HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-2-7, Page 7S. P. SMITH, of .'Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He writes: " For 'eight years, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa- tion, kidney trouble, and Indiges- tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such 1 toinach excellent results that 'my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect con- dition, and, in all their functions, as regular as clock -work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds;, I now can brag of 159 pounds, and was never in so good health., If you could see me be- fore and after using, you would want me for a traveling advertisement. I believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to -day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others,willcure you ' THE �' TIMES E 'rHL WEEK S NEWS CANADA. A Board of Trade has been formed at 'mire, Out Regina, N ,W. T., is to have permanent exhibition buildings. Bell's ewery at Portage la Prairie has been deet 1 sed by fire. The Freemasons of Winnipeg have de- cided to ereot a handsome temple. George Devoy, of London, Ont., was killed in the disaster at Butte, Mont. John White has been convicted at Ottawa of arson and sentenced to 10 years in peni- tentiary. Welland County Council has resolved to memorialize Parliament for an alien labor law. Rev. J.E. Starr, of Toronto, has accepted a call to the First Methodist ohuroh, Kingston. Lieut. Col. D'Aroy Boulton has retired from the Canadian militia, after 57 years' service. Philip Gingras, a Quebec coal merchant, has been arrested and lodged in jail charged with forgery. Lieut. Col. Lazier, of Belleville, retains his rank on retiring from the command of the 15th Battalion.. Toronto will have a strong team in the Eastern Baseball League. The club has now six players under contract. It is stated on good authority that the Dominion Government will shortly appoint a batch of Queen's counsel. Her Majesty's ship Cresent will be the next flagship at Halifax, and Admiral Ere - kine will be the commander-in-chief of the station. The annual statement of the treasurer of Wentworth Caunty Council, submitted yes- terday, shows a total surplus of $26,064.61 up to date. Fire on Wednesday in Winnipeg destroy- ed the stock of Joseph H. Rogers & Co., hatters and furriers. The estimated loss is eighteen thousand dollars. ' Mayor Cowan,of Oshawa, hasgiven $1,000 for the relief of the families of the employee of the malleable iron works, which were burned there reoently. The Governor-General and Lady Aber. deen were tendered a reception on Satur- day night by the Governors of McGill University, Montreal. It is stated that Marshall Wella, the Canadian champion bicyclist, may, in company with .Harry - Wheeler, ride in Europe next season. The Governor-General and Lady Aber. deen paid a visit , en Friday afternoonto the Royal Victoria hospital in. Montreal, which they thoroughly inspected. Mayor Stewart, of Hamilton, has tender- ed his resignation as Chief Game Warden. He has applied for the position soon to be made vacant, of chief of police of Hamilton. Tho City Clerk of Hamilton has drawn up a statement showing that the total as- sessment of the city is now $25,155,020, as against $24,691,720 last year, an increase of $463,300. Three Norwegian delegates of high re- pute are being sent to the Kootenay dis- trict of British Columbia, to inspect the country with a view of a large Norwegian emigration. The Rev. Father Morin has just retain- ed to Winnipeg from Kansas. He says that 200 families from that State intend moving to the North-West in the spring. Mr. Tyrell, of the Geological Survey De- partment, has declined the offer he received to take part in the Arctic exploration which is being organized for next spring in the United States. Reynolds, the colored man who was sentenced to penitentiary for 14 years in Montreal, has been released after serving four years. He fatally stabbed another colored man named Meyers. Several extensive lumber dealers from Chicago have arrived at Winnipeg en route to Rat Portage, where they propose nego- tiating for the entire cut of lumber in the Rat Portage district this season. Thomas Tracy, turnkey of the jail at Berlin, Ont., has been dismissed by the sheriff, charged with disobeying orders. Mr. Tracy says there was no real cause. for dismissal, and that he will appeal to the Government. Chief of Police McKinnon, of