HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-2-7, Page 1VOL XXII. NO 20,
S. 1111D g CO.,
Count on this
Prices Shall be at least
•as low as anywhere
else in neighbor-
ing TOwns.
How much lower they may
be you will see when
you compare with
'prices elsewhere.
We have lately opened up
•our new stock of
and do •not hesitate in say-
ing that we never had during
the past such an elegant
asrtment at as low prices
-as we are now showing,
Call and see us before
Aaving your ord er elsewhere.
6\—,) guarantee a "penfeet fit
0-si no sale.
BRIEF9.-The veteriaary has been busy
Around here. Wm. -Taylor and Samuel
Horne each had a sick horse. One day
lately one of Thos Brook's horses slipped
while working ort the horse power and got
badly hurt, one of ita lege getting under
the tumbling rod -Joh il James Cornish
has reached the third happiest moment in
a man's life-it'e a boy. -A pleasant sur-
prise took place at the Epworth League
meeting on Friday evening, when Mr.
Baidnir was presented. with a beautiful
sobs and rug. Edward Avery read the
address and Weston Horne made the pres:
entation. During the time Mr. Barker
has been on this oircnit he has made
many friends who wished to thew that
they appreciated hie energy and the
interest he has taken in their welfare.
7 --
Somme Enrorm-The following is the
report of School Section No. 2 Stephen for
the month of January. -Sr. IV -Fred
Saurian! 532, Hettie Svseet 496, Henry
Beaver 380; -t -Jr. IV -Geo. Sanders 514,
Sid Sanders 513, Geo. Bagahaw 500, We.
ley Sanders 492. German Beaver 065; -
III -Sam Jory 578, Clara Stanlake 553.
Ida Joey 544, Lucy Sanders 490, Luther
Penhale 488; -II -Norah Sanders 863.
Arthur Sanders 825, Clinton Sweet 793,
HarlefBenders 721, Chas. Sanders 71];_
Pt. Il -Stella Penhale 767, Marshall Box
894; -Pt. I -Asa Penhaie 217, Roy
Parsons 191, Winnie Triebner 145, Fran Irie
Triebner 143, Honer Elagshaw 142. The
best ripener for the month, Herman Bag:
shave. W, B. BAGRILAW Teacher.
e lerinooe Rcrone.-The following is the
list of pupils in order of merit for month
of Jan. S. S. No. 12 Usborne,--V-Thos.
Morley -Sr. IV -Wm, Morley, Daisy
Brooks, Joseph KelIV, Henry Ogden, -Jr.
IV --Bertha Squire, Minnie Morley, John
Brock) Charlotte Morley, Alfred Brock;-.
Sr III -.Levine Brock, Beasie Morley.
Marahtill 'Brock, Nelson llodgron, Bertha
fltitherbyr-Jr. III -Eva .ellapp, Newton
3111180n, Ida Squire, Ethel Milleon;-Sie
IT -Nettie 13rooka, James Ogden; --Jr.
IL.Timothy McGee, Harvey Sutherbe,
Hooter Milburn, Nora McGee.
T, A. DUNCAN Teacher.
Rnutes.-The trustees have had a copy
, 'Webeter's International Dictionary
placed in the whom, and it is hoped that
the pupil e Will make good use of it in
improving their knowledge of the 'language.
--A number of harmers are preparing to,
pat foundations and stabling under their
buildings next summer. Does not look
like hard timests-Mr. Albert Gunning
threshed a field of Aleike Clover that
yielded ins bushels of steed per acre. Thas
will pay.-Mtra. Lingerd of Sarnia who
Us been visiting her pareete and friend'
returned home on Thurecilay lat.--An
'tree in the Trams "Local Heppaninge"
twoeveelie ego to the drool that lark
Gunning of war visiting it MC
P. Clark's, wairertevellstien to the People
item se they wee° not *were that Sam had
*grain Pined the bersediete. Weave inclined
to think there warn* raistitheioMeWheree-
nr, Cornish Wore * Mead, smile- lie Suns
tjay: MYS 0, new sings: /took the eredle
Mitherie ill one ofti
eralth tiestreyere.
ountstaate its dame1
thir ijiatrati.
