The Exeter Times, 1895-2-21, Page 8IN9Ii1lANCIPt � . ST J LLIoT,AGBNpFQR I THE Wl+srtil1N ASSURANCE COM - ANY', of Toroatto: alae for the PHOENIX s'Iltl'1 et{SUtiAleora COMPANY, of Loudon. 16ngland ALLIANCE INSURANCE COM- PANY of elinglaed, 1-1E LONDON DIU TUAL FIRE INSURANoRJeO. O1 CAnADA. Read otilool - ,LONDON. Fet35 years this Oompany has done the Itirgest business iu Canada at the lowest rates, mensistent with seourity. ateset4„lan.189t, $857,190.00 43,0001Polioiea in foroe4 T. E. ROBSON, President, D. O. MoDON ALD atdanager. For:further particulars, apply to DAVID JAQUE4t. Agent, Bleier. The Mari Pocket & Office Mares. All Sizes and Priced. Start the new year by replenish- ing your office. We' have a ful line of Blank Books, Files, mics, Paper .B sleets Etc,, Etc. And the prices are the lowest. Kindly call and inspect them. J. GRIGG, "THE MART." linnlinE � 9ooming Yes the Big Clearing Sale now on at the Bi Bai1rupt SIAr� is a Booming Success. Crowds of eager, ,delight- ed, and satisfiedbuyers/ crowd the Big Store daily. Never have we had greater reasons for saying thanks to the publio for the way in which they have responded to our Big Sale. And never, no never, have the public had greater thanks to us for the wonderful bargains being offer. ed. THE BIG SALE CONTINUES FOR 17 DAYS LONGER. Come everybody. Conte and secure some of the biggest values ever offered in Exeter. J.A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor i readers would,when making their purchases mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE TIMES. NOTICE -Ail business announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., appearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save o persons having open aocounts. To insure change of advertisements In current issue copy mnstbe handedinto office on Tuesday. Trivitt Memorial Ch, Sunday evening, Feb'y. 21th. "Why I Use a Prayer Book." Continued from last Sunday. A Snap -good Dade Window Blinds mounted on best rollers, .only 40o, at the Big Bankrupt Store. A wood bee was held at Mr. John Gil. les ie's on Tuesday afternoon, when a -1tt'rge quantity of wood was out. In the evening the workers with others spent a most enjoyable time, The reputation of our "Housekeeper's Delight,"Baking Powder has reached even to Seaforth, it has many admirers among those able to appreciate a good article; for sale only by J. P. Clarke, Several horsey buyers were in town • on Saturday and purchased se large number of horses' Messrs. Finlay and McDonell Vera/eased a car load which they will ex- port to Scotland., Mr, A. McDonelt will likely accompany them, Tho afternoon lesion of the Pablic echoed will in future be opened at 1,30 in. stead of 1.15 o'clock. This new ander ie uo oe of some o h About copse n # b rou t o g el theseholars being' unable to get home and return within the hour, A meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was helot ze the J`ameerat, church en Monday, There wag a large attend - lance and much intermit manifested. Tho repute for the year were read and showed the society was doing good work. We have heard a great uudn " atones exploits 0 f jack Frost during about the oxpZ g the recent eeld aped, but none cape the factt of a Mien in the 2nd coneeadfon of T./dbdr'rio getting hie tongue frozen while Waking about the barn ono flay. The New Private l?esc Card. .h.7 H 1::r E X -a::.r TBR TIMES. , correspondent of the Montreal, Wit. THURSDAY, FE lilWARY 21st, 1895 UJ(AL. 1APPENiNUS. Brevities, -.