Hamilton, .bas placed his resignation in the hands of the City Clerk. A meeting of the Board of Police Commissioners will be held shortly to reoeive applications for the vacant position. • Hon. John Haggett has written a letter to Gen. Montgomery Moore, thanking hire. for the valuable assistance rendered in carrying out the arrangements at Helifax in connection with the funeral of Sir John Thompson. Richard Ardagh, chief of the Toronto fire department, died suddenly at his home, on Sunday morning at 10.15 o'clock.. The cause was heart failure, superinduced by •internal injuries sustained by jumping from the Brough company's building during the progress of the great fire in that city a few weeks ago. The Manitoba delegates, Attorney -Gen- eral Sefton and Treasurer McMillan have had a satisfactory interview with Finance Minister Foster, and it has been arranged that the subsidy to Manitoba shall be paid until 1898 on the basis of a population of one hundred and ninety thousand, whioh will give the province an increase' of about thirty thousand dollars a year. GREAT .BRITAIN. There is still a plethora of money in Lon- don. Prof Arthur Ca ley, of the TJniversity Cambridge, is dead. Again disastrous gales with loss of life are reported from Britain and the conti- nent. It now positively, announced that Lord William Beresford ieto be married to the Duchess ot Marlborough. A statement of the aocounts of the Irish parliamentary fund just issued shows that Canada oontributad last year 03,049. Sir William Van Horne has returned to. London from the Continent, and leaved by the Teutonic next Wednesday. Richard Croker and M. F. Dwyer,. of New York, have made a long list of English turf engagements for 1895,' Among the new aides -decamp to the. Queen is Capt, Louis Beaumont, Royal navy, who married Miss Forbes, of" Bos- ton. Representatives of 275 railroads are p ex- pected acted to attend the International Railway Congress, to be held London next sum mer. Sir Donald Smith visited Catnbrid e Univereit on Thursdprobablyn y . say in con, neotion with the selection of a new rinei al Lot l' P p or Aiafrlii Uhiverdlty. -'� POWDERS Cure Slpfc HEAqDAQ�H aep�d Neuralgia n so Mlxbree, wisp Coate Topgti plliszi- eE BiUdusae lathe S de, e 1 attiibn, orpid Liveried Bi'etth. to stay cured also regiilate the {towels. VERY NIGH TO kfuoe 25 •BMW AT DRUG! SYOREB. CENTRAL Drug' Store FANSOR'S BLOCK. A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's C_ ondition Powd- theer>5, best in the mark.. et and always resh. Family recite. see carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exete Cr LUTZ HAVE YOU "Baokaohe means the kid- neys are In +trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills give Arelief" p rola t "Th per Dent of disease le rat caused by disordered kid neys. "Might as well try to have a healthy city without sonar age, as good health when the kidneys are clogged, they are the scavengers of the system. "Delay Is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney troubles result I n Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Lfuer Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, heights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." • "The above diseases cannot, exist where Dodd's Kidney Pilla•are used' Sold by all dealers orsentbytneifonre eipt of pride so cents, per ox of six for $n, o.. 1)r, L. A. Sntitrri st co. i'aronto. Writo for book called Kidney Talk. jor England"d' turf patrons spend about $50 p , 100;000 :+Doh year inhorseracing, ',V R. The Government' barge Petrel, laden with powder, shot and ahell, blew up at• Gravosond, Eug,, on Wednesday, and no trace of the crew oan be found. It is announced in Louden that in a000r- dance with the express wieb of ,Lord Aber- deen his name has been placed upon the lista of the vice. presidents of the Anti. Gambling League, The London Chronicle, referring to the chargee of corruption brought against the institutions of the United States, says it would willingly give a good many British statesmen for one Abe Lincoln.. The engagement of Miss Peel, the eldest danghter of the Speaker of the British' House of Commons, to Mr. Maguire, Par- nellite member for. West Clare, is causing some surprise in political oiroles, On Thursday night the First Congre. gational church of Kingston presented the Rev. Dr. Jackson, who is removing to Barre. Vt., with a purse of ,gold, and Mrs. Jackson with a marble clock and