HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-2-28, Page 8TN8t7114t[gk1..
AN Y•., or Toronto: oleo for the' PHOENIX
P"I#ta f14SI111ANt1E COMPANY, of Loud 13
Bn landf ALLlttrlQld J;NSIIli,ANQS1 OOI -
>rt . v o>Ir ttlund.
Head office. - - ,LONDONs
largest busiueea in Osnede atyth low et retest,
4olasioteretwith seourity.
steeets, Jan, 1$01, S337,190.Q0
43,0Q01Po1foiee in Zoroo.1
T. E. ROBSON, President.
Fez:further particulaes, ripply to
Agent. Exeter.
The Mart
'r'RUBSfAY FEBRUARY 28th, 1895
Yesterday was tsh Wednesday,
Yesborday wasa very busy day in
111r. Thos. Bissett, sr„ sold bis
driver this week „o 111.r. Finlay,
The band are preparing for a grand
concert to be given in a few weeks.
The recent .snow drifted eight feet
deep in places on the L. 11. and. B.
Mr. John Noble, of Parkhill, has left
Erie to fill the positin;i of
collector of customs.
Messrs, Prier & Balk will on Monday
shipped another car load- of live: hogs
from this station.
Mr. Wrn.Grigg purposes tearing down
Pocket' & Office Mares. the remains of the tailor shop. H
All Sizes and Prices.
Start the new year by replenish-
ing your office. We have a
ful line of
Blank Books,
biles. Inks,
Paper i 'sleets,
:Etc., Kte.
And the prices are the lowest.
Kindly call and inspect them.
flauigj Booming
Yes the Big Clearing Sale
now on at the
Big akrpt Stare
is a Booming Success.
Crowds of eager, ,delight-
ed, and satisfied buyer
crowd the Big Store daily_
Never have we had greater
reasons for saying thanks to the
public for the way in which they
have responded to .our Big Sale.
And never, no never,have the
public had greater thanks to us for
the wonderful bargains being offer-
Come everybody. Come and
secure some of the biggest values
ever offered in Exeter.
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor i
readers would,when making their purchases
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in THE Times.
EOTIOE-Ali business announcements
notices of pubiia meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc appearing in there local
columns will be oharr;od for at the rate of five
oents per lino each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Cash with order save
o persons baying open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in current issue copy
must be h.andedinto office on Tuesday.
.Trivitt Memorial Oh,
LENT 1895.
Notices for week ending March 6th.
'Taunsney 28th• Sunday School Examination
FRIDAY Marsh 1st: Regular meeting of Ladies'
Guild at 8 p. m. Litany and short address
at 4.46 p• m. Choir Practise at 8 p. m.
25T SUNDAY lir LENT. Holy Communion at 11.
a. m. Special Sermon for evening. Lent;
What is it, and why kept 7
Weniras»AY6th. Short Divine Service and
Lecture at 8 p, m.
"Victor Meron, who Ieft Essex County
with his wife and family and settled on a
farm in Michigan, returned Monday
morning, and, according to his own state-
anent, is a poorer but a mach wiser man,
Be stated that be lost while away fully
15,000 and advises aayone who thinks he
can better big condition by leaving this
.country to take a trip acroes the river be-
fore selling out his interests here, "It is
smposalble for are to tell you what we
have suffered," be said,while his household
.goods were being examined at the ferry
dock : "but I can truthfully say that I
!havercome to stay, and have eonoluded
that Canada is good enough for me. At
nine time I had the annexation craze; at an-
other time 1 believed in freetrade,but after
the experience I have had lam of the
.opinion that this country is inst about
right as it ie, and it is .a good thing to
leave .well enough alone, Those who
Voted for the Demoeratic party and free
trade on the other side have learned that
lesson and are toxin -81Y waiting for the
time when they cart get the change to
vote the other way."