-- Lent begins this year on Feb; 27th, Blyth is agitatiog for a chartered bank. A bear was seen in Hay swauup the other day. e1,000 has been subscribed towards the coming 24th May celebration. Messrs, Balkwill ehipped from Exeter on Monday' a carload of live hogs. ate., Only 2 Mett'e Fur Coate Nit at the Bi 13enkrnpt' Store, yours for half price Mr; ii,, C. Cameron expeots to arrive home from Florida about the 26th inst. Send to J. H. Grieve, Exeter, for cat alogue of the best Canadian and Americana, 13ioycles, A snowahoeing slab has been formed. It was the popular pastime during the past" week . :e A few pair of Wool Blankets still left at the Big Bankrupt Store. Do you want a ('air cheap ? The village council will meet on Friday eveoing for the trausaotton of gen.,ral ;business. e, See J, H. Grieve's show of Bieycltla before you buy. Stook will be open &larch 1st. Since the burning of txq churches iri London, additional insurance is to be put on many of the others. - A. union meeting of the East and West Huron Teachers' Institute will be held at Clinton the 22nd and 23rd. of May. There will be another fancy dress carnival on the ice rink on Monday eve- ning nest 25th inst. See bills tor program. Mr. George Peahale is representing the Exeter Royal Templars at the Grand Lodge, which is being held at Woodstock this week. While handling logs on Monday, Mr. John Gillespie met with a very painful accident, a large log having fallen on his foot. The members of the Canadian Order of Foresters yesterday in a body attended the funeral of the late Joseph Campbell, of Farquhar, Mr. Editor, kindly tell me the beat place in town for good value in. Black Dress Goods and Silk ? The Big Bank- rnpt Store to be sure. Tenders are solicited for the erection of a bank barn in connection with the Conoty House of Refuge, at Clinton. See adv't in another column. Mr. L. Hardy, bridge contractor, town, has received the contract for rebuilding the Holmesyille bridge, which, when com- pleted, will be the longest bridge in this county. Our fruits are claimed to have no super- ior; another shipment of choice currants - also apices; coffees, gingers, essences, canned fruits, give them one trial,at J. P. e0larke's. An oyster supper and sale of work will take place in the Trivitt Memorial school hall on Tuesday, February, 26th. There will be a grand program furnished. Ad - .mission, 10o. • To those requiring boots de shoes, you i want .a. good article for your child, your- self, your wife, and yoar friend in whom you are interested, we will show excellent values at J. P. Clarke's. Sixteen fine draught horses were ship- ped from Exeter station on Tuesday by Finlay & McDonell. They were purchas- ed at prices ranging from $65 to $100. They will be exported to Scotland. On Thursday evening, 28th inst., Mr. Somers, of Toronto, an electrician and engineer, will give a Iecture in the Town Hall. Mr. Somers possesses rare. abilities along this line, and all who can aliould attend. J, A.. Stewart has purchased the lot ons' the corner of John and Andrew streets from Mr. Joseph Davis, paying therefor a good figure. He will erect a residence thereon next summer. This adds another to the long list of new buildings to be erected in Exeter this year. "'The Nonpariel Table Jelly" is one oft the inviting delicacies put up in pint blocks, price 15c. and consisting of pine apple. strawberry, orange, lemon, rasp- berry, vanilla; and tor a No. 1 cheese, but do as you please, you can't do better than call at J. P. Clarke's. It is generally conceded, especially in the inner circles, that Mr, A. Bishop, ex - M. P. i'., will contest the south riding of Perth, in the interests of the Reform party, against Wm. Pridhsm. M. P. Mr Bishop has recuperated eafter hie serious illness, and is full of his old time vigor. Whilst going into the country on Tues- day to visit friends Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crocker met with an accident. To evade a snow bound. road they drove through a bush, and running over a mound. the cotter upset, throwing the occupants out. Mrs. Crocker sustained seyere injury to her back. The Uniform Promotion -Examinations for the Public Schools of Huron will be held on Thursday and Friday 28th and p9th of March. Papers are being prepared fi;5r Junior and Senior 1I classes, and Jun: icite and Senior III classes. Teachers who "quire papers should notify the Public cheel Inspector of the number of papers required for each oleos before March 4th. The Exeter Auxiliary of the Woman's Miesionary Society will hold ' an open meeting in Main St Methodist Church on Wednesday