HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-1-31, Page 1JCV AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE ' CHIPS FALL' WHERE THEY MAY VOL XXII. NO 20, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY J tOENTNG, JANUARY, 31, 1895 JOHN wunn a polxt>w rubli. Tera tend'Wooprlgtoris \.,! IR, LT MT oJ..174Z..lo:.. u e.../ 0 ■ MT S. FORD & CO.. YY OODFIAI.L. Stock Takin Only twenty one days before we finish taking stock. We.have many lines of gods that must be cleared out before that date, oney MI Forthcoming, if the bargains are sufficiently attractive. Come and see.our PRICES for Dress Goods, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Cottons, Flannels, Caps, Underwear and Remnants of everything. R. S. FORD & 00. Perth County Notes; Andrew Falk, deputy reeve of North -Eaethope, Perth county, has purchased the 100 acre farm, lot"17, con: 9, of that •township, for 64,470. Joah. Holden, bartender, at the Office Hotel, St. Marys, slipped and fell on the ioy sidewalk the other day and dislocated one of his arms at the shoulder.* Pertly County is to have a. House of Befuge,and a committee hag been appoint. ed to confer with the municipalities interested and report at the Juneeeeseion, Mr. W. W, Burgess of Mitchell" has cold his photo business recently purchased of Mr, Theo. Sweet, to Mr, W. Leake. Mr. Leake, has engaged Mr Burgess as manager. The other day a ten year daughter of Mr, Prank Standeaven, St, Marys, was coasting on the hill at the west ward school, and had her leg broken at two places near the ankle. Mr. Duncan McLaren, of Hibbert, de- livered to Mr. J. O'Keefe, oattle dealer, Dublin, on Saturday last, 27 lambs that avoraaed 116 pounds aplece, also five year- liug sheep that averaged 185 pounds apiece, Mr. J. W. Dale, drygocds merchant, of Mitchell, baa assigned, Eight years ago be started business with but little capital, and although he was very economical and worked hard, he was unable to make both .ends meet. His liabilities are over $8,000, and bis resets some 61,200 less. Ou Thursday, Thos, Conley, of the west ward, tit -Marys, while shooting in the neighborhood of Kelly's eiding, loat four teeth, had his nose lacerated and face burned by gunpowder. He had placed too heavy a charge of powder in the rifle, and the breech was blown out with the above .re-ult. Toe annual meeting of the South Perth County Aseooiation of the Patrons of Industry will be held in Campbell's hall, Mitchell, on Tueaday, February 5th at 10 o'cl rok a, m. Each association is request- ed to send three delegates and all Patrons are cordially requested to attend. Mise Millie Logan, daughter of Joseph Logan, of Blanchard, was visiting at her graudparents' near Tborndale, when she was taken ill with a severe attack of diph• theria Dr. J. W. Ford, of that place, treated the patient with the new remedy, anti-toxine, with the moat successful re - salts. Without the anti-toxine the doctor considered the case would have terminated fatally, Mi. John ldington, Q. C., of Stratford, has a fsrm within the city limits on the Downie side, He wrote a letter to the .city council oa Monday night that he was baying a private bill presented to the Ontario Legislature to have his farm aonexed to the township There are a great many farmers who have farms or lands within the limits of town and city corporations, who would like to haye them relieved from the heavy taxation levied on them. Why not introduce a bill to relieve all such lands? The social event of the week was the marriage of Miss O'Leary, only daughter of Mr. D. O'Leary, to Dr Mitebell of DDrtblin• The marriage was celebrated in the t:athol c church by Rev. Dean Murphy of Iriebtown on Wednesday morning, in the presence of a large gathering of friends, The married couple left on the afternoon train for a tour through the United States. On their return they will go direct to the doctor's home in Dublin, where he enjoys a large and lucrative„ prsetice. Mr and Mre R. T Gilpin and Mtes S. Gilpin, of St. Marys, were out driving on Thursday evening, and when opposite Mr, i3ueltle'e (near'McIntyre's Corners) return- inlr Lome they met•two teams one owned by John Hannaberry and driven by M. ilawkine, the other driven by A. Mal• oney, of Bland -rent. Mr. Gilpin had turn. ed out to allow a rig in rear to pass bins, About the same time Maloney turned out and whipped up his team to page Hawkins, and ran into Mr. Gilpin's team, knocking one horse down and damaging the cutter considerably. Mrs. Gilpin sustained a very severe injury, reeeiying a large scalp wound, Mr. And Mist Gilpin escaped with a good shaken up. The many friends in town and oountey will be pleaeod to learn that Mrs. Gilpin is progreesing very favorably Ontario Invoetment Association ve. Iieefo.