The directors of the Strath 1'erth Fartrl
'ere'rnetitute have arranged to hold the
following publfo Meetings the first week in
Mrrah :--,9t. , Mar. a, Metreh 4th SebrinR
vitt°,;Mareh 5th ;Tavistockre
r Ma & 6th,
Will not rebuild at present.
The London Township Agricultural
Soeiety will hold their Spring show at
'Merton, on Friday, April26,
The turf club held another meeting
Thursday last and evade further
arrangements for celebrating the 24th
Arthur O'Leary died at '.1t Carmel,
Stephen township on 19th inst. He
was aged 89 years, and father of Arthur
0' Leary, jr.
The Turf Club ha ve arranged their
program and will offer $1,000 in purses
in connection with the 24th May meet-
ing in Ex eter.
Mies Eva Piper is again in a deogeroua
condition, mentally, She fastene'iherself
in a room the other day and attempted to
do herself bodily harm.
E, Williams of Usborne, while work-
ing in his hay loft the other day fell
through' a hole to the floor, Severe' ribs
were, fractured besides his head being
Mr. S. &,McGill, M. A., L. L. B.
barrister, formerly of %gingham, is an
applicant for the vacant office of Assist-
ant Law Clerk of the Legislative As-
The first eclipse this year is a total
eclipse of the moon on March 20th. It
will be visible in North and Seuth
America. A partial eclipse of the sun,
visible in Eastern Canada, takes place
on March 25th.
The young men and women of the
Main -at. Epworbh League made a bee
the other evening and cub a quantity of
wood for Mrs. Hutchinson, the gents
sawing and splitting while the lade
piled, the wood.
W, E, Browning is in Toronto this
week selecting a stock of Bicycles which
he will handle during the corning
season, and we feel sure that with the
extensive experience he has bad
Wheels he will secure the very b-st
alue to be obtained. it
The. Exeter Auxiliary of the Wom-
an s•Missiouary Society held an open
meeting in Main St. Methodist Church
last evening, which was addressed by
Mrs. Creyler from Whitechurch. A
good program in addition • was provided,
The attondance waa fairly large.
A petition was circulated in town on
Tuesday, to be presented:to His Excellen-
cy the Goveroor•General, asking. for the
release of young McBean of McGillivray,
who was recently sent to penitentiary by
Judge Elliot of London, for alluring the
affections of the wife of one Mount of the
same township, It was largely signed.
It is estimated that sonfe $30,000 will be
expended in -the erection of hew residen•
res in Exeter next summer. Following
are the names of some of the builders :-
R. Hicks, H. Bishop, R. E, Pickard, G.
Mantle, J. Hazelwood, Thos. Rowe. J. A.
Stewart, T. Fitton, Chas. Snell, jr,, and
The salt men of Western Ontario
have failed to enter into the combine
which they have been agitating for the
past few months. It is said the reason
the' proposition has not materialized, is
that some of the large manufacturers
wanted too large a portion of the pro-
ceeds_ Salt will, so far as the recent
negotiations are concerned, remain at
the old figure.
Wes. Snell, wbo has bean conducting a
butchering and drover's business in Exeter
the past year made an assignment of his
effects on Friday last to Mr. John Gill.
The liabilities amount to over $6,000,while
the assets are valued at about $1,600. Mr.
Snell did a large business in shipping
stock and at various times has lost heavily
in various ways, principally owing to the
fall in prises from time to time A meet.
ing of the creditors wiIibe held this week
There was a large attendance at the
oyster social and sale of work under the
auspices of the L'tdies' Guild of the
Trivitt Memorial church on Tuesday
evening. The oysters and other deli-
cacies were served without stint, while
the program of music, etc., was well
rendered. The sale of fancy, though
useful articles, by the ladies, was large,
and altogether the entertainment netted
the guild a neat sum.
