HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-2-28, Page 5y tL� It a' 1. �` '- %tel A Mr. J. Atctde Ckaussd 4., t Montreal, P. Q.'1 A 5 R' -A Marvelous Medicine Whehiever Given a Fair Trial Hood's Proves Its Merit. The following letter is from Mr. J. Alcido Chausse, architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw Street, Montreal, Canada: "C.1. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: 41Gentlemen: -I kayo been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for about six months and am glad to say that it has done me a groat deal of good. iraetMay my weight was 152 pounds, but since Hs,;OD'S Sarsaparilla CURES ' began to tale Hood's Sarsaparilla it has in- -Creased to 163. 1 think Hood's Sarsaparilla is a a narvetlous medielne and am very much pleased vlrfth it." J. ALernE CITAUMS/C. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. .A. recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Lacuss. Is the only perfectly safe and reliablemedicino dis- Covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who mor inferior medicines in plane of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi- late, or inclose el and a cents in postage In letter and wo willsend, sealed, byreturnmall. Fulraealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 scamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Tor Sale in Exeter by J W Browning, GV Rz CONSTIPATION, 6 BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, REGU LATE THE LIVER. ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE25 CTS.TsED 3DS MVA,Lroo TOP'" M� A RU�� MMINMMMMOIRM By a new device recently patented in U. S. and ta. oda by CHAS. CL.UT W E E.4TABLlSHED x871 i" t Ith. Cas .....,.r«c-a j�x5 >wri!' y p a WITH 1+O INCONVENIENCE ITlOUTATRUSS CHAP 13Y MAIL Your name to us means comfort to you. A Post Card will do ik 13 Ade of person or case immaterial. CHAS. CLOTHE 134 K1NQ ST. WEST TORONTO - - -- CANADA *AI(K1 T ILZZ t xtas, Exaterlf'obrnuroWith, 189.6 Pall wheat t,erboob .• .• 58 $ 59 Boring wheat 9orbash 5). 59 Barley par book .., ,. 88. 40 Oats per bush Yeas per bush 5' 70 Flour per bbl „ • ,,9s 4 20 Apples per bag Potateee nee bag..., •' 6 45 7 4Q Hay fox %On W qod per cord hard .. 3 ¢0. 3 50 'Wood per oord'ao€t 200 2125 aut$erperib•.. 16 46 Eggs per dozen...... .., Turkeys perlb7 Pork per hundred 80 5 00 oge, live weight. . Owlet,-. 5 5 Ducks Chicks.., . 6 6 , 6 5 GIDLEY }4 Parlor .Seats Side Boards Tables Bedroom Setts Chairs Fancy Bamboo Window Shades and Poles, PICTURE FRAMES A Large Variety and Low Prices. Gridley & Son . ET•1�f a'I N :•'S 2 London, February 271 h, . KNOW LEDGE_ Wheat,whito,fall, 10Olbe,...,, $93 to $ 95 Wheat, red, fall, per100ibs•• ., 90 to 93 Wheat.spring, per100lbe 84 to 92 Oats. per llwlbs..85 tc 86 Pees, per 700 lbs.......... .• • ... 77 to 90 Corn, parse01bs -•, 90 to 94 Barley. per 10C lbs....„.... .. 78 to 00 Rye. per 100 lbs 90 to 90 Buokwheat,per 1001ba .., 85 to 0 Beets, per bus;,... .... - ICO to 1 11) Eggs, fresh, single dos., •••• •11 to 12 Eggs, fresh, basket, per dos 10 to 30 Eggs, fresh, store lots; per dos ' 8 to 9 Butter,single rolls,per 1b...•,20 to 22 Butter,per lb,I Ib roils,baekets 20 to 20 B utter, per Ib. large rolls or invoke 18 to 20 Butter,perlb, tub or firkins 18 to 08 Lard, lb.. to 12 chickens, per pair. ..... 50 to 70 Ducks-- .70 to, 80 Turkevi, 8 to 9c uer 1b; eaeh „• 60 to 1 75 ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK, TO EENT. Moose and garden with stable and pump, Bruit trees and orobard, with three acres of ?land, more or lose. near a. Village where a 41iiirch is convenient Address A. B•, £rtatfa,P, b., Ont. ONES' TO LOAN. large sums llonef,5" to loan en Ferro ]ands nt g tovenT,,Ld LOTt,0 rZ Lt) k . holiaoitots Exeter „anuar5' 1895. Toronto February 27th 1895 Wheat, white, per bus ,,, . • $. 93 to $ 95 Wheat, spring, per bus „ 9C to 93 Wheat, red winter, per 'bas 82 to 66 Wheat, goose per bus 56 to 9 Barley. per bus '45 to 46 Oats; per bus............ . • 34 to 3o Peas ....... 55 to 58 Hay ...... ...................... ..... 8 00 to 9 00 Eggs Per dozen...,... ........ 