HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-1-24, Page 8IN$VR'QL
ntele-leattN ASS -MANCE, CetMe
PANY, oe torortun also for the PLTOEN LX
PIA tNetleteeNte'D COMP A N Y. of Louden
MIOE14ad Ant eistalt COM-
PANY of England.
Head office, LONDON.
Vet 3.3 yea es this Company has done the
tarieeet tore news in °suede at the lowest tette%
consistent with security.
Ageete, an. 891 $357,199.00
48.000,Po1icies ie foree.
T. E. ROBSON, President,
)JC. ISIODON ALD A:tanager.
Fur further particular% apply to
Agent, fleeter.
The Mari
Pocket &Oft° Diaries
All Sizes and Price&
Start the new year by replenish -
in g° your °Mee•. We ',have a
Eu _line of
Files, Inks,
Paper lenskets,
Etc., 'Etc.
And the prices are theelovvest.
Kindly call and inspect them.
Big Balimpt ti
Great annual
stock7 taking
sale now on.
Bargains, .1.th e
Bigges and
Best on record.
Come and'see.
J. A. Stewart.
Notice to TimesReaders.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
r eaders would,when making their purchases,
mention that they saw the nterchint's adver-
gamma in THE l'INES.
NOTICE—All business annoancem eats
notices of publie na-netines, entertainments
auction sales, eto appearing in there local
(3071X112113 will be cher:rat for at the rate of fire
tents per line each insertion. Black heading
to count as three lines. Oath with order save
o persons having open accounts. To insure
change of advartioemente in antrrent issue copy
must he banded into °floe on Tuesday.
Trivia Memorial Ch.
3rd Bundes af ter Epiphany, Jan. 27th, 1891.
The Rettor will preaohe at 0.alee morn' itg•
eerviee and Rev. Mr. Roy of Hensall in the
antate and Deus 13unnett
Andante Orchestra
Bible Class in the School House at:?. D. m.
Valentine Betz ot Khiya, denies that he
was nominated at a Liberal convention
held at Ailsa Craie, recently, as reported,
no snail convention having been held.
Our friend !Utz has his .;weather Zeye on
flee:position, hoWever.
The Oclafellows of urtmefield had -an
Interesting time at the installation of their
officers, Olitt evenbag last week. Mr, S.
Popplestone, of Exeter, being present.
After the exercises about 40 members sat
down to supper, at Witt' s hotel, an
ortjoyed the evening in speethes, etc:
Mr. John Hawkins and hie young bride,
wbo have been on an extended wedding
tour to St, Catharines, Buffalo and New
York, halm returned home and will oecupy
the large temirietee remedy erected en
London Road, North of Exeter, by Mr.
The balance of the Neyember and De-.
nernber cheerio was shipped from the
Harrietsville (those fac'ory on Thursdev.
There were 650 boxee in thie lot. The
proprietor of the factory, Mr, Robert
Facey, intends melting exteneive ineprove,
-tunes to the drying remit this winter.
At present this is the largest cheese
-factory in the world.
The Rodgetyille donate company held
their animal meeting on Wectrieeday lat.
The business of /met season proved quite
Ilatiefttotery, though the arneuat of obeeee
rade woes comparatively email, owing to
the dry weather. The old offiette Were
moles:tad ete follbeve :—Directeret M.
Mr. Robertsion, D. McColl, M. P. Moir
Arnett Melte Mit P.Ryeltrearq President,
Mr. Jee Moir; Steretery and Treaeurer,
titte, tfutraY; Salesmen", Mr. George
gol'ageetrt Jattele Meer. The
t T
Brevibta s
Surprise parties are all the rage with
the young people now,
Mr. John Gel, auctioneer, held an
auetion sale of farm stook and impleinente
at Centralia last Friday. The stock
brought goad prices.
On Friday last the people of this eeotion
experienced a severe snow storm'end on
Monday wei e visited by a heavy downpour
of rain which almost depleted the sleigh-
Mr. Willert, of Dashwood, who recently
purchased the Yager mi/lo, west of that
village, died op Saterday. . Mr, Willeit
realise the fifth owner of this mill who
has died within a few years.
The carnival hale last night in the
skating ring was well attended by both
skatets and spectatora. The costumes
were good and the ice was in isplendid
condition. Some good prizes were given.
