HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-3-7, Page 1^0.1F,14r, VOL XXII. NO 25, A N D H U RON ' es1-1 V,voN) 'MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE QUIPS 04.LL WHERE THEY IA - EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING- IVIARCE 7, 1895 CD TT IR, C 0 V" INT T Jelillsr WHITE At fiatiS ablishere end Proprietere COTTSI:Vsi. WOODEIAM. NEW Prints, NEW Cambrics, NEW :Duckings, NEW Spot Muslim, NEW Art Sateens, NE --vv Skirting, NEW Dress Goods, NEW Dress Linings. All New Designs and. Color ings. You can have your choice if you come early, '.R..S 11111:=111:SEPPP Ford & Co. IFItanley. BRIEFS.-Aiisa M. McLean, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to her home in Manitoba, -Miss Elliott, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Pollock, and others, /eft for home in Mani- loba last Tuesday—Mrs. Gorrell, of Mani- toba., who has been spending the winter here with her sister, Mrs, R. MoIlyeen, has returned. home. -We are sorry to hear that Mr. Geo, Bates got his leg badly hurt while loading stone. We hope he will soon be able to resume hie labors again -Mr. J. Parka, Goehen Hne, pule poses moving into the house on the Wells ,farin; trout Road, owned by Mr. John Reid, treasurer. • • 4•/-1 Oredit013. • BRIEFS. -Miss SOlome. Tearean, of Dashwood, is working in town. -Mrs. Henry Sweitzer is on the oleic list. She is very low at time of writing. -Mrs. Moatz is on the sick list. -The remains of the in fent daughter of Nicholas Beaveet* were interred in the Crediton Cemetery, on Tuesday lasb.-Miss BLUM& Teaman is •vielting at Walter Clarke's.-Miss Hardy was home visiting ber parents on Sunday last. -The fall of snow we had ort.Monday last has livened up our town. --The party ,held at Thomas Lawson's on Tue.eday night, last, was a succeeti -There is some talk Of building another flax mill in town; it will makethings better for the working neen..-111essre, Geo and Mich. Thrtzel are going to run the England brick yard this season..-Meetireas are still being carried on in the Methodist churela with good sun - cess. -While cutting strarr one day last week Mr. Albert Hooper had the misfor- tune to lose one of his fingers. It appears that there was some straw on the P haft and he went to pull it off. He feeling his .finger getting. caught pulled the finger off at the first 3oint, _pulling the nerve out with it, Dr. Wickett dressed the wound. e -Mr, Drought of Ailsa Craig was in town week, -Mr, Juo Mitchell has gone to Petrone to attend the foneral of his daugh- ter Mrs, Sung Trietnner. Daehttrood. BBIKUS.-0 tying to the thaw last week the roade were in ati impassableeondition. .and had to be shovelled out.--IVIOssre: }lardy & Rickbell, of Zurich, were in the village on Friday on business, -Mr Ohms" -Calfas, of Mt Forest, is at present visiting hie mother and brothers. -Mr Samuel Rennie who purchased Mr Etenry Willert's property, ha a also purchased the property and atook of stoves and tinware of Mr john .0 Soldrunr Mr Rennie takes possession next week, -The Y. P, A. entertainment Which. was held Ias Thurwley evening was a decided seccess. The attendance was not as large as expected, but this was owing to the impassable condition of the roads. -Mr and Mrs M Fenn epcnt Suii. day with Mrs Femats parente in Parkhill. -Mr George Mantle, of Crediton, visited our village on Sunday evening -On Mon- day the members/ of the Evangelical church again not to further disown the building an new church, whenit was decided to build a ohuroh with a easement, and if sufficient funds were forth earning a tower will also be erected, -Mr Ohrie Walper who has been a resident of this village, left .on.Taesday with his family' and part of his earthly possessions for the Itlellard settlement eolith of Growl Bend, where he Jute! purchased a farm. -Mrs Win Willett has tnoved into the house vaeated, by Me C Walper.-Mr Chas Fritz lats A.:entre& the mervioes of another shoemaker. Basi. ,eieee must be increating With Ur Vritz, as he has also improved the interior of his shoe store, -There died on Friday at her re ddenee, 16th eon of Stephen, Mrs Annij Graybeewife of Mr 13 Graybel. Her remains were interred in the Mt. Cannel oemetery on Monday. 