The Exeter Times, 1895-1-31, Page 8et B sleets
Il:tc., t+'•tc.
And the prices are the:lowest.
Kindly call and inspect: then.
j. RI G G y
mils for
eters of Huron County Council
eco drew from the County for the
e suuary session the modest sem of $850.
There are 51 members who are allowed $3
per day and mileage one way.
Mrs Nicholas Beayer of the 4th eon.
Stephen died on Tuesday of last week
after a few weeks illness the result of
confinement. She was 42 years ufage and
leaves a husband and 8 small children to
mourn a serious loss.
The Middlesex County Council of 1894
drew$1.671.91 from the treasury. The 48
members were allowed $2 per day and
mileage one way. Three sessions of five
days each were held. The average amount
received by each counoiilor was $35.
It is understood that the Governor.
General, in ilea of a subscription to the
Thompson memorial fund, has offered to
defray the cost of the further education of
Str Jobn Thompson's two sons until they
i an® t di! i !lave both been admitted to the bar.
1 3
° At Sret meeting of the year the
Stephethen and Usborne sgrtoultnral Society
Vil appointed A, G Dyer, soy; the grounds to
be rented by auction on 2nd March; no
spring above wilt be held this year; fall
fejt, to be held first Monday and Tuesday
4Stoo" Tek ' Over. following Western fair
Great Clearing Sale of Win-
ter Goods now on.
5 only, Geats Fur Coats, 1 only,
Ladie's Fur Coat, .extra quality; 1 only,
Grey Lttnb Cape; 3 only, Goat Robes;
about 20 Ladies and Gents. Ful Caps;
several Fur Muffs; 40 Sealere Caps;
about 100 Ladies Jackets; 50 Melt's
Overcoats, 23 Boy's Overcoats, and 15
pair of blankets. Go they must
and go they will: Sacrifice and
.slaughter is the or.ler from head-
quarters. All winter goods must ge.
No Reserve. Come quick for the
Biggest Bargamg you have ever been
offered. We found while stocktaking
nearly a thousand remnants. They are
now for sale. Don't blame us if you
don't get some of the plunder.
We can tell you something about
sugar if you drop in. There is every
prospect of a sudden change in price.
Buy quick if you want the inside price.
We have it for you.
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
readers woutd,when making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in THE LIMES.
NOTICE—All business announcements
.hfotioes of ISablis msetings, entertainments
eauction sales, etc., appearing in there local
aolumna4Pfll be ahereed fur at the rate of five
cents per lino each insertion. Clack heading
to count as three tines. ()ash with order save
o persons having open accounts. To insure
oharrt. of edverrrsements in current issue copy
menthe handedinto oboe on Tuesday.
Trivitt .Memorial Ch,
4th Sunday after Epiphany, Feb. 3rd, 1885.
11 A. ai. Wisdom and Underatand'ng.
7 p. U. The Digtity of Service.
Special Mucic.
Magnifioat Service W. H. Hunt
Anthem Hark, Hark my Soul
The firemen and citizens were called
out on Monday, evening about nine
o'clock by the sound of the fire alarm.
The scene was Jamas H. Grieve's tailor
shop adjoining Senior's Photo Studio.
Before sufficient aid had arrived the
interior of the building was all ablaze,
end but little of the stook could be save
ed, the machines, patterns, etc., being
destroyed. By the strenuous cffurtsot
the firemen the fire was confined to the
building and checked before it had
made an outward appearance to any
extent; the interior, 'however, being
destroyed beyond repair. The buildiug
was owned by Mir . Wm. Grigg and in.
sured for $400, while the stock and
other contents were insured for 81,000
in the 'tLancanshire.' Mr. Grieve will
resume business atonce,
Read R.Nf'owe's change of advertise
anent in anob:ner column. He has a fol
13b0Oir on hand. -
The entire public subscription to aid.
the 20,000 men out of work h Montrea+
amounts to $1,150, nob enough to give
the unemployed. a dime each.
Mr. James Fax, the popular singes,
who has lisen confineded in L
hospital with ediaTl pox since Dec. 8,
is completely
recovered, and will leave
the institution on Feb. 2. Dr. Sheard
states that Mr. Fax is fit i:o mingle with
the public now, but in order" to make
asstsrartee doubter sure the, doctor is
keeping hien isolated an extra wetk,
The Ladies.' Aide of; James St, : Church
held a social at the parsonage on Wed-
nesday evening last. Tea was served from
• 6 to 8 o'clock p. m., and a musical and
literary program provided. There was a
large attendance, principally of ladies, and
a pleasant evening was spent,
Mr. Alfred Taylor, of this place, was
married, on Wednesday last, to Miss Ida,
daughter of Mr. Wm. Bell, Hensel!,
Rev. Mr. Henderson tied the knot in the
presence of a number of invited guests.