evening, Feb. 27th, to be addressed by Mrs. Creyler from White- church, also a good program is provided. A silver collection. Meeting commences at 7.30 p. m. 13v Canon or Com. The annual meeting of the Exeter Turf Club was held on Friday evening last. There was a fair attendance of members. The report of lest year was read and adopted, and the old officers re-elected, viz,'', -Pros., Dr: Rollins ; Sec'y-Treas,, Dr. Tennent. A committee was appointee to' secure the grounds and make the arrangements in commotion with the May celebration. The many friends of John Dearing, f Marlette, Y Mich. formerly of Exeter, a d 1 . son of Wm. Dear%ng of the gid C . Stephen, will be :sorry to learn that a lost hire all one night last week by fir', Some time ago Mr Dearing sold his far and moving into Marlette, purchased a° building and engaged in the restaurant business', at which he was doing well. On tho night i eferred to, the adjoining build• ing caught fire and before discovered the a $a cif bad made suchheadway that Mr. ,eve ing and family barely escaped with tli it fires, losing everything. o immix the Eh( Bankrupt .t n your rat. K g qy g p� ore, that's the dpot for bargains, nese oalls attention to the statement now going the rounds of the prose that the use of the private poet card, by atlixiag a oue- oent stamp to an ordinary card, is pow legal in ^vanada. He received such a card on January 2ud, for which be was charged four cents, He wrote immediately to the post office inspector, who replied to the effect that the instructions relate only to cards of British origin,so that an ordinary card on which only a one cent stamp is affixed, posted in Canada, will be rated letter postage and doubled the deacioncy charged, All readers of the Triune who may have been misled by the erroneous statement prevhusly published will please take c:wice of thee error. untie School Beioro minutes. Feb. 1Stb. Meeting held in the Town all at 8 p. m. Absent E. Howard. After subscription to the declaration of office by `a�', Fitton and Dr, Lntz, the following ,;larder of business was duly confirmed:- pr Dr Lutz and T Fitton that H Huston be chairman; pr P Frayne and T Fitton that the Village Council be treasurer; pr Dr Lutz and T Fitton, that J Grigg be Seoaetary; pr Dr Lutz and W J Carling, \that the chairman interview the council ,elatiye to a convenient night of meeting; In Dr Lutz and T Fitton, that P Frayne and W J Carling be a wood committee; pr P Frayne and W J Carling, that the chairman and Dr Lutz ee a repairs com- mittee that T Fitton and P Frayne be a drainage committee and W J Carling and E Howard a fence committee, and that all committees now sppoiuted be permanent for the year; pr T Fitton and P Frayne, that the following accounts be paid : Boss & Taylor, repairs, 0125: pr Dr Lutz and T Fitton, that payment of the following certified orders of the wood committee be confirmed: Thos Ondmore, $41,25; U Routley, $36.34; pr W J Garbing and P Frayne, that the Secretary procure a suitable cash book forthwith; pr Dr Lutz and P Frayne, that the fence committee bo empowered to purchase necessary poste; pr W J Carling and Dr Lutz, that the chairman instruct the janitor to re• turn benobes to Drew's Hall; pr P Frayne and T Fitton, that the attendance of non residents be psrmilted only on prepaid certificates and that the secretary confer with the principal to secure the due execution of this order; pr Dr Lutz and W J Carling, that T Fitton and the chairman be a committee to oonfer with the prin• ci alewithpower to ohan a the time P .y g of opening the p. m. sessions of the school for a trial period of two months to 1.30 p. m.; pr T Fitton, that two .days previous notice be given of all regular meetings: nr W J Carling, adjournment. J. GRIGG, Sec'y. Personate Joseph Abell, and wile of Seaforth were guests at S. Yotvell's, town, over Sunday. -Miss Libbie Eacrett who has been vial - t ing in Seaforth the past few weeks, has returned home. -Frank Oke of Toronto,is visiting in town, as is also George Hoskin of St. Thomas. -James