The Exeter Times, 1895-1-31, Page 4TzER EXBITRE TiM The Maisons Bank \.KlItalitTORED BY PA.ItInAMENT, ISA Peldua Capitol - - $2,900.000 Beet Mel - -- - 1,000,000 Had, Office, Itiontreel. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS,Ese., Ginsinitax, alsteraeina 'Money advanced to good farmers on their �'n note withone or more endorser at 7 per cent pet annum. Exeter 13romeb. °Ten every lawtal day, from a.m, to pen SATURDAYS, 10 a.m, to 1 p, m. f airrent rates at interest allowed. on deposit E. E. WARD, Manager. Estabiished in i877 S, O'NEIL 5 BANICER, EXETER, ----- Transacte a generalbanking businese. Receivea the Accounts of Menhants an fhb era on favorable terms. Offere every aticommodation consistent with sof° and conservative banking prinoiples. Interest allowed on deposits. Draft e issued payable at any office o the derehantaBank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, and MONEY oN NOTES and MoUTGAGES. ONT Oatf but*, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1895. Protection and Pork. Tlae Conservatiye Government, in 1890, in pursuance of its policy of de- veloping home industries, having found . that the pork duties were insufficient for the purpose intended -that is, • securing the Canadian home naarket for the Canadian hog raiser -increased the duties on barrelled pork from 1 cent a pound to le cents a pound, and on smoked and cured meats and hams from 2 cents a pound to 3 centa a pound. The effect was aeen at once. Thete was an immediate a decline in the quantity of barrelled pork and hams, bacon, lard, etc,, imported, and a large increase. in the quantity exported. In 1890 there was imported. for consump- tion into Canada the following quan- tities end values of hog products :- Quantity. Value. Rork, lbs 17,185,794 $ 832,358 Bacon and hams lbs • . 4,353,653 324,927 Lard, ;bs 4,881,786 301,006 26,421,263 $1,458.286 In 1893, after the duty had three years to show its effoets, the imports for consumption were as follows :- Quantity. Value. Pork, lbs 3,826,546 $ 272,460 Bacon and hams, lbs 670 115 76,008 Lard, lbs 146,885 12,620 4,679,486 $361,0,88 The exports of hog products, on the • other hand, show a large increase. Here axe figures for 1890 :- Pork, lbs 238,889 $ 14-,281 Bacon, lbs 7,235,336 607,495 Hams, Ibs 254,746 23,584 In 1893 the ing figures 't - Pork, lbs.... Bacon, lbs Hams, lbs... 7,730,971 $645,360 exports show the follow - 903,022 $ 81,893 .. 17,288,311 1,830,368 • . 903,022 81,945 19,094,335 $1,994,214 That is to say, three years after the Canadian farmer was given adequate protection; the import of hog products Mt° the country declined to less than one-fifth of its former quantity, and the exports grew to three times their old volume. The Montreal Board of Trade dealer- -al in 1868 that the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States had started the Canadian cheese factory industry, and given the Can- adian trader an opportunity to ship his goods to England.. So, in 1893, it is seen that the imposition or a sufficient proteative duty on hog products gave the Canadian farmer encouragement bhat enabled him to shut off foreign competition and extend the market for his products in foreign countries to a very marked extent. The returns of the Ontario Bureau of 1nduatries show that the number of hogs kept by Ontario farmers increased from 835,469 to 1,142,133 in 1894. Protection pays the farmer as well as the citizen. Prices in other Lands. Good horses can be had in the United States at from $1 to $15 per head. Cattle are a drug in many of the States. Corn has sold for 16 cents a bushel last year. Wheat, bought in the States back from large centres, as low as 25e and 30c per bushel hot fall. • In Australia wheat is 24 cents a bushel. Though prices are low in Canada for what the farmer sells they are higher than in any othet producing coutery ; and what he buys is cheaper. Therefore, in no land is the purchas- ing power of a dollar so great as in Canada. • A GanAT 13ATTLE, coutinually Aciing on in the human system. The demon of impare blood etrivea to gain victory over the coxistittit- ion, to raft& healthte drag viotims to the grave. Hood's Sareeparbla in the were on with whioh to deiced one's alt, drive the dasperate etemy from the fled, and restore bodily heath for many yew. Hood's Pills cure ne.usea, etc:knew', bide. gostion eta biitousness. 