The newly married couple will take up
their residence here on Station street.
The recent snow storm was one of ..the
most severe of the season and continued
for six days. Trains were delayed on all
railways, while the concession roads were
filled level with the fences and blockaded
until yesterday, when traffic for the moat
part was renewed: The thermoneter also
dipped low: in fact we experienced a
genuine old time winter storm.
Adjutant Knowlton, of the Grano
Army of the Republic in Toronto,bas been
officially notified from Washington that
the act debarring non-residents, not
citizens of the United States, from pension
for service in the American civil war has
beet. repealed. The repeal of the act wilt
be the means of placing a large namber of
Canadians upon the peusion roll of the
United States.
Tbe Seaforth Sun has been awarded the
CountyPr•inting. It will now be in order
for the Clinton papera to howl about the
starvation prices at which it was taken.
The News' Record who was one of the
tender adrieers, thought better of hie
remarks against the TIMES last year, and
was this year found among the '•crazy"
printers who teneereri ` a'• starvation,'
prioze for the County printing.
'Ihe Annum meeting of the Ref.,rm
Association of South Huron as eonstttuted
for Dominion purposes took place at
Brucefield on Friday. There was a fair
attendance, considering the state of the
roans, whica in many ea -ea were almost
impassable. Mr. A. Mustard. Brucefield,
was elected president: James Snell, Le,ndea-
boro, vice-president: Tho ruse Fres, r,
Brucefield, secretary; Mr. Geo. Walker,
Tu ere smith, treasurer. The candidatnre
of John MoM Ilan, M. P., was endo,eed.
The many friends of Mrs. Samuel
Madge of Usborno will regret to learn of
her enddcn death on Friday last, at the
see of4l years. Deceased bad been ill
but a short time and alrhoueh recovered
from a trying illness incidents to confine-
ment, she was seized with a serious
affection of the beart, which latter trouble
was the cause of her death. She was a
daughter of Mrs Gibson of the Thames
Road, and leaves a husband and a large
fa • ily of eneeb children to mourn the lose
of au affectionate wife and mother.
The first carnival of the season was
bald at the rink, on Wednesday evening
last, and was well attended, both by
skaters in costume and spectators.
Since the skating season commenced the
toe has been in good condition, and the
manager, Mr. A Spicer, baa done all in
his power to contribute to the comfort and
pleasure of those attending: The following
were the prize winners+ at the carnival :—
mile and half race, Ed. Treble, W. Brown:
tag; boy's race, Chae Hyndman; barrel
race. Hiltons issett, John Snell; gent's
comic costume, Jelin Tapp, Percy Brown:
ing: ladies' fancy dress, Mrs. Ed. Treble,
Ida Newton; heat lady skater, Edith
Miller, Elsie McCallum.
The anniversary eerviee and tea meeting
in conneetion with the Thames Road
Preshytwrian church will be held on
Feoruery 10th and lith. Tbe Sunday
ervice will be conducted by the Rev, W.
J. Clark, of London, Mr. Clark is one of
the most eloquent and able of Canada's.
divin:s, and those who fail to hear, him
will miss a rare treat, A brilliant array
of speakers are expected un Monday nipht,
viz: Rev. Mr, Claret, of London: Rev.- Mr.
Stewart, of Clinton; Ilev. Mr. fleuder.on,
of Hensall, nod the neighboring ministers..
Judging fratn the great preparationa that
are being made, we predict that this one
willbe the brat occasion ever held in the
Thames Road ohntch. -'A +tooial will also
he held on Tumidity night, for which an
ezeellent programme is beinplatranged.
, l trustees
,... hall yesterday,
b of the illegal election some
vein ago. The attendance was very
meagre, only comprising those more
directly interested. Mr. M Eacrett
occupied the chair, and received the
following nominations in the order
gie en, :—
Mover, seconder. Candidate.