ean. delabra. There is at present a great strain upon all charitable sooieties in London. Hun- dreds of deserving men, women, and youths are being turned away from the Church Army relieving department solely for lack of sufficient means to help them. Mr. Justin MoCarthy, in his manifesto to his followers urging them to be constant in attendance at the next session of Par- liament, makes the significant remark •that the session promises to have a decisive in, fiuenoe upon the Irish cause. A letter in 'the St. James' Gazette on Thursday advocated the appointment of Captain Mahan, of the United States navy, to the Regius Professorship of History at Cambridge University, in succession to Prof. Seeley, recently deceased. The election in the South, or Evesham, division of Worcester resulted on Tuesday in the return of Col. •Long, Conservative, over Mr. F. Impey by a majority of eleven hundred and seventy-five votes. • The Con- servative majority last election was five hundred and eighty. UNITED' STATES.. Barley is active and stronger on lighter receipts at western U. S. points. There are now 376 'Masonic lodges, with 36,500 members, in Michigan. Dr. Alfred L. Loomis, the eminent phy- sical' of New York,died on Thursday morn. ing. The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg railroad has declared a dividend 1 1-4 per cent. The National Cyole show at 'Madison square Gardens, New York, is being at- tended by large crowds. The United States Government has undertaken to prevent war, if possible, between Mexico and Guatemala. The Senate by a very close vote has adopted President Cleveland's polity cf non-intervention regarding Hawaii. It is thought that W. W. Taylor, the defaulting treasurer of South Dakota, has been located near Crawfordsville, Indiana. The steamer Chicora, with 30 persons on board, is tossing helplessly on lake Michi- gan, or has gone to the bottom. Mrs Mary J. Ward, who was the first woman to walk across the Niagara sus• pension bridge, has just died in Chicago. The New York State Legislature will be asked by the American turfinen at its next session to draw a line between legalized betting and gambling. Mr. Nixon, of Chautauqua, has proposed a resolution in the Assembly which, if oarried, means female suffrage in New York state. A bill is before .the New York Legisla- ture to compel street oar companies only to charge half fare to passengers who fail to obtain seats. Mr. Lawson's bill prohibiting the die. play of foreign flags on public buildings has passed the New York State Assembly. Ayes, 83; nays, 13. The bill providing for arbitration in settling labor disputes has been favorably reported by the House Committee on Labor at Washington. It turns out that wholesale robbery was perpetrated at the Hotel Vendome fire in New York. Beerbohm Tree and others of the theatrical profession suffered heavily. Arthur M. Forrester, aprominent Fenian whose name was frequently mentioned in the Phoenix park trials in connection with Joe Brady and Fagan, died in Boston on Thursday. The Nicaragua canal bill which provides for an issue of $100,000,000 in bonds, $70,000,000 of which are guaranteed by the U.S. Government, passed the Senate at Washington yesterday. The Chenanggo Valley. Savings Bank at Binghamton, N. Y. has been closed by order of the superintendent to avoid a run. It is saidthe officers of the. Bank attempt- ed to carry off the hooka on Wednesday at midnight. There was a great falling off in customs receipts at Buffalo the past year. The officers say there is an immense amount of petty smuggling from that port, particular- ly on Queen's birthday and Dominion day, when carloads of young woiren from Can- ada go over and stock up, carrying the goods home concealed under their skirts. There is no improvement in the business situation in thio United States this week, and while production has not increased, prices have weakened. tabor disputes have done much to add to the general de- pression, especially in Brooklyn, and have also affected trade in New York. The financial tangle in the States is having a most baneful effect on trade all over the continent, and nothing but a hand -to- mouth movement is probable ' while the future is so clouded with suspicion and doubt, Stagnation everywhere is the order of the day ands reports give no indication of an immediate revival. The only favor- able symptom is that generally aniong business men the feeling is hopeful, and a