41,1 EtenSall jaat arrived, it laege assortment of Spring Poe twear, bought direct.from the best manu- rcetarere of elon real Tororito elemilton and London. In fact we have the best and most etylish Boots &Shoee ever shown in ileneali and at prices to Emit the times. Call and eee that we sell'oheap for cash. A. wEsmorf. Btatasi.-Mrs. Robert 4Purdon, nee Kate McNaughton of Stoney Moun- tain, Manitoba, who has beeu visiting in Glenquaich, Ilibbert, and vicinity, during the last three months, left this statien with her two children, for her home, on Monday morning bast. -Mr. S. Smillie has the brick, sand and stone for his new house all on the ground ready for the spring. -An ad- dition of about $150 worth of books is being made to the library of the Me- chanics' Institute. It is expected that the books will be arranged and case - loved this week, when they will he available to the members. -Upwards of a dozen new houees are to be erected in the village next summer. -Rev. 3. S. Henderson was at Bruoefield Christian Endeavor' concert giving his lecture, "a trip through Wonderland "- Mr. and airs,j. T. Wren took part in the Christian Endeavor concert at Brumfield on Tues. day, -Mr. Sam. Fox left for Bayfield on Saturday for a two week's visit with his uncle.- Rev. Mr Walker occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday morning and preached it most excellent sermon from Galatians 6; 2, "Bear ye one another's burdens aud so fulfill the law of Christ." -Miss Bella Murray, of Chnton,is visiting at Mr. Thos: Murdock's. -This week an addition of $150 worth of books was made to the library of the Meohanic'e Institute. -?Ire. D. Steinbach of Zurich, was visiting Mrs. Wro. C/aldwell on Tuesday afternoon, - Miss Kate Hodgins returned home on Monday night after spending several weeks visiting at Detroit, Daton, Ohio, and other places. -Mr. Wm. Mitchell retnined hotne after spending a week vis- iting friends at Centralise -Mrs Chas, ' Meyers was at Londesboro ;last week on business. -Mr. C. McArthur, of Alias Craig, is this week visiting his brother. Mr John McArthur, banker. -Mr. B.Thorepe son and fsmily returnee] froin Michigan on Friday. -Mr. D. Urqubitet was at Goder- iota hat week on bueinees,--13uainess has been very quiet this week in our town,but our merchants are busy opening up their spring steak and are anticipating quite a rush as soon as the weather'brealts up for spring. -Messrs. H. Duman and John Deichert were in town on Trtesday.-Mr. jos. Petty is going to have a big sale 01 his village lots on March 121h ,,and any person desirous of obtaining building property should not mies this opportunity, B8 Bengali is it thriving village, and money invested in lots is a good investment -Mr. Dickeon, formerly proprietor of the Dick- son House, Bracefield, was in town on Tuesday, visiting at Mr. Thos. Murdock'o. ...It* 1 Whalen. BRIBES. -We have to record the death of one of the oldest citizens of Birth, in the person of Benjamin Mor- ley, evho, on Sunday morning last, meekly and peacefully succumbed to the destroying hand. His remains were laid iritheir last resting place in Zion cemetery on Tuesday hist at 2 o'clock. Born in Yorkshire, England, in the year 1810, he immigrated into Canada, living first in London town- ship, and. then moving to Whalen where he has spent the last forty-five years of his life.He leaves to mourn his loss an aged wife and a family of four sons and five daughters, Benjamin, of Wier - ton, Joseph, John and Frank, who m- eld() near the old homestead, all thrifty famers; Mrs. Long, of London, tp., Mrs. Lingard, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Crew • complete the circle. Deceased was highly respected by all who knew him, because of his liberality to, all good causes. -Death has been busy of late, and two ripe sheaves have been garnered for eternity. On Wednesday morning Feby 13tb, Mr. Thomas Nairu aged 76 years died at tho residence of Mr. Jos. kdorley, his sou -in-law, from the effects of a paralatic stroke, received about a week previously. He was buried on the Friday following iti llifeTaggart's cemetery, N. B. Lishorote-The recent thew has 'made the roads almost impassa,ble.