00 to 25 Butter, per lb 17 to 22 Dressed hogs 6 30 to 6 50 Potatoes, Der baa 50 to 00 British Grain Trade. Tho Mark Lane Ex:.ross in;it s weekly review of the 'British grain trade says. English wheats aro depressed at 6d decline; foreign wheats steady; American cargoes, Ole; California, 2?s 6d. Corn, oats and barley have been quiet. To -day En¢lishland foreign wbeats are slow and unobanged; round corn is 3d dear- er; beans 6d higher, andel our, oats acd barleys dull; ootton cakes aro le Sd per ton dearer. Buffalo Live Stock Markets. EAST BUFFALO. ,N, 'Y . Feb. 25. -Cattle -Re- ceipts. 91 oars through, 140 on sale; market fairly active and 10o to 15 higher for best shipping and export lots: good butchers also strong at the same advance; common to fair grades tarely steady,but all sold;good to prime $d 50 tsteers,$4 8light $5 goodgoodisteers. tot $4 50; light butchers $3 65 to $390: mixed butchers, 83 60 to $4: fat cows and heifers $325 to 8390: common to fair, 82 25 to $3: fat heifers, $3 75 to $4 30: bulls in good demand; sausage lots, 52 75 to 83 26: fat butchers, 83 50 to $4: ex- ports, $4 to $450;' oxen steady, common to Prime, $2 50 to $475: milch cows, 12 to $3 per head lower; common to extra, $18 to 845; no demand -for stockers: Peals, $3 to $6 per cwt. Hogs-Reeoiota, 78 cars tb rough 60 cars on sale: market fairly active and ashade stronger. Yorkers, good. $4 25 to $t 30, meetly 4 2.5h mediums. $4 30 to $4 35: got.d to primo heavy, ,64 35 to 84 45:roughs, $350 to $3 60; stags, $3 to 53 50: Pies, 84',.25 to $4 35. Sheep andLambs-Receipts, 101 cars throng:'. 9' on sale. Market steady to strong for gocd lambs, slow and lower for others: choice to Prime lambs. $5 60 to $5 65: fair to good, x4'75 to $o: culls ani common, $3 to $4 60: sheep dull for all kinds, good mixed, $3 70 to $3 80 extra, 84: common to fair, $2 50 to 83 25; ex- port grades very dull and lower: good to prime $4 to $4 25:. extra wethere, $4 40. The market c losedduil and all good stook sold. One good load Canada sheep (Rather) brought the -stop price,.$5 10, They were an extra ptime lot. MotPREAL. MONTREAL. Qua.,- Feb. 25, -The supply of butchers' cattle at the East End Abattoir to- day was muoh larger than Was necessary at the beginning of Lent, consequntly trade was dull, with low prices, and the almost certainty of a considerable number of cattle being held over unsold for a future market. The best cattle Bold at about 3}o per pound, with pretty good stook at from 3o to 3{c per Pound, and the leaner beasts at from 2o to 2te per pound. Shippers are paying 4o per pound for good largo sheep, and good lambs b in 5o per pound, while mixed lots sell from 4c.to 6 c per pound'• Fat hogs are dearer: and sell at about Oro per pound. For stomach trou-ries use K. D, 0. Tenders FOR Barn Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned (narked tender) up to the 15th DAY OF NAOMI, A. D,,1895 for the erection of a B73A.1IV — ON THIS INDUSTRIAL FARM of the County of Huron (1 mile' south of :Hinton) Plans and apecitications can be seen at Alex, bfcMurchio's, Reeve of Clinton, from now to the 15th of 0laroh• and at T. H. Mc- Cal:um's, Reeve of .Exeter, up to March the 8th, and at the Queen's hotel, Wingham, from the 9th of March to the 15th, The lowest or any tender !not necessarily accepted, HENRY EILBER, Chairman of Building Committee, Crediton, P. O: 3-F. 21 Royal Military College of Canada INFORMATION FOR C:INDIDATES, 'lbs annual examinations for cadetships in the Royal Military College will take place at the Head Quarters of the several military Districts in which candidates reside in Juno . each year. Io addition to the facilities the College affords for Rn education in Military Subjects, the course of instrurtlon is such as to afford a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all departments which ore essent- ial to ssent-ialto a high and modern education. The Jiyi11! ngineer Course is complete std thorough in all branches. Architecture forms a' separate subject. The Course of Physics and Chomistri is such as to load towards I:leotrioal Engineer Ing. Meteorological Service and other de- partments of applied science• The Obligatoiy Course of surveying includes what is laid down as neeeesary for tho pro - foam,. of Dominion Land Surveyor. rho Voluntary Courao comprises the higher snb- jeote reeoured by the degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. hydrographic