confident tone exists. . OENEIiAL. Prot. Charles Secreted, ;the Swiss phi!. osopher, is dead. The Japanesephavecaptured Yuen -Chan P B M. Ribot had undertaken to form a Cabi- net for .France. • Mgr. L armi 6rdt Pre fset, of the Vatican library, is dead. Spain has added 50 ventsl' er hectolitre to tuy foreignwheat. he da t on at • Cardinal Des rese P ► Archbishop bi h ishop of Tou White, France, is dead. The Japanese troops ere said to have been repulsed near Oltefoty e an has' opened e': G rmu otlatio s or a yp § n f commercial treaty. with Japan. , Winetaat WALDORF ASTOR'S YitINOELY FLOWERS. A daily mantle of lilies of the valley and violets to be placed on his wife's beet, walked into the shop and said: "How many FLOWERS FOR AN ASTOR. The Monte Cristo Order Which Will Keep a Lucky Florist Busy for a Year. That order which William Waldorf Astor gave a Broadway florist for a cover of lilies of the valley and violets to be put over his wife's grave, fresh every day for a year, was the largest single order for flowers ever given in New York. It means over 8100 worth of flowers for the grave every day. It means the especial and laborious forcing of fillies of the valley. during the eight months that they'do • not grow in nature. It means a trip of the florist himself to the cemetery every day, and a man, especially hired by Mr. Ascot, to see'that"the cover, costly enough each day to make a robe for thebed of a queen, is properly placed. There was something very Monte Cristo. like about the _way Mr. Astor dealt with the florist. The day before the funeral he orchids can you get on twenty -tour hour's notice 1". The florist not knowing to whom he was talking, and wishing to impress his caller with the vast resources of a Broad- way florist, said, indifferently: "Ch, about five thousand." , "'Very well," said the cal- ler giving his name. "Get all yon van and have then at Trinity in time for the funeral. I want all you can get, twice five thousand if it is possible." The florist bestirredhimself,bought every orchid he could hear of, but was only able to get 3,800. This meant a bill for $3,800 for orchids alone. Mr. Astor was so pleased that he gave the $3,800 order for the daily Dover. His instructions were that this cover should be removed every day, no matter what it's condition was, and that all the fiowere in it should be destroyed. It takes about four thousand lilies to make the cover and about the same number of violets. ' On the upper end of the cover, into the warp of the lilies is woven a cross' of violets and from the foot of the cover hangs a cross of violets. On each side are four points from which hang tassels of vio- lets suspended by bows of satin ribbon. Mexico and Guatemala appear to be getting near the fighting point. A crowded meeting . was held in Mel- bourne on Friday- evening in favor of Australian federation. M. de Giers, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is dead. He was seventy- five years of age. The new president of France is a con- firmed smoker, the first who ever occupied the'Presidental chair. M. Ribot has' succeeded in forming a new French Cabinet. It is not received with favor, and the belief is that it will not last. Demonatratidns of Roumanian Nation- alists in Hungary have been prohibited. Offenders are liable to a fine of 550 or two weeks' imprisonment. Emperor William has decided that the inscription " Dem Deutschen Volke" (to the German people) shall be placed over the main entrance of the new Reichstag buildings. The Pope is reported to be greatly dis- appointed because of the reoent French crisis. He considers that his conciliatory policy has failed, and that he is too old to inaugurate a new course. y A bomb was exploded on Monday even- ing in a crowded cafe in Junier, Belgium. Much damage was done, bub no one was injured. The Japanese Government has, after a searching inquiry, issued an official denial of the exaggerated accounts of alleged mas- sacres at Port Arthur. The Radical and Socialist organs of Paris are already abusing the new President in good set terms. A000rding to them he is a creature of the Vatican, an absurd man- nikin,a dancing-Jack,a proud turkey -cook, eta, It is reported that Prince Alfred of Saxe - Coburg and. Gotha, eldest son and heir of the Duke of Saxe -Coburg and Gotha (the Duke of Edinburgh), is betrothed to Duch- ess Elsa Matilda Marie, twin daughter of the late Duke of Wurtemburg. The recent violent