-Armour, 0. J. also gave judgment in this case in the plaintiff's favor. Thu; notion gas brought to recover pottsessitiu of .,oertein'lands in the townehip of J3iddnlphi The defence set up the right to poerossien lender a prior lease. D. 0, the quick reliever: of indigos. tion . Huron/County Notes. There are several cases of diphtheria in Goderioh, The Huron Central fall fair will be held in Clinton on Sept. 24th and 25th. E. N. Lewis has let the contract for the enlarging of the Albion hotel, Goderich. Dr, .Agnew has eucceeded the late Dr. Young, of Londeaboro, in his practice there. Tenders will be received up to Feb. let, for the erection ot a brick school house near Chiselhurst. Messrs. Ross and Baker, of Blake, last week shot a wild oat whioh measured 4 feet 2 inches and weighed 22 pounds, During the past year there wore register- ed with Town Clerk Coate of Clinton 46 births, 34 marriages and 20 deaths, Mr, John FI, Grainger has the contract of supplying about 10,000 feet of hemlock for the Summerhill Cheese factory, which is to be erected this spring, The East' Heron Agricultural Sooiety have fixed the dates of their Fall •Show for Thursday' and Friday September 26 and 27 at Brnesele, Mr. Donald Dallas, a former Tucker - smith boy, has, we are glad to learn, secured a position as teacher in one of the city schools in Victoria. British Columbia. W. L. Ouimette of Londesboro started on Monday morning for a month's tip out west, the town of Calgary being the objective point. de is interested in a dairy business near that place. Messrs MoGregor and Bunter of 011 tton ahi,lped 640 lambs to the old country a few days ago, via Portland. And word was received last week of their safe arrival, without the loss of an animal. Mr, Abe Fiebor, formerly of Colborne township, but now of Michigan, has purchased Mr. John Wise's homestead, and intends moving back to tbrit township in the spring. Nothing like old Huron, Abe. Mr: John Weir having been elected a member of the town oounoil of Seatortb, he had to resign his position as License Commissioner for South Huron. Mr. D. D. Wilson hart been appointed as his sue. censor, News reached Exeter on Friday last, from Colorado, that Mr. Henry Sweet was seriously ill at Slaerhte. Mr. Sweet wart formerly a resident of Centralia. He ser- ved Me apprenticeship with Mr, John Treble, harneosmaker, Exeter, The thirt -third battalion band have elected the following officers: -President, W. McLeod; Vice President, 4V. Freeman; Secretary, T. Murray; Treasurer, James A. Anderson; Managing Committee -S. Watson, F. Franke, and J. Campbell wbipperin, D. Campbell. . Friday last an immense stick of timber was seen passing through Seaforth. It was token from one of the farms of kr. S. Dickson, postmaster. It was 32 feet lone and measured 2 feet 8 inches square. It was soft elm and was grown in McKillop; It required two teams to draw it. Goderich has decided by a oonsiderable majority to allow the street, of the town to be cow pasture during the present year. It is just a question which is the less desirable, the streets a cow picture, or 'a meadow with tall grass variegated with noxious weeds of .formidable height. The legion of friends of W. H McDon- ald, L. D. S., of Wingham, will learn with the deepest regret of his death on Wednesday evening leet, Deceased, as is well known, has been ill for a long time. A widow and two small children are left to mourn their loss. Wmeellolmes of McKillop, was in Brus- sels one day rem ntly with a horse and cutter, and picked up en old lady on the road, aged$ years, who had never been in a cutter or sleigh. She was recently from Scotland and is a relative of John Moneran, of Grey. The reeidenco of Mr. G. Longman of Elullett was a scene of festivity on the 16th £net;, when bis daughter, Mary,was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Geo. tateyens. The ceremony was per- formed in the presence of a number of invited guests, by Rey, Jae, A. Hamilton. A gram. -'separator belonging