HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-2-21, Page 1AND ITURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.
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CO 9 Beaus -On Tuesday morning of last
week, the barns and oatbnildings of
Meagre. T. and J Canning, of con 4, Mo.
Gillivray township, were burned to the
ground, some :stock and a quantity of hay
being also oonsumed. The oriel° of the
fire is not knorre, The buildings were
absolutely new, having been erected in the
place of other a burnee about a year ago.
Insnred in the Hay Townahip CconeanY
for a good figure.
_ We are now selling all kinds of Winter Goods at GREA.TLY
-DUI:MD PRIDES. If you have gone this tar through the winter
without buying a NEW OVERCOAT, FUR CAPE, or any other
*Winter Goods, now is your time to invest, for the prices will never be
New Spring Goods
'Will soon all be here, We are already showing' a "LARGE RANGE
OF PRINTS" (not 1894 goods) but all new in Pattern and design.
Come and see them for yourself and get OUR PRICES.
At the request of a large number of customers we have decided to open a
Allinery Department in connection with, our bueiness. We have been moose-
iul in securing the serviaes of a first-class Milliner to take charge of this branch,
in the person of Miss 1VIcConnell, of Walkerton, (formerly in the employ of ?met
.& Watkins, Hamilton) Miss McConnell goes to Toronto on Monday to attend
the Wholesale Millinery Openings, and to purchase goods for this department.
We se)teit a call from every lady in the neighborhood before placing your
• order elaitageere for your Spring Hat. We will notify you of our "Opening" in
due time.. of
Perth County Notesl
t tettet. ______
Is , John, Rt.-, stinseith has bought the
t• homestead i lea of 100 acres on the 7th
concession t 4 Downie.
Messrs. J. Gillis and A. Sheldon, of St.
Marys, have bought Mr. E. Hanhem's
-livery business in Ingersoll.
When so many people ar taking acd
deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla,.
whytdon't you try it yourself? It is highly
Mrs. A. W. Knox is removing from St.
s Marys to Toronto where a daughter and
son reside, and has rented her house to
Mr,. D. Maxwell, jr.
The commenion roll of Knox chureh,
•Stratford, reknumbers 721. The chance
s indebtednesenves reduced 4$2,200 last year
and $900 given to missions and benev-
Robt. Chambers, inerehant, of St.
Marys, bas made an alsignment. Only
lest year Mr. Chambers in partnership
with a Mr. Smith opened a dry goods
store in eteee stone town.
To eet relief from indigestton, bilious-
ness constipation or torpid liver without
disturbing the stomach or purging the
bowels, take a few dose i of Carter's Lit
sele Liver Pills, they will please yea.
The delivery of judgment in the reserv•
ed point in the South Perth Provincial
-election ease has •been postponed until
Saturday, end March, at 11 a. m., and
judgment will then be delivered in the
Court of Appeal room at Osgood° Hall.
Word reseihed Mitchell that John Stacey,
-who for many years has lived all alone
near Pomeroy's cheese factory in Logan,
was found in his ehanty on Friday last,
frozen to death. As he was almost a daily
visitor to town he will be missed by them
who knew him so well.
t Much of life'smisery is due to indigest-
ion; for who can be happy with a pain in
his stomach? As a corrective and strength-
• ener of the alimentary organs, Ayer's villa
are invaluable, their use being always
attended with marked benefit.
Mitchell °pencil has made the following
Appointments!-W.Thorne, treasurer; J, 5.
Coppin, oolleotor ; Joseph Hodges, night-
watchman; S. Clulovv, constable; Jno.
Broderiok, assessor; W. Babb and Lawyer
•t •Goodeve, auditors, Dr, Wood, medioal
health officer.
• For his false arrest and imprisontnent as
• t
. the supplied murderer of Jeasie Keith, as
•well as for exposure to the danger of
being lynched by the excited populace of
Listowel, Insurance Agent James McCabe,
e of Arthur. Monday filed a suit against
•' Reeve Thomas Marshall, of Pilkington
township, for $10,000 damages.
• Wednesday morning No 3 warelmuse of
• Carter & Son, at the town station, St.
Marys, was disoovered to be on fire: The
i ouilding contained upwards of 1500 barrels
e• of flour and 150 barrels of clover [Hied.
e •The latter was all sawed as were a few
'', barrebeet flour. The dock was veined at
.."'" 41,§eia„,eete the building, which was
, comeeetle destroyed, at$1,500.. Origin of
o IlTi
, ., n ,
t A e ,, r with a heirrs load of building
3 stond'a Niunxber got stack at the railway
‘,•crossing near St. Marys the other day.