-The• residents of the village are converting the useless and unsightly poplar trees -into firewood. -Our teaehor does not believe in immer sion in winter, eines his experience on Monday morning -the water is too chilly. -Mies Minnie Morley is visiting in Sarnia+ -Mr. J. E. Tom, Inspector, I". 8: visited our echooI, en Wedneachty and gave a favorable report. Jesema. .Rev. Thoma e Bumming, Truro, N. 8. 'It la only justice to say that your K. D. a. has beau several times need by 'mem- bers of 'ley family, and. always with good restate." These berdees of life, palpitation of the heart, neryournese, headache and gloetny forebodings, will quickly disappear if you ese El D. 0. The Greatest (jure of the Age for all forme of Indigestion. Sunday evening the fine br�k realtlence• of Me. W. T. Armstrong, terellace street, Lietowel, was burned. The building was MO Of the finest le towu, • Prompt relief in sick headache, dial- nessmaueea, oonstipation, pain in the side, guarantdecl to those using Carter's Liver Pills. One a dote, Small price. Small dote. Small Pill. Bellow complexion, Menthes, pimples, boils, abscesses, old eroresaerofula and Skin dieettees depend on impure vit., fated blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purl. Bea tbe blood,eremoves all effete metter, end etleet $611 the above netted dieeitaes. Exeter Public School. ^ • The following is the School report for the month of February. • Roost L -Sr. V,- A.lex.iMartm,Elsie McCallum, Ernest Gregory, Frank Lutz, Barton Hooper, Nellie Quartet) ; -Jr. V, -Eddie Eacrett, Amey Jobus, Stelit . Gregory, .Tda Ferguson, Lillie Haste ;s1-"sraeni'-,lasta No, on roll, 43. A v.,aii.140. 39. LI LooxtrArtw. ithA.At Herbert Ford, • Harvey Dignau, Rhoda Ilandford. Freddie Sweet, Ellen Brown, Charlotte Peterson ; Jr, IV, -Clara Petition, Etta Gillespie, Mary Heideman, Czar Rollins, Lida Queue, Russel South- cott. . No. on roll 50. Average 42. CLA:RA VosPan, Room UL -Sr. 111, -Leila Rose Violet Willis, equal ; May Armstrong Wesley Howey, equal ; Bettie Ross, Frances Rovveliffe ; Jr. III,- -Shirley BobierjEddie Stewart, Willie Muir, Vercyfiardy, John Newcombe, Tom- my Tapp. No on roll. 58. Average 49. A. E. GREGORY. Johnston, Dan Rendle, Lorne Cann Melville Howey, equal ; Mamie Fanson, Geo. Sanders; Jr. IIL-Frank Taylor, Noman Hem, Jas. Baldson, Mervyn. Hicks, Jessie Gillespie, Cora McPher- son. Noon roll, 52, Average, 48. May Gur.. Room V, -Sr. II, -Annie Heideman, Herbie Gregory, Millie Martin, Jeanie Murray, Wilber Martin, Jessie Canner. on ; jr. IL -Willie Newcombe Herbie }Torre], Thomas Hunkin Beatrice Luk- er, Winnie Howard, Wilite Murray. No. enroll, '73. Average 55. „Mess WALDRON'. . Gould, May Newton,_ Nina Carling, Artie Wood, Harry Huston ; Jr. II, -Veda Handford, Ruby Treble, Ethel Arm- strong, Lottie Elliot. No. on roll 71. Average 53. N. Room VII, -Sr. He -Milne Braund, Gertie Johnston, Percy Westaway, Ruby Davidson. No. on roll, 73. Average 49. A. V. Jitoxem. Winchelsea. --- Stumm, Baptism -The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 6, iTsborne, 'for the month of February, Thti names are in order of merit. -junior Department. -Part 1, -May Delbridge, Ada 13rirnmacorobe ; sr. part Delbridge, Bruce Cooper, Bertie Cooper; sr, part IL -Victoria Miners, Birtle Francits, Gereie Miller; sr. II, - Linda Bunten Bertha Upshall, Edna Godbolt. Number on roll 29. Average attendence 21. -Senior Department. -- Jr. Ill. -John Herdman, Leslie Rob- inson, Ethel Godbolt ; sr. IIL-Lilly Vail, Olive Hawkins, Ethel Brown ; jr. IV, -John Coupland. George odic ; Wil- er. IV, William Johns, Herman Ryle, Orrie Powell ; V, -Edith Tare - bull, Agg,ie Hunter, Winfred Coupland. Number on roll 46. Average attend- ance 38.2. • JORN A. GREGORY, Mae A. HAnts,}Teachers Hay. SCHOOL REPORT. -The Februlary re- port for S. S. No. 2, Hay, is as follows: Names are in orcter of merit. -V, R Chapman; Sr IV; John Taylor, Maud J Russell, F E ROM; Jr IV, Beckie .Northcott, J W Todd, M M Russell; III, Sarah 3 Northoott, H 0 F Busch, Carrie Gould; Sr it, Willie Busch, Jessie Munn, 13 E O'Brien; J r ILEthel Northcott, John Jackson, R 0 Suther- by; Sr Pt 11, Donne Gould, Nelson Sutherby, Wil.ie O'Brien; Jr Pt II, Louisa Armstrong, Lulla Munn; First Part, Frankie Northcott. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were :-Fif1,13 and Se Fourth, Maud J Russell; Jr Fourth, Beckie Northcott; Third, Willie Warren; Sr Second, Robert O'Brien; Jr Sesoond, Freeborn Johnston; Sr Part Second, Eddie J Gould; Jr Part Second, Imila Munn. Stephen. &nom, RerORY. -The efollowing is a correct report ot S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of February ;-Sr. IV, - Fred. Sanders 461, Henry Beaver 459, Hettie Sweet 458 ; jr. 1V, --Sid. Sanders 431, Geo, Sanders 428, Wesley Sanders 416, Geo. Bagshaw 410, Wm. Sweeet 396 ; sr. 111, -Lucy Sanders 446, Clara, Stanlake 427, Sam. J017 405, Bertha Gilbert 486, Julius Trieb- ner 360; jr.VIL-Eddie Beaver 446, Dan Sanders 413, Luther Penhale 362, Restle 343 ; sr, II,-- Norair Sanders 803, Clinton Sweet 80I,Lorena Ford 770 ; Mary Sanders 763, Themes Harrison'674 ; pt. XI, -Stella Penhale 754, Marshall Box 520 ; pt. I, -Asa Penhale 222, Lautiy Ford 183, Frank Triebner 179, Minnie rriebner 178, Roy Parana 169, Hotter Bagshaw 162. The best speller for the month, Geo, Sanders, Number of names on the roll 47. Average attendance 40. W. B. B4tearatv, Tette her. Nsnvotss Nome, And thoeo who are all tired oub And havathat time feeling or air& headaehe can be relieved of all these syroptome by taking Hood'a Sarsaparine, wheals gives nerve mental and bodily strength and thoroughly patillea the blood, It also creates a goo4 appetite, mime indigestion, heartharri and dyspepsia. K. D. O. Pills tone and tegulete tee liver. 1Cippen. Bittave,--Tbe annual meeting of the shareholders a of the Kippen Hall Compaq was held 'sat Friday even ing. Ile meeting wee well attended r and a good deal of bueiness done. I The total receipts tor the past year were, $110.00 and the expenditure • $85.00. The following persona were elected directors per the coming year, viz ; Mr. R. Me:Norther, gr. J. T. MoKeY, Mr, Wm, Thompsoe, Mr R. Dinsdale, Mr. Wm. Cooper. The last two mentiened taking the place of T. Kellis and John MoNevin.-41r. and IVIiss Jennie Mellis, after an absence of three week, returned home on Tuesday morning. ?Jr, Nellie is in good spiritS and doing well, as a result of the operation on Isis eyes. -Mr. George Taylor had the miafortune to have 0/30 of his fingers nipped iu the gran crusher whi:e re- moving some straws. Cromarty. Barer. -Mr. T. D. Walker, of this place, held it meeting here on Friday night, when arrangements were made for starting a cheese factory in the vicinity thus season. Mr. Walker is it shrewd business masa-and will, no cioubt,do well in his new undertaking. -Mr. Robert Sellery has •in his pas session two sows which seem to be record breakers. They have in the past Len months presented their owner with no fewer than seventy-one little pig. These sows are a oross between a Chester White and Berk- shire, and bred to a Berkshire pig. - Mr. Malcolm Lamond, jr., and Mrs. Duncan MoKellar, who ha,ve lately been so seriously ill, are both, we are pleased to state, getting better. -Mr. Thomas Bruce has removed to his farm in Tuckersmith. Tom will be roach missed in this vicinity, but the people of Tuckersmith will find him a jolly good fellow. • leace,n. NITFLAT..-A very pretty wedding took place in the Methodist Church, Lucian, Wednesday evening, Feb. 27, when Annie Burgess, granddaughter of Mr. Thos. Orme, was united in marriage to Mr. John Bloomfield. of 'mean. Miss Orme, M. E. D., of Lonaon, assisted the bride, vvhile Mr. G. Bloomfield, of Byron acted. as groomsman. At the close ot the ceremony the bride was presented with a handsome onyx clock, accompanied by a highly eulogistic address from the choir and, con- gregation in recognition of the valued services rendered as organist. From the church; which was beautifully decorated with flowers and ribbons, the guests repaired to the residence of Mr. Orme, where a bountiful repast and social evening were enjoyed by all. Mazy useful and coatly presents Were received. Skaron. (Teo late for last week,) leniees.