0, lesits
-1.010ton' 404 boUdi
0 TT E1 0 0 :CT 1\1" ri Y" 0 0 IT 8
Yliddiesex County Notes,
- Wm Adams, of London, has a hen's •
egg which measures 71 inohee around,
The County Council has donated 6500
to Strathroy owing to the heavy cost
(Q1,600) incurred by the small pox epi•
A. farmer of Biddirlph township go
self into trouble the other day, in L
for selling water Beaked hay on the
ket. Tile Inspector is now on the
for law breakers,
A Delaware wan recently walked
groom y etore and helped himself to a
of cheese. Not likiug its flavor he
the cheese iuto the the. His false
adhered to and followed the cheese.
T. W. Hay, of Ailsa. Craig, le
Scotland last week with a load of 1
horses, for Graham Bros., St. Marys
took with him the stallena "Four L
which will make a season there this
The Qrieerfei Avenue Methodist oh
London was destroyed by fire on Sat
night last. This was the oldeet chur
the city. The Are originated at the fu
and before noticed the basement wa
Some of the Municipal warriors io
bill are now forced to eat crow.
onslaught against kir. .Miller before
election was rougloshod, but now he
the laugh by compelling hie eland
each to publish abject apologies i
t tarn,
into a
teeth. her recovery se not expected,
Russeldale. 1 M'Odemen. •• Exeter uPtele11.0 School. I
BMs. Contreetors have been
complaining of le back of building en..
terprise for the csonsing year, teat thie
locality is doing its share. J. 0. Bale
four is building a new barn, Thomas
Henson a new barn, Mrs. D. Brw
also a new bane, Robt. Royeart addle.
ion to bis , Alf. Roes a tow° brick bog
pen, Fred Netheroott a fine two story
brick house, with others to hear
from, --Mount Pleasant church are
holding their anniversary services and
tea on February 10th, 11 th and 12th.
A pleasant time is expected, --Mrs.
Magill, Thames road, is very ill, and
ft for Staffe.
6 fine
• He Elusive,- Mr. F. A. Hambly sea'ed
year. a life contract on Wednesday evening
last with Agnes, the ansiable daughter
ur,ell. of Mr. Kemp, -Dame rumor has it
urleaY that our popular "vet" is tired of
oh in single blessedness and is soon to
s strike for a change.- We are sorry to
hear thint Mrs. Jeffrey and S.
Webb were caned away owing to the
";;•(3 severe illness of their cousin last
week.-eliss Phelps gave recently m
tit ha es the Methodist church
nestere ors the
and seven new
A. very pretty wedding tci-01E-pit-me at ti773
reeidenee of Mrs: Middleton.lot 14, con. 6.
London tovsnehip on Wedneaday, Jan.
30th at 5 p. m., it being the marriage of
her youugest daughter, Maggie, to Mr, G.
W. Henshaw, of West Nissouri,
An old and highly esteemed citizen of
Parkhill, Mr. John Houston, merchant
tailor, died one day last week. Mr. Hous
ton was in fair health up to a few days ago
when he was laid up with puenrnonia, and
the announcement of his death ,was a
surprise to many even in the town and a
great shock to his many friends.
Notice is given that application-1,MM
made at the session of the legislature by
Messrs. James R. McPherson, F, Jarvis,
H. Acres and R. R. Smith, for an act to
incorporate the Delaware, Parkhill and
`afro Electric Railway Company which
will operate between Delaware. Komoka,
Poplar Hill, Fern Hill and Parkhill and
thence to Port Frankrrort Lake Huron.
„Merrily, merrily tolled thee knell that
markedahe daynshen Miss Mail Ann Me
Ray. daughter of Alm John MoKaY,
the 18th con., of 'East Williams!, • and Mr.
Hugh Roes, son of Mr, David Rose, of the
14th con., of the Name township, wore
made one on the evening of Wednesday,
Jan. 23rd„ at the residence of the bride's'
Tbe EI Middlesex- adjOiii-ad °craven -
tion, held at the Young Liberal rooms in
-London on Saturday afternoon was well
attended, and nominated Mr.John Gillson,
of London Township, to slowest the
Ruling against Mr. Joseph Marshall,
M. P., and Mr. Wm, McCready, the
Patron candidate. • Mr. George Taylor,
the defeated candidate was defeated by a
large vote in the convention. Mr. Gillson
is a farnser living on lot 15, of she Fourth
concession of London Township, and has
many friends in the Riding. Ile his a
stump speaker of ability.