4 His span of horses made several f utilo
e attempts to pull the load off the trivet,
; until the whistle of the approaching train
t made the driver realize that he was :in a
•t bad fix. Ile unhitched the horses and
went away from the track, hut the train
. pulled up before it reached the crossing.
' The peesengers who were released from
• the suotv bound trains Saturday, had
• -quite an experienoe aerie,/ their journey
• by 'bus from the tunction co •the town.
That usually reliable vehicle capsized no
leas than tour times on Its journey down
town and every time the Black Knight,
who was due of the unfortunates, wee at
the bottom with all the "white trash"
• on hire. Next day the black orator re.
• marked that every part of him was sore
except his tongue: -St. Marys Journal,
A committee appointed by the Strat.
• ford City Council on officers and salaries
haye decidea to reommend the reduction
of the collootoret eatery • from $500 per
• ,• annum te $400. • In lieu of this he is to
reaeiye a percentage on the ailment ot
poll tat collected; They have also de-
' oided to recommend that Polio Constable
john A. McOarthy, tr., who is now in his
83rd year, and still on the city police
force, be peperannuated at an allowance of
$200 yearly,
The atinual meeting of the ' County
°wove Lodge of South Perth Was held in
•the Orange Hall, Stratford. oa leeb, 5. The
large attendanoct of members . from the
different lodges throughout the county
went to miaow the great interest taken in
the wolfere of the ordet by its Members,
After the usual routine of bueinesa the
following offieere Were cleated foe the
ensuing yoart-Ooutity Master, W. Et
'For nervous headache uile 4, D. C.
S, FOIRID cer. CO.
Dinenactre, Grantee; Deputy Master, F. A.
G, Watson, Stratford; Chaplain, Reuben
Switzer, Anderson; Recording Secretary,
A. W. McIntyre, Prospeot Financial
Secretary, W. J. Henry, Wartburg;
Treasurer, G. D. Lawrie, St. Marys;
Director of Ceremonies, A. Madill, Strat-
ford; Leeturer, J. L, McDowell, Stratford;
DeputyLecturea Jas. Malrea, Woodham.
It was decided to celebrate the 12th of
July ae -London.
The St, Marys council are having a
salary war. For some tune an agitation
has been on foot to reduce the salaries of
officials. At the last meeting the salaries'
comraittee k brought in the following
reports one of the members having
refused to agree to the reduction ;-
Majority. Minority.
. 4100 00 • 4250 00
Treasurer 100 00 250 00
Ohief Constable... 400 00 400 00
Night '••875 00 375 00
Assessor ... . .. 00 00 • 125 00
Collector. . 75 00 • 125 00
Auditors, each 15 00 20 00
Rotel license (7) 20000 200 00
Shop " (2) 250 00 250 00
Cemetery caretaker • 365 00
Fenoe Viewers.... • Legal fees.
Pound Keepers " "
There was not a full board present and
the Mayor took advantage of tine to pass
a motion for the minority report. A
bylaw has yet to • be passed confirming -
the appointments, when it is expected
there will bs a genuine row.
Huron County Notes
Mr, Joseph Wells, of the ICith con. Hal-
lett, has a ewe, which on the 22nd of !Jan-
uary last phreaented him with a pair of fine
Mr. F. Sohoales, of Kinburn, having
purchased a farrn in Algoma, near Port
FIndiay, intends reeving there early in the
Mr. Robert McDonald, of the Thames
Road, Usborne, has the material on the
ground for the ereetton of a new dwelling.
house next summer.
• Mrs. David McKenzie of Greenboro,
North Carolina, formerly of Brueeeeld,
died reoently at an advanced age. She
left Brucefield 21 years ago.
Mr. Robert Moir, son of the late George
Moir, of the township of Hay, and who
has been teaching in Manitoba for some
time past, is home on a visit.
While ViTm. Moody of Usborne, was aa-
sisting one of his neighbors in • tearing
down an old log barn, ho had the mis-
fortune to get one of his feet jammed
between two logs.
To save life from the ravages of disease,
is nobler than to win a kingdom. Bur-
dook Blood Bitters cures eil blood diseases,
scrofula, blotches, pimples, skin diseates
etc, by its cleansing power over the entire
Mr. Thomas Rowe ot the London Road'
Stephen, has purobased a lot adjoining his
son Robert's. Etelwill erect a brick residenoe
OS soon as the weather permits, and will
become a resident of Exeter.