sur- veying is else taught. Length of Clonte° four gents. Four Commieeionsin the imperial Regular Army aro awarded a:imrutiny. ti 20 c Board and itretruo ion $ 0 for ranch term, consisting of ten months' residence. For further information anuly to theAd- jutant General of Militia, Ottawa, before 15th MAF( Department of Militia and Defonee, 189,. J0LE1 I)'esTIMANVXLtla Cmotnrtr• writes from Montreal ',• "I 'Was suffering from skin disease, and after all drugs fail- ed tried Burdock Blood' Bitters, of which three betties restored me to good health. I recommend it also for dyspepsia twinge comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, ?ispelling cold., headaches and fevers _id permanently curing_. constipation. it has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it ants on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fins is for sale by ell drug- gists' in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. A Boole To HouaEntEN.-•One bottle of English `rpavm Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. 1 take in reoommeninK the remedy, as it Dote with mystetioue promptness in the re- moval emoval from horses of hued, soft or call- oused lumps, blot) i spavin, splints, curbs Sweeny, elides and sprains. GEORGE IROBB. FARMER, I% ania:AM. OsT, Sold by C. LiJ•TZ. HEART DISEASE .REt:IEvaD IN Tn7RT2 MINUTE,• Dr. Agnew', Cure for the Heert gives perfect relief in all cares of or,,anio or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer- less remedy for Falpitation„ Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptom, of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. Win. Campbell, a farmer in Thorold Township, bas been reported to the Pro- vincial. Board of Heslth by Supt. Mills for feeding his hogs on the flesh of a horse that had died, RELIEF Is Six Boons. -Disordered Kid ney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise, and delight to physicians on ac- couot of its exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidne.ys,back and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy Sold by C. LUTZ London, Huron and Bruce, GOINo NOterts-• • London, depart...-. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Ari OLD AND WRLL-Ta,rn REMEDY.- Mrs u Winatow'e Soothing Syrup hag a been used fifty rears by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success. it soothes the child, softens the gums,allays the pain, cures the colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold bo druggists in every part of the world. 25 cent, a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. ALL MEN. Young, old or middle aged, who find them- eelvos.nervoue,weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exoese or overwork, result- ing in many of the following symptoms .• Mental depression, premature old age. loss of vitality, loss of memory. ba0 draoms, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, emission, look of enerty,pain in the kidneys: headaches, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness. speote before the dyes' twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- where, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the. scalp and spina, weakflabby and musolee, desire to sleep, failure to ee rested by sleeo, constipation dullness of hearing. loss of voice, desire for solitude. excitability of temper. sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles, oily locking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil- ity tbat lead to insanity unless cured. The spring or vital coursehavinglost its tension, every function wanes in consequence.. Those who through abuse committed an ignorance, may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on direares peculiar to man, sent free, sealed. Addres- al. V. LEMON, 24 O31acdonnell Ave..Toronto Ont.,Canada --TIIE— People's Building and Loan Association LONDON - - ONTARIO BOARD itt' DTRECTr RS IN EXETER. OoloutiO Dr. J. A.IBollins, President. Dr. 0. Lu'z. - Vice -President. L 11. Dickson, - Solicitor. David 31111, - Valuator. Fred. W, Collins, - Secy-Treas. DII3ECToB.q. JnoGrigg, -n. A, Follick,'Jas. Hiller, Wes Soutbcott, D.r.