Sunday being the anniversary of the
Methodist Church in Kincardine, the
congregationa, in response to a request
made the previous, Sunday by the
pastor, Rev. Jas. Livingstone, con•
tributed the sum of $1,045. The amount
asked for 3was $1,000. The rev. gentle-
man is very popular, not only with his
own people, but with all classes of the
community. The Presbyterian Church
was closed in the evening, the . con-
gregation unitingtwith the Methodists at
that service. Eloquent discourses
were given in the morning by the Rev,
George Jackson, of Exeter,
The storm of Wednesday night last
almost as se
Y'h as its predecessor prod ceeeor of
the week before, and did considerably
more towards blocking the reilwayd.Trains
were cancelled on all lines until Saturday
and no mails were received from distant
points until Saturday night, The country
roads ware also rendered impassable for
seeerat days, Business has been very
tntioh retarded and thousands of dollare
have' been lost to the businebs men of this
motion alone. The first regular service
by the railway was given on Monday, and
if the elemente do not again interfere, we
may erpebt a rapid revival of hurneleeg,.
The Varnlval,
fano), dress f y oaxnival was hold; .Monday
t veuinit at the rink and was attended by
a large lumber of ,peotatora, and Skaters.
"1'he bra., band w+ss in attendance. See-
et'el prizes were offered and competition
wail keen. Following: Are theprize
w' u
era even Ed.Tr
Harkin; boy's rase, John Spackman. Ed.
Dignan ; gent's ammo eosiume, Rus:el
Howard, Herbert Treyethiok ; ladies'
fancy eostunee, Lilla Johur, Ida Johns
County ()rand hack Cleanser.
The County Wend Chapter of Buten
and Perth, Black Kuighta of Ireland, was
Oldie Orange gall, Clinton, last Wearier-.
day, While the attendance *vas fair,
there was not as many present as was an-
ticipated. Considerable business of inter -
eat and importance waa transacted, The
following otitoerswere elected. for 1895-
'96 :.-Sir Knights A. U. Todd, (l,, G, M.,
No. 161, Clinton ; John Scarlett, D. G,
M„ No. 361, Clinton ; Geo. Hanley, C.
Gibap., lip, 161, Clinton Robs. Sosrlett,
C. R„ No -161. Clinton ; Peter Oantelon,
Dept, R., Nn. 161, Clinton ; John Reid,
Trees, No. 315, Goderich ; T. E. Cornyq,
Dept. Treas., No. 126, Wingham ; John.
Chisholm, Lecturer, No 126, Winghem, A
Woodman, Dept,, No 397, Blyth Thos.
Kearns, Cen., No 161, - Clinton; Geo.
Snell, jr. Dept. Cen., 397. Blyth ; Jaa
J. McMath, 1st Standard Bearer, 315.
Goderich ; R. Tichbobrne, , 2nd Standard
fearer, 315, Goderiah ; Wm. Ford, Pur-
sutvaat, 161, Clinton ; Itobt Bloomfield,..
let committeeman, 126, ,Wiughaw : Rev.
Highly, Dept. Chap , 397; Blyth ; L. •Ne•
thery, 2nd Com., 397, Blyilr : Albert An-
derson 3rd Com„ 161, Clintou; Geo. Shep-
pard. 4th Corn., 161, Clinton ; H. Pingle,
5th Com.. 397, Blyth ;Robt. Clyde, 6th
Com„ 327, St Marys ; Robs, Stewart 7th,
Com., 327, St. Marys. The County Chap-
ter meets in Clinton on the 3rd Wednes-
day in Feb., 1896.
idles L. Prier, of teeter, is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. H. Hunkin• of Bogan,-
J. S. Williams, traveller for the; r noted
medicine house of J. C. Ayer & Co. Low-
ell, Mase., was in town this week, and
made a yearly advertising contract for the
twenty-second time with Tie Tikes,-
Hrs. D. Mill is visiting friends in London.
-Seaforth Sun thus refers to a son -of Mrs.