25e. Take le, la. O. far heartburn* and is uv efornaell. lioW it Worlefe. As the poptiettion of the cities in- creaee, the prism of feral produce goes ue, and the oompetition of city indus- tries miasee. the price of manufactures to go down. In 1861, the population of Montreal Wae 90,000. The price a butter in October, as quoted in the local papers, was, for good, 12 cents to:14 cents ; for ordinary, 9 cents to 10 mute. The price of white refined sugar was 11 cents to 12 cents, In 1894 thepopulation of Montreal was in the neighborhood of 295,000. The price of butter in October, as quoted itt the locat papers, uras, for good, 20 mute to 21 cents; for ordinary, 16 to 17 cents. The price of white re- fined sever is 41 cents to 4e cents. As the city has grown, the pnce of butter has gone up 80 per cent., and the price of sneer has fallen 65 per cent. In 1861 Canada had a tariff for rev- enue ; in 1894 it has a tariff for protect- ion. The same state of affairs is shown by comparison with triore recent dates under free trade, In 1878 g sugar sold at 9e to 9a cents at 9 cents to 16 cent In 1878 th ter woul a butter • Ise of a pound of but- uy trom one to two pounds gar. In 1894 it would buy from 4 to 5 pounds. The same comparison holds good in regard to the pieces of cotton goods. These have fallen so much that the money that evoold buy only one yard under the free trade tariff for revenue of 1878, will now buy two or more yards. NOTES AND COMMEN TS The highest price obtained for On- tario creamery butter in '94 was twenty- four and the lowest a little over twenty- three cents. The cost cf manufacture was three and a half to four cents. Even after a liberal gllowance is made for the value of the milk used it would seem as if there shou'd be profit in the enterprise. x x11 There are 325. cheese factories in the district within the jurisdiction ot the Dairymen's Association of Western Ontario and about°, 152,000 cows are drawn upon for the milk supplied to these factories. In 1893, the product of each cow, on an average, yielded a little over .1334, and in some cases as high as $65 was obtained from one animal. x x In his speech at the annual meeting of the Canada Landed and National Investment Company, President Blaikie remarked on the steady decrease in the rate of interest. He said there could be no doubt that the day of high rates of interest is gone, never to return, and investors must make up their minds that 5 per cent per annum is now the maximum return that can be looked for when coupled with undoubted secur- ity. As mnney is the tool of traders, few will regret that the high interest stage has been passed, x x x What a great relief it must have been to Sir Oliver Rowan when the collet decided that the provinces had not the power to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. [Sir Oliver, while not posing particularly as a great constibutional lawyer, has been wonder- fully successful iu all his •contentions, and must tow feel like shaking hands with himself when he remembees the promises made to the country that he would go just as far in passing prohib- itory measures as the law would per- mit. The matter will now be forced upon the notice of the Dominion. Gov- ernment. Neither political party will take it up, however, and it will remain an =settled question for years. In the meantime, the temperance sentim- ent is gradually spreading and what was considered all right in the drinking customs years ago would not be toter. ated in society to -day. A unique newspaper banquet took place Saturday evening at the Walker House, Toronto, when the staffs of the Globe and Empire dined together The Globe has been printed in the Empire office ever since the destruction of its premises by fire on January 6th, and this banquet was in tee words of the mean card intended to mik the hospitality extended by the Empire to the Globe after that disaster. her. Robert Jeffrey presided, and 150 gnests were present, including Sir Frank Smith, W. R. Brock, Hon, Geo. W. Ross, Josh. Tait, W. B. Molgurrieb, Barlow Cumber- land, 1). Oxeiglatoo an others. A feature of the evening was the presentation to Mr. Oreightan as manager of the Empire with a handsome marble clock from the Globe staff in recognition of his kindress during their stay in bis office. Body Rested, Mind at Ease. That is what it is when travelling on the fast trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & it. Para Raawny; besides there is no change to "kick," for the accommodations ate up to date, the trains keep moving right along and get there on time, These lines thoroughly cover the territory between Chicago, La Crosse, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Aberdeen. Mitchell, Sioux Falls, Sioux City. Yankton, Council Bluff's, Omaha and Northern Michigan. All the principal cities find towns in, that territory ere reached by the "fit. Paul"' lines, connect- ing at St. Pal, Council Bluffs and Ornate with all lines for pints in the far west Writo