leap expenditure, by snore promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, lispelling colds, headaches and fevers nd permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and' met with the approval of the medical. profession, because it acts on the Kid treys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug. gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. A BooN To Eloasxnlar,.-Ono bottle of English Sparta Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my bntee. I take in reoommening the remedy, as it state with mysterious promptness in the re- moval from horses of hard, soft or call- oused lumps, blool e,iavin, splints, curbs aweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB. FARMER, MAREErem. OAT, Sold by C. LUIZ. HEART DISEASE HELIEMER IN THIRTY MINUTES. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives Perfect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetio Heart Dieeaso in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation„ Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a. Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. Seaforth is to bane a butter and cheese factory and the farmer s are bound to make it a niecesa. Rem Er re Six Hopns.---Disordered Kid nay and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South Amerioan gid ney Cure." Tbia sew remedyis a great surprise and delighttu physicians ou ac- count of ita exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,back and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in paseingit almost homed ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is Tour remedy Sold by C. LUTZ FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. R L- AN OLD AND RL TRIRD REmtsHY.-< Mrs Winelow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething.with perfeot success. it soothes the child, softens the gums,allays the pain, cures the colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 Cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. ALL MEN. Young, old or middle aged, who find them- selvos,nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in many of the following symptoms : Mental depress:on, premature old age, lees of vitality, loss of memory, had dooms, dimness of sight, ea] ata ion of the heart, emission, o ,lack of enreepain in the kidnyabeadaohes pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness, :meets before the eyes' twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby musoles, desire to sloop, -failure tote rested by sleep, constipation dullness of hearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles. oily locking skin, etc„ are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity tt at lead to insanity unless cured. The spring or vital course having lost itstension, every function wands in consequence. Those who through abuse committed an ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on direases peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Addres, M. V. LUBON, 24 Maedonnell Avo..Toronto Ont.,Canada People's Building and Lam .Association LONDON -` - ONTARIO BOARD OF DIRRCTORe IN EBFTRA. ONTARIO. Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lutz,- Vice -President. L I1. Dickson, Solicitor. David brill, Valuator. Fred, W. Collins, - Seoy-Trcas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, E, A, Penick, Vag. Miller , tivm Southcott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos„ • Semi. Sanders. Make money by saving money. Sixty cents Per month will ensure 5100 in 7} years. For forme of application and all neoeasary infor- mation apply td the Secretary, Mr, Fred. W. Collins. Post.OtfcetEsetcr, Ont. DR. SHOUL'1'S, Ok7NTRALIA. Ofdce opposite Metbodiat Parsonage. FT1cINSItIAN, DENTIST, . LD, S. SPLs CIALIST in GOLD FILL. INC., EXTRA°TING and, PLATE WORK. Gas and Iwai a Anaesthetics for pensions ex. v tracting. 2nd door north! of DARLING'S Sterol' TA ALTON ANDERSON D,D, S • L, D. S. Heuer Graduate of the Te - Yo to rivets.ty end Royal Co1 1ego of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Seemalties, painless extraction and preservation of the natural teeth. Otfiet over the LawOfrico of Elliot & Elliot, opposito Oontral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. pa AGNEW L. D. S.DENTXST, ,. dLfNt'ON, Will be at Grclt's hotel Zurich en the s000nd Thursday of each month and at Rod 18'8 hotel llensall every Mendes ,. I E S. ILondon, Uurolt and .truce. I x )3N0 Nears- Passenger 11 London, dopart A,0507 , u,5 �70R y` Centralia Exeter...". ... ........ 9.22 6.00 Hassall 0,37 6.15 Kipper ,.... 9.44 0 20 lirueetteld • ..., 9.52 6.28 Clanton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10.29 7.14 Blyth..., .....;10,38 7.23 Vinrham arrive .. ,1110 8 00 Gene SCOT" Passenger Wtnghapi, depart ,.. 6.35:A. lt, 3.25 P. At73elgrave ... 0.50 3.47 Bytl..,., 7.03 4.01 Loudbesboro 7,10 4.08 Clinton r 7.90 4.28 Bruoefield... 7.49 4.40 Iiippen..... , ... 7,57 4.53 Reneall8 06 4.58 Exeter .., 8.25 6,12 Centralia.... 8,4 5.23 ANTED rro RENT. fruit treesnangarden rardltiwitha threes and s of land, more or less. near a, Village where a church is oonveeleet Address A, li•, Statfa, P, 0., Cnt, • MONEY TO LOAN. Large sums Money to loan on Farm lands at Five and per LIOT, Solicitors Exeter ly anuarv11395 See that off Horse! Only three weeks ago we began mixing a little of Dick's Blood Purifier in hie feed and now look at him. I tell you tbere is no condition Powder equal to Dick's, -Am going to try it on the nigh one noW. Dick's Blood Purifier, 50c., Dick's Blister, 50. Dick's Lids -sent. 25e., Dick's Oint- ment, 25e. DICK & CO , r, O. BOB 482 MONTREAL. What is Hard ? To Beat, our Prices. EASY' q What is Easy ? To Secure, Our Bargains. A Full 8toek to Choose from. Undertalung a Specialty EXETER. J. 