Simpson: "Mr. R, H, Young, wife and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Page re-
moved to London on Monday last' where
they will in future reside, Mr Yonne and
ter Pege having good situations in 000 of
the large furniture factories there, They
leave a large circle of friends behind them
who will ever be pleased to learn of their
welfare. -yr. Chas. Senior, of Blenheim,
who has been very ill the past week; we
are pleased to learn, is recovering. -Miss
M. V. White who has been vieitingiriends
in St. Marys retuned home on Tuesday,
accompanied by Mrs Butcher who will
visit in Exeter for a time. -Mr.. R. S.
Lang visited Flay Council on Monday
introdnoing the Western Road Making
machine. The council will likely bay
one, and thus save many .dollars in a year,
Mrs. Jobn V. Crocker who was injured
net week, is improving. -T. D. Finlay was
n town Tuesday purchasing o!horses, as
was also Mr. T. Berry of HeneaIl.--Mrs.
D. Spicer visited friends in Brantford and
other points the past few weeks. -Messrs.
McDonell and Bawden attended the stock
f sir in. Blvth on eloaday and purchased a
number of fine horses. -Mr. Robt. Willis,
of Marlette, Mich., visited friends in town
the past ween. -Mr. .J. A. Munro, who
has been very ill of Late, we were pleased
to learnhad sufficiently recovered to be
on the street Tuesday. -Rev Jackson and
W H Parsons of the .lames St. Epworth
League, and Messrs T H McCallum. Chas
Snell and Prank Tom of the Main Street
League"are attending the Epwortli'League
Conyention in Toronto, this week, -John
Muir, of Kirkton, was in town on Tuesday
on business,-Sam'1 Brock, of Bothwell,
is. visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Wood.
- Mrs. (Dr,) Amos visited friends in
Clinton the paet week.-Meesre. Tapp
and Downing return, to Manitoba next
week. They have spent the winter visit-
ing friends in this vtcinity'-Rev. J. J.
Cornish of Michigan, is visiting friends in
this neighborhood. Some nine years ago
Mr.Cornish was a resident of this locality.
-Mr. James Garland is seriously ill of
infiammation.-Mina Templeton has been
very low the past few weeks, and her sis-
ter Mrs. Collins of Watford, is visiting her.
-Mr. James Parkinson has rammed to
.Trout Creek. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bawden
were visiting in Clinton, -Mies Barker,
who has been visiting her sister, 'Mrs. J.
A. Gillespie, has returned home, -Mise
Lucy. Brimacombe has returned home
from a pleasant visit near Stratford -
Mr. Remmington formerly of the Molsons
Bank here and lately of. Clinton has been
transfered to Montreal. -Mrs. Browning
of Markham,' is the goal of her son, Dr.
Browning. She is over 80 years of age,
and has been visiting in Port Huron. -W.
Dempsey we are sorry to learn is confined
to hisroom throagh illness. We hope to
see him around again soon -The Milliners
are attending the openings in Toronto, -
R. H. Collins, D: D. G. M. for the South
Huron District will preside at a Lodge of
Instruction in connection with the
Masonic Order at btratford today
(Thursday) It opens at 4.30 p. m., when
Britannia Lodge, of Seaforth, will oonfer
the Entered Apprentice degree ; at 6 p.
m: Wilmot Lodge, of Baden, will exemplify
the Fellow Craft degree, and at 8.15 p.
m., Stratford will confer the Master
Mason degree. -Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson
Goderich are guests at Mr. Donald
Rev. J. J. Cornish, of Michigan, will
preach in the Royal Templars hall, over
Wood's butcher shop, this .(Thursday)
evening, and on Sunday at 2.80 o'clock:
The :Exeter grain buyers are paying
high prices for all kinds of cereals, and
the result is that large quantities of grain
ip being marketed here, and business in
consequence booming.
Messrs. Finlay and McDonell ship a
oar load of export horses to -day. These
buyers when they advertise, generally
purchase largely, and the farmers appre-
ciate their dealings,
Jame Hicks of Usborne, had the bones
removedfrom the wrist of his leftbarm on
Wednesday. For some years he has been
carrying a lance arm, the result of an
accident, and the bones had become dearly.