-The Patrons held au oyster supper last Monday evening in the school house which was largely attended, the house being full to over- flowing. The ladies are to be con. gratulated on the abundance of good things provided for the ocoasiors and tbe excellent manner in which they were served, and Sharon has lost none of its far famed reputation as a people who be3eve in what they do, do it we le After everybody had partaken amply of the good things, the tables were cleared away anti the audience called to order by the chairp3an Mr. Wm. Morlock who in a few well chosen words told the object of the entertain. ment and hoped that every Patron would take hold heartily and:work for the election of their candidate Mr. Brock. Thee followed- some stirring addresses from prominent patron men after which the meeting was brought to a close by givingthree cheers for the patron candidate.- It is rumored that vve fluty have a tea meeting in 'connection with the M. E. church in I the near future which we hope may be true. -On account of the bad roads the past tveelc every thing is very dull in our neighborhood,but we hope for a revival of tautness before long, -Mr. J. S. Amy han purchased a fine driv- ing mare from Mr. Josie.h Retitle and intends fitting her up for the races which are to take place in Exeter the coming sumnaer,-Mr. John Shtader has moved onto his farm lately vacated by Mr. Matthew Finkbeiner, We we'coree Mr. Shra,ler into our midst and wish bin3 every success in Ins new venture --.Mr Samuel Rowe has aced his fine driving mare to Mr. Handford of Centralia, for which he realized a good sum. ri AVE; GaILIT REFUTATION TIMM. 3. 13, Taylor, Esq., inerehant, Welland nays: Stark's Powders have a great repo- tation about here as fin immediate, as well as a permanent eure for Headache, Bile ioneneseiNeuralgia, Liver ani Sterniteh Complainte'Costiveness. I know of people who have been loug and great ant. ferera, who time tried almost everythine, and have been cured by them, Wo have used them 10 oar family with remarkable aweless." Two peeparatious in each box, Sold by all medioine dealers at 26o a box, 5 baster $1, Nice to take. Zil ASTIMA AXI) nnoxouiris. Norway Pine %reap gives great relie rendering breathine easy and, natural and enablieg the sufferer to enjoy refreshing tesee, ra", r. eersomese Peat reselts: fatePhOn Qouncil, The council met on elle 441I hist, All the members present. Besides passing a number of accoupts, little business of importance was transacted. Path - masters are to be appointed at the next meeting, ist Monday m Wo3 ahem. temeene-On Sunday evening the 24th tilt, the pulpit it our °Much was ocicupied by the pastor, Rev. W. Birks, who delivered a very instruct- ive and interesting sermon on apii- rosq from, 1st Pater, I, 16, "Be ye Holy for 1 am 1.1o'v.” If all thoae who thought tbe discourse ouch it • good one would ;Ake It to heart we would have better neighbors and more trust- worthy citizens. --Mrs. 3. W. Abray has returned home after vending a tew days in Pickering. -Miss A. Wind- sor, of McGillivray, spent a couple or weeks herewith her sister, Mrs W Haines. -A sleigh load of our youth report having spent a pleasant even - ng at Mr.Cole's, Russeldale, on Mon... day last .--On Tuesday evening air. Adam St, John loaded a aleigh with the elite of our town and wended hia way to Mr. Melville's where they tripped the fantastic toe until the wee small hours, -Mr. Robt Wade left on Tuesday for Durham to spend a few weeks with Ms parents. We fear his absence will cause the tears to flow as the heart grows fonder, -The Miases Alwav, of.Lucan, have moved tq our town and intend doing an extensive buelneas in dress and mantle making. We bespeak a good patronage as they come highly recommended. -We were highly pleased to see the smiling face of Miss Mary Johnston in our midst once spin, after being absent for a short time. We can't well afford to lose two ever jovial and popular damsels as the Misses Johnston Out Of our vicinity, therefore we wish Mall' to remain with us --- 13mufs.