R. Terry
T. Gregory
W. Bawden
Dr. Lutz
Jno Dignan
J. Matheson
Jas. Tom T. Fitton
J, Matheson .Dr Browning
Jno Taylor Dr Lutz
S, Martin E S .Howard
F . Gill S. Martie '
S. Martin Jos, Senior
When the fourth nomination had
been made it was moved by John
Taylor, sec. by W . Bawden, that the
trustees of 1894, Dr. Lutz, T. Fitton
and E. S Howard be re-elected by ac-
clamation. This was ruled out of
order by Mesars.Gregory and Matheson,
the supporters of Dr. Browning, who
refused to withdrew- their candidate. The
other nominations were then made, and
at the close of the'hour a poll was de-
manded by Mr. T. Gregory, to be open-
ed it the town hall, on k eb'y 6th, at
10 o'clock a. m., and closed ab 5 p. m.
Mr. Senior requests us to state em-
phatically, that he is not in the field,
and would ask the ratepayers to govern
themselves accordingly.
Mr. Thos. Dunsford and wife of Mar-
lette, Mioh., are visiting at Mr, Theo
13kssett'e, sr.—Mr. Wm. Thomas, of Lon•
• don South visited relatives in town on
Monday.—Mrs. Thos. Allan, ot Winnipeg,
is the guest of Mra. M. A, Faneon,
William st.—Mr, Wm. Cottell and wife
have returned to town from. Iowa, where
they have been for the past fourteen
years. They will remain in Exeter, Mr.
Cottell going into business here.—Mr.
Chas. Perkins went to London on Monday
to hear General Booth,—afr. Hogarth has
purchased the right for several townships
for the sale of the McGill tree protector. —
Misr; Ida Eacrett has returned to her home
in Sarnia after a p eaeant visit with friends
here.—Mr. A. Brewer, of Parkhill, was in
town on .tfonday.—Mr Wm Grigg at St
Thomas was summoned tb Exeter this
week on account of the serious illness of his
father, Mr Wm Grigg, Sr., who contracted
a serious poli on the night of the fire,—
Mr Broderick has returned to town after
spending a few weeks in Toronto.—A
number of our citizens were in Goderich
Tuesday for examination in connection
with the will case of l+'anaon vs Fansonf
T. D. Finlay, ofS Thomas will be
in Exeter on. Thursday and Friday to
purchase heavy horses from five to
eight years old.
Messrs. Muir & Manning were in
Landon and Toronto last week buying
goods for their store in Kirktor.. They
open out there on the 8th ot February.
We have received aninteresting letter
from our o'd friend, Mr. John Mc-
Callum, who is spending the winter in
Florida, which will appear next week.
R. G. Me0osh, son of Rev. R. Mc -
Cosh, formerly of Winghatn, has been
promoted to the position of cashier in
the Canadian Bank of Commerce at
Willie, the 12 -year old son of James
Schofield, of Forest, had lits nose broken
by an unexpected blow dealt by William
Stephenson, at the depot there on
Wednesday afternoon.
A meeting of the Liberal Association
of North Middlesex has been called for
Tuesday, Feb. 5th, at the Town Hall,
Ailsa Craig, for the purpose of selecting
a candidate for the Commons.
James Creech, Road Commissioner,
wishes through THE TIsIas to warn all
persons leaving their gates open, that
he will not be responsible for any that
are broken by the snow plow,
The following efficere of the P. P. A.
have been elected : President, Mr.
Busby, Owen Sound; Vice President,
Alex Darr, Forest; Treasurer, Dr.
Ovens, Parkhill; Secretary, Jackson
The Dominion Cabinet Ministers who
are making a tour of this section of
country will address a meeting at
Crediton shortly, and one in Exeter,
it is expected. Dates will be given in
due time.
Mr. P. Bawden, druggist, Ridgetown,
is the possessor of a "genuine freak of
nature, in the form of a lamb, with one
head, two distinct bodies, eight legs and
two tails. The parts are fully develop-
ed and life like.
Mr, Isaac Carling. an esteemed citizen'
of Exeter, who liaa been an invalid for
the past decade, is slowly sinking, and
his death is expected at any moment,
His family have been summoned to–
gether, and on Tuesday his brother,
Sir John Carling visited his' bedside.
Tho friends of Mr. 13arker pro'
balmier of elle Elimvillo Circuit of
the Methodist Church, mob at the re-
sidence of Mr. Cann, sr., one evening
last week and presented him, on behalf,
of the Bethatiy congregation, with a fur
coat and pair of mitts besides a purse
ofr oney. The presentation was made
by Messrs. Thos, Cann and Wm. Millar,
whilew address ddress
tl as read by Miss
Louisa Williams. The ceremony over,
the largo assemblage sat down to a
sumptuous repast prepared by the
ladies; and altogether a pleasant; titne
was spent.
al Councih
at the town hall,
th, 1895. All present.
of the previous meeting
proved.—..A. communication
N D Hurdon, re taxes. Tho
reply —A communication from
Bess, re town clock, filed for future
Carling Harding — Orders : Jas
Creech $95, balance of salary 1894 ; do
$2, rent of burying ground for animals ;
do $1.25, meals to tramps ; do $1.25,
postage; S Handford $16, snow plough-
ing ; Alf Sheere $1, shovelling snow ;
Jas Creech $11. charity to Mrs Sutton ;
do $3, to Mrs Bartram ; do $5, wood
for town hallo—Carried.