to Mr, Henry Wesenberg, of the townline, iu McKillop, was burned on Friday morning last. It is not kuown what caused the fire, but some think that a quantity of Oats which had been loft in it may have heated and started the machine burning The rennins of Mr. Jamas Weldon Laithwaito formerly of Goderiolc towbehip arrived from California, tin Saturday morning, beiwi accompanied by his mo- ther. The undertaker who attended to it in California was Mr. 1d. Drew,formerly of Exeter, who did everything that was poeslble, The retorting were then taken to the residence of Mr; ass. Laitliwatto, ou Saturday afternoon, and from there to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday. The young man had a bright future before him, but Providence said "come up higher." The handsome new Presbyterian church in Hills Green, whioh is now nearly com- pleted, will be formally opened ou Sabbath, 3rd of February. Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., of Seaforth, will preach in the forenoon, at 1030, and in the evening at 6,30, and Rev. Mr. Henderson, of IIensall, will preach in the afternoon, at 2.30. Thedeath of another old settler in Chia dietriot, in the person of Mr. Francis Stalker took place at his late residence in Morris. about two miles out of Blyth, on Friday last The oause of death was heart disease. He leavea a widow, six eons and three daughters; and at the time of his death wee 62 yeara of age. On Sunday night last some one entered Mitchell tiros' sawmill Lucknow and open: ed all the taps on the boiler, allowing the water Ito run off. Work was to have oommenoed in the mill on Monday. The boiler had been filled by hand ou Saturday, and had the trick not been diecovored in time serious damage might have resulted. The funeral of the late David Johoaton, of Lucknow whose death occurred on Wed nesday last, took place from the family residence on Friday afternoon, and was largely attended, Over 60 of his former companions marched in re body to the cemetery, each wearing a how of crape on his sleeve to memory 'of thotr deceased friend. J. D. Luttrell, of Spokane, Wash; Alex Luttrell, of Kincardine, Ont,, Mre Mary Dunlap, of Goderioh. Ont., and their mother, Mrs. David Luttrell, have been left a fortune of 88,000,000 in Ireland by David Luttrell's brother, J Luttrell. The will left the entire amount to David Luttrell, but as he has been dead some yeare, the estate goes to his widow and children, his brother having died without team). Mr. Robert Mann, of the 8th con:, Hull- ett died on Friday last, in his 82nd year: He was one of the first settlers, A. man of good physique,he enjoyed excellent health up to within a week of his death; ho was a member of the Episcopal ohuroh, but was buried by the Methodist clergyman; be leaves two eons- George and James, and one daughter -the wife of Mr. John Riley, all residents of this township. On Tuesday January 15th, Rey. Mr. Oliyant performed a very pleasing cere- mony at the residence of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Yoe, of Bayfield road, Goderioh townahip, when Mise Regina Yoe, their eeeond daughter, and Mr. John Yoe, of Rueseldale, were united in holy bonds of. matrimony. Among those in attendance from a distance were J. V. Crocker and wife, of Oshawa. Thos. Pridbam and wife and Mrs. A. J. Moore, of Mitchell, Mies R. Yoe and Mies Dobeon, of Palmerston. Over forty yeare ago, Mr. Robert Por- ter, Postmaster, of Clinton, taught his first school in the township of Whitby, Oatario county. Residing in the section was a young man by the name of John Ketchen. The years passed andthey for- got each other, until Monday night of lost week, when accidentally meeting at 'a sup- per in Stanley, Mr. Porter was one of the speakers, and Mr. Ketaben (so well known in Stanley) was chairman; they renewed theacquaintanceship formed so long since, never having met in the inter. val . Middlesex County Notes. London is one of the best lighted cities in.Canada, 5.47 eleo:rio .lamps of 2,000 candle power each doing duty. Mr. Alex. Cameron, of Sylvan, has purchased the • farm formerly owned by Mr. Wm. Marshall, on the Nairn road, Lobo. - J. A. Leitch reeve of Glencoe has been elected Warden for Middlesex County. On the tenth vote Campbell had 20, Corbett 4 and Leitch 22. R. T. White and A. B. Gilberts as town auditors; Mr F. Manes as clerk, were the appointments made by