"Bacteria do not occur in the blood or
in the tissues of a healthy living body,
either of man or of the lower animals," So
says the oelebrated Dr. Koch. Other
doctors say that the best medicine to
render the blood perfectly pure and.
healthy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
A happy event transpired at St. jaineS
B. 0. church, Seaforth, en Tuesday morn-
ing bet when Rev. Father Kennedy unit-
• ed itt bode of matrimony Mr. W. 3.
Byrne, of Logan townehip. and Miss Kate
seconct daughter of Mr. Robert Devereaux,
of Tucker:smith.
• Dashwood.
tantes.-Mies M Morrison our school
teacher spent Saturday and. Sunday under
the parental reof.--.0as sawmill yarde ere
filled up with logs, the milli having pure
chased more legs this year than they have
for a number of years. -The members of
the Evangelicel Church intend building a
handsome brit* &Much this summer, The
plats and apeeificittions are being prepared.
This is a step in the right direction, -
On Saturday a direotors' meeting of the
Hay Mutual Fire lnsuranee Co. was bald
in Willert's Hotel wben routine busineee
was conducted. -Mr 'Mob Kellerman Was
in London on 141oeday on imainess.-A
meeting of the creditors of Mr Andrew
Kipfer of Blake was bold in Mr Joseph
Sejla office on Tneedtter afternoon when
it was decided to tell all his property,-
The"inern bet a of the young peoples'Alliance
intend to hold an entertainment on Thurs.
day evenittapely 28th, when a aplenclid
program will be delivered, -Mr 'Henry
Willed gold his property, formerly the
hotel in Piet, Cie of the village: new
oocapied by 'T Simon De Weal store, to
Idg Sine Itarinie ler a handsome Agure.
• Kirkton,
Smoot, REFoRT,—The follow -mg is the
report' of Kiikton tobool for the month of
January, The report is based on attend•
anoe, reeitationg, conduct and punctuality;
-V-Ernest Robinson, John Hazlewood,
Neily Switzer. -Sr IV -Bella Hazlewood;
Harriet Barr, Norman Fletelier.-,TrIV-
Fred Maeshall, Edna Marshall, Ida
Brethour.-Sr III -Violet Jameson, Edith
Maize, Alla Brown. -Jr III--Etts, Fletcher,
Esther Brethour, Albert Bickle,-1I--
Irene Marebatl, Maggie Leigh, Maggie
Smyth. The average attendance for the
month was 65:
Beinrs.-The snow blockade was soon
cleared away by strong and willing hands.
Zion hardly knew there was a storm -The
Epworth League is prospering. -0003
mote the tender hearts of our maidens
have been set fluttering Riobard Jones
has finished his tiew house by lringing
home a happy bride to preside over it.
Never mind girls, if Sunday nights are any
signs it will not be long till some of you
may haye the same privilege. A little
more courage boys. -Rev. Geo: Baker of
Crediton, preached here lest Sabbath
morning. His sermon was both interest
ing and iostructive.
• • **
• Crediton
Thaisee.-Div. Court was held na the
Town Hall on Tueaday last. -Rev Berke°
occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday last. -The K. 0. I'.
M. of this places attended the wood bee at
3. Thompsonston Monday last. -He is a
member of the Order and is on the sick
list. -The oyster supper under the aus
pioes of the K. 0. T. M. was a success in
every respect Interesting addresses were
delivered by the Revs. Baker and Litt.
Dr. Wiekett. Rev. Litt acted as
rean.-Mr. Ira Bice has started to move
to hie farm near Clandeboye. He will be
much missed in this town.. -Two loads from
here attended the Debate held at Sodom
on Wednesday night last, they report he.v-
in gthad a good time. -Miss Annie Sinclair
who has been working in London for the
past year is at home at present. --Miss
Eransa, Mitchell left for Petrolia, on Mon-
dayfinorning for a few weeks.
Banars.-The. Mimes Tillie and Addie
Johnson have returned after spending a six
week'a visit in the towns of Herein, Strat-
ford nod Milverton, -Miss Maggie Holtz-
man is very low at preseut writing. --Mr.
and Mrs. Smith et Sebringville, are visit-
ing at Mr. E. Hartleib's. — Hartleib
and Kiazinger have dissolved partnership.