The grand fury at the criminal &seizes
at Toronto. on Saturday morning brought
in a true bill in the cam of Clara Ford, the
mulatto taeloress, eharged with the murder
of young Frank Westwood on the night of
Oet. 6.
The assailant of the editor of the Gode-
rich Signal has been fined $10 and costs
for assault. The Star says "the plaintiff
richly earned all the punishment be
received"—which is a rather leftelanded
compliment 1
• Last summer a young man named
Colette, of Parkhill, sed.aced a Miss
Brewer of that town. The girl emel for
$2,500 damages, and the case came up at
the winter aesizes in London. The wart
granted $300.
About twenty members of Exeter Lodge
of Royal Templars went to Kippen Wed-
nesday night last to hear the Crusader,
a revival team who are holding meetings
there his week for the benefit of Kippen
Royal Templar%
The Royel Templars Grand Council is to
ineet in Woodstock, eoramencing Feb.18th
this year. Public meetings will be held
every niobt during the week, to be con
ducted by one of the Royal Templar
revival teame, and speoial services will be
beld in meet of the churches on the prey*
ions Sunday.
Owing to the prevailing stagnation in
trade and the conseqnent difficulty in
finding employment for their money, we
are informed that the chartered -banks are
reducing the rate of interest on deposits
to three per cent. The change takes
place at the Seaforth agencies on the 20th
`of this month.
A meeting of the Reformers cot South
Huron, as constituted for Dominion pur-
poses, will be held at Brucsfield on Friday,
Jannaey 26th, at 1 o'clock p. m. The
object of the meeting is the election of
af6.ears for the current year, organization
for tbe approaching eleetion and the
transaction of otber important businesa:
The school board met on Wednesday of •
last week for organization. Nothing was
done, however as some of the members
refueled to be sworn in, on the gtoune
that their election was illegal. The
candelates in the lad election have been
served with the necessary papers, and
lanother e ectionjwill take plaae shortly,
The McGillivray preach of pminise
case which was hegira at the London
assizes last week particulars of which
were given in the last issue of Tern TIMEB,
has culminated in the plaintiff, Mrs. Mary
Steeper, accepting from the defendant
'vfoees Mawsnn the sum of 4325 iehe
asked 510,000 damages, as elbelm fat her
wonnded feelings. 441111.
The 004 (reeled1 met in tbeIt
on Monday at 11 o'clock and took the
oath of office. The proceelings were
opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Martin.
This is the first time to our knowledge
that this has taken place, but this. is as
it should be, and it will no doubt be a
te the council of 1895 to do their
rirrev manner that will be appreciated
Tu e "way don the poop m of
Exeter nee their talent" is heard quire
frequently. Of cause we have Rime of
the best talent that any town can boast
of and this no doubt has caused the
remark:. Whv not organize a dramatic
and opevatic society? It woula be a good
thing in the right place,. Let some one
take the matter in hand and see whatecan
be den..
AL swearer ee.rxioni ,were preaceree mn
the Mein St. Methodiat Charch on Sun -
(ley hest. morning and evening, by the
pastor, Rev. Ef. W. Locke. He preached
two very impreseive eermons, plaeing
before the congregation the importance of
having missionaries in heathen eountriee
and also the gond they have done for
the ceer4t- of Christ, The members
reepea.led liberally„'the amount subscribed
eFee, 41°,11
At ...et: r,ofl Wednes lay of last week,
Bev. Mr. Bunt, one of the most procainebt
ministers ni the town, is reported to have
rolindly denounced the action of the mem.
bens of the W. 0, T. II. in providing tea,
coffee attd ganclveiehes for voters and
Workere. "The levy hieists on all hotele
being closed," he sail, "but I. coestion if
it is not very much more degrading to
have refreshments distributed from a
church tban over a her in order to in-
fluence voters." -Goderich Star. The
liter is surely astray in its remarks as fat
as they apply to roesetet, There It deubt•
Iteea eoetneion of t °WWI!:
saamenamoratowarm. ,
1 he anneel meeting of tee mem nem or
Smith Huron Agricultural Society, was
held. on Vircelneedity. There was not a very
large attendance, The reporta of the
Treasurer and Auditors were very geese.
factory, showing a substantial balanon in
the treesury. The following offinere
and directors were appointed for the
ettreent year :—Robere MoMordie,Kippen
Fresiatat ; Tbonifie Hume', eeeeeme, ey;
yiee.Preeldent ; George Peobale,Stephen,
2nd yiee-Preatrient, Directors john
Ketchen, for Goderich township ; Sohn
literdock, Stanley Rebt, McAllister,
Henry Smith, Stepheu ; • If:award
Chrietie, Exeter : Leonard Hunter,
Uetborte Hugh MoCertney ajmel Met
Tuelreremith, and Andrew Young,
Seefertle Messrs!, Thee. Praiser, Stanley,
and Wm. Elder, Hansen, were appointed
eeditorts. At a subeeqaent mreting of
the new board of Diedeborti, M.Y, McLean.