Tho chief engineer of Fire Company
requested rubber coats. Moved by J
W Taylor seconded by W • Treble, that
the chief engineer order 6 coats os
Complaint was made that one of the
fire engines was used for private pur-
poses without authority: It was moved
by Carling and Treble, that the fire
engines and apparatus be under the
control of the chief engineer when not
in actual use of the firemen.—Oarried.
Taylor—Harding—That by law No.
4, 1895, duly read be passed.—Carried.
Applications for the office of assessor
were received from G J3 Bissatt, Jas
Beer and .A Deavitt. On motion of
Carling and Harding, G H Bissett was
re -appointed.
Applications for road commissioner
from Thos. Bissett, Jr.,and Jas.Creech.
On motion of Treble and Carling, Jas
Creebh.was re -appointed.
Harding—Carling—That Capt. Kemp
be offered the same terms as last year,
with the understanding that his duties
be performed to the satisfaction of the
council.— Carried.
Carling—Treble —That M. Eacrett be
appointed clerk. —Carried.
Carling—Treble—That S Sanders be
re -appointed treasurer.—Carried.
Taylor—Treble that the assessor's
salary be $40 per annum. --Carried.
Carling— Treble — That the road
commissioner's salary be $365 per
Carling—Treble — That the clerk's
salary be $100 per annum. Amend-
ment to J W Taylor that the clerk's
salary be $90. Not seconded. The
motion was declared carried.
Carling—Harding — That the treas-
urer's salary be $40 per annum.—
Carried .
J. Creech to see to the cases of T
Dave and Mrs Pipet, and purchase ten
cords of wood for town hall.
Harding—Treble—That the council
adjourn until Friday, the 8th Feb.,
at 7.30 p• m.—Carried:
M. EACRETT, Clerk.
Mr Dan'! Wood is on the sick list
with inflammation of the stomach.
While lifting iron the other day, W
H Moncur injured his back and is con-
fined to his room.
The publishers of the G -rip have dis-
continued that journal, and Canada is
again without a humorous paper.,
John Hendershott, of Middlemarch,
has mortgaged his property and raised
$$1,000 for the defence of himself and
Welter in the murder trial.
The corporation snow plow was un-
equal to the task of cleaning the side-
walks since the greet storm of last week
and in many places the walks had to be
made passable with shovels.
The annual meeting of the Huron
District Council Royal Template of
Temperance will be held in Holmes-
yille, on Tuesday, February 5, 1895.
All councils are requested to send a full
January is the month of bargains in
dry geode. Everywhere the pasteboard
signs of reduction greet the busy throng
of shoppers. Bargains can be found in
everything, from hats to silk stockings.
The shopkeepers and pasteboard sighs
tell one that all things are selling fo
one-third of their vane. Ona thing is
sure—she who is in need of a jacket
can buy it very cheaply.
A young man named Schwartzfrom
near St. Thomas was taken with email
pox at the Guelph Agricultural College
a few days ago and has created quite a
consternation there. Schwartz was
taking the short 'term creamery and
butter course, and all the butter made
in the factory during the week previous
to the breaking out of his iliness and
for several days afterwill be destroyed.
Schwartz is supposed to have,contract-
ed the disease in St. Thomas from a
Detroit patient who had stopped in the
same hotel.
Miss Lizzie McLean; 13 years of age,
daughter of Captain McLean, of Gode•
rich, was given one cent the 22nd of
January, 1894, With this"" she first
made pen -wipers, getting small pieces
of bright cloth at home, then iron Ito d.
ere, grocers' aprons, grandmother .pen.
wipers, taffy, sachet bags, paper owls,
toilet plats, oto„ etc., and µ'so maple
cream, chocolate and cocoanut candy,
and on the 17th of November, 1894,
had earned the sum of $25 as profits
from her sales, which aggregated $40,
thus earning $25 in less than 10 months
from one cent. „ This money was earned
for and donated to Knox Church Mc-
Gillieray Mission Band, Goderich. Now,
then, 'little folks,. -and older ones, too,
for that matter.—who can beab this 1
London, Jan, 30.—A despatch to the
Exchange Telegraph from Lowestoft,
forty miles from Ipswich, says that the
North Gerniitn Lloyd steamship Elbe
has been run down off that place, and
that only nineteen persons out of 850
were saved. Tho Elbe foundered. No
particulars are obtainable at present,
& soy
Have just opened up
several large consignments
of New Goods. All of which
were bought for spot cash.