Elartleib will still ctntinue the busi-
ness. -A loadof our young people drove
to Dashwood on Sunday oveniug :they re-
port haying a good time. -Mr. John Hall
and Mr. Fred Baker, of Dashwood, paid
our town a visit this week. -Dr, Thomp-
son, paid our town a flying Fiat on Satur-
day last. -Mr. Dixon, of Brucefield, waste
town this week on business• -15r. L.
Beatty of Varna'was in town on Internees,
one day last week. -A. Kippfer has as-
signed to Jos Snell of Daehwood.-Mr, Ed.
Boseenberry is visiting this week in Berlin
and New Hamburg. -We understand that
Louis Debus has bought the property of
Andrew Johnson, in Zurich. -Dr. Camp-
bell is in Toronto this weak on business. -
Miss Maggie Deichert paid Exeter a visit
het week,
• Eden
. la/
Braraos.—Owing to the hot sun • of last
week the roads'aroutei hero are in very
bad condition. -Mrs. Wm. Caves who has
been very ill for the past month is able to
be around again.-Mirs Maggie Luxton
who has been confined to the Imam for
some time by a severe attack of pleuriey
is recovering nicely. -We are pleased to
relate that Mr. Fred Luxton is able to be
around again. -Miss Loyina Fisher and
Miss Kestle ofeExeter, were the guests of
Mr, and lira, R, Coates on eunday last.-
Thetemany friends of Mr. G. A. Buswell ef
Listowel will be pleased to learn that he
inteude spending a month at his parents
home here -Mr Tilos; Of1,17011apent Sunday
with friends in Exeter. -On a,cootint of the
stormy weather and bad roads the Mis-
eionary sermons that should have been
preached on Sunday the 10th inst., were
postpoted till Sunday next when Mr.
Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, and Editor of
the New Era will occupy the pulpit.-
Special geryices are being held in the
chureht here Mils week. -Mr. Samuel
Hicks has moat of the material on the
evened for hie new barn which will be
elected in the early part of the coining
summer as the contract:I are all let, -Mr.
T. Coates intends erecting a, new barn on
the Bailey homestead next sutntner.-Mr.
Wm. Hanlon has sold Ida on the
townitae for the sum of $4,700. Mr.,
lierrison intende to retire,
A ray tied riooklent befell the little
daughter of Mr, Vogel, of Hentryn, Huron
county, the other day. While playing
around the stove elm spilled 1L pot of hot
water, solding herielf terribly. After
about two days of excruciating sufferitte,
the little girl Was relieved by death.
A very interesting and enjoyable time
Was agent at Mot rosidendo of Mr, john
Whitfield, on the 6111 inst., the °cession
being the marriage of hie amiable and
aocomplished daughter, Mist Laura, to
Mr, Pletcher toe, a proeperous piing
farmer of MaKillop, son of Thomas Roo,
Just errived, %largo assortment of Spring
Footwear, bourrht direct from the best manu-
facturers of Mon real, iorento, ifaintltOu an
London. In feet we have the besi. and most
' Cronaarty.
13entes.-Sickness seems to be epi-
demie around here just now, there
being on the lig, Mrs, Duncan Mc -
s ylish Boots &Shoes ever shown in LiouaaUtKellar andeon, Malcolm, Malcolm
and at prices to suit the times, call and see
jMis, .
that wa. oheita for cashLamont,r.,ss McLeigh, MrJas
McKaig and child ; all very
Bnntes. --Nile John Coulter and. fain- 'Boyle has returned home from Lanark
ily returned last IVIonday after a county where she was called to the
month's visit at elilvertort, Ws:existed.; funeral of her mother. While there,
and Ingersoll, and they look none the her nephew a young man of seventeen
worse for being away during all the was also buried, -Mr. jas. Walker Is
storm and cold weather, -Messrs. 0, preparing to move into the village, -Mr
Meyers, Grigg, arid F. Meyers were at Geo. Hamilton of Stratford, was home
Zurieh on Wednesday. --- Messrs. Sunday. -The Y. P. society was well
Manna have moved back to their old attended Sunday evening. The subjeet
butcher stand in Dr, Buchannan's was ably iutruduccd by Miss Jennie
block, tnext bo Dr. McDerrnicl's drug Gillespie and Mr. D. Park. -Mr, Mel-
storee-Mr, Ellie, photographer, intends colm tLamont ,,is drawing brick to
moving his family to town this weekrebuilit e in It -.sing lost his house on
Ile will occupy the house owned by his farm hy lire h inst.