Seaforth, watt appointed Seeeetery-Treee.
tiree, and it este decidee to hoirl the next
eeeetleie at Oeitworthes hoe1( Heneeli, in
Maithto allitte for the Serieg Show,
el /AMMO, wee.p
Oh, what a fickle cliangin' thing
This Winter weather is
It blew, an' snew, and then it thew,
And n OW, by ling, it's friz.
The council meetTuesday evening
Conseryative convention at Ailsa
on Tuesday next,
The cruiser Blenhehn arrived at
Portsmouth Saturday.
Judge Doyle, oi Goderich, is laid up
with a seem) ettack of Ja grippe.
The man who hasn't a good opinion
Of himself is sick.
During the year 1894 England inet
portedfrom Canada 28,711 tors of hay.
A large number of buggies were sold
at Jones & Coes auction sale on Satur-
day last.
The remains of the late Mrs. Ches.
Southcott were inberred in the -Exeter
lou can't get fat on ono meal, nor
rich on one advertisement. Keeping
everlastingly at it wins.
There are 14 municipalitioe in Perth
county, and the Cotinty Council is
composed of some 29 members.
Applicants for the position of bursar
of the County Reese of Refuge are as
numerous as the County Wards.
R. E. Pickard. has purchased a piece
of land from his father and will ' erect
apaletial residence next to the parentel
home. Most of the material is on the
Mr. Hazelwood has most of the mat-
erial on the ground for the erection of
his new residence, on the Bawden
annex, ashes also Mr. Chas. Snell for
the erection of his new residence on
Andrew street.
The hearing of the South Perth
petition against John MeNeille M. P.
P, has been fixed to take place at
Mitchell on Wednesday,. Jan. 30th.
We understand there are 252 chargee
in the Bill of Particulars.
The will of the late Czar brings a
wiii()fall to the Princess of Wales, and
one ilhat will be more than appreciated.
He has left his sister-in-law the sum of
$50,000, "because I love her," reads
the Imperial testament.
The poet who exclaimed, "Songs
have power to quiet the ressless pulse
of care," probably never listened to
the cook while she warbled
Deisee-e-e ' or *that other stirring
ballad, "The Bowery." -
The Ladies' Aid of the James St. astral
Intend giving a eocialtat tee parponage on
Wednesday evening next, 30th: 'Tea to be
rierved fro p 6 to 8 p. m. A. musiaal and
itorary program provided. A cordial
invitation is extended to all. Admission,
adults 15e, childten 100.
A good thing to think of at the begin-
ning of the year is to renew your sub-
scription for your local paper. If you
have not renewed for Tete TIKES, for
instance, make a memorandum before
you lay dowci this paper to send a post -
race order for renewal.
Quite a time. was experienced in
dlesex County Council in selecting a
warden. Three men. were nominated
arid ten balers were teken and then
the matter could not be settled, none of
tlie three getting the suffienent number
of votee.
The mush and milk surprise party is
impuler amusement in many places.
Those who make the party swoop down
upon the family to be surprised with a
beg Of corn meal and a jug of molasses.
The maeb is set to boil, the molasses is
turned into taffy and abundantly pulled,
cekee are baked, apples pared, and the
mush is eaten along with the fresh milk
ar,c1 rich cream.
The question of whether a byelaw is
va id which is passed by a council at a
meeting not called in the regular way
hy the &ark, and not sigaed or sealed
by him eviee the corporating seal, is be-
fore the Court of Commons Pleas in a
suit from London, Berrister W. H.
Bertram, the deposed clerk of ehe Lon-
don West Council, contends that such
ber law is.worthless. It was such a
by-law that caused his expulsion last
Several very fine dog-sune, or mock
suns as they are often called, have
appeared in the sky lately—two on
Sunday evening week a short time
before sunset, and again on Wednesday
morning ta,st just after sunrise. It is
universally he d that the phenomena is
°untied by moisture in the atmosphere;
but s 'me weather-wise ;people meintein
that these appearan es foretell stormy
and co d weather, whVe cehers maintain
just s stoutly that mild weather is as
iliely to fol ow these eppearanees as is
co d. Which is correct?