At the meeting of the iffiddleees County
Council last week the salad -lea of County
officials were fixed as follows: -Warden,
$300; clerk, 8800; treasurer, 61,600, bridge
commissioner, $3.50 per day for actual
aeryieee, and $3.00 por year for extra
services rep. small bridges, janitor county
hnitclinge, 6500; keeper house of refuge,
8350; matron house of refuge, 6200, Re-
sistant, 6120 and engineer, 633.33S per
mouth: jailor county jail, 6750: first turn:
kev, $550; aecond turnkey, $450, third
turnkey $400; night watch at jail, 6400;
matron, $400; assistant, $300: surgeon,
6300; members of county council, $2 per
day and 10 cents mileage; county judge,
as a.nditor of criminal justice accounts!, 64
per day: other auditors of the same ac.
counts, $2 per day and mileage.
Tbe followirig are the officers of the
North Middlelent Farmer's Iestitute re:
cently elected at Coldstream; -President,
J. W. Johnstod, Sylvan; Vice Pres., D.
A. Brown, Lobo; Secy. Treas., S. P. Zay;
itz, Coldstream. Directors -Biddulph, C.
0. Elodgins and 'Robert Stanley; MeGil:
livray, Messrs, Drummond and Wilson;
West Williams, Peter Stewart and John
Patterson; East William!, David Watts's
and S. Milligan; Adelaide, Albert Brock
and Jae Henderson; Lobo, Dougaid Gra:
ham, Newton Gray; Stephen, Valentine
Ratz and.T Mollard; Parkhill, John Chin:
erre and John Grieve; Lucan, John Fox
and Jamem Stanley. Delegates to Central
institute, Toronto, Peter Stewart and
0, M. Sitnnsons,
The London Court Efouse was filed
Saturday morning ohiefly with farmers
from London township, vvhen the ease of
the Queen vs Georee Colbert was Iried.
Colbert is is, young farmer living on con.
15, of London, and owne a 150 Rem farm.
Early last spring, it &Imo, Colbert had a
money tratoastion with Albert Abray,
young homer living in the same neighbor-
hood. Abray did not meet the dabs, and
Colbert took three pigs from hint and sold
shear, claiming that Abray had given him
permiasion to do SO. Abray denied tide
and had Colnett arrested for stealing hogr.
The vritnesses for the orown numbered
about a dollen, and their evidence went to
'how that the Remised' bad not received
any each permiasion The defence pre
dirtied wthreises to prove the, vent oPee.
site. Colbert seas releaaed on auepended
Budisivirleax,sriatber ton Fobegn.
Not !many of our breedentehave Mitch
'confidence in bueltwiteit stew: as 01004 for
prize ,finliMele. Yet nitere beerier ttiotild
thrietWell tor becklarheat street *Ad. what
they (len 'Pink ell around the. hirn yard
11 iy.n Dtcles Dhow Pdrifkr, hotfoots* it
flews ‘0,2sa hdioth. 0604 enettite. priori
teen etillett: Try rot hoe 4,s '
the Stafl'a
an admirable
temperance question
members. Ores. Added ,
JOHN witurs tlenet
lentaltsnaisre and lesalreeeteles
JElelentell 1 1Ve
Feb, 13, at 7,30, an open mooting of are ors the Honor R,oll for Jennary:---,
DroSan• On 1VedeeerlaY evening. The f°11°wiPg P°PiI4 of Lett sch°91 Following *re themarket quotittions : I friends for
Pie Royal 1templarii of Sodom will be I lloom I -Senior Fifth -Russell Hick', Wheat 55 to 57
e puerpoisoenr.rf idlisecruessivvraign t be Frankk bt
Alee.Martin, ai
gor.v, Ida jams, :4(411: 38 to 40 ,
27 *o28
stereo: speakers oo. each side e'cor Junior Fitth--Ida Ferguson, Stella Pe" • • '• • • • • • • • 9 • • 4 52 to 55
rrehibnion are Wm,ter 43, Average for month Harm, John Gregory, Eddie leacrett, Victoria Begelman Hee .. 6,00 to 7,90
Carrick and Siete Stanlake,jr. Against AmeY Francis PI8/1 " reRi3" Peftel."'... t°14
Prohibition are C. -Prouty, Silas ,Stens 40. Bens . 15 to 15
lake and J. Sweet, J. LOCEILART,
°rand Bend.
Room H- Senior Fourth -Rhoda Hand:
ford, Harvey Dignan, Charlote Pette
son, Eferbert Ford, Ellen Brown, Ro
Jetr'or Fon:th-Clara Fanson, Li
Qaarin, Czar itoPire Mary Heidensa
i(ussell 3 eathcott. At • P ,well. No. on
oll 48 Average Ft) 4.141.R.S. VOSPER.
Room III -Senior Third-Lella Ross,
Revell Frayne. Violet Willie, May Arm:
trong, Bettie Ross, Lena, Hunkin.