to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paseenger Agent, 87 York Street, Toronto, Ont.. for erre of their new map time tebles add a brochme giving a description of the tenripertment Sleepily Cars Tickets furtosbed by any anima ticket agent in the United States end Canada The Linea dining oars in the worin are run oii the solid veetibtiled, electric lighted and steam heated trains of the Chicago, !Milwaukee de $t. Paul Railway. - aurOta °Manatee 001.1flog. --- The Connell met on TuesdaY, all the members present except reeves MeMurelly, of Clinton, and Malloy, of Colborne, both of whom are ill, The following nominations were made for the wardenship ;- 13, S. Cook, of Howiek, by Messrs, Kay and. MeIlvain. I IVIePherson, of Turnberry, by Messrs Motwen tial Young. The vote stood 24 to 25 infavor of Mr McPherson whowasdeclaxed elected, and duly sworn in by judge Toms. The new warden briefly thanked his friendsfor the honor done him, and asked the support of tell the Council in the discharge of his duties. Mr. Cook also expressed his appreciation of the support he hacl yeeeived, een.. gratulated the Council on the choice it had made, and promised his hearty support to the new -warden. He announced that this would positive- ly be his last year ix). the County Council. Clarkson, e, Standey.e--eretx ed on the school t Mee • GET TIllt BEST. The public are too intelligent to pure aerie a weithlees article a awned time, en the coettrary they want the beet! Physic, • fang are virtually unanimoue in fraying Scott's Temuleion is the best form of Cod Liver Oil, s, Seatorth, vvere appoint- oard of Examiners of erEPHEN. ehers. The newly elected all present, and ay and Bennewis noinin- having signed the necessary papers being read Messrs. Kay and Turn bull moved that the claim of John Knox be not paid. Report of Executive,. That $10 be granted for flowers around the Court House. That Messrs, •Jordan --be appointed Collegiate Institute trus- tees. That $15 be granted 'to each Me- thank:a' Institute. That $10 be granted to Prisoner's Aid Society, That $25 be granted to the West Huron Teachers': Association. The tender of T. G. Neelancls for iterriug being the lowest be accep- • That $S,000 be granted for boundary lines. That 8300 be divided among the several agricultural and horticultural Societies, That J, C. McDonald be nomina- ted as a candidate to the agricultural College, Guelph. „reeeee, Municipal Councils. ed . . , as Counry auditor, and Messrs. Ratz and c took their respective seats. Kirkby nominated Wm. Coates, and ., Resolved tbat the following officers on a standing vote the latter was de- be re.appointed and at eame salaries Oared. elected. as last year, viz :wee C. Prouty, Clerk; -"" On motion of Messrs. Ratz and C. Brown, Treaiiiele J. Guanian, As Strachan, P- Holt and Win. Lane seasor; L. Walper and W. Stevehs, were appointed on the •Board of Auditors. Criminal Audit for 1895. Moved by R, Hicks seconded by j. On motion of Messrs. Eilber and Ratz a bylaw for the appointment of officers and the general management of the House of Industry and Indus- trial farm was laid on the table for the consideration of the Council, and referred to building committee. The council th.eu adjourned until 10 o'clock Wednesday. SEOGeen Lee.r-evgneemeDAY. The Council re -assembled. The selecting committee submitted the following as the list of standing Com- mittees, which was adopted :- Executive -Messrs. Ratz, Mooney, Metwart, Kerr, Cook, McDonald, Sanders, McCallum and Cox --9 mem- bers. •Finance -Messrs. Either, Sperling, Stewart, Sotheron. Holt, Carling, Hislop, Watson and Girviu-9 mem- bers. Equalization - Messrs. Shepherd, Strachan, Evans, Sherritt, McIlveen, Graham, N. H. Young, Cruikshank and Kennedy. -9 members. • Road an.d Bridge -Messrs. Gibson, Bennewis, Erred, Keddy, Geiger, Brigham, Kickley, McKay and. Pat- terson. -9 members. Education - Messrs. McMurclaie, Kay, A. Young, Churchill, Holmes, R. Turnbull land Burns. -7 members. County Property. --Messrs. Rirkby, Gunn McKenzie, Malloy, J- Turn- bull, McLean and Brown. -7 mem- bers. Warden's Committee. - Messrs. Kay, Kerr, Cox, R. Turnbaill and Girvin.-5 members. Special Coinmittee-Messrs. Holt, Mooney, Sanders, N. H. Young and McEwan.