Customers will get the
benefit of small prices.
New Prints,
We have thF,m in all
the correct colors, shades,
patterns and designs and
the cloth is the best made
by Crombe, being 52 inches
wide, Every piece is 'guar-
anteed perfectly fast by the
makers. They are going
fast. If you intend buying
a Print Dress see our stock
at once. --
Boots &
• We have just passed in
to stock a large consignment
of Boots & Shoes. We
bought them from a factory
in Montreal at our own fig-
ures. We can save you 258
on Boots & Shoes. Ask to
see them°.
Are you in need of a
Suit or Overcoat ? We can
save you big money on
either. We have purchased
a very large stock of Tweeds
&c. at Iess than mill prices.
You are =Nelcome to inspect.
our stock.
We are clearing all Fur
Goods, Overcoats, Mantles,
Underclothing; &c,, &o,r re.
y ,
gardless of cost,
It'will pay you to
`buy o. 777 of
Are usually niade to take effect this month. Would it
not be a good idea to resolve that you, will save money
by dealing with CARLING BROS. (luring 1895,
Those w%o traded dere in 1894
have no big dry goods bills to
pay now.
We Will Announce
A Special Stocktaking Sale, Watch this sale for money -
saving chances, visit the store often, lots of lines we neve•
advertise, because there's not enough of them, ,but they
might be the very ones you -want.
We Draw Business. with a chain of big values. Every
link in the chain is' unbreakable. Try its strength.
Ailsa Craig. . .
Conservative Association of North Middle:
sex met at Ailsa Uraig Tuesday to elect
officersfor the present year and to nominate
a candidata to contest the riding at the
corning Dominion elections, Not in the
history ot the association has such a large
and enthusiastic meeting been known. All
the old Conservative stand bys aeknow;
ledge this fact,and realiziug'tbe diflicultine
that have arisen during the peat two years,
they have fully aroused to the necessity of
working harmonioualy together, The
meeting was characteristic of the old tim
enthusiasm displayed in the flays of Sir
John Macdonald, and it will be a miracle
if the Conservative candidate re not
sustained by a large majority. Every
constituency was fully represented and
interested outsiders crowded the hall to it,,
utmost capacity. The meeting was called
to order at 2 p. m„ and Mr. John Fox as
the president, J, W. Orme as secretary, B.
Stanley as treasurer were re elected;
Henry Eilber, of Crediton, was the newly
elected vice president- The following
conveners were elected for the different
municipalities;—W D Stanley. Biddul, h:
Dr R 1l n , Fxeter; H E Iter, Stephen; Ja
Marr, McGillivray; E F Stephenson. 1'a e.
hill; Robt Robson, Ailsa Craig; E Melligan
W Williams; M Chisholm, E William-;
Chas Stanley, Lucan; A Gray, Lobo; A
MoAvoy, Adelaide After the election of
officers, a resolution of regret on the death
of Sir John Thompson,moved by W DStar
ley, of Granton, seconded by T L Rogers
Parkhill, was read and carried un animona ly
Nominations were then taekn• and as is al.
ways the case, a number were as follows
nominated for the purpose of giving them
a chance to air their views politically,
They one and all adopted the Conservative
platform and pledgedthemselves tosupport
whoever got the nomination: W H Hutch:
ihs, ill P, Parkhill; H Eilbtr, Creditinn; L
H Dickson. Exeter; Dr Rollios,Exeter; C C
Hodgine, Baddulph; John Fox, Lucan. Al.
with the exception of three wished to have
their names withd awn. This lett W 11
Hutchins, Henry Either and C 0 Hodins
in the field, A vote by ballot was take',
and Mr Hutchins was declared the oandi;
datoon the first ballot and afterward wa
made the unanimous choice. The meeting
then broke up with cheers for Mr Hutchin•,
Sir Mackenzie Bowell, Mr Matter, and
the Queen.
6VHoorlNa Ccuog.