Parkinson, of Trout Creek, Muskoka District, is visiting his family here at present. fie will re- turn to Trout Crook in a few days. The weather in that section has been very se. vere the thermometer going as low as 45 \degrees, but Mr. Parkinson reports a more Oen distribution of snow than we enjoy +bore, -Mr, Currelley has returned to town 'to again take charge of Mr. Broderick's 'business here. -Rev. Martin of Exeter preached in the Egmondville church last Sunday for Rev. Mr: Shaw. -We acknow- ledge receipt of Saginaw papers from T,H. Davidson formerly of Exeter. --Miss Ada Smallacombe of Hensall is visiting friends in Exeter. -At the annual meeting of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' Association held last week in Toronto, the following breeders from this county were appointed an the Executive Committee: H. Smith, Hay; W. J. biggine, Stanley; D. D. Wil- son, Seaforth.-St. Marys Argus. "Miss Aggie Gowanwest ward, is spending a few weeks with relatives in:Exerer."- Mrs. Geo. Mannon and daughter are visit- ing friends in Highgate, Mrs. Manson's former home.- Mr. J. A. Munro who is visiting at Mr. W. Folland's, has t been every ill the past week, and but alight hope is entertained for his recovery. -Mr. W. Folland is also very ill -Mr. and ]Firs. Fanson returned to their home in 'Thornbury on Thursday. Mr. Fanson 'was down on business in connection with the suit of Fanson vs. Fanson, a will con- test. -Judge Doyle was in town Monday holding Division Court. The docket was fairly large, -Mr. and Mrs, Walter Gra- ham, of London, are visiting relatives here. -Mrs. Thos. Allen of Winnipeg, who has been visiting friends in town, left Tuesday for Seaforth, where she will spend a few weeks prior to leaping for home.- Mr John V. Crooker, ;is visiting friends in town. -Miss Hoffman, of Cred- iton, (nee Miss Balsden, of Exeter,) is ill at present, as is also her sister, Airs. Evans, of London. --Mise Maud Abell of Seaforth, visited friends in town on Sun- day. -Mr. John Abell and mother also called on friends here, Sunday, -Miss Roxie Eacrett, who has been visiting friends in Seaforth and Clinton, has returned home. -A representative of the Toronto Mail -Empire, was in town, on Tuesday and added several to the lint of subszribers to the daily. -Ira Andrew has been appointed agent for Usborne and Blanshard for the patent tree protector.- Aubry Boswell, of Listowel, is visiting under the parental roof in Usborne.-Geo. Foraeith of Teeswater visited hie brother, Alexander, the past weak, -Mrs: Billings, of Brantford, is visiting friends :in town. -Will ROss has takensituationa i with the Doherty Organ Co.,Clinton, as book keeper. -Fred Rollins has returned to Detroit after a pleasant visit with his parents in town. -Rey, Jackson and W. H. Parsons of the James St Epworth League, and Mesera T. H. McCallum, Chas Snell and Frank Tom of the Main St. f.eague were appointed as delegates to attend the Epworth League Convention in Toronto on the 25, 26 and 27 of this month. -Mies Jennie Westaway, bag returned home from visiting friends in Hensall.-Mr: and Mrs, Thomas Shipley, of Ulinton, yiaited friends in town on Friday last. - Dennis Halloran of Brantford is visiting friends in town.-Jarnes ,Atkinson of the 3rd line Blanshard, had the ends of two of his fingers taken off on Friday by a grain crusher, -Will Westaway Left the other day to take a sitnation in the Verity Plow, Works, Brantford . Ib 1 bailor Boy Japan an Tea. good enough h for• anybody, 22ac por !b, this month at the Big Bankrupt Store. Rev, 3, 8, Cook, Pb. D. of GraniQ had been offered the pastorate for the • next "odnferenoe term of Waterloo Street, Methodist Church, Stratford, ,°,and has accepted, subject to approval of stationing committee, The Consumption of Cereals made into Meal, foe Onrm altl are ')eConin g morin and more an essential to health—such as rolled oats, rolled wheat, corn meal, gra- flour, a ul oatsyou can am , gr n ated a get Clarke's. first class' at J:,IE�; Clai t T 1.5 DAYS' 11 ser.. For fifteen days we will sell