the Parkhill Council at the first meeting. John Connolly, parish priest of Bid- dulph. left Thursday for his now field of labor at Ingersoll, and prior to leaving his Protestant friends of Lucan presented him with a handsome gold headed cane, as a mark of their esteem of the reverend gentleman se a citizen. Geo Elliott, of Parkhill, while out bunting the other day, had a narrow escape from being killed. He was stand- ing with the beat of hie gun on the ground and when he lifted it a twig caught the hammer, and the hammer being up, the gun was dieoherged, the charge grazing the side of Ms head. The grain, eto , in Mr, ifodgins' ware- house and elevator at Lncan, burned Wednesday night of last woes, as previous ly announced in Tin Tents was worth 86 000, fully covered by insurance in the Western insurance. Company. Tho build. ing was inured in the Gore Mutnal, of Galt, for $11.500. The fire originated in: side, and the building was past redemp- tion before the blaze was diecovored. =On Monday morning last • the infant child of Mr. John Humphries, of con. 8, Caradoc, about 5 months old, was found dead in its mother's arma, Itappears that during the night Mrs. Humphries was awakened by the child, and thinking croup was the trouble, administered re- medies which seemed to have the desired effect. and returned to rest, but in the morning was horrified to find her ' darling no more: A er-rious accident happened on Thurs., day on the farm of Arthur Abbott, tird con of West Nissonri, Henry Near wbile haul ng up the boy the latter loosed his hold on the chain and slipped off the icy edve at the top of the, well. lie fell a detanoo of 40 feet and his father supposed he was dead but wee et method to hear bite milling to hint. When brought out it was found that he bad one kg broken, the borne being badly s lintered, and had p enetained severe brnisee. Wart en Scrofula and every form of impure blend is boldly ttoolared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great conqueror of all blood diseases: Cromarty. a y B1tixya.-Tbereis considerable dolmen in our community at present. Mr.Malcolm McKellar is suffering from inflammatory rheumatism. Mies Katie Gillespie also has a very severe attack of the same trouble. The little daughter of Mr. and Mre. Alex, McLachlan is quite i11 with bronchitis.' Mr, Alex, Campbell is, we aro glad to hear, recovering from his lona illoese.-Miss O'Neill, from Parkhill, and Miss Wilson, from London, have been visiting at the homes of their relatives, Mr Allen and Mr. Wilsnri. • • . q. yy,,4 MoGillivay, Banc rs••-Messrs, Gibson Bros, threshed ten mores of red clover the other day whioh turned out 60} bushels of clean Beed, which they have since eold at $6.40 per bushel. -Mr. Samuel Loneborough moved to London on Thursday whore he intends keeping a boarding house, Sam. has the best wishes of the people of this vicinity. -The funeral of the late Samuel Jones of Stephen, passed through here to West's cemetery on Sunday. It, was a very large one. .He watt a brother of Mr. Isaac Jones, of the 8th con. Varna. Bnxxre.-Mr. T. M. Johnaton, a former teacher in Varna school;` but for the peat few years a resident of 'Ninga, Manitoba, paid a fiving visit here last week. He ,goes to Ch team this week, having eeenred a eituationl..''. his brother's store there. - Mr. Alexander McIver; another old resid- ent, has gone to' his long home, He died on Thursday morning of last weak, at the ripe age of 76 years:' About 40 years aide he worked at the shoemaking trade in Varna, he then removed to the farm on the Babylon line, with his brother James, where he died. He never was married. N+ i Bethesda. (Too late for last week) ISRIxrS.—Mr. Walter I edd9 was, at first meeting of the council on the 21st lust., appointed deputy -reeve of the town- ship, and is this week is attendance at the County Council in Goderioh -Mr Geo. Lowe bad a very large: turn -out at hie wood bee last week, but the attendance at the social hop in the evening was much larger. They report haying a splendid time and speak very highly of the genial qualities of the host and hostess. - Mr. Richard lilatohford, an old time resident of this place but at present of Dakota, is visiting friends and relatives in this local- ity, -The intelligence ' hi.the sudden death of Mrs Ed. Roberts; in Toronto, was re- ceived here with much 'regret, where the deceased