If a merchant will take care of his
space, change his copy. keep it fresh
and put interesting matter into it, it
will be real assiduously and as regularly
as the spieiest bit of gestate. As it gets
s so will the dealer get custom -
ere. Aggressivetiess and onnedence
are easential in advertising. Timid
men do not succeed. It's the fellow
who goes straight, ahead, full of tel.
confidence, forceful, bound to rnake his
poiet ; rhea's the mail whose business
th rivee, and flourishes. •Let his adver-
tieements breathe of honesty and
truth. Let every statement be exactly
a fact—no more or less 5 bub rather let
hem understate the goodness of hie
weres than °ye's:erste then. Above all,
put news in the ads.
In the case of Shortt vs. Loudon,
Parkhill, tribe at the London winter
assizealast week, Shore wee grunted
$10, out of 4 claim of $6000 &etagere
Shore was a ehoetnaker, and about oleo
months ago his shop was burnel. He
eollected his insurenee and shortly
afterwards went to Edmonton, N. W.
Territory This wris the second fire in
Shortt's place and much talk was create
ed about the eirettenstaticee. Suspicion
Meted on the yoeng shoemelter, and
after a detective had worked ort the
cam, Shortt was brought back elis
trete lest spring for streete with its
many arnsationel develOpmente, and
the discharge of the acetified will Iati
remembered. The /moult action
ere'te froto certain etatelments alleged
to Insets beet mead by the defendent
rgin Short with etturefet
On Friday night last, despite the
inclement weather and the blinding
snow storm, people were seen wending
their way towards the Opera House to
Wee in tbe concert, The Ladies' Aid
of Cavell Presbyterian church had
aemired for the oecasion that queen of
elocutionists, Mrs. Agnes 1,nox-Bias:1k,
who is known slmost all over the globe.
There was a good attendance but many
did not get there who had bought
tickets as they could not get in from
the country. Some of the local t dent
took part and rendered their selections
in first class style. Of course, Mrs
Black was the centre of atbraction and
when she appeared was greeted with
rounds of applause and was encored
time and again, to some of which she
graciously responded. The proceeds
of the evening amounted to about $85.
County council.
The contest for the wardenship for
the County of Huron centered between
Benj. S, Cook, reeve of Howick and
Wm. McPherson reeve of the township
of Turnberry, the vote standing 24 to
25, in favor of Mr. McPherson. The
political complexion of the Council, as
per Tuesday'svote, stands one majority
for the Liberals. Mr. H. Eilber, 1st
deputy -reeve of Stephen was strongly
urged by both parties to allow his name
to go to ballot. but owing to his extreme
modesty, refused, His electi n would
have been certain by a good majority.
The Council elected W. Coates of
Clinton as auditor, while Philip Holt
and clerk Len° were appointed to the
Board of Criminal auclie. Mr. H. Eilber
of Stephen at the close of Tuesday's
session laid before the Council a well
prepared by-law conpriaing 30 pages of
closely type written foolscap, providing
for the appointment, payment and
duties of an Inspector, Keeper, Matron
and. physician for the superintendence,
care and !management of the House of
Industry and Refuge of the County of
Huron, and prescribe rules and regu-
letions for the governmente of the -same.
Mr. Eilber received the congratulations
of the members for the excellent and
complete bill. It will likely be adopted.
Mrs Ganning,of -Whalemis visiting as Mr
J. P. Clarkeee—Mesers. Jeff Essery and J
Coleman,of Palmerston, are visiting friends
and relativersen and around Exetee—elise
Libbie Eacrett, is visiting frieods in Sea -
forth this week. --Mrs, Powell, and son,
Willis, drove overto Seafortb on Saturday
and while there, were the guests of Mrs.
Joeeph C. .Abell.—Mr. Alt Whiteman and
a.nd Miss Grace Ca.dmore, of Kippen, were
visiting friends in town on Sunday.—Kies
A. VI7estaway, vieited friends in Hensall on
Sanday —Miss M. V. White left on Sat-
urday for an extended visit to St Marys.