For Whooping Coueh and all throat of
fecdons, chest troubles, etc., Uagyard's
Yerlow Oil is the best embrocation ever
discovered. It promptly relieves inflam-
mation, pain and sores from whatev, r
cause arising. -
After la Grippe obstinate coughs, lung
trouble, etc., frequently follow, There is
no remedy so prompt, and at the same
time effectual and pleasant, as Milburn's
Ood Livei• Oil Emulsion with -Wild Cber.y
and Hypophospsitos, which to the latest
and best combination of anti.coneumptive
remedies. PRICE 50c. and $1.00 per bot-
tle. -
London, Jan. 29.—The decision of
the Privy Council in the Manitoba
school question was announced this'
inorning, allowing the appeal of the
Manitoba Catholics without costs.
Tho undersigned takes this means of return-
ing thanks to the Lanoanahire Fire Insurance
u'ttrtipany for their promp 1 settfS,nent of my
them on policy 4.0o7 -26d, in the loss sustained
by fire on Mooday evening- last. Also thank
their agent, Capt. Geo.lfsmp, f or the courtesies
J� 11. GaIBVE:
• The subscriber would respectively thank
the members of Exeter Fire company an tbo
citizens generally for tho hearty assistance
given in saving my goods from deatruetiou by
fire on'Monday night last,
J. 11. Gxarttva,
The undersigned takes this means returning
thanks to the firemen and general public for
the strenuousefforts put forth to save my pro -
eerier from destruction On the occasion of
Monday evening's Ste.
Josgpit SMxtlta
liiteotion Petition for the Electoral Dis-
trict of South Huron, in which David
Mill is the Petitioner and M, Y,
McLean is the letpondont.
Notice is hereby given that atilt above Petit• has on the TWENTY klINTII DAY OF
I AN tJ't tty, 1891, todgou at the oftco o f
the Registrar of he domet
of ef Appea notice
rl t
f n a ria ton
o a t to withdraw r '
p w thu o t' u
t tr son o
the followfnggrounds, natnely,_that ho;has net
And lto
notice that any person who might
have been apeti loner in respect of the said
slowest may within ton days front the P1U.�b-
lleation of i,his notice give spstiee to the . Regk-
lsrrar of the Court of Appeal 30 writing" of hie
intention on the hearing to applyfor leitt'e td
bo substituted ae'a petitioner,
JOHN T. 0101e8014,
lloturntne Officer,
Hon. Mr. Harty and Dr. Smythe were.
nominated at Kingston for the bye-elee-
tion for the Ontario Legislature, which
takes place on Tuesday.
John McHugh, a well-known Maidstone
township farmer, aged about450 years, was
killed at the M.C.E. crossing on Monday,
while driving home from Essex.
A rumor was circulated in Paris that Me
Henri Rochefort had been murdered.
Great excitement prevailed until the report
was authoritatively. contradicted,
The French transatlantic line of steam- .
- ships is about to build two ocean grey
hounds, to be named the Alsace and the
Lorraine. They will cost $4,000,000
It is reported in Ottawa that the Govern-
or-General has offered to defray the ex-
xpenses of educating the two sons of Sir
John Thompson, who are studying law in
An application for separation was made
in the Superior Court at Montreal by
Dame Marie Antoinette Clara Lafleur,
second daughter of Jean Baptiste Lafleur.
Her husband is Rodolphe Brunet, a
Edmund 0. Quigley, of Quigley & Tut-
tle, dealers in municipal bonds, Wall
street, New York, has been arrested,
charged with forgery.. He confessed, The
Mercantile National Bank will, it is said,
lose $50,000. -
In a speech at Manchester, Arthur Bal-
four, the Opposition leader, denounced the.
Indian import duties on cotton. The only
settlement of India's financial troubles,
he said, would be found in the rs�ailjust-
ment of her currency.
The statement of the .Commercial Bank
of Newfoundland shows liabilities of2,011;
000 and assets of $1,458,000, less preferences
of $416,000 to the savings bank. It is
thought the assets will pay 48 or 50"cents
on the dollar. z
JiIiI11I) \ 1 .
Clearing Sale
of Winter
Fur Coats.
Fur and Imitation Caps,
Fur Capes and Sets;
Sleigh " Robes in the
large size,: $6.00 to $6.50.
,These goods are worth
e 9 to $10 n any regular
store in Oatiada.
Overcoats for Men and
Felt Boots,
Pelt elt Soy. and Rubbers,
and anything thin and every.
thing in the store belonging
to the ; Winter Season to
be cleared outt any price
to ardless of profit and