Junior Mnir, Gilbert
Villiams, Edna Davidson'John Russell,
rerey Hardy, Nettie Walters No. on
oll 57. Average 47, A. E, dazooity.
Rome IV -Senior Third -Enos. Cud:
ore, Dan Rendle. Flossie Snell, Lorne
ann, Fred. Davidaon, Melville Howey.
Junior Third -Norman Hero, jessie
illespie, Mabel Rack Alfred Petterson
rank Tsqlor, Jessie Dow, No. on roll
1. Average 43. MAY GILL. .
R00111 V -Senior Second-Herbie Greg:
ry, Annie Hiedernan, Millie Martin,
jennie Murray.
Junior II -Winnie Howard Herbert
rA,r1.70,77 _RP.1.11)
Willie Murray. No. on roll 72. Averase
52. H. E. WALDRON.
Room VI -Senior Second -Artie Wood,
Harry Huston; Eddie Piper, Nina Carl-
ing, May Newton. .-
Junior Second -Ada Hedden, Lottie
Elliot, Veda Handford, Ethel Armstrong.
No on roll 69 Average 52. N. PRINOVC.
Room t'II-Senior Second --Millie
Braund, Jas. Towle; Percy Weetaaway,
Junior Second -Fred. Jeckell, Laura,
P4eroy Wood. No, on roll 70.
A. V. JEcerrx,
Wincki els e a.
Scnooe REPORT. -The following la a
correct report ofthe Mandl:re of the
pupils its S. S, No, 6, for the month of
January. The names are in .order of r
went :-Tunior department -in part
1 -May Delbriolge, Garnet Miners ; ar.
part I -Withert Elerdinaa, Enos Herd. 6
man jr. part 11--13ertie Cooper, Ida
Delbridge,,Mabel Sawyer; sr. part II -
Victoria eV ateln4h 131r tle Francis,
Milton, Sles mon ; sr, II -,- Linda r
Hunter, Edqa tiodbolt. Dora Delth
bridge, No. on 4011 33,. Average o
attendance 18.3. tesS'enior department-
s • ne.; • -
bolt I eslie Rob- Ta'i. III Li ly F
in Ill -John 1-1*.nane sr''
God -
Vail, Olive Hawkins, Ethel Brown ; 5
jr. IV -John Copeland, George Wil
cox ; sr. 1V--Wilij9nineohne Herman 0
se Barees.--111r. Thomas Falba arid
John, bis brother, of Parkhill, left
da here last Teesday •for Oratabrook,
where Mr. T. Ferns and Miss Mary
Kyle, Orrie Pees:, , . - See tth turn-
' bull:Winfred Copeland, Aggie:tre.uee:
N. on roll 45, s Average attendance
, ss,
35.2. -
_ .,..„
Joint A. GREGorr, Teachers.
Bitten. -Mr. W. Ward sold his 50
acre farm last week to Mr. Alf. Ross
for $2,400. -Mr. and Mrs. •riicCailum,
ot Si. Thorneslare yieiting at R. H.
Poneerors this week.- Mr. Thomas
Hanson was kicked on the leg by a
colt on Thursday and has been laid off
work for some days. -Mr. A. Rosa,
one oe Ful arton's progressive farmers,
baainvested Ins surplus cash in an-
other fifty acres In the it th conces-
sion.- Mr. Joseph McIntyre was sp•
pointed assessor for Fullerton triwnshlp
at the sitting of the council oz Mon
day. e The collector has not yet been
appointed, -Oa Wed n esd ay while
helping Mr. Wm. Baker to cut straw,
Wm. Balfour bad the misfortune to
get his foot caught in the horse power
and had several of his toes basely
1 • • II
BRIEFS. -Jae. Baker of manitoba, 18
visiting frionds in this vicinity. -Mr.
aogers, of Stratford, a former resident
of this place, is renewing old acquaint-
ances bere.-The qtiarteriy meeting
on Sunday vv is largely attended, and
the services were deeply spiritual. in
theincharacter. -The missionary 'an-
niversary will be held on Sunday next,
when R. Holmes, Esq., editor of the
New Era, and mayor of Clinton, will,
preach in the morning, and in the
evening a platform meeting will be
held to be addiessed by Messrs. R.
Holmes, Jas. Delgaty and the .Rev. W.
H. Butt. The people of Centralia are
loyal to the mission cause, and no
doubt the collections and contributions
to the fund will be creditable. --Mr.