had so malty relatives and friends --The pie social held in the church on Wednesday evening of last week was well attended end all seemed very pions on the occasion. The program of musk, recitations, &a., was very gond. The proceeds amounted to about 622, which will be devoted to Sunday School purposes. -1 large number of people along the line were treated to a novel exhibition of bore-baok"'ridiog one day recently, when a young man of lower town, rode down main street astride a cow's track. The beast, judging from its speed, was very anxious to get rid of the eccumbrance. _e,. a Zurich. Bnixrs•-C. Either was in Exeter one day haat week on bnainese:-Mrs. E. J. Hardy of Waterloo is visiting in town.- l1Ir Moses Geiger has returned from the county town where he attended county council. -Some of our political men attend: ed the meeting held in Coxwortb's hall last week in connection with the protest. -Ory night last week when Mr, and Meg, Kilher were not at home one at the chimneys of their house caught fire, When some of the neighbors arrived the fire had wreke1 its way through a hole in the ehiumey and caught on the carpet. ,.Had it not been for the tinkly aid it millet have caused quite a conflagration: -Thomas Pie has returned to Walkerton where he intends hanging out Ms ehiuele. Success Tom.- iMir. Winter, Supt. of Agencies for the Dominion Life Inanranod Company of Waterloo, was in town last week, We understand that ho wrote up several policies. -Sam J Latta was in Zurich last week, -•Mrs. Chau. Boeeenberry was visit- ing et 0, Eilber'e last Sunday: -The rends are drifted so bad that our baker could not make his rounds last week to Dash- wood sad Crediton, ware he had to send it by rail. Hope it Willi be better next week, -Mr, J. Livintstono was in town last week looking after his fins. -Mr, H. C. Hess is very low.at present writing.- It ia,' ',moved that 51 and J. C. Kelbf5ei+eh intent:,, building a flax mil's) this coming summer. Farmers get your land ready. - Mr,Peter Lamont got len head of cattle dehorned ikat week, Mr. P. Manson die the job. -Rev. Mr. Hunter of Parkhill preached in Zurich last week. r 441- The residence of Mr. John Moir, of th,e Bid concession, Loudon Townebip, wits the scene of a happy event on Wednesday afternoon, being the marriage of his oldest daughter(13elle, to John E, Wilkins, son of Charles Wilkins. of Westminster,• Find Hood's Sarsaparilla leading every- thing in the wav of medicine in three important particulars, namely: Hood's Sarsaparilla has. 1 The largest sale in the world. It accomplishes 2 The greatest cure in the world. It has 3 The largest Laboeatnry in the world. What more can be said? Hood's Sar- eeparilia Itas merit:is peculiar to itself, and most of'all, 'Floods Sarnapatillit oureb, If you aro sick, it, is the medicine for you to take. a set a IN oinori lints. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects anti were satisfied with trtusieirt action: but now that it is generally kttown that Syrup of Figs, will pormabently core habitual cunettpation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for it ime, but finally injure the system, Hensall Following are the market quotations Wheat 55 to 57 35 to 40 Barley Oats ........ 26 to 27 Peas 53 to 60 Hay ... ... . . . . . . 6,00 to 7,00 Batter 14 to 14 Eggs. 15 to 15 i -D r. S ' 1' the worth Bitx as f S. mil te, y ex -Clerk of Tuckersmith, has bought a fine building site on the London road, (1V,ioArthl>.w-'s egnevoy) dela linttd etits" erre build a nice brink house on it next sun. mor. -Mr. and Mrs. Dobson, of Souris, Manitoba, are'' here on a visit, _•.and f spending their honeymoon at the ,me time. They are both former residbints of neer t't'a village, Mfrs. Dobson being welt a.. • "foci- lenewn as Miss Polly Stoneman, -N'.;.1 .eaday of last week was a great day for weddings in this section, there being rn less than three happy couples joined in and near this village, while as many more were mar- ried within a comparatively short dis- tance of here. The three couples mar rind near here to which we have made reference, were :-Mr. Richard Jones, ot Usborneand Miss Anna C. Jarrett, of Hay ; Dir. Alfred Taylor, of Exeter, and Miss Ida Bell, of Hensall ; Mr. Andrew Dougall of Hay, and Miss Tena Patterson, of this village. -Mr. Free- man Brintnell, of this pillage, while engaged in cutting wood ire the bush one day