Mr.. Geo. Ingram, Main -se, and
recently vacated by • Mrs. Manus. -
Parties are the order of the day. No
less thee 4 or 5 last week and about as
many again this week. -Business is
some what brisk since the roads have
become passable. -Mr. David Weis -
miller attended Division Court at
Zurich acting as interpreter. -The 110W
organ which was put in Carmel church
last week by the menaging committee
and purchased through Mr. Wm.
Elder from the Karn !Organ. & Piano
Company of Woodstock, was played
last Sabbath by a man sent from the
firm. -Quite it number of Elensaffites
attended the Kippen Han Company
concert on Tuesday nighc and report
having a good time. -A. load. of the
members of the 0. 0. F. attended a
funeral near Farquhar on Wednesday.
-A committee from Dashwood consist-
ing of Rev. Ebie, and Messrs,. F. Baker,
Jos. Snell, Jno. Hall. Geo. ?Kellerman
and Philip Bean were in town on
Monday and took a look through the
new Methodist church with the view of
erecting one in Dashwood on the same
plan.---1/Ir. Ellis of St. Catharines, has
opened out business in. Mr. Wm. Stone -
man's photograph gallery and is turn-
ing out first-olass photos. --A load of
our young people went to Beaforth on
Tuesday night tna surprise party at
Miss Latimer's. They report having it
geed time but say there were lots of
pitch holes in the roads. -Mr. Dollen
and daughter, of Detroit, have bought
out the millinery business of Miss
Sturgeon. -A very painful accident hap-
pened to Cornelius Cook, son of Henry
Cook, prop:later of the Hensall flour
milia, last Wednesday morning, While
engaged loading a car ef flour, • the
bridge up to the car upon which the
truck runs slipped out of its place, and
the truck loaded with flour fell over
on his leg, breaking the bone near the
ankle joint. The unfortunate young
man was at once conveyed to his home
and medical aid summoned as quicklySodom.
as possible, and his injuries attended I
BRIEFS. -A pleasant time was spent
at the residence of Mr and Mrs Harry
Isaac last Friday evening, All engaged
in tripping the light fantastic until
the wee sma hours.-eirs Fred Wurtz
and daughter Pearl, of Dashwood,
were the guests of Mr and Mrs Tobias
Wuetz, last week. -141i' Chas &blunt
who is engaged in cutting wood with
bbGeorge Penhale, happened with what
auchence veilound, now oheiing 1
bursts of laughter and again bringing. might have proved a serious accident
one day last week. It seems that be
was splitting wood when the axe flew
up striking him in the forehead just
above his eye,and in consequence now
we ars a bandage.
TUB DEBATE. -The debate which
was announced for Wednesday even-
ing, the I 3th inst., was e success in
every sense of the word. When the
doors were opened at 7.30 the .crowd
outside were clamoring for admittance
and before 8 o'clock, the hour for
commencieg the exercises, the build-
ing was full to overflowing, every
available seat beiog filled and stand-
ing room waa at a premium. The
meeting was formerally opened by a
few remarks by the chaiiman, Mr.
Baines. -Thomas Andrew spent part
of last week visiting his friends here.
He returned to Kmburn on. Saturday,
accompanied by his daughter Laura,
who will remain there for a week • or
two. -Miss Sarah Halls has returued
to Chicago, after spending two months
viaiting her father here. -Alf. upset
his beat girl on Wednesday evening
last. Be more careful in the future
Alf or you will get hurt. -Robert
Elieks was home from St. Marys on
Sunday where he is attending school. -
Mr. and Miss Shtelds, who have been
the guests of the Misses Thompson,
returned home on Wednesday last.-
Rev. Barker, who was on the sick list,
is %gain able to resume hie work. -Wm.
Gliddin's youngest child is lying in a
low state at Mine cf writing, --Richard
Webb's infant son was buried on Fri-
day. -Mrs. T. Smelts is very dick at
present. -How is it that our aide walks
are not cleaned off? The Mayor is
not attending to his duty this year.
Oome Tommy, get your snow shovel
and get to work. -Anniversary services
are to be h.eld, at Elimville on the 3rd
wad 4th of March. Watch and wait Inc
it ; going to have a good time as usual ;
come everybodee-The two new choir
girls are claiming the people's attention
at present, who week' like to know
what use they are there. without,. it is
to fill up room, The' trustees will
have to build the choir stand larger to
accornodate them, or else the choir will
have to turn in and sit with the con-
gregation like they had to do Sunday
morning. The choir was large enough
before and was doing fine, but 110W
there id dissatisfaction expressed on
every side.-Saml Madge who recently
lost his wife through death, is very ill.