-The aiirlIVerSary SerVIces on Sunday and Monday last were fairly successful. Very acceptable torroons were preached. en Sunday to large congregations by Rev. Butt of Ceu trains, and Rev. F.le teller of Thames road, and on Monday evening, despite the atorm quite a number took tea and apen; a pleasant evening. None of the ramjet, rs announced to deliver addresses were present, so Rev. A. Barker read an essay and the pastor solicited subscriptions. There hes been expended on the church, shed, and parsonage property during the past year, about 8560, all of which is provided for. The amount has been raised iv the following meaner :- Church opening collections $11.80 Donation from Ladies' Aid 82.00 Donetion from S. S. 60.00 Proceeds of tea and collection 60.75 Subscriptions 313.00 Paid by Quarterly Board 20.25 Due from Quarterly Board 17,30 Shingles and lumber 10.00 Total $575.10 Enough has been subscribed to meet the tient and leave a nice balance in tee bands of the treasurer. It is evident that Elimville church is not dead, arid those who heard the choir know that it has vigorous life, deepite what has been sal and written . -The milk routes for the Winchelsea B. & 0, Association will be let • by public auction at the vil age of Winchelsea, on Saturday, March 16th, 1895, at 4 o'clock p. m, The buttermilk will also be sold by auction, and tenders will be received fur an assistant batter maker, to assist at the factory as Jong as required. fenders are to be:in the Secretary's hands by 3 o'clock ort day of meeting. Centralia. , -•.-- BRIEFS.-Tbe residence of the late John Murley is being offered far sale. -Wm. Down, of Devon, has moved to Thos. Handford's farm, lately owned by Robt. tValker.-Our pastor dev. W. fI. Butt and the Rey 'P. B. Coup - land, ot' Elimville, exchanged pulpits last Sunday morning. --At the armi Versary of the R. T. ot T. on Friday evening last a most interesting debate took pleoe between some members of the Sodom council and some members of the Centralia council. The subject was "Resolved that men exercise a more beneficial influence in society than women." For the affirmative vvere Rev, W. LI. Butt, Jas, Delgaty, Wee fIaggath and ,Jesse Rs ton ; for the negati ve, 0 Prouty, Wm, H orris and Silas Stanlake. Each speaker was 'al- lowed ten minutes, but the negative side was given in additional ten min- utes owing to the absence of one of their speakers. 3. P Clarke, of Exeter, occUpied the chair with abil- itY. while W. R. Elliott and Silas Stanlake, or, acted as referees. The debate was e, most spirited one,, and strong and weighty arguments were presented on both siclea, ito tench so that the referees had to declare it a draw. Refreshments were then aerva ed end a short program of music, etc., fol'owecl. A song by the Sodint twins; a quartette by the Centralia Quartette club ; a ttong by Sodom commit ; reading by Miss Mary Handford, and an instrumental by Silas Stanlake, jt., wader up the program. • After votes of thanks tbo meeting broke up (0+114 midnight themselves as delighted with the 1 GVOning's enterta1pment.--4. very pleasant gathering took place at Beebe ard HanciforcPs on Tgeeday tkrternoon and evening, it being the birthday of Mary and Ralph, Many young people were present and spent an enjoyable eveneng. -Thos. E, Elandiford and VVm. Biliott shipped a carload of horses to the Prairie Province Wed- nesday. These men evidently intend to get rid Of some of the many horses n th is place. Succese to the boys E. F. Husks our grain merchs.nt is taking in lots of grain these drys and reports prices on the rise. "-Wilbert Harrison has hired to work in the cheese factory this summer Wilbert intends learning the buiness, VILITBB Goderich. Barnya.