recently, met with an accident which has confined him to his room. - The Rev. Mr. Hunt, of the 'Triyitt Memorial church, conducted service in St. Paul's church here on Sabbath last. -The Rev. Mr. Hodgins, Rural Dean, of Seaforth, recently preached in St. Paul's church, with much acceptance. - Some of our oyer -zealous citizens who have been :agitating la''sometime to have the Board of Trade building and the weigh -scales removed from their present position, have, we understand, commenced legal proceedings to have their demands enforced. This seems to us a small piece of business. The weigh•scales are almost a public neces- sity, and from their position they inter- fere in no possible way with public traffic. The same may be said of the Board of Trade building, as it occupies almost no room and is a convenience to the grain buyers as well as to the Farmers. Our grain merchants have I irgs'y made the village what it is, and it mtnifestly savors of ingratitude, for those who, apparently actuated by no higher motive than jealousy, seek by su 1i unfair means t.i hamper them in their work. ?t. Marys. I CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION. — The annual meeting of the South Perth Liberal -Conservative Association was held here Tuesday. A large delegation was present from each municipality. Mr. W. Pridham. M. P., was unanim- ously chosen as the standard hearer of the party.at the approaching Dnminir.n election. Tne following officers were elected : - President, John Born, Blnnshard ; Vice -President, W. H. Graham. St. Marys ; Secretary, F. W. Wilson, St. Marys ; Treasurer, R. Switzer, Blanshtrd. An Executive Committee consisting of three from each municipality was also chosen In the afternoon., notwithstanding the almost impassable state of the roads, a very lane audience assenibled in the Opera House to hear the Cabinet Min- isters. The President of the Associat- ion presided, and on the platform were Messrs. Jas. D.,ugherty, W. R. Davis, F. S, Sharpe, G. D. Lawrie and many other prominent Conservatives in the riding. The meeting was addressed by Hort. G. E. Fester, Hon. J. Coetigen, Hon. W. B. Ives and Pion. W. H. Montague. The honorable gentlemen were well received, and the meeting, from, a Conservative standpoint, was eminently succeasful and satisfactory. Crediton ACCIDENT —NV bat might have proved a serious accident happened to Rev. J. G, Litt on Saturday evening last. It appears he was going down the step's when he slipped and fell. tie was unable to be in the pulpit Sunday morn- ing, but we were pleased to see him at Ids post in the evening. Bonin. -Messrs. Aaron Brown and Freeman Heist, of Bright, Ont., who have been visiting here, retnrtced home last week. -The town has been quiet this week, owing to the severe suOW storm, and the reads blocked, the people were unable to geb out. -Mr. Wm. Snider and father, from Mildrnay, are visiting Mr. G. Mortioek. and others. -We noticed in the Exeter papers last week that 3 sports from hero were before Squire Lewis for breaking the game law, which is a mistake There was only ono, and there being. 00 case against him ho was acquitbed. The boys seam to he in the best DI humor over it. You San see them with their gena almost every day. If at first you don't succeed, try again, -Mr. Wm. Beaver, of Morriston, is visiting ftiinds and relatives in the village. --- A number of the Conservatives from here' attended the Convention hold ab Ailsa Craig on Tuesday last. Deputy - reeve lltlbor, was strongly urged to accept tho nomination but declined in favor of the present member, Mr. :fiutchins.-Miss Lida Hall, we under- stand, is teaching school again, site ..eek , having been ]to►nofur the last few s owing to sickness. We are pleased to sec her atotrnd 1tn:;o,-W Mr, 11Vttr: riav�ia, jr., has started a tailor shop over We thunk Clarkes harness shop. We wish him our many success. friends for their kind Centralia, Bnxnrs,-Mr. Wm. Cottle and fancily have decided to spend the winter in Exeter, so it is reported. -The storm of the past week has demoralized .busi- nessetterall .