He intends having an auction sale of
his stock on the first of March.
to. No doubt this will lay him up for
some time, but he is now progressing
as well as can bo expected under the
circumste.noes. -The lecture given by
Rev. J. H. Hector, or better known
as the famous Black Knight, was it
grand success, as the hall was crowded
to its utmost capacity. The lecturer
spoke for two hours and held • his
them almost to rears with his pathetic
incidents. Re is full of fun and wit,
and is a splendid specimen of the race
to which he belongs. He is powerfully
built and shows to great advantage it
cultured mind and deportment while
thundering forth the invictive against
what he terms worse slavery than thatA
which prevailed in the Soutle-, grand
spectacular panorama exhibition was
given. by Mr, H. C. Brewer, of Clinton,
last Friday in Coxworth's hall, and
also with it an entertainment of solos,
duetts and recitations, and gdistribution
of pries to the St.Pauls Sunday School
children. A very enjoyable evening
was spent; by those present and all
owned well pleased melt what they , Thos. Dunsford, who spoke regarding
had seen and heard, especially the the good work which had been done
children. by the Royal Ternplars in Sodom, and
then called upon the Or:Alton orchea-
tra for, a selection, which was greatly
applauded. Then followed the speak-
ers of the evening who were Mr. Silas
Stanlake, sr., Mr. J. Sweet and Mr.
C. Prouty for moral suasion, and
Mr, Wm. Harris, Mr, Silas Stanlak-e,
jr,„ and Mr. J.Oarriek for prohibition.
All of the speakers gave very credit'
able addresses and it was difficult tor
the judges to oome to it decision, but
it was finally decided in favor of pro-
hibttion, amiciat great cheering. The
meeting was then brought to a close
by melting a vote of thanks to the
Orediton orehestra for their excellent
services and a selection from the
same. May the Templet% continue
in the good work is the wish of all,
W 3. Wilson & Co are taking 'took this Week
and expect to open an a Iarse number of CMOS
of Boots and Shoes, Drygoods etc. ahd will
sell at close prioesfor oash and sorid produce:
They have just received a. large stook of new
tea, extra value at,80o per lb.
BRIEFS. -Miss Sarah Pollock intends
holding it pieblio enrertainment in her
school, No. 13, McGillivray, on rriday
evening, Mar& lsta-Mr. Jas. McWil-
son treated a number of his friends to
an oyster supper last Friday night. -
Large quantities of extra nice clean
ice has been taken out of the Aux
Sauble river. -Miss Elliott, of Man-
itoba, was visiting her &mein, Vire. B,
English, and other friends here lase
week. -At the last meeting of Union
Tent, No. 48, K. 0. T. M., Mr, James
Pollock was elected Record -Keeper and
W. Smith lst Master of Guards.- Mies
Sarah Shank arrived home from Detroit
lase Moeday.-The Ladies' Band of
Willing Workers of the Boston Meth.
church mee at. the parsonage, Corbett.,
lest Tuesday and made up it large
package of clothing for families who
are suffering from the cold in the North.
west. -We have a large quantity of
snow on our north and south roads,
and in some places the banks had to be
shovelled out. -Mr. T. Pggert caught
and killed a largo red fox, list week.
The destitution in St, Johne, Nfld., is
increment/. lietweeis 5,000 and 6,000
laersOns ere now reottiving relief. The
Government emu:emcee its intention of
pomading with relief works at once.
State's Powders, each paCasge of, wbtole
coutaina two preparetions, Ono in 0 rotted
wooden box, the cover of which forms it
measure for one dose, an inimediaie relief
for Costiveness, Sick Head:vibe and Stoms
atilt, also Nouralgie end all kinds of ner-
vous paw, and another in capsules, (frOm
k to it of ono is en ordinary dose) whioh
note oit the Bowels, Liver teed Stomach,
forming a never failing perfect treatrout
for all Head and Steinach complitinte,
They donee as meet pills tiecl so many
other niedieines do,logo their effeet or
protium after oonstipation, they are nieo
to take. 25e. A, bOX o,t a1 inedieint
Do not despair of curing your eta head-
ache when you can so easily Obtain 001.,
tor's Little Liver Pills, They will offeot a
prompt and permanent oure. Their action
is ssuld uti maitre].