-The Curry Broa, have green UIP the International Hotel on Ring- aton street and the onetime proprietor of the Heron, and the British, Wm. Craig, has entered on possession. -Mr Harry Chums and family will shortly move to London, where they willere- side in the future, -Guy, aged four, eldest sou of Councillor Swartz, died last week from an attaok of diptheria. The boy was a bright little fellow, known to every resident in the neighbohood by his winnileg ways, and his early death is mourned by the parents and their many friends in" GoderIcita.-Laet Friday afternoon the Gun Club had a handicap match for a turkey, the distances being one and two hundred yards. The highest scores were Messrs. E. R. Watson and W. T. Welsh, the latter carrying off the noble bird. • The Mortuary Record. HonOrers. -The death of Mrs. Mary Hodgins, rend of the late Wm. Hod - gine, formerly of 'Biddulph, died on Sunday of last week. Her remains were interred in the St. Jame' ceme- tery, Biddulph, on Tuesday. Hamatis.-On the 3rd inst. ,Ell zabeth, wife of John Harris. of the 2nd con- cession of Usborne, died after a pro- • longed illness, of cancer of the stomaoh. Deceased had attained tlio age of 65 years a,ad has been a great sufferer. She was a daeghter of the late Mr Wake- • • andetil Efeeter. •Gennisman-Mr, Waller Gardiner of Hibbeit, neer Farqnhar, died very -sud- denly on Saturday morning last, in his 61s4 year. *Mr. Gardiner was one of the pioneers, was Widely and favorably known, end had always enjoyed good health. The • morning of his death he arose as muse in apparent ' good bealth, but shortly after.; wards suddenly expired. Heart disease was the cause. Mornme.-John Ae Monroe, who has been a resident of Exeter the past year, and who, with bis wife, has been a guest at Ur. W. Follar.d'a, died .on Tuesday last, in the 51st sear of li`s age- Mr. Mc.nroe was it native of Strathroy and some ten years ago married Miss Maggie Folland of this platte. Being possessed of a superior education, deceased has, during the past twenty ewes, heti ths principle ship of some of (be foremost Collegiate Institutes in Oaterio,and was a mad rare ability. For some thne he has been a sufferer from ttainaeli trouble and died from its effects. His remains'twill be taken to Strathroy today (Thursday) for burial. Thus it brilliant future Inis been eu,t off in early life. GARLAND. -On Friday last a respect- ed resident of Exeter, and one of the old'settlers of this locality,passed away, in the person of Mr, James Garland; Andrew street. His death was unex- pected. Only a few days ;previously he came home from the salt works complaining slightiy. The real trouble beweven soop asserted iteelf and • Mr. .Garland was seized with a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs. He was Of English birth, and with his wife came to Canada many years ago,. and prior to moving to Exeter some twelve years past, followed the avo.cation of farming in the N. E. Ward of Usborne town- ship. Deceased had accumulated a goodly share of this world's goods by hard labor and good management, and since coming to Exeter has whiled away the time in looking after the salt block. Mr Garland was highly respected by all who knew him, being an affable', yet quiet, industrious man, He married. a Miss Kerslake, sister of Wm. Kerslake, of Rodgerville, who is left to mourn Ms loss, at only child having died be- fore they came to Canada. The funeral en Tues lay, notwithstanding the stormy weather, was largely attended. DEA.RNESS.