-Mr. Wm. Hicks is as happy as a lark on account of the gift of a young son on "Monday. -Quarterly -ttetisiitret to to be held next Sunday and. business the next Tuesday evening. -An Opedideempteting Of the Epworth League was held •91). Tuesday evening. It was well Atte "!'d eon- siclering the state of the roads an weather. The following program' was rendered : recitation, Miss Baker; violin Solo, Andrew Hicks; recitation, 14Miss Susie Mitchell; singing by the choir; reading, Miss Carrie Hicks; instrumental, Miss Maude Hicks; song, Miss Hettie Handford; and an address by Rev, W. H. Butt. Miss Grace Oke presided over the meeting. The League meetings are very interesting in their character. patronage curing the year, and solicit a i n. colx�Harre c of their valued support for the future. e belie this will be to our mutual advantage. Kirkton. Messrs Muir and Manning will ogee the Poet Offico Store on the 8th of February with an entirely new and complete stook of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots &: Shoes, &c., whioh they bought for spot cash in Toronto and Lo, -don markets. Look out for bargains. Bttrars.-The roads are now open after the severe snow storm of last week. -G. L. Money Ieft, on Wednesday last to attend the Royal School of In- fantry in London for a term of six or eight weeks. -On Friday evening last the Epworth League elected their officers for this year : President, W. J. Tufts; Vice President, .Amos Doupe; Secretary, ; Lizzie Shier: Organist, Gertie Shier. --Miss Ada M. Hutton, of Ripley, has been spending a few weeks with Dr. and Mrs Ferguson. -Harry Brown has been selling the stock of McGowan & Co. by public auetion dur- ing the past two weeks. -Mr. J. Mc- Curdy has rented his atore to Messrs. Muir & Manning of Exeter, who will open out a stock of dry goods the be- ginning of February. We speak for them a share of the patropage.-Mr. Winger, of Ayton, who purchased the Creamery, advertised for a pubic meet- ing on Monday last, but £ailed to put in an appearance on account of the reader being blocked with snow. -The following letter of condolence was pre- sented to Dr. Ferguson at the last meeting of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World, Kirkton Tent No. 105. To Sir Knight il. K. Ferguson, M. D. DEAR SIR AND BsOTuaa, We would at this our first opportu'ri ty as members of a noble fraterni'y extend to you and your partner In life our heartfelt sympathy in your recent sad bereavement of your only and beloved child ot a time when life senvned brightest for her• nay God of grace be with yon to o'mfort and suaiain you in your deep affliction is the earnest and Prayerful wish of vont brother. Sir fir fight, and may you so live that when the Might yang 'supreme Commander of au men calls you pith to flim, you may he ready to loin y>urcarling child who has gone on before and whose loss you now so deeply feel, Signed on betiatf of the Tent, ft- actin WAN, Sir Knitbt Com. Woodham. BRIEFS. —MISS Lsuta Kirk returned home last week after visiting at Mr, Rot,t, flicks', of Usborne.-Mr. John Swallow intends going to Granton in the spring. He will run a pump shop for Mr. Ironsides of that place. -Mr. Rnbt, St. .John has lensed one of the Lncan hotels and will take possession in a few weeks. -Rev, Btrlre went to London on Monday to hear Gen. Booth who was to speak in that city on ;Monday evening. -Miss Dixon of St. Marys, spent p in of lest week vis- iting et Mr. .t. E,iwird'e.-:Vitas War- den of Denfield, is visiting at Mew. Abray's.-Leet Friday evening the Epworth League al this place had "An evening with Longfellow," Mr. Wm Haines acted as obatrman. Readings and r'ottations ware given by mem- bers ot the League. Music was fur- nished by the League ohoir.-iblr. A. Malcolm of "Toronto, is visiting friends in the village. -The farmers of this vicinity are now busilly engaged shov- eling the great banks of snow from the roads. b3odom. Bataes.-Mise Millie lease was visit- ing friends rn Exeter the past week. - r. Jake Wildtotig who has been re• siring iu Berlin for the past year is home again visiting friends, -Last l'hut'sday evening will not soon he forgotten re 5 relom ()n that beautiful evening the young people from lar and near vaseinbled at the residence of Mrs ,John Petihale and all were soon en- gaged in tripping the light fantastic, Merry strains of tnutio were furnished by Mistier?. Wildfong rind Ford Mr, Wi 1 Ism c acteei the part of Bailer off in his usual pleasant tnanner end gave general satisfaction to•all. After all had enjoyed themaelves to the fu,lest extent, rit' the word they dispersed to their several homes thanking frlrs; Penhale for her kinin hospitality and feeling that tho evening had been well spent,- Mise Frances Harris assist- ed by Ur, Silas Stanlake. jr., gave a grand reception at the reef epee of ur and Mrs llsrris ono evening last week, -Wood outttng and drawing wood have born delayed eoim what•the t w past week owing to the severe snow storm that has been raging. -The storm of the pant week made ninon htw.rc among the roans of our 8eotibf said some very funny starlets are colic - 0 We wisl1 you all of merry Christmas and .'happy and prosperous New 'Rear, 1VMak a e goon begin.