-5 members. A motion by Messrs. Stewart and. Gunn to make the usual rant of $15 to each Mechanic's Institute in the county, and a motion by Messrs. McLean and Holt to expend $10 in flowers around the Court House,both went to the Executive committee. olt and On motion of gessrs. H McDonald it resolution of sympathy with reeves McMurchie and Malloy in. their illness was passed, and Clerk instructed to send. a. copy to the till 10 gentlemen named. Council then. adjourned ao'clock Thursday. TIIIRD Council resumed. The following matters were refer- red to the Education committee :- 1. Request from J. A. McDonald, St. Helens, to be nominated as County student at the Ontario Agricultural College; 2. A letter from J. E. Tom, I. P, S. re centres for holding school examinations, and 3, a peeition from trustees of Bayfield school to have that place named as a centre. The clerk was instructed to pro- cure a copy of the OntarioeStatutes for each reeve and deputy. P. Holt, George McEwan and 1V, H, Kerr- were appointed on the house of refuge committee itt the place of those members dropped out at the late election. Motions to establish exeinin.ation centres at the following places were referred to Education committee, viz :-St. Helens, Blyth, Kintail, Grand Bend and Fordwich. A motiori thatBannockburn bridge in Stanley remain under county jur- isdiction until rebuilt was referred to Road and Bridge committee. Messrs. Cox and Gibson moved that two valuators be appointed under the Municipal Act for valuing the real and personal property with- in the County as a basis for equaliz- ation. Referre.d to Executive come mittee, The House of Refuge committee was instructed to advertise for tend- ers for the erection of suitable farm buildings, also, to receive same and. award contracts so as to have these buildings completed at the same time as the house. ' A motion by Messrs. Carling and Cook to raise hawkers and. peddlers licenses to $50 was lost. • Sherritt that the printing be awarded Turns Offiee, being lowest, and alter passing following orders council ad- journed to meet agaiu first leonday iu March, at 10 o'clock itt the forenoon. Orders :-Mrs. 'Newcombe, $7,04; W, Eagleson, $8; W. H. Haler, dog tax refunded, $1; T. Golen, dog tax, $1; J. Young, lumber, $6; C. Kuhn, tile, $2.34; Brown & Preeter, lock, nails, $1,65; R Armstrong, rep to culvert, 62:50: W. Elueston, gravel, $2; C. H. Wilson, com S B, $2; J, Walker, 75c; T. Sbapton, mem, $4,62; 8. Webb, grader work, $14.1. Sherritt, grader, $11; H. Sbank, diteib, $6.50; T. Carrell, dog tax, $1; J. McLean, error, tax lot 9, con 14, $7.50; J. Eit- her & Son, clothes for Sampson, $5; C. Stacy, gravel, $3; T. Cary, ditch, con. 12, $2; 0. Brown, express charges 55o; Jos Lawson, bat bridge, $17; S. Stanlake, lumber'$40.12; A. Raise use of abed, $2; it. Harris, $7: Eli Stela ditch across road, $2; C. Fink - heftier, C R, 75o; J. Geiser, ditch across road, $2, The assessor yeas instructed to send to .Elay Councie.amounts collected re Han Swamp Drain and J. Hartman award. C, PROUTY, Clerk. 8 p. m, the Council met pawsuant to adjournment. The Warden in chair. On motion. of Messrs. Southeron and Young, Myth, St. Helens, Kin - tail, Bayfield Fordwich and Grand. Bend were selected as pointsfor hold- ing entrance examinations, On motion Messrs. McDonald and Brigham, Inspectors Tom and Robb were instructed to make up and de- liver to the County Clerk before the first day of the June meeting of the Council, a statement in detail show- ing the amount :of salary, expenses, presiding; .at examinations, examin- jog candidates papers, either for high or public schools, and all other moneys received by.each. or either of them froni any and every source by virtue of the said officers during the •years 1803 and 1894, The. Warden nominated John 'Bur- gess,Clerk of Ttirnberry, as County Auditor Friday Council rnet at 10 a. 111. the Wardell presiding, can et encoLeetable dog tax..--Ottrried, Ori the Finance connnittee's report Keddy -blunter-That the aeoeunt of la W floimau for election expenees amounting to $34,05 be paid. -Carried. eeardiner-flunter - That .Albert Andrew be paid $2 for sheep killed by dogs, beiug two thirds value,-Cerried. refunded $8, being error in roadwork, _10C:drdicycl-Huntere--That Spicer be . 13 1 'I Gardiner-a-II:eddy- Tat a by.law be drafted confirating the appointment of the Municipal officers at the eateries tamed. -Carried. Hunter -Gardiner -- The Council adjourned to meet again Saturday February 2nd, at 1 o'clock p. m. G. W. Etolareer, Clerk. . S. -The Se Tre s„ of each 8. S. in the townshi a please comply with Sea. 40, sub- o. 10 P. S. sot by sending to the er the names and addresses of tr tees nd teachers for the current y r. G. W, H. STANLEY. Stanley Council met atellee.