Mr: E. U. Flanders and Wife, until re-
cently residents of Grand Perko, Dakota,
but who have been in Seaforth the pant
few months, hays. deckled to remain in
Ontario, and left the other day for Lon•
don, where they will hi all probability
At a meas meeting at Montreal Saturday
night to. resolution was adopted trailing up-
on the City Council to at once furnish
employment to all in need of ii and at
Wages not leas than $1.50 per day, and
arising the wealthy' citizens to some to the
irelief oL.thoee in want,
1izetor Mutnozpal, Counoilc
The eremite], met pursuant to adjourn
meet at tbe town ball, Exeter, 22nd
February, 1805. Ali prevtnt,.
'Ole minutes of previous meeting were
road and confi• pled.
Mr. JvI)av'
s. . ta ag,•ked Zrermianou of the
council to peen a street -a continuance at
Albert,eprcet and the same width.
Carting -,-Ta) i •r -request granted.
Mr. 7dnaton asked nor the rice of the
town hall to hold monthly meetings of the
school board, -Granted,
Taylor -Treble -That orders be granted
for`the following ,sumo, viz, :-The Gutta,
Pereira : Rubber uo. $27.00, for coelia•,
express 90o ; the TIMES 025.40, printing
to date ; Jae. Creech $12.25, wood ,ter
town hall ; do $3.75, wood for Mrs, Hut.
chimer ; do $3.75, wood for Mrs.. Wilcox;
do $4.00, charity to Mrs. Sutton; do
$2 50, Mrs.Piper ; do $4.00, Mrs. ;
do ,$1,50, Thos. Daw ; do 02.00, Airs.
McIntosh ; Wm. Phair $1.00, labor at
snow Wm: Creech 02.00, do ; Walter
Westoott $1.00, do ; Geo. Cudmore $1.00,
do ; Jae. Gould $1.00, do ; Juo. Pople-
stone 50e., do; J. W. Creech 26o., do ; S.
Handford 75c., do, end Expositor $1.00,
advertising re Bale of cattle 189.4. -
Mr, is V. Elliot complained of
obetr"uction of the side walk at the
Mansion House, and warned the council
of prosecution if continued:
Air, Creech was ordered to prosecute
any person or persons found guilty of
obstructing the aide walk -or any part of
the same.
Carling -Harding -That the auditors'
report be reaeived and the abstract pub-
lished as formerly. -Carried.
Carling--=Taylor-That by-law No. 7,
1594, re dog tags, be amended by adding a
penal clause thereto.-Oarried.
The clerk was:instructed to write the
superintendent of the asylum re .Eva
Carling- Harding -The council adjourn
until Friday, the 8th Marsh, at 7 30 p.
ni.-Carried, Id. EACRETT, Clerk.
The London City Council have declared
a rate of 23 mills on the dollar.
Mr M 0 Cameron,. of Goderich, has
returned home from Florida.
The 0. P. R. dividend for the half year
is announced. It is one-half per cent.
The hot rays of the sun is seriously
affecting the sleighing where the snow is
A drive over the country roads at the
present time reminds one somewhat of a
rough sea voyage.
The January thaw, which has been
postponed on account of the weather, has
arrived a little late.
D. W. D.rlmage, general merchant, of
Palmerston. formerly of Birkton, has
made an assignment.
Mr. senesces, of Toronto, will address a
public meeting. in tbe `Town Hall this
(Thursday) evening.
Rev, W. H. Gane, formerly of Elimville,
has been installed as pastor of the Con-
gregational Church in Peterboro, N, H.
Mr. Dan'l Wood having purchased the
stook of meat on hand is now in possession
of the butcher shop recently conducted by
Mr. Wesley Snell,
Just arrived, a large assortment of Spring
Footwear, bought direct from the best Manu-
facturers of Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and
London. In fast we have the beet and most
stylish Boots &Shoes ever shown in Hensall
and at prices to suit the times. Call and see
that wpsell cheap for cash.