-Lasb week an old resid• ent of Middiesex couetypaseecl. away in the person of Mr. John. Dearness, who has resided for over thirty years on a farm near Granton itt the township Bidclulph. He emigrated from the Orknoys in 1849, and after residing in Hamilton seven years, took up land on the north bank of the Thames river a NW miles southveost of St. Marys. In the financial oriels dote followed bhe Crimean war he lost all his property, and later, in 1863, he removed to the Jerrnyn Line, /telt was theft celled, be- fore Granton Station or the village it- self was established. Such are the changes wrought by death and time that of all the farmevs who were thett beeEng the burden of the day, and assisting eaoh other ab loggings,raisinge, etc., only foul? 011 the whole concession now emain residents of the neighbor- hood. Mr. Deeraess was highly re - speeded by ail who know him, as attest- ed by the long cortege that, in spite of the difficult roads, followed his remains I • -` . ' le14• e ••. being cleared:out at CosL Prices •And beautiful Spring and Summer Goods taking their place st the Market Depot. Get some of the bargains. •J. P. Ross, twice married, and leaves to mourn his • loss a widow and four •children -ono son, who is well known in connectioa . with puclio education in Middlesex county, and three daughters; Mrs. (Dr.) • E S Holmes, of Combridgeboro, Pa.; Mrs W Cunningham, of Bolton, Ont., and Mrs R Raycraft, residing near the homestead. CTeborne- Succor, Rita/RT.-The following is the (torrent report of the pupils of S. 13, No 12,-Uaborne, Sr. IV, -Daisy Brooke, •Willie Morley, Henry Ogden, lop. Kelly, Jr. IV, - Charlotte Morley, Bertha Squire, John Brook, Minnie Morley, Alfred Brock; Sr. III, -Nelson Hodgeou, • Levin% Brook, Cheater Efodgama'Bessie Morley, Marshal Brock, Bertha Sutherby ; .1r. 11L -New - ten Millson, Eva Tapp, Ethel Millson Sr. 1I, -Jas. Ogden, •Nettie Brooks; Jr, IL -- fiat lVfoGee, lector Millson, Harvey Sneherby, Norah McGee, Ohne.. Me Oartlee-; Er. I,-Lottio Squire, Florenee Brooke, Roy Endgame, Harvey Squire, Jr, I, Mary A. McGee, Mary McCarthy, Oscar Morley, Genie Statherby, Frauk Squire. T. A. Dinecax, 1-111N-41 lireenway. Barars.-Rev J H Ohant's sermon to young men in the Boston Methodiet church last Sabbath from Titus 2.7, "in all things show thyeelf it pattern of good work," . was carefully prepared and hiehly inter. eeffi Feting and inetruetive to old end youne, If all the itiporbant daces of oar scouratry were filet by. the class of young men pictured 0012n this sermon with a Daniel as leader, we would soon have a prosperous country. Crime and Sin in high places is eare destruction Our eoueg men are striving to fill the important position', and there is great need of their being trained up in the fear of God, knowing that they shall have to give an 'account of themselves to the King of Xings.-Mr John Underwood received word by tele. phone last Friday, that his old friend Mr Donaldson, of A_ilsa Craig, had died suddenly. -W 3 Wilson & Co., has e finished the tedious work of stock taking and ate' entering on, the 24th year in heehaws in this village, which we trust will be more prosperous than in past years. -A number of our citizens attended MSS Sarah Pollock's concert on Friday evening last. The entertainment was very interesting. -Mrs W 3 Wilson and her sister, Mrs Little, visited friends at Grand Bend last Monday. -We receive1 another supply of the beautiful snow last Monday and lave good sleigbing again. - Mr Wm Karding left here last Tuesday to work with Mr J Beinger in Parkhill, • erre Sale Register. -- Friday, March 8. -Farm 6toek, the Property of Mrs. G. A. Campbell, lot 10, 8, T, R., Usborne. Sale at one o'clock. Thee. Cameron, anon Tuesday, March 12, -Farm Etook, im- plements, one, the property .Of e'ainee lea.y, lot 9, con. 13, McGillivray. Sale at one o'clockt H. Either, auot. Tuesday, March 19. -Farm Mock and impiemeuts, the property of Perkins, lot 17, con 5, Uaborne, Sale at one o'clock. Thos. Cameron, omen Friday, alareh 8. -Ferre stock, imple- ments and housebold furniture, the prop- erty of the late Conrad. Neff, in the village of Dashwood. Sale at one o'clock. S. Hardy, administrator. 11. leaseenberry, KIRKTON Post011iceStore • We are daily receiving arid open- ing out Now Goods the beat and newest eteeek of goods ever offered in Rirkton, and at prices that Can com- pete withAny other place. • °all and sec :'and compare our prices before buying. • •. PRINTS, • The enoiceet, patter n; to select from, dot them early as they are going fast. • Sntt OtrIt 10Clu BARGAIN COUNTIlat 'WAY WANT A Goon 13An0At'et.