BalEn.-A plegesant tune was opent
at the rencIance or Me, John HaWkine,
of the London Road, Hay, on Wed-
nesday evening last, The company
wee conopoaed of a nuMber of young
ladies and gentlemen of the immediate
neighborhood and also a number from
Exeter end Hensel'. After a few
hours had been spent in dartomg,
gamete &c., they all parted at an early
hour or as we should say in the wee
small hours of the morning. May Mr.
and Mrs. Hawkins long be spared to
enjoy the comforts of their fine new
residence. --Mr. Arthur Coxvvorth has
disposed of his driving mare for a
handsometsum to Mr. Rickert, of Hen.
sent -Wag Fraser of Stephen, Mrs, D.
Mack and Miss Mack, of Hay, were
the guests of Mr. Wm. Campbell, of
2nd concession Hay, a few days last
(*rand Bend.
BROW/I.-The weather has moderat-
ed this week, as last week's was the
coldest we have bo,r1 for years. The
c.ear ice on the lake is now sixteen
inches thick, -Our village is coraing
to the front as will be seen by the
minutes of the last sitting of the
County Council, The Public School
here has been selected as a place for
holding the Entrance Examinations
to the High School, which will make
it very convenient, as the pupils had
in former examinations to go to the
neighboring villages and totem, the
nearest being Zurich. No doubt the
credit of this is due the representa-
tives from this part of the county, Mr.
Robe Turnbull or Hee township and
Mr. John Sherritt of Stephen, There
will no doubt be a great number at-
tend the examinations he'd here in
June or July, and it will be more
pleasant for them to meet as they can
take in the lake breezes which are so
much needed after a term of hard
studying. -A large number froni here
attended a party given by Mr. Ware
Oliver on Tuesday evening. It lied
been arranged to have it the previous
week but the blockade of snow pre-
vented it. -Mr. John Dalziel, of Sar-
nia. was here last week looking after
histintereets.-Mr. Wm. Elaggith has
been appointed by the X. 0. T. M. of
this place to attend the convention to
be held in Sarnia in April. -Quite a
number here have had a very severe
cold lately, but a few doses of Norway
Pine Syrup relieved all the afflicted
parts. -Mr ,Yames Mollard's auction
sele is on Friday of this week. Every-
thing is to be sold as he intends retir-
ing. lee has rented a house in the
village and intends mowing into it
soene_mias mouses, Mollard bas
served her apprenticeship at dress
making and will be tall fledged and
ready for all orders entrusted to her.
-Mr Ware:Oliver, jr., intends leav-
ing for the West next week, after
spending the winter with his father
and friends here. -Mr Robt Hamilton
is one of the jurymen chosen from this
tosvnehip to attend the apring assizes
at Goderich. •He also intends visiting
his mother in Elowick,-The fishermen
areinow succeeding in catching herring
as the ice is in splendid shape. -Mr
Slimes Patterson has hired with his
brother for the summer, and will try
ranching for a season. -Dancing part-
ies have been quite frequent lately.'
Alt report having a good thme.
Campbell, son of widow Campbell died
on Tuesday at the age of 23 years, at
his mother's residence near this village.
Deceased had been in poor bealth for
the past several months, the result of
a severe cold contracted some time
ago. Having served an apprentice.
ship at blacksmithing with Mr Parsons
of Exeter, Mr. Campbell went to the
Northwest where he opened a shop for
himself. The effect of the cold
beei ening to assert itselehe was forced
to give up business and corae home.
For a time last summer he worked
itt tbe farming in the hope ot recuper-
ating his health at outside work.. lt
wasall to no purpose; he graduelly
grew worse until Tuesday when death
released him from his ettiferings, De–
ceased was an exemplery young man
and held in the highest esteem by all
vvho knew hno. The sympathy of the
community goes out for his mother
and family. The funeral yesterday
was largely attended, his roineens being
interred in the Exeter cetnetere.
Insureexce 1VIngeneee-The •annual
meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert
Fire Insurance Co. was held here last
week. There was a large attendance
of members despite the inclemency of
the weather and bad state of the roads'.
The various reports were read and
adopted, and totwithstanding the
serious losees sustained by the Cern-
patty during the past yea,r, thet ehetv-
ing tvas consielered good. The nutnber
of policies in force oil the 31st Dec-
enaber, 1894, was 2147. The total
antoutat a riek on the 31st December,
1894, Was $8,433,880.00, being an in-
treie36 of 208 p0'10i0S and an tnoreatte
its the amount at tisk of $294,06f1'.60
since the isouing of the 'mit • report,
The company has &Oeta to bhe amount
bt 08,691.96, liabilities none. At
the Annuel Meetnig held 4th Feb-
ruary, 1825, W. H. Faeattore and 3D.