-eme,ena tTlikeeticIrarna; members ell present, the reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting read and signed. The tollowing officers were then appointed ; J T Cairns, Clerk; John Tough, assessor, John Reid, treasurer; Wilson Cook, caretaker of hall; Geo Baird and Peter Campbell, auditors 3 J McKenna, tovvreihip engineer; salaries same as last year. Board of Health, Reeve, Clerk, Messrs T Fraser, John Johnston, and John Manson, Tbe following gravel ac- counts were paid; 8 MoICenzie, $9.50; E Glen, $6,16, John Alexander, $6; A Couch, $3,60; Mrs A1cDougr11, $5.04; Ransford, $2.40; A' Whittingham. $1.44; Mr Watts, $3,30. J T Garrow, of Goderich, was appointed townsbip solicitor for this year. The following accounts were paid ; - Municipal World, printing, $9.78,-.1 T Cairn, ex• press, 40 cis; F G Neelin, printing, 629.70, Wm Carnie was refunded $1 ring tax; John Chapman was paid $10 Tor keeping Malcolm MoGreggor, inaigent, in full to date: The council empowered the Reeve and Deputy Reeve to defend slut of Mrs lielliday against township. The treaaurer was paid $5 for posting financial state- ments and other extra work Council adjourned to meet Feb. 18th at I o'clock. J T. CAIRNS, Clerk. TUCRE11S3IITH. usecntere. The Council tor 1895 met at the Town Hall, tlimville, pursuant to statute on the e1st inst. The followinggentlemen baying been duly elected made and subscrib- ed the declaration's of qualification and office betore the Clerk, and took their seats at the Council Board, viz ;- .Thos M Kay, Esq., R1steeve; oasis. J Hunter W Xeddy, W Delbridge and R Gardi. ner, Councillors. The following app'ications for office were laid on the table, viz -W Stewart, Collectorship; W Miners, Assessorship. The following tenders were also laid on the table, viz :- Printing, Exeter TOMEI, Peterboro Weekly Times, Exeter Advocate; Clerkship, F. Morley, $75; D Hay, $70. The minutes of last meeting of Council were read. , Gardiner-Xeddy-That the motion in minutes of last council, relating to deed of land from W Quinton be amended by adding the words "free froni all encumbrances" after the word "deed" in said motion. -Carried • The minutes were amended accord- ingly and signed by the Reeve. Gardiner -Hunter -That the Exeter Tains teeder fel the usual amount • of printing required for the Township of Usborne for the current year Le accepted being lo wean -Carried. Keddy-Hunter-Tbat the salaries be the same as last year, viz : - Clerk, $100; Treasurer, $70; Assessor, $50; Collector, 650: Caretaker, $5. - Carried. Gardiner-Delbridge- In ameud- moot, that the salaries be as follows: Clerk, $60, Treasurer, $60; Assessor, $50; Collector, $50. -Lost. Hunter-Xeddy-That G W Holman be appointed Township Clerk for the current year.--0arriel. Delbridge- Gardiner - ln amend- ment, that F Motley be Clerk, -Lost. Delbridge-Gardiner- That Thos Coate e be treasurer for the current year, and that he furnish bonds to the amount of $12,000. -Carried. Keddy,-Hunter-That Wm Miners be appointed assessor for the •current year. -Carried. • Hunter--Keddy- That A. Duncan be the Collector of taxesefor 1895 and that he furnish bonds to the amount of $12,000. -Carried. Keddy- Hunter -That Wm A. Turn - ball be auditor for the current year and that the auditors eneet to audit the accounts on Wednesdey the 30th inst,. at 9 o'clook a. me -Carried. The Reeve appointed Mr. 'Henry Brown as the other auditor. Delbridge- Gardiner That the Board of Health be composed of the Reeve, Clerk, Messrs. L Hunter, D eleInnie and 0 Monteith at $1,50 per day t that Dr Ferguson be Medical Health Officer at $3 a day, and J C Tufts Sanitary Inspector at $1,50 per day when ou duty,- Carried. Bun ter --Del bridge -That W Reddy be appointed deputy reeve for 1895, -Carried. un ter-Kedsly-T b at the following be appointed fence viewers, viz :-J Coupland, A Co e, P Moir, R Del - bridge, 0 Sweitzer and 0 Coates. - Carried. Hunter-Keddy-That T. Veal be caretaker for 1895, -Carried. - Gardiner- Delbridge - That the Colleetoras Roll be aocepted, the Col- lector's bond cencelIed and an order issued for hie saletry.-Carried. Keddy-Hunter- That 3 Millard* j Hawkins, end 14 Deleridge be re. funded $1 each dog tax .and A DIAll, The gentlemen elected as members of the council board for the current year met at Brucefield on Monday, January 2Ist, as directed by statute, and each having masa) and subscribed the necessary declarations of quali- fication and of office, they entered up- on their duties. Messrs Wm Elliott and R Hioks were re -appointed auditors; Messrs D McIntosh, Jacob McGee and John Latta, together with the reeve and clerk, were appointed a local Board of Health. Mr Wm Chesney was re -appointed assessor at a dreary of $80. The clerk was in- structed to notify Wm Bubolz, owner of lot 1], con 4, to lower a rail fence owned by him, and which stands on the side of the Kippen road,. so that it will not cause the snow US accumu• late on the road and impede public traffic. Council to meet again 4th February. man. Jas. taTir. BIBDULPII, January 22nd, 1895. The new council met pursuant to statutes. Present : C. C. Hodgins, reeye ; A. K. Hodgins, deputy -reeve ; Geo. West. .eTaosuohreery,,s;and John Abbott, coun- cilEicarceh. member made and subsoribed tbe declaration of office and qualification: The council appointed Mr. P. Breen, and the reeve appointed Thee H. Cooley, auditors for the year. Jeremiah Lewis was appointed assessor, and G. W. Hodaine, collector. Mae. Foster, D. Heenan, Wellington Hodgins and tbe Reeve and Clerk, a Board of Dlar.caHlth. Lang was appointed Medical Health Officer and Chas. Foster, &lottery bond was read and stands approved. By-law No. 1 of 1895, appointing muni- cipal officers was duly passed. Several accounts were paesed. The council adjournedeto meet again on Monday,eFebruary 4th, at 10 a. m. W. D, STANLEY, Clerk. erearsuann • The council eleot tnet at the township hall, according to statute, and having subscribed to the oatb of office and declar- ation of office, the followingaeotlemen took Beate at the board Daniel Sinclair, reeve : Robert Berry, dep. reeve, and Messrs. Ullyot, Fothernybam and Dins- more, counoillora. The following applications were reedy - ed for the several offices :-For olerk, J. H. Jammu% ; collector, P. S. Armstrong. A. Brethour and Wm. Cade; asseaser, Edward Kennedy, James Morrison and C. W. Robinson ; treasurer, Robert Beatty ; caretaker, Thomas Pierson. J. H. Jameson was appointed clerk ; Win. Cade, collector E.Kennedy,assessor; Robt Beatty, treasurer : Thomas Pierson, caretaker, and W. F. Sanderson, auditor. Tbe reeve appointed Captain John Campbell as his auditor. The council then resolved Ralf into committee of the whole for consideration of officers' salaries The 'committee rose and reported as follows Clerk'o salary, $100 • oolleotor'e, 676 ; assessor's $60 ; treasurerea 1165 ; caretaker's, $24 : auditors each $8.00 ; selectors of jurors mob, $4. Councillors 62 per day whilst attending council board and $1•50 per day whilst acting in cap- acity of road commissioners and no mile- age. • Collector's time for return of roll was exteneed till first day of Febreary. Mr. Geo. Murphy again addressed the council asking to be allowed to beanie a ratepever of Union S. S No 13, Manshard and LTsborne'thereby severing his con- neottob with S. S S. No, 3. The board • after considering the matter resolved not to into: fere in the breakirg up of bound- aries of 8, Ssotiona, but in order to be fair with Mr. 'Murphy, would appoint an arbitrator in the mister if \Ir. Murphy veaa still inclined to refer the tetatter to arbitration. Mr. Murphy eaid that if the matter driild not he oettled otherwin he Would insiot ten it being arbitrated elem. 'Mr. W. F. Sandoratn waa appointed its arbitsator for the township in the Murphy sae 1 erbitration. The reeve stated that a Complaint had been lodged with him by Mr. Iletineeey in reference to the keeping of a yloieue dog by one Ellah at or near the G. T. ley, junoteM antrary to the bylaws of mute. • ielpality, A daughter of Mr, Henneeey bad been severely bitten by the dog, He would therefore commend, Ur, 3011ah to kill the dog and that the olerk notify Mr. Ellah accordingly. • The tolbswing orders were 'granted t -- Theo, Peiracie $2, part salary J. Belem. esoli 118, postage, $10, registration, 1154; °lotion expenses and deputy retarning officers' fees ; Allen Stevens $3.47, gravel : Ruth Ritchie 07, charity ; Mrs. Mason, 115.20 gravel W. le., MaeLeod $18.40, balance printing for year ; Geo. Buckle 04, ditching base line ; Samuel 2atton $2, tile across road. Council edjourned till first Monday in February at 10 a. m. You Don't Have to Swear off. -- Says the St. Louis Journal of Agricule ture in an editorial about No-To•Bao the famous tobacco habit cute. "We know of many oases cured by NeeTo-Bac, one, a prominent St, Louie architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured bine so teeteetemelie reateeriaim siok." No -To -Bao sold and guaranteed, no euro no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co,, 374 St. ,Paul St, , Mon treat. The night express from Toronto having been cancelled Monday night, a special for the east was made up. at Galt, to whieh the Premier's private car was attached. It etarted about one a. ml The 'bus conveying Sir Maokenzie Bowelt to the etatien Tueaday morning upeet in a drift. eltier glelitisee:.enzie's head was elightly out with h As G, T, R. train No. I 'was passing at New Haven Saturday morning a man abeut 50 years old, weighing about 156 pounds, supposed to be Rev. Mr. Lualthall, while paging from the smoker to the first-eless car, lost his balance and fell from the platform while the train was in full speed. Be struck a post and de: mashed it, the blow breaking his neck. No papers were found