W. Elliott, who attendedsthe Sabbath
School County Convention at Goderich
last week, gave a graphic report to the
Sunday School on Sunday afternoon,
and several gored pointers were made
for the benefit of the off:1mm and
the teachers. ---Rev. W. a. Butt, :Jas.
Delgaty and S. Davis have gone as
delegates to the dtstrict meeting of
the R. T. of f. which is being held at
Hohnesville this week. -Your eor-
respondent made a flying visiterecently
to Kippen, Brucefield and Clinton but
was glad to get back to this southern
climate, where they have not half the
snow drifts and pitch hetes they
have its those northern regions, "Be
11 ever so hurable there's no place like
BRIEFS.- Rev. Braund of Zurich, hag
beeo helping Rev. Litt with the revive
el meetings, -Muss Emma Teatnan who
has been working for Walter Clarke at
the Royal hotel fear the past few years
has left. We understand she intends
going to London to work. -Miss Mar-
tin of Bright, who has been yisiting
Mrs. G Morlook, has returned home.
-Quite it number of our eitizen,s are
putting be me this winter. The qual-
ity is excellent. -The K. 0.1'. M. are
going to have an oyster supper on the
14th inst -Mr. Jos. Hahn has bought
Mr. Jacob Ratzer house. We under-
stand he interade reeving into town in
the near tubule -MneMargaret Brown
rs on the sick list. We understend
she is itaproving ecene„-There (lied
in Shipka On Snnday last Miss Heitz.
man, aged 9,1 years. The funeral took
place to the Crediton cemetere on
ruesday last.- The boys and girls ore
masking nee ot tho good skating we
Are haling. ---On priturclay last as " Mr,
Wm. WitZ01 WAS tifinving ice hie gorse
broke flit -bush. They lied quite A
time getting it out of the river --A
tied of Iteformere front this township
went to Craig to the Retorter Coneen-
ion held at that place on Tuesday
est. -Miss Wilion of Dryoodele, was
O town on Tueidiey 'Orating Mies Rite.
trnest Bairthoft has benght no.
Istthis Waite. house, -The Sandal,
8011601 Convention of tins cites* soh
held xn•the Methodist thstreh h
Wedneadel ltito
• &stove therestree
• V 4; .4
BRIEFS .-Mr. Wm. Elliott attended
the County Orange meeting In Exeter
on Tueaday,-Mesers, Wm. and Jas.
Ferguson were in Godench on Tues.
day. - Council met on Monday 41h
inst., Jelin Ferguson wag appointed
Coustable and John Vinsiddon Treas-
urer for the year, -The fishermen are
busily engaged this viitreir putting in
their ice :for summer USe.--IVI:SS Came
of the Bronson line la stbe guest o
Mrs. Dr, Stanbury .at present --The
official board of the Methodist church
met on Monday the 4th that , and it
unanimous invitation was extended
the Rev- Mr. 0 ipluint to remain an-
other year. --Miss EllzaGemeron, mien
htte been. Visiting on Brussels the past
twoweeks, returned home, accompan-
ied by miss Annie Beattie, who is
Visiting at Mr.and Mrs.Chas Stewart's.
- Miss Florence England, of Kin-
cardine, idvisiting her suster, Mrs. al
W. Erwin. ---Mr. and Mrs. Rusk, of
Goderich, spent Sunday with their
daughter, Mrs. E. It. Swarts at the
River hotel. -Miss Annie Erwin arms I
ed home froru London last week. --
Miss Mary Kennedy of' Exeter spent
Sunday here visiting her sistere at the
River Hotee-MiGibson of Toronto, '
Is the guest of Mrs. Dr. Stanbury.--
" e lereperance Crusaders, Miss
and Messrs. Rhinos are at present
holding meetings in the Presbyterian
and Methodist churches here. Good
crowds in attendance.- Tire ladies
connected with the Methodist church
ilitend holding a social at the resid-
ence of Mr. Geo. Erwin on f hureday
eve., the 14111 inst. A gool program
18 beieg prepared -The S. A. officers
farewelltsd here on Sunday to a large I le
audience. -Mr. Jos, Snots, ot London 1"
was In town Monday and Tuesday.
The Orange, Young Britons intend
holding it grand bail and supper in
the near future.
Perth County Note.
Mrs. Carr of St: Marys slipped on the
rogohrt thhi,
epother day and deslocated her
J. W. Dale of Mitch&t who recently
made an- assignment, has secured 'the
atock and will resume business.