quarrels between the Catholics and the Socialists in the Belgian Chamber of Deputies culminated on Friday in a violent scene which resulted in the resignation of the President and the sus- pension of the sitting. The Porte has sent a written apology to the British Ambassador, Sir Philip Currie, for the arrest of Mr. Cobb, the •British postmaster at Constantinople, and the affair is now regarded as satisfactorily set tied. FACTS IN FEW WORDS. Liverpool has an official rat catcher. Seven million miles of thread are annu- ally used iu the United States. A clay found near Clarence, Mo., has been found to contain 40 per' cent. of alum- inum. There aro twenty-one law firms in the United States in which husband and wife are partners. Louisiana has the largest farm in the United States. It is 100 miles one way and 25 the other. The fencing alone cost $50,- 000. There is aspeciinen of. the Mission grape- vine at Carpentaria, Cal., which has a girth of six feet four inches at the' base and is still growing. A bullet was recently removed from the head of an Indiana man, where it hod been deposited in an Ecuadorian rebellion many years before. It is proposed to establish a telephone line between England and Holland. The London Chambers of Coinmeroe and the Netherland Chamber of Commerce are trying to ascertain if the time is yet ripe for the +unn. Indertakisurgfoagl operations the skin incision is Often the most pt}ipful part, and thou) whe have been run throtnei the body say they were conscious only of something cold passing through them, with just a prick at the points of entry and exist of the wear,. Somebody has discovered the curious faot< that the reluctance of women to tell their age is no piece of modern sensitiveness. It is as old as the hills. In the Old Testament, although great numbers of women are mon- tioned, :here is but one—Sarah, Abrahatn's wife --•whose age is recorded. Anew carpet for the Waterloo chamber at Windsor castle, said to be the largest ever manufactured, has been woven in the jail of Agra, Indiarby prsaonere undergoing penal servitude. They hope to obtain a re- mission of sentence for their diligence in completing the task, which has taken them fourteen months. Twenty-eight convicts were engaged on the work, the carpet measuring 77 feet by 40, and contains 58,- 40,000 stitches. COWARDLY ASSAULT. A Man in Berlin Beaten by 'three Nem lT�itil lith Lite is in Danger. A despatch from Berlin,- Ont., says :—A moat disgraceful affair took place here on Saturday .night, which may yet end in a murder trial, as one man concerned is in a very precarious condition at this writing. People who witnessed the affair say that three members of the fire brigade attacked a man named Thomas Bishop while the latter was in a half intoxicated condition. and beat hint in the most brutal manner. Bishop, it seems, at some time or other incurred the disfavor of some of the brigade, and last night about 7.30 three of their number found him near the corner of King and Queen streets and began a quarrel. Bishop attempted to remove his coat when one ot the assailants struck him a vicious blow in the face, knocking him down like a log. The fellow then followed up Ms cowardly work arid proceeded to jump on the prostrate man, while the others kicked him most brutally about the head and body. A gentleman came running up and took matters into bis own hands. With well -directed blows the cowards were sent sprawling into the middle of the street, and then poor Bishop was raised. One of his eyes had been knocked out, and his head and body were most terribly bruised. He was removed to a doctor's office, and meantime his assailants made their escape. The doctor says the injuries may prove fatal. ---•fir ' WHAT MAY BE EXPECTED. The sort or Examination Johnnie must Pass on Going to School. According to an exohange, new pupils in the schools of the future will have to submit to this examination t Teacher—Johnnie, have you got a cer- tificate of vaccination for smallpox? "Yes, sir." "Have you been inoculated for croup?" "Yea, air," "Been treated with diphtheria serum?." "Yes, sir." "Had your arm scratched with cholera bacilli?" "Yes, sir." "Have you a 'written guarantee that you are proof against whooping -cough, measles, mumps, scarlet fever and old age ?" "Yes, sir." a Have you your own private drinking cup?" "Yes, sir." "Do you promise not to exchange sponges with the boy next to you, and never use any but your