on his body but he held a ticket to Cincinnati. .A wonderful new combination is R: Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; nice to take and perfectly harm- less. Mrs. efary Kate, 88 Main street, Hamilton, says: For years -in fact my life -I have been troubled with seyere headaches, I have tried all the remedies I could bear of, and have been treated by many doctors, but with very little good results. A ' friend reeommended your Headache, Neuralgiaand Liver Powders some time ago, and ffound them to be the geeatest blessing to me -in fact, 1 eau truly ray they are perfectly wonderful. I would not be without them for more than I can tell." Mr. Flook, station master, Grand Trunk Railway, Hamilton, says: "They mired my most seyere headaches, which I had for at least three years." Price, 25 cents alba. sold by all -medi- cine dealers. County Treasurer McEvoy presented a statement of the receipts and expenvee et Middlesex trom Dem 31, 1898, to jail. 18, 1895. The receipts amounted to $4212,- 196.51, and of .this Adelaide contributed $4,363.72; lliddulph, 82556.55: ()sada, 115,31477, Delaware, $2,275.95; Derobee • ter; $4,850.24; Ekfrid, $4,779 34; Lobo, $5,451.24; London tovrnehip, 611,758.85; MeGilliyray, $4 249 08; Metcalfe, 58,063.; 94; Mom, $3,651.83; Nissouri, 35,591.44; Westminster, 07,540%15; East Williams, $3,993 84;West Williams,62,823:23 ; Park. hill, $548.25; Strathroy, 31.581.60; Lon- don West, $2,290.29 ; Ailsa Oahe, $276.40 ; Lunn 3,263.13 ; 'Newbury, 6317.70; Wardaville, $128.15. The Gov. ernmene paid 85,818 94 for the admirals. tration of justice and e5,523 as its public school grant. The county public school grant was $6,218, while the city handed mere 61,400 on London South debt. The sale of debentures netted 643, 850, and the ttelance from 1893 vas $57, 816.64. Sundry items made up the bal-• auoe or the $212,196.55. . The expenditures were 6159.535.53, and among the chief onileys were: Redeeraed coupons, 334,545; redeemed debentures, 645,000; jurore, $4.932 90; administration of justice, 68.552.88. constablen, $3,367.57; maintaining the court houee and jail. $3, 454,77; jail officials' salaries, 63,892.82; legislative choot grant 65,523; county grant to public, schools, 66.218 county grant to blab schools, $6,057 90; munici. pal government expenses, 66,315.90i *stak- ing and meantaining bridges 69,475 16. The cash balance on hand was $52,661.02; John Heppler, of Listowel, who drives the stage between Mitchell and Atwood, appeared before Judge Weal; ax Stratford on Friday to answer to the charge of as: nutting a little girt -named 'Maud Merry: field, of Pahnerston, Young Heppler is married and has one child. He ia a son of one of the most respectable citizens of Listowee Tho prisoner was found guilty of common assault, but as no violence had been used, end as the prisoner has a Yarn: ily to support the sentence; was not besets'. He will be oonfined in the county jail for 3 days and a fine of $50 was impoeed to cove er the costs. THE PROPRIETORS. MAKE 41. PEW PERTINENT REBLIBICS ro . TIMM. PATkoNs. • Termite°, Jan, 28 -Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., of this city, whose name baa become a heueehold word throughout the Dominion and in many states of the Union, in con. sequence of the wonderful cures effeoted by Dadd's Kidney Pill', deeire to thank their patrons for the good words they have spoken for thie remedy. During the petit few months these expressions have been wired to nearly every paper in the country by grateful. people whose Eyes have been prolonged, Thee° exprestione are straightforward and honest, and should convince any unprejudicecl mind of their sincerity utd triithfulness. You know now, reader, that Dodd's Eidney Pals will do all that is claimed for them. t They bave stood the test, A SPLENDID COMBINE; Milburn's Cod Liyee Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites is the eared and best euro for ()otos, colds, hoarseneee, bronchitis and asthma, Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle, OBSTINATE COUGES. Obatitutte Coughs yield to the grateful aeothhig tuition of 'Norway ,Pine Syrup. The racking, pereistent cough of commune- tivea il qaiekly relieved by thin unrivalled throat and lung remedy. Prose 25e, and 50. CATARRH MALTZ) XII 10 TO 60 .Mia- ntes.-One ohm t puff of thelmeath through tLe 131ovver, supplied with emit, bottle of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, "difttnes this Powder over the surface of the easel pea - sages. Painlees and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, arid permanently cures Catarrh, eltey Fever, tkag Ileaduabe, Sore Throet, Toveilitia and Deafneee. 60 center At 40. Lutz. 1. 