BRIEFS. -Business was very quiet fn
town last week on account of thebig snow
storm -Mr Thos. Berry intends shipping
another carload of horses next week. He
is paying good, figures for good horses, -
Mr Geo. Schoellig, Insurance Agent, was
in town on Tuesday. -Our sleighing is
suffering somewhat from the heat this
week. -Cook Bros. are running their mill
at night to fill orders. -Our oatmeal mill
is doing good business. -Miss Jennie
Weataway and Miss Smallacombe return-
ed on Friday after visiting several days in
Exeter, -The several milliners are in
Toronto this week attending theMillinery
Openings -Revs J. S,Henderson and F,
Swan attended the Sunday School Con-
vention at Auburn on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday. -Judge Doyle of Goderich, was in
town on Thursday and Friday, on account
of the trains not running, being delayed
ny the severe snow storm ; also Lawyer
Dickson, who intended going to Goderich.
-Miss Botham, nnusio teacher, of Staffs,
comes to town every Wednesday, as she
teaches a class of pupils here --The wife
of Mr. Wm. Fiarbon presented him with a
bouncing baby boy last Thursday nigbt,
William has had a smile on ever since.—
It is rumored that Mr,Bernard Thompson,
who left here about a month ago for
Michigan, is rete ning to Hensall, as his
daughter was in town this week looking
far a house to rent There is no place
like Hensall yet, -Mr A. R. Bobier of
Exeter, was in town on Monday -Mr,
Alex. Stobie of Seaforth, was in town on
Monday. -The Zurich String Band passed
through town on Tuesday night on their
way to Eippen to play at a danoe in the
Kippea Hall. --Dr McArthur and wife
of London, spent aatarday and Sunday
at bis brother's, Mr John McArthr,
hanker. -Messrs Winter and Dick of Sea -
forth, shipped several car load of cattle to
Toronto on Saturday from this station.
Mr John Fitzgerald of Chiselhurst, had
to take his son, Frank, to London asylum
last Wednesday, as he became unmanage-
able, and nothing more could be done for
him at home.
THE aronnrati INVALID
Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with
other luxuries. A remedy must be pleae-
ently acceptable in form, purely whole.
some in composition, truly beneficial in
effect and entirely free from every objec-
tionable quality. If really ill he consults
a physician; if constipated he twee the
gentle family laxative, Syrup of Figs.' B
American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its action upon the system is remark-
able and mysterious. It removes at once
the cause and the disease immediately dig-
appeare. Tho first dose greatly benefits,
75 cents, Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818
Not one in twenty are free from some
little ailment eaused by inaction of the
liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Pills,
The result will be a pleasant surpriee-
They give positive relief.
Bale Register.
Thursday, Felly. 28,-Erirm Stock, m-
piements, etc., the property of Thos
Hazlewood, lot, 11, on, 11, fIshorno,
Sale at one o'clock, Tnos. CAMEttotd Auo•.
Friday, Marsh eat, farm stock, the
property of Samuel Madge, lot 18, OM e 6,
Usborne. No renews. Sale at 1 ciolopk,
:'los, CAmEItox Aut,
We are receiving and
passing into stock New
Goods of every description,
New Prints, New Dress
Goods, New Tweeds, New
Worsteds, New Overcoat-
ings, New Shoes, etc., etc,,
all;purohased for spot cash.
We are selling heaps
of them every day; the pat-
terns are beautiful and the
cloth is the beet made. Over
two hundred patterns to
choose from. Now is the
time to get the best Now.
We have now a full
assortment of Tweeds, Wor-
steds, Pantings, &c,, for
spring trade. These goods
were purchased on particul-
arly favorable terms and we
are giving customers the
advantage of oiar close buy-
We have placed in stock
the ' finest assortment of
Shoes ever shown in Exet6r,
and at prices never before
approached You should see
our stock, it includes every-
thing new and stylish in
Ladies' and Gentlemens'
wear for spring.
Gents' Felt
Just to hand, all the
latest blocks in English. and
American made Hats, both
in hard and soft felts. Every
gentleman invited to call
and see the correct thing
for spring wear.