McLaehrfin, uia two tetirine„ Direet-
ors, Were re.elected fora term of three
yearn. The Direetora Met at the 001se
of the Annual Meeting and selecieel
11111TE co:
being cleared out at
Cost Prices.
And beautiful Spin g
and Summer Goods
taking their place at the
Market Depot.
Get some of the bargains,
J. P. Ross,
John Essery. President; Jos. Jackson,
Vice -President; and Thos. Cameron,
Secretary -Treasurer for the current
BRIEFs.-The house of Malcom
Lamont, on the' 13th concession, was
burned down on Friday lest, The
tenant., Mr. Hicks, got very latle saved
from ttse house. -Mr, and Mrs. Neil
Gillespie, of this place, were visiting
friends in Gray last week.
Binere„-Every week we notice that
some one Will arise thirsting for fame,
and to show his wit will write what he
terms news items and send them
to one of the Exeter papers for pub-
lication. Last week was no exception
to the rule, for we beheld news from
Sharon which is nothing but the pro-
duct of some wandering mind. We
would be sorry to think that we had
anybody in our midst possessed of an
evil spirit big enough to Induce him
to write suck, a fabrication as last
week's budget contained and we would
like to advise film in the future to
have a little more regard for the truth
and then the words of his pee: will be
sought after and read with pleasure. -
Mr and Mrs John Dauacey, of Exeter,
and Mr and Mrs William. Dauncey, of
MeGil'ivray, were the guesta of their
father, Mr Aaron Dauncey on Sunday
last. --Missionary services were held
in the el. E. church on Sunday last,
conducted by the Rev. Mr. Barker ot
the Eitinville circuit who preached a
very instructive sermon. The day
being fine the congregation was much
larger than usual and we anticipate a
goodly sum wii be raised in aid of the
missionaries this year.-MrEd. Kestle
has taken a position in the harness
shop of Mr el Kestle, of Zurich.
BRIEF8.-Messrs P Shier and R Ry-
nard spent last week at Lekesicle.-
The Misses Johnston have gone to
reside on Riverside Farm, Se Marys,
They will be very much missed as they -
are both jovial and universal favorites.
What is our loss will be Riverside's
gain. -Mr Robt St John and family
moved frotn our midst on Monday and
have taken their abode in the Lucan
hotel.—Mr J Williamson and wife
of Newbridge, spent a week visiting
itt elr 1) Brethour's.-Mr R 8 Ford,
General Merchant, is at present re-
modeling the rear of bis store. Pre.
sume a 5 purposes taking in a part.
ner,-Of late our enterprising looal
aports have been greatly prevented in
the hunt of that carmworous quadru-
eed, the skunk, which occupation
they appear to so enjoy, on account of
the ineleiMeney of the weather. -Mr
A Porter, of Vancouver, and the
Misses Porter, of Clinton, vvere the
guests of Mr Wm Johnston, J. P„
Maple Grove Farm, on Sueday
A s'eigh load of the young people of
our town attended a social at Mt
Pleasant one evening hist week, and
report having spent an enjoyable
evening. -Bir Scott, of Fullerton, hats
moved into the house vacated by Mr
StJohn. We welconse Mr Scott to
our vicinity, -Mae Dunseith, of Strat-
tord,is visiting the MiseeteStephen
Mr A Doupe and wife, of Lakeside,
and Mr J Spearin and wife, of the 4th
line, spent Sunday under the parental
root of Ur J Shier.-Solne of the fair
sex of oar locality apparently enjoy a
hunt, therefore ere would recommend
the vicinity of St 1V1atya tobe favorable
ground for a good htint.- Two young
aims of the Base Lino in company
with two of our fair ones, slatted • for
Mt Pleasant on Thureday evening to
attend a dance, but unfortunately oti
the way the elate): broke rifonea, as
four in One cutter proved to be tO0
many, consequently they were Otte
pt lied to proceed on foot or MISS the
party, so on they went thinking of
whein ?
L. ItITOUMN,, tramilton, Ont.
Consuitiptimi &Howe uoglected. colds,
Norway Pine Syrup cures (soughs, anthititt,
eMt throatbronchilie ae& lung troubles,