own pencil ?" f"Yes, sir." "Will you agree to have your books fumi- gated with sulphur and sprinkle your clothes with chloride of lime once a week?" "Yes, sir." "Johnnie, you have met the first re- quirements of the modern sanitarians and may now climb over yonder rail, occupy an isolated aluminum seat and begin making P's and Q's as your that lesson." Real Cookery Teaching. Butter and new laid eggs figure largely in cooking eohools, and as the teacher has not to pay for them, she Waxes eloquent and insist upon such a lavish use of both that 117e16 her lessons generally acted upon there would soon be a mighty famine in the land. But the poor don't come the rich oan do without uch teachings, for others do tl eti woz' ah¢only a few ladies in the mfd ld clastts.with veiy e, uirin [Hinds ., g,T put 10 an appearance. "Let ':lie tea, ler, said a poor woman, "Come to my house an d • show the hew to cook there, and then I shall be obliged to her." Here is the test of good, cheap, cooking—to cook with ]little money a small smoking fire ; a miserable even ; a eotiple of saucepans, and no soles and sometimes more txoutho to feed than food to put into them, C�l • i- 0. Children Cry for �` el+ eCSratO!"in4 ..Jgeery, olio Id use it. Has proved by its enormous sale that it ;is The hest value for the Consumer' of any soap fn the market, Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. It brings them .less labor, greater comfort. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites of Lime slid Soda, is a constructive food that nourishes, enriches the blood, creates solid flesh, -stops wasting and gives strength. . It is for all Wasting Diseases like Consumption; Sorofnla, Anemia, Marasmus; or for Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Loss of Flesh General Debility. Scott's Emulsion has no equal as Nourishment for Babies and Growing Children. Buy only the genuine put up in salmon -colored wrapper Sendfor5.amtlet on Scatt's Emulsion. FREE. Scott downs, Belleville. All druggists. 50o. and 81. The thor Heart Touched Q I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Saved the Lives of Two of My Children."— Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong— Tired and Ailing Women Take on the BLOOM of EARLIER YEARS. What will touch the mother heart more deeply than the illness of her little ones ? She may suffer much herself, and women are sorely afflicted with many ills, but she will endure all this, however often, without a murmur; but there can be no dis- guising her anxiety when the little ones of the home are stricken down with sickness. And how many puny children there are I We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp, but they are weaklings. Mothers, would you have your loved ones strong and healthy ? WouldJ you enjoy good health your- self our -self ? Then use South American Nervine Tonic ; there is no doubting its efficacious properties. Investigate from a scientific or a comtuon sense point of view, and you will find that has its start in e ,nearly all disease >, h nerve centres of the bode y The mission of South American nt o reach the nerve' on Nervine' lei Lr, r, C0 centres, ' whi ch are to the v7:"..'91-0 body Science has made perfectly clear that the troubles that affect the individual organs of the body, have their seat in these nerve centres, so, without any wasteful experimenting, South Amer- ican Nervine reaches out to the seat of the difficulty, and straightening out what is wrong there heals the whole body. Listen to what Mrs. H. Russell, Wingate, writes on this point : " I have used several bottles of South American Nervine Tonic,; and will say, 1 consider it the best medicine in the world. I believe, it saved the lives of two of my children. They were down, and nothing ap- peared to do them any good until I � procured this remedy. y It was very surprising hove rapidly both improved on its use. I don't allow myself to be without some of it in my house; I' recommend the medicine all .l m net hbn s,'r It will rl i 'l y � .� grant new life to all 'ho ar,e delicate;, whetheroun y , I;�iddltl•a ed : f; s t or old Do not wcyry along With ll health, ,a. b llt dispel it, and tiNigHtela your liven V What the mainspring of the watch is b7 the immediate use of South Are. - to every other part o£ the timepiece, icon Nervine. Agent "Motel, et lei L .11 l�rylesale'1 ,�, . D Sole "4V and I:tdtax g• o 1 l'1 :; 1. MCif.?A,11t11f1T)'' �, err Iofisa .