At the ennual meeting of the Blensbard
Fireinsurance, Co., 'Sievers AloVannell,
Veen, and Switzer were re elected directors,
Mr. Sanderson, re elected president,Mr. G.
B. Webster, Vice president, and P. S.
Armstrong, aecy tress. Mr. Wm. Webster
was appointed steatn engine InsPector.
The property cf the defunct North
American Mill 13uilding Company, of
Stratford was sold by auction last week to
W. fi, Thompson, of Jackson, Mich., who
porsiilelerpevalidve. the business. $7,000 sy-aa the
The Stratford Turf Association have
made some alight changes in their program
for June 11. 12 and 13. Tue 2.27 trottine
stake for 6800 is changed to a 2.25 atake,
e conditious and amount remaining the
same and the 2.21 trot is changed to 2 20
e feends of Mrs. B. Rosenbargo met
at her home in Blanchard to bid her fare-
well before her departure to her new home
in the Northwest, An address was read
by ex reeve Anderson after which Mr P.
Rosenhaago was presented with a puree
containing 825.
&Mrs. -Mrs. 0. F. McPherson, of
Dolphin, Manitoba, spent a few claya
visiting friends and relatives In this
OBITUARY. -Death has called another
of the honored pioneers of the town-
ship of Stephen. Mrs. John Under-
wood, last Wednesday evening, was
called to meet her Judge in her 72nd
year. Deceased had been suffating
for seven:it months from dropsy and
heart dieeese. See leaves a husband,
one son, and four daughters to mourn
her demiae. Her remains were follow-
ed to their last testing' place on
Friday last. Rev, 8. A. Carnere con
ducted the funeral eernaon. The
bereaved family have the heartfelt
sympathy of the community. •
A CLOSE GAM -0o Wednesday Jan,
30111, 11/1r, T. A. Maybury called on
our merchant. Mr. W. J. Wilma's, and eie
renevred his , iniurance, and dated it et
for February Ist ; and said (in doing
so) to Mr. Wilson : "-Now, you =et wo
be careful for one day,'' and Mr. peo
Wilson remarked : "Oh, I have a good km
sat e building, and am careful all the of.
time." On Friday, 31s1 ulto it neigh. pro
bor was tamoking in the store, and I M
dosted the ashes of hie pipe into a last
box of ireeselust used as it spittoon. In yea
the everting W A, Wilson noticed the visas
atteadteat smoking, end took the bex 22n
out tind threw snow in, and ire he anil
thought, drowned the fire. The next
naerningeer Wilson went to the ois^y'e
ilibeet one hour earlier than Usual,
found the store full of strottko, and , fain
examination the bon of sawdust Woe
on fire atid a bele Wait through the -
floor into the cellar, and the fire -
burning teal bright. In it skirt time
the smell pipe Wesuld bevel destroyed a
leases' etoeik of good$ and it new brick
Witilding. We advise all to keo their
elseOpOrta Well insured ,overy dey, r
Geo. Hendee of Si, Marys baii aced the
orae Duke of Argyle, No. 7660, one of the
eat breeders that ever stood in the vicinity
of St Marva He also ehipped in the same
car the standard bred trotting stallion
Edgerly. No, 4425, Mr. Hendrie claims
that good horses in any class are sening
as well as ever, as ho has just refused
three hundred dollars for a yearling filly
sired by Wildbrino 2.18e, half brother
to Gladstone 2 28e, the horse he sold to
the Parkhill Trotting Horse Company for
the price of 81,600.
Stare's Powders, each peerage of which
coutaine two preparations, one in a round
wooden box, the cover of which forms a
measute for one dose, an immediate relief
for Costiveness, Sick Headache and Stom-
aoh, also Nenreigia and all kinds of ner-
veils pains,, and etnotherin capsules, (from
to of one ie an ordinary deice) which
acts on the Bewels. Liver and Stomach,
forming a never failing perfect treatment
for all Head and Stomach complaints.
They do not, as most pille and so many
other medicines do,lose their effects or
produce after constipation, they are nice
to take. 2Co: it box at all medicine deal-
Huron County Notes
A ion of Mr. Samuel MoLinchey, of
phen died last week, from inflammation
the lunge.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ie known by its
rka. The experience of half it century
-es that leo other preparanion of the
d stops coughing and allays Irritation
the throat and broached tubes tio
mptly and effectually as this.. •
r. Edward Roach of anaillop died
week, at the eirly ego of thirty-four
re. Deceased had been hearty and
roue and enjoyed poled health mina
ult., when he was taken suddenly ill
after it few lours eieknese dada. Heart
ase was suppose'] to be the , mum of
alike meat proprietary medicinee, the
Oa of Dr. J. 0, Ayer'i Saraaperifia
other preparatione are cheerfulle Rent
ey phyriiman who applies Re' them.
poire..t..tbeipeoiti irtvor reminded theta
wir?dVelrair reelediee by tho
Wor s mete.