goods at prices never before heard . in of Exeter. Winter goods will be sacrificed no mat- ter what our loss, The stock. must be lowered the goods Chambray's must be sold. Read this List aid yon do it • Did you remember what your wife said about calling at C.ARLING BROS, and ordering some of those which are creating so much talk and. those 10c Fancy Dress Goods, Sale price, 35c, 40c and 50c Dress Goods, Sale price, 750 and Si Colored Dress Silks, " (Job line) Apron. Gingham, extra wide, per yard, 10 yds Extra Heavy Ticking for 12 yds extra heavy, wide width, Flannelette for 12 yds extra heavy, Trilled Sheeting for 15 yds, fine duality, Bleached Cotton for A number of Laces (various kinds) just half price, Men's, 'Youth's and Boy's Overcoats at your own prices. Boy's Ready Made Suits from 10 to 25g discount. Men's Ready Made Suits from 10 to 250 discount 2 pr Men's Wool Sox for Men's Fur Coats and Caps at your own prices. Men's Sealette Caps, regular $1, for Special Sealette Caps for 75 Ladies' Jackets, we start them at 99c. You will not be without a Jacket long if you see them. Regular, $20 Blk Worsted Suit, made, to order for Men's Felt Boots, regular $2, for A tremendous stook of all kinds of Boots & Shoes at great bargains. 27 lbs Redpath's, (extra standard) Granu- lated Sugar for We keep no trashy inferior quality German Granulated Sugar. 33 lbs Bright Yellow, (strictly pure) Sugar for 5 lbs best Currants for Best Green Coffee, (free from black beans) for Best Drum Baking Soda for 5 lbs Ginger Snaps for Sunlight Soap, (twin bar) for We have the best 25c Tea in town. Good Electric Soap, 14 bars for lb sealer, Forest City Baking Powder for Fine Printed Toilet Sets, complete for 2 cans of Peas; (finest brand) for 2 cans of Tomatoes, (finest brand) for 2 cans of Coin (finest brand) for 220 25c 22 -'i,, -o 90 $1,50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 '15c 75c 65c 16.00 $1,65 $1.00 $1.00 25c 20c 2c 25c '6c 25c 20c $1.75 15c 15c 15c We have also a number of ReMnants of various kinds of Goods which we will clear re- gardless of Cost, and everything in our store will be sold at Tremendous Bargains for next 15 days. R. PICKARD & SON, DIRECT IMPORTERS Word has been received from Mr. Charles Granger. formerly of xinbnrn, that his son, Edward, is now lying at Sault Ste Marie, having gone there to un- dergo a surgical operation. It seems that two years ago he got one of hie toes badly frozen. It has never healed tip, and at length got troublesome and he had to seek medical advice. His doctor informed him that the too and part of the foot would have to be amputated. The Hamilton bridge works were sold by auction in Chancery office Monday morning. Mr. J. H. Tilton secured the property and plant at 1$46,900, It is understood the works will be opened rep again. The creditors may receive a fair dividend, but there will be nothing for the shareholders. The works coat $135,- 000, and wore valued at , $80,000 some years ago. Bev, Mr. Fairlie and Mrs- Fairlie, of Clinton, provioue to leaving for his new charge at Listowel, was presented by his `+,congregation with a set of table cutlery late consisting and a d stn ofa flab -knife plate, g fo le a ver handsome ar er a s tet of c v s , y , con hat tablespoons and fr its l a dozen tables o n P P o each o the following; -Dinner A dozen f h f t c followfn Di ^9'inivea and forks, tea knives and forks, desert spoons, teaspoons, a dozen table napkins, and two pictures, one a beautiful crayon, the other a small painting of Lake Huron. Mr. Fairlie made a happy reply. RrnAsoxs iron; Suooitaay The encoeee of 1`torway Pine Syrup as a Ore for coughs, colds, asthma. bronchitis and ell throat and lung troubles it duo tc the foot that it ie the eatand le s nteet remedyever discovered and became itN action ie prompt and eerttain. TIIC GENUINE MERIT.. Of Hood's Sarsaparilla wins friends wherever it is fairly and honestly triad. To have perfect health, you must have pure blood, and the beet way to have pure blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, tate best blood purifier and strength builder. It expels all taint of scrofula, salt rheum and all other humors, and at tbo same time builds up the whole system. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, 25c. The Toronto Council on Monday night after considerable discussion agreed to buy one Merryweather at once and to test the Ronald (Canadian) against it when the Merryweather arrives from England. "A PnoarINncNT WerinoaS." Roy. J. M. McLeod, Pastor of Zion church, Vancouver, 13. 0,, writes, July 3rd, 1894: "It is nearly three months since I finished the package of Ke D. C. whioh you sent me; and though'jI have for more than twenty years suffered from indigest- ion that ono package seems to havo P wrought a perfect ours taking r Since t g n g your milady I have not the alightoet Symptom of areturn of my old enemy. et affords me much pleasure to recommend lI; D. 0. to the namorotid family of dyspeptics as the beet known remedy for that most dietresding malady." SCILAPEn WITS A UMW. Slee, --I had such a devote Dough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the drat doge gave relief, and the pecend hot.. tie completely oared me, Mule A, A, JDOivsmt; Manotlo, Ott. They are daisies. Come ! get your choice before they are all gone. The best thing you can do to preserve domestic peace is to do it now without delay. Have 'you: seen our Ladies' footwear ? They are the finest we have ever shown ; the latest, newest, best. For Gentlemen's footwear we have no equal. It's not a question of importance to you whether we import or pay spot Dash. The question is where can I get goods the cheapest. Allow us to tell you : at CARLING BROS. HANDSOME FEATURES. Sometianea unsightly blotches, l: =plea or sallow opaque skin, destroys the attractiveness of handsome teaturos. In all such oases Scott's Emulsion will build up the system and impart freshness and beauty. One of the pioneers of Perth died at her home in Ellice Friday in the person of Mary Campbell, relict of Mr. Stewart Campbell, who was clerk of the County of Perth for many yeara, and who was one Of the beet known men in Western Ontario, BUCKWHEAT STRAW FOR FODDER. Not many of our breeders have much confidence in buckwheat stew as a food for prize animals. Yat many beasts would thrive well on buckwheat straw and what they can pick up around the barn yard, if given Dick's Blood Purifier,, because it giyes good health, good appetite, good digestion. Try. a box on your horse which is not thriving, . .•,4 At the last meeting of the Seaforth Council the following ofecers were appcin• ted: -11. Roberts was appointed water- works engineer ; Wm. txillespie, constable; Wm. Ballantyne, assessor; E. Lusby mar- ket clerk. The duties of sanitary inspec. tor were added to the duties of the police- men. JULES D'ESTIMANVILLH CLIbMIiNr. writes from 1lontreal ; "I was suffering from akin disease, and atter all drugs fail- ed tried Burdock Blood Bitters, of which three bottles restored nee to good health. I recommend it also for.dyepepsia." • Ai, ,. FAR AHEAD 01' ANYTHING I HAVE EVER USED. Mr. John Ritzer, merchant, Waterloo, says ; "I have given Stark's Powders (for Headache and Costiveness, Biliousness. and Neuralgia) an extensive trial, and find them to give the greatest satiefaotion in my family. I can very highly recom- mend them, They are far ahead of any- thing I have ever used,' and I have tried many remedies." Sold by all druggists at 25c. a box, 5 boxes $l. Nice to take. `mmedfate and permanent, RHEUMATISM GUItLbD IN A DAY. -South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatiem and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its notion upon the system is remark- able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818 Royal M11itary College of.Canada INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES, 'the annual examinations for cadetships in the RoyaiMilitar/ College will take plane at the Head Quarters of the several Military Districts in which candidates reside in June each year. In addition to the facilities the College