We are selling 27 lbs
Redpath's, extra standard
Granulated Sugar, strictly
pure, for $1.00.
33 lbs do, best Yellow
Sugar, strictly pure, for
2 cans peas, for 15c,
2 cans corn, for 15o.
2 cans tomatoes,for 150.
5 lbs Ginger Snaps, for
4 lbs Ginger Cookies,
for 25c.
Best Drum Baking Soda
for 2e.
Sunlight Soap, twin bar
for 6c.
1 lb sealer Forest Cit
i y
Baking Powder, for 20o,
Globe Wash Boards, for 150,
3lb,box. Soda Biscuits,
for 200,
Gillett's Pepper Box,
blue, regular 10c, for 5c.
We have te
h best 25c
Tea in town,
R. Pickard
fid, you o t
Did you remetnber what your wife saki
about call1 '
1[ at
and ordering solve of those
2,I" .,J...s
whish are creating so much talk, and those
They are daisies. Come t get your choice
betore they are all gone. The best thing
you can do to preserve domestic peace is
to do it now without delay. Have yoili
seen our Ladies' footwear ? They are the
finest we have ever shown ; the latest,
newest, best. For Gentlemen's footwear
we have no equal. It's not a- question of
Importance to you whether we import or
pay spot sash. The question is where
can I get goods the cheapest. Allow us to
tell you : at
It's Easy to
Y -
D e with/
10 cents
Made for Home Use
Any Color
Absolutely Reliable
Direction Book and 4o samples of colored cloth, free.
means that you
Should use
Every paokage fully
Take no other.
DAVIE•-In Ohiselhurst, on the 20th inst., tho
wife of Wm. Davie, of a eon,.
WHITE -In Stephen on 21st inst., the wife of
William White of a son.
BON. -In Stephen,lonISth inst„ the wite of.
Chas Box of a daughter,
FRANCIS. -In Usborne, on the 21st inst., the
wife of Wm. Francis, of ason,
JOHNS-IaElimville, on the 28rd lust„ the
wife ofThos Johns, of a daughter,
NEIN.-;In Stephen, on the:21st fust., the
wife of Got, Wein of a daughter.
ALLAN•-Inllsborne, on the 24th inst., the
Wife of Benj. Allan of a daughter.
TURNER -In Tuokersmitb, on the 10th inst.,
the wife of Mr. George Turner, of a son.
SMITH—In ploGillivray,on the 15th inst., the
wife of Mr. Clarke Smith, McGillivray, of a
AirTAGGART-In Clinton, on the 15th inst.,
the wife of G. D. McTaggart, hanker. of a
OOWAN--fn Sarnia, on the 11th inst., the
wife of Mr. John Cowan, barrister, of a
MACKAY-8roKELLAR-At Woodstock, on
6th inst., by Rev W A Mackay, D. D., Wm
Mackay, to Maggie McKellar, all of Nissourl.
JOHNS-DAVEY-At theltfethodiatparsonage
Exeter, on 13th inst,, by Rev 1I W Locke,
DaveyWilliam,of JohStephen•ns. of Usborne, to Mies Prue
PORTER-HEPBURN-At St James' rectory,
on 25th inst., by the Rev W J Taylor, Andrew
Richard Porter to Margaret'Bsther Hepburn
bothof Downie,
6t Marys, on
`13th inst., by Rev A Grant B A, George
Mitchell Tomlinson, of East Nissouri, to Miss
Eliza Baynes, of St Marys:.
YOUNG -CASH -At the residence of the
bride's father, St lilarys, on the 20th inet.,by
the Rev. ACunningham, Milton Young, to
Rosa, fourth daughter of Christopher Cash.