- Thoe. A. Amos, Semi. Salidere. Make money br flaying money, Sixty cents per month will ensure $160 in 71' years. For tonna of application and all necessary infor- mation amply to the Secretary, Mr. Fred. W. Collins. Post'Otfice, Exeter, Ont. DR. SHOULTS CENTRALIA, Office opposite Methodist Parsonage. Centralia.. . . Exeter....., Ismael KipPen,.., Bruoe5eld ,,Clinton...,..„. , . ,, Londesboro Myth elgravo Wingham arrive.., ..• Go1Na Soirees-, LI L}KINSMAN, • DENTIST, L L[), 8, SPECIALIST in GOLD FILL- ING EXTRACTING and PLATE WORK. Gas and local Anaoetbetica for painless ox- CAARLING'S Stotee north' of Wingbaw, depart..... Btag rave..,, I,onldeeboro Clinton • Bruoefield•. '. Kippen . Heneall . Exeter .,, ...... Centrally Passenger A.05Afr S. 4,750 4'..)1 9 n 22 6745 9,44 6 20 9,52 6.28 /042 6.55 10.29 7,14 062 737 11;10 8,00 Passenger 6,35 A. 14.$.76 7 rot 6.7.10 4.4.08 7.30 4.4(3 8"57 4.53 06 4.58 R 45 5,23. $OAR FOR SERVIOE. Chester White orossed with a Yorkshire on let 15. Con. 7, Usborne. A gsod stook get- ter. Terms$1, at time of service, WM. SNELL: Eilmville 5'.'' 0. FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sato a''ehoioe lot of Tsmworth swine of various ages suitable for registration, Also will keep for service on lot 9, eon.1, Usborne, London Bead, pure bred Tamworth and Berkshire boars. JOAN MAY. 'Exeter, P. 0. Nov.8.-3no See that off Horse! Only three weeks ago we began mixing a little of Dick's Wood Purifier in nig feed and now look at him. I tell you there is no Ijonditioli Powder equal to Dick's, -Am going to try i4 on the nigh one now. Lick's Blood Purifier, 50e., Diok's Bliater, 50, Dick's Liniment, 25c., Dick's Oint- ment, 250. DICK & CO , r. o. Box 482 MONTREAL DON'T DESPAIR ILL CURE YOU W.,e guarantee Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure any case of Bright's Disease. Diabetes, Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism. Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Imnpure Blood -or money refunded. Sold by all deal_rs in medicine. or by mail on receipt of price, 5oc. per box, or Six boxes $2.50. DR. L. A. SMITH & CO., Toronto. HARD ! What is Hard ? To Beat, Our Prices. EASY What is Easy 7 'To Secure, Our Bargains. 4 Full Stock to Choose from. Undertaking a Specialty . N FLOWE, EXETER. ALTON AN DERSON D.D. S' • L.)). S, Honor Graduate of the xo - r0nto University and RoynlCollege of Dental 1 Surgeons of Ontario. Spa Ialtios, painless extiotion and nreservation of the atnrel l4 teeth • OfidoeWirer tho LawOffico of Elliot &- I I liot, mines' to Central Ilotel, Exeter, Ont. D AGNEW 1.1,,D. S.DENTIST, a ol,i,l'l.(?N, ; Will be at Grob's hotel Zurich on the seoond Thursday of each month and at, Ilod in't hotel Ilensalt every Molder !xteakingnouse LIVE HOGS WANTED. Hogs to weigh from 120 to 220 lbs. live weight. Notice to the Public. -I am sell- ing at the Packing House Score, Spare Ribs, Tender Loin, Cuttings, Pickled Pigs Feet, Pressed Tongue, Head Cheese, Sausage, Bologna, Hams, Rolls, Breakfast Bacon, Dread Beef and Pork. As I have engaged Mrs. Harness to see to this part, customers may depend on getting first class goods in every re- spect at lowest cash price. Now is the time to get your crocks and pails filled with first class lard as prices are liable to go up. CHAS. SNELL, Prop. A MAN Can always Be C ressed Well It he goes to the proper Tailor. We have a large ,range of Pat- terns to ebooso front. - Natty Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, 13-011-11\1"-s The Tailor. OVERCOATS,. WE LEAD it s'' IV' QUESTION How CA.N I BUILD A HOUSE AT A LOW COST. limawerammarri ANSWER R. To "build 'a house at a. low cost," the first and most important thing is to find a place where you can purchase you Building materials at First Hands. As we buy direct from the ranufac- tUrers we save our customers at least one-third on their purchases . AgL,,S . This year we were fortunate to purchase ala r shipment before the rise in price, which .places us in a position to g perkegby sell nails at a lower figure than laid down here the car- load lots. Call and get prices. ar..A a , As we have just placed a large IMPORT ORDER for Glass, we were able to buy at the closest prices; and as before stated, buying direct from manufacturers and for cash, we can and will give our customers Rare Bargains in Builders' Hard- ware. H. BISHOP & SON. WNW D O ..8.. OTT Want a