- Hing by buying some of — our 'cheap 117 om'''► presents w l ' . will, ID bring Ilappi-' Hess to yotuselves and cheer to the recipient. tug to light every day,such.as perilou adventures among the snow banks. A man ,ian easily ascend to a height of fifteen or twenty feet and view the landescape o'er and the next instant find himself plunged into the depths beneath from whioh it is difficult to arise. One man tells of haying to throw a rope to his father to help .him up a high embankment that had col- lected in his barn yard barring the path' to the house. A still funnier story is told about a certain young couple of our burg who went out for a sleigh ride and on returning home ware unable to get within twenty rode of the house and he had to take the embarrassing position of carrying his sweetheart on• his broad shoulders plunging from one drift to another till he at last succeeded in putting her down in safety at her own door. tireenway. Bxtsrs.—Dr. (Jaw and,. his teamster had a snow bath last Wednesday up near Harpley ; Itis cutter upset in a long snow drift near where he was called to see Mr, S. MoClinohey'a little child. The horse ran about two miles north and plunged into a large ditch of water, and, only for the time- ly assistance of Mr. M. Cronyn, would. have drowned. The Dr. secured another team and drove after hie, and found everything all right, and drove home no worse for the unpleasant ex perience.-Mr. ii. M. Wilson delivered 5 loads of hay in Parkhill last Monday for Mr. Caldwell, of Centralia, who has sold it to another party who is ship- ping it to Scotland. -Our young men are greatly pleased with the night school and claim they find it more profitable and agreeable than sitting around shops and stores in idleness, and extend a cordial invitation to all young men to join them in their studies, and recommend the same course to young men in other villages in the county,to teach and brighten up their minds and cultivate a greater literary taste. -It becomes our sad and painful duty this creek to record the death of Mr. S. Me0linehey's only child, ot inflammation of the lunge, The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Beaumont, to the Grand Bend .cemetery The parents have the sympathy of the whole community.- Mr. Ed. Mason returned home last Saturday from Bayfield where he had been working during the past year.- Last Sunday night was the coldest of the :season ; four below zero. -Mr. John Sherritt, deputy -reeve of Stephen, returned home from Goder- tch last Saturday, after spending the week in the County oounoil:-A num- -leer of our citizens are taking enactive part in discussing the political quer, tions of the day. We are pleased to hear there is a grow ing demand for the beat men to fill the responsible positions in both political parties. Now in a good opportunity to lay off the political spectacles and oppose the wrong and uphold the best men in both parties. Their services will be needed during those times of forced economy.. ,tar 1 Lennart on. Battrs,-A load or two of the young people ofthe village and vicinity drove out to J. 1?. Gettler's on Friday night and spent a few hours in pleasant amusements of various kinds, -While driving out to Kirkton on Monday and near Mr.- E1. Heal's, Mr, James Boyd turned out to pass an approach- ing seam and getting too near the Side of the road upset his hearse into the dtloh, but owing to the quantity of loose snow no daretage was done ex. eept the breaking off of one plume. •-- nn Friday while driving eleven thee street one of the spirited ;young horses ofDr. Armstrong kicked over the pole of the cutter, causing taut 10 become unmanageable, and run Hefty, wreclkiteg the nutter to aotela extetnt. but fortunately doing filo seriovls d a,puage. Thetheremom arregistered 4 degrees below , below caro far a feet days the pain' week+ {