—Richard Pickard, jr., of Duluth, son of
Mr. James Pickard, is in town seeing his
many friends and acquaintances. The
times have not changed him any and we
see thet he ife the same as he used to cm—
Mrnos, shell spent Sunday in Brune -
field. --Messrs. I,. H. Dfcleson and C. H.
McDonnell visited friends in St. Mares
last weet,—Dan'l Prier of Clinton, is vire
iting in town.—Mies Polly Bawden is on
a visit to Ridgetown, whore she will re:
main for Bente time.—Messrs. Geo. and
Fred, Southcott, of Toronto,. were in town
lest week, with the remains of their
mother who was ffiterred in the cemetery
here.--Ber R. H. Verity, of Brantford,
called on his Many friends in town, ou
Friday.—eers. Verity, of Brantford, visit:
ed her dauphter, Mrs. R. E. Pickard this
week.—Itir. E. Christie moved his family
to town this week, leaving, rented one of
Mr. Geo. Hodgins' tesideneee.—Albert
Sutton, of Illinois was home last week
attending the funs* of his father.—
Messrs, Mc Callum and Carling. reeve and
deputy respectively, are attending the
County Council this week. --Mr. John
Southcott, of Goderich, spent the fore:
part of this week in town.-2An esteemed
citizen, Mr. W. Southeott wore a broad
smile the forepart of thin week—it is a
daughter.—Mr; Horne, of Norte Eeeehope
speut the forepart of this week visiting his
sister, Miss Horne, of this place.—
Presbytery of Boron.
This Preabytery met in Hensall on the
15th beet. Rev. Ur. McKay was ap-
pointed Moderator for the ensuing six
months The See:lion Records of Sea.
forth, faiffei church and Winthrop,
Egmoneville, Clineon Brucefield, Blvtb,
Kippen. Hensel', Exeter, Gracia Beni
and Th Mee Road, etc., were examined
and ateseted, Toe report on Sabbeth
Scheele was deleyel until next meeting.
A letter from the Convener of the Assam
bly's Committee on Temperance wee read
and reMitted to the Presbyter -Ps Com-
mittee to take action thereon. The
reant on the Hymnal was approved of,
and that on Jewish Mission disapprovel
ef, Said miesion was root:end-tended to be
antler control of tbe Foreign Miseion
eooneer. The amend report of the
Woman's Presbyterial Foreign Mission's
Society was reed, showing the Society to
he in a very vig roue state, proseeutien its
/aerie work with untiring zeal, and wee!
eneouregine results. The membership of
the Society is 684 ; the co itributione for
feet year endieg Decerabcr aist, 1891.
$1.167.18, and clothing to the value of
$262.89 barl been seot to the Indians of
the Northwest. The Presbytery received
the report with thatake and assured the
Indies of itt3 CatItlIlllad .conafience in the
Sncietv, its gratitude ire God for the work
radii Society was eneomplishing; and in;
prayers to reed that the Divine blessing
mar reetin increasing Mellallre upon our
devoted women. A eouference on the
elate. of Religion it to be held et the
March meeting. Mr, J, S. Henderson
enbmitted queetions to be sent to the
Christian Tendeavor Societiee within the
oands of the P esbytety. The questions
were approved of Jena orderol to be Sent.
Mr. Stewart said that Mr. Cooper deelie-
ed the call to Brucefield, attd asked leave
to moderate in another ca,11. Leave Was
greeted. The Presbytery is to bota xbs
next meeting ha Oliaton ea the 12th of
Dont Tobacco Spit or Smoke
Your Life Away
re the trothfut, startling title of 4 htOk
bout No -To -Rte. the harm/tee, guaran.
teed tobacco habit oure thee header; Up
eicotinized nerves; eliminatesethe nicotiee
poison, makes week MAU gain strength,
vigor end ineithood. Yoe ran no pelytioel
or firettleial tittle, at NeTseliee istold
teder iiNrantee to due or monee refene,
& SON,
We have completed stock taking
and find that we are overloaded
with goods many lines.
We commence on
Saturday,! 9th inst./
the greatest olearing
sale of Winter Goods ever held in
Remember this ',a genuine clear-
ing sale. We want the money and
the gooda rnust be cleared.
Now for pri.:es which will clear
them ou with a rush.
''Every Coat in our store must
be cleared out regardless of cost,
and any man, youth or boy who
has any intention of purchasing
a coat will be a loser Rho' does not
see our stook.