FISHER-SPINDLER-At the residence of
Mr. Samuel Pennebsker,. Clinton, on the
18th inst., by, Rev J W Holmes, Mr Seth
Fisher, sr„ of Colborne, to Mrs Spindler, of
Y0E-JORDAN-At the Ontario St. parson-
age. on to 20th inst., by Rev Wl Smyth, Mr
Henry Frederick Yoe, of Boissevain, Mani-
toba, to Miss Flossie Jordan, of Goderich
MCDOUGALL-HORTON-qnExeter, on the
26th inst., at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. Wm. Horton, Andrew Street, by
Rev. E. W: Hunt, Mr. John McDougall, of
Hibbert, to Miss Hattie Horton, of Exeter:
HYSLOP-InMoGillivray,on the ]5th inst,,
John Hyslop, aged 79 years,
O'LEARY-Atilt t. Carmel, on the 19th inst.,
Arthur O'Leary, aged 89 years.
MRoMICH,bert MA OMEL-InfohaeiM, cKillopaged61, onyears. the 18th inst.;
MAGILL-Ia Hibbert, on the 19th inst., Jane
Magill, aged 75 years and 9 months,
CHRISTIE-In MoGillivray, on the 30th inst.,
Emma Christie, aged 81 years, 3 months.
ROSS -In Tuokeremith, on the lsth inst,, Jane
McKay, wife of Mr. Wm. Boss, aged 73
STAOEY-At Grace Hospital, Detroit, on 26th
inst., Johnston Stacey, formerly of I{irkton,
41 years,
MeoMATH-Iagen Goderioh, on the 14th, Chris-
tina MaoMath, wife of Mr. Samuel b(aoMath,
aged a.
YULE -83 yeAt thersfamily ro5idenoe, Cadzow Park,
St Marys, on ieth inst.. Ann Weir, roliot of
the late Jas Yule, aged 56 years.
MURPHY• -In Seaforth, on the 16th inst-,
Clara Jane, daughter of Mrs. Michael Mur-
phy, aged 16 years, 6 months and 12 days,
ALLAN -In Egmoudville, on the 14th inst.,
Hephzibah Wright, wife of Mr. J hn 0.
Allen, aged 31 years 5 months and 6 days.
Not many of our breeders have much
confidence in buckwheat ataw as a food for
prize animals. Yst many beasts would
thrive well on buckwheat straw and what
they oan pick up around the barn yard,
if given Dick's Blood, Purifier, beeauso it
gives good health, good appetite, good
digestion, Try a box on your horse
which is not thriving,
CATARRH Riraiavnn xx 10 to 60 •Mxnu-
tee,-One short puff of the breath through
the Blower, supplied with each bottle •of Dr,
Agnew a Catarrhai Powder, diffuses the
Powder over the endue of thenatal pre.-
oagee. Painless and delightful to take,
relieves instantly, and permanently cure
Catarrh, Flay lever, Colds, Boadaehe,
Sore Throat,. Tonailitie and deafness;
St -pouts. At 0, Lutz.
Mr. John Ritzer, merchant, Waterloo„
says ; "I have given Stark's Powders (for
Headache and Costiveness, Biliousness,
and Neuralgia) au extensive trial, and
find them to give the "greatest sate:Jaotion
in my family. I can very highly recom-
mend them, They are far ahead of any-
thing I have ever used, and I have tried. •
many remedies." Sold by all druggist4
at 25c. a box, 5 boxes $1, Nice to take,
Immediate and permanent.
Sias. -I had such a severe cough that
my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp -
On taking Norway Pine Syrup 1 found the
firat.dose gave relies, and the second bot-
tle completely cured me.
J(JlliIi•o ,
Clearing Sale
of Winter
Fur Coats.
F>.qr and Imitation Caps,
Fur Capes and Sets,
Sleigh Robes in the
large size, $6.00 to $6.50.
These goods are worth
$9 to -$LO in any regular
store in Canada.
Overcoats for Men and
Felt Boots,.
b eft Sox and Rubbers,
and anything y g and ' every-
thing in the store belonging
g t g
to the t Winter Season to
be cleared out at any pride
regardless profit rdle of r d
n an
,u 0.