affords for an education in Military Subjects, the course of instruction is such as to afford a thoroughly practical, scientific and sound training in all departments which aro essent- ial to a high and modern education. The iiyil Engineer Course is complete and thorough in all branches. Arohitecturo forms a separate subject• The Course of Physics and Chemistry is such as to load towards li;leotrioal Engineer ing, Meteorological Servide and other do- partments of applied science. The Obligatory Course of surveying includes what is laid down as necessary for the pro- fession of Dominion Land Surveyor. The Voluntary Course comprises the higher sub- jects regnired by the degree of Dominion Topographical Surveyor. Hydrographic sur- veying is also taught. Length of Course four years. Four Commissions in tho Imperial Regular Army aro awarded annually. Board and instruction $200 for eaoh term, consisting of ten months' residence. For further information apply to the :Ad- jutant General of Militia, Ottawa, before 15th May, Department of Militia and Defence, 1896, Tenders FOR Barn Sealed Tenders will be received ey the undersigned (marked tender) up to the 14th DAY OF MARCH, A. D.,1895 -rte, p y�,foor tho erection of a _1.�'1."-I. E BARN — ON THE — INDUSTRIAL FARM of the County of Iluron O. mile south of Clinton.) Plans and apocifieations can bo soon at Alex. Moblurohie's, Reeve of. Clinton, from now to the 15th of March, and at T. It. Mc- Callum le Reeve of ,Elector, up to Maroh tho Silt, and oat the Queen's otel, Winghant,frcnt the h arch to tho 15th. Thelowed o w r an Y tender -not neooaaartly aooeptod, HENRY ]ILBt!7R, C aimaof Building a Com ittee tit , Orediton, P. oi. 'd -F. 21. 1 The second series of meetings under the auspices of the South Huron Farmers' In-' etitute, have been arranged for. These meetings will be held at Coxworth's hall, Hensall, on Wedneeday. February 26th, and at the Town hall, Zurich, on Thum - day, February 27th. Both meetings will be addressed by John Mo&tillan, M. P:, South Hurou ; 0. 9.f. Simmons, Lobo ; Henry Eilber, Crediton, and others. THE MODERN INVALID Has testes medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries. A remedy must be pleas- antly acceptable in form, purely whole- some in compo t tion> truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objec- tionable quality. If really ill he consults a physician; if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative, Syrup of Fige. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of William:. Willer\, • late of the township of in n Ha 1 the County - Y, Y of Huron S aw miller, deceased. Pursuant to See 16, of Chapter 110; of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1807, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others '., having claims against the estate of William Willer\, late of the Township of Hay, afore- said Saw -miller, who died on or about the 19th day of January, A. D.,3895, are on or before the 15TH DAY OF MARCH, A. D. 1895, to send by post prepaid to the undermentioned -Execu- tors of the said deceased their Christian names and Surnames. addresses and descriptions, the full partioulars of their claims, astatement of their accounts and the nature of the seouritios, (if any) held by them. And that after the day last aforesaid the said Executors will Proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors will not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution, Dated at Dashwood this 9th day of February,! t. D 1895- HENItY WILLERT, EZRA. TREIIt[AN, I Executors, =On - P e�0 WANTED, Clearing Sale of Winter Goods, FSr Co,,,*ts. Fur and Imitation Caps, . Fur Capes and Sets, Sleigh Robes in the large size, $6.40 to $6.50,. Theseg oods are worth $9 to $10 ;in any regular store in Canada. la kat . Overcoats for Men and. Boys. Underclothing. Felt Boots, i OltOX S and Rubbers, e bb rs and anything and every- thing ver . thinbelonging g in ...the More to theint, r 1 �T e Season, to be cleared ottt at any price regardless of profit and cost. 0 O. 00111113V00.