Ladies' Mantles
We still have a number of nice
nobby garments and there will be
no reserve. Every garment will
be sold at such a price that arry
person requiring one cannot resist
the temptation of purchasing.
Fur Goods,
Priee is no object. The idea with
us at the present time is to !clear
out the entire stock of Men's Coats,
(various kinds) Ladies' Astrachan
Capes, Greenland Seal Capes,
Ladies' Storm Collars, Ladies'
Muffs, 111-sn's Caps, etc. All must
go. Now is the time to buy cheap
New Prints. •
• - ,eesereneemaseetzsm
We have just opened upe and
passed into stock the largest!) and
most complete range of Prints
ever brought into Exeter. Vireee
tamelmteezereree •
The cloth is the best and widest
manufactured, and the patterns
sell the goods at sight. Now is
the time to select your Print
Dresses for next summer wear.
The patterns a're all new.
Now is the time to buy a cheap
suit of clothes. We have a big
lot of Tweeds and Worsteds which
we purchased away below regular
prices from a man who was hard
up frit money. If you want a suit
of clothes see us. We cansave
you dollars on it.
. so,ir a.m.. =mom, •Ika260011
• 0,
Dress Goods,
eleriEvery line of Dress Goods, iu
our store has been reduced in
price. All winter goods among
them will be cleared and the prices
At which they are marked, guaran-
tees their speedy clearance. Great
chance,to buy,a cheap dress.:
fVe carry the largest stock) of
groceries in town and guarantee
our customers the best Valuein
%Mmes.. We don't keep cheap
adulterated goods, our atm being
to handle the best goods that can
be procured. We aro now selling
25 lbs, best Granulated Sugar for
$1, and 3o lbs. pure Coffee Sugar
for $r. We don't handle German
gra.nulated or beet root sugars.
Prize above 2/SICOZ
ave) Striotly lor
00.01%, •Lzt ;1417=
R Pieltarcl,
fl SOIL,
C4 oc)d
Are usually made to take effect this month, Would it
not be a good idea to resolve that you will save money
bv dealing with CARLING BROS. during 1895.
Those who traded here in1894
have no big dry goods bills to
pay now.
We Will Announce
A Special Stocktaking Sale. Watch this sale for money
saving chances, visit the store often, lots of lines we never
advertise, because there's not enough of them, but they
might be the very ones you want.
We Draw Business with a chain of big values. Ever3r
link in the chain is unbreakable. Try its strength.
Write for Leierature and Question Sheet, „see which, if correctly fated out, wile
enable me to send you a Truss, which „AN? is specially adapted to fit and re-
tain your Hernia WITH COMFORT. _WV 25 years' experience in designing
and adjusting. Inventor of 27 net, We, Patents on 'TRUSSES for
Rupture and Appliances for eet" q‘ the relief of CLUB FEET, SPINAL
CURVATURE and all other 0qv DEFORM eller ES. The most
Celebrated Surgeons use O them exclusively. Order through your
physician, druggist or ite direct from factory and fitting-roomse
Exeter Municipal Council, I CAUSE AND EFFECT.
The council elect for 1895 met ab the
town hall, Exeter, pursuant to statutes
in that behalf, and took and subscribed
their several declarations of office and
qualifications in presence of the clerk:
The Rev. Mr. Martin being present
was called uponto open the proceed-
ings of the new council with prayer,
which being done, the minuees of the
last meeting of the council for 1894
were read and approved.
Taylor—Carling —ThaPiefr. D. A.
Ross be appointed auditor for 1895.—
Carried. „
The reeve appointed Mr. Jos. Senior
as the second. auditor.,
By-law No. 2, to confirm the appoint-
ments were duly read and passed.
Carling—Treble—That A.E.Tennent,
Jas. Miller and Jas. Tom be a Board
of Health for 1895, and ler. Amos be
Medical Healtis Officer end James
Creece. Sanitary Inspector,—Carried.
By-law No. 3 confirming the obey°
was duly read and passed.
Carl ng—Treble--That the collector's
time for completien of work be extend-
ed until 31st January. ---Carried.
Harding—Treble—Thab one copy of
the Municipal World be ordered fur
the use of the council.—Carried.
Taylor—Carlmg— That tenders for
printing be received up to the 29th
inst., at 7.30 p, m.—Carried.