1[1111d Our Shelves- arecarryin g full lines of de- Fiirable goods in freiG- ment. J P. CLARKE. The Acme Of Perfect- * Ion. Diamond Dyes Super-- ior to all Others, colors bear a relation to each other something like that of the musical net* and there is a harmony of eolors, analogous to that of mualcal rounds. An • exquisite tate in the combination of colors may be the result of a nice perception of these relations of remain' sounds. It is un- quesionable that there are some combin-- atione of color which are universally plee.aing, and others as universally dia- agreeable,eadepeudently of any association�. or acquired habits. To the cennoieseur lover of colors, no More lovely or beautiful sight can be presented, than the tastefu1-. arrangement of over forty standard colors of Diamond Dyes, and the One hundred rich shades and tints which are produced from them. Diamond Dye creme are scientifically prepared, and when used accordiog to directions in the home, the results are pleasing and truly grand. It would require a. good sized volume to desoribe their uses and possibilites, aud to tell the comfort, joy and pleasure . they are capable of giving. Mother's and daughtea's drams are' made new by them; thole wraps, jackets shawls, ribbons andhose e.re enieth:djttle trouble renewed for hotne andatkesifsevear. Father's end son's suits areAdteeto leak brand new; and oast off article' of wearing: apparel can be made to blossom as the roes, This work Of transformation,remembendan only be suocasfully accompliehed by the Diamoed Dye. Sir MaCkenzie Bowen arrived in Belle- ville, Ont.; Saturday morning. His health appears to be gad. Wby don't yon try Carter's Little Lives Pills? They are a positive care for sick. / headache. and all the ills produced by dis- ordered liver. Only one pill a dose. An order was made at Osgoode Hale. • Saturday, fixing the trial of the West Durlaam provincial election petition for Feb. 5, at Bowmanville, If eick headache is 'misery, what are Carter's Little Lieu Pills if they positive- ly cure It? People whobays used them speak frankly of their Worth, They are small and easy to take. The Thompson Memorial fund se far aa. reported to Hon. Mr. Foster amounts to - e17,281.63. This Bum does not include the'15,000 from Sir Donald Smith or $2,.. 500 from Hon. Wm. Ogilvie. To get relief from indigestion, bilious - nets, conetipation or terpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little. Liver Pills, they will please you. The Divisional °mitt at Toronto ore Saturday decided that it • was not illegal for a Parliamentary candidate to pay a bona fide debt just before an election. Patron Tuoker's of Wellington who was unseated a fewdays ego for treating yokes f did the', but the court is of opinion that paying oi juet debts isnot correption, this point has been reserved from the trial, and is now decided in favor of Mr. Tucker, but as the decision of the judgis at the trial nn other points stands, Mr. Tuoker is stilD minus of his seat, He will appeal to the Court of Appeal. "Five years ago," nes Agna A. Lewis, "Board, bl. Y,, " I bailee, anstant 'cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh, and had been given up by my physicians. I began to take AyrCherry Pectorelr and after using two bottles was complete-,, ly onersesdre : mDICK 86 00. Montreal, I have analysed and tried your Blood Putifier in a large number of cases, with the most salutary results. I am contin- ually presoribing it in my praotice. It is invaluable for worms, hidebound, impover- ished blood, and dibility, while I know s nothing to equal it for general improve- e ment of stock, and enhancing their value, Venn:luau Emelt, "Par11,7 Montreal, . • Banonatenna CUILSD IN A DAY, --S01411 American Rheumatic Mrs. for Rheum atisin and Neuralgia, radically owes in 1 to days. Its notion upon the eystem is remark. able and myiterieue. It ternoves at aloe the (nese and tto Ciseak30 immediately die -- appears. The first dose greatly benefite. 75 outs. Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist, ellfe• For neryons beaduche use K. T).0. ONEY TO LOAN. Large sera Money to loan on Vertu lands at Five and a half per cent• private funde, Apply to ELLIOT tts .h.LLIOT, Solicitors Exotea January1895. • NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thee the 1011 annual' mooting of the members 0105 Csburne &lljb- li 031 Farmer's 1,1 utak/ PireInsuraree Com parry il1bo held in Gardiner's hell. Farquhar on Monday the 4111 of Februerylefa'al 1 o'clock, ine for the purn000 01 receiving the Diree- tor, &:ceorstery 'Iteattartneo annual reporeer ate ttoi onnsotfoli iirheoe tee roarnarnadn oyth ourbxtotsso i trthetti,rt - JOON nsstirr, y pagarnswr, SxtutiquaT