Bicycle? THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC 8 refo� TIRE Nor ' Waiting for (Something to „Turn Up. What's the good of waiting for it to turn up, ar,d their not :be able to "fill the bill." In the intervals get yourself in shape R,y taking a course in the FOREST CITY BUSINESS' & SHORTHAND 10LLEU§ OF LONDON We ay great emphasis on our practical course. See ft r I raof'ut.r eucoessfu students. A. BI . Stewart has received the position as travelling auditor with the McCormack Harvesting Co., Winnipeg. Write us for catalogue acid ltarticularg, addressing carefully J. NV. WESTERVELT, Principal. Colege reopane•1 Jan. 2nd, '95. Is the only Tire that gz:'e satisfaction last year MANUFACTURED 0Y The Goold Ricycie Co. 1.713. IIS YONOE STREET, Brantford, Ont. TORONTO PERRIN 13 & MARTIN Fanson'e Block, We Want Yon to come into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitterthings• We don't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. Of course, if you must be, ill, we always want to put up youi prescriptions, but we haye a thousand and one thixtgs you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes front 5c up; But don't let us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, d large cakes of Real Castile for 10c, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, Old Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large j assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. !aihthab1i S4yles ! C 0 0 0 ha Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave yonr orders eatly,for with the best staff of Tailors ; the bes- stook of Pine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfaot ion. SILL. J.Murray (Si Co The - Exeter- Foundry Manufacturer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Castings. Also General Castings con- tracted in :C ed for in and Blass. Also Manufacturers of Bridge holt ends, 'Washors, ole. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repaira'prolnptly execut- ed. Long Walst, Correct Shape, Best Material; Combined with the best filling in the world, makes the ” Featherbone Corset " unequalled. TR -Y X31.3Fois.x3ma Bicycles ! bicycles 1 POP, 1895_ Before you buy a wheel for '95 see the "Up to date. 77 This wheel is made of th1 best material and has all the latest American improvements. We guarantee this wheel to carry a man weighing 225 poun,ls. Weight 24 pounds. • THE WANDERER.—A strictly high grade wheel, is second to none as a road wheel. Weight 24 pounds. e have the best 50 wheel to be bought on the market - Send for catalogue. Our stand is one door southofPheto Gallery. tT.i.ami : v E eterMeat Market "thi n.' WES. SNELL. Jute and wool blankets w e ala aye take ut Y the lead, Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need ; Dearness, collar,, whips and sweat pads. we have a good supply, .Mets combs, brushes and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the cold ;I Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, Dells, children's cairiages and wagons prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots, we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. J. 0. OLAUSwb-IIN HARNESS MAKER, Meng 11 - Ontario Begs to announce to the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Trimming, Furniture upholstering, etc. Carriage and hggy Tope of all kinds MADE TO ORDER. Old Buggy Tops recovered and made as good God SLS ueR'.w. Our har•nres are Nell known, 50 giving perfect fatisfaotion. Wo nmanufactu,r: argoly aied consequently our prices are ort'. A Cell will Oonyince t "x `t We always buy the best to be found and kill for home consumption tion animals fitted for the purpose young and free from disease of any kind. We also keep on hand Sausage, Bologna, Dressed Fowl, Hams and Cured Meat, Lard. etc., etc. Highest prices paid for stock of good quality, also hides�and skins. '.set$. SN WHAT A Li1I1TLE MONEY WILL BUY - If spent in the right place, That J. D. Atkinson's ie the right placeto buy your furniture. The following; facts and figures proye 10 Piece Bedroom�/Outfit, $20.50, BED, Deism, $20.50. WAs11 STAND, MATRE3S, SPRING, Baum. $20,50. CHAIR,' TAMS. Coming brides and young ntdrriett couples take advantage of the above. offer, We supply comfort cheap. CJ ATKINS° \ NORTH OF TOWN HALL.