Carling—Treble—Adjournment until
Tuesday, „the 29th inst., at 7.30 p. m.,
when applications for oboes will be re-
M. EACH -LETT, Clerk.
Lake Erre to Tide Water Canal
CLEvinalsTD, Jan. 21.—It was announced
at the Chamber of Commerce that a
project is now on foot by which the 'Pro;
posed canal from Lake Erie tide water will
be built by private capital. It is stated
that charter lute already beezi secured irom
the Canadian Government incorporat ing
tile company as the North American Canal
Company, and the present Congress will
be tusked for rights as far as American
prepay is concerned. The 'ntention kbto
use tbeWellan 1 Cents a4 fatless Thorold,and
from there build to Qaeenston, a distance
of eight miles, with two locks, doing away
with•the 25 lock e of the Welland Canal.
The plain call for lecke 500 feet in length,
05 fi et wide and 26 feet deep. The proposed
route to the sea uses the Welland Canal to
Lske Ontario the St Lawrence River. a
anal 40 miles long from Lake St Francis
in the St Leveremse to Lake Champlain, a
canal 26 miles long to the Hudson River,
and thenee to the sea. Tbe distance frone
Lake Erie to New York is 720 miles er
808 rnilee from Cleeeland, In the entire
distanoe there Ave to lib hut five locks,
Dr. Brunet, ex M. P. F., wee on Satur-
day ohosen as the Liberal candidate for
the seat in the Legielature rendered vaottet
throngh the unseating of Mr. Senn, who
was elected itt Halditnand on the Patron
ticket at the general elation. •
Ray. GEODGE J. Lowe,
The Rectory, Animate. Ont„ writes:
West ask volt to send me another bottle of
year valuable medicine. 1 think your
lass bottle has cured me entirely, but semi
members of my femily, whose eases are
worse than mine, insist on my getting
eame more, Indeed we all think It an iv-
dienens able article intthe honeehold.
usboro, Ky., Jan 20—Brief end
fragmentary details dr the destruction of
the big sceamex State of Newsome Satur-
day evening at 6 oleic)* at Alton, bide
100 wiles above hero have been reeeived.
She struck a rook end eank in fifty fees
of %mace. The report says tbat rkt inset 37
passengere were drowned, but no names
are given, Tho Stet° of Itaiesoari eia a
loegstern-tvbeeler, plying between Oin.
cinneti mod New (Mean% She }Iasi en
betted it fairly large cargo of treigee and
merle 100 persons, inoluding 11 oreW of
60. Ab Alton the rivet: parrowe, and the
water being high ea extremely ;swift our
rent matte 'Fhis threw the boa in to-
wards the Indiana shore, `Before the
pilot could regain (tenter,' of the boat the
hit a rock teariemti. a lone hole in the ho d
at Water liee, The remelt was terrific,.
10e Y. tor helOhif 6114
Lower Jordan Biy, N. S. Jan. 21 --The
matority of human aliments can be traced,
either directly or indirectly, to a diseased
condition of the kidneys. Kidney dinette
rnay not be auepected for the reason that
these organs have few neryes et sensation.
and may be tieen ha a condition f edven-
ced disease before the true condition La dis-
covered. Ninety per cent. of all diheases
may he prevented by using Docid's Xidoey
Pibo Samuel Locke's case which caused
such wideppread inierest Ihrongbout this
province. in a cage in point The -Thrice at
vvbich Dodd' s Kidney Pills areesold pluses
them within reach of all, Tney "may be
procured from all deniers at fifty cents
per box or six boxernfor 52.50. Take no
Leads to nervousnese, f etfnlness, perv
Wanes% chronia Dyspepsia and great mis-
ery. It tones the stotemob, creates rn ap-
petite, and gives a relish to food. It
makes poor blood and gives healthy aotion
to all the organs of the body. Take
lloodei for Hood's Sareaparilla CURES.
HOOD'S Petes becotne the favorite ca-
theatio with every one who trice them.
.,Clearing Sale
.xof Winter
ur oats.
Fur and Imitation Caps,
Fur Capes andfiets,
Sleigh Robes in the
large sie, $6.00 to $6.50:'
These goods are worth
9 to $10 in any regular
store in. Canada.
Biala ets.
Overcoats for Men and
Boys. '
Felt Boots,
Pelt Sox and Rubbers
and anything and every-
thing 111 the store belonging
to the Winter Season, to
be clearedI,out at any pylon
regardless of profit and