Mr. Joist; Murray, of con. 6. West Wits
woneits, Huron County, *so found deo
a bed on Tooday Dowelled, who bit']
attornsd front Dialed& eels IWO weeks
Ates 641141,in e'its for Wier/
re eas Ind itelstri llhetre On the es0100
rOs • ov. si APS Jr
If **VAR Yetrais
Blair were united in tlae bonds of
matrimony. They were married at 11
a. ns. on Wednesday anti in the after. -
noon took the train, for home which
they reached Abdul ten p m. "A
reception party was waiting for, them
at their home and after the usual con-
gratulations exteedad to the couple,
all sat aown ton wetPfilled table. The
bride:was dresised yery tastefully and,
11 is needless to say, the groom looked
splendid.--IVire. Dunlop and her bus.'
band attended her brother is wedding
and is looking well. They left for
home on Saturday, -The weather is
terribly cold,
Beines.-Yfr. Wm Typue has been
eiected president of the Epworth
League, Miss Annie Merrel having
resigned, -A notorious being was
brought up, or rather brought down,
before P. McKay last week for killing
game out of seation, being caught rn
the act. The culprit was a large
horned Owl, and killed a large num.
ber of rabbits before being destroyed.
-Mr Roland and Kate Kennedy were
visiting in Wingham and vicinity last
week. They say the snow is much
deeper there than here,-Inest week
Mr T. Nicholls and Woa Boa had it
lively time with A to under a straw
stack, Mier it hard fight Mr. fox
surrendered—eq. lacTaggart. of thie
town, hes gone to Detroit on a visit to
bis son, 'Dr Z. MoTaggart. Ile is
accompanied by his nephew, Lorne
Mr„D1Vo1ITER.?4 Cram.
Mre. George L, Hicke7G McGill St.,
Termites Ont., writes:- "It is with pleas-
ure that 1 testify to the wonderful merits
of X. D. C. My daughter has suffered
severely at intervals for the past two
years and was steadily getting worse.
She tried three of the best doctors in the
city, but obtained no relief, also every
remedy that friends would recommend
with the same results and continued to
grow worse all the time. She was recom-
mended by a friend to try K. D. 0. and
sent for a sample package. Before taking
all ofilthe eemple the symptoms of dyspep-
sia were gone, and since elle has taken
only one $1 package the Symptoms have
not returned. She has also 'gained con-
siderably in rreight, and her friends are
surprised at tbe change in her appearance.
If any preen in Toronto suffering from
the Barrie disease would like to call on me,
I could tell them more fully what K• D. C.
litre done for my daughter,"
Neglected colds cause coughs, throat
troubles, bronchitis, and consumption.
OLIF plany
•,ptieir Jcind
(luring tlie
year, and
of their
for the
mutual •
Aa)::rio sLtsflti.,:rilyft
ID,. N
0 protiperertS
tatC:11::tly'll'it'Is$11dekoa:1110111)11::zeYts' ''' 4
good begin --
tang by
..., ... 1- 1
rit Winch Will
3:) bring happi-
Bil ness to
ID yourselves
and cheer
Co) to flee
!II xecepient. .
Usnorne council,
Council met on the 2nd inst. All
the membera were present. The mn-.
utes of last session vrere read and ap-
The following communications were
reed and filed :-Dr.Thompson, resig-
nation as WEI .0. ,'petition from Single
Tax Association re local option in
taxation ; letter from Clerk of Hay re
ditch on boundary.
Gardioer-Keddy---Tliat the resign
Dation of Dr. Thompson as ele H. 0.
be accepted, and the by-law appoint.
mg hire to said office be repealed. --
Hunter-Delbriclge,That M. Bout.
ly, J. Hazelvvood,R Ken:Wye-Ct.-Rook,
T. Passmore, S. Campbell, W Gil- ,e
Mien anct R. Hunter be appointed
Delbridge--- Gardiner - That the
account of Dr. Thompson as M. .ET,,
0. be not accepted, but instead, he
be tendered $3 being per diem allow-
ed by motion of Council, and also the
sum of $2 for M, H. Officer's report. --
The auditor' report was Then pre-
Keddy-Hunter-That the auditors'
report be adopted and 150 copiee
printed for distribution, and that the
auditors' be paid $5 eacb.--Carried.