'C. CLA•USEN HARNESS MAXER, bene a 11 . Ontario Begs to announce to the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc. Carriage and Buggy Tops! of all kinds • MADE TO ORDER. Old Buggy Tops recovered and made as good as new. Our harness are well known, as giving perfect satisfaction. We manufacture arge]y and consequently- our prices are ow. A call will conyince 3. C. CL.11U8CN. ButorPackinfinn LIVE HOGS WANTED. Hogs to weigh from 120 to 220 lbs. live weight. • • Notice to the Public. -1 am sell- ing •nt the Packing House Score, Spare Ribs,. Tender Loin, Cuttings, • Pickled Pigs Feet,: , Pressed Tongue, Head Cheese, Sausage, $ofogne,'Hams, Rolls, 'Breakfast Bacon, arc d pod and Pork. As 1 hayo engaged Mars Harness to see to this part, custornert May depend on getting first class goods in every re- spect at lowest cash price. Now is the time to ,get your crocks and pails filled with first class lard as prices are Iiable to go up. CHAS. SNELL, Prop. A MAN Can always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor. Wo have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from Natty Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well. that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Stiit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, , OVERCOATS 'WE Lh)AD The Tailor, e l! QUESTION HOW CAN •I BUILD A HOUSE, AT LOW COST. la.r.,.+seearmse,mr.e.,sesam FREE ANSWER To "build a house at a. low cost," the first and most important, thing is to find a place where you can purchase you Building materials at First Hands. As we buy direct from the n7artufac- Curers we save our customers at least :one-third on their purchases. 4 I '.41,Z1,..r : This year we were fortunate to purchase a large shipment before the rise in price, which places us in a position to sell nails at a lower figure per keg than laid down here by the car- load lots. Call and: get prices, QXcA. E, As we have just placed a large IMPART ORDER for Glass, we were able to buy at the closest prices, and as before stated, buying direct from manufacturers and for cash, we can and will give our customers Rare Bargains in Builders' Hard. ware. Ht BISHOP & SON. IDa-Y 0 T Noxon Want a Bicycle? THE G. 8e J. PNEUMATIC r teff °tgi' TIRE yy0f ySUP LN Steel llooier Is the only Tire that gave satisfaction last year MANU/ACTUAL,, oY The Geoid Bicycle G®, LTO. 113 YONGE STREET. Brantford, Ont. TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN Faneon'e Block. We Want You to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have to much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up your prescriptions, but we haye a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5c up. But don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive 1 largecakes of Toilet Soaps, , 3 ca s of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large j assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and Combined Drill and Broadcast Seeder, Single Drills, Single Broadcast Seeders. There may be other Drills ! But there is only Hoosier ! All others are back numbers ? The proof is, there are more Hoosier Drills and Seeders in use in Canada, to -day than of all other kinds combined. No Purchaser Dissatisfied Yet ! Why should they be, when they have got THE BEST DRILL EVER MADE ? WE GUARANTEE THIS. isloxon • Bros. Mfg. Go, Ltd., Ingersoll, Ont. Tarry Jones, Agent, : =stet. Moderul Featherbone Corsets must no `be confounded with those which were made five or six years ago.' The Featherbone Corset of to-dayi is as far removed from the old style, as black is from white. BUY A PAIR AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. ' quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow B what you can do to -day. Call at once. icicles ! FOR 1E395. icycles a efore you buy a wheel for '95 J. W. Browning's see the "Up to date." BOOKSTORE. rauab es Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your orders eatly,for with the hest staff of Tailors ; the hes- stock of Fine Trimmings, and the bast Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfaet fott. W z 3 0 l'J A.- *.•i s d 1 7aLL. i • Murray: Co, The - Exeter - Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. � Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Vii Castings., Also General Castings eon - treated for in Iron and Brass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge Bort ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and .fillings kept constant ly�on hand, Repairs promptly oxocut- 111111•1•1111[1, 1011=1110 Or. This wheel is made of the best material and has all theatest American improvements. 2 a p ovements. TWV e guarantee this wheel to carry a man weighing 225 pounds. Weight 24 pounds. THEWANDERS .— t WANDERER.—A. strictly 121,0.grade wheel,is n second to none as a road wheel. Weight 24 pounus. Wo have the best $50 wheel to be bought on the market. Send for catalogue. �m J. . CIe,XE V E" Our stand is one door south of Photo Gallery, TinglTAO ELITTLE M N Y vice, ;WILL BUY - Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead. Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need ; Harness, collars, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, ./rets combs, brushes arid cards 'when used keep away disease and the fly, Trunks, valises and 88ltool bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to prated you from the cold ; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, wells, children's Carriages and wagons prevents the little ones from Crying, 1Gon.g and short boots, ell and rubber boots, we claim the beat and nieest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure end got his prices. FOR SALE. t Ilio undereignod line for sato a choiob lot of NORTH OF TOWN' HALIs i Tamworth swine of various "altos suitable foe , roosts -amen , Also will keep for Betties, Oh Tot f CA �' iib Si il�!XC1J+ 9, con. l, Usborne, London Road, Pero bred 15 orint'Willie rossa i t o eTamworth and Berkshire boars. int Con. 7, UtboAlrOdsta& get. JOHN MAY,'Exeter, O.tor. Tarens$ . tti o ff atelier. Nov.9.-gym war. ��EIrs mel11a 1.10 If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. The following; facts and figures proge : 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, $ 20.50. BED, DREssuit, $20.50. WASH MATates, SRISING, 2 PIL•Lows, HOOKER, 520.50, 01IA.Ilt, Tarin. Coining brides enol young married couples take advantage of the above offer. We supply Comfort cheap. J.D.A'CICInSOn