Keddy-Hunter-That Thos. Coates
be paid $70, being salary for 1824. -
Hunter-Keddy-That by-law No.
1, 1805, as now read a third time be
adopted, --Carried.
On motion of 11,T, Keddy seconded
by J. Hunter, the council adjourned
to meet again Saturday, April 6th, at .
1 o'clock p. m. -
G. W. Hornier's', Clerk,
I Body Rested, Mind at Beate.
These troubles can only be cured by the That ie what it ia when trarelling on the
prompt tue of' Norway Pine Syrup, the faat trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
beet throat and lung rernedy in the world. St. Pard Railwey; hesidee there is no
At Spriugfield, Mass., on Saturday) chaege to "kick," for the accommodations
Officer Deveres,u shot Officer Fenton itt th
Holyoke police station, killing him instant-
ly, and then shot himself, dying immed-
iately. No reason is asaigned.
They make ono feel as tbough life Was
worth living. Take one of Carter's Little
Liver Pills after eating, it will reheve dys
pepsia, aid digeation, give tone and vigor
to the System,
The heasy snowfall throughout Great
Britain is afforditur•protection fo the home
wheat -crop, bat it bee greatly affected the
deliveries of foreign supplies, and this,
together with the unsettled situation in
America-, ha a resulted in slackening busi-
nese and in making °ester priciest.
It ia amid that a few day. ago a gentle-
man of Clinton, who had 81,300 on deposit
al one of the banks there at 4 per eerie,
wtthdrew it, and deposited it at Binh,
where he was to receive 6 per cent. A few
days afterwarda the 'Myth bank closed ite
doors and he will lixely lose a portion of it
in the settlement
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke
Your Life Away
le the truthful, atartling title of a book
about No -To -Bee. the harmlese, guaran•
teed tobecoo habit cure that breeeei up
nicotinized nerves; eliminator the nicotine
poison, Makes weak men gain etrength,
vigor and manhood. You run no physical
or financial risk, as No -To -Bac is aold
tinder guarantee to eine or noway refund,
ed. Book free. Ad, Sterling Remedy
Co., 371, St. Piaui Si., Montreal
AIR; RURRAII.,FOlt Caitana.
hiteteht for Diamond Dyes,
So honest, fret *MI pure;
Eturreh for dye* the indite miter!
Greed coloti thet endere,
No other Make with them tturnpate,
hterse noted with so much eerie: •
They Work With wondero everywhere,
ibey never fail to 0.0011*.
Irtilitt for IIMMIAtittd DOM,
'.1l aImg»' '
are up to date, the trains keep moving
right along and get there on tone. These
lines thoroughly cover the territory between
Chicago, La Crosse, Si. Paul, Minneapolis,
Aberdeen. Mitchell, Sioux Fails, Sioux
City. Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha and
Northern Michigan, All the principal
eitiee and towns in that territory are
reached by the "St. Paul" Rees, connect -
lug at S. Pad, Colima Bluffand Omens
with all linen for pints in the far west.
Write to A. T: Taylor, Canadian Paseenger
Agent, 87 York Street, Toronto, Ono. for
one of their new map time tables and it
breohute giving it deecription of the
Compartment Sleeping Cars Tickets
furnished by any coupon tickel agent in
the United States „.and Canada The
finest dining care in the wenn are run on
the solid yestibuled, electrie lighted and
steam heated trains of the Chicago,
Milwaukee es St. Paul Railway.
Deporting a Teacher.
A special to Pioneer PressfroteGrand
Forks, N. D., says :- Early in Decem-
ber the Minto School Board engaged
Prof. Alexander McConnell, of Toron-
to, Canada, as principal of the public
schools there. When the latter arrived
to take charge of the schools he applied
to County Superintendent `Woods for
the required certificate Of examination.
The Superintendent declined to grant
the certificate, on thegrotind that his
employment was an infraction of the
alien enntract leve. McConnell atibe
sequently took a State •exernination,
and receive'] it State certificate, but it
protest was made hy Minto people, end
the shatter was refereed to the authori-
tiee at Washington. Wedneeday Me-
Conn011 was arrested by ImPaigettili
Inepeetor tveford on a werrant iosued
by' the Secretary et the TreatiOry, re-
quiring the deportation of tlot to
teacher to the country tont, '11
Agree and ho Weer 'II
eaniahien border 1th • g• =
boatload quit